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9424BigHornBlvd.,ElkGr rove,California95 5758*(916)68401 100

12th Week W Of f Scho ool

Monday y, Novem mber 4, 2013

Me essage fr rom the Principal P


Anno ouncement of o our Counci il Members PA ARENTS: RozHar rris Schit taraPage Leslie L Bess PatriceGulley Janic cePoe M Margo Swift S STAFF: cNamee Ms. M Bell M Allen Mr. Mrs.Mc

w like to o welcome bac ck all Alan Ro owe College Prep Scholars s I would and families from m intersession n. I would also like to tha ank the entire e n Rowe Colle ege Prep com mmunity for an excellent fi irst trimester. Alan We are off to a great start and we could not have don ne any of this s with support, and dedication that we rece hout the love e, eive from our r scho olars, families, and staff members. m Aga ain, with ever rything I AM, THA YOU!!! ANK I would w like to issue a very special thank you to all the e parents that t had a hand in helping with our first annual Harvest Festival. It was an n ama azing event an nd we could not have done any of the e planning or r impl lementation without the support of our wond derful parent t com mmunity. Than nk you all--You made the event e a huge success. s Well do it t bigger and better b next yea ar! PA ARENT PLEA ASE, PLEASE, PLEASE GET T YOUR PAR RENT HOUR R FOR RMS FILLED OUT AND TURNED IN N. WE HAVE E A LOT OF F PAR RENTS THAT T I KNOW HA AVE PARENT T HOURS, BU UT ARE NOT T IN THE SYSTEM M BECAUSE THEY DO NOT HAVE THE FORM M COMPLETED. If f you need a parent hou ur form, plea ase see Mrs. Namee at the front desk to o get your for rm, and turn it in either to o McN the teacher or to the front des sk. Sch hool Uniform ms Sc cholars are re equired to be e in an ARCP P school unifo orm each day. The school unifor rms consist of f a Gold ARCP Polo with th he ARCP logo o s skirts, skorts, and sc cooters. ARC CPs first dress s and khaki pants, shorts, unifo orm day will be Thursday, November 14, 1 2013. The e ARCP dress s unifo orms consist of a navy blu ue sweater ve est or cardiga an sweater, a whit te button dow wn dress shirt t, khaki pants or shorts, and a navy plaid d tie. Young ladies are allowed to t wear khaki skirts, skorts s, or scooters s te or navy tigh hts are allowe ed, or long socks must be navy n or white. whit All scholars s are required r to wear w dress sho oes on dress uniform days. Dre ess uniform da ays will be eve ery Thursday on o and after November N 14. If yo ou have any questions, q plea ase see Mr. Allen A or anothe er ARCP staff f mem mber for clarif fication. Continu ued on pg. 3

SchoolSiteCouncilMeetings M arescheduled s for eve eryfirstTuesd dayofthemo onthfrom 5:306:30pm.The T firstmeetingison Tuesday y,November5. 5


Fir rstSchoolSi iteCouncilMeeting M Tuesday,No ovember5,2013 HonorRoll R Assembly Friday,November8,2013 2 VeteransDay D NoSch hool M Monday, No ovember11, ,2013 Paren ntMeeting T Tuesday, No ovember12, ,2013 LifetouchPictureDa ay Thursday, ,November r14 Tha anksgivingHolidays H NoSchool WednesdayFriday y, Novembe er2729,20 013

Row owes s Rev view w New wslet etter r

9424BigHornBlvd.,ElkGr rove,California95 5758*(916)68401 100

M Message from f the Principa al

Co ontinued

Phy ysical l education

Ho onor Roll As ssembly T first trime The ester Honor Roll R Assembly will be Friday y, November 8, 8 2013, in the Multi-Purpose Ro oom. An assem mbly reminder r notice for par rents of schola ars who made e the honor ro oll will be sent t home with you ur scholar including the tim me for your sch holars grade level l assembly y. Happy yNovember The times for th he Honor Roll Assembly are e as follows: This month m in PE we w will be pr racticing our Kindergarten n langu age counting g which will in nclude all of 1 12:45PM-1:05P PM the languages le earned so fa ar (Spanish, 1st Grade Japan nese, Korean and English h). We are 5AM 1 11:35AM-11:5 also l learning this month COO OPERATION!! 2nd Grade Please e encourage e your chi ild to use 5AM 1 11:35AM-11:5 coope eration at ho ome. Our sp port for the 3rd Grade is our goal mont h will be kic ckball and it that everyone e will be able to play by the 1 1:35PM-1:55PM M end nth. If you u have any of the mon S Scholars are re equired to rem main in schoo ol for ainder of the the rema quest tions or conc erns feel free e to stop by hool day. At th he conclusion of your schol lars assembly y you may walk k sch andta alktoMs.Mo o,thePEInstr ructor. ur scholar for photo opport tunities. This way w we can to class with you kee ep the assemb blies moving sm moothly and quickly. q Thank k you in adv vance for you cooperation. Otis Spunkm meyer Fundr raiser Fundra aiser starts We ednesday, Nov vember 6 and AR RCP Picture e Day ends Fr riday, November 22. Items ar re expected to be avai ilable for pick kup from the s school before A ARCP Picture day will be Thursday, Nove ember 14, 2013, so send you Winter r Break. Mak ke checks pay yable to Otis ur scholar to school dresse ed to impress in an ARCP dress uniform Spunkm meyer. If you h have any tha at is. Order forms will be sent home th his week with scholars for questions contact the front f office. par rents to purch hase and captu ure memories s of their scholars first year r Thank you for your su upport! at ARCP. A Harvest Festival Su urvey Pleas se take the tim me to complete the t survey and d turn it in to th he front office. . and inp For your time put you can rec ceive a small th hank you gift while w supplies last.
1. What did your schola ar/family like e best about the t Harvest Festival? F


ar/family like e the least about the Harve est Festival? What did your schola


tions for next t year: Suggest

Row owes s Rev view w New wslet etter r

9424BigHornBlvd.,ElkGr rove,California95 5758*(916)68401 100


Once again tha O ank you to all the parents who w participa ated and atte ended our fir rst Harvest Festival. We would w like to improve i on ou ur efforts for next t year and would love your input. Please e take the tim me to complete c the enclosed surv vey on page 3. 3 Turn it in to o the front office and get a small thank you y gift while supplies last. Pa arents, please e continue to check the Lo ost and Found. We have a lot of items that t are missing their proper home. We kn now that the cost to replace uniform u items s can get very y expensive so o please label your students sw weaters and vest v with their name somewhere on the e inside of the gar rment.

An Easy E Way To T Earn n Cash for ARCP!

BoxTops T forEduca ationisanati ionalschool earnin ngprogramthathasbeenaround since1996.Sincethen,schools sacrossthe count tryhaveearnedoverhalfabillion dollar rsfromBoxTopstobuywhatever theyneed. n Hereshowyoucan nhelp It tsEasy: 1.BUYyourfavoriteBoxTopsproducts. p EachBoxTopis sworth10 for rourschool!Thisiswhat itlookslike: 2.CUT TouttheBox xTopfromea achpackage. 3.SEN NDyourBoxTops T toschoo olwithyour childontheBox xTopscollect tionsheets tha atwillbeprovidedtoyour rstudent.

D Dont forget about our Read ding Incentive Program. Sc cholars can continue to participate in Old d Spaghetti Fa actorys Rewa ards of
Rea ading Program m through Dec cember. By pa articipating sc cholars can receive a free meal. m

Students were S e extremely excited e when the fire depa artment visited the schoo ol site. They learned abou ut the protect tive equipmen nt and d clothing wor rn by the firemen. They als so learned abo out 911 emergen ncies and fire safety: stop, , drop and roll.

Thismonth m helpTurkey T TomG Goobleup go oodiesforTha anksgiving.

It ts the time of year y for family gatherings and d conversations s ar round the dinn ner table for the e holidays. Plea ase take the tim me to o talk to your children c about appropriate be ehavior while di ining with frien nds, family and d in the cafeteria. Tell your ki ids w they should why dnt run during g meals, talk with their mouth hs full an nd other comm mon dining etiq quettes we wan nt our children to follow. The s scholars at ARCP are expecte ed to behave at the highest sta andard, even while w eating g lunch. So please, discuss how meal time sh hould be a time e for quiet social lizing and eatin ng. Its not a tim me for playing with their food or running aroun nd the cafeteria a.
Menu is subjec ct to change acco ording to availability.

After Sc chool Prog gram

Novem mber Monthly y ASP charge e is $120.00. . Payme ent is due by November 6. 6 Statements s have been mailed as a a reminder r. Please get t your payment p in by y the due date e to avoid any y late fe ees.
Autom matic Electron nic Payment is available. If f you wo ould like to set up this type of payment, please e pick a form from the t school off fice. Automatic c electro onic payments must be setup through the e Home Office once the t form is co ompleted. Its s simple e and hassle fre ee!

AR RCPMENU M Monday T Tuesday Wednesday T Thursday Friday

Weekof11/4/13 Weekof11/11/13 Bre eakfast Lunch Br reakfast ZacOmega aAppleBarand Cheeseburgeron No oSchool Fre eshFruit Whol leGrainBun Blueberr ryMuffinand d Chees seEnchiladas BerryBlo ossomCereal& Fre eshFruit withBrownRice AppleBar B andFruit MiniDipp perdoodleBar Chicken nTamale,Rice Granola awithYogurt t andStr ringCheese &BlackBeans andFresh F Fruit Banana aMuffinand Chic ckenPasta AppleBakers B Muffin n Oran ngeJuice Mar rinaraBake andOrange O Juice EnglishMuffinwithTurk key ChickenTacoTrio Sunbut tterandJelly &Chees sewithFruit withBrownRice withRoll R andFruit

Lunch L No oSchool ChickenBiteswith Ke etchup Spag ghettiand Me eatballs NaturalHotDogon Whole eGrainBun Beef, ,Beanand Chee eseBurrito

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