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Barangay: Daquioag Tel. No. Supplier: NEW !"!# B!$!% !++ress: aoag City, Ilocos Norte TIN: City/Municipality: Province: P. ". No.: &'()&*' Date: Mo+e o- Procure.ent: Bi++ing / Negotiate+ Marcos Ilocos Norte

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Please +eliver to t0is "--ice t0e -ollo1ing articles su23ect to t0e ter.s an+ con+itions containe+ 0erein

Place o- Delivery: D!45I"!#, M!%C"S, I "C"S N"%TE Date o- Delivery: 5nit Particulars 4uantity set Spea6er, 7on8ert * set !9:&) Po1ere+ !.pli-ier 1it0 5SB slot, :&&W * set Spea6er Stan+ <Tripo+= * set Wireless Microp0one * pc. Tri+ent Mi?er *

Delivery Ter.: In goo+ con+ition Pay.ent Ter.: c0ec6 5nit Cost !.ount **,'&&.&& **,'&&.&& ;,&&&.&& ;,&&&.&& ','&&.&& ','&&.&& :,>&&.&& :,>&&.&& >,@&&.&& >,@&&.&&

31,900.00 Total !.ount in Wor+s= Thirty O!" Th#$%&!' Ni!" H$!'r"' P"%#% O!(y In case o- -ailure to .a6e -ull +elivery 1it0in t0e ti.e speci-ie+ a2ove, a penalty o- one(tent0 <*/*&= o- one percent -or every+ay o- +elay s0all 2e i.pose+. 9ery truly yours,

NOEL A. BAOIT Signature over Printe+ Na.e Punong Barangay

Date Con-or.e: E?istence o- !vaila2le !ppropriations o-

NEW LAOAG BAZAR Signature over Printe+ Na.e Supplier

DANILO V. BAOIT Signature over Printe+ Na.e C0air.an, Co..ittee on !ppropriations



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