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3udakshina Bhattaoharya, is an experienoed R professional for over 15 years is the author of this lRLL
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60 1ls 1e Beceme An fflclent RR Manager
By 3udakshina Bhattaoharya
Copyright R Crest, 2011, All rights reserved.
lor More 1|ps & 1uror|a|s, lroouors v|s|r
1 "Papd Peader" Introducton
2 PP Partnerng
3 PP Po|e n Performance Management
4 Learnng & 0eve|opment
Lmp|oyee Uommuncaton
6 Lmp|oyee Pewards & Pecognton
7 0vera|| PP Manager Lffectveness
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60 1ls 1e Beceme An fflclent RR Manager
By 3udakshina Bhattaoharya
Copyright R Crest, 2011, All rights reserved.
ln any work plaoe the employees who really are oonsidered as top talent or high potential
and high performers are essentially employees who are effeotive in their jobs and
assignments they work on.
while doing a job to meet the desired deadlines, standards and speoifioations are
oritioally important it is even more important to think through the way one does his/her
job to meet deadlines in order to make the outoome of the job effeotive. what good is
oompleting a task in hand within timelines if it mails to meet the desired requirement?
whatever assignment you may undertake in your organization, it is important o
understand why" it is to be done and whom" will it impaot. 0noe you have these two
aspeots of the job olear, you will be able to work on it effioiently and be effeotive as an
0rganization Lffeotiveness as a term is nothing if the employees in the organization are
not effeotive. As an R Manager, it is your responsibility to nurture a work environment
that develops Lffeotive Professionals". 1hat is the R Person's test of Lffeotiveness in
the role. 1he best of initiatives fail to make the right impaot beoause people invest a lot in
designing them but very less to exeoute it with the foous of making it really effeotive! lf an
Lmployee Communioation Ueok", however well designed, is not read and understood by
the employee, what is the point in doing that oommunioation? 1he effeotiveness of an
employee oommunioation oan only be aohieved if the employees get the message that is
to be imparted.
As an R Manager, you are required to wear several hats at the same time in the work
plaoe. ou would agree that you play different roles in a day's work. ou are the
oonsoienoe keeper for the organization, you are required to manager ohange in the work
environment, you pilot R initiatives, you are the Communioation Champion for your
oompany and the list is really endless. lt is a ohallenging task to be effeotive in eaoh of
these roles that you play. lsn't it? And the only way to make all these roles worthwhile is to
aohieve the desired outoomes of these roles. 1here lies the effioaoy of the inoumbent.
ln this "Papd Peader", l have listed sixty praotioal tips that l have learnt from my
experienoe and l have tried in my assignments. l would like to believe that these tips will
be useful to refer to in most workplaoes and situations by an R Manager. 1hese tips are
largely in the areas of R Partnering, Performanoe Management, Learning and
Uevelopment, Lmployee Communioation, Lmployee Rewards and Reoognition and R
Manager Lffeotiveness.
1rust you find these tips useful for your assignments and this 'Papd Peader" a helpful
oompanion during your days at work as an R Manager.
Look forward to your oomments and feedbaok at
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60 1ls 1e Beceme An fflclent RR Manager
By 3udakshina Bhattaoharya
Copyright R Crest, 2011, All rights reserved.
Amongst all the R roles in an organization, R partnering is one of the most visible roles
and sometime most rewarding too. 1his role offers immense opportunities to earn
aooolades and as muoh risk to get briokbats. lt is entirely up to you (if you are the
inoumbent of this role), how you live this role in your organization. well, and most of the
times, this R role is the most ohallenging. 1he role of R partnering involves managing
stakeholders effioiently, often multiple stakeholders ranging from the leadership team of
the organization to the employee posted at the remotest looation in the geography. 1he
stakeholders in any organization are varied and demand "dfferent strokes for dfferent
fo|ks" style of managing them. 1his makes the R Partner's job oomplex and highly
demanding. 1o be effeotive in a role that demands high "Uustomer 5ervce 0rentaton",
one must be proaotive and oonsistent at all times. As an R Partner, first and foremost,
one must work towards gaining oredibility in the work environment.
1. lor any work relationship to be nurtured, it is imperative to build
trust with people at work. As the R Partner, you need to first build trust
with your stake holders and oustomers. 1his oan happen if you
oontinuously work towards oreating positive moments of truth" through
your aotions and delivery. Remember, R partner role is all about timely,
oonsistently and aoourately responding and delivering to oustomers'
needs. ere, your oustomers range from your business heads,
department heads, employees, your oolleagues and your boss.
2. Preempt the R requirement for the business that you support as the R partner.
Being proaotive about understanding the nature of support your business heads would
need from R oontext, you start on a winning note. lt oreates room for you plan your work
and make it more effeotive as you understand the "why" part of your job better and
deliver aooordingly.
3. 1he market plaoe is oompetitive and your business is not devoid of oompetition. As
the R partner, you oan add value to the business by sharing oompetition data" with you
business heads. Keeping yourself abreast about what is happening in the industry
(Industry trend, peop|e changes, key movements n the ndustry) and what the
oompetition oompanies are doing to raoe ahead (usness p|ans, peop|e agenda,
manpower acquston p|an) will help you earn that edge over your R oounterparts.
when you share suoh 'oompetition insights" with your business heads, it paves way for
you and your respeotive business head (s) to arrive at the people agenda" for the
respeotive business.
4. 1he only way to oreate a presenoe of R in the business you support is by
understandng the team. 1he knd of sk|| sets, |eve| of competence of team members
and the dynamcs n the teamare oritioally important for you to be aware of. 1his
analysis of the team will help you to engage with your business heads and ground the
team effeotiveness' agenda. ultimately, your job is to help the business funotion better
and who else but the employees who make that happen. 1his is a huge opportunity to
oreate an impaot as an R Partner.
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60 1ls 1e Beceme An fflclent RR Manager
By 3udakshina Bhattaoharya
Copyright R Crest, 2011, All rights reserved.
5. Iocus on Increasng Lmp|oyee performance thereby mprovng overa|| emp|oyee
productvty. our foous area should be to help employees improve their performanoe at
work, in their jobs and in their assignments. understanding the business requirements
will enable you to lead employees to work effioiently towards their KRAs. ou oan then
assess the employee produotivity, this direotly impaots the bottom line of the business.
1his will also ensure you keep a oheok on the manpower requirement' of the business
and manage wage oost" for the business.
6. Perodc 0ashboards: Larmark a Uashboard day" to share a struotured Ml3 with
your business heads. 0iving a monthly heads up on Reoruitment progress, 1raining
report, Attrition data, Lmployees' oonfirmation statistios and other similar relevant data
and insights to your business heads will earn feathers in your oap. lt will also help you
plan the R initiatives for the next months.
1. Understandng the busness and ts cha||enges reman as one of the most desrab|e
qua|tes of an PP Partner. ou oan be only effeotive in your job if you understand how the
business funotions and its ohallenges. ou must invest substantial time to understand
the nuanoes of the business and the role that the employees play towards the growth of
the business. ou oan only then ohannelize the employees' effort towards the right
direotion. Most R people fail to earn oredibility beoause they are unable to plug the 'real
needs' of the business. An esoterio hr initiative has no value. Lvery initiative has to make
an impaot on the business environment and the employees.
8. lf you have multiple stakeholders, 'one sze fts a||' approaoh does not work. ou are
dealing with human beings and working professional styles of individuals are distinot, you
have to suit yourself aooordingly. Remember, your business heads are your oustomers
and it is your responsibility to understand their working style and business requirements.
As the R Partner, you oan be really effeotive in stakeholder management when you
adapt different styles of managing your oustomers without losing your own style as an R
person. lor instanoe, some oustomer trusts data more than insight, some of them may
want you to proaotively oommunioate to them about any new initiatives, some may want
you to take their approval for any R aotivity eto. lt is important for you to gauge these
subtle signs and manage them aooordingly.
9. Watch out for your commtment and actua||y de|very to your customers. 0ften in
the rush of earning aooolades a lot of R Partners oommit deadlines to their stake
holders and later realize they oannot stiok to the deadlines of oompleting a partioular task
or giving information within stipulated time. lt is better to under oommit and over deliver
at the work plaoe. lf your business head wants data regarding his team and you want to
be quiok in responding, respond quiokly with the data rather than telling him you will do it
within suoh and suoh time and then delay the aotual delivery.
10. Pe|p your busness head to become better peop|e managers. lt is worthwhile to
mention that running the business effioiently is the primary job of a business head. 0ften,
managing people in the team beoomes a seoondary affair for them. Also, not every
business head is a good people manager. As the R Partner, you oan step in here and
add a lot of value. ou oan guide, support and assist him manage his people better at the
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60 1ls 1e Beceme An fflclent RR Manager
By 3udakshina Bhattaoharya
Copyright R Crest, 2011, All rights reserved.
l have notioed a lot of R Managers desire to ohange the Performanoe Management
system in the organization as their first R assignment. lt is no doubt one of the better
portfolios and immensely ohallenging one. 1he ohallenge of the performanoe
management system not only lies in the design of it but in its exeoution. 1his is an area
where R Managers oan add immense value. 0ne needs to oarefully determine the role
that one needs to play in the prooess for maximum effeotiveness. 0ne oan earn a lot of
oredibility as the R Manager is this oritioal exeroise is done well. Performanoe
management is a oritioal organization development intervention. 1his is an area where R
Managers oan add immense value. 0ne needs to oarefully determine the role that one
needs to play in the prooess for maximum effeotiveness. 0ne oan earn a lot of oredibility
as the R Manager is this oritioal exeroise is done well. Performanoe management
exeroise is muoh more than only an evaluation prooess for employees. lt is often a oareer
defining exeroise for a lot of ambitious employees.
1. Reoognize that the key to a suitable performanoe management
system in your organization is the design of the PM3. lnvest enough
time and knowledge to design a system that is most appropriate for
your organization. Ueoiding about rating soale, degree of flexibility,
opportunity to oustomize to suit diverse business environments,
maturity of the organization, life stage of the organization are all
important oonsiderations to be made by you, the R Manager before
launohing a PM3 program.
2. 1he next step is to ensure that KRAs or goal sheets of employees are adequately
designed. 0ften, this is a negleoted prooess. Lmployees and their managers fill the goal
sheets in a rush and miss to firm them adequately. lt is your job to eduoate the employees
the benefit of a proper goal sheet and the advantages of having a measurable goal
sheet/KRAs. 1his is the bedrook of the appraisal system, offer your expertise as the R
Manager to your employees. ou are also then leading the oulture setting exeroise in the
organization. A rushed KRA/goal setting exeroise oan spoil the appraisal exeroise for the
employee and the organization. ou would know, most employees feel disengaged with
the organization or their manager if they are unhappy with the Performanoe Appraisal
3. andhold employees to take this exeroise seriously and show them "what s n t for
them". Conduoting Performanoe management workshops for all employees is an effeotive
way of oasoading the importanoe of PM3 exeroise to the employees. 1he oontent of the
workshop should oontain the features of the appraisal system, the promotion polioies
(broadly), rating soales and the rationale eto. 1his platform should be used effeotively to
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60 1ls 1e Beceme An fflclent RR Manager
By 3udakshina Bhattaoharya
Copyright R Crest, 2011, All rights reserved.
oonvey the importanoe of the PM3 system to the employees and how this oan affeot their
oareer and their professional goals. As the R Manager, you oan guide the employees to
drive their performanoe disoussions with their bosses rather than just get a rating at the
end of the year.
4. lt is quite meaningless if the PM3 prooess is not oonoluded in a oaptive timeline.
Lmployees lose interest in the prooess and somewhere the sinoerity of the exeroise is lost
if the prooess drags for a very long time. Uepending upon the size of the organization, it is
for you to deoide a timeline for employees and their managers to oonolude the PM3
prooess. Uefining milestones in the prooess is useful. Uefine timelines for self appraisal,
reporting managers' assessment and the final ratifioation. l know it is a diffioult task as
these flow from the top but as an effeotive R Manager, you oan drive this and set an
example for the others.
5. "PM5 coverage dashboard" works very effeotively. Prepare a dashboard to highlight
ooverage of the PM3 prooess i,e what peroentage of employees have reaohed the defined
prooess milestone and oiroulate to the respeotive department heads with a request for
their intervention to olose the prooess within the presoribed timelines. 3imilarly, you oan
have dashboards for every milestone e,g. managers' evaluation, business heads
ratifioation eto. ou oan oustomize the dashboards for every
department/business/funotion. when employees see oomparative soores, the urge to
oomplete the prooess inoreases and henoe help oonolude the PM3 exeroise on time.
6. while a lot of organizations do not believe in the oonoept of a mid -term appraisal,
you oan add real value by introduoing this in your organization. As an R manager if you
take your role of helping employees make a oareer in the organization seriously, you must
initiate a mid - term appraisal prooess and drive with sinoerity. 1his is an opportunity for
employees to do a progress review of their KRAs, managers to realign KRAs, if required
and most importantly, oonvey the employees who are not on traok to aooelerate their
performanoe at work. 1his helps to hem the annual appraisal prooess with proper
1. Pe|p Managers make an accurate assessment of ther emp|oyees. without taking a
deoision yourself, yet leading the managers to take an aoourate and suitable deoision
about an employee's rating is an art every R Manager must know of. lt is not as if you
deoide the employee's rating, the manager will deoide but you oan help him do so by
providing data, information and insights about the employee from the R angle. 3hare the
past performance records, competency eva|uaton resu|ts, knd of tranng support
provded to hm, hs career aspratons, observaton about him during the training
programs and other suoh oooasions. Refrain from influenoing the manager's deoision.
our role is to help him do a fair job sinoe all employees are not equally oapable of
representing their work suitably. Mertocracy and transparency shall prevail at all times,
you need to ensure that.
8. 1rack any spkes and crtca| changes n emp|oyees' ratng, feedback etc. 1here are
oooasions when you may notioe some employees' rating dropping signifioantly oompared
to his/her previous assessments, in suoh situations, you must engage with the respeotive
reporting manager to understand the reason for suoh ohanges. 3imilarly, you must
request for oritioal inoidents report" from the manager to substantiate signifioant rating
ohanges, even if there is an upward shift in the rating. ou will not only be able to arrest
human biases here, you oan aotually add value to the fairness and meritooraoy of the
PM3 prooess.
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60 1ls 1e Beceme An fflclent RR Manager
By 3udakshina Bhattaoharya
Copyright R Crest, 2011, All rights reserved.
9. It s crtca| to ensure there s a corre|aton between busness performance and
respectve emp|oyees' performance. ln an environment of multiple business
environments, it is a possibility that some businesses funotion better that the others. lt is
for R to establish suoh business performanoe linkages to the aotual assessment data
that you reoeive from the respeotive business managers. 1here oannot be a soenario
where the employees assessments show an upward trend where as the businesses
statistios are not the same and vioe-versa.
10. lntroduoe the oulture of maintaining the "Performance 0ary" to be maintained by
both employees and their respeotive managers. Performanoe diary is a log that employee
and their managers oan maintain to oapture and reoord "Pts and Msses" during the
year. 1his should be done maintained on a regular basis, human memory is short and
people tend to forget the oritioal inoidents that happened earlier on in the year by the time
the year oomes to a finish. 1his log works for the benefit of both the employee and the
manager during the Performanoe Appraisal prooess. 1his is an effeotive tool to reduoe
"recency effect" in an appraisal exeroise. 1he performanoe appraisal is more objeotive,
transparent and fair if both the employee and the manager have a referenoe of the
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60 1ls 1e Beceme An fflclent RR Manager
By 3udakshina Bhattaoharya
Copyright R Crest, 2011, All rights reserved.
vlslt 1e bewnlead 1hls Beek er Fer Mere. CareerBulldlngGulde.cem RR Crest
A lot of R managers assume mleyee Learnlng and bevelement is L&U
department's responsibility. Lmployee development is everyone's responsibility, it is the
responsibility of the employee, the reporting manager, the R manager and the
organization. Colleotively, the objeotive is to develop employees' oompetenoy and skill to
enhanoe overall employee performanoe and in turn the business performanoe. As the R
manager, there is a huge opportunity to piok up this oolleotive organization agenda and
ohampion it yourself! Lvery employee who wants to rise and shine in an organization
seeks support in his skills and oompetenoies development plan, most employees also
seek help in professional grooming. who else but you, as the R manager, oan help him
with this agenda? As an R professional, isn't it one of the better roles to play in an
organization? our effeotiveness as the R manager will grow manifold if you oan help
your employees beoome better skilled professionals! 1hat is truly working towards
organization development!!
1. while training needs identifioation prooess, emphasize on
identifying real training needs. 1here is a differenoe between want to
have" and need to have" training. Look for real training needs, be
preoise, don't be satisfied with broad training needs e,g.
oommunioation skills, presentation skills eto. 1hese are broad needs
that every employee will always need training on and easiest to put
down in the 'training needs' spaoe or oolumn in an appraisal form.
0et speoifio, question suoh needs and engage enough with the
employee and his /her reporting manager to understand the nature of
the training need and why is it neoessary? where will it impaot in the employees' overall
performanoe at workplaoe and in turn the organization. 3peoifio needs oould be a
program on 'business writing skills" or how to understand a finanoial proposal" or learn
situational leadership skills' eto.
2. lt is oritioal to 'bucket' the training needs of the organization. 1he broad 'buckets' that
you already know are 'behavora| tranng' and/or 'functona| tranng' but you need to
drill it down a few notohes more. ldentify oommon threads in the training needs and
buoket them aooordingly. lor instanoe, if you really review the training needs of
employees, you will identify oommonalities in many of these training needs. Buoket them
suitably so that you oan oustom design a program and plug all these needs. L,g. you will
notioe a oommon thread in training needs like, 'negotiation skills', 'sales effeotiveness',
'sales advanoement skills', 'oommunioation skills' eto. and interestingly, there are
oommon threads in inter departments also. 0noe you effeotively buoket them you oan
work towards a muoh tighter tranng budget and yet deliver programs that oover the
training requirements of the employees.
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60 1ls 1e Beceme An fflclent RR Manager
By 3udakshina Bhattaoharya
Copyright R Crest, 2011, All rights reserved.
3. loous on getting oustomized training programs that suit the oulture, vision and
values of your organization. Nominating employees to external programs should be
restrioted to only very speoialized skills (whioh are required for few employees in the
organization) and to very seleot employees (high end training programs for top
performers/top potential). 1he effeotiveness of your role lies in your ability to identify,
nurture and build a pool of 'Know|edge Partners' who oan design and faoilitate programs
suitable to your organization on a oontinuous basis.
4. lntroduoe 'Uertfcaton Programs' for skill building. 1his is an effeotive way of skill
building, espeoially, when there are large numbers of employees doing similar jobs with
similar skill set. L,g. equity dealers, software programmers eto. 1he oertifioation programs
may be multi layered and oan be stitohed with their oonfirmation /promotion eto.
5. As the R manager, you oan do wonders to nurture emp|oyees wth ta|ent. 3oout for
employees in your organization with a natural flare and inolination to beoome faoilitators.
ou oan have your own poo| of fac|tators/traners who oan impart training programs.
ou have to invest in harnessing their talent and give them a platform to hone their skills.
with a healthy pool of internal trainers/faoilitators you oan manage the tranng budgets
economca||y and also engage emp|oyees wth fac|taton sk||s better.
6. 1he world thrives on on|ne |earnng p|atforms today. ou oannot be left behind.
Capitalize on this effectve, economc and easy-to-access learning platform. 0n line
training platforms allow the employees the f|exb|ty to partioipate and oomplete the
programs at ther convenent tme. 1his is sure fire wnner for coverng |arge number of
emp|oyees who need sm|ar tranng programs. 1his is a more effioient way than
oonduoting olassroom training programs for large number of employees.
1. when you design a training oalendar for your employees, be mindful to make it easy
to use. A lot of organizations have a oumbersome training oalendar that is rioh in oontent
but very poor in navigation tools. Lven if the oalendar is on an exoel sheet, make sure the
pages are well segregated with separate subjeots, markers and linkages for employees to
view the 'bouquet of programs' available and also ohoose the 'most approprate'
programfor their skill/knowledge development. while a rioh in oontent training oalendar
is attraotive, a repository of re|evant tranng programs with easy to aooess keys work
8. As an R Manager, it is mandatory to assess the identified training needs objeotively
before rolling out a training oalendar. 1he foous should be to provide training program
details that are relevant to employees' needs rather than 'good training programs'
available in the market.
9. lt is oritioal to establish, learning and development is not an R Agenda alone. lt is a
oolleotive 0rganization agenda. ou need to align your respeotive business heads to this
philosophy to make learning and development of employees effeotive and sustaining. 1he
buy - n at a|| |eve| s crtca|.
10. Contribute substantially to urge employees to take ownership of their learning and
development. 1his is a oruoial oulture setting prooess.
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60 1ls 1e Beceme An fflclent RR Manager
By 3udakshina Bhattaoharya
Copyright R Crest, 2011, All rights reserved.
where is your organization at in its life-oyole? As more people are added to an
organization, employee oommunioation needs inorease exponentially. As an R Manager,
it is noteworthy on your part to keep a tab on what struotures, systems and prooesses has
your organization put in plaoe to enoourage and faoilitate effeotive workplaoe
oommunioation flow.
well-designed employee oommunioation surveys oan determine how well your
oommunioation systems and praotioes are oontributing to your organization's
performanoe. 1his information will then help you in devising an effeotive workplaoe
oommunioation plan. whatever else you do, your workplaoe oommunioation praotioes
impaot every faoet of your business. Looking olosely at employee oommunioation in your
organization is well worth your while, beoause even if you do not, your employees are.
1. Lmployee Communioation is a two way prooess. As an R Manager
you are required to listen to the employees as muoh as speak to them.
2. ou are really well plaoed in your role to oasoade the organization
agenda to every employee. 1he effeotiveness lies in the message
reaohing to the employee in the last mile or remotest oorner of the
geography where the oompany has an offioe.
3. our job is to ensure the timeliness and the aoouraoy of message that the leadership
team wants to oommunioate to the employees.
4. 3imple yet oreative ways of oommunioation are the keys. As the R Manager, you
must ensure that you keep the employees interested in organization announoements,
messages and diotums.
5. Creating and managing regular listening posts is a great way to keep your ears to the
ground and keep abreast of the employee insights. Lnsuring the sensitivity of what you
hear your employees say and maintaining oonfidentiality of listening posts is oritioal.
6. 'leeding baok' the emp|oyee voces to the relevant quarters in the organization are a
key R job. 1hese oan be different from just information of employees. lt is important to
reoognize that employees are human beings and they need to be listened exaotly what
they speak. Lnsuring your organization is listening to the employees.
1. Cutting down on the nodes of communcaton is oritioal to effectve emp|oyee
communcaton. A oommon platform of addressing employees ensures a better reaoh
and maintains oonsistenoy of oommunioation.
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60 1ls 1e Beceme An fflclent RR Manager
By 3udakshina Bhattaoharya
Copyright R Crest, 2011, All rights reserved.
8. Periodio 'exohange of oommunioation' forums are well reoeived by employees. 0pen
houses, town halls, fooused group disoussions are effeotive ways to listen to employees
and oasoade organization messages.
9. Lvery oommunioation ohannel that is opened needs to be olosed with oonorete
aotions. Listening posts in organizations are only effeotive when the employees'
oonoerned are addressed to. 1his is a oritioal deliverable of an R Manager.
10. 3eleoting employees aoross the organization to beoome 'Lmp|oyee Uommuncaton
Uhampons' is a workable idea. lt ensures informal oommunioation flow naturally and
there is a struoture of what is being oommunioated to the employees.
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60 1ls 1e Beceme An fflclent RR Manager
By 3udakshina Bhattaoharya
Copyright R Crest, 2011, All rights reserved.
Rewards and Reoognition program in an organization is a refleotion of organization
oulture. Any organization that values employees' oontribution, reoognizes efforts and
oelebrate aohievements have a well established rewards and reoognition program. As an
R Manager, you play a oritioal role in making this happen in your organization. ou truly
are the toroh bearer for setting the right organization oulture.
1. Rewards and reoognition is based on mertocracy and transparency.
As the R Manager, when you design, launoh or exeoute Lmployee
rewards and reoognition program, you must remember to base it on
these two key foundation pillars.
2. 3eleoting employees to reward on a formal platform is a daunting
task. Lvery effort is worth reoognizing however, not every effort is worth
rewarding. 1his key differentiator is the orux of any R& R program. what
effort qualifies to be rewarded needs to be viewed in the light of its
impaot in the organization.
3. 3uooess of a Rewards and Reoognition program is primarily beoause of the oredibility
of the program. lf employees feel the program rewards genuine efforts and aohievements,
they will appreoiate the reoognition and the reward. Lot of organizations refrains from this
program beoause often R team or R Managers fail to oreate a oompelling proposition
to have the R&R program.
4. A thorough prooess of nominations, short listing of nominations and final seleotion of
the employees to be rewarded is a pre requisite of any oredible rewards and reoognition
program. As the R Manager, large part of your effort should be direoted in getting this
key prooesses right in the program.
5. Non-monetary recognton and reward is as muoh impaoting as the monetary ones.
6. R&R need not always be an annual event. lt is about a oulture, henoe, mechansms
and methods of recognzng emp|oyees' efforts and achevements on a contnued bass
is as muoh neoessary as the big annual events of glory and grandeur.
1. 'Pewards Uommttee' within the organization oomprising of key business/department
heads, representatives from the senior management oan bring authentioity to the
program and maintain fairness is seleoting employees to be rewarded. An anoillary
benefit of this is also the buy in of the program at all levels.
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60 1ls 1e Beceme An fflclent RR Manager
By 3udakshina Bhattaoharya
Copyright R Crest, 2011, All rights reserved.
8. 1eamwork is the ooveted value most organizations believe in. Reoognizing and
rewarding teams is a way of living this value in an organization environment. As R
Manager, you must insist on reoognizing teams as a part of the R&R program.
9. 1he 'Certifioate of Reoognition' must be an aspiration for the employees. enoe, only
efforts and aohievements beyond the oall and soope of duty should be rewarded.
Lxoellenoe, 3uooess, lndividual brillianoe oould be some examples of qualifiers for R&R
10. Communioating the seleotion oriteria, reason for being rewarded and the behavior
and/or the inoident that is being reoognized should be a part of the transparent
communcaton to all employees. 1his helps make a oredible and fair Rewards and
Reoognition Program.
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60 1ls 1e Beceme An fflclent RR Manager
By 3udakshina Bhattaoharya
Copyright R Crest, 2011, All rights reserved.
1he Rapid Reader introduotion has the outline of R Lffeotiveness suffioiently detailed
1. Reoognize yourself as the R Manager. 1here are oertain
oompetenoies that have made you one. ou are required to play a oertain
part in the organization, figure that out.
2. 3oope your role properly and suit the organization needs. 1he key
deliverables for the year, quarter and the month.
3. ldentify your priority areas that will help you oreate the most impaot
in the organization.
4. ldentify the priority areas for the organization and align your efforts towards those
areas. ln today's ever ohanging business environment you need to be 'nimble footed' and
agile to keep shifting gears to direot your efforts so to matoh the organization needs.
5. Make a realistio R plan. No point making an esoterio R plan that does not
translate into effeotive R deliverables that are aoknowledged by the business heads and
the organization leadership.
6. 0ain oredibility with every aotion of yours as the R Manager. Challenge the status
quo of the organization, improvise organization prooesses and foous on employees' skill
and knowledge development.
1. 3trive to gain more knowledge in your sphere of work and develop your own R skills
and oompetenoies. Remember, skills soon beoome redundant in the ohanging
environment, work relentlessly to reinvent you at all times.
8. 3peak more of the organization lingo and less of R language. ou work with people
who are not from your profession so it is better to learn the language the large part of the
organization speaks.
9. 'Networking' 1he eternal R attribute. 1he better you're at networking within and
outside your organization, the more your effeotiveness as the R manager.
10. Let your stakeholders speak for you. 1hat is how you know you have been effeotive in
your R role. when your business heads start to value your oontribution to their business
growth, you know you have been effeotive in your job.
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60 1ls 1e Beceme An fflclent RR Manager
By 3udakshina Bhattaoharya
Copyright R Crest, 2011, All rights reserved.

5udakshna hattacharya
Author of:
I0 I08
"Your Uareer u|d t Your Way"
l|reoror. ll 0resr
"60 1ps 1o ecome An Lffcent PP Manager"
3udakshina Bhattaoharya ourrently heads uman Resouroes funotion at a leading
finanoial institution based in lndia. 1he soope of her assignment gives her exposure to
Asia Paoifio, Middle Last, China and Luropean markets.
Prior to her stint with the finanoial servioes seotor, she has worked with the teleoom
industry, hospitality industry, media and entertainment. 3he has been reoently awarded
the R Professional 0f 1he ear" by Asia Paoifio RM Congress. er views on uman
resouroes praotioes and organization are often quoted in leading newspapers and
Along with her ourrent assignment, 3udakshina and her partner, Krsna manage a uman
Resouroes website named R Crest. R Crest is a preferred destination for people who
want to gain knowledge. lt is a repository of artioles and videos on many a topio of your
interest, to name a few:
Intervew 1ps
PP Manager 1ps
In - Uampus effectveness
Pub|c 5peakng
ook Pevews
Performance Pevews
Uareer Uudance

with a healthy subsoriber base, inoreasing traffio and artioles, R Crest is on a growth
trajeotory. with regular oontribution from the readers in the form of oomments, artioles,
views and suggestions, the site promises to be the one -stop - shop for all oareer and job
related advioes apart from retaining the niohe in uman Resouroes.
3udakshina has reoently launohed her new book named our Career, Build lt our way".
1his book has been reviewed as an authentio Career building guide for all professionals
starting or building their oareers.
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www.hrorest.oom lor More 1|ps & 1uror|a|s, lroouors v|s|r
60 1ls 1e Beceme An fflclent RR Manager
By 3udakshina Bhattaoharya
Copyright R Crest, 2011, All rights reserved.

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