3 Age of Rocks

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How can we tell how old a rock is?

Determining the relative and actual age of fossils using physical and chemical methods.

Physical : The Law of Superposition

Which rock layers are youngest? Oldest?

Physical : The Law of Superposition

In a sequence of rocks that have not been disturbed, the oldest rocks are on the bottom and the youngest rocks are on the top.

Which rock layers are youngest? Oldest?

What if the rocks move or are worn away?

the same rule is still applied!

try this one.....list the rocks from oldest to youngest

try this one.....list the rocks from oldest to youngest

The Law of Cross-cutting Relationships

what if new rock is formed in the old rock? igneous rocks (lava) that intrude other rocks are younger than the rocks they intrude.

how about this one?

Finding the actual age of rocks.

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