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Personal Narrative

Name _________________
Date __________________
Paragraph 1- Introduction. Be
sure to include background
information and enough
sensory description to put us
in the memory. Also, include a

Paragraph 2- What is the first thing that happened?Use sensory

imagery and transitional phrases! Dont forget to let your reader know
how you were feeling and what you were thinking.

Paragraph 3 What is the next thing that happened?Use sensory

imagery and transitional phrases! Dont forget to let you reader know
how you were feeling. Include details that begin to build towards
Paragraph 4- Describe the most exciting moment and how it was
resolved. Use sensory imagery in your description. Also, include how
you felt and what you were thinking.
Flip Over

Conclusion- REFLECTION.
Describe why this memory is so important. How did you change? What did you learn about yourself, others
and/or the world?

Wahoo! Youre finished drafting your personal narrative!!!!

Tips for drafting your personal narrative:

o Describe a single event
o Have an opening that grabs the readers attention
o Tell events in chronological (time) order.
o To show the order of events clearly, use transitional words like the
following: first, afterward, next, also, and finally. Or employ mature
transitional phrases.
o Help your reader share your experience by including sensory
details. Include information about what you see, hear, feel, smell,
and taste.
o Include all necessary background information.

o Explain what the event means to the writer. The experience should
have changed you

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