Video Storyboard: (Sketch Screen Here Noting Color, Place, Size of Graphics If Any)

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Video Storyboard

Name of video: An introduction to PAS-T (SAF-T) !ac"#round: Screen si(e: _____3:4_____ 15:6, 3:4, 4: $o%or&T'pe&Si(e of Font: Description of this scene: Introduction Screen ______1___ of ___ ______ Narration: I /i%% record m' voice #ivin# a +rief e)p%anation of the process and purpose of PAS-T.

Actua% te)t: In order to *ua%if' for advancement to a professiona% teachin# certificate and&or +ecome e%i#i+%e for emp%o'ment under a continuin# contact, educators must successfu%%' comp%ete an AD-PT forma% eva%uation at the annua%-contract %eve%.

Audio: 0oice narration

(S"etch screen here notin# co%or, p%ace, si(e of #raphics if an')

Transition to ne)t c%ip: Animation: Audience Interaction: 1istenin# and readin# s%ide

Inspiration for this document: 2aricopa $ommunit' $o%%e#e. http:&&///

0ideo Stor'+oard Name of video: An introduction to PAS-T (SAF-T) Description of this scene: Introduction ___ ______ !ac"#round: Screen ______1___ of

$o%or&T'pe&Si(e of Font:

Actua% te)t: In order to *ua%if' for advancement to a professiona% teachin# certificate and&or +ecome e%i#i+%e for emp%o'ment under a continuin# contact, educators must successfu%%' comp%ete an AD-PT forma% eva%uation at the annua%-contract %eve%.

Narration: I /i%% record m' voice #ivin# a +rief e)p%anation of the process and purpose of PAS-T.

Inspiration for this document: 2aricopa $ommunit' $o%%e#e. http:&&///

Audio: 0oice narration Transition to ne)t c%ip: Animation: Audience Interaction: 1istenin# and readin# s%ide

Inspiration for this document: 2aricopa $ommunit' $o%%e#e. http:&&///

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