AJAB - Transactions Not Completely Periodically Posted

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AJAB : Transactions not completely periodically posted

Hi All, During running AJAB in Production system, the error message 'Transactions not completely periodically posted', is appearing. When I am trying to simulate this in test system, I am getting individual list of assets and against each asset I am getting the error,'Depreciation not posted completely'. Systems tells to do periodic posting. When I do a ASKB I get the error, There are no documents to process since the last run. When I am trying to AFAR I am getting the error Fiscal year 2010 is already closed in Financial Accounting. But in the year end activities, first the Financial Accounting period is closed and then AJAB, has to be run. The last closed year as per the T093B table is 2009. Any pointers, as to how to close the Asset Fiscal Year 2010 through AJAB??

Hi, Did you ran the ASKBN in real mode? Run program for periodic postings. After processing it in test-mode, execute it as an update-run, even if message "no documents to post" occur.

If the issue persists => check in TCode ARAL if a error was is the last ASKBN run => further please check the tables tables T093D TABAS if you can see the last ASKBN run or if there is something strange => ev. Tables APERB_PROT and APERB_ITEMS regards Bernhard

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