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Fossils are evidence of ancient life preserved in rocks e.g. animals, plants and footprints. The study of fossils is called palaeontology. Most fossils are found in sedimentary rocks. Hard parts become fossils more often than soft parts.



How fossils are formed: original remains

Occasionally, the original soft parts of an organism are found preserved as fossils. 06531_00

How fossils are formed: petried wood and bones

Occurs when the remains of wood or bone completely turn into stone!

How fossils are formed: carbonisation

The process in which plant and animal tissues are transformed into a thin lm of carbon.

How fossils are formed: moulds and casts

Moulds: after burial, the hard parts may by dissolved by water. This leaves an imprint of the organism in the rock. these fossils show size, shape and some structural features of the organism.

How fossils are formed: moulds and casts

Casts: if minerals or sediments are deposited in the empty space of a mould fossil, a cast fossil is formed. cast fossils show the external appearance of the original organism, but doesnt show any internal structures.

How fossils are formed: tracks

Tracks: tracks are preserved footprints of animals. they give information on the size and shape of the foot, and how the animal moved.

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