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The reading and analysis questions are meant to supplement the presentations and the content being presented in class. They will also act as a guide for the Chapter 17 assessment.

Part 1: Please read pages 472-479 (up to The Trust & the Holding Company)
1. hat proo! is there that the "nited #tates $ent !rom an agri%ultural &ased e%onomy in 1'(1 to a manu!a%turing &ased e%onomy &y 19))* 2. Ho$ did te%hnologi%al inno+ations impa%t this transition* ,. hat role did Carnegie- .o%/e!eller and 0organ play in &usiness 1meri%a* hat %ompanies did they represent* hat /ind o! &usiness2e%onomi% pra%ti%es did they su&s%ri&e to* 4. hat is the di!!eren%e &et$een hori3ontal and +erti%al integrations*

Part 2: Please read pages 479 (starting at The Trust and the Holding Company) through 4'4 (up to 1lternati+e 4isions). 1lso read pages 4'4 (starting at The Pro&lems o! 0onopoly) through 49) (up to The 5reat .ailroad #tri/e)- and pages 49) (starting at the 6nights o! 7a&or) through 494.
1. 2. ,. 4. :. (. 7. '. 9. hat are monopolies* hat are trusts* Ho$ do &oth hurt %onsumers $hile helping &usinesses* hat t$o arguments $ere made &y industrialists to de!end their $ealth* 1nd- ho$ did &usinessmen attempt to temper these arguments* hat is the main reason that ur&an populations in%reased so dramati%ally during industriali3ation* hat is the di!!eren%e &et$een 8ne$9 and 8old9 immigration* hat ethni% group %onstituted the largest num&er o! immigrants in the "nited #tates &et$een 1'()-19))* Pro+ide : %hara%teristi%s o! immigrants- $omen and %hildren in the industrial $or/!or%e. hat $ere the 6nights o! 7a&or* hi%h types o! $or/ers did they $el%ome and $ho did they e;%lude* hat issues did they %hampion* ho $as their leader* hat $as the 1<7* hi%h types o! $or/ers did they $el%ome and $ho did they e;%lude* hat issues did they %hampion* ho $as their leader* Ho$ is the Homestead #tri/e seen as a set&a%/ &y $or/ers* The Pullman #tri/e*


hat !a%tors impeded progress !or $or/ers and unions at the turn o! the 2)th %entury*

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