4th House

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4th house in astrology

4th house rules friendship - it is the main house of friendship. Based on the other matters which 4th house rules, let's see how friendship fits into the 4th house sphere. 4th rules happiness. So friends gives us happiness in life. 4th rules mother. Good friends mother us. They take care of our needs and really take care of us in every sense of the word. 4th rules treasures. If your 4th house is good, you may come across a very good friend - an unexpected treasure. 4th rules your integrity. If you want to have good friends, then they must trust you. Otherwise the friendship falls apart. 4th rules closeness. Who is closer to us than our friends and mother? Father gives us fortune but the closeness with the father is of a different sort UNLESS the 9th lord and the 4th lord are connected. 4th rules vehicles. Friends always give us a lift if they see us. 4th rules the bubbling brook or creek unlike the 8th which rules murky waters and swamps or the 12th which rules the vast oceans of water. Thus friends may initiate in us a change course of life. 4th rules what is innermost in us. The way we treat our friends or mother is only reserved for them and no one else. 4th rules kindess and compassion. Only friends give you the privilege of being treated like that by them. 4th rules our old age. Friendship knows no boundaries. It cuts across any age group. 4th rules tracts of land and property. Another way of saying friends do give us shelter if need be. 4th rules basic education for our survival. If we want to migrate to another country, we first find out more from our friends. 4th is a destroyer of evil in the 8th and 12th. No fears and phobias. No obsessions. It just mothers and cares. It also destroys the 6th in the long run (11th of the 6th). Strife becomes understanding. Competition becomes sharing and giving and loving. So if you have friends, you can overcome a lot of obstacles in life including enemies. 4th destroys the 3rd (2nd to 3rd) and the 10th (7th to 10th). It asks you to stop pursuing the elusive dream of another career and just call it quits and stay at home comfortabley. The love of the 4th overrides that of the 7th (10th of the 7th). Nurturing love is a higher love than love based on passions or sexual desire. So being amongst a group of friends give you all these benefits. 4th is the place of your residence. You shelter your friends when they are in need.

4th makes you what you turn to most when all ese fails.

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