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Summary of Chapter 20% 20 Demonstrates excellent understanding of assigned chapter. 20 !xcellent explanation of main characters from chapter and supported "ith accurate information from text. 20 #he ans"ers are accurate and the "riting is articulate and sophisticated. 20 #he facts are (i(id) explicit) effecti(e and multiple. 20 Slidesho" contains design) transitions) lin&s to multiple outside resources such as "e*pages and (ideos.

15 Demonstrates thorough understanding of assigned chapter. 15 #horough explanation of main characters from chapter and supported "ith accurate information from text. 15 #he ans"ers are accurate and the "riting is articulate and sophisticated. 15 #he facts are (i(id) explicit) and effecti(e. 15 Slidesho" contains design) transitions) lin&s to outside resources such as "e*pages and (ideos.

10 Demonstrates good understanding of assigned chapter.

5Demonstrates some understanding of assigned chapter.

0Demonstrates less than proficient understanding of assigned chapter. 0%ess than accurate explanation of main characters from chapter and supported "ith accurate information from text. 0 #he paper may lac& ans"ers and the "riting is poor.

nalysis of Characters 20%

10 $ood explanation of main characters from chapter and supported "ith accurate information from text. 10 #he ans"ers are fairly accurate and the "riting is articulate. 10 #here are a fe" facts. 10 Slidesho" contains design) lin&s to outside resources such as "e*pages and (ideos.

5Some explanation of main characters from chapter and supported "ith accurate information from text. 5 #he ans"ers are some"hat accurate and the "riting is standard. 5 #here are fe" facts.

%iterary nalysis 20%

'olitical !(ents 20% #echnology 20%

0 %imited facts.

5Slidesho" contains design) lin&s to outside resources such as "e*pages.

0 Slidesho" demonstrates limited technology use.

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