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PICkit 2


The PICkit 2 (tm) comes with its own programming software which we will use here. Some devices may e programmed using !P"#$ and accessing the PICkit 2 as one of the programmer options under !P"#$. The PICkit 2 has a %&pin header socket as the interface to a user oard.

Home 'ur goal is to make a connection to a socket for the ()&pin PIC(%*)+#. MPLAB Order Contact Us

This can e accomplished in several ways. ,e will e-plore two. The first method is to use a %&pin right angle header. a very small piece of prototyping printed circuit oard. five wires. and a small solderless gread oard.

The chunk of oard provides a way to connect the wires to the header easily. It is a portion of a prototyping oard with rows of pads. The header has /.(// inch pin spacing and the pins are /./20 inch s1uare. !easuring the !icrochip headers and oards that I have purchased showed that the pins e-tend from /.(2/ to /.2// inches eyond the edge of their oards or are headers. I filed off the edge of my oard to give /.2// engagement with the PICkit 2 header.

#s an aside. I thought of mounting a socket for the microcontroller and the header on a small oard that would plug directly into the PICkit 2. I decided not to do it ecause pushing the device into the socket for programming and prying it out of the socket after programming would put strain on the PICkit 2 header. 3oing this repeatedly would not e a good idea. in my opinion. 4otice that the wires connecting the header oard to the solderless read oard arch up and over. The idea is to minimi5e the strain imposed on the PICkit 2 header as devices are inserted and removed. The second method is more permanent. *or e-perimenting and development.

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