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Assessment Answer Key

Fourth Grade

Day 52

Standard(s): 4.NBT.6

3. Eduardo used the following strategy to divide 1917 9. Explain Eduardos thinking and find the quotient. Source: Unpacking Document 9 1800 90 27

Eduardo needed to find out how many 9s are in 1917. He knew that 200 x 9 is 1800. So, when he used 1800 of the 1917, he had 117 left. He knew that 9 x 10 is 90. So, since he used 10 more 9s, he had 27 left. He could then make 3 more 9s. So, altogether, he had 200 nines, 10 nines and 3 nines. So he made 213 nines and 1917 9 = 213.

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