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My lovely sister

I have made lots of mistakes during my entire life and I am still making them. I could avoid many of them if I only listened to people. The problem is that I am very selfish to listen to others advice, even if it comes from someone very close to me. To make matters worse, after making a mistake I regret not listening to that advice, especially if it comes from my big sister, Mariela. I do not know why but she is one of the most sensible people I know. I am not saying she always does everything perfectly because I would be lying. She is the kind of person who has problems in choosing what it is good o not for her. However, she has an eye for knowing what it is right or wrong when concerning the lives of others. To many, Mariela is a silly person who cannot take care of herself and shows a childish attitude, but to many others, including my parents and me, she is a great and helpful person. She has the kindest heart of all. She is always ready to help others and is very respectful even if someone tries to hurt her feelings. It is said that having a sister is like having a best friend for life. And maybe it is true. Mariela is not only my sister, the person who I admire, she is my best friend. And one thing is for certain: I am really proud of her and I cannot imagine my life without her.

Student: Parodi, Melisa Ayeln

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