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Objective: Students will create a digital newspaper using visua.

ly to illustrate the events occurring throughout the world in the 1960s pertaining to the Cold War. Items to Include: 1. The Bay of Pigs invasion 2. The construction of the Berlin Wall 3. The Cuban Missile Crisis 4. Assassination of John F. Kennedy 5. Gulf of Tonkin Incident and escalation of the Vietnam War 6. Protests against the Vietnam War in America 7. Apollo 11 Lands on the Moon 8. One additional event of your choosing Requirements: At least five images and one graph with captions as well as clip art 8 stories of the events listed above 8 headlines for each of the stories A large title for the newspaper Organized presentation that represents a thoughtful and creative effort free of grammatical errors Instructions: With your group, decide who is going to research each event during the 1960s. Each student will be responsible for two events and they must find information in their textbook, using the links on the class website, or from the lecture. They must then write a newspaper story about the event highlighting the who, what, when, where, why, and how for each event. Once each of the stories is complete, begin researching images and clip art for your newspaper and draw out a blueprint on a blank sheet of paper for the layout of your newspaper. Type up your stories so that you can simply copy and paste them into your infographic. Create an account on by registering with your school email address and begin to layout the design of your newspaper. Once you have the general layout, make sure you have a headline for each story and begin to copy and paste each story into the layout. Once you have all the stories, with their headlines, begin to input your (at least) 5 images, your graph, and the clip art. Make sure you have captions for each of your images. Once you have everything laid out and in place, go through and edit the work and make sure it is free of all grammatical mistakes and that you have fulfilled all the requirements and submit through our class website.

Criteria Presentation


4-Exceeds Standards The infographic contains at least five images, one chart, and other clip art. Each image has a caption explaining the image. The infographic contains one story for each of the eight points listed above.

3- Meets Standards The infographic contains 4 images, one chart, and other clip art. Each image has a caption explaining the image.

2-Below Standards The infographic contains less than 4 images, no chart, and/or no clip art. Missing some or all captions. The infographic contains 5-7 stories or the stories are of insufficient length. The infographic is cluttered and unorganized. The material is presented in a way that detracts from the readability. The events are not fully accurate and there are multiple grammatical mistakes.

1- Insufficient The infographic contains one or no images, no chart, and no clip art. Has no captions or they are incomplete. The infographic contains less than 5 stories and/or are of insufficient length. The infographic is unorganized and sloppy. Does not seem to make sense.


Peer Teacher


The infographic contains 7 stories but does not include an additional event. The The infographic infographic is is presented presented in in a clear and a clear and organized organized manner with manner but clear is a little readability cluttered. and intent. The events are listed with accuracy and free of grammatical errors. The events are listed with relative accuracy with a few grammatical errors.


The events are inaccurate or have no detail and are riddled with grammatical mistakes. Total /16 /16 /16

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