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Adam McCarthy

Address: Mobile: Landline: Email: 75 Main Road, Heddon Greta 2321 040 149 3300 02 49372519 Adammccart !"#$mail%com

Work Objective &o $ain a 'areer(A))rentices i) in eit er metal *oilerma+er(,itter or o)erator -ields% Key Strengths '.rrent older o- /2 licence 0eldin$, Mi$, ti$, stic+, o1! c.ttin$, o1! 2eldin$ And $o.$in$ 3o.n$ and -it -or an! tas+s 0illin$ to learn and 2or+ ard Good and and e!e coordination% /atience and ast.te acc.rac! /a!s attention to detail 4o s+in or breat in$ aller$ies Able to 2or+ as a 5al.ed team member or inde)endentl! 6tren$t to andle tools and mac ines Good Literac! s+ills A2areness and res)ect -or 7H 8 6 )ractices and .se o- /ersonal /rotecti5e E9.i)ment 2 en necessar! Able -ollo2 instr.ction Reliable and )olite% Education & Training 200" 2011 2011 2011 2011 2012 : : : : : : 3ear 9 ;.rri ;.rri Hi$ 6c ool 7 8 6 0 ite card 'erti-icate 2 in s.r-ace E1traction 7)erations Res)irator! )rotection <ntrod.ction to En$ineerin$ 'erti-icate 3 in En$ineerin$ = ,abrication &rade

Employment History 2011 &RA;s = General Labo.rer Lidell /o2er 6tation 6 .tdo2n 2or+ *iloela 6 .tdo2n 2or+ >a5id Hall Electrician : Labo.rin$

2010 : 2011

Hobbies & Interests Art, ,is in$, 0eldin$, 'ar modi-ication 8 cam)in$ e!erees >a5id Hall 6te5en >?a$
Adam McCarthy

Electrician(72n *.siness ,or+li-t 7)erator(Lin-o1 6!dne!


0411 77 ""59 0432 5@2 97@

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