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LESSON 13 (Wednesday)

Teacher Overview: Today is the wrap-up day. Solicit suggestions and responses from the students about how they felt about the unit. Did they enjoy it? Do they feel that they learned something and that it was meaningful to them? What specific aspects of the unit did they enjoy? Not enjoy? The students suggestions are valuable and will shape the way that the unit is put together next year. This is also the day where students get to be problem-solvers. They will hypothesize about ways that the Cold War could have been prevented. Ask them to generate ideas about how the tension between the USA and USSR could have been averted early on. Objectives: Part 1: Students will explore various suggestions on how the Cold War could have been prevented. Part 2: Students will evaluate the Cold War unit and give suggestions on what could have made it more enjoyable and impactful for them. Content Standards: Sub-Strand 10.9: Students analyze the international developments in the postWorld War II world. Common Core Standards: 10.SL.1 Initiate and participate in a range of collaborative discussions with diverse partners on grades 9-10 Technology Standards: N/A Resources: N/A Anticipatory Set: N/A Socratic Seminar--Students will be seated in a circle and be given the opportunity to share about how the Cold War could have been prevented. The teacher should ask leading questions and allow the students to steer the conversation and to respond to each others comments. The teacher will also ask the students to share about conflict resolution in general and to elaborate on ideas to solve problems before they get out-ofhand. Ask for a critique of the unit and ask the students to share about what they learned. Solicit suggestions on how to make this unit more enjoyable and meaningful to them. Homework: Students will also be given the opportunity to complete test-corrections for 5 points extra credit to be added to their exam grade. Students should write one sentence describing the correct answer to the questions that they missed. Students may complete the digital alternative to this assignment if they choose. They may film

themselves while discussing the questions that they missed; and post that video to YouTube or Vimeo. They should also include a short explanation of what they learned during this unit. Also, collect the students notebooks and give them 20 points for taking notes during this unit.

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