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Wireless technology is one of the main areas of research in the world of communication systems today, one type of antenna that fulfills most of the wireless system requirements are the microstrip antenna. A Microstrip Patch Antenna consists of a thin sheet of low loss insulating material called dielectric substrate. It is completely covered with metal on one side, called the ground plane, and partly metalized on the other side, where the circuit or antenna patterns are printed. his was the main reason for selecting a pro!ect focusing on this field. "ue to the advantages of #ectangular microstrip patch antenna $#MPA% such as low weight and volume, low profile planar configuration, low fabrication costs and capability to integrate with microwave integrated circuits $MI&s%, #MPA are considered. his pro!ect presents a design and fabrication of #ectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna $#MPA% with microstrip feeding and studying its characteristics. 'inally simulation of antenna is done using I()" software and fabricated using in*house facilities then tested using vector networ+ analyzer which is then compared with the simulated results.

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