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What is a wedding? A wedding is a solemn ritual between two people wherein they become together as one.

There are different wedding traditions and customs. This difference in traditions and customs are influenced by the cultures, religions and beliefs of the persons to be married and their locations among others. Usually, there is an exchange of wedding vows by the man and the woman getting married. A marriage is proclaimed by an authorized person such as priest, mayor, or leader among others depending on the cultures and religions they believe in and the country where they belong. In some instances, the persons to be married wear a special kind of garments usually white in color to symbolize purity; though there are some people who think it is repugnant. Exchange of wedding rings has also been a practice in wedding ceremonies though it is unclear how and where it originated. Furthermore, some weddings also celebrate receptions after the ceremony. In the reception, lots of food to be shared as well as a wedding cake is catered. This is where the bride and the groom together with their corresponding families and friends gather together to celebrate the union of their loved one.

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