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Cyber Cafe Questionnaire

1) What is your gender?

Male Female

2) Usually go to Cyber cafe with:

Alone 1- 3friends 4- 6friends 7-9friends Above

3) Which Cyber Cafe do you prefer in

Khakabo A Station Sky Online
Imsommia Net V Tech Others

4) How frequent do you go to

Cyber Cafe per week?
1- 2times 2- 4times 5-6times 7-8times Above

5) How long do you spend every time you go to Cyber

1- 2hours 3- 4hours 5-6hours 7-8hours Above

6) When do you usually go to Cyber Cafe?

Morning Afternoon Evening
Night After Midnight When Free

7) What do you do in the Cyber Cafe?(can

choose more than one answer)
Play games Surfing web Web-
chatting Watch movies Study Others

8) Did you face any problems in Cyber Cafe?

Connection speed Not enough seats Computer failures
Virus attack

Others: ______________________________________

9) How much do you spend in Cyber Cafe per week?

Below RM9.99 RM10- RM14.99 RM15-
RM19.99 RM20-24.99 RM25&Above
10)Why do you still want to go to Cyber Cafe while you can online at home?

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