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Student Name : Grade : 5 Date issued: 4th Nov Unit 2 Whos in Charge Class : 5R Date Due: 8th Nov Central Idea Organizations have systems to manage their in ivi !a"s an reso!r#es$ %N&' O( &N)%&R*
!"a#e sure all resear$h %or the We&'uest is $om(lete )our grou( *ill (resent these on Wednesda+ ! Com(lete +our grou(s ,S+stems 'uestions to send to +our international s$hool &+ -uesda+

.earn the /5 *ords that +ou too# do*n in +our s(elling &oo#s )ou *ill have some time in $lass on Wednesda+ to learn these

!0(en in'uir+ reading grou( need to *or# on their (ro1e$t to tr+ and $om(lete &e%ore 2rida+ !Strateg+ grou( (lease aim to %inish reading +our &oo# &+ this 2rida+ and $om(lete the Google do$

! What are the 3 most im(ortant s+stems in +our li%e We *ill dis$uss these at the $lass meeting on -hursda+

MA'H!Com(lete the nightl+ 24 We *ill mar# these ea$h morning ! Wor# on 56. (ro&lems S /!S /57some time on Wednesda+ *ill &e given to this !Com(lete the (ro&lem solving sheets

&MPOR'AN' NO'&,E8ouse $olors da+ on -uesda+

-PE,&A+&-' ,+A--EWrite in &elo*9 home*or# that an+ o% the s(e$ialist tea$hers have given +ou ! ! !

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