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Winningham 1

TWS #4 Assessment Plan

Overview of the Assessment Plan: My three showcase lessons are on writing using logical order. I decided to use the same pre and post-assessment. This will show a direct correlation in the students' growth and learning. The format of this assessment is a short four question quiz. Three of the questions are open ended, demonstrating the students' knowledge rather than recollection of facts. The last question is a sequencing question showing the logical order for making toast. Students will be assessed based on the accuracy of their responses for their pre and post assessment. Their assessments will then be reviewed to show how much growth or regression students have made. Students will be assessed multiple times during the lesson. Students will be assessed based on their participation during our discussions using a checklist. After completing the illogical directions activities students will discuss why it is important to give logical directions. After viewing a few examples of illogical writing, we will again discuss why logical writing is important. Students will be given three participation points per discussion, one for staying on task, one for cooperation with their group, and one for quality discussion and thoughtful answers. Student will be asked to think, pair, share and collaborate on their making a snowman activity and writing assignment.

Pre-Assessment: (See page 4 & 5) The purpose of this pre-assessment is to determine the knowledge level of the students concerning logical order and reasoning. This assessment is important in deciding how in-depth this information needs to be taught and if any steps can be skipped or modified. It will also let me know if the students have no knowledge on this topic and may need some extra pre-teaching before I begin my lessons.

Winningham 2

The pre-assessment consists of four questions, worth ten points, that are aligned with the learning objective. The first three questions are open response questions that range from one to three points. The last question is a sequencing task based on logical order worth three points. Students scores can range from zero to ten points and vary based on their background knowledge coming into this lesson. This is a new concept for the students so there is no goal for the number of correct responses. Students will be instructed that this is a pre-assessment to show what they already know and will in no way affect their grades. I will ask that they do try their best while completing this assessment so that the data is more accurate and shows their growth. I will use these scores as a baseline to compare their post-assessment to see if learning and growth has taken place.

During Assessment: (See Page 6,7 & 8) The purpose of during assessments is to monitor the students' progress and growth toward the lesson objective throughout the lessons. This information will also help guide my lessons for the following days. If students are showing progress then the lessons can continue as planned; if not, the lessons will have to be adapted to the needs of the students'. I will use whole class and partner discussion to ensure that students are making gains and understand the topic of logical order. During these discussions I will be listening to ensure that the students are on topic and are coming up with logical reasoning and solutions. Students will also be creating a "How to Build a Snowman" paper. They will be switching papers and recreating the snowman based on their partner's instructions. Students will be assessed on their ability to give feedback to their partner, their ability to stay on task, and their cooperation skills. Students will be allowed to correct their writing assignments based on the guidance of their partners and reviewed one more time. If the students have mastered this step then they will move on to complete a flow map graphic

Winningham 3

organizer about how to build a snowman. This will be assessed based on the logical steps to make a snowman, grammar, neatness, illustrations and creativity.

Post-Assessment: (See Page 9& 10) The purpose of the post assessment is to show how much growth or regression that students have made throughout the three lessons based on the lesson objective. The comparison between the pre and post-assessment lets me know if my instructional designs and techniques were effective for my group of students. The post-assessment is identical to the pre-assessment. There are four questions, with the assessment being out of ten points. Three questions are open response and one is a logical order sequencing question. I would like for all of my students to score a perfect score of ten points on their post-assessment. This is not completely realistic, but I believe that all students should be able to score an eight out of ten points, showing they have an average level of mastery on this subject. If students score below a six out of ten points I will have to examine my instructional strategies to see how I can better help these students.

Assessment Plan Table: 5th Grade Writing

Lesson Objectives
Lesson Objective 1 Students will be able to explain and create writing that uses logical order. Lesson Objective 2 Students will be able to explain and create writing that uses logical order. Lesson Objective 3 Students will be able to explain and create writing that uses logical order.


Format of Formative Assessments

Pre: Worksheet/quiz Students will answer four questions. Three open response and one logical sequence question. During: Observation, the use of anecdotal records, discussions, and a checklist. Students will also create a "How to Build a Snowman" writing sample. Post: Worksheet/quiz Students will answer four questions. Three open response and one logical sequence question.

Repeat and modify instructions, as needed. Lead discussion on what logical order is. Present cues when needed to redirect or guide students' thinking. Read directions of activities and questions aloud to students to ensure understanding. Walk students through an example of how to write a "How to" story. ELL students may be given more time to work on their writing and will not be graded as harshly based on spelling and grammar.

Pre-Assessment During Assessment Post-Assessment

Winningham 4

Name:____________________________________ #_____________ Date:_______________

Pre-test on Logical Order

Directions: Read each question carefully and respond using complete sentences. 1) What is logical order? (1 Point) ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 2) Why is it important to have logical order in your writing? (3 Points) ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 3) What could happen if you do not have logical order in your writing? (3 Points) ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 4) Put the following instructions for making toast in the most logical order by placing the correct number to the left of the step. Use the numbers 1-7. (3 Points) ________ Wait a few minutes until the toast pops up ________ Eat and enjoy ________ Put toast in the toaster ________ Pop the toast down by pushing the handle ________ Take the toast out of the toaster ________ Get out some bread, a plate, a knife, and butter ________ Spread butter on the toast using a knife

Winningham 5

Name:____________________________________ #_____________ Date:_______________

Pre-test on Logical Order Answer Key

Directions: Read each question carefully and respond using complete sentences. 1) What is logical order? (1 Point) __Logical order is putting your writing in the order that it belongs. That makes sense chronologically.__________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 2) Why is it important to have logical order in your writing? (3 Points) __It is important to have logical order in your writing so readers can follow along and__ understand the thoughts that you are trying to get across.__________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 3) What could happen if you do not have logical order in your writing? (3 Points) ___If your writing is not in logical order it may be hard for others to follow what you are writing. Your response may not be scored on a standardized test._ _______ _______________________________________________________________________ 4) Put the following instructions for making toast in the most logical order by placing the correct number to the left of the step. Use the number 1-7. (3 Points) ____4____ Wait a few minutes until the toast pops up ____7____ Eat and enjoy ____2____ Put toast in the toaster ____3____ Pop the toast down by pushing the handle ____5____ Take the toast out of the toaster ____1____ Get out some bread, a plate, a knife, and butter ____6____ Spread butter on the toast using a knife

Winningham 6

During Assessment Checklist Jordan B. Jacob B. Taylor C. Jasmine C. Stokes C. Patrick C. Christon D. Adriannah D. Tori D. Destiny F. Bryan G. Marcellus H. Matthew H. Tia L. Arad M. Cheyenne M. Shandreka M. Yulisa M. Yoni M. Braelyn P. Kerriontae S. Elizabeth S. Eric S. MiKayla T. Thatus W.

Labels will be filled in on an as needed basis.

Winningham 7

1) Introduction

5) Closing

2) Materials

4) How to Decorate

3) How to Make

Winningham 8

Story Writing : How to Build a Snowman

Teacher Name: Ms. Winningham

Student Name:


CATEGORY Follows a Logical Order

The story follows a logical order. The story does not skip around and is easy to follow.

The story mostly follows a logical order. There is one order mistake. The story is easy to follow.

The story does not follow a logical order. There are 2-3 order mistakes. The story skips around and is hard to read. There are 2-3 spelling and punctuation errors in the final draft.

The story does not follow any logical order. The story skips around and backtracks a lot, making the story hard to read. The final draft has more than 3 spelling and punctuation errors.

Spelling and Punctuation

There are no spelling There is one spelling or punctuation errors or punctuation error in the final draft. in the final draft. Character and place names that the author invented are spelled consistently throughout. Original illustrations are detailed, attractive, creative and relate to the text on the page.


Original illustrations Original illustrations are somewhat relate to the text on detailed, attractive, the page. and relate to the text on the page.

Illustrations are not present OR they are not original.


The story contains many creative details and/or descriptions that contribute to the reader\'s enjoyment. The author has really used his imagination. The final draft of the story is readable, clean, neat and attractive. It is free of erasures and crossed-out words. It looks like the author took great pride in it.

The story contains a few creative details and/or descriptions that contribute to the reader\'s enjoyment. The author has used his imagination. The final draft of the story is readable, neat and attractive. It may have one or two erasures, but they are not distracting. It looks like the author took some pride in it.

The story contains a few creative details and/or descriptions, but they distract from the story. The author has tried to use his imagination. The final draft of the story is readable and some of the pages are attractive. It looks like parts of it might have been done in a hurry.

There is little evidence of creativity in the story. The author does not seem to have used much imagination. The final draft is not neat or attractive. It looks like the student just wanted to get it done and didn't care what it looked like.


Winningham 9

Name:____________________________________ #_____________ Date:_______________

Post-test on Logical Order

Directions: Read each question carefully and respond using complete sentences. 1) What is logical order? (1 Point) ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 2) Why is it important to have logical order in your writing? (3 Points) ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 3) What could happen if you do not have logical order in your writing? (3 Points) ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 4) Put the following instructions for making toast in the most logical order by placing the correct number to the left of the step. Use the numbers 1-7. (3 Points) ________ Wait a few minutes until the toast pops up ________ Eat and enjoy ________ Put toast in the toaster ________ Pop the toast down by pushing the handle ________ Take the toast out of the toaster ________ Get out some bread, a plate, a knife, and butter ________ Spread butter on the toast using a knife

Winningham 10

Name:____________________________________ #_____________ Date:_______________

Post-test on Logical Order Answer Key

Directions: Read each question carefully and respond using complete sentences. 1) What is logical order? (1 Point) __Logical order is putting your writing in the order that it belongs. That makes sense chronologically.__________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 2) Why is it important to have logical order in your writing? (3 Points) __It is important to have logical order in your writing so readers can follow along and__ understand the thoughts that you are trying to get across.__________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 3) What could happen if you do not have logical order in your writing? (3 Points) ___If your writing is not in logical order it may be hard for others to follow along.__ Your response may not be scored on a standardized test.________ _______________________________________________________________________ 4) Put the following instructions for making toast in the most logical order by placing the correct number to the left of the step. Use the number 1-7. (3 Points) ____4____ Wait a few minutes until the toast pops up ____7____ Eat and enjoy ____2____ Put toast in the toaster ____3____ Pop the toast down by pushing the handle ____5____ Take the toast out of the toaster ____1____ Get out some bread, a plate, a knife, and butter ____6____ Spread butter on the toast using a knife

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