Norma Guajan Guagalango Summit 1 Unit 2 - Musical Moods: © 1992-113 Edusoft Ltd. All Rights Reserved

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Norma Guajan Guagalango Summit 1 > Unit 2 - Musical Moods

Allegra: Welcome to "Sound Sense," the program that's dedicated to meeting your musical needs. Ray: I'm Ray Tone. Allegra: And I'm Allegra Pizzicato. Today we will be discussing our selections for the DoReMi Awards. Ray: I'm so excited! Tell me, Allegra, who's your choice for the best female vocalist? Allegra: I'm confident that by the end of the evening, Joanne Jones, the lead soprano in the opera, "The Astonished Genius," will have won the award for the best female performer. Ray: Well Allegra, it seems that once again we don't see eye to eye. I'd say it would have to be the lead singer of Musical Disturbance, Deni Arrow. I believe that she made the biggest contribution to the musical scene this year, and I agree with people who say she's at the peak of her singing career. Deni receives my full support, and I'm sure she'll win the judges' votes. Allegra: Well, Ray, since we're not the judges, we'll have to wait and see. Listeners, see to it that you watch the music awards tonight. Ray: And remember to keep your letters coming in. Your feedback is essential to the continued success of our program. Our goal is to bring you the musical information you want to hear. Your contributions help our research staff stay on the ball and achieve that, week after week.

1992-113 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved.

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26/09/2013 13:10

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