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INSTRUCTIONAL ACTIVITIES 1.00 Understand the fashion Industry and Design 1.01 A.

Industrial Revolution Portfolio Option: Throughout this curriculum we offer a portfolio option. Look for this icon throughout the curriculum. This is an opportunity for your students to collect their work throughout the class. This website offers a digital component Key Terms Flying Shuttle Spinning Mule Spinning Jenny Elias Howe Cotton Gin 1. Note to teacher: Fashion plays an important role in history. The styles give us a window to the events of the time. Have students choose an influential person, machine, or equipment from the Industrial Revolution to the 21st century. Distribute the Fashion History Project Rubric handout Students are to research their topic and write a 2 to 4 research paper. Teacher is to create a blank time line on a large roll of paper. Students are to search for pictures and interesting facts on their topics, along with the time period. Using Students are to record their interesting information and create a QR code to add to the time line. In the appropriate location, students are to add their pictures and QR code to the time line. Cross Collaboration Opportunity Teacher partner with the US History or World History class and have them divide the timeline. Have the history class do research and put their information and QR on the top of the timeline and Apparel Textile and Design class put their pictures and QR codes on the bottom half. Invite the school to view the timeline. Instructional Resources Roll of Paper with time line Computer Handout Distribute Industrial Revolution Powerpoint Notes Handout Show Industrial Revolution Powerpoint Have students fill in the notes Handout Instructional Resources Powerpoint Handout Have students watch the Flocabulary: Ask the students to write down as many inventions or changes they notice in the rap video.



When the video is over have students share the inventions they saw. Were there any that are important to the fashion industry? What were they? Why do you think they were important? Break the students up into four groups. Assign each group an invention: flying shuttle, spinning jenny, cotton gin, and spinning mule. Pass out the Debate Handout found in the instruction resources. In the general topic section, have them put: Which Industrial Revolution invention changed fashion the most? Students are to do research on their invention and come up with arguments to support their inventions influence. List arguments on the debate handout. Have each group present their arguments. Students should take notes. After the arguments, give the groups time to write down explanations as to why their invention was more influential than other groups. Students can discuss rebuttals as a class. Have the class vote on which invention they feel was the most influential to fashion during the Industrial Revolution.

Instructional Resources: Flocabulary video Handout Computer

INSTRUCTIONAL ACTIVITIES 1.00 Understand the Fashion Industry and Design 1.01 B. 19th Century Key Terms Sewing Machine Ebenezer Butterick Paper Pattern Charles Worth Ready-to-wear Levi Strauss 1. Note to teacher: Levi Strauss lived from January 26, 1829 to September 26, 1902. Discuss the changes that jeans may have taken during his lifetime. What changes have they made from 1902 to now? Show the Levi Strauss Prezi: Have students fill in the Levi Strauss notes found in the Instruction Resources folder. Have students get in groups and design a new kind of jeans that they think would be popular today. Discuss their design and any interesting features. Instructional Resources: Levi Strauss Prezi Handout Distribute 19th Century Powerpoint Notes Handout Show 19th Century Powerpoint Have students fill in the notes Handout Instructional Resources Powerpoint Handout


INSTRUCTIONAL ACTIVITIES 1.00 Understand the Fashion Industry and Design 1.01 C. 20th Century Key Terms Standardized Sizes Christian Dior World War I Coco Chanel World War II 1. Have students research on World War I, World War II, and War rationing. Students are to create a Powerpoint or Prezi explaining how World War I, World War II, and rationing affected the fashion industry. Include pictures and videos in the presentation. Instructional Resources Computers

Have students watch either the Coco Chanel movie or this short biography Distribute the Coco Chanel Rubric handout Have students write a 1-2 page research paper on the life of Coco Chanel.


Instructional Resources Movie or website Handout Distribute 20th Century Powerpoint Notes Handout Show 20th Century Powerpoint Have students fill in the notes Handout Instructional Resources Powerpoint Handout

INSTRUCTIONAL ACTIVITIES 1.00 Understand the Fashion Industry and Design 1.01 D. 21st Century Key Terms Internet Fast Fashion 1. Distribute 21st Century Powerpoint Notes Handout Show 21st Century Powerpoint Have students fill in the notes Handout Instructional Resources Powerpoint Handout Portfolio Option Teacher notes; What was old is new again. Fashion trends are cyclical. What was once in fashion will make its way back. Bellbottoms from the 1970s became popular again in the 1990s. Distribute the Fashion from the Past Rubric handout. Divide students into groups of two or three. Students are to create a polyvore ( collection set. Have them create looks that are popular today that reflect styles from the past. Students are to identify the style and how it is linked to the past. Have students write a paragraph describing each look, how it is linked to the past, and which century the design is inspired from. Note to teacher, you can assign decades, or have them do 5 or 6 different decades. Groups are to present the fashion form the past creations. Instructional Resources Computer Handout Divide students into 6 groups. Assign groups an influential person from 1.01. (Ebenezer Butterick, Charles Worth, Levi Strauss, Coco Chanel, Christian Dior, and Patent wars between Elias Howe/Issac Singer. Distribute Blast form the Past Rubric handout Students are to create a video introducing themselves, tell them about who they are, and why they are so important to fashion. The patent war group can create a video debate. Instructional Resources Handout Computer Recording equipment




Link to the Industry Have students watch the video on PBS about Fashion and Politics; After the video, have students create an account or log onto Polyvore; and design an appropriate outfit for a presidential candidate, male or female. Have the students present their outfit set to the class. Portfolio option, have students print off their outfit set from Polyvore and write a description of the outfit and why it would be appropriate for a presidential candidate. Instructional Resources Computer


Review Handout Apparel and Textile Design 1.01 Crossword Puzzle handout. Have students complete the handout review Instructional Resources Handout

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