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Flow Map: The Events of the Cold War

Directions: Cut out the events at the bottom. Arrange the events in the correct chronological order. Glue the event into its proper place on the sequence map. Illustrate each

After internal
struggles, the
rebellions of
Satellite Nations,
and reforms,
the Berlin Wall
falls and the
Soviet Union is

The Yalta Conference officially

lays the groundwork for the
begining of the
Cold War.

The Cuban Missle

Crisis intensifies
tensions between
the U.S. and
U.S.S.R. and
almost brings the
world to the brink
of nuclear war.

Mao Zedong and

the Peoples Army
takes over China
and creates the
Peoples Republic
of China, a
communist state.

The Marshall Plan

is announced and
actions are taken
by the U.S. to
rebuild Western

The Soviet
Blockade of Berlin
increases U.S./
Soviet tensions
and the United
States responds
with a year-long
airlift to West

The communist
North Koreans
invade South Korea
and the United
Nations rushes to
help. This marks
the begining of
the Korean War.

The U.S. Enters

another proxywar, the Vietnam
War and after
many long years
of unsuccessful
fighting, leaves
the South to be

Soviets refuse
to give up their
satellite states
at the end of WWII
and Churchill
states that an
Iron Curtain
has descended on

After communist,
Fidel Castro,
takes over Cuba,
the U.S. launches
the failed Bay
of Pigs invasion
in an attempt to
overthrow him.


Summary Template:Cold War Causes


The Cold War occurred due to________________________________
The first cause of the Cold War__________________________________
This can be desribed as_________________________________________
A second cause of The Cold War includes_________________________
___________________was characterized by_________________________
A final event which caused the Cold War__________________________
This event involves_____________________________________________
All of these causes are_____________________because_____________
In conclusion, the Cold War_____________________________________

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