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5R HOMEWORK PROGRAME October 14-18th

Student Name : Grade : 5 Date issued: 14th October Unit 2 Ho e Or!ani"e Oursel#es Class : 5R Date Due: 18th October Central Idea Organizations have syste s to anage their in!ivi!"a#s an! reso"rces$ '()* O+ )(,')R/Com+lete Unit 1 re%lection/)ou ha#e been sent an email ith instructions' /0n )our o n ords1 rite do n in )our thin. boo.s hat )ou thin. the C'0 means'

%earner Pro&i#es
$or our Ho e Or!ani"e oursel#es unit unit e ill %ocus on the &'(s o% Principled and Open Minded. Can )ou e*+lain h) these t o &'( ha#e been chosen to !o ith this unit' ,rite this in )our -hin. boo.s'

&earn the 12 ords that )ou too. do n in )our s+ellin! boo.s' 3ou ill ha#e some time in class on ,ednesda) to learn these'

/ / Com+lete the dra%t )ou are! on %or )our ci#ili"ation Narrati#e' Read %or 22 minutes each ni!ht'


/Com+lete the ni!htl) 22' ,e ill mar. these each mornin!' 4onda) ni!hts ill be done in class on -uesda)' /Com+lete 05& H'1/ H'8

)MPOR*A(* (O*).E/ Ne House s)stem assembl) this ,ednesda) 6'42am (arent/-eacher con%erences this ,ednesda) a%ternoon' ,ear )our house colors this $rida) to !ain +oints'

/PE.)A%)/* .%A//E/ ,rite in belo 1 home or. that an) o% the s+ecialist teachers ha#e !i#en )ou' / / /

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