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BC31403 Ekonomi Alam Sekitar: Group Assignment BC31403 Sem 1 2013 2014

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Home BC31403 Ekonomi Alam Sekitar Resources Group Assignment BC31403 Sem 1 2013 2014 BC31403 Environmental Economics (Ekonomi Alam Sekitar) 1. Teknologi Hijau Negara (THN). Dasar negara yang berkaitan (DTHN). Kepentingan THN komitmen negara dalam merealisasikan kejayaan dalam bidang ini. Peranan yang perlu dimainkan oleh sektor swasta untuk menguasai bidang ini dalam jangka panjang. Contoh-contoh beberapa projek technologi hijau di Malaysia. The National Green Technology Green technology Policy The importance of Green Technology Commitment to ensure the success of this policy. Role that must be played by private sector to capitalise technology in this area in the long term. Examples of Green technology in Malaysia project in Malaysia.

2. Penilaian Kesan Alam Sekitar (EIA) Elemen-elemen penting yang ada dalam laporan kajian alam sekitar. Kepentingan penilaian alam sekitar dalam sistem perancangan projek pembangunan. Environmental Impact Assessement (EIA) The important elements that should be in the EIA report. The importance of EIA in the project planning and development system. Lists some EIA report done in Malaysia. 3. Selain tajuk di atas pelajar juga boleh memilih isu alam sekitar yang lain yang diluluskan oleh pensyarah. Any other topic on local or global environmental issues of your choice.(Please bring the propose topic to me for approval). Important Notice: Maximum of 7 members in a group. Maximum of 25 pages excluding references and appendices. 1.5 spacing, Tahoma 11. In English or BI Date of submission week 8 (presentations). 20 slides. All group members must sign the report (front page).

Last modified: Wednesday, 11 September 2013, 04:17 PM

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BC31403 Ekonomi Alam Sekitar


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