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- :

: quality procedures
: procedures outdated systems and
: teaching tool
: management performance
: property management
: management quality
: policy management
: Economic and Social Department of
DESA) Affairs )
: contract management
: operation management
: content management
: training human resources management and
: resource management
: portfolio management
: oriented management -performance
: on- street parking management
: management tools
: instruments lending
: electronic signature tools
: stakeholders
: assets and liabilities
: policy framework
: frameworks management and financial
: reuse
: administration restructuring public
: restructuring
: Barcelona declaration
: pilot work
: control purposes
: international best practices
: on- line mediation
: managing information systems
: control systems internal
: accounting systems
: computerized information systems
: decision support systems
: expenditure accrued
: country goals
: shared goals
: balance sheet

: job description
: key priority
: monopoly
: containment liability
: flexible responses
: recovery cost
: International Federation of Accountants (IFAC)
: office automation
: consensus
: formal rules
: financial performance
: performance
: modern management
: management fiscal
: social inclusion
: electronic tools
: accounting reform
: reform
: total assets
: electronic kiosks
: security
: funds public
: capital expenditure
: expenditure current
: public expenditure
: spending aggregate
: expenditure
: depreciation
: European Union
: cross boundary communication
/ : professionalism
: productive investment
: investment
: full cost recovery
: autonomy
: judicial independence
: incoherence
: underdeveloped economies
: transitional economies
: proceduralism
: hidden liabilities
: compliance fiscal
: concessions
: divide government/ vendor
: municipalities
: World Bank

: regional environment
: environment international
: data
: free trade
: divestiture
: structural transformation
: overall resource planning
: results focus on
: obligations
: pricing
: networking
: legislations
: legislative
: cross- ministry co- operation
: cooperation
: global changes
: synergy
: citizen interactions
: mediate differences
: delegation
: overlap
: social assessment
: evaluation
: running cost
: economic integration global
: integration
: technologists
: structural adjustment
: empowerment
: competitiveness
: coordination
: implementation
: economic development
- : socio- economic balance
: documentation
: result oriented
: staffing
: electronic signature
: official gazette
: marginalized groups
: trophies
: changing needs
: programme governance
: good governance
: democratic governance
: accounts national

: judgmental
: dialogue public- private
: government services
: support services
: citizen- centered service
: lending support
: disbursements cash
: disbursements and receipts
: enabling role
: credit
: executives chief
: cash balance
: management authorities -self
: goods and services
: economic policy
: government control
- : euro- mediterranean partnership
: partnership vendor
: Mediterranean partners
: transparency
: public interest
: knowledge- based industries
: control fiscal
: central control
: restrictions financial
: financial deficit
: deficit fiscal
: contracts
: e- Relationships
: analytic work
: earned revenues
: fraud
: legislative branch
: branch executive
: judicial branch
: corruption
: service delivery capacity
: key issues
: private sector
: regulations
: rules
: leadership
: recognition measurement and
: net worth
: efficiency
: restraints

: strategic institutions
: owner
: strategic initiatives
: management accounting
: accounting commercial
: analytical accounting
: cash accounting
: accounting
: threats
: output
: outputs produced
: appropriation
: inputs purchased
: cash inputs
: inputs
: administrative decrees
: utilities
: African Training and
CAFRAD) Research Centre in Administration for Development )
: accountability
: accounting innovations
: political participation
: partnership participation and
: partnership
: projects operational
: purchaser
: private operators
: transactions
: equipment
: accounts budgeted
: current receipts
: receipts cash
: competition
: regional organization
: Arab Administrative Development Organization
: line item budget
: inside look
: legacy architecture
: public transport
: economic growth
/ : urban growth
: gender
: internal bodies
: audit bodies
: legislature

: regional agencies
: executive agencies
: deadening hand on change
: low ranking
: United Nations Development Programme
at home program
: responsiveness slow
: building skills and capacity
: building the capacity of governance institutions
: coherent structure
: enabling environment
: statement of receipts
: mission statement
: income statements
: simplification of procedures
: de- layering of a traditional government
: modernizing the private sector
: modernizing management practices
: priorities setting
: allocation of resources
: resource allocation
: resources allocation
: allocation
: realize better value for money
: ,SWOT analysis (strengths
weaknesses, opportunities and threats )
: charging user
: over- spending
: transformation planning
: development planning
: traffic planning
: operational planning
: corporate planning
: resource planning
: common planning
: information flows
: short hierarchies
: promotion
: delivery service
: vehicle registration
: property registration personal
: multi- purpose facilities
: project design
: development solution
: bilateral cooperation

: enhancing
: interactivity
: devolving authority
: devolution responsibility
: business valuation of the
: result assessment
: operating costs
: information technology
: stock adjustment
: contracting out
: groping along
: transformation enablement
: funding
: growing needs
: aid coordination
: budget execution
: making -guiding decision
: award
: League of Arab States
: customer focus
: awards public service
: staffing needs
: incentive
: rights
: local governments
: services infrastructure
: more client- oriented service
: traditional department
: creditors
: taxpayer
: benchmarking studies
: comparative study
: financial support
: ministry department
: long- term debt
: nominal charge
: transaction fee
: citizen satisfaction
: welfare
: client for a pubic administration
: safety traffic
: key attributes of performance
: employment policies
: benevolence policy
: regional network
: United Nations Online

Administration and Finance (UNPAN Network for Public )

: network of innovators
: Division for Public Administration and
Development Management (DPADM )
: transparency of transactions
: clean slate
: IMF) International Monetary Fund)
: decision- making
: cost control
: government revenues
: performance deficit
: budget deficit
: digital age
: commercialization
: service revenues of a
: revenues earned
: lack of funds
: law enforcement
: effectiveness in achieving goals
: effectiveness
- : School Ford Foundation- Kennedy
KSG -of Government (FORD )
: data base
: success stories
: measurement performance
: decentralization of project management
: steering committee
: development initiatives
: initiative
: policy requirements
: EU council
: steering council
: council of ministers
: specific set of outputs
: asset accounting
: one- stop shops
: pensions
: debtors
: public expenditure reviews
: policy review
: monitoring the implementation
: budgets monitoring
: regional centre
: regional node
: centralization of government
: matching skills with core

competencies of the organization

: service level of
: high levels
: survey
: participation public
: participation of civil society
: sustainability problems
: benchmarks
: electronic payment terminals
: accounting information
: Administration of Canada Institute of Public
: to change resistance
/ / : relevance
: ownership
: innovative management governance
: procurement practices
: harmonization
: Economic Research Forum (ERF)
: forum development
: Middle East and North Africa region
MNA region) )
: region of Southern Mediterranean and
Middle East
: organizations regional funding
: international trade organization
: Organization of Islamic Conference
: international professional organization
: resources human
: material resources
: asset resource and
: input- based budget system
: program- performance budget
: competitive advantage
: Public Management System (PMS)
: Public Administration System (PAS)
: wastewater system
: accrual accounting system
: software system
: system output- based budget
: cash- based system
: organizational deficiencies
: government contact direct
: top- down approach in planning
: system approach
: life quality of

: autonomous public bodies

: jury
: government entity
: public corporation
: interface
: ministry sector
: Chancellor of the Exchequer
: national policies setting
: program budgeting
: budgeting
: center steering functions at the
: functions of government
: strategic operating agencies (SOP)
: international donor and funding agencies
: autonomous public agency
Glossary English Arabic
: accountability
: accounting
: accounting information
: accounting innovations
: accounting reform
: systems accounting
: accrual accounting system
: accrued expenditure
: administrative decrees
: African Training and
CAFRAD) Research Centre in Administration for Development )
: aggregate spending
: aid coordination
: allocation
: allocation of resources
: analytic work
: analytical accounting
: appropriation
: Organization Arab Administrative Development
: asset accounting
: assets and liabilities
" " at home program
: audit bodies
: autonomous public agency
: autonomous public bodies
: autonomy


: award
: balance sheet
: Barcelona declaration
: benchmarking studies
: benchmarks
: benevolence policy
: bilateral cooperation
: budget deficit
: budget execution
: budgeted accounts
: budgeting
: building skills and capacity
: building the capacity of governance institutions
: capital expenditure
: accounting cash
: cash balance
: disbursements cash
: cash inputs
: receipts cash
: cash- based system
: central control
: centralization of government
: Chancellor of the Exchequer
: changing needs
: chief executives
: interactions citizen
: citizen satisfaction
: citizen- centered service
" " : slate clean
: client for a pubic administration
: coherent structure
: commercial accounting
: commercialization
: planning common
: comparative study
: competition
: competitive advantage
: competitiveness
: computerized information systems
: concessions
: consensus
: management content
: contract management
: out contracting
: contracts
: control purposes


: cooperation
: coordination
: corporate planning
: corruption
: cost control
: cost recovery
: council of ministers
: country goals
: credit
: creditors
: cross boundary communication
: ministry co- operation -cross
: expenditure current
: current receipts
: focus customer
: data
: data base
: deadening hand on change
: debtors
: decentralization of project management
: decision support systems
: making -decision
: de- layering of a traditional government
: delegation
: governance democratic
: Department of Economic and Social
Affairs (DESA )
: depreciation
: development forum
: development initiatives
: development planning
: responsibility devolution
: devolving authority
: digital age
: direct government contact
: disbursements and receipts
: divestiture
: Division for Public Administration and
Development Management (DPADM )
: documentation
: revenues earned
: economic development
: economic growth
: economic policy
: Economic Research Forum (ERF)


: effectiveness
: effectiveness in achieving goals
: efficiency

( ) : Planning Schedule
: Project activity
: S - Curve chart

: electronic kiosks
: terminals electronic payment
: electronic signature
: electronic signature tools
: electronic tools
: employment policies
: empowerment
: enabling environment
: enabling role
: enhancing
: equipment
: e- Relationships
: EU council
- : euro- Mediterranean partnership
: European Union
: evaluation
: executive agencies
: executive branch
: expenditure
: financial deficit
: financial performance
: financial restrictions
: financial support
: fiscal compliance
: fiscal control
: fiscal deficit
: fiscal management
: flexible responses
: focus on results
- : School Ford Foundation- Kennedy
KSG -of Government (FORD )


: formal rules
: fraud
: free trade
: full cost recovery
: government functions of
: funding
: gender
: global changes
: global economic integration
: good governance
: services goods and
: government control
: entity government
: government revenues
: services government
: government/ vendor divide
" " groping along
: growing needs
: guiding decision- making
: harmonization
: hidden liabilities
: high levels
: human resources
: human resources management and training
: implementation
: incentive
: incoherence
: income statements
: information flows
: information technology
: infrastructure services
: initiative
: innovative management governance
: input- based budget system
: inputs
: inputs purchased
" " : look inside
: Institute of Public Administration of Canada
: integration
: interactivity
: interface
: internal bodies
: internal control systems
: practices international best
: international donor and funding agencies


: international environment
: International Federation of Accountants (IFAC)
: International Monetary Fund (IMF)
: international professional organization
: international trade organization
: investment
: job description
: judgmental
: judicial branch
: judicial independence
: jury
: key attributes of performance
: key issues
: key priority
: knowledge- based industries
: funds lack of
: law enforcement
: leadership
: League of Arab States
: legacy architecture
: legislations
: legislative
: legislative branch
: legislature
: lending instruments
: lending support
: level of service
: liability containment
: line item budget
: governments local
: long- term debt
: low ranking
: management accounting
: financial frameworks management and
: management tools
: managing information systems
: groups marginalized
: matching skills with core
competencies of the organization
: resources material
: measurement and recognition
: mediate differences
: Mediterranean partners
: Middle East and North Africa region
MNA region) )
: ministry department


: statement mission
: modern management
: management practices modernizing
: sector modernizing the private
: monitoring budgets
: monitoring the implementation
: monopoly
: more client- oriented service
: purpose facilities -multi
: municipalities
: national accounts
: net worth
: network of innovators
: networking
: nominal charge
: obligations
: automation office
: official gazette
" " : shops one- stop
: on- line mediation
: on- street parking management
: operating costs
: operation management
: operational flexibility
: operational planning
: operational projects
: Islamic Conference Organization of
: organizational deficiencies
: outdated systems and procedures
: output
: output- based budget system
: outputs produced
: overall resource planning
: overlap
: over- spending
: owner
: ownership
: participation and partnership
: participation of civil society
: partnership
: pensions
: performance
: performance deficit
: performance management
: performance measurement
: management performance- oriented


: personal property registration

: pilot work
: policy framework
: policy management
: policy requirements
: policy review
: political participation
: portfolio management
: pricing
: private operators
: private sector
: proceduralism
: procurement practices
: productive investment
/ : professionalism
: program budgeting
: programme governance
: budget program- performance
: project design
: promotion
: property management
: Administration System (PAS Public)
: public corporation
: public expenditure
: public expenditure reviews
: public funds
: public interest
: Public Management System (PMS)
: participation public
: public service awards
: public transport
: public- private dialogue
: purchaser
: quality management
: quality of life
: procedures quality
: realize better value for money
: reform

: region of Southern Mediterranean and

Middle East
: regional agencies
: centre regional


: regional environment
: funding organizations regional
: regional network
: regional node
: regional organization
: regulations
/ / : relevance
: resistance to change
: resource allocation
: resource and asset
: resource management
: resource planning
: resources allocation
. : restraints
: restructuring
: public administration restructuring
: result assessment
: result oriented
: reuse
: revenues earned
: revenues of a service
: rights
: rules
: running cost
: sector ministry
: security
: management authorities -self
: service delivery
: service delivery capacity
: national policies setting
: setting priorities
: shared goals
: short hierarchies
: simplification of procedures
: slow responsiveness
: social assessment
: social inclusion
- : socio- economic balance
: software system
: solution development
: specific set of outputs
: staffing
: staffing needs
: stakeholders
: statement of receipts
: steering committee


: steering council
: steering functions at the center
: stock adjustment
: initiatives strategic
: strategic institutions
: strategic operating agencies (SOP)
: structural adjustment
: transformation structural
: success stories
: services support
: survey
: sustainability problems
: ,SWOT analysis (strengths
weaknesses, opportunities and threats )
: synergy
: system approach
: taxpayer
: teaching tool
: technologists
: threats
: top- down approach in planning
: total assets
: traditional department
: traffic planning
: traffic safety
: transaction fee
: transactions
: transformation enablement
: planning transformation
: transitional economies
: transparency
: transparency of transactions
: trophies
: underdeveloped economies
: United Nations Development Programme
: United Nations Online
Finance (UNPAN Network for Public Administration and )
/ : urban growth
: user charging
: utilities
: valuation of the business
: vehicle registration
: partnership vendor
: wastewater system
: welfare
: World Bank



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