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75cu trc v cm t thng dng trong Ting Anh ph thng -------------------o

S + V+ too + adj/adv + ( or !om"on"# + to do !om"thing(qu.... cho ai lm g...)

e.g.1 This structure is too easy for you to remember. e.g.2: He ran too fast for me to follow.

S + V + !o + adj/ adv + that +S + V (qu... n ni m...)

e.g.1: This bo is so hea!y that " cannot ta#e it. e.g2: He s$ea#s so soft that we can%t hear anything.

$t + V + !uch + (a/an# + %(!# + that + S +V(qu... n ni m...)

e.g.1: "t is such a hea!y bo that " cannot ta#e it. e.g.2: "t is such interesting boo#s that " cannot ignore them at all.

S + V + adj/ adv + "nough + ( or !om"on"# + to do !om"thing . (... cho ai & lm g...)

e.g.1: 'he is ol( enough to get marrie(. e.g.2: They are intelligent enough for me to teach them )nglish.

&av"/ g"t + !om"thing + don" (Vp$$#(nh ai hoc thu* ai lm g...)

e.g.1: " ha( my hair cut yester(ay. e.g.2: "%( li#e to ha!e my shoes re$aire(.

$t + '" + tim" + S + V (-"d( ct )# / $t*! +tim" + or !om"on" +to do !om"thing(+ n l,c ai &$hi lm g...)

e.g.1: "t is time you ha( a shower. e.g.2: "t%s time for me to as# all of you for this question.

$t + ta+"!/too++ !om"on" + amount o tim" + to do !om"thing(lm g... mt bao nhi*u thigian...)

e.g.1: "t ta#es me - minutes to get to school. e.g.2: "t too# him 1. minutes to (o this e ercise yester(ay.

To pr"v"nt/!top + !om"on"/!om"thing + ,rom + V-ing(ngn cn ai/ci g... #h0ng lm g..)

e.g.1: " can%t $re!ent him from smo#ing e.g.2: " can%t sto$ her from tearing

S + ind+ it+ adj to do !om"thing(thy ... lm g...)

e.g.1: " fin( it !ery (ifficult to learn about )nglish. e.g.2: They foun( it easy to o!ercome that $roblem.

To pr" "r + %oun/ V-ing + to + %/ V-ing.(Th1ch ci g/lm g hn ci g/ lm g)

e.g.1: " $refer (og to cat. e.g.2: " $refer rea(ing boo#s to watching T2.

-ou.d rath"r + V (in initiv"# + than + V (in initiv"#(th1ch lm g hn lm g)

e.g.1: 'he woul( rather $lay games than rea( boo#s. e.g.2: "%( rather learn )nglish than learn 3iology.

To '"/g"t /!"d to + V-ing(quen lm g)

e.g.1: " am use( to eating with cho$stic#s.


/!"d to + V (in initiv"#(Thng lm g trong q# ! b4y gi #h0ng lm na)

e.g.1: " use( to go fishing with my frien( when " was young. e.g.2: 'he use( to smo#e 1. cigarettes a (ay.
o o o o o

to be ama0"d at 5 to be !urpri!"d at 6 7/28ing( ngc nhi*n !....) to '" angr1 at 6 7/28ing(tc gin !) to be good at/ 'ad at 6 7/ 28ing(gii !.../ #9m !...) '1 chanc" 2 '1 accid"nt (a(!)(tnh c) to '"/g"t tir"d o + %/V-ing(mt mi !...)

o o o o o o

can*t !tand/ h".p/ '"ar/ r"!i!t + V-ing(#h0ng nhn c lm g...) to be +""n on/ to be ond of 6 %/V-ing(th1ch lm g &...) to '" int"r"!t"d in 6 %/V-ing(quan t4m n...) to waste 6 time/ money 6 28ing(tn tin hoc tg lm g) To !p"nd + amount o tim"/ mon"1 + V-ing((nh bao nhi*u thi gian lm g:) To !p"nd + amount o tim"/ mon"1 + on + !om"thing((nh thi gian !o !ic g...)

e.g.1: " s$en( 2 hours rea(ing boo#s a (ay. e.g.2: 'he s$ent all of her money on clothes.
o o o o o o

to giv" up + V-ing/ %(t b lm g/ ci g...) 3ou.d .i+"/ 3ant/3i!h + to do !om"thing(th1ch lm g...) ha!e 6 (something) to 6 2erb(c& ci g & lm) $t + '" + !om"thing/ !om"on" + that/ 3ho(ch1nh...m...) &ad '"tt"r + V(in initiv")(n*n lm g....) hat"/ .i+"/ di!.i+"/ "njo1/ avoid/ ini!h/ mind/ po!tpon"/ practi!"/ con!id"r/ d".a1/ d"n1/ !ugg"!t/ ri!+/ +""p/ imagin"/ anc1 6 28ing;

e.g.1: " always $ractise s$ea#ing )nglish e!ery(ay.

o o o o o o o o o o o o

$t*! + adj + to + V-in initiv"(qu g .. lm g) Ta#e $lace 5 ha$$en 5 occur( y ra) to be "4cit"d about(th1ch th,) to be 'or"d with/ "d up with(chn ci g/lm g) Th"r" i! + %-! 5t( th"r" ar" + %-! nhiu(c& ci g...) "". .i+" 6 28ing(cm thy th1ch lm g...) "4p"ct !om"on" to do !om"thing(mong i ai lm g...) advi!" !om"on" to do !om"thing(#huy*n ai lm g...) go + V-ing(ch cc tr ti*u #hin..)(go cam$ing...) ."av" !om"on" a.on"( ai y*n...) 61 + V-ing(bng cch lm...) 3ant/ agr""/ 3i!h/ att"mpt/ d"cid"/ d"mand/ "4p"ct/ m"an/ o "r/ pr"par"/ happ"n/ h"!itat"/ hop"/ a ord/ int"nd/ manag"/ tr1/ ."arn/ pr"t"nd/ promi!"/ !""m/ r" u!" 6 T< 6 28 infiniti!e

e.g.1: " (eci(e to stu(y )nglish.

o o o o o o o o

o o o o o o

for a .ong tim" 5 for 1"ar! 5 for ag"!(+ nhiu nm ri)((=ng trong th hin ti hon thnh) 3h"n + S + V(7+#( S + 3a!/3"r" + V-ing. -h"n + S + V(8+d#( S + had + 9ii 6" or" + S + V(8+d#( S + had + 9ii A t"r + S + had +9ii( S + V(8+d# to be cro3d"d with(rt 0ng ci g &...) to be u.. of(y ci g &...) To '"/ !""m/ !ound/ '"cam"/ ""./ app"ar/ .oo+/ go/ turn/ gro3 6 adj(4y l cc ng t tri gic c& ngha l: c& ! nh/ l/ (ng nh/ tr n*n... sau ch,ng nu c& a(> ! a(! th ch,ng ta $hi ch!n adj) "4c"pt for/ apart from(ngoi; tr...) a! !oon a!(ngay sau #hi) to be a raid of(s ci g..) coul( hard.1(hu nh #h0ng)( ch, ?: har( #hc har(ly) Ha!e di icu.t1 6 28ing(g$ #h& #hn lm g...) @h, ? $h4n bit 2 loi t1nh t V-"d ! V-ing: (=ng 8e( mi*u t ! ngi; 8ing cho vt. ! #hi mun n&i ! 'n cht ca c ngi ! !t ta (=ng Aing

e.g.1: That film is boring. e.g.2: He is bore(. e.g.B: He is an interesting man. e.g.C: That boo# is an interesting one. (#hi & #h0ng n*n nhm !"i Ae(; ch#ng hn ta n&i : a loved man c& ngha Dngi n 0ng c mn mE; tc l c& ngha D6E ! DcE &)
o o o o o o o o o o o o

in 3hich 2 3h"r": on/at 3hich 2 3h"n 9ut + up + 3ith + V-ing(chu $ng...) ;a+" u!" o + %/ V-ing(tn (%ng ci g &...) <"t + adj/ 9ii ;a+" progr"!!(tin b...) ta+" ov"r + %(m nhim ci g...) 6ring a'out(mang li) @h, ?: !o + adj cFn !uch + % At th" "nd o ! $n th" "nd(cui ci g & ! #t c%c) To ind out(tm ra);To !ucc""d in(thnh c0ng trong...) <o or a 3a.+(i (o)/ go on ho.ida1/$icnic(i ngh) =n" o + !o !>nh hn nht + %(mt trong nhng...)

o o o o o o o o

$t i! th" ir!t/ !"cond.../'"!t + Tim" 6 th hin ti hon thnh ?iv" in(sng )/ ?iv" at 6 a ch c% th/ ?iv" on (sng nh !o...) To '" in"d or(b $ht !) rom '"hind(t $h1a sau...) !o that 6 mnh (....) $n ca!" 6 mnh (trong trng h$...) can/ cou.d/ ma1 might/ 3i../ 3ou.d/ !ha../ !hou.d/ mu!t/ ought to... (mo(al 2erbs) 6 V-in initiv" <"rund! and $n initiv"!

2 6 28ing 2 6 to 2 26<62 2 6 < 6 to 2 G$$reciate a(mit G!oi( @an%t hel$ @an%t stan( @an%t bear @onsi(er Heny Hisli#e )n>oy Ieel li#e Iinish Ji!e u$ "magine Kee$ (on) Loo# forwar( to Mention <b>ect to Nractise Nut off Ois# 'uggest 3e/get use( to 3e worth Gffor(: cP gQng

G$$ear: c+ !R Grrange: sQ$ S$ Heci(e: quySt TUnh Iail: thVt bWi Iorget: quXn Ha$$en: bVt ng* "nten(: TUnh Learn: biSt Manage: cP gQng Mean: muPn <ffer: muPn Nlan: (= TUnh Nre$are: chuYn bU Nromise: hZa Oefuse: t[ chPi 'eem: (*ng nh Threaten: Te (oW Ho$e: hy !\ng ) $ect: mong Hesitate: ng]n ngWi Ggree: T^ng ? _ant: muPn Gttem$t: cP gQng _ish: muPn Ten(: TUnh Ma#e Let Ha!e Ho$e @atch 'ee _atch Ieel Iin( Hear <!erhear <bser!e

G(!ise: #huyXn Gllow: cho $h`$ )ncourage: #huySn #hach Iorce: bQt bu9c "n!ite: m*i <r(er: ra lbnh Nersua(e: thuySt $h0c Oemin(: nhQc nhc Teach: (Wy Tell: bdo _arn: cdnh beo 'how: chf bdo @omman(: yXu c]u Gs#: yXu c]u grge: bQt bu9c

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