Eced260-00f Naeyc Standard 5 Artifact-Whole Group

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Whole Group Lesson Plan 1. Identifying Information - Content of Activity/Title ap a!

ing/ "ay at the #oo


$. "evelopmental "omains - Which of the childs developmental domains will be enhanced or enriched by this activity? (List all that apply: cognitive, emotional, social, physical, creative ) - Science, social, and creativity 3. . %ehavioral &'(ectives What behaviors do yo! e"pect to act!ally observe d!rin# this activity that will ma$e evident if yo!r developmental ob%ectives have been met? &he children will draw a 'oo map on constr!ction paper and add the 'oo animals to the map. (an yo! act!ally assess the o!tcomes of the e"ploration or in)!iry in observable behavior? *es, + will be able to observe the children drawin# the maps and addin# the 'oo animals to the maps. &hese ob%ectives wo!ld be a basis for yo!r self,eval!ation and for a!thentic assessments.

-. )oundations/*tandards , +dentify the .o!ndations or standards that yo! plan to meet thro!#h this activity. List the indicator and the specific .o!ndation or standard. (copy and paste the entire sentence and the letters/n!mbers before it) - ..3.01 &al$ abo!t different types of plants and animals that inhabit the earth. ..3.12 3atch ob%ects to the location they belon# (e.#., bed in the bedroom, tree in the forest). ..1.04 5emonstrate increasin# s$ill in !sin# different art materials. (e.#., paper, paint, clay, scraps, b!ttons) +. Planning Thought Processes Conte,t of -,ploration - What prior $nowled#e and e"periences have the children had that wo!ld impact this activity? - 6nowled#e of the 'oo, 'oo animals, and maps. .ationale 7ow was the content of the activity chosen? (hildrens in)!iry? 8evisitin# or b!ildin# on e"perience? - &he content was chosen from the childrens interest in animals, the 'oo, and maps. &his activity will revisit those three topics for the children. Anticipating challenges - What potential challen#es may arise for the children or for yo!? - (hallen#es may arise if the children do not $now abo!t maps and 'oos.

7ow mi#ht yo! plan to facilitate sol!tions for those challen#es? &o facilitate sol!tions + may show the children what a map loo$s li$e or a 'oo map. + may interact with the children to help #!ide them in ideas abo!t how to draw their 'oo map or where they may want to place their 'oo animals.


aterials (reate an incl!sive list of materials that need to be #athered for this activity. re yo! materials promotin# in)!iry? (reativity? Self e"pression? 9"ploration? Wonder? - (onstr!ction paper, crayons, paint, mar$ers, and animal pieces. &he children will be able to be creative thro!#h drawin# and placin# the animals, may e"press themselves by drawin# their 'oo the way they want to, they can e"plore where the 'oo animals sho!ld #o on the map, and wonder abo!t what other animals they co!ld add to their 'oo map.

0. Activity Procedure . otivation/Introduction - 7ow will yo! set !p an environment that will invite e"ploration of this activitys concept? - + will as$ the children if they have been to a 'oo before. - 7ow mi#ht the dialo#!e be#in abo!t this concept? - + will tal$ to the children abo!t the 'oo, 'oo animals, and as$ them if they wo!ld li$e to ma$e their own 'oo. - +ncl!de an e"act )!ote of the $ind of statement yo! mi#ht !se to be#in this dialo#!e. (&his is a possibility, not a script.) - 5o yo! li$e the 'oo? Wo!ld yo! li$e to ma$e yo!r own 'oo? Where wo!ld yo! li$e to p!t yo!r paths? Where wo!ld yo! li$e to p!t yo!r animals? -. Concept e,ploration - 7ow are yo! e"pectin# to actively e"plore this concept/material? :rovide the steps that wo!ld be the li$ely pro#ression in the process the children will e"perience. - &he children and + will tal$ abo!t the 'oo, 'oo animals, and maps before the children set down at the table to ma$e their own 'oo maps. &he children will then set down with the constr!ction paper, crayons, paint, mar$ers, and animal pieces to ma$e the 'oo maps. (. In1uiry 2&pen -nded 3uestions4 - .orm!late potential diver#ent, tho!#ht provo$in# )!estions that will facilitate critical thin$in# d!rin# the activity. (3inim!m 3) - Sample idea starters: ;7ow did yo! ma$e that path?< ;What wo!ld happen if yo! added an animal there?< ;Why do yo! thin$ these animals do not live to#ether?< - 7ow will yo! eval!ate the way yo! will proceed? - &hro!#h the childrens behavior, body lan#!a#e, and disc!ssion.

Sample idea starters: ;What have we fo!nd o!t so far?< ;What are the )!estions we need to as$ now?<

5. Closure - 7ow will yo! facilitate clos!re? - &al$ to the children abo!t other animals that they co!ld have p!t into their 'oo. - +ncl!de potential )!estions yo! mi#ht as$ to determine concept internali'ation. , Sample idea starters: ;What have we discovered abo!t 'oos?< ;What s!rprised !s abo!t ma$in# yo!r own 'oo?< ;What did this show !s that we want to $now more abo!t?< 9. Assessment - 7ow will yo! determine that the activity is completed? - =nce all of the children have made their own 'oo maps, we have tal$ed abo!t the 'oo> we have tal$ed abo!t 'oo animals, and tal$ abo!t the maps the children made. - (+f f!rther e"ploration of the materials or concepts is desired, how will yo! s!pport that?) - + will contin!e to let the children wor$ on the 'oo maps if they feel li$e they co!ld or want to add somethin# to it, read a 'oo boo$ with the children, or have more disc!ssions with the children abo!t their favorite 'oo animals and what those 'oo animals feel li$e, li$e to eat, and where they live. -,tension Ideas - 7ow will yo! f!rther e"tend this learnin# into other lessons? - -y learnin# more in depth abo!t different animals thro!#h how they feel, what they eat, where they live, and findin# learnin# #ames. - What other activities can be done to f!rther enhance the ob%ectives in this lesson? - ?ivin# the children more animal pieces to p!t into their 'oo maps, #ivin# the children different ob%ects to p!t into their 'oo, and havin# the children pic$ their favorite 'oo animal to ma$e a mas$ or pict!re of that animal.

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