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When God Pinched My Toe

Dr. Kathryn E. May, PsyD

PART 1 - EDITING WITH HEMINGWAY I can't explain what follows - this channeled information. Nothing in my training or upbringing explains what I have learned and experienced. It's not the sort of thing I'm used to writing about for all the world to read. PART 2 - MESSAGE TO EMILY In the previous posting I promised the translation of a message that was given to me in French. It follows here, a direct translation from the message that was dictated to me in the middle of the night, when God pinched my toe to wake me up. PART 3 - ASCENSION PREPARATIONS I have been given an important channeled message to share with all of you. I was awakened in the middle of the night, again with the usual pain in my toe, and wrote down what I heard. I have sent it in its entirety here. Please read carefully - the words are chosen with care to explain clearly what is to come.If you wish to send questions or comments, please do. PART 4 - PLANNING FOR ASCENSION Again, I awoke with a shooting pain in my toe. I heard the now-familiar: "I have something to tell you. I know this is hard on your sleep. I thank you for this." -- Here is the message I received, exactly as it was dictated to me: PART 5 - MEETING WITH ASHTAR "Greetings. I am Ashtar, Supreme Commander of the Starship Fleet of the Galactic Federation of Light. Welcome. I am glad to have Earthling Lightworkers to consult with us. Because we are used to living in the Fifth dimension ... PART 6 - PREPARING YOURSELF There is a place in your hearts where you know that the words you are reading are true. Go to that place. Live there. Your actions and your thoughts will change. You will be enveloped in a warm glow of love, in fact, you will feel the wonderful feeling of being in love ... PART 7 - WHY ME? WHY YOU? I need to tell you that writing this blog and sending emails feels about as natural to me as jumping off a cliff, which it is in a way. I never aspired to be a spiritual channel when I was studying for 8 years full time - 9 with licensing boards. ... PART 8 - 9/11 CAUSE AND EFFECTS This is Yahweh, or as I called myself earlier, I Am That I Am. I have been known by many names through the ages, but what I am called is not important. The important part for us is that you comprehend that I am not the angry and vindictive person your religions have made me out to be. ... PART 9 - WHO IS "GOD" AND OTHER QUESTIONS ANSWERED Many of your readers ask questions about my identity. They have tried to dis-believe their old religious misconceptions about me as an old man in the sky who dishes out rewards and punishments. That is a good thing, because that is not me, as I said in earlier messages. ... PART 10 - FURTHER INFORMATION ON THE ASCENSION OF PLANET EARTH I am on a ship, on a cruise sponsored by Wayne Dyer, in the company of many spiritual seekers and friends. I was awakened during the night by the familiar pain in my toe, and was asked to write down this extended message for all of you. ... PART 11 - A GOOD EXPLANATION OF ASCENSION "There is more we can tell you about Ascension.

You have been trying to explain it to others. It's difficult, of course, to describe the 5th dimension and beyond when you're in 3D, but we'll try to help. ... PART 12 - AN AWESOME REQUEST. I CAN'T REFUSE. "It is 5 am, and I have asked Kathryn to wake up to take another message from me to pass on to the world. She has not refused. In these past months, when we have called on her to carry our messages to the people who read this blog, she has never refused... PART 13 - A JOYFUL PROCLAMATION "We will now begin the Countdown to Ascension. We can now say with sufficient certainty to be able to proclaim it: Yes, Dec. 21, 2012, and the days surrounding it, will be a glorious revolutionary moment on Planet Earth. ... PART 14 - A MESSAGE TO THE WAYNE DYER GROUP AND KATHRYN'S READERS "Today is the beginning of a new era. You will be seeing changes in your world, coming at a faster and faster pace. In the part of the world where you are, foment is occurring because of the economic troubles. ... PART 15 - A MESSAGE FOR FRIENDS AND FELLOW SEEKERS This was a message for the group of folks who gathered 'round to listen to the previous message. It is also relevant to anyone who has had the curiosity and courage to read these postings. Include yourself in this. ... PART 16 - A MESSAGE TO THE WOMEN (AND THE MEN TOO) The following was offered to answer questions and concerns about expressions of sexuality which came up during conversations with a group of all women, but it is very relevant to men as well. It is especially touching and encouraging in tone. ... PART 17 - A PARTING MESSAGE TO THE TRAVELERS ON THE SHIP EQUINOX This message is for all the rest of us too. The ship is docking, and all the passengers will be disembarking today to return to their everyday lives. It has been a very moving learning experience for many of you, visiting beautiful old cities and ancient ruins, ... PART 18 - IN THE AFTERMATH OF HURRICANE SANDY "Dear Ones, It is time for us to tell you more about what to expect as you go through the coming days of change. Events will take place on your planet that have never occurred before... PART 19 - A MESSAGE FOR KATHRYN This is for our dear Kathryn. You have asked about your own Ascension. You have also volunteered to help others make the transition. We have accepted your help, as we always do, and you have been actively preparing your clients and friends and your readers ... PART 20 - ASCENSION PRACTICES "We have asked Kathryn to receive one of these messages every night for the duration of preparations for Ascension so that you will have the most up-to-date and thorough information possible. We will, however, honor the fact that Kathryn might for some reason need an entire nights' sleep once in a while. ... PART 21 - ENCOURAGEMENT AND LOVE AS WE RECOVER "Dear Ones, We wish to continue our conversation with you, so that you know we are here working with you all at this important time. We ask our channel, Kathryn, to be prepared to take down these

messages every day (or every night) for the coming weeks, ... PART 22 - THE SCIENCE OF ASCENSION "Now, I would like to talk to you about the coming Ascension from another perspective. Many have asked about the facts behind this phenomenon. Is there scientific evidence to point to what is happening now? The answer is, of course. ... PART 23 - A PLEA FOR AMBITIOUS SOULS TO ASCEND "Now, let us begin with a greeting to all the new readers who have been sent to you by their friends, by your acquaintances from the cruise, and through our urgings. Welcome, my dear children, we revel in the growing curiosity and openness you are showing by listening carefully ... PART 24 - A MESSAGE FOR KATHRYN'S CLIENTS, LUCY, STEPHANIE, KELLY, AND ALL OTHERS WHO ARE TAKING PART IN HEALING PRACTICES ... "You have now seen freedom. You were able in your session today to let go of old anxieties and truly be yourself. Now your challenge will be to hold on, insist that you not go back to old, limiting ways. You will be able to fulfill the path you came here to walk, a path of service to others, ... PART 25 - ASCENSION LESSON #1 "It is time for all of you to begin your practice of Ascension. Yes, it is possible to practice before you make the final shift. We have done this with Kathryn, and with other channels and Lightworkers in the past few years, so that they can teach you what it is like to transcend, rise above your own third dimension, ... PART 26 - LESSON #2, A MODEL FOR A COMMUNITY OF LIGHT "We are very happy to have been present today at an extraordinary gathering of the Rondout Valley healers, in upstate New York. It is a group of healers who come together to dedicate their time and energies to the health and well-being of others in their community, ... PART 27 - LESSON #3, DO I HAVE TO? This one has me flummoxed. You'll see why. - K Lesson #3 "Once upon a time there was a young girl who dreamed of flying away on a white horse with wings. ... PART 28 - LESSON #4, A MEDITATION TO ANCHOR WITH GAIA "The Solar Eclipse of November 13, 2012 has been a momentous event. It is a once in a thousand year astronomical event, appearing in the skies for the people of Australia to see. Its gravitational effects are felt all over the globe, however. ... PART 29 - LESSON #5, SELF-SORTING LEVELS OF DEVELOPMENT AND THE EFFECTS OF FREE-WILL CHOICES "Greetings, Dear Ones, It is a very exciting time, and much is occurring which we would like to help you with. We have asked Kathryn to create another way of taking our message to the world - an internet radio show where people can call in and ask questions. ... PART 30 - LESSON #6, OLD GAIA AND NEW GAIA CONTRASTED, AND A JOKE FROM GOD TO US "Now, my dear, we will try to answer some of your questions. Why can't you wake up in the 5th dimension, and only come back here to Old Earth by

meditating your way back when you need to be here? You can. ... PART 31 - LESSON #7, TALKING WITH OTHERS ABOUT ASCENSION "Now, here we are right in the middle of a dramatic transition, and half the population of your country, the United States, is still asleep. Actually, that percentage holds true for much of the Western World. Other parts of the planet, where indigenous people have continued to live close to the land, ... PART 32 - LESSON #8, WHAT WILL CHANGE? "It is November 17, 2012. I remind you of this date so that you can mark in your memory the fact that I/We are speaking to you now of the things that are to come, and the things you have already left behind. Look back over the past month and see how far you have come in such a short time. ... PART 33 - NINE WOMEN OF LIGHT "Dear Readers, We wish to say something about the group which met with Kathryn today, even though we did agree to give her a day off from channeling. ... PART 34 - LESSON #9, UNIVERSAL LAWS AND THE HEAVENLY VIEW OF OUR PROGRESS My dear children, We wish to talk with you today about the progress you are all making in your transition toward a higher level of life, as we have planned for you when you all ascend with your dear Gaia. ... PART 35 - LESSON #10, HOMO SPIRITUS: THE ADVENTURE OF OUR FUTURE The event you call Black Friday is over at last. People who stood in line to purchase gadgets and trinkets, clothing and toys have gone home with their treasures, but at great cost, in every sense of the word. This process of creating great need for things people really don't need ... PART 36 - LESSON #11, HOMO SPIRITUS LIVES We wish to speak to all of you concerning your transition to a higher plane of existence, in the form we have called Homo Spiritus. Many of you are puzzled or confused or disbelieving about the possibility that such a thing could occur during your lifetimes, much before the end of this very year. ... PART 37 - LESSON #12, CHOOSE YOUR OWN VERSION OF LIFE AFTER "THE END OF TIMES" "We have something important to tell you. The elements are coming together for the Ascension of the human race in a way that is more dynamic, more positive than we could have asked for. A tipping point was reached some time ago ... PART 38 - LESSON #13, A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE PATH OF PLANET EARTH "It is a time of great change on Planet Earth. In order to help those of you who are confused or doubting that there could even be such a thing as a dimensional shift right here, right now during you own lifetime, much less within the month, we must attempt to give you a longer view. ... PART 39: LESSON #14, NO PLANNING NEEDED "It is time to give you some more information about what to expect concerning the Ascension, and how it will effect each of you. We understand that it is very confusing to you to try to imagine a transition which will involve going from the life you are familiar with, complete with mortgages, ...

PART 40 - A MESSAGE FOR THE TORCHBEARERS AND LIGHTWORKERS A note for Kathryn, and for her fellow Torchbearers, from the entire Spirit Realm: "We speak to all of you through her: You have asked, Dear, why you are so ... PART 41 - LESSON #15, A PLANET BASED IN LOVE AND FRIENDSHIP "Many of you have gotten used to reading the words of channels who reach across the dimensions to make contact with us in order to bring you helpful information and reassurance during these difficult times. This by itself is a sign that the consciousness of the planet is rising. ... PART 42 - LEARNING TO LIVE WITH LOVE Yahweh said: "We will make this a short message tonight. You have all been working hard to absorb the rising energies of love. What an irony is that! Your systems are so used to tolerating poison and small daily abuses, ... PART 43 - LESSON #16, COSMIC EVENTS ARE UNDERWAY "I want to tell you about the cosmic events which have been discussed on the internet, but have not been officially acknowledged by the government institutions who control information. It is important that citizens be informed, even though their media outlets no longer provide that service. ... PART 44 - LESSON #17, WHAT IT'S REALLY LIKE "ON THE OTHER SIDE" BETWEEN LIVES! "Today we're going to talk about something new. We do not wish to bore you with any repetition in these messages. This is fairly easy, since there is so much to tell you about in these complex and fascinating times. ... PART 45 - LESSON #18, WHEN THE TIME COMES... "When the time comes, you will all be exactly where you should be. You have made your plans with the full knowing of your Higher Self, who guides you in all important things. Even if you have defiantly refused to listen to your intuition and decided to be somewhere unlikely on December 21, ... PART 46 - LESSON #19, FALLEN ANGELS MADE OUR PATH HARDER "Good evening, everyone, We just want to tell you once again what a pleasure it is to watch all of you going about your days, checking in with your friends who might need your help, offering a hand to someone in need, finding new ways to be charitable this holiday season. ... PART 47 - LESSON #20, DNA CHANGES HAPPENING NOW, AND GOD'S OPPOSITION TO RELIGIOUS LAW Kathryn: Today was an especially difficult day for me and for others I spoke to. It feels like the physical symptoms of being overwhelmed, frazzled, but I am not feeling it emotionally, just physically. It is a different combination of feelings than I ever remember feeling. ... PART 48 - LESSON #21, INDIGENOUS HEROES, AND SOUL EVOLUTION FOR ALL "Now is the time for all good men and women to come to the party. "We are gathered here in our favorite spot in the center of the Universe, planning the reception for our Dear Children who will be ascending in the next few weeks. ...

PART 49 - LESSON #22, THIS YEAR YOUR RELATIVES WILL COME TO VISIT IN SPACESHIPS "Greetings, My Children, You are fast approaching the longest night of the year, Dec. 21. It is an auspicious time for the human race - a time of change, and a time to celebrate. It is appropriate that the holiday season falls at this time, for the birth of Christ is symbolic, ... PART 50 - THE CREATION STORY "Once upon a time there was nothing. A great darkness was everywhere. Nothing moved, nothing breathed, nothing lived. This nothingness lasted for an eternity. Then, one day the nothingness began to move, like a great slumbering giant awakening. Little by little, the great nothingness stirred, ... PART 51 - THE EARTHLING STORY "Tonight I will tell you the rest of the story. There are many details which were left out when I told you the creation story last night. I wanted to give you a day to think about the story I told you, to get used to it. Let's see, where shall we begin? Of course it's difficult to relate the memories of thousands, even millions of your years. ... PART 52 - THE MOST SUCCESSFUL DAY EVER "Today is a glorious day, because yesterday was the most successful day ever on Planet Earth, because of the effects of our Love Blasts which awakened so many of our Dear Children from their slumbers. Have you noticed how many people are smiling for no apparent reason? Yes, ... PART 53 - MANIFESTING YOUR DREAMS "When you discover new abilities within yourself, it can be difficult to accept the power which comes with them. Breathe, envision a world of peace, prosperity and sharing (communion), and it will be so, for you individually, and for everyone who joins wholeheartedly in creating this Heaven on Earth. ... PART 54 - NEWS FROM THE PLANET "Dear Ones, tonight we have a message for you about something very different. We feel it is important for you to be up to date on the fast-moving events taking place on Gaia, and the implication they hold for your future. First, some news from far-off places. ... PART 55 - UPPER AND MIDDLE GAIA DESCRIBED "We have been asked so many times about what it will be like for those of you who choose the path to the highest vibrations in this Ascension process, for there will be several options available. The middle-road option has been referred to the A/B option, which will be an highly improved 3-D life Gaia, ... PART 56 - A MESSAGE OF LOVE AND GRATITUDE TO LIGHTWORKERS "Dear Ones, it is such a pleasure to know that so many of you are reading these words, sharing the joyful expressions of Love we send to you every single day. We are grateful for this opportunity, and for your faithful reading and absorbing the deeper meanings of these messages, ... PART 57 - ASCENSION DAY "We wish to inform you that it is time to put on your seat belts and be ready for lift-off. The time has come for all of you to reap the rewards of your hard work over many lifetimes. This project, Ascension Gaia, has been supervised and planned with efforts on your parts, ... PART 58 - TODAY'S THE DAY "Today is the day, Dear Ones. Today you will "meet your Maker" as the saying goes, and what a

joyous meeting it will be! For all of us here in the higher dimensions, it is a birthday to beat all birthdays - the beginning of the granting of all fondest wishes, all true hopes and dreams, ... PART 59 - DAY TWO IS DONE, ASCENSION CONTINUES "Today is December 22, 2012. It is the beginning of the new era on Gaia, your beloved Planet Earth. Many of you have been surprised that you have not been swept away in a tsunami of sudden change, the likes of which would outdo your Hollywood special effects, ... PART 60 - LET'S KEEP GOING "This message is for the many of you who have worked hard and who feel disappointed that you have not yet felt the dramatic shift you were hoping for, and which had been described here and elsewhere as a palpable and perhaps visible change. ... PART 61 - THE SIRIANS ARE COMING! "It is a very important time now, because those of you who have prepared for the ascension process by working hard to live a life of service and to elevate your consciousness are very central to the continuing growth of the planet. ... PART 62 - NEW FEELINGS, NEW WORLD "It is a strange time for many of you, a time of sleep, a time of dreams, a time when you are puzzled by what has happened, or what has not happened. You may feel you are floating through time, or stuck in the mud. ... PART 63 - WE HAVE REACHED THE 4TH DIMENSION "There is much to tell you, My Children. It is a time of fast-paced change. You may have been feeling the waves of energy which continue to wash across your planet, elevating and illuminating everything around you. You may feel moments of unreality, as if things are shapeshifting in front of your eyes; ... PART 64 - A WAKE-UP CALL FROM YAHWEH "Dear Ones, I wish I had better news for you, but there is something you need to know about which may affect your lives in a serious way. Knowing will allow you to take measures to create what you need for success and happiness, but without some work on your parts, ... PART 66 - A MESSAGE OF LOVE TO LIGHTWORKERS "Yesterday's message was a bit stern, we know. It was not simply positive, as we have tended to be for many months now. It was a change of pace because we saw that after the 21st passed without chaos and mayhem, many of you who had invested a great deal in preparations for Ascension ... PART 67 - 3RD THROUGH 7TH DIMENSIONS DESCRIBED "First, I would like to answer some of the questions Kathryn has brought to me. There has been a lot of talk about the Ascension process, and how Gaia is elevating herself to the 5th dimension and above, but we have not clearly explained what that entails, what is different about the 5th versus ... PART 68 - A NEW YEAR'S BLESSING, AND GUIDANCE ABOUT ASCENSIONITIS "Tonight is the last night of your year, 2012. It would be fitting for us to celebrate this glorious transition with a song. We are singing the Hallelujah chorus here in the Heights, as we jokingly call the higher dimensions. ... PART 69 - WE ARE BEING GIVEN A MAKE-OVER, AND IT ISN'T SURFACE DEEP "Today I'm going to give you some more information about the dynamics of Ascension, and how the forces which are now playing across the planet will affect all of you in the future. The forces

of which I speak are twofold - the energy blast we have sent to you through the opening ... PART 70 - IT ISN'T CHAOS; IT'S FERTILE GROUND FOR CHANGE "Dear Readers, We are delighted to know that there are some who follow our words every day and gain comfort and knowledge which helps them in their daily lives. That was our hope when we asked to begin this project. ... PART 71 - 8TH AND 9TH DIMENSIONS DESCRIBED, FROM OUR POINT OF VIEW "Dear Children, We are watching with interest to see how many of you will realize how profound the changes are since we began to cover the Earth with kisses - like the wind on your face, the warm sun on your back, we have sent the energy of Love and Light in continuous showers across the planet. ... PART 72 - RADICALLY DIFFERENT POINTS OF VIEW ARISE FROM DIFFERENT LEVELS OF EXPERIENCE "Today let's talk about why there is such a schism in American life between two groups of people who feel strongly about their heart-felt beliefs, to the point that it is difficult for both sides to even conceive of why the other would think and feel the way they do, since the feelings are completely alien to them. ... PART 73 - THE WORK OF BUILDING A NEW WORLD BEGINS "Dear Children, time is passing quickly on your Earth plane. This is not only a personal perspective - it is a reality. Because of the energy shifts happening over that past months, the flow of time was literally compressed, creating a sense of faster movement. ... PART 74 - A TIME FOR FORGIVENESS "It is good news We bring today. The forces of Darkness have taken another blow. This time it is in the area of politics. You will soon be hearing news of another scandal; this time it will bring down one of the most powerful and contentious of all obstructionists in the U.S. government. ... PART 75 - THE NEW SPIRITUALITY, AS COMPARED TO RELIGION "This is a good day for Light. The awakening continues across the planet, spurred by increasing numbers of Lightworkers like you, Dear Readers. Those of you who read these messages every day (and I know there are growing numbers of you) are beginning to feel comfortable with sharing ... PART 76 - PICTURES TO PUT ON YOUR REFRIGERATOR "Tonight's message: Keep up the good work. Things are speeding up to such a degree for Lightworkers that you will see things manifesting practically from one moment to the next. The higher your vibrational level, the faster things will unfold for you. ... PART 77 - EXCITING REVELATIONS ABOUT COMING CHANGES "Our channeling partner has asked that we create a message to be presented to the Sedona Journal, one of the superior publications for messages from higher dimensions. We are honored to create such a message, ... PART 78 - HEALING OUR TRAUMATIC HISTORY "When you look up at the stars on a night like we've had recently, you can see stars you did not know existed before, when the haze of lights or cloud cover created a film over the sky. You don't realize how crowded the sky looks with twinkling stars and glowing planets ... PART 79 - NEW GAIA BRINGS NEW LIFE THROUGH THE UNIVERSAL LAW OF FLOW "Here we are, at the beginning of a new year, a new age, a new beginning for Gaia and all her children. All the Kingdoms of Earth are beginning the new age together, expanding in their

capacities to experience Love and Light. ... PART 80 - WHO WE ARE AND HOW WE CAN HELP YOU "Yes, My Dear Ones, it is a glorious time to be alive, whether you reside on Planet Earth or elsewhere. All the beings in the Universes are reverberating with the positive energy flow emanating from Gaia and her inhabitants. ... PART 81 - THE GREAT CONSCIOUSNESS WEB, OUR COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK "Tonight let's talk about what Oneness really means, since we have already discussed what it isn't. When we say that we are all One, as we said, it does not mean we are all the same. It is a much more complex and interesting phenomenon than that. ... PART 82 - EASIER TIMES AHEAD, AND DEALING WITH CONTINUING ASCENSION SYMPTOMS "Today we will talk about the long and winding road which leads you Home, for all of you in bodies now on Gaia. For those in your adult years, having already lived through many challenges, disappointments and frustrations, the year to come is going to be one of amazing ease. ... PART 83 - WHY WEE NEED TO ELEVATE AND LEAVE THE DARK HATS BEHIND "Tonight's message will be short because our channel has been traveling and it's very late, even for her. There will be breaking news, as you call it, very soon, but we are in a plateau period as everyone adjusts to the rising consciousness around them. ... PART 84 - WHY DID YOU CHOOSE THIS LIFE? "Today we'll talk more about the process you all went through before you came here for this lifetime. It is not something you were taught in Sunday School, or even something anyone talked about directly for most of you. ... PART 85 - TAKING IT HIGHER "Do not cry, My Children; do not fear tomorrow. The atmosphere on Gaia is lifting, and it will carry you along with it. Your work is not done yet, though. You must continue to elevate, little by little, every day a bit more, because you will need to keep the pace with Gaia, ... PART 86 - MYSTERIES OF THE UNIVERSE, EXPLAINED "Now, let's talk about the mysteries of the Universe. They aren't mysteries to Us, of course, but they are to humans in body form. For millennia, you have come to Earth with the agreement that there would be a Veil between you and the memory of where you came from and why. ... PART 87 - UNCOVERING CONSPIRACIES, REDEFINING CULTURE, AND MAKING LOVE NOT WAR "Yes, things are really changing fast. Do not rely on the mass media to give you information about the true state of the world. They are still caught up in reporting every violent act, every shooting and every celebrity wardrobe malfunction they can uncover. ... PART 88 - CIVILIZATION FIVE, PLANET EARTH "Dear Children, We would like to talk with you about the growing need for Torchbearers and Lightworkers to come out of the shadows and shine, for all the world to see. It will be possible now because since Dec. 21, there are many, many more people who are awakening to a new sense of spirituality, ... PART 89 - THE NEW MATRIX IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION "Tonight the planet celebrates the first day of the officially inaugurated Golden Age, with the inauguration of Barach Obama to his second and most important term. At this point, he will

begin to show the world what his leadership has been intended to create: the fulfillment of the Great Hope of Democracy, ... PART 90 - NEWS ABOUT OUR VISITORS FROM SPACE, AND AN INVITATION TO TALK IN PERSON "We will tell you something about what is going on in the rest of the Universe, if you would like to know. (K: yes.) All right then, here is just a small part of the news from "out there." We will begin with your atmosphere, just beyond your eyesight. ... PART 91 - WHAT IT'S LIKE ON THE PLANETS OF SIRIUS "Tonight we're going to talk about the wondrous and amazing things happening across the Universe, as We promised yesterday. ... PART 92 - THE TRUE WAY REPLACES RELIGION "Now, My Children, let us ponder the state of the world as you see it around you, and think together about the things that are needed to make it a better place. You see, this is the way we approach things over here, in dimensions and levels of energy vibration that are right here, ... PART 93 - LESSONS IN THE TRUE WAY BEGIN "Now, My Children, let us ponder the state of the world as you see it around you, and think together about the things that are needed to make it a better place. You see, this is the way we approach things over here, in dimensions and levels of energy vibration that are right here, ... PART 94 - GOD AND ST. GERMAIN DISCUSSING THEIR TALK SHOW APPEARANCE, NEW LIFE ON GAIA, AND THE TRUST FUND FOR EARTH'S PEOPLE "Today was an exciting time for us, because we were able to share the air on a radio talk show with Kathryn, her co-host Ellen, and many listeners and callers who called in to ask us questions. St. Germain and I took turns giving a brief introduction to who we are and what we do, ... PART 95 - CHARITY BEGINS AT HOME "Now let us ponder how far you have all come in the past year. Look back, and review - not the size of your bank account or the number of presents you received for Christmas, but the moments of objective self-examination, the acts of kindness, and the efforts to raise your consciousness ... PART 96 - GOD ADVOCATES FOR SEX, AND FORGIVENESS "We are delighted to see how many of you are reading our messages every day, starting your day with a smile, we hope. Our intention is to give you reasons to feel relief - that the things you suspected all along are true - and happiness knowing that living a good and rewarding life ... PART 97 - EXPLAINING WHERE THESE ANNOYING CHALLENGES COME FROM"Some of you have a misconception about how we encourage and send Love to our children. There is a misunderstanding about how and why we do that. We send Unconditional Love, as we mentioned yesterday, to all beings, on Gaia and elsewhere, ... PART 98 - THE ECONOMICS OF THE NEW AGE, AND HOW IT AFFECTS US "Let's talk about the financial struggles many Lightworkers are having these days. We see that many of you are spending hours contributing your skills to helping others, and you are finding it hard to make a living doing your healing work because of high rents, high expenses, ... PART 99 - LOVE LEADS TO FREEDOM "Let's talk about sex again. It seems that many people have misinterpreted our approach to sexual freedom to mean that We were endorsing promiscuity, or some level or irresponsible actions, even though we carefully described situations of love and passion, which we think of as

enduring, ... PART 100 - GOD AND ST. GERMAIN LAUNCH A NEW FORUM FOR LEARNING THE TRUE WAY As I sat down at my computer to transcribe the message this evening, at first I heard silence, then the rousing marching song from "Les Miserable," which St. Germain has been playing as his theme song whenever he wants to speak with me since I saw the film last week. Then I heard the following: ... PART 101 - ST. GERMAIN ON MAIFESTING, AND A POWER-BUILDING EXERCISE "Today we will do more work on the uses of manifesting, and how to prepare yourself. There are two different kinds of manifesting, which sometimes confuses people. We have talked about the Law of Attraction, which generally means that you will attract into your personal aura people ... PART 102 - ST. GERMAIN HAS STRONG WORDS TO SUPPORT THE TRUE WAY "I would like to talk about our radio show yesterday. I enjoyed it very much, the way you gave me such relevant questions to answer for all the listeners. We will continue in that vein, and hopefully we will reach many listeners and many readers, for we have important information to pass on ... PART 103 - MOTHER/FATHER GOD DEFINE "THE TRUE WAY" "Dear, we see that you are troubled. You are concerned about the name "The True Way" because it sounds to some people as if it is a new set of rules to be imposed on them. You had hoped to help set people free with these messages, and it is disturbing to see it might be misinterpreted ... PART 104 - ST. GERMAIN DESCRIBES HIS PART IN TEACHING THE TRUE WAY "Some of you may wonder why I have come at this time to work with Kathryn and to interpret Mother/Father God's teachings. Like all other assignments on the spiritual path, it is voluntary, although they made it clear they would appreciate my help. ... PART 105 - GOD AND ST. GERMAIN RIFF ABOUT STRETCHING - GAIA'S AND OURS "Our Dear Children, we would like to tell you about something that we believe will help you to move through the coming weeks more comfortably. You have heard about the earthquake rumblings, the tsunami in the Solomon Islands, and the storm approaching the Eastern U.S. ... PART 106 - RECALIBRATING THE NEW PARADIGMS, INSIDE AND OUT "Let's talk briefly about what you will need to conquer in the next week or two. There are energy shifts occurring on Gaia as you move through new alignments - planetary and emotional - which will cause many of you to feel a bit disoriented for a while. ... PART 107 - THE SONG OF ONENESS "Today we're going to add an exercise in loving yourself, which you can post on your web site for all to share. You all hear about love, love love. Be loving, be Love, feel love, accept love, and give love. But for many, they are words that have only a small range of meanings. ... PART 108 - CELEBRATING COMMUNICATION BETWEEN SPIRIT AND US "We would like to continue the wonderful discussion we began on the talk show today (Archived at Channel Panel with Mother/Father God and St. Germain - K). ... PART 109 - ABUNDANCE, ABUNDANCE AND MORE FOR 2013! "We are so excited and thrilled about the events which are about to unfold, we can barely contain ourselves, if you can imagine that! There have been a few times in the past billions of years when our excitement reached these levels, and We, Mother/Father God can assure you ... PART 110 - THE TRUST FUND WILL BE DISPENSED

"We do have important news for all of you reading this. We have often talked about the possibility of Nasara funds being distributed, and yesterday we painted a picture of what life could look like when the abundance begins to flow across the planet. ... PART 111 - A SPIRITUAL STATE OF THE UNION ADDRESS "We will have a brief spiritual State of the Union message for you tonight. We have said a great deal lately about what you can expect in the near future, and we do not wish to add much to that perspective. ... PART 112 - A VALENTINE FOR LIGHTWORKERS "There are wonderful plans afoot, Dear Ones. We are working with Lightworkers everywhere to help manifest the dreams they have been envisioning for Healing Centers, Arts Centers, Community Centers and all forms of lively and innovative educational programs. ... PART 113 - OUR BOLD AND ORIGINAL COSMIC SOCIAL CONTRACT "Let's talk about something different today. Some of you are very interested in the physics of planetary movements, and the other scientific explanations for what is happening now in your solar system and on your planet. ... PART 114 - HEAVEN IS A DEMOCRATIC POLITICAL SYSTEM "Today is a quiet day in the news. No meteor strikes and no high publicity murders. Of course you are aware of how sensational most of your news stories are, and of how little consequence they are. ... PART 115 - SOME NEAR-TERM PREDICTIONS, AND THANKS FOR COMMUNICATING "Thank you, Dear, for the pleasure of being on the radio show with your lovely co-host and guests. It is always wonderful for us when we can reach out, knowing your listeners are there, from all over the country, and some from around the world. ... PART 116 - THE ARTS, SCIENCES AND THE ECONOMY ARE TAKING OFF! "There are wonderful things happening in your country, the United States, and of course elsewhere. Much of it is simmering just under the surface, ready to bubble up into joyful expressions of creativity and service. Projects of all kinds that have been developing against all kinds of odds are coming into their own, ... PART 117 - THE GOLDEN AGE OF HEARTHCARE BEGINS-FIRST STEPS "There is a small community center in Stone Ridge, NY, where healers of all sorts gather to offer treatment to the community at large, free of charge. The people come from towns all around to experience the deep healing experience of being attended to by world-class experts ... PART 118 - WHAT LIVING "NOW" REALLY MEANS, AND HOW TO DO IT "A day of quiet, without demands or schedules is a beautiful thing. No requirements, no expectations, no thoughts but to remain open to delight and newness. This is a state which restores peace of mind, heals the soul, and prepares you for the rest of your life. ... PART 119 - A RECIPE FOR RECOVERING FROM "STRESS" AND "LOW SELF-ESTEEM" "First, let's continue with what we were talking about yesterday. Living in a fast-paced world has a profound effect on the nervous system of the people who experience that high-pitched energy day in and day out. ... PART 120 - VIOLENCE IS A HARBINGER OF CHANGE NOW "There are things happening around the U.S. that are horrifying to reasonable people everywhere. Nearly every day there is a shooting that takes the life of a young person. Recently, even teen age girls are shooting schoolmates. ...

PART 121 - "DISCLOSURE" MEANS SPACE SHIPS WILL LAND! (ON THE WHITE HOUSE LAWN?) "There is much to tell you tonight. Some of you are aware of the work we are doing to create the Heaven on Earth you have been promised as you were preparing for the Ascension. It has been believed by some that nothing has changed, but that is not correct. ... PART 122 - GOOD AND EVIL, ADAM AND EVE, ASCENSION AND DISCLOSURE TOO "We would like to tell you more about the Disclosure arrangements, because it is really important that many people have the information in advance, even if they scoff and think it's a fantasy, at least when it happens they will be amazed rather than terrified, ... PART 123 - INTERNATIONAL PEOPLES' TRIBUNAL FIND POPE, QUEEN AND CANADIAN PM GUILTY OF CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY ... "Dear Children of Gaia, as we watch you searching and evolving, stretching yourselves to learn more and reach higher in your daily lives, our hearts fill with Love. You have been heroic in your efforts to raise yourselves and those around you. ... PART 124 - MOTHER/FATHER GOD ASK FOR A RADICAL REVISION OF ACCEPTED RELIGIOUS TEACHINGS "This is a good time to talk about the role of religion in people's private lives, and the life of the nations and the planet as a whole. As some of you know from yesterday's message, there are tremendous waves of discontent and disillusionment concerning the upper echelons of the Catholic Church, ... PART 125 - ASCENSION, PHASE II HAS BEGUN "When we think about what to tell you today, we are always anticipating it with pleasure. There is so much to tell, and our channel is so willing to take down whatever we dictate, that it is easy for us on this end. ... PART 126 - WHEN THEY COME, JUST HOP ON - NO TIME FOR HESITATION "When time stands still, it will be the beginning of the new era. When this momentous event arrives, it will be the end of the preparations you have been encouraged to take part in - the clearing away of old dark feelings, and freeing yourselves from the obsession with material possessions. ... PART 127 - THE LAW OF ONE WORKS WITH YOU, EITHER WAY "Dear Children, you may feel as if the world is coming down around your heads. Scandals everywhere, people in powerful positions resigning or suddenly getting sick and dying. There is a tremendous clearing going on, and the Dark Ones are leaving the stage in droves, ... PART 128 - REVELATIONS ARE THE PRELUDE TO HEAVEN ON EARTH "Our Dear Ones, the time is coming close when you will learn much about the so-called UFO activity which has been systematically hidden from you for almost a hundred years now. This was not in order to prevent panic, as they say. ... PART 129 - PSYCHEDELIC FIZZ, THE POPE-AVAR, AND JUSTICE CELEBRATION AHEAD "We have some new and interesting information for you. Things are moving along at a rapid pace here in higher dimensions. Our carefully laid plans are coming to fruition. However, they are so complex in nature that it would take more than a book to tell you, ... PART 130 - FINANCIAL, SOCIAL AND POLITICAL SECRETS STARTING TO BE REVEALED

"Wait until you hear what we have to tell you tonight, Beloveds. The Earth herself is trembling with joy and laughter. It is a time of such behind-the-scenes change that it is going to be like a roller coaster ride to keep up with it. ... PART 131 - DISCLOSURE IS A JOINT EFFORT! "It is a bittersweet time for Us in higher dimensions who have overseen the progress toward Ascension for all on Planet Earth. Sometimes the best laid plans come to fruition brilliantly, with the full cooperation of all the beings involved. ... PART 132 - A MESSAGE FROM ST. GERMAIN, AND A POWERFUL ACTION TO TAKE NOW St. Germain answers: The questions so many of you ask are reasonable, given your Earth-bound view of the Ascension process. You see the suffering all around you and want it to stop, and you can't understand why we don't just DO IT! ... PART 133 - ACCELERATING CHANGES IN RESPONSE TO YOUR PLEAS Dear Ones, We hear your pleas for help in your work raising the consciousness levels around you. It has been brought to our attention how many of you see the conditions on Gaia as stacked against you, and stacked against change. ... PART 134 - RELATIONSHIPS LIVED IN THE TRUE WAY, AND A STARSHIP RESCUE PLANNED Let's talk about relationships. You all have them. You don't all have good ones, however. Sometimes your relationships are bothersome and painful. This, you think, is just part of life. All relationships take work, you tell yourselves. Then you work and work and work to make yours better, but it gets worse. ... PART 135 - SPRING BRINGS THE ASCENSION OF FEMALE ENERGY, AND DISCLOSURE COULD CHANGE THE PLANS Dear Ones, it is a lovely day in the East Coast of the U.S. Spring is in the air, and March is about to go out like a lamb. It will be a welcome spring, after the heavy snows and cold weather. We too look forward to the blossoming across the entire Northern regions. ... PART 136 - REMOVING DARK ENTITIES WITHIN Greetings, Dear Ones, we are pleased to give you the latest news about your planet's progress. We are aware that we have a very different view from yours. On the ground, you are struggling with Darkness in every quarter - the forces of Darkness have fought back with ferocious energy ... PART 137 - ASHTAR FILLS US IN ON THE CHANGES NEEDED TO BRING DISCLOSURE It is I, Ashtar. I have breaking news, and I have chosen this channel because I know the good people will pass it on and assure great distribution to the many readers you serve. ... PART 138 - DEBT MANIPULATIONS, BLOCKING NESARA FUNDS, AND MASSIVE CHANGES TO COME Let us begin tonight with a love letter from Us to all of you who are "fighting the good fight" as you say. You may not be aware of it, those of you who are activists for justice, equality, fairness and children's rights, for instance, that you are laying the groundwork for the new civilization to come. ... PART 139 - OUR HISTORY OF COURAGE AND TRIUMPH, AND THE IMMINENT

DEFEAT OF DARK FORCES Sometimes there are circumstances that make a person feel that all of life is against them. A child who is sexually abused who is then blamed for the abuse; a woman who leaves an abusive familly only to fall into the clutches of an abusive husband; ... PART 140 - FAMILY COURT TRAVESTIES - DARK INJUSTICE BEHIND CLOSED DOORS Today we want to tell you about the difficult things that are still happening on your planet. Your dear channel is in the midst of discovering the underbelly of the family court system because of a court case that has come into her professional life. ... PART 141 - CLEARING DARK ENERGIES TO MAKE WAY FOR THE CELEBRATION Tonight let's talk about what is going on in the rest of the world. The U.S. media is so incurious about anything beyond your own shores that it is extremely difficult to get a sense of the state of the planet. We can fill you in there, as can our dear Tara and Rama, who report the world news on their own ... PART 142 - LUCIFER IS GONE - LONG LIVE THE LIGHT! First, we want to announce a momentous, Earth-changing event which has taken place on Gaia, just yesterday. You would not know it directly if you hadn't heard it from Us, although you would feel the effects. ... PART 143 - LUCIFER REVERB Let's begin by answering the many questions which have come up about the last post, in which we described the capture and dissolution of Lucifer. We described it exactly as it happened (since we were in attendance). We had no intention of misleading you about the entity we called Lucifer, ... PART 144 - A GUEST MESSAGE FROM SILA VELEZ. HER MEDITATION AND HER BLOG English is not my first language. I apologize for some grammar mistakes you find in this text. ... PART 145 - SOME ASCENDED MASTERS' IDENTITY UNVEILED We have much to tell you today. You have been introduced to Sila, and you have read her description of the hypnosis session with Kathryn. You have read her blog about Lucifer and her struggle to defeat the dark thoughtform which humans had recreated as a counterweight to the Ascension process. ... PART 146 - DISCLOSURE EVENTS, GROWTH, AND SERVICE TO OTHERS Dear Ones, we delayed our message from yesterday to give our messenger a day off. It was an exciting time in Los Angeles, and we wished to have her there to attend the opening of the Sirius Disclosure movie and to make contact with Steven Greer so that we can offer support ... PART 147 - DISCLOSURE PARTY BEING PLANNED - HOW TO JOIN THE PREPARATIONS It is a transition time, a quiet pause before the storm, as you say. But this time, the storm will be an inundation of good feelings, excitement and disbelief. The Disclosure event that has been planned for all of you will "blow you away." ... PART 148 - WHAT THE 5TH DIMENSION IS REALLY LIKE It is almost May by your Earthly calendar. Four moon phases have passed since the historic

December 21st "deadline" for Earth Ascension, and an amazing four months it has been! The Ascension process rolls forward, gathering steam, carrying everyone along with it. ... PART 149 - UNCLOAKING OVER D.C., RECLAIMING DARK ONES, AND PEACE Disclosure Hearings are underway in Washington, D.C. We are aware that some have had trouble with connections, but that will be ironed out. It is probably a sign of the overload in the lines produced by the great demand. ... PART 150 - THE DREAM FULFILLED, A NEW ERA BEGINS Well, it is a fabulous evening in the Eastern U.S. The weather is calm and warm, everything is in bloom, and we are so very excited for tomorrow! Yes, tomorrow, May 3, is another landmark day on Planet Earth. ... PART 151 - TONIGHT'S IMPORTANT ASSIGNMENT: CREATE A HARMONIC CONVERGENCE Dear Ones, we want to reassure you that the process of Ascension continues, and the Disclosure events you were waiting to see have not been discarded from the Plan. Your messages as they were recorded here were calling for an uncloaking of the ships over the Press Club building ... PART 152 - PRIME CREATOR TELLS HIS/HER POINT OF VIEW My Dear Children, this is Prime Creator. It is your first chance, now, to see your brothers and sisters of the skies. You have been a race of beings who look at the ground beneath your feet when you walk. ... PART 153 - PRIME CREATOR - A NEW PERSPECTIVE Dear Ones: From the beginning of time, I have lovingly overseen the development of our dear Creations, from stars to insects, galaxies to black holes. No particle is too small, no Universe too complex to fall outside the concern and Love of my attending Eye. ... PART 154 - BREAKING TABOOS: SOCIAL DISCLOSURE Today we would like to talk about the ongoing Ascension process. We know you never get tired of updates, especially those which give you some news about the progress toward the uncloaking of ships. Your imaginations are vivid and accurate ... PART 155 - THE HIERARCHY OF HEAVEN IS GOVERNED BY UNIVERSAL LAW Here we are again, and it is the end of a beautiful day on Gaia. It is a beautiful day when it rains, for the plants and animals revel in the cleansing bath and drink deeply of the sustaining water which brings life to all. Birds celebrate in the puddles and sing to one another with the pleasure ... PART 156 - THE ARCTURIANS OFFER HEALING HELP We are the Arcturians. We have come here from our home planet Arcturus to be of assistance to you. We are one of the advanced civilizations which has moved through the Ascension process, much as you are beginning now. We generally reside in the 7th through the 9th dimension, ... PART 157 - LIFE IS A UNIVERSAL LAW Were going to talk about some new things today. We are going to begin to explain to you how this Earth adventure began for all of you, and we will try to show you the background which will explain why your lives here seem so arduous and so arbitrary in several respects. ... PART 158 - A REQUEST OF KATHRYN AND HER READERS Here is what we want you to do. We are going to ask you to wear the mantle of an Ascended Master in your work. It means that you are in training to take your place among the great Masters, ...

PART 159 - HERE COMES THE HANDOFF - GET READY TO CARRY THE BALL There are very exciting things under way. We know that some of you became disinterested in the process of Ascension when it didnt happen as fast as you thought it would, but the energies continued to flow across the planet to all of you, you continue to be awakened to your own talents ... PART 160 - PHASING IN THE GOLDEN AGE You have all decided by now if you are going to join in creating the wave of energy to push the Disclosure and landings into being. You are probably not reading this if you decided to "opt out" because you either don't believe any of this, or you are too noncommittal to do anything ... PART 161 - LEARNING TO BE THE I AM THAT YOU ARE In recent weeks we have varied our schedule of messages to accommodate to the travel schedule and work requirements of our channel. We will now resume our previous schedule, because you like to know which days the messages will be posted. ... PART 162 - BE THE CHANGE, BE THE LIGHT Now, let us resume our teachings to help you all step into the glorious I AM Presence which is your true Being. There are background philosophies and teachings which add to the struggle and have not been quite so pervasive and homogeneous across cultures as they are today. ... PART 163 - A NEW RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD Let's talk about the exciting things that are happening on the planet, things that you may be only subliminally aware of. Yes, it is heating up, as you might say. Groups of individuals who are inclined to be of service have caught fire. ... PART 164 - WE WORK TOGETHER TO BRING YOU HELP Dear Ones, you have an old saying that used to be given to teach beginners to type. It was "Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country." We would change that to men and women. Few people stopped to think about the meaning of those words. We ask you to do so now. ... PART 165 - GALACTIC LOVE, DIVINE LOVE, YOUR LOVE Where shall we begin? We have received many questions, and much is happening on the Planet in the past few days. We will first bring you up to date on an issue we have not discussed in depth here, but which has been circulating on the internet, so we decided to address it. ... PART 166 - THE MASTER PLAN FOR EARTH REVEALED! Dear Ones, life is moving at a breath-taking pace for many of you. Even when things are positive, it can be disconcerting to be moving at lightning speed through your days. The feeling you are having is real. Time has truly speeded up. ... PART 167 - LOVE IS POWER What a remarkable time it is. The energies we are sending have had an enormous effect, even beyond our greatest hopes. We are overjoyed at the outpouring of love and commitment on the part of our energetic Lightworkers, and the rapid response they are getting whenever they set in motion a plan ... PART 168 - ANGER AND SELF-HATRED ARE THE OPPOSITE OF THE I AM PRESENCE Now, Dear Ones, let us continue with yesterday's discussion. We told you about the Big Lie that Love makes you vulnerable. Our response to that idea is that it's nonsense. The opposite is

true: Love makes you powerful, and likely to join with others, which makes you even more powerful. ... PART 169 - WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF YOU WERE FREE Dear Ones, we come to you with help for your weary psyches. It has been a long, difficult path for many of you. You have forged ahead against the tide of skeptics and non-believers, continuing to present and discuss our ideas and our place in your lives ... PART 170 - LIVING YOUR I AM PRESENCE, TOGETHER Dear Ones, things are moving so fast these days, We are all out of breath. It is an exciting time, isn't it? But even with all the positive changes, you probably know some folks who are getting crankier and crankier because our loving energy challenges the emotional settings ... PART 171 - SUMMER SOLSTICE CELEBRATIONS BEGIN Last night was a historic event in our ability to talk with all of you. On Kathryn and Anne DeHart's BlogTalkRadio show, Kathryn channeled Us and four other Masters. It was a glorious celebration of the coming Summer Solstice, this connection between Us and You. ... PART 173 - THE GREAT NOTHING HAPPENED DAY And now it is June 24, 2013, and no announcements of the sort you were expecting have been made. This is true. Yes, we did give you a date. It is exactly what you have both longed for and objected to, and when the result you wanted did not come through, ... PART 174 - THE DAY AFTER THE DAY AFTER - WITH LOVE Well, it is now the day after the day after, and some of you have simmered down a bit after the first wave of outrage when you concluded that we were either evil manipulators or Kathryn was a charlatan. Wrong on both counts, Dear Ones. ... PART 175 - NEW ADVENTURES, INSIDE AND OUT We would like to encourage all who are reading this to take part in the Saturday call at 9 am. Pacific, 12 EDT, with Zorra, hosted by Anne DeHart of the Hollow Earth Network. Our channel Kathryn will be taking over from Zorra's son Zarayah to channel Zorra for the large community of followers who have ... PART 176 - LIFTING ALL BOATS You are feeling the heat, as they say, are you not? The energies on the planet have reached an all-time high, as our high-vibe blast of Love washes over you, and so many of you are rising along with it, you have set a new pace for yourselves which is feeling a bit dizzying. ... PART 177 - REMOVING ALL DARKNESS, INSIDE AND OUT We would like to tell you about some of the goings-on behind the scenes as the cleanup of Planet Earth proceeds. There are issues of which many of you are completely unaware, and they are areas of great concern if the civilization is to move forward in Love and Light. ... PART 178 - BEING THE CHANGE, CREATING THE DREAM You know of course that this is Mother/Father God speaking. Since Kathryn has received questions about this process - how we do it - we will tell you a little bit about it. She is sitting at her computer as we speak into her ear. She types what she hears, correcting during and after for spelling and punctuation. ... PART 179 - FASTING, MEDITATING AND HEALING YOUR WAY TO DISCLOSURE Dear Ones, there are ideas and creative projects blossoming all around you. Your dear Masters Anne and Kathryn are planning a meditation and fast to bring Disclosure to the planet - to be conducted as a group effort, with a BlogTalkRadio connection each day to help the process along

... PART 180 - MEDITATION AND FASTING FOR TRUTH Well, let's start with the Meditation and Fast you are planning. Many read these messages, so we feel it is important that all our readers know how they can join with their fellow Lightworkers in this historic effort. We are delighted at the response to the suggestion last Saturday. ... PART 181 - A CALL TO CREATE PARADISE ON EARTH, TOGETHER Dear Ones, you are doing so well with your fast and meditation, we see thousands of you taking part! What a successful event this is. The Galactic Council has been following the readings which show the increase in light on the planet, and they are impressed with your effectiveness. ... PART 182 - THE LAST CHAPTER Dear Ones, have you all been listening to the BlogTalkRadio shows in addition to reading these messages? If so, you are now aware of the wonderful news we have given to you about the immense changes on the planet. ... PART 183 - DESTINY, COMPLETION AND TRANSCENDENCE The following is a note from Kathryn upon ending the week-long retreat into healing of 3dimensional lifetimes and exploration of higher dimensional purposes, with a group of seven Women of Light, who had all become effective channelers by the end of the week, and who discovered ... PART 184 - LUCIFER'S STORY IN HIS OWN WORDS Here is Lucifer's story, as told by him: Today I begin a new life. I have recently returned from the long journey to the 3- dimensional Earth plane, and have been welcomed back with open arms by my Mother and Father God. ... PART 185 - PRIME CREATOR MAKES AN ANNOUNCEMENT Prime Creator Speaks: My Dear Ones, I do not often speak with you directly, but it is such an extraordinary time that I am taking this opportunity to tell you more about your world, and how important it is that you now concentrate very hard on raising your vibrations, ... PART 186 - GOD'S REVELATION OF OUR DESTINY, OUR PLAN It is a time of monumental change, is it not? You will all be tested in the coming days, whether you wish to believe the messages we are giving you or not. No one will be left out, because this is the triumph you all came here to experience, even if you do not remember the contract you made with us ... PART 187 - PRIME CREATOR ON LEARNING TO USE AND CONTROL OUR "MAGIC POWERS" This is Prime Creator. I wish to keep in close contact with you during these crucial days leading up to your final Ascension. Kathryn has agreed to be available at all times to transcribe these messages for you, and we are grateful for her unquestioning service. ... PART 188 - MOTHER GOD TELLS OF THE REPTILIANS WHO LIVED AMONG AND WITHIN US It is very difficult for us to speak of the dissolution of the Reptilians who did not agree to come to the Light, to come back Home to us. They were our children, all, and we loved them with all our hearts. ...

PART 189 - MOTHER/FATHER GOD'S PREDICTIONS FOR 2014 (FOR THE SEDONA JOURNAL) We foresee a dramatic and revolutionary shift for Planet Earth in 2014, the likes of which have never been seen before on the planet. Humankind will rise to new heights because of the new freedom from poverty and want which the Prosperity Funds will make possible. ...

Part 1: Editing With Hemingway I can't explain what follows - this channeled information. Nothing in my training or upbringing explains what I have learned and experienced. It's not the sort of thing I'm used to writing about for all the world to read. I had traditional training as a psychologist, have always been interested in science, and never felt an affinity with any particular religion. In fact, the negative effect of dogmatic organized religion is one of the things I discussed in my book. The stories I will tell and the experiences I describe are based on what I know because it happened to me, not based in any belief system. It is simply my story, the things I have seen and felt. I have no explanation for what I describe here, except that I have spent 40 years working to be clear, and to operate in the center of my brain, as I have taught under the title of Visual Centering. I have described the technique in Chapter 7 of the book, and explained why it can create powerful and permanent change. It has opened my mind and my heart to empathy and communication in a new way. For the last 10 years or so, I have been increasingly aware of my own psychic abilities, which I had abandoned as a teenager out of fear of being "different." Ideas, images, whole sentences and lines of music come into my mind with no previous thought on my part, as if I have walked into a room and hear a conversation addressed to me. I became used to experiencing this and used it when I was working with therapy clients. I would frequently be given information about family issues, the client's hopes and dreams, or especially the emotional obstacles that hold them back. All this proved to be astonishingly accurate and helpful. It would often be accompanied by a "whoosh" - an electrical charge that ripples through my body, like a shiver, but without the cold. I learned to interpret it as "Yes!" an affirmation that I was on the right track. I began exploring psychic phenomena, took part in channeling sessions with a medium who introduced me to conversations with my own spirit guides - the best teachers - and I began a warmly cooperative relationship with Joey the psychic, who also put me in touch with my mother, a remarkably healing adventure I described in the book in chapter called "Awakening." Over the years, the experience of contact with Spirit entities gradually came to feel less weird and more matter-of fact, even commonplace. About a year and a half ago, as I was spending many hours at my desk editing and re-writing my book, "Who Needs Light," I experienced a huge shift in the kind of information I was receiving. My computer acted as if it had a mind of its own. I would return from a break to find small circles marking passages that I could see needed to be expanded upon or rewritten. Whole phrases and sentences would pop into my mind as I sat down to write. Increasingly, I found that when I tried to do the final formatting, lines would move around, titles would be underlined, and editing marks would appear. At first, I struggled to make it stop. I wanted to be done, but wasn't able to finalize anything. It was alternately amazed and infuriated. What was happening? At first I thought it was my old computer acting up, but when editing marks appeared, and words would disappear the instant after I typed them, I began to suspect some kind of weird other-worldly intervention.

Finally I stopped, pushed back my chair and said, "All right. Who's messing with my computer?" I heard a voice, as clear as if it was someone in the room with me, say, "Hemingway." "What? As in Ernest?" "Yes, it's Ernie." I sensed other presences in the room. "Are you my editing committee?" "Yes." "And you can make my computer act like that?" "Yes, I thought you'd never ask." "Okay, show me how you do that." I typed a line. The last word vanished. I typed it again. It vanished again, and again. "Okay, I can use your help." Henceforth, Ernie took charge of shortening my sentences, among other things. I had read about the White Brotherhood (as in light, not skin color), in the writings of Machaelle Wright, whose work with nature spirits has become a ground-breaking guide for gardeners and natural healers. I knew the White Brotherhood as a group of spirit guides who are there for medical help, but I hadn't been aware of other groups. I was told that the Hemingway group were assigned to help me, and yes, they were from the White Brotherhood. At that point, I decided to relax and enjoy the ride. I was delighted to find that the group included Frieda and Eric Fromm, Emily Bronte, and later, e.e. cummings, who helped with the poems. What followed was an arduous but frequently hilarious project which became an intimate collaboration. I always kept final editing authority about how things would be written, but there was not a line or a chapter that wasn't commented upon or guided by my committee. I was always amazed to find that I could hear, sometimes distinctly, as when they underlined a chapter title and gave me a suggestion for a new one. Other times, the communication seemed vague or garbled, like a bad cell phone connection. Eventually, Amos, my mentor and friend who had developed and taught me the Visual Centering techniques, and who had passed eight years earlier, became my constant companion in the writing process and throughout the days in between. I felt as though I had become a member of a large and loving family - one that challenged me, prodded me, and then comforted me when I was tired or frustrated. Frequently, our conversations continued long into the night, even as I slept, or during quiet times as I walked my dog. I asked questions about where they were (Gaia), whether they could see in the dark (no), whether they could hear my thoughts (yes), whether they could smell the flowers (yes), if they ever slept (no), if they missed being in a body (no), and what their hopes and dreams were (all positive and loving). As our relationship grew, I began to feel great affection for those beings who were helping me (and frequently giving me a hard time). Every time I thought I was nearing the end, I would be given another assignment, like "Now you must rewrite all the poems so that they rhyme," "But Walt Whitman didn't rhyme his poems!" "You're not Walt Whitman." "Okay, okay, I'll do it, but it will take months..." "It doesn't matter. It will be a better book." Or "There is another chapter you need to include," and the chapter called "The Christ We Never Knew" was dictated to me. It appears verbatim, as I received it. Although I had accepted this strange and fascinating adventure, I still sometimes had a wave of incredulity, "Am I imagining things? Is this all a dream?" Then I would remember an idea or a line from a poem and accept that those bits definitely didn't come from my imagination. I was often astonished, confused, or annoyed by their constant interventions, especially when I was awaked from a deep sleep with a new idea or song playing loudly in my head. Sometimes it would leave me laughing out loud, or bring me to tears, as when they began playing, "Yoooou

send me, Darlin, yooooou send me, honest you do, honest you do....Whoooawohoooh...." It was a song I hadn't heard in years, and was definitely not a part of my humming repertoire, but there it was, washing over me like a wave of unconditional love. I had never felt so tickled, or so utterly affirmed. Eventually, I talked with my spirit guides about the possibility of opening my channels so that I could hear better. I wanted to be able to carry on our conversations without the static or missed communications, and I offered to use the abilities only in the service of others. I was told it was possible, that I could be given clearer reception, that very night. What ensued was an astonishing neurological process which required weeks of healing and hard work on my part, but which resulted in a deep and clear connection with what I think of as "the other side." My learning process continues. I am learning how to talk about the things I have seen and heard, without fear of being seen as some sort of freak. There seem to be many others in recent years who are developing psychic powers, and who are willing to talk about their experiences. Wayne Dyer and John Kabat-Zinn, among others, have brought spirituality and science to the world in practical new forms. Scientists, especially physicists on the forefront, are affirming the presence of what they sometimes call "the God particle," and people from all persuasions are beginning to be curious about our connections to a Higher Power, and to those loved ones who have left this physical realm but who seem to be still a presence in our lives. Since I was given the gift of insatiable curiosity, I pursue these new forms of knowledge like a dog after a bone, and each time I affirm my wish to be of service, I am given new assignments and surprising information. During recent weeks, I have been aware that the clamor of voices has gradually dimmed, and my questions are met with silence. At the same time, I feel an increase in what I have always thought of as "intuition" - a sense of just knowing what I need to do, where I need to go, and what to say. I have felt physical symptoms, like a jab in my side, or a sudden muscle cramp, accompanied by a wave of warmth and love that I can only describe as a love-blast. Last week, I was awakened during the night with a screaming pain in my second right toe. It is a place that has occasionally ached in an irritated-nerve way after driving a long time, or wearing the wrong shoes, but it has never been painful. This night the pain was constant and unavoidable. At the same time, I became aware of a conversation going on in my brain, completely in French. I resisted awakening - I wanted to sleep! - but the pain became excruciating. I dragged myself out of bed and got a pen and paper and began writing down what I heard. It began, "Je suis que je suis. (I am that I am), and again, "Je suis que je suis." And now I will discontinue my story in order to find a friend or a way to write French words on my computer so that I can translate for you what I heard, and why it was given to me in French (not my first language, by any means).

Part 2: God's Message to Emily In the previous posting I promised the translation of a message that was given to me in French. It follows here, a direct translation from the message that was dictated to me in the middle of the night, when God pinched my toe to wake me up. In it God makes a reference to the encounter with Moses, when God tells Moses to go to Egypt and lead his people to safety. But Moses, feeling unsure about how to get the people to follow him, asks who he should say sent him. God says to tell them he is "I am that I am." At the end of this part of the message, God also had a message for me. I was told to go with his love, and to go out and tell all the world what I have heard, and what I know. Here is the message to my friend, and to all of us: Ecoute-moi que tu peux crois. Listen to me, that you may believe. Je suis que je suis. I am that I am. Ta maman est ici avec moi. Elle envoie de l'amour sa petite Emmie qui ne croie pas. Your mama is here with me. She sends love to her little Emmie who doesn't believe. Je suis Makarta. Makarta est malheureuse que tu penses qu'elle n'existe pas. (Makarta was a channeled spirit whom Emily had spoken with.) I am Makarta. Makarta is unhappy that you think she doesn't exist. Tu est satisfaite de toi, mais tu aimes ceux qui sont difficile aimer. C'est pour cela je te commend. Merci. (Three names of friends and lovers as examples). You are self-satisfied, but you love those who are difficult to love. For that I commend you. Thank you. Souviens-toi de tout. Quand tu voies une sourie, c'est moi. Quand tu voies un grand oiseau prdateur, (l'aigle), c'est moi. Le vent, c'est moi, et le soleil, c'est moi. Remember this. When you see a mouse, that's me. When you see a great bird of prey, the eagle, thats me. The wind, that's me, and the sun, that is me. Makarta est malheureuse que tu doutes. Tu connais Makarta, et encore tu protestes. J'envoie du succs, tu ne croies pas. J'envoie des dsastres, tu ne croies pas. Tes yeux sont ferms et tu souffres de ccit. Makarta is unhappy that you doubt. You know Makarta, and still you protest. I send success, you don't believe. I send disaster, you don't believe. Your eyes are closed and you suffer blindness. Je suis que je suis. I am that I am

Moses m'a vu dans le dsert. (I see vision of burning bush, Moses). Moses saw me in the desert. Ta mre me voit dans tes yeux. Pourquoi pas toi? (I feel sadness in my eyes.) Your mother saw me in your eyes. Why don't you? Souviens: La souris, c'est moi, l'agneau, c'est moi. Le poulet, c'est moi, la fourmi (I see an ant) et le grain de sable, c'est moi. Le dard de l'insecte, c'est moi. Et encore tu te refuses croire. Remember: The mouse, that's me, the lamb, that's me, the chicken, that's me, the ant, that's me, and the grain of sand, that's me. The bite of the insect, that's me. And still you refuse to believe. (My dog is howling softly in his sleep. He just learned this skill a few days ago.) Le petit chien chante pendant son sommeil; il me voie. The little dog sings in his sleep; he sees me. Je pince Kathryn qu'elle se soulve. Ecoutes-moi: je vais te pincer aussi. I pinch Kathryn so that she will rise up (elevate herself). Listen to me: I'm going to pinch you too. Ton frre n'aime pas parce qu'il pense que ton pre - le non-amour de ton pre - c'est l'amour. Tu sais mieux que ca. Your brother doesn't love because he thinks that your father - the non-love of your father - that's love. You know better than that. Arrtes l'angoisse, l'anxit. Stop worrying; stop the anxiety. Je te soutiens. Tu peux m'elever dans ta vie, dans tes penses. I sustain you. You can elevate me in your life, in your thoughts. Continues avec amour ou souffrance. C'est ton choix. La joie, c'est moi. Go with love, or with suffering. It is your choice. Joy, that is me. Mes enfants, acceptez mes cadeaux, que vous soyez joyeux. My children, accept my gifts, so that you will be joyful. C'est tout. C'est moi. C'est tout. C'est moi. That's all. That's me.

Part 3: Ascension Preparations I have been given an important channeled message to share with all of you. I was awakened in the middle of the night, again with the usual pain in my toe, and wrote down what I heard. I have sent it in its entirety here. Please read carefully - the words are chosen with care to explain clearly what is to come.If you wish to send questions or comments, please do. It began: "I have something to tell you. There will be an important event in 2012. Soon. The heavens will open to welcome all Earth beings (humans and creatures of all kinds). Some have called it Ascension. It will be an opportunity for all the people of Earth to elevate to a higher plane of consciousness. This does not mean death, or the transition to other dimensions that your kind has experienced in the past at the moment of leaving their Earth bodies and rejoining me. This will be a transition which will involve moving through the veil of time and space to a higher dimension. It will not take place in an instant or an hour. It will be more gradual than that, to give everyone time to make the choice to ascend of their own free will. It will be a joyful event, with whole families, or even whole communities making the transition together. I am asking you to begin preparing your friends neighbors and especially your clients and people who read your website articles, for this event. You may post this letter I am dictating to you, and others I will give you in the coming weeks. I am that I am. I am the one you have known as God, Jehovah, Allah, Yahweh. It is my wish that every soul on planet Earth be included in the ascension. I understand that there will be those who are frightened or reluctant to make any shift to something that is unknown to them, but if they refuse, they will miss the historic galactic moment - the opportunity to join all their own kind in a momentous transition to a higher level of experience. You will remain in your bodies but you will experience an exhilaration and lightness of the sort few of you have ever experienced before. You, Kathryn, have practiced with me and the spirit friends I have created for you. You have traveled with me across the Universe and felt the lightness and exhilaration and wonder of seeing the heavens as I do. You will be able to prepare people for their experience of Ascension. When the time comes, I will be there with you, with all the Earth beings, and with the one you call Mother Earth herself. All willing beings will move gently: There will be no thunder or lightening, no End of theWorld chaos and destruction as your movies have portrayed. Parts of

your material world will make the transition with you - those objects and creations which have been created in Light will move with you to the higher plane. You want examples, Kathryn. Your book, which I encouraged - no, commissioned you to write and others I have had a hand in creating, and yes, those structures which bring pleasure and spiritual substance to people will remain in some form. Your gardens and foests, rivers and oceans will continue to exist to sustain your bodies, which will continue to need some of the nutrition you currently need, although there will be major changes there. The dark elements of your culture and your lives will be left behind. The levels of material greed and selfishness will become more and more difficult to sustain and will drop away as you elevate together toward a more loving experience of being together without the artificial differences you have previously imposed on yourselves and each other. Wealth as you have previously known it will cease to exist, although commerce and trade will continue, it will exist for the greater good, not for the profit of the few as you have seen more and more in recent years in America and in the other so-called developing countries. Money and other financial currencies as you have known them will no longer exist. I am doing this now to spare you the apocalypse you have designed into your economic and environmental systems. As many of you have known, your so-called progress has poisoned your planet to the point where she can no longer continue to struggle alone against your destructive tendencies to expand, consume and overpopulate, and to poison your air, water and food with monstrously abnormal substances, which you all ingest against my will and my original plan for your healthy existence on Earth. I am especially concerned about the tendency of those in power in recent years who try to impose their misconceived religious views and prejudices, which they attribute to me. I especially decry the tendency to require young women to marry against their will or to have children whom they are not prepared or ready to raise. It has caused me to have to encourage willing souls to join with those developing fetuses, when the period of gestation nears completion, to sacrifice themselves to lives as unwanted or traumatized children. It is not my wish that any woman or man be forced to raise a child. It is a sacred endeavor, intended to be accepted with an open heart and a loving family's support, not with dread or resentment. I care for all souls, here with me and there on Earth, and it is not my way to force painful duties of parenting upon my dear children when they are not ready or willing to do so. It is also not my way to disapprove of or discourage any sexual activity or orientation which is intended to bring pleasure and joy to the participants. It is my gift to you, this pleasure of the body, which I bestow freely, to men and women alike, without conditions. I wish for you to enjoy these gifts without guilt or judgment. You are not alone in the Multiverse. At this time, beings of similar for (human, and similar beings), have gathered around your planet to help me and to aid you in every way they can. There are visible in the skies from time to time many ships of varying sizes, bringing many

beings who wish to take part in this Earth ascension, which will have a rippling effect throughout the galaxies and many planets and Universes beyond your current technology to detect. This will be a unique event in the history of the Multiverse, unlike any before it. I do not wish to discuss what provisions have been made for those reluctant souls who may choose not to ascend with us. It is my hope that all will choose to transition in the spirit of love and Light to join the new community in which all souls will take their rightful places in love and light, a shared community of equal and free beings. This will require no thought or preparation for the other species of flora and fauna of your planet. They are well prepared because of thier natures to follow me into a new level of existence. It will be as breathing for them, and for those of you who hae lived lives in love and service to others. You have a sweet child's song which stirs the heart deeply when children sing it: "Jesus wants me for a sunbeam, to shine for him each day..." Yes, Jesus was my representation on your planet, as were many others over the centuries, including Buddha, Mohammed, many of your prophets and saints, and also many unknown to you at this time. All have brought my message of love. Be aware: There is no difference between them, no one religion which teaches my word in a way that is true to my intentions. I have tried to teach you unconditional love. That is my way. I do not wish to judge or punish, as you do with each other. That is not my way. I come in peace, as do my legions of angels, (who, by the way, are very skillful at handling their fleets of space ships). There will be many beings here on Earth in the coming weeks and months to help you make the transition, leaving behind many of the ways you have become accustomed to as you move to a higher vibrational level. Do not cling, with anxiety and fear, to what you have known. Especially do not cling to what you have accumulated in piles of what you call wealth. It is meaningless. Only those beings and elements which contain the essence and the vibration of love will ascend. You will need nothing more. Be prepared to be free of the troublesome elements of your cultures which have fostered hatred and divisiveness. These will drop away and become useless. Open your hearts and minds to accept my gifts. Look to your own essence - your sacred life force - to guide you. We are all connected. We are one, in love. Turn to your neighbors, your friends, and especially to the children. Show them by example that you are made of the spirit of light - my essence - and that you are ready and joyful and willing to move, hand in hand, heart joined to heart, to a higher level of existence. I will become more visible to you, as I already have to many. You are my own. I love you one and all. In your transition you will come closer to me. I embrace you, as I do all the souls who will elevate from their present state to a higher level - those who are there on Earth with you, and those in other dimensions and levels of growth. All will ascend, moving closer to a joining - a great expansion of love.

I do not wish to scandalize you with my analogy, but I believe it is something you will grasp most easily: I have given you the ability to experience what you call orgasms within the experience of love. That elevation of the senses and joy of the body has prepared you for the coming event, which I have thought of in amused moments as a Cosmic Orgasm. Prepare with a light heart to experience the wonderful expansion of love which is to come. I will send you my messages of love through this channel and others as seems helpful or necessary. Go in peace, live in love. I am that I am. Je suis que je suis." Part 4: Planning for Ascension Again, I awoke with a shooting pain in my toe. I heard the now-familiar: "I have something to tell you. I know this is hard on your sleep. I thank you for this." Here is the message I received, exactly as it was dictated to me: "Do not dismiss these words which come to your electronic mailboxes along with the deluge of other trivial distractions. Put down your distractions and read my words carefully. I send you these messages with love, to prepare you for the coming events. Those who are receiving this, please share it with everyone on your mailing lists. This message will also be recorded on Kathryn's website. Awake, my dear ones. I have important and joyful news for you. There will be a gathering of souls from many places in the Multiverse. I invite you, Kathryn, to attend so that you can report back to your circle of friends and followers. The meeting will take place tomorrow night at midnight. I will take you there. You will be asked to contribute to the discussion because of your knowledge of Earthling psychology, in the planning phases of preparing your people for the coming event. You will know what to do when you get there. The gathering will be held in a place that is unfamiliar to you, so I will show you the way. You will take notes to bring back and share with your readers so that they too will be included in the planning stages. They may comment or make suggestions or ask questions. We will answer as we can, although full disclosure of the planning and of the help you are getting from other beings may not be possible yet. As you know, your governments can be very warlike and inclined to attack if they detect my legion of helpers and Lightworkers. You are aware of the brutal attack in Roswell, New Mexico, which your government denies to this day. I would ask your President to announce, as the British government has already done, that the years of evidence concerning UFO's has shown that there is no danger from them. They are here to help you, and to be a tremendous source of information

about technological advances which will greatly improve your lives in a way that will not endanger your planet, as your very primitive technologies do now. Details will be revealed to all who are in a position to help because of their technical training and expertise when the time comes. My legions stand ready to teach Earth scientists and engineers technologies which will assure free and clean energy sources for all your citizens. The question remains when they will be allowed by powerful profit-oriented business leaders to do so. You are aware of the anxiety and disruption to the emotional state of some of your humans at this time. Some respond with levels of individual violence in a way that has been previously less intense. The massive availability and interest in personal weaponry in your American culture makes your country a very dangerous place at this time. My workers have already begun to intervene where they can to minimize the damage, although they cannot prevent all the violence your citizens indulge in. It will become necessary for psychologists like you and your other mental health workers to begin to reassure and calm those individuals who have been isolated and alienated in their lives. The efforts must extend to neighbors and family members, teachers and other helpers. I do not mean to encourage the first line of approach to these problems you have used in the past. The tendency to give powerful drugs which interfere with brain functioning and judgment have been a large part of the problem. Your so-called anti-depression and anti-anxiety drugs are extremely dangerous in their effects on your people, often causing the rise of homicides and suicides in your population. It is a volatile combination: weapons and unbalanced citizens. Work together, all of you, to reestablish friendly connections to your neighbors, especially those who have been effected by the economic upheavals. Help to create a feeling of security rather than fighting each other for the resources which are, in some cases, diminishing. This is a complex issue, made worse by the efforts of the powerful few to hoard and control. You are surrounded by abundance. You only need to learn to share and distribute the abundance more fairly. Learn charity rather than judgment. Practice generosity and service to others rather than developing grander schemes to deprive the already struggling poor of your planet. I do not wish for any of my children to go hungry or be left alone in their difficulties. Poverty is a human creation, brought on by practices and attitudes of greed and arrogance. I have provided for you all to live in abundance, if you were to use your creative powers and imaginations toward solving these problems rather than making them worse. You have a tendency to blame and deprive those souls who have, in their individual contracts with me, agreed to take on lives in which they will be presented with great challenges, facing the prejudices and judgment of your religions and cultures. Look to these people in wonder and compassion rather than blame. They are often the more courageous and daring among you. Do not be fooled by their outward appearances. Those souls who have volunteered to be tested by poverty, abuse and disability will be the ones who can be resilient visionaries in the coming weeks and months. Their transition will be easier than the ones who have invested in the accumulation of material comforts and economic power over others.

Fear, doubt and reluctance will arise in those whose thinking has become rigid and inflexible, either by economic privilege or by orthodox religious training. Look to yourselves to ease your grip on the ideas and beliefs you are sure of - the rules and regulations by which you and others would be controlled. I have dictated the book "Who Needs Light?" to Kathryn as a manual for preparing for your transition. I assure you that this "plug" for the book was inserted in spite of her misgivings. I consider it my book as much as it is hers. It is now time for me to reveal that the one called "Hemingway" with whom Kathryn was persuaded to collaborate, was me (with Ernie's blessing). I created you all to be imaginative, creative and loving beings. Do not be fooled by your cultural or religious training to think that humans require punishment and restriction as a general practice. These attitudes have created rather than prevented the dissension and division you suffer from now. With an open heart, manage with care and compassion your inclinations to be fearful and judgmental. These feelings lead you to try to develop and enforce restrictions on each other. Do not succumb to anxiety and fear. Open your minds to the glorious pleasures I have in store for you. Share rather than hoarding and protecting your wealth and your supplies. I will continue to provide for your needs. Acknowledge my Universal Law of Flow, as Kathryn has described in our book. You will create further abundance and good will by every act of sharing, kindness, compassion and service to others. Join in the heart-expanding gatherings of Lightworkers who are already preparing for the joyful Ascendance to a higher plane of existence. Do not be distracted by your traditional obsessions with working and earning. It has deprived you of the joys of being together in love and community. Look to your artists, your poets and musicians for comfort and guidance. You are on the verge of a new era in which you will experience a blossoming of creativity and joy. Each of you can do your part to move this flowering forward. Involve yourselves in creating beauty for those around you - not just in your private places, your isolated dens where you hide from each other. Reach out to create beauty all around you, in the spirit of sharing your abundance. You will reap unimaginable rewards in spirit and peace of mind. Those of you who have learned meditation and other calming practices will benefit from the ability to expand your minds and manage your emotions. Send me your prayers and your fears. I am listening to you, each and every one. Go in love, I Am That I Am."

Part 4: Planning for Ascension Again, I awoke with a shooting pain in my toe. I heard the now-familiar: "I have something to tell you. I know this is hard on your sleep. I thank you for this." Here is the message I received, exactly as it was dictated to me: "Do not dismiss these words which come to your electronic mailboxes along with the deluge of other trivial distractions. Put down your distractions and read my words carefully. I send you these messages with love, to prepare you for the coming events. Those who are receiving this, please share it with everyone on your mailing lists. This message will also be recorded on Kathryn's website. Awake, my dear ones. I have important and joyful news for you. There will be a gathering of souls from many places in the Multiverse. I invite you, Kathryn, to attend so that you can report back to your circle of friends and followers. The meeting will take place tomorrow night at midnight. I will take you there. You will be asked to contribute to the discussion because of your knowledge of Earthling psychology, in the planning phases of preparing your people for the coming event. You will know what to do when you get there. The gathering will be held in a place that is unfamiliar to you, so I will show you the way. You will take notes to bring back and share with your readers so that they too will be included in the planning stages. They may comment or make suggestions or ask questions. We will answer as we can, although full disclosure of the planning and of the help you are getting from other beings may not be possible yet. As you know, your governments can be very warlike and inclined to attack if they detect my legion of helpers and Lightworkers. You are aware of the brutal attack in Roswell, New Mexico, which your government denies to this day. I would ask your President to announce, as the British government has already done, that the years of evidence concerning UFO's has shown that there is no danger from them. They are here to help you, and to be a tremendous source of information about technological advances which will greatly improve your lives in a way that will not endanger your planet, as your very primitive technologies do now. Details will be revealed to all who are in a position to help because of their technical training and expertise when the time comes. My legions stand ready to teach Earth scientists and engineers technologies which will assure free and clean energy sources for all your citizens. The question remains when they will be allowed by powerful profit-oriented business leaders to do so. You are aware of the anxiety and disruption to the emotional state of some of your humans at this time. Some respond with levels of individual violence in a way that has been previously less intense. The massive availability and interest in personal weaponry in your American culture makes your country a very dangerous place at this time. My workers have already begun to intervene where they can to minimize the damage, although they cannot prevent all the violence

your citizens indulge in. It will become necessary for psychologists like you and your other mental health workers to begin to reassure and calm those individuals who have been isolated and alienated in their lives. The efforts must extend to neighbors and family members, teachers and other helpers. I do not mean to encourage the first line of approach to these problems you have used in the past. The tendency to give powerful drugs which interfere with brain functioning and judgment have been a large part of the problem. Your so-called anti-depression and anti-anxiety drugs are extremely dangerous in their effects on your people, often causing the rise of homicides and suicides in your population. It is a volatile combination: weapons and unbalanced citizens. Work together, all of you, to reestablish friendly connections to your neighbors, especially those who have been effected by the economic upheavals. Help to create a feeling of security rather than fighting each other for the resources which are, in some cases, diminishing. This is a complex issue, made worse by the efforts of the powerful few to hoard and control. You are surrounded by abundance. You only need to learn to share and distribute the abundance more fairly. Learn charity rather than judgment. Practice generosity and service to others rather than developing grander schemes to deprive the already struggling poor of your planet. I do not wish for any of my children to go hungry or be left alone in their difficulties. Poverty is a human creation, brought on by practices and attitudes of greed and arrogance. I have provided for you all to live in abundance, if you were to use your creative powers and imaginations toward solving these problems rather than making them worse. You have a tendency to blame and deprive those souls who have, in their individual contracts with me, agreed to take on lives in which they will be presented with great challenges, facing the prejudices and judgment of your religions and cultures. Look to these people in wonder and compassion rather than blame. They are often the more courageous and daring among you. Do not be fooled by their outward appearances. Those souls who have volunteered to be tested by poverty, abuse and disability will be the ones who can be resilient visionaries in the coming weeks and months. Their transition will be easier than the ones who have invested in the accumulation of material comforts and economic power over others. Fear, doubt and reluctance will arise in those whose thinking has become rigid and inflexible, either by economic privilege or by orthodox religious training. Look to yourselves to ease your grip on the ideas and beliefs you are sure of - the rules and regulations by which you and others would be controlled. I have dictated the book "Who Needs Light?" to Kathryn as a manual for preparing for your transition. I assure you that this "plug" for the book was inserted in spite of her misgivings. I consider it my book as much as it is hers. It is now time for me to reveal that the one called "Hemingway" with whom Kathryn was persuaded to collaborate, was me (with Ernie's blessing). I created you all to be imaginative, creative and loving beings. Do not be fooled by your cultural or religious training to think that humans require punishment and restriction as a general practice. These attitudes have created rather than prevented the dissension and division you

suffer from now. With an open heart, manage with care and compassion your inclinations to be fearful and judgmental. These feelings lead you to try to develop and enforce restrictions on each other. Do not succumb to anxiety and fear. Open your minds to the glorious pleasures I have in store for you. Share rather than hoarding and protecting your wealth and your supplies. I will continue to provide for your needs. Acknowledge my Universal Law of Flow, as Kathryn has described in our book. You will create further abundance and good will by every act of sharing, kindness, compassion and service to others. Join in the heart-expanding gatherings of Lightworkers who are already preparing for the joyful Ascendance to a higher plane of existence. Do not be distracted by your traditional obsessions with working and earning. It has deprived you of the joys of being together in love and community. Look to your artists, your poets and musicians for comfort and guidance. You are on the verge of a new era in which you will experience a blossoming of creativity and joy. Each of you can do your part to move this flowering forward. Involve yourselves in creating beauty for those around you - not just in your private places, your isolated dens where you hide from each other. Reach out to create beauty all around you, in the spirit of sharing your abundance. You will reap unimaginable rewards in spirit and peace of mind. Those of you who have learned meditation and other calming practices will benefit from the ability to expand your minds and manage your emotions. Send me your prayers and your fears. I am listening to you, each and every one. Go in love, I Am That I Am."

Part 5: Meeting with Ashtar "Greetings. I am Ashtar, Supreme Commander of the Starship Fleet of the Galactic Federation of Light. Welcome. I am glad to have Earthling Lightworkers to consult with us. Because we are used to living in the Fifth dimension and beyond, it is inconceivable that any beings would choose to ignore or refuse our invitation to ascend; however, preliminary results seem to suggest otherwise. It appears that we will have to present a pretty good argument if we are to get the attention of Earth beings and convince them this is real - not some kind of hoax or joke. We are all optimistic, but I'm afraid our optimism has blinded us to the extent to which Earthlings, especially those in Western cultures, tend to resist change. We have with us a few of the channels who have been working with us to spread the news. Thank you for coming. Meetings with others are ongoing as well. We thank you all for allowing us to send our message to more people every week. Politically, we are working with some who have access to the President of the U.S. to try to get him to announce a no-aggression policy toward UFO's (us!). We are hopeful about making contact soon through his aides or the First Lady, who is most open. On the spiritual front, leaders of the religious communities of the planet are proving to be what is called a mixed bag. In general, it is difficult for them to make the leap from what they have been taught about this Earth time to the reality of it. There are many misconceptions which have generated a great deal of fear - first among them the assumption that Ascension means death for large numbers of people, and the strong beliefs that a process of judgment and punishment will decide who is to ascend and who is not. Although these are extremely unpleasant ideas, many seem to show a great attachment to them, along with the apparent glee they feel at the conviction, which we see as arrogant and ego-based, that they will be chosen, and others denied, simply because they declare a belief in Jesus as their "Savior," regardless of their behavior or the absence of love in their hearts for their fellow humans and other precious creatures on the planet. Now we would like to publicly take part in a dialogue with our "boots on the ground." We have invited two psychologists to help us understand how to proceed most effectively to "spread the word." Both are on board with us, and have already begun disseminating some of our information. Also a staunch early advocate for Ascension understanding, David Wilcock, who has been doing an effective job of teaching information about the upcoming event. It is most convenient to have you here together. We have other talented and helpful channels among our Lightworkers, but many of them have tended to work with people who come to them because of their professed belief in the Ascension process and understand the value of channeled information. They are therefore more used to experiencing a relatively open audience, and have been very good at expanding that audience. Dr. May has recently been experimenting with introducing these ideas to people who, in many cases, are entirely new to them. The responses she has met with have brought our attention to the

need to find a way to circumvent the resistance of those who are being approached initially. I will ask each of you to report on your experiences. Let us begin with Mr. Wilcock, who has the longest history of working to present these ideas about Ascension and what it will mean to the planet. What was your experience, especially in the beginning, when you began teaching that Ascension would be a positive event? Wilcock: Mostly, people just thought I was crazy. It helped that I was compared to Edgar Casey early on. It gave people a context to feel more comfortable with channeling, and with some of the ideas he had begun to discuss. But still, mostly people wanted to argue with me to convince me that we were approaching an Apocalypse, not a transition. They wanted to believe in the end of the world disaster scenarios. Since my beliefs have become more well known, I see more people who accept my approach, but in almost every workshop there are people who ask the old question: "You mean the bad people will be allowed to ascend too? Isn't there a different place for them where they will be punished? I have seen a clear picture of the positive elements people in large groups moving together. Perhaps here with you I can fill in some of the details the links between the scientific work I have been doing all along and the Ascension. I still get some pretty passionate - well, insulting, responses from people. Often personal attacks I try to just answer them in a general way, with a lot of scientific back-up. Sometimes that gets through. I'm here to learn more about that if possible. Ashtar: Thank you, dear David, for your long years of work which have led you to this moment with us, and yes, further information will be available to you as it becomes possible for us to share in technological advances. You will be in a position to teach as you have already begun to do, although we would ask that you hold off on that just yet. Thank you. Our dear Drunvalo Melchizedek will also be working with us on the organizational efforts with indigenous cultures, who are already preparing for the glorious moment. Our legions of dedicated workers is growing around the globe. Now, Dr. Kathryn, as you call yourself, can you give us an idea of what you have experienced so far? Kathryn: Yes, thank you for inviting me. I have been a bit surprised by the response from the majority of those I have read the channeled information to. Generally, when I begin, there is one of two responses: I either see the person's eyes glitter with delight and recognition - about 20-30 percent of them - or the others seem to struggle to be polite, but clearly shut down. They show suspicion, even fear in their eyes, and those people often respond with statements like, "That's your opinion. I don't agree" or, "I'm not on board with that. I already have my plans, and I'm not ready to give them up." Often, these so-called skeptics seem not to have heard many of the reassurances, like the clear explanation that this is not a death or a loss of any kind.

I have recently found it is more effective to explain that this process is really about Earth Mother's spiritual path, and we are being invited to ascend with her. Most people otherwise assume that we will be going somewhere else - to a different place than we have known. I believe it is crucial to reassure everyone about that. We Earthlings tend to be very attached to our present Earth lives. People are inclined to think first about their own safety, their physical comfort, their family and friends, and their ability to continue living out their life as they know it. When they are presented with the idea that they will not transcend alone, and perhaps there could be no mosquitoes, or other positive changes in the prevalence of disease and discomfort, they become a bit more interested. Fear of not having enough, anxieties about retribution, or Gods presumed tendency to be ferociously punitive by way of floods, pestilence and other disasters - prevents some people from hearing the positive message, sometimes entirely. Some people freeze at the first mention of what they assume will be an attack on their religious beliefs, or lack of them. Of course, there's always the possibility that they think I'm stark raving mad. Perhaps a more familiar approach - first "selling" them on the idea that the future ascension will bring greater security, more sex, plenty of food, and fewer shootings will break through the normal tendency to assume that any change will deprive them of their freedom and their comforts. We must first reassure people before we can even begin to talk about spiritual expansion. It helps to at least break the psychological ice. These are just preliminary observations. Ashtar: Thank you, Kathryn. I can see it is difficult for all of you to remain with us for this extended period of time. We will continue at our next meeting. Thank you. Go in peace, with our love and gratitude. Namaste."

Part 6: Preparing Yourself "There is a place in your hearts where you know that the words you are reading are true. Go to that place. Live there. Your actions and your thoughts will change. You will be enveloped in a warm glow of love, in fact, you will feel the wonderful feeling of being in love, with yourself, with the people around you, with children, and with all of Nature. This is the normal feeling tone which I intended for all of you, before you were overcome by anxiety and fear of want, fear of each other. Breathe into the center of your brain, as Kathryn teaches, and as many forms of yoga, among other traditions, teaches. There in the center of your brain is the portal through which you can travel when you ascend to higher dimensions. Those of you who are reading this can practice elevating yourselves so that you will be in the state of bliss and inner peace long before the time comes to ascend. Learn this practice, and you will be ready to help others to make the transition. I am asking Kathryn to make a video which she can post on the internet to teach these techniques, so they will be available free for everyone. She will ask for volunteers to demonstrate the Visual Centering technique. It does not matter if the film is not a well-crafted documentary, as she had originally planned. The demonstration video will be helpful and requires less time, and can be posted as it is made. It is a technique she has been taught over a period of 40 years, and is unique in its effectiveness to help individuals reach their optimal functioning, which our Maslow called "peak performance." Practice every day and you will find yourselves changing rapidly. Now, I have other news for you. Our meetings continue; gatherings of beings from great distances continue to plan ways to provide you with new technologies as well as artistic inspiration. Numbers of you have already been identified to help us with disseminating these ideas. You will be tapped on the shoulder, either sleeping or waking, and will find yourselves suddenly brimming with excitement and knowledge - what you recognize as a light-bulb effect in your minds. Be prepared to share these ideas freely, without claiming private ownership. This is for the good of the whole, not for individual profit. Those technologies which will require some manufacturing will be given to those in the position to create them. Be prepared to resist the temptation in those around you and in yourselves to hoard or privatize your knowledge. You will be taken care of. For the safety of all concerned, we will make these technologies available in many places around the globe simultaneously to assure the success of the project, which we call LightWorks. For our next message, I will again ask Kathryn to attend and pass on to you the information about how we plan to proceed. Please pass on this information to everyone you know. I wish for the safety of my legions of helpers and for those who will be introducing the technologies on your planet that we use the internet to spread the knowledge - "go viral" as you call it - so the information cannot be suppressed by powerful forces in the financial community as it has been in the past. Please do your part to spread this around the globe, to prepare people when further information comes. Nothing you read here will be copyrighted or patented. Share it freely.

Join me, dear ones, to begin making your Planet Earth a more peaceful and joyful place. Begin with yourselves, and your light will emanate outward to touch others, and will join with the gathering energy which is already changing your daily lives. I send my love to you, one and all. Go with a full heart and a peaceful mind. Do the work that I present to you and you will find happiness in all your waking and sleeping hours. Go in peace, live in love. I Am That I Am"

Part 7: Why Me? Why You? Dear Friends and Fellow Travelers, I need to tell you that writing this blog and sending emails feels about as natural to me as jumping off a cliff, which it is in a way. I never aspired to be a spiritual channel when I was studying for 8 years full time - 9 with licensing boards. I have had a 35 year, very fulfilling practice as a Clinical Psychologist, with very thorough scientific training. I love that part of the work - I love seeing people grow. And here I am, doing the things I find abhorrent, something that looks like self-promotion and marketing. It isn't. I have recently decided to risk everything - my privacy, my credibility, my friendships, possibly even my professional career, to send these postings to you because I feel it is my moral duty to pass on this urgently important information. I have "come out of the closet" to acknowledge that I hear voices. Well, these days it is one voice in particular which captured my undivided attention. S/he calls himself "I Am That I Am," the reference, as I understand it, to be the voice of God, or Great Spirit, or Creator, however you think of it (or don't). I keep thinking, "Why me?" Couldn't I at least be channeling Ashtar, or my dead uncle, or even Gabriel, or some other less pretentious (my ego says) entity? Well, it is what it is, and I am now committed to passing on the message as I hear it. I always check to ask whether I have gotten it all accurately, because I don't want to impose my own ideas or feelings. Rather, it seems that my own ideas and feelings are changing as I listen and repeat the words I hear. I never even thought about whether I believed in God. I just figured I'd find out the truth one day. Well, that day came a lot sooner than I expected. The conversations usually come in most strongly at 3 am, and have created havoc with my sleep. I will learn to adapt to that too, I guess. Here is why I feel an urgency to pass on these messages. As I understand it, Mother Earth has her own path, her own spiritual development, which may or may not include us. She is in the process of ascending to a higher dimension, as we speak, and is willing to take us along if we choose to accompany her and the others who are helping us all to make this transition. We have the choice: We can either get our acts together and elevate ourselves, or we will be left behind. Left behind where, I don't know, but I certainly don't want to find out by experience where the laggards are sent. I don't want that to happen to any of you either. The option to ascend sounds pretty appealing. Clean air, fresh water, less stress, more loving companionship and good old neighborliness. An end to hateful racism and deadly competition for the last drop of oil, or the billion-dollar bonus. Peace of mind, and the promise of a beautiful place to raise your children and grandchildren. This is not a fairy tale, it is a necessity. We are being offered a priceless, once in our lifetime opportunity to make the leap of faith that will change everything. It will take courage, lots of it, for us to do this together. I have already tasted the experience of

where we will be going. It is the highest high imaginable. I invite you to set aside your fears and your reluctance to believe in anything this crazy, and open your minds and your hearts. You will feel it happening too. We are all being invited to the Cosmic Party. Don't lose your invitation because you are "too busy" or too afraid, or your old belief system disagrees. Be daring, be whole, and get ready. It's going to be a blast. With all my heart, I send you love and encouragement, Kathryn

Part 8: 9/11 Cause and Effects This is Yahweh, or as I called myself earlier, I Am That I Am. I have been known by many names through the ages, but what I am called is not important. The important part for us is that you comprehend that I am not the angry and vindictive person your religions have made me out to be. I do not want to see any of my children suffer. Many of your religions have devised cruel ways to acknowledge their obedience to me, by vilifying the flesh in bizarre ritual lashings with whips, wearing hair shirts, or abstaining from sexual activities for "religious" reasons, outside of the normal conduct of loving and considerate life. I do not demand either obedience or celibacy, nor do I see these self-denying behaviors as "good." Devising abnormal restrictions on the body, while they might occasionally force a person to focus their attention on making a connection with the God of their imagination, does not bring them closer to me. Just the opposite. Starvation of the body in any of its forms does not in itself encourage good character. It is more likely to cause a person to feel entitled to cut corners or overindulge in extreme or destructive behaviors, like addictions or predatory sexual behavior. Many religions use guilt as a way to control people. This feeds the self-hatred we have described in Kathryn's book. It creates a feedback loop of shame, resentment and rage. I beg you now to leave behind those barbaric practices and hatred-inducing belief systems which divide rather than unite people. They are the teachings of those whose intention it is to control their followers, to use them as attack dogs or slaves to satisfy their own lust for power. It is a technique which has been used effectively in your culture in recent decades, as in purposely created disasters like 9/11 (which could be called a "false flag incident) and many others which were designed to inflame men to sacrifice themselves as soldiers for what they feel to be the defense of their "homeland." It is a ploy to gain control of whole countries, using armies paid for by the citizens rather than the behind-the-scenes bankers and weapons manufacturers, whose plans have been carried out effectively since the Crusades. It is nothing more than a power-grab on the part of an increasingly tight-knit and very secretive group of powerful families who have profited enormously by playing on both sides of every major and minor war in recent times, funding and equipping all the armies of the planet simultaneously. Notice, my children, the result of all those bloody "interventions." Each has led to a massive shift of power and wealth away from the hands of native peoples and into the hands of shadow corporations and private banks like your Federal Reserve and the World Bank. It is now time for all of you to awaken to the misuse of your energies, your resources and even your lives. Darkness and greed have been in power, except for brief moments in your history, such as the era of the 60's when your blessed leaders like JFK and Martin Luther King were able to shine brightly for a short time before they were snuffed out. They were encouraged to come to

lead you, as your present leader was, by the Intergalactic Federation. Those you have called Illuminati (We call them the dark hats) were not willing to allow those whose hearts were with the people to speak the truth, or to put a stop to their underground operations. This was the reason for the assassinations of those I mentioned as well as Robert Kennedy, John Kennedy Jr, and the truth-speaking Paul Wellstone, and a few dedicated journalists who refused to simply repeat the lies they were given. It is time for these crimes to be revealed, and the criminals brought to justice, not so that they can be punished, but so that they will experience the consequences of their actions, lose their power and their respectability, and thereby be given the opportunity to change their ways. At the same time, I do not wish for you, the children of my heart, to be vengeful, even though you will feel rage at the perpetrators when old wounds are reopened. Begin now to open your hearts to forgiveness, for these are the perpetrators of injustices which have unwittingly encouraged great outpourings of compassion and sharing, as after 9/11 and every anniversary since then. This, even as they stole the resources of the planet and the lives of so many of your countrymen and women. You have responded by drawing closer together, increasing the Light emanating from your planet with each trauma and disaster. Many of the weather disruptions and catastrophic "natural disasters" have also been engineered to result, again, in power grabs to take over lands and resources, even as the people are swept away by floods and tsunamis. These dark hats are unconcerned about the suffering they have caused because they are without compassion. They have dedicated themselves to their own lust for power for long lives. The same people who arranged the assassinations are still among you, creating havoc in your financial systems (to their own benefit) and starting wars across the planet. They continue to actively fuel conflicts in the Middle East, and are forcing inroads into resistant Asian countries, especially Japan, Korea, Vietnam and China. The have already succeeded in most of latin America and much of Africa over the past 50 years. I am charging you with a difficult project, to become champions for right and good, the greater good, while simultaneously finding it in your hearts to forgive those who have caused most of the massive destruction on your planet, and who are still among you. I ask you this because it will bring you strength, solidarity and freedom - the freedom to love each other in peace and genuine brotherhood. I have said to you that all souls will be invited to join us in Ascension to higher dimensions. Anyone who is able to fill their hearts with love and joy, and balance their state of being by clearing out old hatreds and fears and resentments - those are the preparations you will need to make before you can walk through the portal with me, into a celebration of joy and companionship with the greater community of souls who await your coming with great excitement and joy. You have now entered a time of clearing and cleansing on a whole-Earth scale. Reach inward for the strength I have given you as fully human beings - the strength to love, to forgive, to seek

truth and to take joy in those deepest of qualities of which you were all created to fulfill as your own soul development in this momentous shared event. Rise up, children. Insist on the truth and you will be free. Share in your abundance, and celebrate this new and wondrous opportunity to accompany Mother Earth on her spiritual path. It is for each of you to fulfill your own destiny as we ascend together. I love you one and all, Yahweh, I Am That I Am

Part 9: Who is "God" and Other Questions Answered Many of your readers ask questions about my identity. They have tried to dis-believe their old religious misconceptions about me as an old man in the sky who dishes out rewards and punishments. That is a good thing, because that is not me, as I said in earlier messages. It is true we are all one, but they forget that they have free will, and they each have a voice. Why shouldn't I have a voice as well? By denying my individual consciousness along with my lightening bolts, they have thrown the baby out with the bathwater, as you say. I have tried to explain in each message that I love you, one and all, and that I do not punish. (It doesn't work anyway, a lesson you have yet to learn.) I do sometimes pinch your toes or rock your boats (metaphorically, of course), to get your attention, as my angels and helpers are authorized to do, but mostly we send you gifts. I have told you that we have come to offer you gifts of technologies to help you because your planet is in need. We do not punish you for your horrific misuse of the beautiful planet you have come so close to destroying. We have come to help you, to clean up the messes you have made, as good teachers and mentors do with children. We also require you participation and good will in this endeavor. This may require a leap of faith on some of your parts, or at least a leap into following your intuition - your body/soul as Kathryn has called it - rather than your minds, which are far more finite and limited in their scope. To answer another question from Bill, we are fully aware of the passage of time in your dimension. However, we do see the unfolding of events in a way that you cannot, as the cumulative forces of Gaia, Mother Nature herself, the consciousness of the humans who inhabit Earth, and the infinite forces of the Multiverse interact. We do not predict or designate one moment or one day for future events because of the myriad interactions you are experiencing now in growing intensity are the accumulation of infinitely complex events brought about by infinitely complex actions of free will. Every being (and I include rocks, fishes, ants, trees and humans) has consciousness, and all interact constantly in a frenzy of activity you cannot possibly conceive of. We admire and respect those infinite patterns within patterns, while we also are aware of greater forces of which you are not aware. One of them is the soul evolution of Gaia herself, and her joyful eagerness to elevate along with others in the Multiverse. Beings who are presently in other dimensions beyond your 3-dimensional experience are more aware and able to comprehend the joyful nature of this momentous event, which for you may be marked on your calendars, but for us it is a time within a greater timelessness. I offered in earlier messages to answer the questions you bring to Kathryn, which she presented to me. I hope I have begun to satisfy some of them. I will continue to try to do so, but you must

appreciate that your limited language and your 3-dimensional perspective does not allow for me to show you what you will one day experience vividly when you are here with me in higher dimensions. In addition, I would never say to you: The door will slam shut on you if you have not hurried through it on the 11th hour of the 12th month, etc. etc. You, in your collective consciousness, Mother Earth, and the legions of helpers who are here with you will all play a part in the unfolding. It is true that we have intervened, but we do it in a way that preserves the free will contract for each and every one of you. Some people have objected to the idea that anyone might be excluded or left behnd. I assure you, all will be included in the invitation to ascend. However it would be an arbitrary act to create a MultiUniverse shift in which no one had a choice, even if it is a positive experience - you must choose, each and every one of your own free will. I will not force anyone to ascend, nor will I prevent anyone. We offer the thrilling possibility that all souls will ascend together in a joyful planetary event. It is up to all of you to make sure no one opts out because of ignorance or fear. Let us begin. I Am That I Am

Part 10: Further Information on the Ascension of Planet Earth I am on a ship, on a cruise sponsored by Wayne Dyer, in the company of many spiritual seekers and friends. I was awakened during the night by the familiar pain in my toe, and was asked to write down this extended message for all of you. It is intended to provide more detailed information to ease your fears about the changes we are all experiencing during this time. "It has been some time since I spoke to all of you concerning your transition to a higher plane of existence. Many of you are puzzled or confused or disbelieving about the possibility that such a thing could occur during your lifetimes, much less during this very year. I will try to explain further what this momentous event is, and what it will mean to each and every one of you. As before, this channel, Kathryn has agreed to gather your questions and concerns so that I can answer them for you. You are not used to thinking in terms of a shift from one dimension to another. You have lived your lives in 3D, the circumstances of your planet Earth for thousands of years. Your atmosphere is heavy and gravity-laden, your experience of life in your bodies is one of intense sensations, concrete feelings of touch and taste and smell, combined with the familiar sense of time passing in a regular and predictable pace. All this is changing, as many of you have sensed. As Planet Earth passes through the portal to a higher vibrational level, the perception of time has speeded up, sensations are becoming more intense, even to the extent that it may feel to many of you as if the ground under your feet is shifting. Life has become less predictable, as the Institutions you have relied upon are shaken loose from their moorings, and change has speeded up to an unsettling and unfamiliar rate. Do not be frightened by these changes, my children. It is a transition you have known about ans looked forward to with great joy and anticipation when you have been in your pure soul state while you were with me in the Fifth and Seventh dimensions and beyond. As souls, you planned this journey eagerly, even excitedly, as you all clamored for the opportunity to be here on the earth in body at this momentous time. There was no fear or hesitation when you joined with the bodies you possess now. No, you were one and all dedicated to the wondrous possibility of taking part in a new kind of event in the Universe. It has been the way of evolution across the Multiverse for souls to travel to many different planets, experiencing various conditions of weightlessness, color, intensity of emotion and sensory possibilities as they are experience in the infinite variety of expressions of life across the vast and expanding All That Is. But nowhere is the experience of incarnation as rich, as deep and as tactily stimulating as it is here with Mother Earth, the one we call Gaia. Her beauty and exquisite natural elements are unique in the Universe, our gift to the human race to experience diversity, variety, and visual beauty unparalleled in the Multiverse. You have enjoyed life in bodies which look and feel different from one another in shape, size and coloring, and many of you have taken advantage of this great variety to come to life here as black, white, yellow and red races, as you call them. Yet, you do not remember those varied experiences, and still tend to

think of your present condition as the superior one. It was not our original intention for you to use this diversity to feel separate and different from one another. No, we offered this variety and richness of experience for its great possibilities to meld and build in love and joy, as you developed the unique talents and cultural possibilities of each ot he races over the many generations you have spent here on Gaia. Unfortunately, it became instead the habit of your leaders, eager for power and greater control, to encourage mistrust, suspicion and even hatred - a uniquely human ability - as they stirred up intense emotions in their followers. Thus, free will as I have given it has become the tool of dissension and war, separation and strangeness, one from another. We did not intervene in your events, even though we watched as your civilizations over the ages progressively descended into darker and darker ways of dividing, conquering and exploiting your planet's abundant resources. Always we had faith in the strength and the unlimited nature of your loving hearts. You are considered throughout the universe to be the Creator Race, brilliant in your imaginations and possibilities, although much of your talent has been directed toward either destructive or trivial endeavors, such as the accumulation of material wealth, or the building of lodgings which provided physical comforts but misused the gifts which Gaia has so generously provided for you. You are indeed creators after my own heart, and I have loved you ceaselessly even as you strayed further and further from your knowledge of our hopes and dreams for you. Many of you no longer experience the love of your Masters, your Guides, your Universal Mother, our son Jesus, and me, your mentors and loving creators. We have had to increase our efforts to send the energy of our love through the veil of forgetfulness you experience when you enter your bodies. Although you have only heard murmurings and myths about the previous civilizations which have had the privilege to share the experience of living with Gaia, we know of every moment, every soul experience and every decision made by those humans and other living beings who have inhabited dear Gaia. We have watched with concern, but always trusted in your creative abilities to find new ways to live, new forms of joining together to create cultures of beauty and joy. At the same time, your leaders, like the leaders who led their civilization to misfortune and disaster during the time of Atlantis, have been endlessly resourceful in their clever manipulation of the resources and wealth of the planet, until you have now reached the point at which Gaia can no longer struggle alone to recover from your profligate disregard for her suffering. Your weapons of war, your development of the use of nuclear power before it was completely understood, and your invention of endless numbers of poisonous chemicals and vastly destructive practices of food production have reached the point where life will no longer be sustained for the large number of inhabitants of the planet. Rather than see our children leave their bodies in painful and inevitable mass extinctions, we have devised a new and wondrous possibility for you. It is the option to transcend, while still in your bodies, to a higher vibrational dimension, to accompany your Earth Mother on her own spiritual path of Ascension. In order to accomplish this momentous event, I ask you to open your minds to entertain a brand new vision of life. Look to the night sky. Imagine what it would be like to soar, weightless, traveling with me

through the infinite places without limited space or time, as I have traveled with your channel, Kathryn, to show her some of what the coming transition will allow for all of you. Look to your dreams, which have always given you a sense of what other dimensions feel like. You have all traveled in your dreams to the places of your soul memories, gathering the knowledge of ancestors and guides, far galaxies and planets. I have given you this ability to prepare you for the transition to an experience which will allow you to see and touch, sing and dance with joy in the bodies you still possess, although there will be necessary changes in your most basic needs for nutrition and in the heaviness of gravitational attraction which you have experienced previously. Your creative powers will expand to the point where you can manifest your dreams effortlessly, but without the dangers of destructive war machines and the horrors of physical torture and pain you have previously inflicted on yourselves and others. You will live with the direct awareness of us, your angels, your Masters, your friends and ancestors who are here with us now in their soul light-bodies in the dimensions you have known as home between the many lifetimes you have spent on Gaia over the thousands of years you have prepared for this present event. Every one of you has known, has looked forward to taking part in this exquisite event you have called the Shift, or Ascension. Now I ask you to expand your consciousness, not by trying to figure out in your brains what will come, but by feeling it in your hearts. I asked Kathryn to spend many years studying and preparing to write our book which you can use as preparation for expanding yourselves for the changes you will experience. You must be willing to clear your emotions of old resentments, old hurts and painful memories. Begin now to express your abilities to help and support one another as you have always been able to do in times of crisis or emergency. Make these acts of generosity and kindness a moment to moment way of life. You have practiced these skills during times of war, floods and other climate disasters which have largely been brought about by the manipulation of Gaia's weather patterns, which your leaders take pleasure in experimenting with. You blame me, whom you call God, for the traumas and deaths, but it is not my wish, nor the wish of your Universal Mother, to see your suffer in such terrible circumstances as have been created by the tsunamis, chemical dumping and other environmental disasters. We have always expressed enduring love for you, although sometimes the challenges you experience in life have provided you with opportunities for soul growth at accelerated speeds. Many of you have been ambitious in your wish to evolve quickly, to experience the soulexpanding growth which opportunities for heroic acts of generosity and kindness have provided. However, these single actions do not have the power which can be achieved by a lifetime of service to others. Small actions of kindness and sharing resonate with great power. The light of your individual beings shines brightly throughout the Universe. There are many bright lights among you who may never have been famous or even known outside their own families and cultures, but who have had long-lasting effects which resonate down through the generations of children who benefit from their teachings. Do not seek fame and fortune now, but rather turn your sights to a new possibilities for creating cooperative networks in your communities to provide for your continuing joy and expanding love, as you share your wealth, your happiness and your hopes for this coming planetary event. Above all, do not fear lack or scarcity. You have the ability to provide what is needed for all to

make the transition without great suffering and loss. We will help you, we will teach you to manifest wealth of a new kind - universal prosperity, without need for greed or hoarding, competition or forceful taking and protecting of individual storehouses of resources. Loosen your grip on your belongings and your distractions. Turn instead to each other, in love and companionship. Care for your young ones with love and patience, and your elders with compassion and respect. Find it in your hearts to reach outside your daily concentration on work and earning, so unnecessarily encouraged in your Western cultures, and instead find time to commune with each other and with us, your loving guides. Many of you are familiar with the actions of our legions of angels who watch over and help you in times of need. they are here with you now in great numbers, as are the beings from other galaxies and planets who have come, out of friendship, joy and great expectation to help you in the transition which they have already experienced as a part of their own soul journeys. They come in peace, to offer you helpful technologies to ease your way to a more egalitarian and loving way of life. Do not fear these beings, who are already filling your skies, and who have volunteered as leaders in your political and social organizations to help you elevate to a more loving experience of daily life. They do so at great danger to themselves, because of your suspicious and warlike reactions to anything that is new to you. Do not allow your leaders to convince you that "aliens" pose any danger to you. They have been long aware of the possibilities for advanced technologies, which they have attempted to keep secret in order to increase their power and control over the population of the planet. Many of you have been asleep, following blindly the dictates and pronouncements of your most arrogant and selfish leaders, who sow the seeds of dissension and hatred. Awake, my children. Take charge of your own lives. Open your hearts to your neighbors, and to those who appear less fortunate than you in their economic and social status. These people generously provide you with opportunities for compassion and empathy. Do not allow yourselves to be turned away, toward habits of greed and acquisitiveness. Material wealth is meaningless, and will become increasingly so as you all begin to experience the elevated feelings of love and joy which this Ascension provides. Manage your passions, my children. Learn to work with your bodies and your strong feelings in order to channel those energies toward the greater good. There are teachers among you who share their knowledge and their experiences with you. They have written about their own soul journeys and have accelerated the development of spiritual teachings in very recent years. Turn to those who present their teachings with humility and generosity. They will be the leaders whose courage will shine brightly as beacons of wisdom in the coming months which may cause inner turmoil for many of you, as you are required to shift your value systems and familiar habits. Do not fear this process. There are those among you who have prepared themselves to act as leaders, shepherds, teachers and friends as you find your way through these turbulent times. Look to those who give selflessly, without ego or pride. They are my legions of angels in bodies, having struggled as you do with the strong currents of emotion and intense feeling which are inherent in your human condition. Do not bury your consciousness in your addictions and preoccupations with electronic entertainments. Be daring. Be courageous, and above all, expand your sense of what it means to love far beyond the romantic sentiment you have been taught to expect. As Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha and many others have taught you, love your neighbors as you would have them love

you. Begin with simple courtesies. Move on to deeper expressions of kindness. Develop patience and forbearance, and you will be able to move with grace as we all ascend together to the expanded possibility for joy and enduring love which has been planned for you. Some of your kind have already made the transition to higher planes while still in their bodies. Many of them have been asked to return to their Earth existence to help others make the transition. They will help to show you the way. Partake of their wisdom; ask for their help. You only need to say "Yes!" in your hearts. Do not listen to the doubts and arguments which your ego - and your brain - will try to use to drown out your great hopes and dreams. Loosen your attachment to concrete arguments and intellectual explanations. "Rational" explanations will not serve you well during this period of rapid change. Turn to your poets and your visionaries, your artists and philosophers and musicians. They will speak the truth of our greater consciousness, our expanding Universe of possibilities. Anything is possible for you, my dear children. Join hands and proceed fearlessly into the present/future of your higher destinies. There will be nothing to dread, nothing to regret, but much to enjoy as you travel to new Universes with us. We anticipate with great joy the coming of a new world on your dear Gaia, the planet of Love and Light. Come, my children. Elevate, ascend. Begin by practicing each and every moment of your days. You will find yourselves ready, filled with joy and expectation when the moment comes for you to make the transition to a never-before phenomenal experience. Of course, your words do not allow for us to describe to you the possibilities which await you. In this, your will need to develop the sense of faith which is only possible if you allow yourselves to feel our constant and unlimited outpouring of love for you. Go in peace, live in love. Your eternal Yahweh, I Am That I Am"

Part 11: A Good Explanation of Ascension

"There is more we can tell you about Ascension. You have been trying to explain it to others. It's difficult, of course, to describe the 5th dimension and beyond when you're in 3D, but we'll try to help. Picture a dark, starry night (like last night when you saw millions of stars, and they seemed so close to you). Now imagine a space ship made of light that can move between the stars and planets effortlessly. Each of those worlds is a unique entity, just as each human being on Planet Earth is unique - a special entity, separate and yet as connected to each other as the stars and planets are to each other. The star families - you call them galaxies - are like your human families, connected to one another by the kind of gravity that is their feeling for one another. Each planet and star is a conscious being, just as you are. The Universe itself is consciousness - a great web of inter-connected consciousness of which you and all your fellow humans are a part. The little dog on your lap and the fly on your window are also an integral part of the Universal Web. The threads which connect your individual consciousnesses to each other is not visible to your 3Dimensional eyes, but it exists, nevertheless. Those among you who are considered "psychic" are simply the ones who have an open channel to pick up the information flowing across the Universal internet. Some pick up local information, like those who speak to the souls of loved ones who have remained within the Earth atmosphere, as the Long Island Medium does. There are others, like you, Kathryn, who have opened a long-distance connection to your Mother and Me, Ashtar and others, so that you can communicate with any of us on a 24/7 basis. We appreciate your volunteering to act as channels to help others prepare themselves for the coming Ascension, without asking for fame or fortune for yourselves. Now, back to the information we promised. Picture your dear Mother Gaia, who has labored so unselfishly for millions of years to provide for all the souls who have benefitted from taking their turns as inhabitants of her beautiful planet-body. She is also a consciousness, connected to all other stars and planets, which have their own energetic grid, much like the one that connects all human beings. Mother Gaia, because of her heroic efforts to support difficult and destructive civilizations since the beginning of the Atlantean era, has elevated herself as a bright star, so to speak, among planets. Her necessary effort to heal wounds inflicted upon her by nuclear explosions, deep well drilling, and now the barbaric invasion you call "fracking" has caused her such extreme distress that she has asked to be freed of her terrible burden in order to ascend to a brighter place, a higher dimension, without inhabitants who will misuse her good will. It would have been natural for her, given the pain she has suffered, to shake off the troublesome human inhabitants the way a dog shakes water off its back, and we would have understood it if she had, but she has an enormous heart and great love for her human Earth children. She feels the efforts of some of you to try to help her healing process - those of you who actively send your loving energy down throughthe layers of her soil and rock, directly to her heart. She recognizes your footsteps on her body, and she loves you dearly. She did not wish to cause pain and

destruction to you, in the form of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and storms, which would have been the only way she could have stopped the destruction on her own. Instead, she called to us, in her pain, to help her find a way to allow her to ascend to a higher plane of existence, while inviting those Light beings among you to remain with her, to continue your soul evolution together. Beings from all across the Multiverse have volunteered to help in so many ways it is impossible to innumerate them all. Solutions were proposed: Taking up those Light workers into fleets of space ships to be carried to other planets, and other such rescue missions, but we wanted to provide more than just a situation which would cause us to have to pick and choose who and how they could be saved. It is never our intention to reward or punish. We simply provide, and allow our children to decide for themselves of their own free will. And so, it was agreed in the Great Councils that we would establish the Council of Love, made up of your mother and me, Yahweh, whom you often refer to collectively as God, St. Germaine and Archangel Gabrielle, our son Jesus, many Ascended Masters, and of course our dear angel Ashtar, the Supreme Commander of the Galactic Federation Fleet. These titles, by the way, are not designed to be ego-builders. They are simply descriptions of the work assignments our helpers have taken on. So, we have designed a plan which will allow for all of you to exercise your free will, and for Mother Gaia to elevate to the place of glorious light and Joy which she has so brilliantly achieved. She is now, this very day, ascending, little by little to give you all time to adapt, so that by the time she reaches the complete transition to the 5th and 7th dimension, you will be able to make the transition too. The opportunity for you to ascend is open to each and every inhabitant of Planet Earth. Of course it is only the humans who will question whether this is practical, or profitable, or frightening or convenient to make such a shift. The other Kingdoms - all the creatures and plants - are happily ascending. You ask for descriptions, Kathryn, what will it look like, what will it feel like for those who ascend and those who don't? We will try to explain, with your limited language. Those who consciously choose Ascension, because they have read this and other descriptions of the joyful possibilities which 2012 holds, will experience the uplifting, accelerating sensations of 11/11 and 12/12/12 as a harbinger of the thrilling event to come. Those who are not aware but loving hearts and open minds, as children and many of your indigenous people do, will feel a sense of familiarity and release and will enter the energy flow effortlessly. There will be ceremonies for some groups; others will move through the invisible boundary between 3rd and 5th (the 4th has already collapsed into the 3rd and 5th). your science fiction movies sometimes create special effects which make the air seem to ripple and flow like water. This is a symbolic representation of the sensations which will feel momentarily disconcerting, but joyfully exhilarating. Most of you will remain with your houses and your familiar surrounding - those of you who who have made the transition with Mother Gaia. We cannot predict whether everyone on the planet

will agree to transcend, or whether few will ascend in the first wave. The door to Heaven, as some would call it, is already open. Your immediate sensation will be the deep and profound feeling of being swept up in waves of unconditional Love. You will be greeted by my angels, with their ethereal song, and other beings of Light whose joy at your arrival will be boundless. All the Heavens will rejoice at the momentous event - the Ascension of our brilliant Light children of Planet Earth. You will be awed by the natural, unspoiled beauty of your Mother Gaia, who will be freed of all destructive invasions, automobiles and airplanes will be unnecessary because you will learn to teleport; food and sleep will become less and less necessary, as you acclimate, and the trivial activities of your lives - all those having to do with money or finance - will vanish. Wars and weapons of all kinds will cease to exist. You will continue to inhabit the body you have been accustomed to, although it will become more healthy and strong, healed of al disease or affliction. You will communicate as we do, by shared thought transmission. All activities involving learning, building, artistic creation and governance will be done in cooperation and joy on the New Earth. For those of you who have volunteered to help the others who have chosen to stay behind, special straining and support will be provided to allow for your transition back to Old Earth, which is likely to be a rather unpleasant place, given its greater concentration of greed, violence and low vibrational atmosphere. Those reluctant or belligerent souls who insist on remaining behind will suffer a disorienting shake-up when they discover that most of the people who had been friendly, loving, kind and helpful have vanished, along with their calming influence and creative energy. As you can see, those who elevate themselves to make the transition (in time measurement, by around the end of this year) will find themselves in Paradise. On the other hand, there may be those, we fear, who will refuse to be convinced to leave behind what they know, no matter how wonderful the alternative. These souls will make their decision out of fear. Some will fear, because of their perverse religious teachings, that I am waiting in the wings to punish them for their destructive acts. Others will fear leaving behind their positions of power because they cannot trust their fellow humans not to take revenge on them as soon as they let down their guard, by giving up their weapons, whether their weapons be money or guns. We are aware that in spite of the outpouring of love which we have planned for all of you, there will be those whose hearts are so closed that they can no longer feel love, or forgiveness, or compassion, and they cannot imagine others feeling it either. We have made provisions for them to remain on something that will feel to them (because they are very unobservant and lacking in sensitivity) as their Earth. Because they lack the ability or inclination to make deep emotional connections, they will care less about the loss of their family and friends than they do about their power or money. They will no doubt find it familiar to struggle and compete for the dwindling resources, as they have done in the past.

It will be difficult on this old Earth to sustain life in the way they have become used to, because many of the farmers, who have been close to the Earth and are likely to stay with New Earth in her ascension, will have disappeared. It will become imperative for the lingerers to try to force production of all kinds. Many of these now-powerful people and their Wannabe counterparts have been imprinted by their parents and their cultures to view life as a series of master-slave relationships. They may try to implement those forms of life in the "new" era, which they will see as opportunity because of the chaos which will result from the fall of many organizations which made life convenient and comfortable in the past. But this will not be the greatest deficit. This old Earth will be an empty shell, because the soul of Gaia will not remain there. Like the sleazy promoters who offer their followers everything and anything in order to win their votes in this current election in the U.S., the planet will be an empty shell - a replica of the living, breathing Mother who nourished and supported all without their recognition or gratitude. Her energy and her heart will be with her new creation, the lovely Blue Planet of Love. These organizations we speak of which will not be sustained on Old Earth include the non-profit groups who have provided food and shelter for the poor, the animal shelters, and the arts organizations which have supported music, theatre and dance, and museums and centers of culture across the globe. The community-minded people who have run and supported these lifeenhancing activities will be flourishing on the New Gaia. Other organizations which will fail are those whose reason for being was completely selfish, like financial institutions which siphon off money from the workers to support the lifestyles of the rich and famous. Without much of the willing workforce to feed them, the idle rich people, who have had great power in recent times, will lose their base of support. Perhaps those who will lose everything slowly, as the order and controls disintegrate around them, will awaken to the fact that their empty lives in pursuit of money and power have not been worth clinging to after all. It is our hope that their will be a Second Wave of souls who will ask to join us of their own free will, when they realize they do have the free will to make their circumstances better. We will welcome them with open arms, without recrimination, whenever they decide to ascend. No one will be turned away, once they find it in their hearts to experience unconditional love and joy. Here is the dilemma: It may become very uncomfortable for those who remain behind. It will be tempting for them to plead for mercy or demand what they feel entitled to, without making the shift in their own hearts and minds. It will require an intensive reeducation for them to make the real change to a life of compassion and kindness. It is very fortunate for them that we have skilled and compassionate Lightworkers who are already preparing themselves, and who have already written the books and taught the lessons which will inspire and motivate. These Lightworkers will have the ability to descend to the 3D level to work with those recalcitrant souls to help bring them along with us on this greatest of all soul journeys. Many of you reading this are familiar with these dedicated souls who have worked tirelessly to present my message of unconditional love and forgiveness, like the book we wrote with your channel, Kathryn, to provide a manual for growing into Ascension. Explore this book. Read it thoroughly and well, and share it with everyone you can. It will prepare you for the transition ahead in a way that most other books cannot do as completely. Kathryn is reluctant to present this message which "promotes" her book. She is not aware that we have given the same message to other channels to help get the word out that there is no time to

waste, and there are tools available to help. We encourage people to use this book because of our own long years of involvement in its creation, which began many years ago with her own training and education, and the enlightenment of her mentor and teacher. So, you see, we have been preparing our dear Lightworkers for this event for lifetimes. They are our representatives our boots on the ground, as they call themselves - and we are grateful for their dedication and courage to speak out when their message may be seen as weird or strange to those around them. Listen to my words, my children. Awaken, open your hearts. It is time for all of you to take the High Road to a glorious place - life on New Earth, with your dear Mother Gaia. We will then become visible to you, those of us who have been preparing the way for this monumental event for eons. Your lights will mingle with ours in the glorious celebration of Love which we have planned for you. Prepare, Dear Ones, by learning to feel light-hearted, loving and joyful. Cultivate that energy state as a full-time way of experiencing life. It is your birthright as human beings to be filled with joy, for that is the essence you were made from, the essence of your Universal Mother Mary and me, your Father, Yahweh. You were created from love, with love. It is now time for you to exercise your free will to become like us, unconditionally loving, forgiving and above all, kind. Within weeks, it will become second nature to you, and by the approaching Winter Solstice, you will be fully developed beings of Light, beacons shining for all the Universe to see. We will be with you. Lean on us. Ask for the angels who surround you to help you sustain your loving feelings, no matter what circumstances come your way. Do not allow yourselves to descend into fear or doubt. Instead, lead the way. Be an inspiration for your family and acquaintances and neighbors. Carry our message, and live in our love, from now on. You will have no regrets. Your eternal Father, Yahweh"

Part 12: An Awesome Request. I Can't Refuse.

"It is 5 am, and I have asked Kathryn to wake up to take another message from me to pass on to the world. She has not refused. In these past months, when we have called on her to carry our messages to the people who read this blog, she has never refused, even though it often means she must change her schedule, or miss out on much needed sleep. We wish to acknowledge our appreciation for her selfless service, which brings no advantage to her - in fact she has risked her reputation and her credibility as a scientist to take this dramatic turn in her life to become a spiritual channel.It has been decided by the Council of Love, the group of us who are stewards of the Ascension of Planet Earth, to ask Kathryn this night to accept the designation as The Voice of Yahweh. There are other dedicated channels who have become The Voice for other spiritual leaders, but I have not until now named an official representative to carry my messages to the world. It is my wish, and I hope she will accept my request, that she become my official Voice on Planet Earth. (I suspect that she will accept because I feel the tears in her eyes as she listens to my offer. She understands both the special recognition and the responsibility she is being asked to take on.) Will you accept this special designation, my dear Daughter?" Yes, of course I will. My heart is filled with love because of the wonderful relationship we have had. You are here with me every moment of every day, lovingly encouraging me, and sometimes poking and prodding me into action, even when it causes me discomfort. You are relentless, and unconditionally loving at the same time. I love that, beyond words. Like the best Life Coach anyone could imagine, You inspire and encourage me to be the best I can be. I will continue to serve, in any capacity you ask me to. I am honored to be entrusted with this awesome challenge. Thank you, I accept wholeheartedly. "Wonderful. Now, Child, I ask that you tell this good news to your readers, and to explain to them that, yes, I am the One they have called God, but I am the Voice of male energy in our partnership of Spirit. Mother God, the One you know as having been Mary, and Fatima, and other holy entities in her lifetimes on Earth, just as I experienced life on Earth as Jesus, Mohammed and others, is the Voice of feminine energy for your planet. Yes, there is One God, and it is Us. We are both a part of every one of you, and you are the Children of our Hearts. These concepts have been difficult for you to understand in your 3-dimensional lifeform, but when you come to us after each lifetime, you know us well. This is what we all have to look forward to once we accomplish the Ascension together. Now, Child, sleep, and prepare to tell your community of Lighworkers that you have agreed to speak my words to the world as my chosen envoy. Words are not sufficient to express our love and gratitude to you, and to your compatriots on this Path of Light. Go in love.

Your Eternal Father, Yahweh."

Part 13: A Joyful Proclamation

"We will now begin the Countdown to Ascension. We can now say with sufficient certainty to be able to proclaim it: Yes, Dec. 21, 2012, and the days surrounding it, will be a glorious revolutionary moment on Planet Earth. For those of you who have been preparing yourselves by clearing away old childhood fears, resentments and self-doubt, to reach a higher level of consciousness that allows for unconditional love and a life of service to others it will be a transcendent moment, a quantum leap. You have reached a number which will indeed allow for the Transition of all Transitions. You will be able to accompany our dear planet on her rise to higher dimensions. You see, until today we could not predict with any certainty whether or not the accumulated power of your rising consciousness would be sufficient to create the needed "lift-off" energy to fulfill the promise of Ascension. This moment has been predicted for thousands of years, by the Mayans, the Egyptians, and many others, passed down in stone and story. It is true, my Children. We are going to move together to a Divine place, a world of Love, Inspiration and Joy. Those among you who are willing to believe in this prophecy enough to raise your vibration and open your hearts and minds to be helped during your sleeping hours have already created enough of a force to create the Vision as it will manifest for all of you. Your beloved Gaia, your Planet Earth, will reinvent herself, as you would say, by lifting herself into the 5th dimension. This has been inevitable, an event we knew would occur. It is only recently that it became clear that there would be enough of you to support and sustain the Vision of beauty, Love and Joy in such a way that it will come into being. Those of you who are reading this message are literally among the "movers and shakers" who have helped to create this dream and to carry it through, into physical form. You will feel waves of unconditional Love flowing across the land, waking up the ones who have doubted and feared an Apocalypse rather than a glorious Ascension. It is possible for them to create an alternative reality which will take on the form of a place of endless war and conflict, desperation and want. You will each create for yourselves the version of existence you envision. Your dreams will indeed come true. If it is chaos and conflict you foresee for yourself, you will be granted your wish, but we now know with certainty that it will not be lived out on the real and vital planet you are used to. She, Gaia of the great Heart, will Ascend, in her vibrant and glorious Light, to a dimension which will be visible only to those who remain with her. those who are left behind of their own free will, will find themselves on a planet which resembles Earth only in the most superficial way - size, speed of rotation, general geography and topography as they knew it, but without the tremendous healing energy of Mother Gaia. There, destruction and toxic invasion of the body of the planet will remain as they create it, Dark feelings of greed and hatred will resonate unmitigated, and fear will find no healing comfort from the great Spirit of Gaia herself. She will be with her Lightworkers and joyful Children of Love, the Children of our Hearts, celebrating a new civilization in which everyone can thrive. You will learn new abilities like teleportation, manifesting your creative thoughts instantly, and

other delightful pursuits, the likes of which you have only imagined in your wildest dreams. No dream of creation will be impossible to manifest, as long as it is in harmony with the vibration of love, compassion, forgiveness - the higher vibrations which create elements for the greater good, and for the glory of your Divine Selves, your true identities as a part of the enormous web of God-consciousness. Words do not allow us to describe our joy, or to create a picture of your future which will even begin to explain how triumphant, how glorious, and yes, how much fun your new adventure will be. This is where your Faith comes in. It will carry you through the uncertainty and reluctance you might feel. Do not fear. You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain by accompanying Us, your adoring Parents, Friends, Guides and Angels on this Transition path. We will guide you, sustain and support you. You will need to lift yourselves to the vibration of your finest selves, your peak feelings of loving energy in order to match the dimensional vibration - the energy of the 5th dimension - so that you can move with us through the portal into the new life we have imagined for you for these long eons. As the time for your glorious Transition approaches, we will encourage you through these messages, through information and especially through your powers of intuitive reception. Your dreams will teach you, the people around you will teach you by nudging you in one direction or another. Follow your Hearts, dear Children. We will be here to greet you, and you will see us and hear us with newly attuned senses. Do not turn back. Be fearless, and encourage your friends, your neighbors, your parents and your children to join us. You will not be swept away into some unfamiliar surroundings. No! You will remain with an even more beautiful Earth, cleaner and purer. She is already healing rapidly. She will be ready when you achieve higher dimensional thinking/feeling. Continue your healthy practices, be of service to others, and open your hearts to the offerings of Love all around you. Go about your lives with kindness and compassion. This will carry you naturally to the place of openness and joy. This is all you will need. No other preparations are necessary. We will continue to send you messages which will give you more concrete images, in line with the creation of All That Is - the combined energies of all the Higher Consciousness of the Universe as your individual and shared dreams are brought to fulfillment. Go in peace, live in Love, Your eternal Yahweh, God, Jehovah, Allah, Shiva, Buddha, Jesus, the I AM Presence, etc., as you have known me. Or you can call me Sam. It matters not what you name us. We recognize your prayers and your dreams, regardless of your language or your past religious practices. Only your Love and your Faith matter to us. We love you one and all."

Part 14: A Message to the Wayne Dyer Group and Kathryn's Readers
"Today is the beginning of a new era. You will be seeing changes in your world, coming at a faster and faster pace. In the part of the world where you are, foment is occurring because of the economic troubles. Powerful financiers have a stranglehold on the smaller countries of the world, squeezing them by loaning great amounts, then enforcing what they call "austerity measures." These measures are always designed to deprive the people of lifesaving services, while moving rivers of money from taxes from their citizens to pay the bankers who planned for this stranglehold many years ago. These policies of loan, wait, then turn the screws has been a worldwide policy designed to take control of the countries of the world, one at a time. At the same time, the world markets have been linked, so that when one country fails, all the others are pulled down. These are clever, creative men - they are mostly men, with the full support of their families and wives - who are playing a game of international intrigue, operating behind the scenes to shift the center of power from elected governments to the shadow organization which some have called the "Illuminati." It may appear on the surface as if they are succeeding brilliantly. One after another, countries have fallen prey to their manipulations. However, at the same time, my legions of angels and Ascended Masters have established a system of Lightworkers, more clever and knowledgeable, more shadowy and hidden, but dedicated to the greater good of my children on Planet Earth. They have begun with the most important interventions: dismantling your dreadfully dangerous war machines and nuclear devices of all kinds. We have simple means by which we are able to dismantle their mechanisms, making them useless. It has been our decision at this time to intervene in these ways on your dear planet because we do not wish to see a repeat of the dreadful disasters which occurred in Atlantis.s. Ashtar, our Supreme Commander of the Galactic Federation of Light, has been here with you for many years, working behind the scenes to establish contact with the bright lights of your civilizations. One example is the beloved JFK, who is here with us, still working to bring into being the plans he laid down in his short time as a President of the U.S. Kathryn can refer you to the website where you can read about his recent address to the Lightworkers who gathered to hear him speak. So you see, my children, you are not alone in this dark time. On the surface, the situation may seem hopeless, but we are not going to allow another world war, which is the plan for finally dividing, arming, and depleting every nation to the point where they all become beggar states, under the thumb of those who would glory in their ability to bring even the prosperous and industrious countries to their knees. We have had to proceed carefully and respectfully in order to preserve your individual free will. It is my covenant with you, that you each have free choice in your lives, to live in Light, maintaining your deep connection to your Mother and me, or to go your own way, following the path into darkness and love of power, control and destruction, whether it be the destruction of the entire planet, or the destruction of your own bodies and hearts.

In the coming months, you will be given the opportunity to raise your vibrational level to a previously unknown level of joy and excitement. You are learning now to meld the ability to experience the Fifth and higher dimensions which you experience in your dream state with the feelings you have in waking hours. Some of you are learning to maintain your constant connection with us as you go through your days; in fact it is the reason many of our children are pursuing higher levels of consciousness by gathering with their dear leaders like our beloved Wayne Dyer, who teaches and demonstrates the way to immerse yourself in Love, while also remaining within the nourishing circle of our Love and protection. This group of more than 300 souls are growing and expanding in their Love daily, sending a light out into the Multiverse which can be seen as far as distant planets where your brother and sisters celebrate your elevation to higher dimensions. You, my dear children, are the bright beacons who will lead the way, to show others how to expand their hearts, to learn forgiveness and joy, leaving behind the emotional residue of your early lives to ascend in the clear light of the Flame of your pure hearts - the Blue Flame of Mary, the mother who you celebrated yesterday, the Pink Flame of your own balance and purity, and the Golden Flame of Yahweh, which I now give to you. Install these burning lights which we give to each of you. Take them into the center of your hearts, deep within you to carry our Love, our constant presence, and our eternal faith in your ability to Ascend with us. These bright flames which represent the essence of what you call God - the essence of your Universal Mother and Father - will guide and support you, giving you strength and encouragement as you return to your own lives in far-flung places around the globe. Know that you are not alone. Ask for love and support from your fellow travelers, and feel the eternal flame burning within you. Ask this channel, Kathryn, to teach you the Visual Centering technique which will help you to stay balanced and steady within the channel of Light which connects you to us and to your beloved Mother Gaia, the one you call Mother Earth. She will help you to remain connected to her, to keep your anchoring cord from your soul centers to her Heart. With this deep connection, you will rise with your worthy Planet, firmly and lovingly supported, into the arms of your soul partners, your Masters, and with us, your loving creators and parents. Your language does not allow us to fully express the limitless love we feel for you, but your hearts can feel it. Open your hearts, my dear children, to experience the flow of unconditional Love which we send to you every moment of every day of your eternal lives. Go in peace, with the unending Flame of our love, Your Yahweh, I Am That I Am."

Part 15: A Message for Friends and Fellow Seekers

This was a message for the group of folks who gathered 'round to listen to the previous message. It is also relevant to anyone who has had the curiosity and courage to read these postings. Include yourself in this. "Thank you for taking this message, Kathryn. It will be short. I wanted to thank you for sharing the message I gave you yesterday with your group. You are an important gathering of healers. It was not an accident that you were attracted to our work. You are each in your own way powerful messengers. Do not underestimate your abilities to carry this message of Love and healing to the people you will encounter in the coming months. Continue to stay in contact with Kathryn, or directly with me, as you are learning to do on your own. I will support you, answer your questions, and provide you with further information as it is needed. I wanted to tell you all what a bright light you created as you gathered around to listen to my words. It touches me deeply to see you drawing close to each other, and shining so brightly that the angels and Masters wept with joy. You are curious, and your curiosity leads you to search for Truth. I commend you for that. You are fearless in your natures and full of Love in your hearts. Do the work you have chosen in the coming months with joy, and others will gather with you. You will attract many who question and search as you have. Work in groups to support each other, and take pleasure in each others' company as you go forth to share your historic message with those you meet. Kathryn has dedicated herself to be of service during this important time of change. She is tireless, and takes great joy in sharing what she learns. Do not hesitate to draw on her wisdom and her Love. She has learned to channel our Love and our excitement because she accepts our gifts of love and encouragement. You saw her Light as she read my message to Wayne. She will have similar messages for you as you proceed on your important paths after this week of restoration and learning. Go with joy, my children. We thank you for your service and appreciate the courage with which you expand and grow, regardless of the opinions of those around you who doubt. I love you one and all. I Am That I Am."

Part 16: A Message to the Women (and the men too)

The following was offered to answer questions and concerns about expressions of sexuality which came up during conversations with a group of all women, but it is very relevant to men as well. It is especially touching and encouraging in tone. "This is a message to the group of women who gather with Kathryn on the ship. Your discussions range widely, and explore important life-expanding possibilities for service to others, and one of your favorite topics, sexual expression in your fast-changing world. "My dear daughters, I send you my love and support. I am delighted to see you bonding together to discover new truths and find pleasure in each others' company. "I have arranged some earring tricks for you in the past few days to confirm for you that I am here with you, and that I do in fact have the ability to help you manifest your dreams. Be expansive and daring as you wish: I will support you. Be as loving as you can be, and I applaud you. You are strong and independent women, all. Use your independence to reassure you that you are not bound by the expectations and opinions of others. Do not use that independence to draw away from me, or turn your backs on my guides and angels who come to help you. "I encourage Kathryn to share the experiences she has with me, which she has done in part. Much more is available to you. Let her explain to you my love of orgasms - (I speak frankly to you because you are wise and experienced women). I have given my children the ability to experience this wondrous, elevating sensation of love, not to restrict and withhold, but to enjoy and share, in love and intimacy, in fondness and in expansiveness. It is a tender and lifeaffirming opportunity to fulfill that exciting and wondrous sharing, and I put no restrictions on who or when or where those delights should be experienced. I see the light which is produced when my children find pleasure in each other's bodies - it is the expression of love which I encourage. "It is a blessing and a strengthening, solidifying effect when a couple share this experience within a marriage - an opportunity which I feel is shared entirely too infrequently. It is also a blessing when two happy and free individuals who might otherwise be alone can find an oasis in each other's arms, however briefly that loving encounter might last. I do not condemn those who share a loving moment, or a loving lifetime. It is the same to us. "Do not judge or condemn when you hear stories of pleasure and sharing. It is my intention that you learn to open your hearts and find love wherever and whenever it presents itself to you. It is my gift to you in human form. It helps to expand the soul and comfort the sore spirit. Of course, this gift is not to be flaunted or used to hurt another. That would be unkind and selfish, but do not judge others who find it possible to love expansively and truly, even if that love is fleeting by your standards of time. We do not experience time in our dimension. We only know love. "Remember: any offering of love, whether it be to yourselves in your private moments, or to another who offers himself or herself to you without pride or rancor or conditions, all are love,

and all are blessings in our eyes. We understand this is a difficult concept for you to apply in your lives, especially since your cultures have found ways throughout the eons to restrict and condemn sexual practices which are not rigidly controlled and approved by the authorities who wish to control you in your every expression. You see that in your present leader-hopefuls, who try to expand the restrictions on who can express sexuality and who is allowed to have children or not as a result. "My children throughout the ages have always found creative ways to manage their sexual drives to accommodate the needs of limiting reproduction to a sensible level while allowing them to revel in the pleasures of sexual expression. I applaud that highly. We encourage child-bearing when the child is given the opportunity to experience a safe and happy family life, but we do not wish to restrict human sexual expression to those functions only. From our point of view, this is an absurd and unnecessary restraint on human creativity. We also applaud when we see individuals or cultures find ways to share sexual pleasures in ways which accommodate all the members, regardless of their social or marital status. We value temperance and exuberance in equal measure. It is possible to find a balance which allows for expansiveness as well as trust and fulfillment of a sacred bond. "The bonds of marriage are sacred, as you have felt and experienced yourselves, but I do not wish for any of my children to remain in oppressive or hurtful relationships, or to be judged harshly when they decide to search beyond the restraints of an unfulfilling partnership to find companionship and renewed inspiration. It is unfortunate, and sometimes tragic when a couple or a family is shattered by infidelity, however, it often gives us the opportunity to offer the partners more suitable experiences for their own soul growth. A limiting and uninspired partnership such as all of you have experienced can be the most suffocating and soul-stunting of life experiences. Do not condemn those who break free to explore life in different ways. Those adventurous souls break the bonds of oppression and boredom for all those around them, even while it may cause temporary disruption or unhappiness. We celebrate as we watch you evolve, experiment and grow beyond the restraints of your restrictive cultural ideas. "I would wish to address each of you separately, but Kathryn must sleep as well as share. I will communicate further with you when time allows. "Go in peace, children. Be free of judgment, fear and above all, do not imagine that you have experienced the limits of what is possible for you. Continue to search, and to ask for pleasures beyond your wildness imaginings. All is available to you when you free your hearts and your minds to be open to the myriad of possibilities for expressing your love. "When I send my expressions of love to you, it is without measure, without limit, without time. Do the same with each other. Do not fear freedom. It is my gift to you. "I love you, my daughters. Your Father, Yahweh. I Am That I Am."

Part 17: A Parting Message to the Travelers on the Ship Equinox

This message is for all the rest of us too. The ship is docking, and all the passengers will be disembarking today to return to their everyday lives. It has been a very moving learning experience for many of you, visiting beautiful old cities and ancient ruins, while listening to the very challenging information which Dr. Dyer has presented over the past 10 days. You will each have the opportunity as you return home to make a decision about the way you will describe your trip to others. Will you talk about the places you have seen and the purchases you made, or will you talk about the spiritual connection you have made, to me, to your Universal Mother, and to the soul of others on your voyage? Many of you have made important new friendships, which will give you a circle of supportive souls who are now used to the language of real emotional experience. Do not return to the life of material endeavors and trivial exchanges you were used to in the past. You have a chance now to raise the consciousness of those around you. Use the opportunity and the materials you now have to open the hearts of your extended family and friends. Talk about the inspiration you have felt when our dear Wayne revealed his deep connection to God, as many of you call us, and when he read the poetry of Rumi, who breathed the very breath of Spirit in his everyday life. Be a beacon of hope for the others you meet on the street, and yes, those you conduct business with. Each and every one needs to hear the message of unconditional love that we send to you all. No one is excluded from our plan, which has been progressing now for thousands of years. You were aware of this before you came to this life, and deep in the consciousness of every one alive today on Planet Earth lies the memory of your soul plan to be present at the Shift, or the Ascension, as it is often called. You have felt the sensation of time speeding up, and you are well aware of the changing weather patterns on your dear Planet. In civilizations past, that would have been the warning of dire disruptions and disaster to come. This time, it will be different. Mother Earth herself is moving, not through space and time, but through the portal to higher vibrational dimensions. It will be possible for each of you to raise your own vibrations by practicing the meditations you have been taught, and by allowing yourselves to express the loving feelings which are natural to you. Do not fear the disdain or lack of awareness of others. Many of your fellow humans are still asleep, ignorant to the glorious possibility which awaits you. They need your help to awaken. Go forth as our Sons Jesus, Mohammed and Buddha once did. Learn to quote a line from Rumi, or repeat the statements made by Wayne Dyer in his lectures. Share the books and CDs you have learned from with everyone who will listen. There is no time to waste. The portal to higher

dimensions has already opened. You are invited to ascend with Mother Earth this very day, if you can accomplish the natural and simple tasks we have given you: Stop your searching for pleasures and distractions in your 3D environment, and reach higher, to experience our outpouring of unconditional love for you. It will carry you and your loved ones and friends to the level of the 5th, 7th and higher dimensions, where creation is manifest effortlessly, where abundance and love will surround you, and where you will never again feel need. All things are possible here, in the dimensions which you have experienced before with me only after you left your Earth bodies. This time it will be different. Earth herself, our dear Gaia, has already begun her ascent to higher planes of consciousness. She has worked tirelessly to care for you, the children of her heart, providing everything you see and touch, your food and your shelter, for millions of years. She is now ready to evolve on her own path to higher consciousness, and she has invited all of you to anchor deeply into her heart, and go with her on this wondrous adventure. Do not be left behind because of the fears you have been taught in this lifetime. Forget the religious teachings which predict death and disaster. Instead, join with the others who are already well prepared for the transition. They have been all around you on this wonderful voyage of discovery and friendship. Continue to support and encourage each other. Stay in touch with the teachers you have met. Read their books, tell of their inspiration and Light, and take it into your own consciousness as you return to your lives across the planet. You represent many countries, many languages and customs, but you all have a common purpose - to fulfill your own soul journeys by ascending, as you planned to do before your life here began. Use this opportunity to teach others, to continue to grow, to ask and answer questions about this wondrous and new opportunity, new in the history of your planet, in the history of mankind. Listen to the Master teachers among you - those whose message is one of hope and love, connection and continuance, not fear or punishment. We, your Universal Mother, whose Earthly house you visited, and I, the one you call Yahweh, Father God, Allah, Spirit, are with you every step of your way. We will support and protect you. We will listen to your prayers and fill your hearts with love. You only need to listen with your hearts and souls to know the truth. Now is the time for you to elevate yourselves. Be an example and an inspiration to those who have not yet awakened and those who are just beginning to learn. Help them to overcome the fears they have been taught, and the habits of competition and division which have pervaded your lives in the past. It is not our way. We do not wish for you to struggle any more. We wish you lives filled with joy, friendship and love. You will want nothing, fear nothing, suffer no longer, when you join us, along with your dear Gaia, in higher dimensions, higher planes of existence. You will remain in your bodies, in a delightfully elevated form, and you will experience the thrilling possibilities which your 3-dimensional human minds cannot even begin

to imagine. You will be given all this without having to go through the death process all other human bodies have experienced in the past. This time, you will fly with me through the portals of time and space to higher elevations. Practice your quiet meditations every day, as our beloved Wayne has taught you. Spend time in Nature, breathe the glistening air and sunlight which nourishes and calm you, and listen. We will speak to you. We will not leave you for a moment. If you have difficulty hearing our voices, listen to the voices of those who channel our messages until you begin to feel yourself elevating, lifting off from lower vibration of the material world you are used to. Yes, I use the term lift-off, for that is what we have in store for you. You will all be astronauts on the space ship Earth. You have seen the wondrous photographs of our space world, which once seemed so distant to you. Do not fear. Other beings from distant planets and stars have come to meet you, to be among you during this momentous event. There are no dangerous "aliens." They are your star brothers and sisters, our children all. Do not forget that many, including your doting Mother and Father, including the brothers and sisters from other star civilizations, have always had the power and the technology to destroy, to interfere or end your lives and your planets. Do not believe the religious leaders, politicians and movie makers who teach such terror. We do not do such things. Ours is the way of Unconditional Love. We want only to teach you, to help you elevate yourselves. We await you with joy. Our arms and our hearts welcome you home, to a place which is familiar in your soul experience, from the many lifetimes you have spent in the loving world you call Spirit. Celebrate, my children. You are the fortunate, hardworking harbingers of joyful events to come. Your language does not allow me to fully express the glorious experiences we have ahead. Hold fast to your Faith, your Hope, your loving hearts, and the heart of your Gaia. She knows and accepts each of you as we do. We love you, one and all. Your faithful and attentive Father, Creator, Yahweh. I Am That I Am. Channeled on Oct. 4, 2012 by Kathryn E. May, PsyD

Part 18: In the Aftermath of Hurricane Sandy

"Dear Ones, It is time for us to tell you more about what to expect as you go through the coming days of change. Events will take place on your planet that have never occurred before. As you have seen from the enormous storm you have just witnessed, Mother Earth is going through a cleansing process. It was not intended to cause suffering or pain to the people, but it was necessary for her to use her power to help to wake up those who have been complacent, even completely in denial of her consciousness and her crucial role in your survival and your well-being for eons. This storm, as a result of the widespread devastation to the electrical systems, has brought out the best in people. Neighbors who have never spoken to each other are helping each other, sharing what they have, reassuring the elders and caring for the children. My legions of angels have done their best to mitigate the effects of the storm to prevent loss of life. Please understand that those who have come home to us during this event have completed their commitment; this passing was part of their original contract before they came to this life. They are now here with us, in joy and contentment. They are not in pain, and they are not suffering because of the necessity for them to leave their loved ones. They are aware of the coming glorious event in which they will be here with us to greet their ascending brothers and sisters who will elevate to the 5th dimension and above to experience the unconditional Love and Joy with them. It is difficult to explain to all of you who are used to 5-senses evidence-based material reality, but you are now entering into the final stages of the transition that will carry you, along with your planet, whom we call Gaia, to higher levels of vibration. In the process of that transition, you will experience some anomalies and discomforts in your bodies - many of you are already feeling it. You may experience aches and pains in the area of old injuries, or passing illness which might feel like the flu or digestive upsets. These are natural, like the sensations you would feel on a fast roller-coaster, or an elevator that ascends abruptly. If you practice the exercises Kathryn has taught in her book, and the meditations your yoga teachers have recommended, you will find you can ride out the changes best by anchoring deeply within yourselves, putting your roots down by sending a connecting thread or energy anchor deeply into the heart of Gaia, who welcomes your connection. Send your gratitude and love to her, and she will return your love ten-fold. Send us your prayers, and they will be answered. As the storm approached, many of you prayed for the family and friends around you to be spared the greatest suffering. You did not think of yourselves, but fervently prayed to mitigate the suffering. We have tried to answer your prayers. Material possessions may have been swept away, but this is of little consequence. People who are displaced must be helped to find comfortable housing for the coming weeks. It will give families and friends the opportunity to share their large spaces with people in need. Make use of those mega-mansions you have foolishly built. They are too large for one family to live comfortably without becoming strangers. Those of you who have much, share it with those who have been displaced. You will learn about

others, especially if you welcome people into your homes whom you have not known well in the past. Be generous, and you will be rewarded richly, with love and gratitude from us and from your fellow countrymen and women. Already we are seeing acts of generosity, even heroism, of the sort you have rarely witnessed in your culture. It has elevated both the givers and the receivers. You will not regret your generous acts. They will help you to raise your consciousness and your level of vibration toward the feeling of unconditional love and joy you will need to experience in your transition to higher dimensions. The higher you are able to elevate yourselves now, the more natural it will feel to you to move with grace and joy into the state of happiness you will feel when you reach the goal we have in store for you - a state of infinite understanding, peace, perfect health, and unconditional love. It has been called "Revelation," and that it will be. Fear and anxiety will be left behind, for they are unknown in the higher dimensions, as are competition and warfare, greed and cruelty. Those tendencies will completely drop away in the coming weeks, as you are bathed in waves of powerful energy from the cosmos. Your DNA will respond to the energy waves by awakening, gradually bringing into operation abilities and higher levels of awareness and intelligence which have been imbedded in your human form, dormant for thousands of years. For those who have been asleep, lulled by your material comforts and electronic distractions, it will come as a shock to experience new levels of creativity and expansive awareness, but with faith and help from your fellow humans, your star brothers and sisters who have come to help you, and us, your guides and spirit helpers, you will thrive. We have already guaranteed your survival by eliminating the possibility of nuclear warfare. We can tell you now in the waning hours of Old Planet Earth, that you will not ever again have to fear annihilation by your foolish leaders who place their own egos and their material gain ahead of their people's wellbeing. Some of your current leaders, including your American president, are playing out their parts as the keepers of the spirit of love and cooperation. You have seen it in the responses to his leadership: truly caring people are falling in love, with each other, with hope, and with the possibility of genuine cooperation. All is in line to help you in your coming Ascension. You do not need to fear chaos, as you are now seeing. Your strong leaders will help in the transition, by raising your spirits and setting an example of compassion, empathy and concern for the welfare of all the people. Have no fear, my children, you are in our loving embrace. Your work now is to throw off the painful memories of childhood rejections and ego-bruising neglect and abuse. You will be freed of those old, dark feelings of melancholy and dread. Open your hearts, and move toward those you love, without fear or hesitation. Walk with us in the Light. It is the destiny you looked forward to eagerly when you made your contracts with us to come to this glorious planet in this, the momentous time of change. We are not referring to a 5,000 year evolution, or even the 26,000 year cycle which is indeed upon us. It is true that civilizations have lived and disappeared on your planet before, ice sheets have formed and melted, as humans have made the long journey to bring you to the place where you are now. Your scientists are making discoveries daily, of pyramids left on your planet, still

present on every continent, hidden beneath the rich vegetation which has disguised them, invisible in plain sight. Egyptian archaeologists have discovered, at last, the bodies of "extraterrestrial" beings who came in ages past to assist their leaders in building the civilization you have called Atlantis. It did exist. In fact, it has already been found, as you will see from your internet pictures, in the place which you have called the Bermuda Triangle. Massive pyramid structures are at last visible to you because of your improved underwater photography, and aerial detection of energy forms. Your inclination to be "skeptical" - which is really a kind of blindness - has prevented you from accepting the obvious: You are not alone, and have never been alone. Others have been here before you, with more advanced technologies, given to them by the friends from distant planets who wished to share their wealth of knowledge, because it has brought freedom and joy to them on their home planets. They have known the state in which all prosper, all are welcomed, and all feel the love of their Creator and their fellows, as a way of life. They have tried to share these gifts with you, and have been successful at times, but your leaders' suspicions and irrational fears, and their need to keep absolute control over the flow of information has made it more difficult, although not impossible, for you to know the truth. You have accepted their control, and consumed the lies and propaganda they have presented to you, no matter how nonsensical it might have been. The time for this blindness is past, dear ones. You are not seeing weather balloons, or hoaxers with boards making crop circles. Your star brothers and sisters are revealing themselves by uncloaking their ships for all to see, as the weapons aimed at them have been gradually disengaged. Welcome them. They come to teach and to assist you. They will make your transition easier. They come in peace, which should be obvious to you by now, since they have been hovering, waiting for you to invite their help for generations now. They could have destroyed your planet a hundred times over if that were their intention. But destruction is unthinkable for them. They come with love, and with patience and generosity, awaiting the disclosure announcement they hope will be forthcoming. So, as you see, nothing is what you thought it was. We are trying to prepare you by sending you these messages, through this channel and others, but as you are aware, you are often reluctant to share these readings, or even absorb their meaning fully. You keep your knowledge secret, for fear others will ridicule you for your growing belief that this is real, that the information you read here is truthful and genuinely given from the heart. These are not foolish or deluded dreamers who offer their wisdom, often to deaf ears. They have continued their call to awake, even during the dark years when no one would listen, lovingly and patiently showing the way with their own Light. It is time for you to embrace this coming change, and to send this message of enlightenment and joy to everyone you know. Shout it to the rooftops: Here we go! It is time! All are invited, don't miss out on the thrilling enlightenment to come! Join hands, join hearts, and fly! Well, of course, you will remain in your bodies, so levitation will come slowly and a bit awkwardly to some of you, but prepare yourselves for new forms of "trans-portation," without

the need for your troublesome and toxic gasoline. Do not fret, as Gaia tosses off your sources of "power" in favor of more elevated forms of travel and sustenance. Now, go on with your recovery efforts, but do not bother to rebuild the cheap amusements or inferior housing. They will not be needed. Dance, and yes, run, in the streets. Share your considerable wealth and your hoards of money and food. You will not be needing them. You will soon experience something far more exciting and fulfilling than any material possession or material security could offer. If you are one of the awakening few who have the wisdom to patiently read several pages of lifeaffirming information, congratulations on your growing Faith. You will be the leaders who will usher in the New Age. Share your knowledge and your wealth of Heart-centered wisdom. Go out among your fellows and embrace them. Reassure them and comfort them. The coming weeks will bring not only relief, but unfathomable joy. Go in peace, with our eternal Love, Your Yahweh, I Am That I Am" Channeled by Kathryn E. May, PsyD on November 2, 2012, 5 am.

Part 19: A Message for Kathryn

This is for our dear Kathryn. You have asked about your own Ascension. You have also volunteered to help others make the transition. We have accepted your help, as we always do, and you have been actively preparing your clients and friends and your readers so that they can make it through the portal to higher dimensions. For those of you who have worked hard for many years to elevate yourselves even before you knew about Ascension, it may not be so obvious where you are. You have practiced your meditations, you have talked with us every day, and you have traveled with me, with Jesus, Makarta, and your dear teacher Amos, through the gateway to the place you thought of as the other Gaia. Yes, my dear, you have made the transition as part of your training with us, and you have come back to help others. You have asked if there is anything more you need to do, or anything more we wish for you to do. It fills our hearts with tenderness and love to see your willingness to give so enthusiastically of your energy and your time so that your fellow travelers can also Ascend. You, my dear, are a gate-keeper and a way-shower, and the reason you are able to do that is because you have already been here with us. You have spent time in the 7th dimension, the level of Christ consciousness, learning the ways of Jesus, and you have practiced your comings and goings in your meditations until you could transition almost effortlessly. What is that but Ascension? You are certain of the information you teach because you know first-hand of the love and support you felt from us. Now it is time for you to share with others what you know from your own experience. It has been a very personal adventure for you, and we did not encourage you to share the more intimate details as you were going through it in your training, but now you have some perspective which comes with time, you will choose to tell whatever anecdotes you feel will be best understood by your listeners. It will help them to move fearlessly toward their own elevation to know that you have been there, done that, as you Americans say. Now you must prepare for your trip back to your country home, that beautiful place where you have lovingly built your rooms, your gardens and your friendships. There are others there who will welcome your "coming out of the closet." Many of them are eager to make the Shift and will find reassurance in your experience.Now you must prepare for your trip back to your country home, that beautiful place where you have lovingly built your rooms, your gardens and your friendships. There are others there who will welcome your "coming out of the closet." Many of them are eager to make the Shift and will find reassurance in your experience. Go in love, and do not dwell on your own feelings of loneliness and longing to be here with us again. You can come and go as you please, knowing we are always beside you, with Light and gratitude for your service. Tell the world of your adventures, dear one, so that they can be reassured. It is time for all to acknowledge their strengths as well as their weaknesses! Do not hesitate to let people know how adventurous you have been, and how far you have traveled.

We love you one and all, and look forward to closer and closer connection with all of you. Your Eternal Father, awaiting your arrival, I Am That I Am, Your Yahweh Channeled by Kathryn E May, PsyD on Nov. 3, 2012, 4 am.

Part 20: Ascension Practices

"We have asked Kathryn to receive one of these messages every night for the duration of preparations for Ascension so that you will have the most up-to-date and thorough information possible. We will, however, honor the fact that Kathryn might for some reason need an entire nights' sleep once in a while. (They are instructing me to put a :) here K.) :) Briefly, here are a few bits of information which will help you to prepare yourselves. Many have asked what to do to leave self-doubt and anxiety behind. I have sent you a manual for this purpose. It is called "Who Needs Light?" It will tell you everything you can be taught with words about how to conquer these destructive tendencies. The next part will be up to you. 1.) The first step is to acknowledge that Anxiety is not something that happens to you, or something that is inflicted by your environment. It is a lifestyle you have adopted, like a preference for spicy food or wearing a particular kind of clothing. It is something you do, as a reaction to something you think. 2.) You may be complaining that you cannot control your thoughts. They just happen. You believe this because you have not been taught the basic human discipline of managing your thoughts and emotions. It simply takes practice. Begin with the focusing and centering exercises in the book, or meditation practices you have been taught. Be diligent. Breathe, concentrate on not allowing your thoughts to stray to destructive or unpleasant "what if" kinds of thoughts. They are your thoughts. You own them. They are in need of grooming and exercise, just as you are, to be at your best. Do not be discouraged if you are not successful after an hour or a week. This is a life-long practice which will serve you well. 3.) Begin to practice what some have called "random acts of kindness." This is also a way of life, not an exceptional moment once a week. It is a wonderful concept. Make those random acts a part of your purposeful repertoire, so that you are always searching for an opportunity to do something to raise another person's spirit or make their day easier. I am not referring to giving money to a charity, although that is one possibility among many. If you use that method, make sure you give large amounts, and often. The recent weather gives all of you opportunities to think about how you could establish organizations or networks with your neighbors to prepare for similar difficulties. 4.) Turn off your television. The news there is contrived to create conflict and fear, and the programs are wasting your time that you could use to improve yourself and connect with others. Do not complain that there is something wrong in your life if you have spent an hour in front of the TV. It depletes your energy and interferes with walking your intended path of selfimprovement and elevation. 5). Be aware of your constant fear-based thoughts about the future, about what others might do or what disasters might befall you or your loved ones. This negative thinking is not "preparation" nor is it caring or helpful. It creates darkness in your own aura and inflicts doubt and fear on

others. The future holds great joy and celebration for all of you. You only need to reach for it, and accept it when it comes looking for you. 6.) Be ready to revel in the feelings of unconditional love which will pour across your planet on 11/11, in a heightened peak of good feeling which we are planning to send to alleviate your fears and fill your hearts. Be prepared to accept the offerings of love and good will from your neighbors and friends as they too are inundated with loving feelings. Act on that love, and it will come back to you tenfold. 7.) Move your focused awareness into the center of you brain, into the Light channel where you can feel our presence all the time. We are sending you love at all times, to increase your storehouse of good feeling and peace of mind so that you can raise your vibrational level. This is your Ascension preparation, and it will make your life easier and more joyful every day. All these suggestions are powerful actions which will change you, sweeping away old habits of negative thinking and destructive actions. You will find you can heal your addictions and help others in the process. Copy this list of suggestions and keep it with you. Practice each of these activities every day. You will not regret the feelings you experience as you go through your day, and you will be astonished at the effect it has on your happiness quotient. You have all said you want to be happy. Now do it. Because, like fear and self-doubt, happiness is something you do. Go in peace, my children. Share this with others, and live in the glow of love you are creating around you. Your loving Yahweh, I Am That I Am, Jehovah, Allah, Buddha, etc."

Part 21: Encouragement and Love as We Recover

"Dear Ones, We wish to continue our conversation with you, so that you know we are here working with you all at this important time. We ask our channel, Kathryn, to be prepared to take down these messages every day (or every night) for the coming weeks, and to put them on her web site for all to read. We beg of you - Please send these postings on to everyone you know, so that no one is left out of the discussion. You have the means to send Kathryn an email to ask any questions you want to send to us. We will do our best to answer all your questions. Now, some further information and encouragement for you. For those of you who may have been disturbed by the Storm, we are sorry. It is not Mother Gaia's intention to wipe her children off her body. We have decided to give you the disturbing truth about this storm. It was a gathering storm of normal proportions which might have caused some damage; she did not create the monster it became. There is an activity on your planet known as HAARP - a secret scientific group with advanced abilities to control weather patterns. They are the source of the "chemtrails" some of you have suspected of causing damage in the past. Ironically, they are much more skilled at causing havoc in the weather patterns than in calming them. This is not an accident. Their intention is to cause irreparable damage to the entire planet, to the extent that whole countries, even whole continents are brought to their knees. We have occasionally mentioned the Dark members of your societies whose intention it is to gain world domination and absolute power. It is their wish to destroy, conquer, and enslave. There is a religious fervor to their madness, a group delusion which convinces them of their entitlement, and the rightness of their actions. I will tell you more about their beliefs at a later time if you wish. For now, it is only important that you know that Gaia herself did not wish to create this havoc, and neither did we. These secret groups, whom you sometimes call "Illuminati" - ironically, for they have nothing to do with Light. Just the opposite. We prefer to call them the Dark Hats, or as our Ashtar refers to them, the "naughties." We do not wish to frighten you or encourage a sense of dread concerning their power over you. They are being contained for the time being, gradually preventing them from doing the massive damage they would like to inflict. This storm was intended to be even more forceful than it was. Your prayers allowed us to come to the aid of some of you, in the midst of the worst of it. Our legions of angels and your star brothers and sisters were able to fly into the worst of the winds to spread out the effects of the storm, which if its energy had been concentrated along its path, would have caused much greater loss of life. It is our sacred contract with you that we not interfere with your free will, but when groups of you pray and ask for our assistance, we are able to help. Continue to ask, my children. We want to help you. The area where Kathryn lives is filled with people who place their Faith in us and communicate with us in large numbers. We were able to spare her little valley completely, as she

and her friends prayed for us to do. We hope that you all will communicate with us. You should know that when we look at your planet from afar, your prayers beam toward us like beacons, light beams of great power. We try to answer your prayers in ways that will benefit you without betraying your original contract or your own need to create learning opportunities for yourselves. This storm, as unfortunate as the losses are, has created light on your planet as never before, as neighbor helps neighbor, volunteers for organizations like the Red Cross and other blessed groups, and awakening individuals across more than half of your country, the U.S., dedicate themselves to selflessly helping others. Your hearts have expanded to meet the need for loving action, and your compassion has grown exponentially as you acknowledge your concern for one another and take action to help out. We commend you on that, and find great satisfaction in the fact that you are using this event to raise the consciousness of your society as a whole, as race and socioeconomic boundaries wash away with the hurricane detritus. We will not allow those among you who wish for chaos and disaster to triumph. These are lastditch efforts on their part to try to impose their will on others. Their technology, while more advanced than you know, is nothing compared to the abilities of those who have come to help you. We tread lightly now, intervening where we can, while allowing your growth to continue at a rapid pace. As you are seeing all around you, adversity brings out the best in most of you. Your news sources, many of which are owned by the Dark elements we mentioned, prefer to concentrate on the one or two incidents of conflict or anger among those who wait for limited resources. The reality could not be further from this. The vast majority have behaved with restraint, compassion and love. There are efforts afoot in other parts of your country and in the world to create massive earthquakes and tsunamis, but we are already working hard to mitigate the damage of these actions. Your science has progressed to the point where it is fairly easy for them to know where the fault lines in the Earth's crust are, and the likely effects of a well-placed explosion underground. Gaia is pained by these ruthless interferences into her body integrity, and has also asked for our help. Our most effective interventions take the form of sending massive waves of unconditional love, which you will feel increasing in the coming days. 11/11 will be a second wave, more powerful than the one you felt on 10/10. You are becoming stronger, elevating your energies to embrace the feelings of unconditional love you are receiving from the entire Multiverse. This is truly an unprecedented event, the Ascension we have been describing to you. Gaia is completing her Ascension. It is nearly done. You have all been invited to make the transition to live, once and for all, on New Earth, where there is no want, no war, and no disease. Already, groups of people are walking through the gates to their new home. The conditions there, while delightful, are not set in stone. There will be need for all your skills, all your strengths, as you establish new ways of exchanging what you need and establishing organizations and system of governing, or teaching, of sharing, and of celebrating. Come, all of you - do not return to your humdrum lives. Take this opportunity to free yourselves of old fears and self-doubt. Elevate, and meditate every day. Create your dream of the new life you will live, not simply in luxury, but in the fulness of Unconditional Love and Light.

Look for our messages and the evidence of our work all around you. Take our intention to spread the Light and Love across the planet. Join us in relieving the immediate needs and discomforts of those around you, and in the process you will be elevating yourself. Every day counts, every action matters. Do not waste your time accruing emergency supplies for the distant future. They will not be needed. Prepare yourselves by expanding your awareness, your compassion, and your empathy for you fellows. Do not wait for government agencies or commercial power companies to come to your aid. Help yourselves and each other in creative ways. We will be there to help you, as you plan and carry out your generous work. You will feel us as you feel the wind at your back. Do not become discouraged in the aftermath, as destruction is revealed and the difficult task of cleaning up faces you. Use this opportunity to unburden yourselves of the unnecessary objects and toys you have accumulated. Free yourselves as you help others. Carry your message of strong heart and strong conviction - the recognition of your own important place in the flow of life on your dear Gaia. Arise, my children. Do the good work you are capable of in your hearts, and we will be there with you. Be courageous, and remain undaunted. Now is your time for noble action and steady resolve. I love you, each of you, for your unique and individual gifts and talents. Your guides, angels and Ascended Masters celebrate your strengths and celebrate your phenomenal growth as you move toward your own Ascension. We await you with tears of joy. Gabrielle holds her glorious trumpet, ready to sound the joyful announcement that it is now time for you to lift-off. Surrender to your best impulses, Dear Ones, they will lead you to a joyful reunion with Love. With unending love, we cherish you now, as ever before, Yahweh, and the Legions of Heaven (the 5th dimension and higher). We await you."

Part 22: The Science of Ascension

"Now, I would like to talk to you about the coming Ascension from another perspective. Many have asked about the facts behind this phenomenon. Is there scientific evidence to point to what is happening now? The answer is, of course. All enormous galactic events are determined by scientifically verifiable laws of physics, as your physicists are beginning to discover. Your dear Einstein began the recent age of exploration in physics by teaching you all that time and space are not as simple and predictable as you had thought, but that they are relative to the conditions in which they operate. I will not attempt here to explain the intricacies of the laws of physics as they apply to Ascension. I can, however, assure you that it is well within the understanding of your advanced physicists, in the areas they call quantum mechanics. We created Planet Earth to be a place in which time and space are felt and measured by every one of you as a familiar and reliable experience. This gives the inhabitants of the Earth the impression that the whole Universe must operate by the same laws, but this is an illusion. As space exploration has proven, outside of the atmosphere of Earth, there is no time, and space can be stretched or warped, according to your requirements and perspective. It is important to understand these things as we enter the new era of change. It seems inconceivable to many of you that a planet could "rise" from the 3rd dimension to the 5th and beyond, but from the perspective of the Universe, this is perfectly natural. Your scientists are exploring the concepts, and sometimes the reality of worm-holes, black holes and other exceptions to the linear conception of space/time. Other civilizations across the Universe have studied these phenomena and made them work for them, so that they can travel thousands of light-years from their planets to visit you here in their space ships in what you would measure as minutes. They are filling the skies now, ready to assist you in any way they can. They come in peace. Because of the resistance of your leaders to accept their offers of help which would benefit all your populations, we have been forced to use less direct means of helping you, by interfering with some of your electronically powered weapons, for instance. Your U.S. government has explored many of the possibilities of space travel beyond the ones you have seen on your TV presentations. In fact, they have mastered the connection between intention (the use of the mind to direct a ship) and propulsion to the extent that they have been able to travel to Mars and back with ease. Much of these technologies were reverse-engineered from the remains of the ship they brought down near Roswell, New Mexico, and others. The ships you think of as "UFOs" are your neighbors and friends. They come in peace, but your military has made it very difficult for them to reach you, or to communicate with you directly, because those in power do not wish for the general population to have access to the advanced technology they wish to teach you about. Free energy, for instance, has been available to you

since Tesla developed the basic principles in his laboratory. As many of you know, J.P. Morgan, his patron, destroyed his lab, his life, and prevented him from continuing his work because it would have had wide-spread economic implications: It would have made it impossible to control and profit from the energy you use. You are now at a turning point. Vastly more powerful and efficient sources of energy are available to you, as some of your high-level political people understand. Others, who are intimately linked to the military-industrial complex, are trying to convince you that the primitive fossil fuels, oil, gas and coal, are necessary and good for you in every way, making your lives better and cheaper. This is nonsense. They are promoting the highly toxic and destructive Golden Goose which has made them rich at the cost of the planet's health. We have been trying to give you free energy for many years, but those who try to disseminate this information have been murdered or ruined financially. We are working with some of your present leaders, who cannot yet reveal our plans to help you because of danger to themselves in your current contentious political climate. We are going to circumvent this, to provide Planet Earth with the free and abundant energy sources you have wanted. We recommend that you watch the wonderful documentary movie, made by our dear Foster Gamble and friends. It is called "Thrive," and it is now free for you to watch on the internet by going to It will explain much of this in a very comprehensive way. Now, some more of the science behind Ascension. For those of you who wish to pursue the intricacies of this topic, I refer you to the physicists and others who have tried to explain it in depth. David Wilcock and Drunvalo, Gregg Braden, Fred Allen Wolf and others have done a good job of collecting the data for popular consumption. Here I will stick to the practical elements. The explanation for what it will feel like to move from the 3rd to the 5th dimensions is difficult to put into words. We can only give you descriptions of facets of the experience, which you will put together little by little, as we explain it to you in these pages. It would be impossible to put into words what it will feel like in total. Many of these descriptions were given to you by our Jesus on his time on Earth, and some of it has been recorded in various writings, including your Bible, but much of it has been distorted, as you are tempted to do in your human form, to make it sound unpleasant, dangerous, or Apocalyptic. This is unfortunate. It has made it harder for you to accept and celebrate that which should be seen as a glorious event - one which will benefit all people. You have even been taught to be suspicious of anything that increases the benefits of life to the whole population! So, you must suspend your suspicions and your fears to absorb the meaning of what I am telling you. Open your hearts, and you will know what I am saying is true. First, you will begin to feel a rise in the energy vibration which Planet Earth emits. This will be measured by your scientists, who have been able to scan the planet to detect the taurus waves emanating from the heart of the planet outward. The electromagnetic vibrations are changing and can be measured, just as the

notes of a scale can be measured by the size of the wave they produce. The wave length of the Earth's vibration is changing. As you also know, colors and light can be measured in a similar way. It will be felt by those who are intuitively connected to their senses as an increase in positive energy (Light). It can be felt emotionally as waves of Love, which will also be measured by your scientists as it sweeps across your planet. You may have to search your internet sources to find the evidence, because it will probably not be reported in your popular news outlets, but it will be easily measurable with the instruments they possess. In fact, it is already happening. You have been aware of at least 3 pole shifts, in which the magnetic pole of your planet has shifted, creating different magnetic measurements. This is the reason some of your ocean animals and birds have become confused and lost their way during migration. This is unfortunate, but it has been necessary for Mother Gaia to make adjustments to compensate for the changes in the Earth surface which your drilling and building have caused. Because of the building of your massive cities made of iron ore, which was mined and moved from its original place, the balance of the planet has been effected. Pole shifts have happened in the past, with disastrous results to the civilizations which were more or less eliminated as a result. Because of the rising consciousness of your people, who have sent their prayers and pleas for stability and continued existence in human form, we have come to help, and Gaia has modified her changes to make them more gradual and incremental than they would have been otherwise. This possibility has always existed as one of the possible future scenarios for the planet. We are delighted that you have done your part - enough of you to make the Ascension possible rather than the more extreme weather and shifts in the crust of the Earth which might have occurred otherwise. You are now well into the transition which will complete, at least from your short-term perspective, within the Earth-time measure of a few months. As the vibration rises, you will feel physical sensations which would seem strange to you, and which you would call medical problems if you were not aware of what is happening. You will be inclined to feel more generous, more loving and more expansive in your emotional responses. Some of you will be suspicious of your own motives, even thinking of them as weakness or poor judgment, since you have been taught that selfishness is normal. It is not. You are social and giving in your nature, and inclined to help each other when you see desperate need around you. You will begin to respond to less urgent needs, with kindness and helpfulness. Kathryn experienced this today, when we stalled her car so that she would go across the street to speak with her old friends who needed her information to help them leave behind their rigid religious teachings for a brighter perspective. They are good people who will be able to ascend when they are able to let go of dogma and the anxiety it produces, to follow their hearts instead. She only needed to take out the jumper cables, to find numerous neighbors who were willing to

spend considerable time with her trying to solve the dilemma of why her car would not start. We apologize for the inconvenience, but thank you for responding to our request to teach when the opportunity arose. It is easy for us to interfere with the electrical system on your cars and other appliances, by the way. We only use these measures with those who are likely to acknowledge and respond positively, as Kathryn does when we send her messages by way of her computer or her car. (K: I am feeling waves of electrical sensations of pain in my toe. What are you showing me now? Ah, yes. You also are able to send us messages by way of our own electrical equipment our nerve endings - in the same way you do with our electrical machinery. Is that it? Now the pain has stopped. I think this concept could be extended to many other areas of our experience. This is one of the ways we are being sent information about -ouch- Ascension. I am simply listening and responding to the signals, as I am being told to tell you. You can do the same.) "Yes, Dear. This is what we wish for you to emphasize. All this information is meaningless if people don't know how to apply it in their everyday lives. So, here is the practical guidance. You may experience headaches, greater aches and pains in your bodies in old injury places. Do not be alarmed by this. It is a result of the rising vibrational level, which your bodies will need to adapt to. Do not run for your painkillers and sedatives. Work with your bodies. Use the resources of energy healers and body work therapists, as many of you reading this are trained to give and receive. You will need more rest, and you will need to take time away from frantic schedules and work demands to stretch, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Turn to your partners to attend to each other's bodies. Find comfort and increased stimulation in your sexual experiences with each other. This will help you to make the transition to a higher vibrational level. If you do not have a sexual partner, offer to provide massage, especially foot massages, with your children or your friends. This will help you to integrate the changes more smoothly. Children will respond quickly to the rising energies, and will be able to help those around them to elevate as well. Reassure them and learn from them. Do not try to suppress them or control them when they show exuberance and increased vitality. Follow their lead, and allow the same exhilaration and joy to permeate your own mood. Of course, this "more so" phenomenon will bring out your difficult moods and unresolved emotional responses. Work with yourself to forgive your past - all of it. Guilt and shame have no place in this important transition. You cannot feel joy when you cling to guilt. Find it in your heart to forgive those who have harmed you, no matter how serious or abominable the offense. Let it go. Turn your attentions to the present, and to the waves of unconditional love we are sending you. This will help you heal in a way you did not believe possible. Let childhood injuries and disappointments be washed away in the cleansing waves of Love, which has always been the greatest healer.

Those of you who have done much-needed psychotherapy work have an advantage in that you are aware of the areas of healing you need to address. Do the final stages of that work by forgiving yourself, for presumed weaknesses, for past transgressions, and for being your unique human self, warts and all, as you say. It has all been a necessary part of your growth - even the destructive impulses you have felt have been part of your development as a soul. It has helped you to learn empathy and compassion. Use that empathy now, to accept every part of your self, and every part of the human condition, failures and triumphs, destructiveness and cruelty. It will not serve you to remind yourselves of how awful some of your members are or have been. It was all part of the larger design of which you have no complete knowledge at this moment. You will learn more as you ascend, as your Vision opens to greater understanding of the workings of the Whole, and your part in it. For now, you will need to rely on your Faith and your deep intuition to guide you. Faith, by the way, is not blind. It is a visceral response to the sensations you can feel when you open your awareness to the reality of our presence all around you. Sensitivity to emotional cues gives you a higher level of intelligence and awareness, contrary to popular beliefs which encourage "rational" separation from your own greatest powers. So, those who are sensitive, embracing their own abilities to translate physical evidence into psychologically meaningful cues, will have the easiest time making the shift. Look around you. Identify the individuals who are cheerful, kind, at ease in their own skin, and get to know them. Follow their lead, regardless of their position in society or their economic status. Ask them about peace of mind, and how they have found it. You will learn things you could not learn any other way. Talk to each other about this Ascension process. Do not be afraid that people will think you are crazy. They are all feeling it too, and are also afraid to talk about it. Reach out, to neighbors and acquaintances, to children, and even to the animals around you. You will see that they too are becoming more receptive and curious about you, as the rising tide lifts all boats, as you often say. Time is short, on Planet Earth. It is now time for you to begin to make your choice, to remain with your beloved Gaia as she ascends, or to be left behind. I assure you, there is no reason to cling to what you have known, just because it is familiar. What we have in store for you is far better, by any standard you can imagine, except one. Power over others. That element will disappear. It does not exist in higher dimensions. No one will own another, or be able to Lord it over another. Equality is the rule, although you may not know what that means. It does not mean sameness, or mediocrity. It means that each living being will be free to rise to their highest potential, without fear of suppression, derision or obstacles. Creativity will reign, and joy will be the order of the day. Celebration of all life is a moment by moment experience, and all souls will be accepted and celebrated with equal joy. In the coming Golden Age of humanity, there is no fear, no suffering, and no death. We will be there with you, visible to you as if you had new eyes. Come, my children. Prepare yourselves for

our new adventure together. No one will be left out or rejected. No one will be left behind unless they choose it, of their own free will. It is our deepest hope that no one will be foolish enough to trade Love for the illusion of power over others, as you have known it in violence and in abusive relationships. Rise. Leave behind the suffering you have known, and join us. We are here with open arms awaiting your transition, which to those who are prepared, will seem like getting off the elevator at a higher floor than usual. Open your ears and hearts to be ready for the Great Wave of Love to overtake you on 11/11, and again on 12/12. It will be the beginning of your lift-off. Words cannot describe our love and our great hope for you, Beloved Ones, we await you. With unlimited and unending Love for all our Children, Your Yahweh - FatherGod, with MotherGod and all the Spirit world in concert with Us. We are One."

Part 23: A Plea for Ambitious Souls to Ascend

"Now, let us begin with a greeting to all the new readers who have been sent to you by their friends, by your acquaintances from the cruise, and through our urgings. Welcome, my dear children, we revel in the growing curiosity and openness you are showing by listening carefully and well to what we have to share with you. The more people we can reach at this time, the more will be ready for the glorious Ascension which is so close at hand. Please bring your friends and family into this discussion so that they can also be prepared. You will be surprised how many are becoming more receptive to the spiritual work at this time. The ones who used to be doubters are awakening, and the ones who used to be negative toward anything not confirmed in a laboratory are finding confirmation from their own scientists which allows them to seek deeper answers to the cosmic changes even they are beginning to feel in their bodies and their hearts. We delight in this, and encourage all of you to "spread the word," as we say, for the time is near. We understand it is difficult for you to imagine what is ahead, and normally we would simply say, "Have Faith, my Dear Ones," and perhaps a few of you would be willing to suspend judgment long enough to experience the Shift without further explanation, but we do not wish to keep you in the dark. This is why I ask Kathryn to take down these messages to you so that I can explain and reassure you directly. You may be surprised at the number of people who are channeling the Ascended Masters, the Saints, and the Archangels. It is my wish to pierce the veil between the dimensions at this time, making our communication easier than it has been at any time in your current civilization. It was not always thus. Previous civilizations, before Atlantis, were more connected to their Source, and more open to communication, at the same time they developed advanced technologies which allowed them to explore the Universe with ease. It has been a slow, downward movement, in terms of the heaviness of your energies on Planet Earth. Ironically, it has also made Earth the proving ground for ambitious souls who wish to advance in their path toward elevated states of being, for it presents challenges not found anywhere else in your area of the Universe, or anywhere in the Multiverse, in some regards. Beings from other planets have often tried to come here for one lifetime to experience the challenges of life on Gaia, and have experienced extreme difficulty adjusting to the heavy, dark energy which some of you have adapted to with skill. It is a legendary path you have walked, Earthlings, one which is looked upon with awe and sometimes amazement by others in the cosmos. You are known as the Creator Race, my children, because of your ability to adapt, build, and even flourish in the dark atmosphere which is frequently far too daunting for ones of more delicate makeup to tolerate. You come as adventurers, explorers and Saints, to test yourselves in the murky energy of your cultures which foster divisiveness, conflict, and in recent generations, unbridled greed and lust for power. Many succumb to the downward pull toward disconnection from your spiritual connection with us, which you fully intended to preserve before you came. We do not blame you or judge you for this. We understand how difficult it is to remain clear and steady in the face of suffering and

illness, and the temptations to indulge in material luxuries, even at the cost of leaving others at far distance from you in poverty and want. It has become the mantra of your powerful ones to try to convince you that you are not connected in any way to the suffering on the planet - in fact you (and they) are entitled to ever more of the world's resources and wealth. It has been a seductive siren song, but one which has brought you to the present dangerous environment in which any number of states, with their often irrational leaders, could have completely destroyed the planet with one touch of a button. This situation created alarm throughout the Multiverse, with beings who understand better than you are able to at this point, that all are connected, all are One. Your well-being, and the integrity of your dear Gaia are a matter of great concern to those who have watched your progress and admired your courage as souls who venture into such dangerous waters in your efforts to learn deeply felt lessons on your path to higher dimensional realms. Indeed, such Saints as Germaine, Archangels Gabrielle and even our great Michael himself have ventured here to test their mettle. They know how challenging this proving ground is. This may surprise you to learn that the Great Ones are your older brothers and sisters, forged in the fire of the beautiful Blue Planet, as you have been. However, this time of heavy atmosphere and dark challenges is coming to an end. Gaia herself has made the decision at long last to accept her well-earned reward to elevate herself, as all beings on the path to enlightenment have done over the eons. Because of her intention to elevate now, you are all put in the monumentally challenging situation of having to elevate yourselves, at lightening speed in Earth terms, to adapt to the Shift. You must wrench yourselves from the familiar, the well-know, the old tried and true atmosphere and attitudes and belief systems you have become so entrenched in, and raise yourselves to a new level of consciousness, and you must do this at the risk of being left behind, to leave your precious bodies once more in the cycle of repeated incarnations. But this time, those who refuse to participate in this Ascension will not be permitted to return to their beloved Gaia for further lessons, but will be given other assignments in places which are exactly adapted to their lower energy levels, to begin again. These places will be darker and heavier in their atmosphere than your Earth is now, because the refuseniks are darker than most, those who reject the music of the Ascension in favor of personal power and greed. This is not punishment, as your ancient books have sometimes made it sound. It is simply a sorting process, based on human free will choices, where everyone rises to their own level, and will be channeled to the tailored situation which suits their choices in this lifetime. I can hear many of you thinking: "Who would choose to come to a lifetime in which such monumental choices can determine such wonderful or perhaps dreadful outcomes, in the blink of an eye? Who would play a game with such high stakes? You would have to be crazy to take such risks, and under such circumstances, where you might have been temporarily blinded or led astray by this lifetime's traumas or temptations, and because of this you might miss the opportunity to Ascend to a glorious, heavenly place, to remain in our bodies and go to Heaven??? Who would put themselves in such a dilemma?" Well, my children, the answer is: You did. You, the daring ones, the creative ones, and the ones in a hurry to learn your lessons so that you could make this leap to higher planes of consciousness in one glorious pole-vault into the 5th dimension and beyond. You have forgotten,

as all humans do, your contract to come here, to participate in this cliff-hanger of a life challenge. As you look around you and see the millions of people who seem confused, or asleep, or preoccupied with their grumbling, day to day trudging and earning and accumulating, you may scratch your heads and think, "These are the daring ones?" Yes, my children, you, all of you. You are the children of my heart, the souls of my soul, the loved and cherished ones We have nurtured through eternity. You have made this Ascension possible, by your long lifetimes of dedication to the path We created for you - to live in darkness and in light, through lives of hardship and of privilege, through degradation and fame, wealth and poverty, in order to experience the range of emotion of which humans are capable. This experience has forged your strength, although you now find yourselves in the state of strength without awareness. You were aware before you came to this lifetime that this would be a last-chance opportunity to raise yourselves up, to leap through 2, 3 or more levels of evolution in one grand celebration of Light and Love. Now, my children, I challenge you to rise to that level of enlightenment you had in mind when you took on this glorious effort. Now is the time for you to give it your all, or as you are fond of saying, "hit me with your best shot." Leave your worries and just get happy, as the old song says. Throw your cautions to the wind and rise up, up to the rarified air of the 5th dimension, where angels and saints come to meet you, where you will take into your own hands the life of Eternal Love which you have been promised so long ago. Yes, Eternal Life is the promise we have pledged for you. It is yours for the taking. Do not turn away in doubt because others around you refuse to believe in something they cannot yet see. You see, in your mind's eye, the Promised Land. It is as your holy books have predicted. Eternal Life, where you will all find an end to suffering and a new beginning. Join us, Dear Ones. The migration has already begun. The gates are open for you to walk through of your own accord, but you must raise your vibration before you walk through, or the higher pitch will overwhelm you. Do as I have instructed earlier: breathe, exercise gratitude, compassion, forgiveness and unconditional love. These are the emotions of the higher realms. Elevate yourselves until these are the only feelings you feel as you go through your day. Start with one 24-hour period, then another. Breathe love, nothing else, and you will be ready. Yes, you can change yourselves that quickly, because these feelings are not foreign to you. It is now a matter of holding that even pitch, carrying your own tune, you might say. It will carry you through the portals and into the arms of all of us who await you. Come, my children, all of you. I Am Eternally, Your Yahweh, Father God, Source/Creator, One."

Part 24: A Message for Kathryn's clients, Lucy, Stephanie, Kelly, and all others who are taking part in healing practices to clear away old emotional patterns
"You have now seen freedom. You were able in your session today to let go of old anxieties and truly be yourself. Now your challenge will be to hold on, insist that you not go back to old, limiting ways. You will be able to fulfill the path you came here to walk, a path of service to others, and the Ascension with Mother Gaia. "When you have completed your transition, along with your loved ones, whom you will lead across the dimensional border to New Earth, you will find that life is utterly different from what you have know here on 3D Planet Earth. Your bodies will feel lighter, healthier (although you are both remarkably healthy and strong because of your advanced awareness of your bodies and careful care and feeding of your lovely vessels.) I say vessel because you know that you are primarily the soul who inhabits this body. This too will change somewhat, because the Ascension with this body means that you will remain in this body, becoming more healthy and resilient even than you are now. You will be able to bear children with your loving partners, and will find the experience even more exhilarating and thrilling than you thought possible. "I commend you for your hard work, and the leap of faith that allowed you to move rapidly from old thinking and old habits of planning, controlling, and setting goals to a more free-flowing state where you can react to whatever comes without being thrown into a tizzy. (I love your clever colloquialisms.) Continue to work to sustain this stance of courage and integrity. You are brilliant lights, shining like beacons, warming our hearts and lifting our hopes that many others will be able to accomplish what you have done and will do in the coming months. "Be fearless, as you have been in your session today. Forge ahead to accomplish the tasks which will lead you to fulfilling your Dreams. It will be easy, compared to the way you have had to struggle and plan for the considerable successes in your previously difficult 3-dimension life. Those days are over for you, in your elevated state in which you can call on us, your Team from Higher Dimensions. We celebrate your transition, which you have courageously accomplished by following your Heart, and your Higher Self. You must now ask for what you want, without hesitation or false modesty. You are deserving, by your own definitions, although we do not judge or discriminate against anyone, no matter what their past actions might have been. We are only interested in seeing our Children move into a state of unconditional Love, which matches the state you will ascend into as you move with Mother Gia into the 5th dimension, and if you wish, beyond. You will find your considerable creativity expanding, taking your imagination to new heights and power. Do not limit your expectations in any way, for you will find greater energy, no resistance, and unlimited assistance as you fulfill your desire to be of loving service to others in your families and your communities. "You will be the leaders of our new organizations and institutions of learning, and centers of celebrating the new spirituality, which will include the direct and immediate connection with Us, your loving protectors and guides. You will never again feel disconnected or alone. We are here

for you, every step you make, every breath you take, as the song goes. We have loved you unconditionally forever. We are overjoyed that you have now learned to accept our love and take nourishment from it. Teach your loved ones, your partners and friends to do the same. Build a community of loving friends who will accompany you as you move through the veil into a new life, filled with Joy and Love, surrounded by the beauty of Planet Earth, healed and newly elevated in her own journey of Ascension. She has asked to leave the Darkness behind, the suffering which she endured for millions of years as she fulfilled her task of supporting and nourishing her human charges. "Mother Gaia has been released from the responsibility of continuing to carry those destructive beings who have tortured and harmed her body, drilling and exploding, poisoning and raping her of her resources without recognition of her suffering or gratitude for her constant efforts to heal their damages and provide ever more to satisfy the needs of all her children. Unfortunately, the use of those riches has been severely restricted, controlled and secretly hoarded by the few, leaving many increasingly in need and suffering want unnecessarily. This was never our intention or hers. In her next phase, she will carry with her only those souls who love her unconditionally and know her as the faithful Mother she is. This is a joyful time for her. She feels the lightening footfalls of her beloved ones, who will make the journey with her. She welcomes all those who come in love and joy, but she feels the companionship and appreciative presence of her most loving and enlightened ones now, and she rejoices with us. "Go in love, my children. Never doubt that you will be protected on your journey. The time for anxiety has passed. Examine your feelings scrupulously to leave behind any residue of childhood beliefs and habits which generated feelings of fear or hatred, jealousy or self-doubt. Yours is the path of Ascension, and we await you with open arms. Your loving Father, Yahweh, with Mother God and all the Legions of Light"

Part 25: Ascension Lesson #1

"It is time for all of you to begin your practice of Ascension. Yes, it is possible to practice before you make the final shift. We have done this with Kathryn, and with other channels and Lightworkers in the past few years, so that they can teach you what it is like to transcend, rise above your own third dimension, to travel with us in the 5th and beyond. Many of you ask how to do this, so today will be the first lesson in how to ascend. You might think of it as flying lessons. You are young aviators who are venturing into the wild blue yonder for the first time. Here we go. Take a deep breath, close your eyes, and focus our attention on the place on Planet Earth where you feel most at ease. Choose a place where you are surrounded by natural features, like water, forests, or fields of grain. You may love being at the beach, or hiking a mountain path. It doesn't matter where it is, just that you feel at peace and connected to the Earth. In your meditation, you will be alone, for now. This does not mean that you will be alone when you ascend. We are practicing, remember. Each person must learn to do this on their own, without the distraction or help of a crowd. Breathe deeply, picturing yourself there in your beautiful spot, peacefully surveying the beautiful scene. In your mind's eye, see the blue sky above you, with little white clouds floating by; feel the Earth under your feet. You may sit down here if you like, on a large rock or fallen tree. We have placed boulders everywhere as handy seating all across your planet. If you have been a desert explorer, find yourself a comfortable place on a dune, where you can see the undulating waves of sand off into the distance, but for your peace of mind, make sure you see the oasis in the distance, not too far away. Place your handy backpack with water and any other provisions you might need nearby, or sit down next to a rippling, sparkling clean brook where you can drink your fill if you like. You will want for nothing in this beautiful place - all your physical needs will be met without effort or anxiety. There is no need to worry about your survival, for you will be given eternal life if you wish. Revel in the feeling of a soft breeze caressing your skin, and the Light of a gentle morning sun warming your back. You are completely comfortable, completely at ease, and completely protected. You may catch a glimpse of your favorite animal friends from time to time, peeking at you with curiosity, content themselves in their own feelings of contentment and fulfillment. You can embrace them all, even the lion and the bear, for they are your friends, your brothers and sister souls. As the old book has said, here the lion will lie down with the lamb. You have already seen this in your internet videos - stories of turtles and pigs, men and crocodiles, women and gorillas forging life-long friendships. It is now commonplace. You are at peace with yourself and with all the Kingdoms of the Earth, your beautiful home. You can travel freely, without fear and with no preparation at all, because all your needs will be met, no matter where you are. Allow your mind to settle gently. No need to figure anything out or make yourself see anything in particcular. Breathe deeply, feeling the oxygen coursing through your veins, nourishing and

sustaining you. You can take nutrition from the air you breathe here in your beautiful place of solace and contentment. Feel how your mood elevates, leaving behind all thoughts of fear or want. You are now being cared for completely, the prince or princess of your magical domain, where you are able to create a beautiful oasis for yourself just by imagining it in detail. For now, just enjoy the beauty of Nature all around you. Hear the babbling brook, the breeze rustling the vegetation around you. You are at peace. Now, concentrate on opening the channel in the top of your head, the crown chakra as it is often called. Allow the light to softly flow down through your brain, permeating your whole brain, soothing and easing all the places where you have held ideas of fear, tension and want in your brain for many lifetimes, many incarnations. This time it is different. You can be the Captain of you domain, or the contented observer, the belle of the ball or the sparkling entertainer on the stage, admired by all your fellows and celebrated by the Legions of Light. You are free, free of all expectation from others, free from all worries and physical pain. At last, you can be the brilliant Creator among Creators, admiring your fellow beings no matter what their physical form might be. Mother Gaia herself breathes gently beneath your feet, sending her ripples of Love to you. Feel it gently permeating the souls of your feet, surrounding you with a gentle vibration which flows upward through your strong and healthy body. Allow the Light from above flow downward, and the Love from Mother Gaia flow upward, meeting in your heart of hearts, the deep place within you where you know you are loved unconditionally. Let the energy flow through you with gathering strength. It does not take you over - no, just the opposite. It adds to your own strength in a way that makes you feel invulnerable, invincible even. Nothing can hurt you or stop you from being the shining light you were meant to be. Feel your heart expanding and your mind opening up. You are free, completely free. Be aware of the sound of your own vitality, the song of your own unique being, which ripples outward from your heart to touch the life around you. The trees, the animals, the insects and the stones sing gently with you, sending their own rippling energy outward to join the glorious orchestra of sound you can hear any time you want. You only need to turn your attention to it, and you will be filled with the vibration and the sound of Unconditional Love. This is the beginning of your new life, my Child. It is the Paradise on Earth you have worked toward for thousands of years. Stay there in your beautiful peaceful place, noticing more and more details in your surroundings, admiring the way the sun creates shadows around you, the way the wind caresses you, enlivening your senses even as you go deeper and deeper into your quiet meditation. Practice this every day, in the morning when you awake and the evening before you sleep. Get to know this beautiful place and the contentment and feelings of fulfillment which fill your heart as you breathe the nourishing air around you. This is your home, your own place where you can go to restore your strength and your peace of mind, no matter what else you may temporarily be doing in the rest of your day. Make it your own, by visiting it frequently as you go through the day, adding details to your surroundings with each visit, until you know every tree, every blade of grass, every insect that sings with you in Joy and Celebration. We will share this exercise every day, as these postings guide you to higher planes in your daily meditations. Each day I will provide you with further guidance to practice your ascension. You will learn step by step what you will need to know to prepare you for the glorious moment when you will float through the portal to the 5th

dimension to join your friends and companions there. These exercises will be clearly labeled for you in sequence, so you can follow along with each progressive lesson as it is presented for you. Do not fear that you will be left behind or abandoned if your internet connection fails or if you wish to practice one exercise for a week or more before you go on. You may save these pages, print them if you wish, as long as you use them to share with others out of the spirit of generosity and goodwill with which they are given to you by this channel, Kathryn. Now, go in peace, live out your days with increasing kindness, love and exhilaration. We are with you, every moment. We love you more than words can describe. Your loving Yahweh, I Am That I Am"

Part 26: Lesson #2, A Model for a Community of Light

"We are very happy to have been present today at an extraordinary gathering of the Rondout Valley healers, in upstate New York. It is a group of healers who come together to dedicate their time and energies to the health and well-being of others in their community, and they are dedicated to being the best they can be, in their personal lives and their work together - so much so that they meet to encourage and share their talents to forge strong bonds and improve their ability to offer free services in their community. It is a heart-warming sight to see the talented group, lovingly helping one another, sharing jokes and delectable food, performing group healing sessions which are masterful, indescribably powerful and joyful at the same time. All the heavens rejoiced as you performed the loving healing work with one of your dear members, Suzanne. We want to reassure Suzanne that there is no need for her to worry or to need devastating surgery or other invasive medical procedures. Our great healers will work with her to completely cure the imbalance which caused the flare-up she is experiencing. As she was told, her dear Gabrielle will supervise the healing, along with Jesus and St. Germaine. Her doctors will be amazed when her next scan shows impeccable health. We wish to acknowledge your work and to commend you on your livelong efforts to bring Light to those around you. As the energy of your combined power radiated outward and upward, the Light it generated could be seen throughout the galaxies. Star brothers and sisters from as far away as Andromeda celebrate your deep feeling and your combined commitment to Light. Now, we have something else to tell you. During Hurricane Sandy, Kathryn and many others prayed urgently to spare your little Valley, because so many of you are already far along on your path, and because you are already well into the tradition of helping one another, serving your community energetically even when there is no pressing need. You and many others in your area give generously of your time and expertise to make your local area one of the bright spots on the planet. There are also large numbers of environmental protectors, whose dedication to Gaia has not gone unnoticed. Because of this, your area was bypassed by the storm, which passed all around you, but created little damage in your local area. We cannot explain to you the intricacies of the effect of your positive energy on the weather, but we can tell you that the energy of Love you generate there, as a result of the large numbers of Lightworkers and Earth Stewards, had a mitigating effect on the storm's power as it passed through your area. We have asked Kathryn to place this message on her public website because you are an inspiring example of the meaningful work which can be accomplished when a growing percentage of the community begins to come together in service and in Love. You are all beginning to see these effects in other areas after the storm, as the recovery process In the Eastern U.S. extends from days in which survival was paramount, to weeks and months where large numbers of people will need to remake not only their homes but their lives. We are delighted to confirm that romances have already begun to bloom in the ranks of service

workers who came together for the same purpose, but whose paths would never have passed if it hadn't been for Sandy. Even refugees who huddled in shelters were thrown together in close quarters with new friends and potential lovers. We foresee many happy marriages and a surge in new births as a result of the Loving energy which has lifted all hearts, in spite of the hardships. For all of you who are in various stages of your awakening, and may have been shaken by the changes on your planet, do not descend into anger or blaming your government or Us for the suffering. It is an unfortunate but necessary part of the cleansing which Gaia is going through. Her burden had become unsustainable, and her path is to ascend to higher dimensions. Those who ascend with her in the coming weeks will find themselves able to create a new life - one in which material possessions are no longer important because of the great abundance all will experience. Worries about survival will become a dim memory, and there will be no one who will ever again experience loneliness or alienation. Let these new understandings of the truth of human existence elevate your consciousness, Dear Ones. You have all overcome tragedy and Earthly upheavals in your present and past lives. These are challenges which have brought out the best in you. In fact, you show your brightest and best strengths and intelligence when you are "under fire," as you say. Those of you who are able to keep your hearts open even as you struggle against difficult odds have always come away from these events with greater stamina, stronger friendships and a view of yourselves as sturdy and competent. This is the epitome of soul growth. What you do now during your most difficult days will determine your level of progress along your path as an evolving soul. Do not allow yourself, no matter how difficult your life challenges might seem, to sink into self-pity or despair. Reach out to those around you with loving intentions and a compassionate heart, and your efforts will be rewarded a hundred-fold, for this is the Universal Law of Flow, as it is described in Kathryn's book. Some have tried to explain it on the basis of karma, but this does not account for the multiplying effect that Light actions have. But don't take Our Word for it; try it yourself. Commit those random acts of kindness, without any thought to being repaid or even thanked, and when you do, smile to yourself, with the knowledge that you have helped to lift the energies on the planet, to make the Ascension of millions even closer to fulfillment, and continue to prepare yourself to be one of those millions. We have made another request of our channel, Kathryn, which has caused great excitement in our ranks. We have asked her to host an internet radio show, which will be called, to our amusement, The Channel Panel. She has agreed to the format, which will feature her channeling The Voice of Yahweh, while others whom she will be asked to invite will channel their familiar Spirit entities, so that we can show you what our communications between and among ourselves are like. We hope to afford you a greater glimpse into the workings of Heaven, so to speak. We are jumping with joy at the prospect of speaking with all of you as you call in to ask us questions and get to know us "up close and personal." (We love to use your amusing cliches.) So, stay tuned, Loved Ones. We will be speaking with all of you soon, we hope. We love you beyond words, our Children. Be secure and at peace. You will always be in our hearts. We await your Ascension with open arms. Your Yahweh"

Part 27: Lesson #3, Do I Have to?

This one has me flummoxed. You'll see why. - K Lesson #3 "Once upon a time there was a young girl who dreamed of flying away on a white horse with wings. She dreamed this lovely dream because she felt like a prisoner in a traumatic childhood. That dream kept her hopes alive, because she saw it as if it were absolutely real: the powerful horse would gallop out of the distant clouds, and at full speed, she would leap onto its back and be swept away before anyone could try to hold her back or pull her off her horse. She would fly, and the sense of freedom this gave her became the dream and the passion she has held, for herself and for others, ever since. Now, Kathryn, we feel your tears and your question: You couldn't possibly want me to show this to the world. Why do you embarrass me? We tell this story because it reveals the essence of who you are, and why you are doing this work of channeling our words and giving them to the world. There is nothing for you to gain, and much to lose if people refuse to open their minds to the truth of what you are writing, and assume that you are simply expressing your own opinions. Nothing could be further from the truth. It is not your way to advertise yourself or to pretend to know far-reaching truths about spiritual or cosmic events. I wish to reveal to your readers what your true intentions are, and what we have asked of you. It has not been an easy assignment we have given you, but from the beginning of your training many years ago, you have continued, sometimes doggedly, to pursue the path toward greater knowledge and enlightenment, even when it meant going it alone. This is why you were chosen for this difficult assignment, channeling God, in a world where many will assume it is some sort of insanity or delusion. We know otherwise. We know that your first impulse is always to leap on your white horse and fly, as you did when we offered you the opportunity to ascend to higher dimensions with us. We are now asking you to do something which may be the most difficult assignment of all. We are asking you to tell others how you are able to elevate yourself to higher dimensions, what you see and feel when you do so, and what inspires you to continue this journey, even when you are exhausted, or when people question your sanity or your intentions. Even beyond that, we want you to tell everyone you meet, not just your close confidants, that you are willing to teach them what they need to know to ascend too. You are well prepared to teach the brain focusing and meditation techniques, and to take our message to the world, in as large numbers as you can. Do not leave it to others to accidentally stumble upon this posting. Send your message through your facebook account, and by sending an email to everyone on your email list. Should they decide to ignore or downplay the urgency or the truth of our information, you are the one who will feel the disappointment of seeing your friends, clients and family turning their backs. Of course we care, but it is you who will feel the pain of knowing you cannot reach people you care about, people you want to see flying, reaching for the stars, as you do. "Oh, my," you say, knowing it is true, but not something you would say out loud to those you wish to invite to go

with you. So, we will say it for you. We offer you the example of someone who began as you did, feeling miserable in life, lost without an anchor. It is your Kathryn. When she was offered the opportunity to learn the Visual Centering work, she stayed on to study so that she could teach it. When we offered her the glimpses behind the veil, to expand her psychic abilities to serve as a channel for us, she agreed and asked for more. She attributes it to her insatiable curiosity; we call it courage. Now, Kathryn, you are jumping out of your chair, (yes, it is unfair to put you in this position, of doing what you would think of as singing your own praises, but we are testing you further, challenging you to report our words accurately, no matter what they are about.) Ironically, this is, of course, the hardest test we could devise for you - to admit your strengths, publicly, and to tell the world, here and now. We do this because we are asking you to teach what you know, and no one knows better than we do what needs to be taught, right now, and by the teachers who have been tested and proven along the way. As the disciples were asked in their time, to challenge the thinking of the leaders, to risk their livelihoods and their reputations to teach The Word, we are asking you and the others who channel our words to tell the world, with only the conviction of your own inner voice to guide you. We thank you all, the growing number of adventurous souls who bring the message selflessly, to encourage all to prepare now for the fabulous opportunity that is available to everyone, right now. Contrary to popular belief, the Ascension is not something that will happen to anyone. It is not something you can wait for, or learn about in your science classes. As real and as present as it may seem to those who channel our words, there are many who have barely heard of this positive and thrilling possibility of ascending to the 5th dimension, with your bodies, and without having to die to get there. There is a challenge, however. You will have to rise to the occasion, as you might say. We have given you a sample, above, with Kathryn, of the kinds of challenges we present to our children on their way to a higher path of soul development. To all of you, we ask: Do as much, in your own development, to get out of your own way as we have asked of her. Reach, my Dear Ones, to accomplish the things you came to this life to do. Love unconditionally, be willing to surrender your doubt and cynicism in favor of Faith and Light, and do not stop until you feel joyful in every minute of your day, no matter what is happening in your environment, or even in your thoughts. Rise, as many of you have done in your dreams, when you fly freely and effortlessly. Do not be afraid to venture into unknown feelings and visions in your meditations. We will help you by sending you constant waves containing the energy of Unconditional Love. We will give you messages all day long - small reminders that we are here, supporting and urging you to take the simple actions you need to accomplish in order to be at the level of energetic preparedness you will need to transition. When the elevator ascends to the top floor and the doors open, we want you to be acclimated to the rarer air of the 5th dimension, which will overwhelm you if you have not conditioned yourselves, as you would for a climb up a high mountain. It is nothing if you are prepared, but it could be overwhelming to your body and your brain if you are completely unprepared. So, build up your spiritual muscles, everyone! Breathe, meditate in gratitude and fulfillment, as you reach for your highest level of being.

We are with you; we love you unconditionally, and... (now, please try to understand this from our perspective of acknowledging your free will) we wish you luck. Your guides, Angels, Ascended Masters and Saints, and your Yahweh"

Part 28: Lesson #4, A Meditation to Anchor With Gaia

"The Solar Eclipse of November 13, 2012 has been a momentous event. It is a once in a thousand year astronomical event, appearing in the skies for the people of Australia to see. Its gravitational effects are felt all over the globe, however. This is a time of change; the beginning of a new era for all the people of Planet Earth. By now you have no doubt been experiencing the effects of the enormous wave of love we sent to you on 11/11, and its reverberations through today. Did you find yourself wanting to hug the people close to you, even perhaps people you have never hugged before? Have you had impulses to give away your possessions to those who need them more than you do? We have seen this occurring frequently in the disaster sites of New York and New Jersey and elsewhere, where people who have suffered great damage forgo help in favor of giving it to their neighbors who are in even greater need than they are. Our hearts sing with joy at the growing connections of loving concern and friendship we see across boundaries that would have been impossible to breach in the past. Today, we will offer you a quiet meditation to sooth your frayed nerves and ease the expansion process which is stretching your skulls to the point where some of you may be experiencing headaches or a bit of dizziness as you adapt to the increasing abilities which are being brought on line. If it feels to you as if your intelligence is increasing, even as your hearts are expanding to receive greater and greater waves of love, you are correct. Your DNA is being activated in new ways which will allow you to absorb greater amounts of knowledge, but more importantly, greater amounts of feeling. It is happening gradually, so that most of you who have been stretching yourselves in your personal growth may be finding it exhilarating, while others may feel what you think of as "stress" in increasing measure. Do not fear. You will not be pushed beyond your limits as long as you continue to practice the meditation we gave you in Lesson #1, which we wish for you to practice daily. Beyond practicing the first meditation, we will add another exercise to help you advance in this expansion process. You may pause as you read this to close your eyes and concentrate as you go through the exercise. Breathe gently and steadily, feeling the light tingling sensation along the passageways of your nose and throat. Slow the breaths so that the air passes ever so gently along the pathways, down the windpipe to your welcoming lungs. Feel the expansion as your chest rises to make room for more air. Expand fully, feeling the large space inside yourself where you gather the oxygenladen air to nourish and satisfy your whole body. Remain a bit expanded in this way, even as your diaphragm works, like a bellows, pushing the partially-used air back out, allowing it to mix immediately with the air around you. Notice the remarkable fact that the air near and around you does not lose its power to nourish you. It does not become depleted of oxygen to a noticeable degree no matter how much you breathe, or how many people you may have gathered around you in your room. There is plenty for all. Such is the power of Mother Gaia to nurture and sustain all of you, as she will continue to do for all those who choose to anchor themselves

deeply into her heart, and travel with her into the experience of love and light which awaits all of you in higher dimensions. Her service to you will continue, but the stress on her abilities will be considerably reduced, as her traveling companions become lighter and more loving, more considerate of her needs, and less in need of the enormous amounts of food and energy which has increased exponentially in recent years. Yes, some of the DNA changes you will experience will mean that your nutritional needs will be altered, because you will be able to absorb nutrition from your surroundings in new and simpler ways, and your love of fashion and luxury can be met, literally, out of thin air, as you would say. This might sound incredible to you unless you remember that your air is also filled with many of the substances of life similar to your own make-up. This too will evolve and change to allow you greater lightness and freedom. Now, as you contemplate the incomprehensible changes which are taking place in your bodies and your environment, also allow your minds to dwell, in peace and gratitude, on the thousands of years of selfless service, of creating endless abundance which Gaia herself has accomplished for the beings in her care. Every animal, every plant and every human has benefitted equally the recipients of her love whether aware or not, whether grateful and appreciative or insensitive and gluttonous. All have prospered in their own way, over eons. It is now time for all of you to breathe more slowly and deeply, absorb more consciously, and as you do, gather your strength into a lightening bolt of loving intention and direct it downward, through your bloodstream, down into your living center, gathering the unique signature of your own DNA as it travels through your body. Send that lightning bolt from you down into the heart of Gaia, through the layers of rock, soil, water and magma, into the beating heart of your dear Gaia. Sing her praises as you send your gratitude and admiration to celebrate her triumph, her own glorious Ascension. It is graduation day all over Planet Earth. You have all completed this phase of your soul growth. You will never again return to the heavy and challenging dark atmosphere of 3-dimensional Earth. This has been your last hurrah, as you might say. You must now gather your strength and your medals of honor for the good work you have done, whether that work might have been in the form of kings or peasants, men or women, even through those lifetimes where you learned the meaning of cruelty and destruction as the victim or the perpetrator - those most instructive lifetimes which resulted for most of you in enormously expanded abilities to feel empathy and compassion. Yes, at one time or another, most of you have played both roles, and recovered your balance as you reviewed and learned from the profound and humbling experiences we devised in endless variety for all of you. You have learned and progressed in your soul lessons, in spite of the apparently hopeless darkness you see on the Earth during this difficult time. In fact, as the atmosphere on Earth became heavier and darker over the last several thousand years, you have had to work far harder just to remain balanced enough to maintain your connections with us and with your own hearts. As the bar was lowered, the testing ground became more and more difficult. We commend you for your continued commitment to rising above the tide, for reaching deeply into your soul memories to keep your balance enough to still be able to express love and tenderness, to be generous in times of need, and to care for the weakest and least fortunate among you. You are the children of our hearts, born out of love. We encourage you to expand,

breathe, and keep expanding, to keep up with the changes occurring around you, even in the air you breathe. You will find that old addictions and habits become unsustainable because of the discomfort they cause you. Your tastes will change and evolve as you ascend. Do not force yourself to cling to old habits or tendencies. Suspend your judgments concerning things as basic as the food you have been attracted to in the past, and the luxuries (or armies) you thought you needed to make you feel safe. Embrace peace in all your dealings, as neighbors, as citizens and as Earthlings. Breathe joy, love and peace, and we and Mother Gaia will take care of the rest. It is our joy to see you grow and to celebrate your hard-earned soul growth. We look on with affection and pleasure as you join hands in preparation for lift-off. It will truly be a "bon voyage," my children. Your loving guides, your Creators and your angel helpers, in the name of all, I Am That I Am" Channeled by Kathryn E. May on Nov. 13, 2012, 11 PME. May

Part 29: Lesson # 5, Self-Sorting Levels of Development and the Effects of Free-will Choices
"Greetings, Dear Ones, It is a very exciting time, and much is occurring which we would like to help you with. We have asked Kathryn to create another way of taking our message to the world - an internet radio show where people can call in and ask questions. She will channel our voice, which we call the voice of Yahweh, and she will also invite other channelers to come to our show to channel Ascended Masters and Angels. We like to think of it as "A Fireside Chat with God," but we are open to other names if you would like to suggest them. We are so excited about this possibility of having a direct channel to talk with you, one on one, as you would call it, that we can hardly wait for Kathryn to launch our new project. We hope that all of you reading this will join us to have a real conversation about your challenges which arise from the earth changes happening every day now, and we expect that you might want to ask about the nature of life in other dimensions, and what it is like for those who pass over to higher dimensions after they have left their bodies. Of course, that is not what you will experience now, because you will be able to take your bodies with you this time. We know how attached you become to the experience of life in a body, so we have devised a way for you to ascend to the 5th dimension with Gaia while also remaining in the delightful material experiences of having a body. For most of you it is beyond imagining - a body adapted to the 5th dimension for life in the exquisite vibration of unconditional love. It has been even for us an idea, a creation which has lived in our Universal consciousness, in preparedness for the current full materialization of it with all of you participating. You will understand these concepts of time/no time once you cross the boundary into the higher dimensions. Now, I will try to explain to you a question which has been of great concern for many of you upon hearing of the conditions which will arise when some might resist the opportunity to experience a life in which the only emotions are unconditional love, kindness, compassion, forgiveness, courage and patience - all the emotions of the spectrum of Light and Love. Those among you who are "hooked" on the darker emotions like jealousy, greed, lust for power, hatred, and vengeance may decide that their commitment is to a life of darkness rather than Light. We must arrange for alternative destinations for those souls, because of our contract with each of you to honor your free will choices. If such resistance to change should occur, the individuals who choose to remain behind when Gaia completes her transition will sort themselves into levels of development, based on the vibrational level they are living during this lifetime. Therefore, the higher level but fearful or reluctant souls will reside in one domain, while the "dark hats" - those

who have unrepentantly committed heinous crimes against their fellows - will be assigned to another domain, in company with others of their own vibrational level. Thus, every soul will be sorted out according to their own inclination to raise their vibrational level or not.o you a question As you can see, this is the only fair way to allow for every individual to reach their highest level, while still allowing for the planet to fulfill her path of Ascendance. Those who do ascend with Gaia will participate in the glorious experiment of a lifetime, the never-before event of ascending without having to "die" first. Yes, you will be given eternal life, to continue your path of ongoing soul development, evolving through the levels until all are able to reach the level of Enlightened Beings. This is our plan for all of you, my children. We do not wish to leave anyone behind, but we may be forced to wait longer for some than for others. Our dear Lightworkers from all over the Multiverse have come to help and to be a part of this grand completion of the first phase of Ascension. There are those among you who have already volunteered to descend to work among the reluctant beings who may later change their minds and need instruction in how to elevate themselves enough to follow their brothers and sisters who have gone on to higher planes. We do not wish for anyone to be left behind, but it is not possible for a soul to ascend to a level which is of higher vibration than they are prepared for. This has always been true. While the Master Teachers, for instance, can descend many levels to work with willing souls, their students cannot ascend to join them in the highest planes, because their energetic systems could not tolerate the dramatic shift, and could cause them to fragment and become disorganized in a serious way - literally "blowing their circuits." This design which acknowledges levels of vibration to determine the highest level of accomplishment for each soul has worked well for millions of years; it was not devised for this occasion. Yet, some will complain that it is not fair; everyone should ascend, regardless. What if they never heard of Ascension, or they did not know how to snap out of their attraction to darkness because they were abused themselves? Well, there will be those who are able to ascend simply because they have lived joyful lives in service to others, and some who will have to be alerted at the final hour so they can have the chance. However, given the reach of your internet and news sources, and the awakening events which will occur between now and then, it is unlikely that anyone will reach Dec. 21, 2012 without having heard of the impending transition. You are the lucky ones, my children. You are being prepared in a methodical and controlled way. You have access to these lessons, and still you refuse to read carefully and to take them to heart. We do not blame you for not wanting to take the simple actions we suggest, because you cannot open your minds to anything which seems "illogical to you, or because you are afraid of

the unknown. We wish it were otherwise, but we understand that this is the level of thinking you have been taught. We will continue to work with you, to send our Lightworkers like Kathryn to help you, because we treasure the unique and precious souls you are, regardless of your present level of development. Keep breathing, Dear Ones, continue to practice your meditations, and read every single one of these postings, until the ideas begin to sound commonplace and obvious. Reach for the stars, pray for help from your guides, and remember that we are here with you at every turn, forever. We love you one and all, Your Yahweh, I Am That I Am."

Part 30: Lesson #6, Old Gaia and New Gaia Contrasted, and a Joke From God to Us
"Now, my dear, we will try to answer some of your questions. Why can't you wake up in the 5th dimension, and only come back here to Old Earth by meditating your way back when you need to be here? You can. Some others have done it that way, but you have made a commitment with us and with yourself to spend the greater part of your time there, helping others to learn about Ascension. Look at your schedule. You spend 18 hours of every day, sometimes more, in your work to teach our message. It has been our guidance to you in your sleeping hours that for now, it will be less stressful for you to remain in 3D for the greater part of your waking hours. It is already difficult for you to manage the details and demands of your complicated life because your heart is in the 5th dimension, where conditions are simpler, truer and more humane. You are aware of how difficult it is when the rather primitive technology you must use to accomplish your video presentations and radio show seem unnecessarily difficult and complex. You have learned to manage the frustration well, but can you imagine how impossible the contrast would feel if you spent long hours here, where everything is created in the blink of an eye? We use your questions as a lesson to those who are learning to elevate their consciousness to prepare them for Ascension. The contrast between the arduous and nonsensical demands of life on Old Gaia, and life on the New Gaia is as different as night and day. Money, for instance. You just read a quote which said something like, "Humans are the only species that has to pay to live on Planet Earth." Ridiculous, isn't it, that your planet was designed to support and nurture everyone in abundance, and you have ended up enslaved to a system which makes you pay for what should have been free to all? As your Vision expands to see through the surface demands and the commercial propaganda which has shaped life on Earth, you see how false the facade really is, and how unnecessary the arduousness of your work lives really is. If it were not for the layers upon layers of financial and political and religious systems of power and control which siphon off the wealth of everyone on the planet, your work would be joyful, creative, and just what you love to do. That is not an impossible dream. It is a reality here on New Gaia, as our channel, Kathryn, and many of her colleagues have seen. No one works for someone they dislike, and no one performs work that is meaningless or not to their liking. You might think that if there are no survival-related demands involved, that no one would work at all. This could not be further from the truth. Elevated souls are always more motivated by inspiration and their passion to create than they are by the fear of losing their comforts or their immediate source of money. Already, many of the citizens on your planet are "opting out" of the old ways, finding fulfillment and peace of mind in growing good food, building beautiful small living spaces, and joining with their community to help sustain each other. There are a predominance of these folks in the area where Kathryn lives. There, the air tastes and smells of the 5th dimension and beyond, and no one is allowed to go hungry or homeless if their neighbors are aware of it.

Of course, it is still a difficult transition for some of you because you cannot imagine anything other than getting up every morning, putting on a suit or other uniform of your job, and spending all the daylight hours working at something you care little about, because you are attached to the home or apartment you live in, and the lifestyle you say you like, which you spend less than 20% of your time living out. We do not expect anyone to simply walk away from everything they have known and have become fond of. Just the opposite. Here on new Gaia you will find the elements of life you loved, without the dark or boring or soul-crushing requirements which sapped your energy and interfered with your heart connections. Do not fear any longer for your "survival," because you will experience perfect health, (no more concerns about healthcare, aging or disease), food will be "no problem," and you will create the living conditions you prefer, whether it be a simple cottage by a clear stream, or a crystal palace on a mountaintop. The water will be clean and clear, the air fresh and unpollluted. These are conditions which no one living on the planet at this time has ever experienced. Gaia has already cleansed herself, and is thrilled to welcome the beings of Light who have already taken up residence on her newly-restored body. They are filled with reverence, gratitude and joy to have reached the fulfillment of their deepest longing, the unconscious dream they have carried in their soul memories for many lifetimes. They weep with joy and relief to see the warmth with which they are all embraced and welcomed, by their guides and angels, and by each other, travelers in Faith who have begun a brand new journey together. Here on Old 3D Gaia, one might not be aware of the monumental change which has already taken place, if it were not for the feelings of unrest, confusion and disorientation you are all feeling. You are now in a position of having to let go of the centuries-old prejudice that what you cannot see in front of your nose does not exist. You all have the full component of sensory abilities, including your ability to detect magnetic shifts, electrical fields, emotional "vibes" and musical sounds, none of which have any substance or weight. You will easily "see" the shifts all around you if you listen the way you listen to music - with your heart. Your dreams are becoming more and more explicit and intense. Pay attention, every night, to the messages you are being given about your personal growth and what you need to do to advance along the Ascension path. Awake each morning with the intension of making the dreams of your heart a reality. Do not be fooled by the seemingly substantial houses, roads, automobiles and noisy machinery around you. As more and more of you raise your level of vibration, these objects of Old Gaia will begin to lose their sense of reality for you. You will see through them as if they were holograms, memories of an ancient time and place. You will see how unnecessary they are to the fulfillment of your Light-filled path, the destiny you envisioned when you began your last life here on Old Gaia. We are sending you wave after wave of unconditional love. The atmosphere has been cleansed of much of the static energy of conflict and discord, allowing the free flow of Light energy across the planet. Wars are winding down, as your generals and their power-hungry handlers are being removed from power. Hypocrisy everywhere is being baldly revealed for what it is, creating space and air for people of high integrity and purpose to take their rightful place as leaders of your countries and of the institutions which will shift and evolve quickly to accommodate real

work to benefit the needs of all. These are the interim steps which will help all of you adapt to the expectation and reality of the New Gaia which will become the beautiful home of all who continue their Ascension to the 5th dimension and beyond. Remember - practice the meditation exercise I gave you in Lesson # 1. That is the first tool in your toolbox to help you elevate. Read our book, Who Needs Light? as a manual for allowing you to finish clearing away the old emotional baggage which controls your feelings of inadequacy and fear. Watch the new videos which we have asked Kathryn to create and post to teach the Visual Centering technique which will give you the necessary contact with your spiritual center, and the portal to communicate with Us directly. We are delighted to be able to offer you these tools, which were created at the request of Yahweh, Ashtar, and the other Guides and Masters who are currently working with our Lightworkers everywhere, in every country and every language on the planet. Our information is proliferating everywhere so that no one will be left uninformed and untouched by the urgent call to arise! put your energy to fulfilling your own hopes and dreams, lifting your own spirits, and elevating so that you will be ready and waiting when the call of Gabrielle's heavenly horn beckons all of you Home. We love you all, and we will be here with you when you fly triumphantly across the "finish line," which is really a new beginning, a new life. I am delighted with the energy and joy with which this message is already being received. It tempts me to reveal the laughter and good humor we all feel at this wonderful moment as we move toward fulfillment of the Great Dream. I no longer wish to adhere to the formality of addressing myself in the mysterious names which have been attributed to me/us over the eons, such as Allah, Yahweh, God, Shiva, Buddha, and so on. You can call me Sam, or Sue, as the old country song goes (and if that doesn't make you giggle, well, I gave it a good try.) Love, Sue" Channeled by Kathryn E. May on November 15, 2012, 4PM

Part 31: Lesson # 7, Talking With Others About Ascension

"Now, here we are right in the middle of a dramatic transition, and half the population of your country, the United States, is still asleep. Actually, that percentage holds true for much of the Western World. Other parts of the planet, where indigenous people have continued to live close to the land, are in a different phase, in which all the people will be elevated because of their ancient wisdom and practices. But, here you are, surrounded by people who are either indifferent or oblivious to the momentum gathering all around them. We have plans for waking them up, but so far they have not responded in large numbers to the waves of Love we have sent. Those who are defended against change or any kind of direct experience of Spirit connection - although many of them profess to be religious - remain shut down, reluctant to experience anything they don't already know. Ironically, they may even react to our Light and Love energy treatments with grumpiness or anger. It is clear that more help is needed if all the souls are to be included in this glorious transition. We must ask you, our children - all of you within the sound of our call - to help awaken the others. We know it is difficult to broach the subject of Ascension with someone you know is closed, but we ask you to try. You may be surprised how many people have been thinking about these things, but they have closed their minds because of the disaster movies and Apocalyptic predictions they do not wish to believe. That is not a problem. What we have to tell them is good news. Here are our suggestions about how to broach the subject: Talk about the scientifically documented facts. We are heading into a cosmic event which has been predicted and measured by the astronomers. On December 21, the Earth will align with other heavenly bodies in a way that occurs only once every 26,000 years. We are already beginning to feel the shift in energy that results, just as the Earth tides are effected by the moon's alignment, but this is a much bigger event. Tell them that your friends are talking about a cosmic event which involves a shift of dimensions, an evolution which involves not only the planet's land and water masses, but the destiny of the Earth's soul. We do call her Mother Earth, after all. Refer to the ancient mythology of the Mayans and the Egyptians, and the predictions in the Bible - not the ones that talk about hell-fire and brimstone, but the ones that promise Eternal Life. Do not try to argue them into anything. Ask them if they think all these people who are joyful in their hopes and dreams of a new way of life in a new dimension are just insane, or deluded? There seem to be many who have agreed with them, like Albert Einstein and more recent physicists who are talking about how a particle can be in two places at once, and therefore we could have a body here and a soul in the "afterlife" at the same time. And what about the people who have died and come back, because of our advancing medical treatments? The all talk about feeling overwhelming feelings of unconditional love, and about meeting guides and angels, and about coming to greater understandings about our Oneness with all things. How could a lack of oxygen produce the same vision in so many different people, from different religions and walks of life? Many of them say they never believed in any form of

afterlife or spiritual connection until their "near-death" experiences. They talk about how wonderful it was, and how reluctant they were to return, but came back so they could share what they learned. They have said it was a life-changing experience. Ask your friends and neighbors what they plan to do on December 21st, and if they are going to have an Ascension Party. Plan a party yourself for that night, and invite a number of people who do not believe there is any such thing as Ascension. Let them mingle with others who joke, sing and cheer for rising to higher levels of consciousness. A few doubters can add spice to the mix, as long as they are not violent or hostile in their beliefs. This is asking you to do more of what you have come here to do in this life: Every time you face a problem which causes you to rise to the occasion with your best intelligence and an open heart, you become stronger and more confirmed in your own beliefs. You may not succeed in convincing anyone to Ascend, but you will have planted the seed for a later time that day, or that month. We understand this is a difficult task, but one which is crucial to the success of our mission - to see everyone come streaming through the gates, even if it is at the last minute. The reasons the Mayans and others used a single date to predict the shift is because that is the way of thinking humans are familiar with. We have resisted placing a particular date on this event because it is ongoing. The so-called gates have already been flung open, and the early transitioners have already begun to come. Like Kathryn's client Diana, you may have been having vivid dreams of people ascending, as in Diana's dream of many people dressed all in white in an all white area, being carried upward on an escalator. Her dream was not an accident or a weird anomaly. It was a gift from her guides, who have all been instructed to present their humans with such imagery to jog their memories so they will remember the truths they knew before they came to this life. You all were aware of the importance of this life journey, and the promise of eternal life and the ability to pass over to the 5th dimension without having to die to get there. Will you see the souls who have passed over before this time? Your grandmothers and friends and loved ones you miss so much? Yes, of course you will. They will be visible to you, as I will be, in our energy forms of Light. You may have noticed symptoms in yourselves during the past few weeks, like headaches or wooziness, or days of unusual hunger, or times when food does not interest you. You may have noticed a greater craving for vegetables and fruits rather than heavy meats. Even the cats and dogs have become more interested in vegetarian foods. You may remember the prediction in the Bible, that the lion will lie down with the lamb. It is already beginning to happen. All across the planet, animals are becoming more loving and nurturing, more attached to members of their own and even other species. They are the first to show the symptoms of Ascendinitis. Humans are more likely to attribute their symptoms to illness or stress. It is not simply those things. You are all reacting to the higher vibrational level, as if your space capsule were being filled with a denser mix of oxygen. Unfortunately, you are reluctant to talk with each other about real things, so you might not know that your neighbor is suffering the same disconcerting feelings you are. Ask. Ask the people you meet standing in line at the grocery store. Ask the mailman, the gas station attendant, the butcher, and your children's car pool parents: "Have you been noticing what everyone is calling "Ascendinitis"? Children will also feel the lifting sensations, more purely and

without as much fear as adults, because they are closer to Us, the younger they are. You need not worry about the children. They will be among the first Ascenders. Yes, we are asking you to be the leaders, to risk your credibility and perhaps your reputation as an Old Gaia Old Guy (or Gal), one of the crowd, a go-along with the crowd regular guy. Stick your neck out, take a risk - all those dreadful things you call being yourself or expressing your own opinion. You see how constricted and oppressive your culture is? Anyone who dares to think original thoughts or believe something not entirely within the mainstream is considered a kook or a weirdo. Do not be swayed by this rigid thinking. You sense in your bones that what you are reading is true. You are the ones who are educating yourselves in order to be awake and ready. They will either learn from you, or they will be left behind. Unfortunately, the environment for the ones who stay behind will not be as pleasant as New Gaia, because they will be left with the residue of the destruction, greed and competition for resources which has poisoned all of you, physically and psychologically. This is the legacy the left-behinds will cling to, and the kinds of struggles they will take part in. So, you see, it will be a truly tragic thing to see people clinging to old ways, while you and your friends and family ascend, full of joy and gratitude. Many would say it's just not fair, but do you really want to recreate a world which would be exactly identical to the one you are leaving behind? Choose your conversations to optimize the possibility of making some headway, but choose them. You might be asking yourself: How is this lesson #7? You will begin to see as we go through these lessons that they are like the Life Lessons you are accustomed to in your life path on Earth. You will be challenged in a way that feels like a stretch, beyond your comfort zone, as you say. It will create a situation in which you must reach deep to find your strength and affirm your convictions. In doing so, you will grow and become stronger every day. So, my children, go forth and conquer. Conquer your fears, win over the reluctant hold-outs, and be secure in our love and our gratitude for your energy and your help, for it has been your ability to raise your own level of existence which has made it possible for this Great Experiment to take place in the first place. Without you this would not have happened now. Go in peace, live in love, Yahweh (or you can call me Sue)" Channeled by Kathryn E. May, November 16, 2012, 10 PM

Part 32: Lesson # 8, What Will Change?

"It is November 17, 2012. I remind you of this date so that you can mark in your memory the fact that I/We are speaking to you now of the things that are to come, and the things you have already left behind. Look back over the past month and see how far you have come in such a short time. Those of you who are reading these messages on a regular basis are awakening quickly, beginning to acclimate to the way of discussing shifts to higher dimensions, even though you live in a culture where most people do not openly discuss these things, even if they do sense them and believe in their hearts that what we say here is true. Yesterday, I encouraged you to talk with your friends about Ascension. I know that the idea of opening the conversation with people who have not already declared themselves to be "believers" is a challenge for you. It is unfortunate that you all live in cultures where being the first one to discover something, or the first one to openly discuss something puts you in the position where it is likely that you will be ridiculed or thought of as "crazy," or misguided, as if you are easily deluded or seduced by unusual ideas. You have people who label everything new or unusual as a "conspiracy theory," for instance, even though there are massive and real conspiracies which have allowed powerful groups to control large parts of the world economies and/or religions over many hundreds of years. It has long been difficult to present new ideas look how the greatest of your spiritual and political leaders have been assassinated in recent past, and before them, the scientists whose new ideas threatened rigidly held beliefs. Yes, I am asking you to "stick your neck out" now, because here in the higher dimensions we have a different view of what is happening on your planet than you do. We see the numbers of people awakening, hungry to learn new information and to have an explanation for their dreams, their new feelings of longing for connection at the most unlikely moments, with a boss, or a coworker, or a neighbor who has not been close to them in the past. Follow those impulses of your own, to reach out, to acknowledge that you talk with God, by way of these messages. Say to someone tomorrow, " I know someone who talks with God. Do you know anyone who does that?" You may be surprised when they tell you, "Oh, yes, my grandmother (aunt, cousin) always used to tell us what God said to her." You will probably be surprised at the willingness to talk about it, if you approach the person when they are alone. Better yet, try it with 10 people in a row, and keep track of the response you get: on a scale of 1 to 10, (with 10 being an enthusiastic positive) how do they respond? This way you can broach the subject in a way that is not threatening, but allows you to learn more about what others are thinking. We are not asking you to risk your life or your reputation here. We want you to have fun with it, and at the same time be reassured that you are not alone in your sense that something is indeed happening - it is happening now, and it is important to every single person on the planet. In addition, you will reassure them at the same time that this is a subject that others are talking about and questioning. You do not have to declare to the world whether you absolutely believe that Ascension is imminent, and that you will be going along. Just open the discussion, and along the way, you will have the opportunity to mention that you have felt new electrical energy surges, or your diet and sleep patterns seem to be disrupted lately. People often are fascinated by people who quote scientific information. Tell them that December

21, 2012 marks the end of a 26,000 year cycle in which the stars and planets will align in a powerful way. (Read a few articles to brush up on which are the major players in this alignment. I will tell you that major influences have to do with your sun and the center of the Universe.) I am not suggesting that your planet will change magnetic poles or send all of you flying off into space. It will be an enormous shift in the energy fields which you, as human animals, are able to detect with the finely tuned center of your brain. Those who are centered in their brains and firmly grounded in the heart of Gaia will ride through the changes as if you are on a great tsunami of joy. You will feel yourselves being lifted, body and soul, in a surge of freedom and lightness the likes of which you have never experienced before. When the wave comes, do not try to fight against it or control it, or mitigate its effects on you or those around you. Ride it, like a surfer on the Great Barrier reef or the beaches of Hawaii. If you have never had the pleasure of riding an ocean wave, imagine yourself in the videos of surfers who soar along under the crest of the wave, steady on their feet, riding the powerful wave to its completion, where they emerge, unharmed, into the soft surf and warm sun. You will experience the exhilaration they feel, in even greater measure. Another example: Have you ever seen films of expert skiers who leap into a crevasse to soar across the white powder, arcing across the mountain, barely skimming the snow, as if they might at any moment launch into flight? You will feel that, only better, for the transition you are making holds no danger, or discomfort - only the exhilaration of expansiveness, freedom and Light. Be ready to fly, my children. Reach into the memory of your soul and prepare yourselves to soar with happiness. You will land in a place of absolute love, together with the ones you love, including your pets, your favorite gardens and forests, the trees you have known all your lives, and the people you have been most comfortable with and trusted the most. What will you leave behind? We answer Diane, who was reluctant to leave behind what she knows, what is familiar. We would ask you, Dear, what is it you want to keep? The tax forms, the dentist appointments, the slums in your cities, the limp and unattractive vegetables in your supermarkets, the plastic toys, the air pollution, the harried pace of your over-scheduled lives? Or would you prefer to spend long hours with those you love, walking through pristine natural landscapes with your children and friends, basking in the warm sun, or perhaps you prefer to work together, building a glorious hippodrome for the performance of music and dance, where you can all go without having to buy a ticket. Perhaps you would like to play a musical instrument, with the greatest teachers to instruct you, or try your hand at painting, weaving, drumming or teaching children. You will decide how many hours you wish to spend at your favorite pursuits, and you will have eternity to try them all. We do not mean to imply that there will be no more challenges for you, if you wish to evolve on your spiritual path. You will have the entire Universe at your disposal, as you always have had, to continue your efforts. Some of you have already determined that you will work toward becoming Ascended Masters, a fulfilling and revered position in the Ascension process. All are encouraged to continue toward that goal, but you, my children, may well want to "spend some time" in the Paradise beyond time, New Gaia, the beautiful Blue Planet which has been your home, in a new and more wonderful incarnation. Do not be tempted to bring worry and fear into your days by bringing disasters, pain or loss into

your experience of Ascension. Remember: you will be moving "higher." Those who have ascended to the 5th dimension can always go back to lower dimensions if you wish to visit those who have not come as far as you have, to bring them with you, to teach or to express your love and encouragement to them. We have already told you that Kathryn and many others have volunteered to be here to help you at this time. More and more of your star brothers and sisters are here to witness and share this wondrous event. We will continue to explain, encourage and reassure you in any way we can. Send your questions to Kathryn and we will answer them. Do your meditations every day, and it will become easier and easier for you to feel the peace of mind, warmth and unconditional love which comes as you rise, little by little, until you find yourselves here with us at last. We await you, my children. Do not delay out of fear of losing anything that is dear to you. You have so much to gain, and you have planned this with us for thousands of years. Fulfill your own promise to yourselves, this week, this month, this year. We love you. You are the children of our hearts. As always, Yahweh"

Part 33: Nine Women of Light

"Dear Readers, We wish to say something about the group which met with Kathryn today, even though we did agree to give her a day off from channeling. We want all our readers to know about the --- words fail us here --- heart-stopping triumph which left us all overwhelmed with tears of joy. The women who agreed to be filmed as Visual Centering volunteers gave their hearts to the project of teaching the world by filming their own efforts to grow right there in front of the camera. That in itself would have been seen as an act of courage and great generosity, but they went far beyond that in their outpouring of love and support for each other. There was such an intensity of feeling, such enormous waves of unconditional love, tenderness and awe for the person who was working with Kathryn each time - it was wondrous to behold. Seven women who had never met Kathryn before, and many who hardly knew each other were brought together by her friend Ellen for an afternoon workshop. The result was phenomenal. As each woman reached her Center of Authenticity and joy, the Light increased, to such a degree that a beacon of Light shined forth with such power that by the seventh glorious shift of consciousness in the group, all the angels wept with joy, and we, Mother/Father God, looked on in wonder and adoration of the brave and glorious souls whose Light was so bright it lifted the hearts and the cumulative energy of the entire planet and was seen and felt across the Universe. We thank you, our dear children. The event you created, seven volunteers with Kathryn and Ellen, resulted in the glorious synergy of 9 beautiful bright lights merged and reinforcing each other. This number is sacred in the geometry of light-energy dynamics. Nine souls together can generate enough energy to lift the Darkness around the entire planet by a measurable degree. Yes, it can be felt, literally, from pole to pole, in every corner of Gaia. You have contributed to the Ascension of the planet as well as assuring your own progress on your paths to the 5th dimension and beyond. For this, we stand in awe of your strength, the culmination of years of hard work as individuals to clear away the accumulated pain of traumatic childhoods and life events. You had all worked hard to elevate yourselves, to become the brilliant, joyful beings you saw in your own mind's eye, but never had you reached the level of brilliance and clarity we saw today. We are not exaggerating when we say this was a truly momentous event, a shift for each of you individually, and a triumph for the Legions of Light who have, in this month of November, tipped the balance irrevocably in the direction of Light. You have assured your own progress and created a rising tide which will carry thousands across the boundaries of space/time to the fulfillment of the Great Dream of Ascension of Planet Earth. Welcome Home, our dear daughters. Continue to glow brightly as you have today, and your lives will be filled with happiness and greater love than you have ever known.

We honor you, we thank you, we love you beyond words. Keep us, your guides and helpers, close to your hearts, now and forever. Your Mother/Father God, your Yahweh."

Part 34: Lesson # 9, Universal Laws and the Heavenly View of our Progress
My dear children, We wish to talk with you today about the progress you are all making in your transition toward a higher level of life, as we have planned for you when you all ascend with your dear Gaia. Today was a glorious day in the U.S. People everywhere celebrated with those they loved, creating a warm glow of Light and Peace across the entire country, beginning early in the day with families everywhere stuffing a turkey, or gathering whatever they had to share with others in communal feasts. Some of those feasts were modest in presentation or quantity, others sumptuous and expertly prepared, but all were presented with a recognition of gratitude and thanks in a way that has rarely been seen on the planet. It began on the East coast, where early risers participated in the Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York, and families all across the East coast, freshly recovered from the hurricane, or still struggling, as many are along the coasts, but all demonstrating new-found affection and gratitude toward their friends and neighbors. Even families who have had a difficult time being comfortable in each others' company are beginning to find ways to reach common ground with one another, setting aside longtime disagreements, looking at each other more tolerantly, with greater patience and forgiveness. It may not be obvious to you on the ground, but we are exhilarated, even overjoyed with the changing environment on the planet, and in the Western Hemisphere, where change often comes most quickly. With the reelection of your President, who is very well liked and respected around the world, it is as if the planet breathed a great sigh of relief, knowing that real leadership would be available from the country they still tend to look up to as a beacon of progress and change. You will begin to see the balance tip toward more cooperation, although those we have called the "dark hats" are still trying to sew the seeds of divisiveness and fear. It is no longer working with the majority of the public. They were not able to steal the election, and although there are many of them displaying outright tantrums about their impotence, greater numbers of the public are becoming aware of the dark side of their concerted effort to block change, and to preserve the status quo in favor of their own selfish interests. We do not condemn those who have joined with the dark forces at this time. We simply report to you what their activities are and encourage you to find ways to contain their destructiveness, because they have made their contribution - they have caused many of you to awaken to the importance of looking out for one another, and they have shown you in stark relief what selfishness and greed really looks like. In many cases, it was their soul path, their contract with Us and with you, collectively and as individuals, to come here in this life to create the kind of morality play that helped to reveal the choices, good or evil, selfish or generous of spirit, arrogant or humble. The struggles have played out before us, and the choices are being made every day, in everyone's life: to be or not to be a being of higher consciousness, to reach beyond your 3-dimensional experience toward something yet unknown. Your DNA is being activated more every day now, as the waves of electrical energy flow across the planet. Your sun is generating more powerful energy waves, day by day. Those of you who have worked hard to clear away old emotional burdens are beginning to feel the lightness of the

brighter atmosphere to come. Those who are still struggling with negative feelings and thoughts will feel the weight of them, even to the point where you may feel unbearably distressed, "at the end of your rope," as you say. It is very important to find your way through those issues especially the self-hatred you have carried with such pride and pain. The time for worry, paranoia and distrust has passed. It is time to begin a new kind of cooperative activity, like the model of helping and sharing which has been an example for many years now, called Habitat for Humanity. It is a truly forward-thinking organization, created by your President Jimmy Carter and others, to bring together ambitious helpers and ambitious people who needed comfortable housing. We honor this model, and are delighted to see that the many years of its existence has created a way of thinking in the minds of people who are now in need because of natural disasters. Many of you wish to understand more about the scientific influences of the Shift which is now taking place. We will tell you a bit about the energy exchanges which are happening, and how they are able to create the changes we are telling you to expect. You are Lightworkers all, those of you who are reading this, and you are able to accept the first premise that although there is a kind of evolution which is a process of Nature, there is also Conscious Creation. The heavenly bodies and forces of energy involved did not come to be by accident. It has all originated as part of a Great Plan, the conscious creation of the Supreme Being of Light, brought into being with the help of Us, Mother/Father God, who in turn work with Nature, as well as the entire Multiverse of Conscious Beings who all play a part in the co-creation of the Great Plan. You are Lightworkers all, those of you who are reading this, and even those who would earnestly dispute the possibility of such an arrangement while they are there in the veiled condition of living in a human body. All beings, from the most massive planets and stars to the smallest insect, play a part in the ongoing evolution of the whole, as we each live out our conscious contribution to the growth and change of the All That Is. The Original Plan, which is beyond the scope of the finite mind within the human body, has been brought into existence with the help of Mother God's creative force, as you would understand the birth process, with the help of I, Yahweh, who have helped to order and shape the process in the ongoing development of The Plan. We are scientists all, in the sense that we follow the Universal Laws, some of which your Earth scientists have discovered. For instance, the processes we oversee include the Laws of Thermodynamics, including the familiar one which says that the changes you see happening are the result of energy being transmuted, but never created or destroyed. Thus, the process of change is fundamental, always ongoing, always to be expected. It is also a truth that the fundamental energy of Creation is Love. This means that the process of change is always, over what you would measure as billions of years, in the direction of greater Love and Light. From your perspective that looks like an evolution toward greater order out of what appears to be chaos. It is not chaos, but only an intermediate step in the ongoing process of change. Now, Mother God is chuckling - that is as clear as mud. We do not expect you to grasp the enormity of the Great Plan, but just to know that there is order behind all that you see. I am also being reminded to mention the importance of the Legions of Angels who oversee and implement their part in guiding the growth, over the millennia, of the ascension process of conscious beings, including human beings. Now, we tell you all this to help you understand that you are not alone, that the energy you

experience as a self is never destroyed but lives on in Eternity, and that we are all One in the participation of fulfilling the Great Plan, which is Love and Unity. It is not at all obvious to you as you go through your individual life on Earth that this process on Gaia is an integral part of the development and organization of transmuting energy into higher levels of Consciousness and Light. It is, in a glorious way. Part of what makes life on Gaia so difficult is that this is a testing ground which combines the forces of Creation in a unique and powerful way, giving each being the opportunity to experience emotional, physical and spiritual challenges in an intensified way which is unique in the Universe. Gaia has been your lifegiving Source, your nurturance and sustenance during this process, an intimate guiding force in your growth, and now she is ready to move higher in the dimensional scale - what might seem something like a ladder of evolution to you - and she has been granted that, as all beings are when they have fulfilled something of their part of the Great Plan. You are being given that opportunity along with her, as the natural evolution upward, as you might perceive it, to higher level of experience. (I am being nudged, now, to describe to you what I am experiencing as these words are being given to me. Initially, I was awakened by the pain in my right second toe, which I associate with Yahweh's special way of getting my attention. As I wrote about the Creation process and Mother God, the sensation shifted to my left foot, second toe. The remainder about the angels came with a nerve activation in my left foot, third toe. At the same time, I am experiencing burning and tingling in all the nerves of my left leg and heel, where an old injury left the nerves partially diminished. It feels as if every cell is being activated and stimulated. Now, the fourth toe, left foot, which seems to indicate the combined energies of healing Masters who are contributing to the restoration and renovation of my body. I feel as if they are playing me, like an instrument or an orchestra, with the unique and identifiable energies which are characteristic of their individual roles and "personalities." The effect suggests the coordination, cooperation and complex interaction which is beyond description in our mere words. Perhaps I, in my human incarnation, am a reflection of the massive complexity and interaction of the Universe itself, in flesh and blood form. Now, I feel tears of joy and confirmation - yes, I have understood an important Truth, which they want all of us to experience and understand. We are Creation: Created, Creators, an integral part of the magnificent Whole. Now the nerve orchestra has subsided, although I continue to feel all of it, in subtler intensity. We will go back to the discussion Kathryn) Yes, it is what we wished to illustrate for you - that we are all here, all the time, and although I am the Voice who speaks through Kathryn, I am expressing the feelings and intention of the One of which we are all a part. Now, you were promised a bit of science about the energy part. What is happening now, as part of the fulfillment of Gaias transition in combination with other evolutionary forces of the cosmos, is a shift to a higher level of vibration. It is the fulfillment of a long-anticipated step toward greater Love and Light. The forces which are too complex for measurement by your current instruments to capture in total, include the movement of the planets and other heavenly bodies, the flow of electrical energies across the Multiverse, and especially the influence of your Sun, which is also a major player in the relationships which are being lived out in harmony and

cooperation, as was anticipated billions of years ago. Although anticipated, it was not predestined, because of the interaction of infinite numbers of consciousnesses - the great orchestra of beingness, acting and reacting in form and intention. At this juncture, the forces of the cosmos have come together in a joyful and celebratory climax of inspiration: the elevation of the entire human race to a plane of higher consciousness. We speak to you through this channel in the words of the philosopher/poet/psychologist. It is a preference we have, in these messages, for being able to express the feelings of love which are behind all Creation, rather than discussing simply the interaction of photons on the human body and the gravitational effects of the heavenly bodies on your experience of day to day living at this time, although those things are important as well. You have been experiencing electrical stimulation in waves over the past month or so, which are increasing gradually as your DNA is being awakened to the point where you are able to tolerate higher and higher frequencies. You may be feeling unsettled, even unhinged at times. It is part of the natural process. Continue to do your meditation practices, which help you to absorb and integrate the electrical changes. Drink plenty of clean water, and continue to adapt your diet to accommodate your higher frequencies. You will find you need less meat protein, because your bodies are becoming more able to extract the nutrients you need from other sources, like vegetables, fruits and grains. Finally, prepare yourselves for the coming waves of energy which will increase in intensity during the lunar eclipse in the coming week, and will be followed by even greater events on 12/12. We are trying to prepare you for a smooth transition. Do not keep this information secret; all your fellow humans need to be given the advantage of reasonable preparation. We wish to ask each of you to give this information to at least three others. Expand your reading to other sources as well, for many different perspectives on this complex change which can be seen from as many perspectives as their are individuals describing it. We have tried here to give you the most basic and relevant information about the effects on human beings which will be felt in the coming weeks. We do this out of love and hope for your successful and glorious Ascension. We love you all, and continue to support and celebrate you, our Beloved Ones, Yahweh, speaking for the All and Many Beings of Light/Love, until tomorrow. Channeled Thanksgiving Night, Nov. 23, 3 AM, by Kathryn E. May, PsyD

Part 35: Lesson #10, Homo Spiritus: The Adventure in Our Future
The event you call Black Friday is over at last. People who stood in line to purchase gadgets and trinkets, clothing and toys have gone home with their treasures, but at great cost, in every sense of the word. This process of creating great need for things people really don't need by advertising endlessly and promising everything from happiness to popularity if one owns a particular item has created a sickness of materialism which has spread across the planet. Since the promises are false, the buyers will feel disillusioned and unfulfilled shortly after their purchase, but will not associate their malaise with the failure of material possessions to satisfy their hunger, but will instead go in search of a better or more interesting treasure to try to ease their hunger. It is an endless pursuit - one that is destined to fail for several reasons. The most important reason is that it does not satisfy the soul. The soul needs are for connection with others, in a state of love and cooperation, and the attraction to beauty and excellence, which drives us to create, to build and to shape our environment and ourselves in the pursuit of something greater, more wonderful and more perfect in the most glorious sense. It is an essential part of the human makeup to want to build and create, experiment and learn, things which are entirely too scarce in your present cultures, where some people, who dislike what they do, build and create things of inferior quality and design, for mass production, while the artists and musicians go without work. A video to this effect was circulated on the Facebook page of the spiritual seekers who traveled together with Kathryn in September. One of them astutely questioned whether this was a 5th dimension perspective. Yes, indeed, Diane. In the 5th dimension, no one works at something they dislike, because there is no need for money or for obedience to any system of economics. In fact, there are no "economic" needs, other than the Law of Preservation of Matter and Energy, which we discussed yesterday. In the 5th dimension and above, souls work and create and build whatever they choose, because of their own inner drive toward beauty and Light. There is no greater need, no greater fulfillment than to express one's individuality and skill in the pursuit of beauty in all its forms. The greatest architects, as well as the greatest painters and musicians have famously pursued their work with complete disregard for the ego demands for fame or fortune, going without food or sleep if necessary to bring into form the vision of their inner eye, the soul's eye. These are the needs which are met most exquisitely in the higher dimensions. Yes, Marjorie, you will build castles or schools, concert halls or houses - whatever you wish, and you will work with greatly skilled teachers if you choose, who can satisfy your need for more inspired levels of creation, the creation of objects and buildings for the greater good, whether it be for individuals or groups. The second important reason why your current economic systems do not work any longer is because they have devolved so far from the original purpose of what you call "capitalism" - the opportunity for all to do what you have been used to in your trips Home between incarnations on Gaia. You are souls first, having adopted these human bodies temporarily for the purpose of learning, but with each passing century, humans have drifted further from a deep connection with the Earth and with their own soul desires. That drift has created ever deeper feelings of alienation

and hunger for what you miss in soul fulfillment. The result is the pursuit of replacement satisfactions like wealth, material possessions, and bodily cravings like addictions. Your current state of depression and disease is a symptom of these unmet needs. In your souls, you naturally yearn for the Paradise you lost when you made the great sacrifice to take the path of learning rather than comfort, soul challenges rather than the eternal state of grace you enjoy with us in higher dimensions. This is one of the reasons your contract to live on Gaia is limited to relatively short lifetimes, with interludes in higher dimensions between each lifetime to recover and process what you have learned. You see, the Ascension you are being offered is truly the best of both worlds, as you would say. You will retain many of the sensations of physical experience, without the soul-challenging conditions of hunger, suffering or want. You will manifest your desires for Beauty, Love and Light as is the rule in higher dimensions, while continuing in the bodies you have become used to, and the life experience you cling to, even to the moment of death in most lifetimes. This time, you will keep many of the conditions of life as a human as you have known it, but with perfect health, greater and more expansive intelligence, and a closer connection to Us, the guides, ancestors, Masters and angels who have been your constant but unseen companions on your difficult journeys to Gaia and the 3 dimensional plane. You will become a new race of human beings, the expression of a spiritual evolution rather than Nature's slower version your scientists examine with such diligence. It will be a quantum leap, as they say, from 3 dimensional experience of Homo Sapiens to Homo Spiritus. Homo Spiritus is the new combination of human body with higher level consciousness, suited to life the 5th and higher dimensions - as far as your inspiration carries you. This is what we offer you now. It is your free will choice whether to ascend with your fellow humans of higher consciousness or whether to remain in the heavier, darker atmosphere you acclimated to in this single lifetime. Either way, your eternal soul will live on, either with Gaia in her new home in higher dimensions, or elsewhere, where the atmosphere will match that of your current level of dark/light energy, whatever that might be at the time of final transition. Perhaps you now understand better why we are urgently encouraging you to lift yourselves now, relearn the ways of Home, even as you remain in your familiar bodies, even as you cling to old suffering and complaints. Release the old familiar pain and begin your ascent to greater Love, kindness, forgiveness and the freedom it brings. As you do, you will daily draw nearer the portal through which you will all travel at last, to fulfill the destiny you came here to achieve, that of eternal life in human form. We encourage and support you. You are now being protected, as was our contract with those of you who wish to Ascend. Do not fear for your "survival" - it is guaranteed either way. We hope that every soul will ascend. Help your loved ones and new acquaintances to understand what is happening, and what wonderful events lie just ahead, in this historic year, 2012. With our love, Yahweh and Company Channeled Nov. 24, 5 am, by Kathryn E. May

Part 36: Lesson #11, Homo Spiritus Lives

We wish to speak to all of you concerning your transition to a higher plane of existence, in the form we have called Homo Spiritus. Many of you are puzzled or confused or disbelieving about the possibility that such a thing could occur during your lifetimes, much before the end of this very year. We will try to explain further what this momentous event is, and what it will mean to each and every one of you. As before, this channel, Kathryn has agreed to gather your questions and concerns so that I can answer them for you. You are not used to thinking in terms of a shift from one dimension to another. You have lived your lives in 3D, the circumstances of your planet Earth for thousands of years. Your atmosphere is heavy and gravity-laden, your experience of life in your bodies is one of intense sensations, concrete feelings of touch and taste and smell, combined with the familiar sense of time passing in a regular and predictable pace. All this is changing, as many of you have sensed. As Planet Earth passes through the portal to a higher vibrational level, the perception of time has speeded up, sensations are becoming more intense, so that it may feel to many of you as if the ground under your feet is shifting. Life has become less predictable, as the Institutions you have relied upon are shaken loose from their moorings, and change has speeded up to an unsettling and unfamiliar rate. Do not be frightened by these changes, my children. It is a transition you have known about and looked forward to with great joy and anticipation when you have been in your pure soul state while you were with me in the Fifth and Seventh dimensions and beyond. As souls, you planned this journey eagerly, even excitedly, as you all clamored for the opportunity to be here on the earth in body at this momentous time. There was no fear or hesitation when you joined with the bodies you possess now. No, you were one and all dedicated to the wondrous possibility of taking part in a new kind of event in the Universe. It has been the way of evolution across the Multiverse for souls to travel to many different planets, experiencing various conditions of weightlessness, color, intensity of emotion and sensory possibilities as they are experienced in the infinite variety of expressions of life across the vast and expanding All That Is. But nowhere is the experience of incarnation as rich, as deep and as tactily stimulating as it is here with Mother Earth, the one we call Gaia. Her beauty and exquisite natural elements are unique in the Universe, our gift to the human race to experience diversity, variety, and visual beauty unparalleled in the Multiverse. You have enjoyed life in bodies which look and feel different from one another in shape, size and coloring, and many of you have taken advantage of this great variety to come to life here as black, white, yellow and red races, as you call them. Yet, you do not remember those varied experiences, and still tend to think of your present condition as the superior one. It was not our original intention for you to use this diversity to feel separate and different from

one another. No, we offered this variety and richness of experience for its great possibilities to meld and build in love and joy, as you developed the unique talents and cultural possibilities of each of the races over the many generations you have spent here on Gaia. Unfortunately, it became instead the habit of your leaders, eager for power and greater control, to encourage mistrust, suspicion and even hatred - a uniquely human ability - as they stirred up intense emotions in their followers. Thus, free will as I have given it has become the tool of dissension and war, separation and strangeness, one from another. We did not intervene in your events, even though we watched as your civilizations over the ages progressively descended into darker and darker ways of dividing, conquering and exploiting your planets abundant resources. Always we had faith in the strength and the unlimited nature of your loving hearts. You are considered throughout the universe to be the Creator Race, brilliant in your imaginations and possibilities, although much of your talent has been directed toward either destructive or trivial endeavors, such as the accumulation of material wealth, or the building of lodgings which provided physical comforts but misused the gifts which Gaia has so generously provided for you. You are indeed creators after my own heart, and I have loved you ceaselessly even as you strayed further and further from your knowledge of our hopes and dreams for you. Many of you no longer experience the love of your Masters, your Guides, your Universal Mother, our son Jesus, and me, your mentors and loving creators. We have had to increase our efforts to send the energy of our love through the veil of forgetfulness you experience when you enter your bodies. Although you have only heard murmurings and myths about the previous civilizations which have had the privilege to share the experience of living with Gaia, we know of every moment, every soul experience and every decision made by those humans and other living beings who have inhabited dear Gaia. We have watched with concern, but always trusted in your creative abilities to find new ways to live, new forms of joining together to create cultures of beauty and joy. At the same time, your leaders, like the leaders who led their civilization to misfortune and disaster during the time of Atlantis, have been endlessly resourceful in their clever manipulation of the resources and wealth of the planet, until you have now reached the point at which Gaia can no longer struggle alone to recover from your profligate disregard for her suffering. Your weapons of war, your development of the use of nuclear power before it was completely understood, and your invention of endless numbers of poisonous chemicals and vastly destructive practices of food production have reached the point where life will no longer be sustained for the large number of inhabitants of the planet. Rather than see our children leave their bodies in painful and inevitable mass extinctions, we have devised a new and wondrous possibility for you. It is the option to transcend, while still in your bodies, to a higher vibrational dimension, to accompany your Earth Mother on her own spiritual path of Ascension. In order to accomplish this momentous event, I ask you to open your minds to entertain a brand new vision of life. Look to the night sky. Imagine what it would be like to soar, weightless, traveling with me through the infinite places without limited space or time, as I have traveled with your channel, Kathryn, to show her some of what the coming transition will allow for all of you. Look to your dreams, which have always given you a sense of what other dimensions feel like. You have all traveled in your dreams to the places of your soul memories, gathering the knowledge of

ancestors and guides, far galaxies and planets. I have given you this ability to prepare you for the transition to an experience which will allow you to see and touch, sing and dance with joy in the bodies you still possess, although there will be necessary changes in your most basic needs for nutrition and in the heaviness of gravitational attraction which you have experienced previously. Your creative powers will expand to the point where you can manifest your dreams effortlessly, but without the dangers of destructive war machines and the horrors of physical torture and pain you have previously inflicted on yourselves and others. You will live with the direct awareness of us, your angels, your Masters, your friends and ancestors who are here with us now in their soul light-bodies in the dimensions you have known as home between the many lifetimes you have spent on Gaia over the thousands of years you have prepared for this present event. Every one of you has known, has looked forward to taking part in this exquisite event you have called the Shift, or Ascension. Now I ask you to expand your consciousness, not by trying to figure out in your brains what will come, but by feeling it in your hearts. I asked Kathryn to spend many years studying and preparing to write our book which you can use as preparation for expanding yourselves for the changes you will experience. You must be willing to clear your emotions of old resentments, old hurts and painful memories. Begin now to express your abilities to help and support one another as you have always been able to do in times of crisis or emergency. Make these acts of generosity and kindness a moment to moment way of life. You have practiced these skills during times of war, floods and other climate disasters which have largely been brought about by the manipulation of Gaias weather patterns, which your leaders take pleasure in experimenting with. You blame me, whom you call God, for the traumas and deaths, but it is not my wish, nor the wish of your Universal Mother, to see your suffer in such terrible circumstances as have been created by the tsunamis, chemical dumping and other environmental disasters. We have always expressed enduring love for you, although sometimes the challenges you experience in life have provided you with opportunities for soul growth at accelerated speeds. Many of you have been ambitious in your wish to evolve quickly, to experience the soulexpanding growth which opportunities for heroic acts of generosity and kindness have provided. However, these single actions do not have the power which can be achieved by a lifetime of service to others. Small actions of kindness and sharing resonate with great power. The light of your individual beings shines brightly throughout the Universe. There are many bright lights among you who may never have been famous or even known outside their own families and cultures, but who have had long-lasting effects which resonate down through the generations of children who benefit from their teachings. Do not seek fame and fortune now, but rather turn your sights to a new possibilities for creating cooperative networks in your communities to provide for your continuing joy and expanding love, as you share your wealth, your happiness and your hopes for this coming planetary event. Above all, do not fear lack or scarcity. You have the ability to provide what is needed for all to make the transition without great suffering and loss. We will help you, we will teach you to manifest wealth of a new kind - universal prosperity, without need for greed or hoarding, competition or forceful taking and protecting of individual storehouses of resources. Loosen

your grip on your belongings and your distractions. Turn instead to each other, in love and companionship. Care for your young ones with love and patience, and your elders with compassion and respect. Find it in your hearts to reach outside your daily concentration on work and earning, so unnecessarily encouraged in your Western cultures, and instead find time to commune with each other and with us, your loving guides. Many of you are familiar with the actions of our legions of angels who watch over and help you in times of need. they are here with you now in great numbers, as are the beings from other galaxies and planets who have come, out of friendship, joy and great expectation to help you in the transition which they have already experienced as a part of their own soul journeys. They come in peace, to offer you helpful technologies to ease your way to a more egalitarian and loving way of life. Do not fear these beings, who are already filling your skies, and who have volunteered as leaders in your political and social organizations to help you elevate to a more loving experience of daily life. They do so at great danger to themselves, because of your suspicious and warlike reactions to anything that is new to you. Do not allow your leaders to convince you that aliens pose any danger to you. They have been long aware of the possibilities for advanced technologies, which they have attempted to keep secret in order to increase their power and control over the population of the planet. Many of you have been asleep, following blindly the dictates and pronouncements of your most arrogant and selfish leaders, who sow the seeds of dissension and hatred. Awake, my children. Take charge of your own lives. Open your hearts to your neighbors, and to those who appear less fortunate than you in their economic and social status. These people generously provide you with opportunities for compassion and empathy. Do not allow yourselves to be turned away, toward habits of greed and acquisitiveness. Material wealth is meaningless, and will become increasingly so as you all begin to experience the elevated feelings of love and joy which this Ascension provides. Manage your passions, my children. Learn to work with your bodies and your strong feelings in order to channel those energies toward the greater good. There are teachers among you who share their knowledge and their experiences with you. They have written about their own soul journeys and have accelerated the development of spiritual teachings in very recent years. Turn to those who present their teachings with humility and generosity. They will be the leaders whose courage will shine brightly as beacons of wisdom in the coming months which may cause inner turmoil for many of you, as you are required to shift your value systems and familiar habits. Do not fear this process. There are those among you who have prepared themselves to act as leaders, shepherds, teachers and friends as you find your way through these turbulent times. Look to those who give selflessly, without ego or pride. They are my legions of angels in bodies, having struggled as you do with the strong currents of emotion and intense feeling which are inherent in your human condition. Do not bury your consciousness in your addictions and preoccupations with electronic entertainments. Be daring. Be courageous, and above all, expand your sense of what it means to love far beyond the romantic sentiment you have been taught to expect. As Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha and many others have taught you, love your neighbors as you would have them love you. Begin with simple courtesies. Move on to deeper expressions of kindness. Develop patience and forbearance, and you will be able to move with grace as we all ascend together to the expanded possibility for joy and enduring love which has been planned for you.

Some of your kind have already made the transition to higher planes while still in their bodies. Many of them have been asked to return to their Earth existence to help others make the transition. They will help to show you the way. Partake of their wisdom; ask for their help. You only need to say Yes! in your hearts. Do not listen to the doubts and arguments which your ego - and your brain - will try to use to drown out your great hopes and dreams. Loosen your attachment to concrete arguments and intellectual explanations. Rational explanations will not serve you well during this period of rapid change. Turn to your poets and your visionaries, your artists and philosophers and musicians. They will speak the truth of our greater consciousness, our expanding Universe of possibilities. Anything is possible for you, my dear children. Join hands and proceed fearlessly into the present/future of your higher destinies. There will be nothing to dread, nothing to regret, but much to enjoy as you travel to new Universes with us. We anticipate with great joy the coming of a new world on your dear Gaia, the planet of Love and Light. Come, my children. Elevate, ascend. Begin by practicing each and every moment of your days. You will find yourselves ready, filled with joy and expectation when the moment comes for you to make the transition to a never-before phenomenal experience. Of course, your words do not allow for us to describe to you the possibilities which await you. In this, your will need to develop the sense of faith which is only possible if you allow yourselves to feel our constant and unlimited outpouring of love for you. Go in peace, live in love. Your eternal Yahweh, I Am That I Am

Part 37: Lesson #12, Choose Your Own Version of Life After "The End Of Times"
"We have something important to tell you. The elements are coming together for the Ascension of the human race in a way that is more dynamic, more positive than we could have asked for. A tipping point was reached some time ago (we prefer not to use exact dates, although you love them so) which allows for the successful fulfillment of the Plan we have anticipated for eons. You see, this is not the first time earth has tried to accomplish this momentous transition. Earlier civilizations were unsuccessful, ending in the destruction of the way of life they had established on the planet. Although you have come very close to a similar Armageddon - it lives still in your consciousness as a remembrance of Atlantis - you and Gaia will not experience a similar fate. This time, Lightworkers in every area of life, including some political leaders, have worked very hard to mitigate the danger of nuclear disaster and global war, often behind the scenes, against the wishes of their more hawkish power-hungry colleagues. At the same time, the level of spiritual connection and understanding has steadily risen, to the point that large numbers of your population now identify themselves as "spiritual but not religious," as you call it. This higher level of spiritual experience requires no dogma, no rules or restrictions, and no priests or popes to guide you. You have learned to follow your hearts and the voices of your Higher Selves, who nudge and gently prod you forward. Use that perspective of deep Faith as you read the words here. We celebrate with overwhelming joy the fact that so many of you, along with your spiritual teachers, channels and other individuals who have been quietly searching and learning, have been able to elevate to higher consciousness over the last 20 to 30 years. Your combined hours and years of service to others has had a powerful cumulative effect in achieving the tipping point of which we speak. This tipping point has facets of energy/power which reaches into every area of your lives. The change has been gradual, so you hardly notice it, but we watch every nuance, as you turn away from the everyday horrors of racism, slavery, sexual predation and child abuse which were common practice just 50 or 100 years ago. This is conscious evolution at lightning speed, although it may seem too gradual to you who live within the timeline of one lifetime. We have now reached the Moment of Truth, as you might call it. In less than one month, you will all make the decision to elevate or not. As we have told you, it is a free will choice. You cannot "wait and see" what others are doing, or decide at the last minute to begin the transition process of turning away from darkness, anxiety, depression, greed, competitive and destructive practices and then race through the gates at the last minute. The energy shift would be too traumatic for your bodies. This is why you are being prepared for the Great Event, even without your awareness. During your hours of sleep, you are taught to anticipate and acclimate to the pleasures and

delights of higher dimensions. Many of you may find yourselves flying in your "dreams," or being challenged by the "monsters" you have dealt with all your life: destructive, threatening people who have held you psychological captives. Now is the time to defeat these specters of fear and self-doubt. Disperse them with vigor and self-confidence by reliving these dream moments in triumph. Clear them away, with any imaginative life-force you find suitable. Melt them away, or disappear them with your powerful wand of Light, or freeze them into impotence with the force of your will. In this way, you will free yourselves of the old fears and doubts which have made you "skeptical" about being able to manifest the life of your dreams and your hearts' desire. Go forward in your Vision of Life to a higher plane - one where you create with the power of your imagination. "Imagination" is a paltry word for the power you possess as Creators. It is in fact a combination of mind, soul, and will (not mere brain power) which allows you to materialize the Vision you have created. This Vision of how you want your life to be will determine where you will go when the End of Times come. Yes, it is the End of Times as you have known it. Unlike your horror movies,this does not mean loss or death; it means elevation, or Ascension, as we have called it. Now it is your responsibility as souls, individually and collectively, to decide what that future version of life on Gaia will be like for you. Those of you whoen-Vision(an active process) a life of joyful and peaceful community, instant manifestation of the dreams of your heart, and an environment of unconditional Love, will indeed experience such a place. You will achieve Paradise on Earth, as the prophesies and ancient texts have promised. You, with the help of all human being and animal, vegetable and mineral realms, have asked for this, and we have made it possible for you. Now you only need to claim your part of the glorious fulfillment of a new reality. Those of you who insist on remaining in the life of darkness and heaviness you now experience will be granted that, although it will be as unsustainable as it is now, but without the mitigating effect of your dear Gaia's dedication and healing powers. The results of any destructive action will be immediately and powerfully felt, since Gaia herself has ascended, along with her living body and her higher-consciousness inhabitants. The planet which remains will be a mere shell of the vibrant, conscious Gaia you knew. You see, your choices really matter, because nothing will remain as it was. Your powers of manifestation will remain, but you will be operating in the arena of 3-dimensional reality. The effects are very different, although difficult to predict or describe in the limited language we have available. This is why I have asked many of the Enlightened Beings, Masters and Higher Consciousnesses to speak to you, through the various channels with whom they feel an affinity, to help awaken all of you to this Glorious Event. There are now many who speak on a regular basis, through internet sites, radio shows, and personal appearances, who offer their wisdom and perspective to present the material in many ways and many forms, to suit the audiences who come to them. We are making every effort, without interfering with our free will covenant with you, to inform you and to encourage you to shake off your fears and doubts and come forward with us to the Heavenly fulfillment of your soul path, the destiny you longed for before you came here. Do not

hesitate or hang back now. Leap and we will catch you. Fly and you will be accompanied by angels. Picture in your mind's eye the sweet future you will mold and shape, together with your loving families and friends. There will be no more power struggles, no more suffering or pain, no more hunger or death in the eternal world of Unconditional Love we have created for you. How you live your lives, what you build, how you raise your children, what art and music you create for the enjoyment of all - all these things will remain to be invented, designed and co-created as you acclimate to New Gaia. When we say it will be the life of your dreams, we mean it literally. Dream/create/envision what you want, and it will be yours. And, as the old saying goes, "Be careful what you ask for." Set your sights on Love, and it will be yours. I will not elaborate on the alternatives. We do not ponder such things here in the higher dimensions. We will create what you ask for, as always, and destiny will play out in all its possibilities. Manage your dreams to be filled with Light, and your future will evolve accordingly. We send you Unconditional Love, as ever, Your Yahweh, in company with All That Is"

Part 38: Lesson #13, A Brief History of the Path of Planet Earth
"It is a time of great change on Planet Earth. In order to help those of you who are confused or doubting that there could even be such a thing as a dimensional shift right here, right now during you own lifetime, much less within the month, we must attempt to give you a longer view. We will try to jog your soul memories to recall the path so many of you have traveled over the past thousands of years - the path which led little by little, not all of a sudden, as you feel it now from the beginning of human life on Planet Earth to the present. It has been a long and difficult path for many of you, with lifetimes of challenge, suffering, triumph and love, happiness, tragedy, comfort and hardship. Most of you have tried it all, evolving and learning profound lessons of empathy and compassion, forgiveness and love along the way. You see, Planet Earth is an exceptional place in the Universe. It is truly, as Kathryn has called it, the testing ground, the Boot Camp for courageous souls who want to learn fast, evolve quickly, and overcome their own challenges, building their strength, fortitude, knowledge and commitment to the Light. The great Masters with whom you are familiar - St. Germain, Jesus, even Ashtar, our Supreme Commander of the Galactic fleet, Archangel Gabriel, Michael and many others - all have proven their mettle by testing themselves in the 3-dimensional experience on Gaia. Without that experience, they could not possibly understand how difficult it is to live in the heavy atmosphere, in bodies characterized by frailties and, at the same time, great needs and desires. This is complicated further by the finite human brain, which is actually the least powerful of the body's and soul's combined intelligences, and which is hampered even further by the dichotomy which pervades human life at this time. You see the world and each other in terms of good vs. evil, friend vs. stranger, right vs. wrong, individual vs group, religion vs. science, left vs. right, and so on and on. In other higher dimensions, as you may have heard, not only is there no time as you know it, but there are no dichotomies, no opposites and none of the competition or conflict you take for granted as part of the human condition. No, it is not an inevitably predominant genetic quality to be attracted to violence or competition. It has been encouraged and perpetuated by the history and training of thousands of years within the 3 dimensional energy of Gaia. This was not an accident, or an anomaly. The design of 3 dimensional Earth was co-created by the beings who lived in Lemuria, the early civilization of Gaia which was the birthplace of many of the older souls who are now among you as Lightworkers. It was in agreement with Us that they began the daring experiment to combine the elements of free will with 3 dimensionality, to create a new and exciting possibility for beings to come from all over the Multiverse to experience life on the beautiful Blue Planet. In its initial stages, while still in the higher levels of 3 dimensionality, it was the Eden - the playground of delights where angels came to frolic and experience life, sexuality and joy in the exquisite sensory intensity of a human body. As Gaia descended to the lower levels of the 3rd dimension, it became more arduous, and the addition of dichotomous thinking created the difficult conditions you now experience. This was not a fall from grace, as some of your judgmental

religions like to declare. It was with the combined consent of the Kumara people who had guided the original experiment and Gaia herself. It has been the Kumara who have been the Keepers of the Light, keeping the flame alive during all the subsequent civilizations which followed, for nearly 100,000 years - a blink of an eye from our perspective. The Lemurian civilization originally was centered in a large continent in what is now the Pacific Ocean. The Lemurian culture and energy can still be felt in the islands of Hawaii, and is being revived with great joy by its descendants in Maui and to some extent in Kauai. The experiment into 3 dimensionality has at last reached fulfillment, as Gaia herself has ascended through the 4th into the 5th dimension and beyond. This process has been gradual, but has speeded up enormously during the last 30 years or so, as Lightworkers of higher consciousness have evolved in concert with Gaia's progress, lifting themselves and others along with them. Unlike previous attempts to complete this process, this time success is assured because of the power of large numbers of people uniting in prayer, meditation and visualization. You see, no movement or change in the Universe is simply a result of edict or unilateral Creation. This process has been a concerted effort, aided in recent times by the arrival of many others from the more advanced planets, who wish to offer their help and their technology to enhance your Ascension process. Because of Gaia's request and your call for help, we have been able to intercede in limited ways to prevent or mitigate the most dreadful manmade disasters. We have also circled the planet with a protective cloak which will prevent any interference from outside forces. A planet in Ascension is a sacred event, one of which all the existing planets and stars are aware, and are watching with great interest. You are ascending with Unconditional Love as the protective cloak and the ultimate energy state which you will exist within upon the completion of the process of Ascension. So it is that enormous numbers of beings and celestial entities - your Sun and Moon are important players as well - are in the position of having what you would call "a lot of skin in the game." You are not alone, no, not by any means. Your success is legendary, and visible by the amount of Light which shines from your planet at this time. Yes, there are still pockets of real darkness, but those are being shrunk little by little as more souls awaken to expand and elevate the level of Love and Light on the planet. In the coming weeks, you will experience continued unsettling waves of electromagnetic energy, washing over you in waves of increasing intensity. Many of you are experiencing the symptoms of Ascensionitis - illnesses, digestive malaise, headaches, sleep disruptions, aching joints, fever and chills to name a few. This is an unfortunate side effects to the rapid adjustments which are being made to your DNA, which will in turn modify your nutritional needs, your physical health and most dramatically, the expansion of your brains to accommodate the 5 dimensional mind of your future. As we have frequently said, you will not die, but will continue in your living bodies, with modifications. Now, to help you understand the impossible: When we speak of moving, ascending, higher levels and so on, it sounds as if you will be going somewhere different in space. This is the way your brains work, to interpret change in terms of time and space. Your limited language and the structure of your present thinking does not allow for the understanding of the infinite possibilities of which we speak. You will not be moving to a different planet. You are already there. Your

experience will change dramatically, in a very short period by your time measurements, when it is actually the completion and simultaneous new beginning of a 100,000 year process. Dimensions are not places, or directions on the compass; they are possibilities within other possibilities. We can only assure you that your existence will change to one of joy, lightness, unlimited unconditional Love and creativity. You will just have to be there to know it and to revel in it. The only requirement for you to join in the glorious completion of this process is your own agreement and active participation. No one will be dragged against their will into a new experience of life. Neither will anyone be denied if they are at the level of vibrational energy which allows them to move through the portal. It is a simple process, really, something like the experience of walking through an open patio door as opposed to banging into the glass. The level of your energy alone determines whether you will sail through or hit an energy wall which is too different for you to move through comfortably. This is the case at every juncture of soul development, as a soul moves through higher levels of experience. One can always move downward through as many levels as they wish, but ascension requires elevation. You cannot go to visit the Ascended Masters at their level, but they can always come to work with you where you are. (You see, we have to use "where" as if it is a specific place because we don't have a word for here/now.) We accept without judgment that each soul's here/now is unique. Each ascends according to his/her/its own plan and preferences. We are here to help, to encourage and reassure you, but not to judge or decide. We hope to see all the souls of Planet Earth ascend at this glorious juncture. If some decide not to, well, the Multiverse is a place of unlimited possibility and infinite opportunities. All souls will be accommodated according to the level of development and their relative energetic preferences at the time. We can reassure you that those ascending to the 5th dimension or higher will not have to experience war, or greed, or slavery, or any forces of external control such as you have experienced in 3D. Those who choose not to ascend will continue in this vein to the extent they identify with and envision those things as their here/now. Celebrate, My Children, you are being offered the life of your dreams, the fulfillment of the longings of your heart and soul. We await your triumph and your return to Us in your true Home, Yahweh/Sue/Sam and the Legions of Light" Channeled on Nov. 28, 1 am, by Kathryn E. May

Part 39: Lesson #14, No Planning Needed

"It is time to give you some more information about what to expect concerning the Ascension, and how it will effect each of you. We understand that it is very confusing to you to try to imagine a transition which will involve going from the life you are familiar with, complete with mortgages, smog, train schedules and root canals to a life in Paradise in what seems to you to be a change with no time to plan for it. It is not that there is no time to plan for it - there is nothing to plan for, because you don't need to pack or make reservations or arrange for your bills to be paid. When we say that everything will change, we mean absolutely everything. The things that will seem most familiar will be the natural beauty of your Gaia, and some of the creations which are beloved to many, like your wonderful museums full of artistic masterpieces, and the buildings which were built with love, and all the music you love, well, it's already here. There will be enough of the familiar for you to rejoice and celebrate at continuing some of the things you love, but you will not be restricted to what you have previously known. We wish to answer the many questions which have been asked of this channel in the past 2 days, especially for Samantha and Johanna, whose concerns are most familiar. Let's begin with the transition itself, which seems to make so many people anxious. Yes, there will indeed be a moment in which you will go from the state of heavy atmosphere you are familiar with in 3 D to a lighter, brighter feeling in 5 D. We have made every effort to ease that transition by lifting the level of energy on the planet gradually, as we will continue to do over the next few weeks. Perhaps a visual analogy will help. You are familiar with the way the Panama Canal locks work. The ship enters at the lower level, then the water in the channel is raised to allow the ship to float higher, until it reaches the level of the next lock, and so on until the ship has risen to the new, higher level where it can sail away into new waters. You will experience it similarly - as if you are being lifted and carried to a higher plane. You do not have to "go" anywhere. You will be transported, body and all, along with your loved ones, children and pets, old and young. No one will be left behind. You need not worry about those who may be reluctant or even belligerent about refusing to transcend. As the atmosphere lifts them to new levels of energy, they will find themselves feeling more agreeable, less aggressive, more loving and compassionate, sometimes in spite of themselves, because the energy waves sweeping across the planet are activating long dormant DNA strands which will expand your capabilities. There may be some who will take a little more time than the others, but as I have said before, it is not my way to abandon or punish my own Children, the Creations of my Heart, no matter what their current state of mind might be. All will be treated with fairness and compassion, because that is Our way, always. Perhaps you are wondering why, if this has all been decided, should anyone need to be told of the process at all? Why not just transport you all in your sleep, or something of the sort? There is

a very important reason - the one which seems to give you the most trouble. We granted you free will when you decided to make this journey to Gaia, to experience the 3rd dimension as the proving ground for your soul growth. This contract will be honored for each and every one of you. This means that you will be required to be "on board" with the general intention of the project, which is to allow the human race to fulfill our long-awaited co-creation, life in Paradise for all. Ultimately, each individual must cast their vote to be included in the final step onto the shores of New Gaia. As you acclimate to the higher vibration, you will become aware of the past/present/future nature of understanding as well as the state of unconditional love you will experience there. You will then appreciate how important the role of each individual has been in the fulfillment of this plan. The process of Ascension was able to begin because of the rising tide of consciousness on the planet, the tipping point we mentioned in the last post. It will proceed because more and more of the community of souls are fervently praying and helping to raise the consciousness of more souls every day. This is a necessary component of the success of this Great Plan: it is a joint effort, equally shared by Us, your Legions of Angels, Enlightened Beings, Ascended Masters and all the guides and ancestors who have worked to make this possible, the devas and nature spirits, the beings of All the Kingdoms of the Earth, and you, the human beings who are at the center of this enormously complex confluence of energies. Your choices and the desires of your hearts have guided the direction and timing of this Great Plan. Nothing was pre-ordained or taken for granted. You have been playing your part by being who you are, and especially through your efforts to become more loving, more cooperative and generous in your day to day lives. Witness the self-help movement which has swept across the planet in the last few years. This has had a powerful effect on the expectation of how people should be treated, in relationships, in families, in the workplace, and has gone a long way toward clarifying what loving treatment actually is. The confluence of all these influences and more have come together to create the glorious moment we are about to witness. You have each been an active part all along, so the outcome will not come as a complete shock to you - not at all. It will be the outcome you have planned for yourself, in cooperation with your Higher Self. For a few of you, that has been an entirely conscious process, an act of will. For others, it may have been carried on at a mostly subconscious level. It does not matter; your wishes have been taken into account. So, you see My Children, you are more ready than you think to make this historic journey with Us. The coming weeks will bring a shift which you might have thought of as magic just a few months ago. Now, you will adjust and balance and move on with each wave of Unconditional Love you experience. You are resilient in your makeup and courageous in your psyches; you will become more-so with every passing hour. Go in peace, live in love, and you will truly arrive in the Promised Land. Your Yahweh" Channeled Nov. 30, 1 am, by Kathryn E. May

Part 40: A Message for the Torchbearers and Lightworkers

A note for Kathryn, and for her fellow Torchbearers, from the entire Spirit Realm: "We speak to all of you through her: You have asked, Dear, why you are so sleepy today that you had to take a long nap and could barely move, even afterward. Many have asked about strange physical symptoms during the past few weeks. You are a healer, a flame-bearer for the Planet. You have done this work for thousands of years, carrying the Light so that others could walk their paths through the darkness of the 3dimensional world. This was your contract since the days of Lemuria, the destiny you agreed to fulfill, no matter how long it would take. It seems unbelievable to you, from where you sit, but this is the truth. You remember how you felt when you finished your many years of study to get your doctorate degree (or for the rest of you, the training you worked so hard to accomplish). It was this feeling, wasn't it? When you have completed a momentous job, it is natural to collapse on the ground for a little while, before you begin the celebrating. Rest as much as you need. Your job is winding down, this part of it, at least. It is the beginning of a new era for you as well. You did not know when you signed on for this job how long it would take or even whether it would be successful. You and your fellow Torchbearers suffered disappointments many times along the way. This time it is different, but the first wave of feelings is bound to be relief. The joy will come later. You have noticed how alone you feel - how lonely it has been for you during this lifetime, as you have often seen friends and acquaintances melt away, as you continued your steady trek. Yes, you have sometimes carried the responsibility alone, away from the warmth and encouragement of your fellow Light-bearers. They have done the same at times, because this is not a job which allowed for long sojourns in the arms of companions and lovers. Your souls carry the knowledge that you are not alone, that your paths will eventually converge, and you will greet each other in triumph, as the members of a relay team do at the end of their challenge. And now you are thinking - yes, and who can I share this with, even now? Anyone you choose to. They will resonate with this particular story, or not. Each soul has their own part to play in the Great Unfolding. In your hearts, you carry the knowledge and the memory of each one's contribution, each one's precious part to play, as we do. As others awaken, they too will feel the echo deep in their hearts - "Yes! This is why we came. This is why we are here!" All those who are drawn to read this will find solace and confirmation in these words. Of all the possibilities - you call them probabilities - which were available in the unfolding of this adventure which has been the journey of Planet Earth deep into the darkness and struggle of

the lower levels of the 3rd dimension and back again, you and your courageous group of souls have kept your eye on the prize, as they say, holding the vision of a better day to come, keeping the probability of absolute success as an option. Without that determination and Vision of Light and Love, it would not have been possible for Gaia to complete this path, keeping her human companions along with her this time. You did not entertain the possibility of global destruction, and so it has not happened. You turned away from the temptations of accumulating great wealth at the cost of great poverty for others, and you kept the heartbeat of Gaia always close to yours, feeling her pain, sending your compassion and love to heal her and settle her convulsive responses to the pain of bearing the injuries she has felt, especially in the last 100 years. Your work as Torch-bearers has always been to maintain the bridge of conscious awareness between Gaia and her human inhabitants, as well as to help show the way out of dark and destructive attitudes toward each other. You have traveled in the forests, the deserts, the jungles and the northern plains, as way-showers and messengers of God's Love, throughout the centuries. We honor your determination and celebrate your success, our Courageous Children. You are truly the angels with "boots on the ground" as you say. You have been inspired by the Vision of a 5th dimensional landing - the completion and new beginning which you have reached for, for so long. It will be as you envisioned it, the best of all possible worlds, because of your dedication and Faith. Please send this message to your group of Healers, for they will know they are the ones of whom we speak. We love you, and we wish to express our gratitude and thanks for your work. Your Ascension through the portal into the 5th dimension will truly be a triumphant return. We love you with all our hearts, Yahweh, Jesus, and All the Legions of Light

Part 41: Lesson #15, A Planet Based in Love and Friendship

"Many of you have gotten used to reading the words of channels who reach across the dimensions to make contact with us in order to bring you helpful information and reassurance during these difficult times. This by itself is a sign that the consciousness of the planet is rising. In just a few months, many of you have come to look forward to learning and sharing these messages, the words of Yahweh. It gives Us great pleasure to be able to communicate with so many of you on a regular basis. We know that it is difficult to pull yourselves away from the distractions of your fast-paced lives to ponder thoughts about cosmic events and the history of the Universe, when you are focusing on issues like how you will pay your rent and what to make for dinner. It touches our hearts deeply to see how many of you are struggling every day to become better at what matters to you - being better friends, lovers and parents, searching deeply within yourselves to root out the source of your unhappiness and fear. We commend you for your efforts, swimming against the stream, as you might say. It is a difficult challenge to look inside your own psyche when you are hampered by the limitation of a human brain, but you keep trying, and with greater and greater success. We will remind you once more that the answers lie outside your brain, within the realm of your soul/body, that connection between soul, heart and spiritual mind which allows you to expand your sense of knowing far beyond this life experience. As the time draws nearer to the 21st of December, your restlessness may remind you of the important choices which lie ahead. Again, I will remind you that although there may be difficult transitions for some of you, there will be no Apocalypse. Gaia is readjusting to her ascended vibrational level, which will effect all life on Planet Earth in the coming years. There will be room for all to experience the soul path you chose before entering into this incarnation, whether it be to fulfill your desire to Ascend once and for all to the higher realms and to remain there to continue your soul journey, or whether you choose to continue the journey with your fellow humans in some way. Many of those reading this may choose to Ascend, and then return to be of service for your fellows. Others may choose to experience the birth/death cycle, but with the opportunity to experience a planet based in Love and Friendship. The coming years will be a transition time for those who remain with Gaia, a time for reevaluating and recreating a way of life which will be very different from the dark, fear-based experience of life as you have known it until now. As your DNA is activated to include abilities of greater spiritual expansiveness and connection, you will experience a level of exhilaration and peace of mind unknown to you now. Generosity and kindness will become the way, because anything else would be unthinkable. There will be an end to greed, competitiveness in the sense of wanting to control or defeat others, and the wish to be superior in wealth or material goods. These tendencies will melt away, taking the institutions and practices which supported them along with them. It has already begun; your financial systems will undergo massive adjustments, as poetry, philosophy and architecture take precedence over economics of all kinds. Trade will benefit all, and the purpose of establishing distribution channels will be for the pleasure and comfort of all. Hunger and poverty will become unknown, as the source of those scourges - war,

corruption and greed, become a distant memory. Yes, what we are describing is a Paradise on Earth, compared with what has occurred over the last 5,000 years. As you go through the next few weeks, the shifts to your conscious and unconscious minds will prepare you for a new day, a new paradigm. Nothing you have experienced in the past will be repeated in the New Gaia, so your old adages about the need to study history lest you should repeat it will no longer apply, although you may want to study the history of your planet for the great interest and lessons it holds. This is a difficult concept for most humans - the act of suspending judgment, withholding reaction, waiting to see how things play out. It goes against your training, to judge, inspect, analyze and scrutinize every detail for answers. But, you see - and here is the philosophy lesson for today - all those activities presume that The Truth lies in dissecting and understanding something which has already happened. This is true whether you are analyzing a subatomic particle or dissecting a cadaver. You can only analyze something from the past. You cannot use these methods to predict or understand the future, because all the conditions will have changed. This will leave some of you feeling upset, even angry at the prospect that you cannot figure it out. We want to reassure you that your God-given abilities (If I do say so myself) are more than sufficient to carry you through a life at a much higher level than what you are used to. What you experience as intuition is really your deep connection to your Higher Self, the soul-in-higherdimensions which carries wisdom far beyond your near-sighted view from here on the ground. Your heart, the formerly languishing source of Creativity and Love, will expand to develop skills in the area of telepathy, teleportation and Faith which have been previously practiced by only the most elevated spiritual beings among you. Yes, you will all begin to feel and hear the presence of your Spirit Guides and Teachers, as you have seen the channels doing when they work with us. For most of them, their experience of us is of up-close-and-familiar teachers who speak to them all day long with Compassion and Love. This ongoing experience has taught them to feel no fear, and to seek fulfillment in service to others as a way of life because that is what feels famil-iar (as in family) to them. This is the relationship we foresee with all of you, in the New Gaia which will be realized within the coming era. The turning point will occur on Dec. 21. The hopes and dreams of all the Lightworkers of the entire Multiverse have been realized in the transition of Gaia from the darkest of 3rd dimensional experience to higher vibrational levels. It remains to be seen what form this new adventure will take in terms of the activities and structures which will be built anew on Gaia, with the combined consciousness of her newly elevated humans at work. We celebrate the triumph of a Dream which has been awaiting fulfillment for thousands of years, with Joy and Happiness beyond measure. We love you one and all, our Dear Courageous Children, Yahweh and All the Legions of Heaven"

Part 42: Learning to Live with Love

Yahweh said: "We will make this a short message tonight. You have all been working hard to absorb the rising energies of love. What an irony is that! Your systems are so used to tolerating poison and small daily abuses, constantly inflicted, that unconditional love is enough to make most of you choke and squirm! This will change. With each passing day, the field of energy sweeping across the planet will awaken thousands more, and then millions more, until every single person on the planet will have been either lifted by the ecstasy, or infuriated by the interference. Yes, of course there may be a few who are so cold-hearted and dead that they are unable to evolve at all. In fact, they are the ones in the news in the past few weeks. It is unfortunate that your news outlets are so fascinated with violence and gore, because it presents a very distorted perspective on what is actually happening on the planet. What we see from our bird's eye view is the beautiful Gaia and her inhabitants awakening to feelings of Love, excitement and pleasure in the small and wonderful events of everyday life. Friends are reaching out to friends with long-unexpressed warmth and gratitude. Children are being noticed and fondly affirmed for their charming ways. Animals - well, the animals are already on a very high level, with examples of the lion laying down with the lamb, symbolically. A recent story described a lion who adopted the baby gazelle who was orphaned after the mother was eaten. You see, the feelings of kindness and good will are felt in their most basic form by the animals who are sensitive to the resonance of energies around them. The effect of this energy is profound and universal. Your scientists have not yet discovered the subatomic particle which carries the emotional feeling/meaning which is generated by large numbers of human beings who feel an emotion in concert with each other. Studies have shown that meditations conducted with large groups can effect the purification of water, the level of crime, and the healing of seriously ill patients. They have not yet widely publicized the effect of many people together feeling an uplifting and celebratory feeling, but it is massive, cumulative, and ongoing. A crescendo of feeling is sweeping across the planet, lightening and lifting spirits. It has now gathered such momentum that the outcome will be unimaginably wonderful. We cannot tell, from our perspective, whether the result will be overwhelmingly spectacular, or simply unbelievably wonderful. It is that good, and it is thanks to those hard-working, well-meaning regular people whose dedication and love for their fellow humans has led them to spend many hours every day in connection with the children, family, and community members who matter to them. This resonates far beyond the small group who experience this intimacy and contact. It ripples outward, building exponentially as it moves Heavenward to meet the incoming waves of Light energy flowing toward you from outside the atmosphere of the Earth. What a wondrous crashing of lightning and charged electricity emanates from the meeting of these positive

energies! It has truly created a tsunami of Love! How it warms our hearts to see our beloved Children lifting their heads to the sky, calling out to us in joy and celebration! We hear your prayers and your gratitude, your lingering fears and your tender exclamations of love for one another. For your love, we send more love; for your fears, we send more love, and for your tenderness, we send more love. Carry your heads high, Dear Ones. Join hands every chance you get, and continue to practice the meditation I gave you in Lesson # 1. It is gratifying to see the success and comfort many of you have found after practicing this Way of the Light. We celebrate your ongoing successes, and we welcome your questions. Send them to us, and we will try to answer them all, to allay your fears and put a smile on your face at the same time! Just try us! Do not hesitate to contact this channel with your questions and concerns. You have worked for this for thousands of years. You deserve to be kept in the loop, as you like to say. We love you without limit, and look forward to your comments and questions, Your Yahweh and Company" Channeled by Kathryn E. May on Dec. 2, 2012, 10 pm.

Part 43: Lesson #16, Cosmic Events Are Underway

"I want to tell you about the cosmic events which have been discussed on the internet, but have not been officially acknowledged by the government institutions who control information. It is important that citizens be informed, even though their media outlets no longer provide that service. I am happy to tell the secrets, because they have been hiding good news. Unfortunately, this is because the traditional approach to anything which seems inexplicable should be feared, and therefore hidden from the public lest it cause them to panic, or cause them to be less easily controlled. We do not fear panic. We believe that is an insult to the intelligence and balance we see growing every day in the population of Planet Earth. We see your curiosity, and sometimes concern, and we wish to satisfy both whenever we can. Fortunately, we now have the advantage of sharing our information with you through channels who serve as our Voices. This is wonderful for us, because we have very interesting news. December 21, 2012 is going to be a cosmic/psychological/emotional/biological event. We will start with the cosmic part. As most of you know, the Center of the Milky Way is also the Center of the Universe as you know it. It is sometimes called the God Head, or the Source of All things. That it is, the Center of Creation - the workshop from which We have sent outward the Consciousness of Love and Light over billions of years, embodied in the planets, stars and beings of every form and substance, including you, the Childen of our Hearts, and your dear courageous planet Gaia. We have our fingers on the heartbeat of the Universe, you might say. The intricate interplay of mass (energy), motion, gravity, and all the physical forces of the Great Universe interacting with the Consciousness of All Beings are coming together at this time in never-before ways. This will create an interaction with the individual process of Planet Earth's Ascension to higher dimensions, which will complete on Dec. 21, and with the individual soul paths of every being on the planet. Because you all knew that this completion was one of the possible scenarios which was likely to occur during your lifetime, you came into embodiment now with the hope of playing a part in this momentous event. You have each been instrumental, individually and as a group, in the co-creation of this Great Ascension of the human race.. This will create an As the planets and stars align in very auspicious ways with the center of the Universe on 12/12, and the Angels stand holding open the gates of the Portals all souls must traverse when they go from the spirit world in higher dimensions to the lower levels of 3D in the Earth realm, We will use this Portal to send Earthward the most powerful energy waves the Earth has ever experienced. Many of the more commonly understood laws of physics may seem to be transgressed, but there are more complex Laws which your scientists have yet to identify. And yes, there will be an appearance of the Orion planet/ship Naburu which will play a part in the creation of new creative energy on Gaia, but do not fear a Cosmic Battle of the sort your science fiction writers prefer. This is an event of Light, a sacred elevation in the life of a planet and of the human race, as well as a shift for all the Universe as well.

We will send enormous waves of Love from the 7th Dimension of Christ Consciousness to surround and permeate the bodies of every being on Earth. This final tsunami of Love, along with the accumulation of energy which has been building for several months now, will work on your DNA to change the biological network of physical responses with which you respond to everyday life. You have lived for thousands of years with the adrenaline-based fight or flight system as your survival mechanism, which served you because the dangers you faced in less civilized times required quick action to insure survival. This will no longer be necessary in the New Gaia where Love and Friendship will reign supreme and the lion will literally come to lie down with the lamb. New conditions require new biology. You will feel yourselves changing from the fear-based responses which were so familiar to you to Love and Compassion for your fellows, whether human, animal, vegetable or mineral. Hostility, rage and fear will become a thing of the past as you grow into your New Gaia surroundings. For some of you, the transition will be nearly instantaneous as you make the leap to life in higher dimensions. For others, the changes will seem more gradual, so that you might say to those of us who have been trumpeting this Shift, "What was the big deal about?" We assure you, it is a truly big deal for life on the Planet. Like the weather, you might not notice it right away if the temperature were to rise by 1 degree every day, but you will feel the effects soon enough. For those who are completely unprepared for the events to come, there will be a protective veil of forgetfulness which will subdue the conscious awareness of the most dramatic quantum leap of energy, but the ultimate effects of change will take place in everyone regardless of their state of conscious preparedness. We do not wish to cause terror or massive disruption in the process of making these monumental changes; we are creating the Dawning of Your Dreams, the Fondest Wishes of your Hearts, which you have helped to bring into being. Gaia will be going through unavoidable shudders and shifts, but your deep connections with her consciousness will help to mitigate the upheavals. Continue to send your loving energy downward, deeply anchoring into the Heart of Gaia. It will help to stabilize you as well. We do want you to be aware that whatever the outcome of these changes may bring for individuals, they will be exactly in alignment with the soul contracts you designed for yourselves before coming to this life, whether you choose to ascend in a human body to the 5th dimension and beyond, or whether you chose to live out a regular cycle of death and transition to spirit form as has been the way on Earth in the past. As always, we honor your free will choices. We tell you these things to calm your anxieties as you proceed through the intense changes which may be causing you to experience physical symptoms which might feel like illnesses to you, but which are a part of the clearing process in preparation for Dec. 21. Look to your symptoms to remind you of the old memories of trauma and pain you may have left unexamined. Reach out to healers and friends to learn calming practices to elevate your energy and heal your past injuries. Offer a hand or a shoulder to others who may be suffering the growing pains of opening their hearts and minds. Do not try to hide your feelings or suppress them with the old methods of self-medication; the changes in your bodies begin to reject such practices to the point

where you will find it necessary to change your habits because of the negative side-effects. All in all, it is going to be a pretty exciting time leading up to the finale on the Great Winter Solstice of 2012 - the beginning of a new life on Gaia. Hold onto your hats, Dear Ones, we have wonders in store for you. With great Love, we send you Peace in this glorious time, Your Yahweh and the Legions of Light" Channeled on Dec. 3, 2012 at 8 pm by Kathryn E. May

Part 44: Lesson # 17, What it's Really Like "On the Other Side" Between Lives!
"Today we're going to talk about something new. We do not wish to bore you with any repetition in these messages. This is fairly easy, since there is so much to tell you about in these complex and fascinating times. Many of you are bracing yourselves for some sort of shock on Dec. 21. No matter how much you may have read about the transition coming up, it is not possible for you there on the ground to comprehend what is coming, but we continue to try our best to give you enough information to allay your fears while also preparing you to make what will feel like a dramatic shift in you physical, psychological and spiritual state. We have talked a bit about your biological and emotional preparation involving a change in your DNA and the tsunami of Love which will lift your spirits and increase your feelings of love toward yourself and others. Today we will talk about your spiritual path. Many of you who call yourselves "spiritual but not religious" have become aware, at least peripherally, of the concept of past lives, or reincarnation, as you call it. Perhaps if we give you a better picture of what reincarnation really is, and how it works in the bigger picture of the evolution of a soul, you will feel more comfortable about the dramatic events which are transpiring this month. From a human, on-the-ground perspective, it would seem that the real life is here on Earth, and the time between lives would be some form of vacation in Heaven where angels and other spirit forms, only the good ones, float around playing music and sitting on clouds. At least, this is the way religions and Renaissance painters have mostly represented it. As you may be expecting, I am going to say: Nothing could be further from the Truth. Let's start from a more accurate description of where you live when you are not here on Earth. There are many levels or dimensions of existence within the spirit realms. We will begin our discussion of the first 12 dimensions, of which those from 3 to 5 or 7 are of greatest importance in our present situation. The first two are the realm of thought (1st dimension) and the realm of unstructured feeling, among other things (2nd dimension). The third dimension, with which you are most familiar, is your present Earth experience, where touch, taste, smell, sight and sound define the material existence where things appear solid, and your body is well tuned to process the relatively heavy energy and gravitational pull of the 3 dimensional plane. You are also fully immersed in an experience of space/time which unfolds in a linear fashion, giving you the impression that there is a one-to-one correlation between actions and reactions, cause and effect. Your human brains are highly adapted to this limited version of reality, such that you hardly recognize the possibility of other forms of experience. The primary reason you are not aware of past lives or of your life in other dimensions is because of the Veil of Forgetfulness, which your ancestors long ago devised with us as a way of creating a life experience which could be unique, discontinuous from previous lifetimes, and which

afforded the full experience of free will, without a connection to previous fears, remorse, or ego complications. This Veil is not absolutely opaque. Memories and feelings, as well as access to Universal knowledge may resurface in dreams, and the ability to pierce the veil can be cultivated, as with people who are known as psychic. It has been our wish, as the important shifts of this era approach, that more people have access to higher dimensional experience. This is the reason so many people are having "paranormal" experiences and are newly interested in the information which psychics can search out for them, and not only on the subject of future love and money in their own lives. Many are experiencing the happiness of communicating with ancestors and friends who have "passed on." This is a much better description than "dead," since there is no such thing. As the person's body dies, the soul leaves its connection to the vessel which has housed it and returns to the higher dimensions. Now we will tell you about what happens after a life is finished. The soul, set free of the bounds of a constricting material container, is able to expand as it rises gently toward the Light, which is the Light of Unconditional Love, generated and sustained, with the help of our Legions of Angels and Master Guides, for the purpose of welcoming and enveloping the Homecoming soul. Each soul is welcomed, as the prodigal son was welcomed in the Bible story, regardless of the quality of the life lived. Every one of our Precious Creations is welcomed with celebration and joy. After a period of rest, as needed depending upon the circumstances surrounding the departure from the body, the individual soul will go through a process of review which encompasses all the events and emotional connections which were made during the past life, under the mentorship of a highly evolved Guide. This process includes a reversal of roles, in real time, so that the soul may experience the feelings and thoughts of all the others who came in contact with him/her in any important way. S/he will feel all the disappointment, pain, anguish and anger which resulted from his/her own actions, as well as the actions of Love and community, compassion and forgiveness which led others to positive turns in their paths. The process of reviewing and feeling the darkness one has caused leaves the soul with greater understanding of the effect of dark actions on others, and inspires deeper empathy, compassion ad forgiveness. It also encourages the attitude of taking responsibility for one's actions, which tends to carry forward into subsequent lives. You can see now why the experience of living many lives, in many different circumstances and historical periods, would tend to hone a soul of greater integrity, depth and virtue. The optimal soul path is one which carries the person along a trajectory toward greater and greater challenges, by living lives of greater degrees of difficulty as the soul grows in stature and confidence. We will revise one of your favorite adages here: If it doesn't kill you (or even if it does) it will probably make you stronger. You see, from our perspective, "death" is just a familiar transition from one plane to another, characterized by great learning and evolution of the soul - a thing to be celebrated. Of course, there are sometimes occasions where an ambitious soul takes on more than s/he can bear, or unforeseen shifts in the trajectory of a life may bring devastating hardship. Because of your free will contract, nothing is absolutely predetermined, although possibilities can often be seen in advance of an event. Therefore, a lifetime on Gaia has always held a sense of mystery, anticipation and great excitement for the brave souls who venture here. There is nearly unlimited

variety in the possible choice of experiences - rich or poor, male or female, black, white, yellow or red - all options are encouraged as the soul works their way along the Ascension path through hundreds, even thousands of lifetimes. Many of those souls who were born in the early days of Planet Earth are now working their way up the Ascension ladder to positions of responsibility as Ascended Masters in the higher realms of the 7th through the 13th dimension. Although inexperienced souls do not have access to the higher realms because the frequencies there would not be tolerable for them, souls from higher dimensions can descend to be of service to those who follow, as they most often do in some form. We, the Creators and Helpers of the high realms oversee with compassion and deepest love as our dear children struggle through enormous challenges which test their valor, their integrity and their capacity for Love and Forgiveness. Some lifetimes may be more successful in one area or another, but all are fodder for learning and advancement, and all are looked upon with the utmost respect, because we are aware of the inherent level of difficulty which is inevitable in a life on Gaia in 3D, where even the privileged and well-loved individuals encounter difficulties. The goal of this process is to elevate yourselves to higher expressions of Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, Gratitude and Empathy, nothing else. In terms of soul evolution, it matters not at all whether you achieve great wealth or fame. Money, awards and accolades may make the journey more pleasant for a time, but they are not a measure of soul value or progress at all, in spite of the way you have pursued those things in your Western cultures above all else. We see these pursuits as unfortunate distractions, except in rare circumstances where the individual uses their position of wealth and fame to lift others from despair, poverty, and injustice. As you can probably discern from this description, the process of soul evolution is largely reviewed and understood at the end of a life, in the Bardo, that place in the 4th dimension where planning and evaluation has taken place in the past. From there, souls have had the option to pursue training, teaching and learning in progressively higher realms, with or without further sojourns to "Boot Camp" on Gaia. However, it is understood throughout the Multiverse that soultraining on Gaia is the most perfectly-tailored testing ground to develop the higher frequency Light-filled qualities of Love and other virtues, which we consider the God qualities. Consider yourselves courageous, Dear Ones, no matter how bogged down and confused you might be feeling at present. This discussion will serve as the introduction to the Spirit Realms for our purposes. We will continue in this vein in future messages with more information about the workings of the higher Spirit Realms. Please ponder this carefully and pass it on to your family members and acquaintances. Many will find this information enlightening, since it has been largely unavailable until now to those who are still in a body. Until tomorrow, We will shine on you with Unconditional Love and Light, Your Yahweh, I AM THAT I AM." Channeled by Kahryn E. May on Dec. 4, 2012 11pm.

Part 45: Lesson #18, When The Time Comes...

"When the time comes, you will all be exactly where you should be. You have made your plans with the full knowing of your Higher Self, who guides you in all important things. Even if you have defiantly refused to listen to your intuition and decided to be somewhere unlikely on December 21, it will be exactly where you need to be. Some of you - the dedicated Lightworkers who have worked so hard to spread the word and inform people of the important good news about Ascension - have felt at times that your work has been in vain because so many people still seem to ignore the encouragement to look inward, prepare, be awake, and develop greater love and spiritual connection now, when it really matters. It has not been in vain. We wish to tell you that all your efforts are appreciated and meaningful, even if the people around you seem to be oblivious to your nudgings. You cannot see, from where you are, the ripples of light energy which flow outward from each of you, intersecting and overlapping sometimes when you gather, filling the space around you and flowing outward for long distances when you are alone. Your energy of love and concern touches the walls in your rooms, the trees in your yard, the neighbors' houses, and much more. Once felt, the energy of Love never dies. It echoes forth across the Universe, raising the vibration as it goes. It has a powerful cumulative effect, which is why we are now at this exciting juncture where the level of Light energy has shown forth so powerfully that the entire Universe is being lifted to new levels. What does this mean to you in your everyday lives? Everything. What does it mean to you that the air you breathe is fresh and clean? What does it mean that the mailman, the store clerk, the butcher the baker and well, everyone, is feeling friendlier? When the level of civility and kindness rises in your children's schools, at your workplace, in the sports arenas and the playgrounds, when the public servants and the service workers everywhere look at you with respect and consideration? You may be thinking that this picture is impossible, given where you are now as a culture, where every news report contains descriptions of people behaving violently or mean-spiritedly. But look between the lines. There is growing disgust and outrage about the kind of "bad behavior" which went unnoticed 10 years ago, and there is also a new tendency to report incidents of heroism and kindness. Stories abound of neighbors helping neighbors, relief workers volunteering to help rebuild after the hurricane, firemen traveling a thousand miles to help their fellow firemen in need after the storm. Turn off your televisions and look around you. Notice how often you hear someone spontaneously burst into song as they go about their day. It is working, My Children! The event we have called Ascension is already happening. You have been told about the individual choices which determine where each individual will "land" as they come out the other side of this historic event. Some will consciously choose complete Ascension, and will experience a brand new way of life in higher dimensions. Others will wake up on Dec. 22 and insist that nothing has changed, but even for them, it will have changed, because the energy of the planet has moved to a higher level, and they will have to adapt to the lighter atmosphere over time. Those who have

chosen complete Ascension may be asked to return to help those who did not achieve it on the first round, but they will not be permitted to reveal all the elements of their knowledge to their students right away. They will become the spiritual teachers of the New Era of Enlightenment, bringing their wisdom, compassion and kindness to others. New organizations and institutions will be established which will change the balance of power and lift the level of well-being of the entire planet. It will be a truly Golden Age, as the second wave of human beings lift each other to a new appreciation of art, music, and beauty in all its forms. You see, Dear Ones, these last convulsions of emotional Darkness which you are witnessing now are a natural precursor to the shift toward Light. Those whose soul contracts are coming to an end now will be leaving the planet, one way or another, clearing the way for ever greater feelings of cooperation, companionship and light-heartedness. Those who have created havoc with their power-hungry ways will be phasing their way out, as genuine freedom becomes the only acceptable form of life. Despots and tyrants, conniving bankers and crooked politicians will find their way blocked by individuals who are stronger, better organized and solidly in the Light. Fundamental changes in institutions and social structures will evolve gradually, as old, rigid systems which favored the wealthy and powerful will give way to greater fairness and equality of opportunity. This does not imply a leveling of society to mediocrity or boredom - just the opposite. A new openness will encourage all to flourish in a way that will allow everyone to work at something they love, and love whomever they choose. You are truly on the verge of a new era, My Children. There is no turning back now. You have expressed your hopes and dreams for a new world of peace, and it will be yours. Now is the time for each of you to envision the beauty of living out your own part as an instrument of change, and to begin living each day as the Captain of your own Destiny. You will reap what you sow, in the most positive sense. Those plans and dreams you initiate now will come to fruition in a new way, with the help of the Guides and Angels who will be ever ready to assist if they are asked. It will become a familiar and completely acceptable tradition to call on Us with the knowledge that we will be here, more visible than in the past. We look forward with delight to the welcoming a New Era on Gaia, your precious and hardworking Mother, who has supported and nurtured you for thousands of years. Your partnership will become more open and more satisfying for all. It is truly a time of celebration throughout the galaxy and beyond. We send our constant encouragement and Unconditional Love, I Am That I Am" Channeled by Kathryn E. May at 11pm, Dec. 5, 2012

Part 46: Lesson #19, Fallen Angels Made Our Path Harder
"Good evening, everyone, We just want to tell you once again what a pleasure it is to watch all of you going about your days, checking in with your friends who might need your help, offering a hand to someone in need, finding new ways to be charitable this holiday season. It warms our hearts and thrills us beyond words to see all of you growing in your ability to express love and kindness. As always, you rise to the occasion for special events, whether they be celebrations or natural disasters. This Christmas season offers some of each, because the hurricane clean-up is far from over, and there will be many people who may not be able to rebuild their houses on the vulnerable beach fronts where the ocean is likely to inundate the land again. "Many things are changing in your world. The economies across the Western world and much of Africa and the Middle East are suffering from years of war, over-borrowing and corruption, while all the world braces for increasingly severe weather events. There are also many rumblings of approaching earthquakes around the world. We want to explain to you that this is not the End of the World. It is a necessary readjustment on the part of Gaia as she completes her transition to the 5th and 7th dimensions. It may not yet be clear to you what this means to you in everyday life, but I can assure you that it will mean profound changes for everyone on Gaia. "I have already told you about the wonderfully positive aspects of this dramatic shift to a Planet of Love and Light. It is now important that we give you more information about the resolution of many old difficulties involving Dark forces which have made life difficult on Gaia for centuries. Many of you are aware of the violent criminals you sometimes call psychopaths, and Kathryn's book has delved deeply into the tendencies and actions which make up what we have called Abusive Personality Types. It is our hope that as greater numbers of you awaken to our Light energy, you will be less and less fascinated by the Children of Darkness we wrote about in Who Needs Light? What we have to tell you here may help. "One of the things that were stressed in the book is the tendency for people to be horrified by violent criminal acts, but to tolerate emotional abuse, even calling it love. This has destroyed families, stifled children and created an oppressive society, which you have become so accustomed to that you hardly notice it. We are referring here to the general lack of civility and attentiveness to the needs of the socially and economically less fortunate souls who have bravely ventured into a life as less advantaged people during the last 1,000 years. In addition to the abuse of women and children which became commonplace during these times, the economic abuse of whole classes of people, and recently of whole countries by a cold-blooded ruling class has reduced much of the world to poverty and desperate health and educational conditions. "These powerful groups who have controlled and manipulated the sources and the flow of money on the planet have reached the crescendo of their power over the past 30 years, draining treasuries of most of the countries of the world. It has gone mostly unnoticed by the general populace, because the information has been carefully controlled, and the propaganda machines have convinced most of the people of the Earth that anyone who is wealthy must by definition be honorable and deserving. In this era, nothing could be further from the truth. although not all rich

people are selfish and greedy, there is a pervasive tendency for those who have been financially successful to do as the reptilians do, and feel arrogant, turning their backs on the less fortunate and feeling entitled to do so. "These Dark tendencies have been pervasively taught across the globe by certain groups who have, for thousands of years, been in a battle for the souls of Earth's people. Their goal is to compete with Us, the Legions of Light, in a battle to show that Darkness is Power, and that separation from Us, the Creator of All, they can ultimately win over all the people. They are defiant, cold and calculating in their actions, and determined to gain ultimate power, against what they see as the Will of God. Some of you have read discussions about the Orion forces, the reptilians and others who have brought their Dark ambitions to bear on the most fundamental workings of Planet Earth. I will tell you now that it is true that Dark Forces (we call them the Dark Hats) have been extremely influential in shaping the way life has evolved. Their clever development of the pervasive use of money allowed them to gain control over the lives of everyone on the planet, without their knowledge. "Theirs is the old tale of the Fallen Angels, Our precious Children who have left the fold, so to speak, to venture as far away as possible from the Love we offer, and from the process of soul development which we described to you yesterday. These beings were also a precious part of Our original Creation. They came from the Light and Love of what you call God, or Allah, or Jehovah, but unlike those of you who are reading these messages, they have taken a path of defiance, refusing to go through the review and evaluation process at the end of life which builds compassion and integrity. They do not come back Home for the solace and Unconditional Love which allows the rest of you to continue to grow, in spite of the extremely mind-bending conditions you were born into throughout many lifetimes. "Of course it is folly for any beings to imagine that they are more powerful in Darkness than in Light, and to believe they can be more powerful than their Creator. Although they have succeeded in using mind-control over many of the people, they have not managed to reach into the depths of their beating Hearts, where the memory of Companionship, Love, and great Fulfillment draws them back Home at the end of their lives, where they learn, restore themselves, and begin again. Each lifetime for these, my Golden Flame children, is a renewed struggle to bring Light to their fellows on Earth. Most begin with great hope of using their gifts to be of service in bringing the knowledge of Our Love to others who have lost their way, but eventually most succumb to the temptations and omnipresent needs which are created by using money as the medium of exchange. "We are here to tell you now that the plan of the Dark Ones to take over absolute control of Planet Earth's people has not succeeded. Although they were able to create conditions of great need on the planet of absolute abundance, they were not able to control the Hearts and Souls of the people. Our Dear Children, you have succeeded in holding your own, gradually making progress against the Forces of Darkness. You have kept your awareness of the sensations of Unconditional Love and have tried to bring those feelings into your lives as much as possible, against great odds. You have continued to send Us your heartfelt prayers, even as prayer and genuine devotion to The Way of Light became trivialized and twisted into artificial and empty religious practices - icons of the intellect, empty of real meaning or feeling. As religion turned

hatred and judgment into a sacrament, you remained steadfast in your belief in The Greater Good, the coming of a better time for all. "You have succeeded, Dear Ones, in withstanding the hypocrisy and temptation. You have remained steadfast in your connection to Light, even though you have felt weakened, depressed, or hopeless at times. Those who would have led you to turn against your connection with God as you know me - have not succeeded. As we have said, your rising consciousness and your nearly universal (except for the Dark Hats) pleas for assistance from us has enabled what we will call here The Second Coming. This time it will not be the presence of a beloved Messiah which will come into your lives. Rather, it will be The Breath of Life, the energy which will pour across the planet in increasing blasts of Love and Light over the next two weeks, reaching a massive peak on Dec. 21. Yes, it is the End of Times. It is the End of the Reign of Invisible Terror which has held humans captive to fear and anxiety, lack and hunger. It is truly the dawning of a New Era on Gaia - a Golden Age which will have nothing to do with Robber Barons and everything to do with prosperity for all. "Your lives may feel as if the disruptions will never end, but you will see progress if you "keep your eye on the prize" - the establishment of Love and Light as a way of life. New technologies, which will be given to you in phases within the next few years, will allow an "end run" around the Dark Hats and their power, much of which lies in the possession and exploitation of fossil fuels, banking, pharmaceuticals and food production. All these activities will be returned to the people, as individuals and collectives who will work for the Good of All the People. "So we tell you, do not be sad or fearful. What is ahead will bring fulfillment for all, no matter what level of development you may have reached by this moment. That too will change. You will be elevating with the rest of the Universe, to a higher state of being. As this happens, the reptilians/Dark Hats will also be influenced. We will not turn away from our Dear Children, regardless of their past actions. Every soul must be saved, to be brought back into the loving arms of their long-forgotten Masters, Guides, and their God, who will welcome them Home at last, no matter how long that may take. It will be done. "Go in peace, My Children, Learn Forgiveness, and you will sail on to a loftier experience than you have ever known. "We love you, one and all, Yahweh, I Am That I Am" Channeled by Kathryn May on Dec. 6, 2012 at 11pm.

Part 47: Lesson #20, DNA Changes Happening Now, and God's Opposition to Religious Law
Kathryn: Today was an especially difficult day for me and for others I spoke to. It feels like the physical symptoms of being overwhelmed, frazzled, but I am not feeling it emotionally, just physically. It is a different combination of feelings than I ever remember feeling. "What you are feeling is natural, given the stress of what you have been trying to accomplish recently, but that is not the most powerful reason. You are right about the feeling not being recognizable, because it is a response to all the new energy around you, like a whirlwind that kicks up dust as it passes." K: It also feels like the physical symptoms of being really tired, and a little off balance and out of synch with time as I usually experience it. Wobbly. "That's right. Your system is being overwhelmed by the energy we are sending, in ever greater intensity, even though you have been prepared for this emotionally. This is why we send the energy in waves, to give you a chance to absorb and adjust, then rest for a while. Today was a case of energy rising quickly, from about 9 am on the East Coast. "The energy is made up of a combination of things. Of course the "carrier" energy is our Unconditional Love, which many of you are accustomed to feeling, but there are also other elements which are more disruptive to your nervous system. There is electrical energy of a special sort, involving photon particles, which create an interplay with your DNA. Genes which were dormant for thousands of years are now being activated to fulfill the human destiny which we envisioned from the time your race was Created. There has always been more potential than you were using, as scientists have noticed. Those dormant abilities are now being sparked into action. This is why we tell you that the planet will be changing; because the human race is changing. "It is natural that a disruption in your genetic make-up would make you feel grumpy, or at least off-balance. The process is ongoing, not yet complete. The result for all humans will eventually be a more open sense of connection with the Earth herself, and with Us, and with each other. "We have said that greed will become a thing of the past because it will no longer be a part of your genetic make-up to be as aggressive as you have been. This will not change your drive to create - just the opposite. The energy which you used to have to use to subdue and manage your difficult emotions will be available to accomplish other things. It will not be an absolute change right away, just subtle shifting in the tendencies to react from a fight or flight stance. Rage will be downgraded to anger, anger to mild irritation, irritation to neutrality. On the positive scale, happiness will increase enormously, for many reasons, but first among them will be the sense of calm and self-confidence which comes from managing your emotions well, and trusting yourself. This will become easier as subsequent generations of children are surrounded by people who are balanced and companionable.

"The early atmosphere which most children are forced to acclimate to is generally one of anxiety, irritability and impatience, even in the best of families. This will change as more and more parents are free to work only at the things which bring fulfillment and creative satisfaction in harmony with others. The days of 50, 60, 70 hour work weeks will be a thing of the past. Families will spend relaxed time with each other, enjoying outdoor activities and community events. Life will be more like what you have felt when you are "on vacation." Yes, I am describing an idyllic state. It may take some time for all the elements will be in place, but life on Gaia will begin to improve very soon. "The first changes will be felt internally, since that is what makes external change possible. You will feel a greater sense of calm, which will lead into gratitude. You will begin looking around yourselves with pleasure, noticing the beauty in Nature, and in each other. Your ability to "read" emotions in each other will increase, making communication less strained, more fluid, as your telepathic abilities develop and become acceptable, appreciated, even admired. You will notice in your friends and family members a new recognition of who you really are, which will make it easier to at last embrace the True Nature of your own being. This dramatic shift in the way you are perceived will reduce the anxiety and paranoia of having been largely misunderstood by those around you. "It is our fondest wish that none of our Dear Children ever again experience the terrible depression which results from "being hard on yourself." It was never our intention for you to suffer this harshness to your deepest Self. To us, you are perfect, wonderful Creations of our Hearts, unknowing and badly misdirected, but perfect in the Body and the Soul we created for you. You took on this challenge of coming to Earth now, you the ones who were most eager and insistent about volunteering at this time. There are only so many soul-slots to offer, depending upon the possible births available over the past 3 or 4 generations. You are the ones who were chosen to be here now, the special emissaries of Light and Love who have worked for many lifetimes to accomplish this feat of Ascension. Be assured that not every soul who might have been ready to incarnate has been able to do so yet. "It is important for you to know that from the point of view of Spirit, the opportunity to experience life in a human body is a precious gift, not an affliction which you must suffer through. You, My Children, were the eager and excited ones who worked hard to accomplish this transition to higher elevations, and without your efforts, every one, it would not be possible. You may be thinking that you have not contributed enough, or what you came here to do, but that is not the way we see it. In our eyes, you have risen to the challenges, even when the results do not seem remarkable. You have continued to learn and to grow. This is what we appreciate and admire. "You see, we are more aware than you were before you came here of the actual in situ challenges you would encounter. It is often the tendency of eager souls in Spirit form to underestimate the extreme difficulty of adapting to the dense, dark atmosphere you have all been experiencing. We know how hard it is to maintain your balance, to withstand the forces of Darkness, and to maintain your strong connection to Us under those circumstances. From Our point of view, getting through a life with the ability still intact to breathe a comfortable breath and reach out a

hand to another is a triumph. If you are able to maintain a sense of goodwill and achieve a level of introspection it is a grand victory. "We are also aware of the tendency you have to think of your God as someone who critiques and judges everything you do, and thinks in terms of punishment and deprivation for those who fall short of their original plan for their life. Worse yet, many religions preach a hell-fire and brimstone scenario in which God/Allah/Jehovah/Yahweh would frown and condemn you if you have pleasurable sex without getting married first, or dance ecstatically, or sing rollicking, exuberant songs. Nothing could be further from the truth. We revel in seeing our Dear Children feeling joyful and free, and we hope to see much more of it in the coming times. Of course we smile on those who adore their children and their partners. "Regardless of the legalistic entanglements your cultures have imposed as law, Love is all that matters. We find it especially regrettable when those laws are passed in the name of religion. Why would we care how and where you create Love? If a relationship is based in Unconditional Love, it will spawn good feelings in the people around them. Laws should never be imposed to control how or when or whom a person can love or marry if they want to, except of course to protect children from abuse. Of course, there would be no need for such laws in a loving, respectful culture where abuse was not a way of life. "We understand that the strong sexual instincts you have lived with can also be very difficult to manage, and can lead to unfortunate lustful transgressions from Unconditional Love. It is unfortunate that the combination of a harsh and judgmental culture combined with strong sexual attractions can produce an environment of impossible oppression of those instincts, making them even more difficult to manage. This too will be modified as the more aggressive tendencies are mitigated with DNA changes. You will find your love relationships more fulfilling, less demanding, and richer in tenderness, companionship and genuine respect for one another. "We tell you these things to try to come between you and your self-hating disrespect. We cannot stress enough how wrong this Dark-force inspired idea is. It was one of the most destructive original Dark ideas which came between you and your Spirit connections, along with the idea that We are cruel as well. If you believe we want to threaten, condemn and control you, then it would be all right to do it to yourself, wouldn't it? It is not. We love you, and we do not want to see you suffer unnecessarily, especially at your own hand. "Accept our Love, Dear Ones, and begin now to establish the same conditions on Earth as we have created here, in the higher dimensions, and which you have experienced each time you come Home to us after a life on Gaia. Have no fear of the future, because we will not initiate circumstances which were not in our Original Agreement - your Soul Contract. Look forward with joy, as we do, to the coming adventures. "We love you as our own, every One of you, regardless of your successes or failures as you see them. Be at peace, live in Love, I Am That I Am" Channeled by Kathryn May on Dec. 7, 2012 at 11 pm.

Part 48: Lesson #21, Indigenous Heroes, and Soul Evolution for All
"Now is the time for all good men and women to come to the party. "We are gathered here in our favorite spot in the center of the Universe, planning the reception for our Dear Children who will be ascending in the next few weeks. There is overwhelming excitement about this momentous event, unheard of in the history of the Multiverse - the Ascension of a large number of souls without any of them having to leave their bodies, as is has always been before. It is a long-awaited event, in the planning for thousands of years. There have been many challenges and obstacles to overcome, especially on the part of those who are ascending. It was their job to raise the level of consciousness on the planet to the point where the tipping point was reached, between Dark and Light. "We always believed in our family of beings on Gaia. We watched, sending our Love and Encouragement over the eons, as the brilliant ones carried the torch of Faith, Compassion, and Honor. Through tragedy, hardship and want, they managed to keep alive the gentle love of families, the justice of fair dealings, the love of community, and the pursuit of beauty and knowledge. We wept with joy as the procession of generations haltingly evolved. Sometimes here, sometimes there, a bright Light would ignite, and with it other bright Lights would emerge. You see, that is the way we see you, as beacons of Light, and as human souls who carry that Light. "Some of you have spent many lifetimes on Gaia, others have received your soul training in various places throughout the Multiverse. There are many options available to those who wish to elevate, many experiences and adventures a soul might choose in their long path toward the highest dimensions, where the Great Masters and Archangels - the Enlightened Beings who are our treasured Teachers - reside with Us. They are the Adventurers, the Leaders and Saints who have also spent lifetimes on Planet Earth, for life on Gaia is considered the stone that hones the blade, the fire that tempers the metal, the test of all tests. Those who began their lives on Gaia tend to come back many, many times, developing a great love for the planet of their growth, and the place of their Dreams. "Gaia was not always so Dark and heavily populated, polluted and stressed, of course. She has always been considered the most beautiful, although small by comparison with the other great stars and planets. She has carried out her duties to nurture and provide for Our Children as many civilizations came and went, the most notable in your present consciousness being the Atlantis people. When the Earth was terribly injured by the Atlanteans, she was forced to throw them off, as a dog shakes off water. A few remained, to begin again, in tiny pockets where survival superseded their previous technological advancement and levels of learning. Nevertheless, there are descendants of those original survivors who remember the knowledge which was handed down through the generations to this day. They are beginning to come forward now, to tell their stories and to teach their fellow humans who are less grounded in the history and the appreciation of their connection to Gaia.

"These descendants have wisely remained mostly in hiding, away from the fast-developing centers of civilization. Many of them live in tribes you would consider "primitive," but they are the carriers of deeper wisdom than most people can even imagine. They maintained their connection to the world of Spirit as their primary focus, and have not participated in the material pursuits of the "developed" world. Now, as their numbers have been driven into the deepest forests and jungles, the highest mountain peaks, they at last come forward to tell their stories, before they make the joyful transition to higher dimensions. "This Ascension is an easy shift for them, because they have been closely connected to their God, to their ancestors, and to the Spirit Guides who participate fully in their daily lives. They are those you have called the "indigenous" people, and they have done the work of steadying and nourishing Gaia for the benefit of all mankind. Without their service as the conduits between Earth and Spirit, it would not have been possible to reach this point of Ascension, for Gaia would have had to create far greater upheaval to save herself if it were not for their constant resistance to the "progress" which has devastated air, water and food sources. "Now, the forces of Light from every area of the planet are beginning to merge, sharing information, spreading the Word, preparing themselves for the joyful Ascension. There is new respect in spiritual communities for our Dear Children of the Forests and Mountains. Elders from ancient communities are beginning to travel around the world to make contact with each other and with those who are hungry for Truth. We celebrate this new sharing. It has helped to raise the consciousness around the globe. The ease of travel you have achieved in recent years has also contributed to this great sharing. "And now, many of you will experience the Ultimate Gift of Sharing, the experience of being together without barriers, without race or language or age to interfere with free and open communication. Here in higher dimensions we have no need for limited language; we can communicate without words far more effectively. You will experience a world without many of the limitations you take for granted, like gravity, the need for a constant supply of food, and fatigue. We cannot begin to describe to you in words how different it will be for those who make the choice to Ascend now. "For the scoffers and disbelievers, it will not matter whether neighbors or friends or even family members have taken the leap into higher dimensions. They may find ways to avoid seeing the obvious, as they do now, but their lives will improve anyway, much to the credit of those who have made this Ascension possible and will be participating in it. There will be a veil as there has been in the past, although a lighter one, between the knowing ones in higher dimensions and those still working through their soul journeys at various levels of completion. That veil is like a one-way mirror, through which the Ascended Ones will always be able to pass if they wish to. "Those who fear being left behind because you don't feel ready for the challenge of such a shift need not worry. There are mountains to climb and races to run for all levels of souls, and your education and enlightenment will not be neglected. It is our wish that eventually, every single soul will elevate to higher dimensions, in a continual procession of Our Lightbearing Wonderkind Children. The future will hold great challenges for some, great triumphs for many, and as always, wondrously varied opportunities for enlightening soul experience and growth.

"We love you one and all, "I Am That I Am, and the Legions of Light" Channeled by Kathryn May on Dec. 8, 12 pm.

Part 49: Lesson #22, This Year Your Relatives Will Come to Visit in Spaceships
"Greetings, My Children, You are fast approaching the longest night of the year, Dec. 21. It is an auspicious time for the human race - a time of change, and a time to celebrate. It is appropriate that the holiday season falls at this time, for the birth of Christ is symbolic, even for religions other than Christianity. It represents new birth, the joy of family gatherings, and the celebration of life in community with others. Since the earliest times on Earth, humans have looked to the skies at this, the end of gathering darkness and the dawn of the gathering Light, to express relief and gratitude that the darkest days will soon be behind, and the spring cannot be far behind. "There remain several months of cold in the Northern latitudes, but of course that is because the land does not recover from the darkness as quickly as the people do. And you will recover this year, in a way you have never experienced before. "There is a group of stars in your skies known as Sirius. Among those stars is a planet somewhat similar to your own. The planet you call Sirius, after its group, has long been inhabited by beings very similar to yourselves. They are human beings, with some slight differences in genetic makeup from your own, and they are very aware of the transition you are going through at this time. In fact, a number of Sirians are here among you, to help out where they can. They are very expert in organizing together to get things done, because they come from a culture of cooperation and Love. One such person is now one of the great Heads of State on Planet Earth. He came as a volunteer because of the great need for strong leadership in the face of the gathering strength of Dark Ones who are intent on controlling the minds of all the people, and thereby gaining control over all the planet's resources and wealth. Their efforts to help out have been very successful in maintaining the upward trajectory of the world's consciousness as we approach the date you have all chosen for your Ascension - 12/21/12. "In the deepest well of your consciousness, you have a shared ancestral memory with the people of Sirius, for they have been in contact with the people of Earth more than once during your development. They have taken a benevolent oversight role at times, bringing new information and technology at crucial turning points in your history. One of those times was during the period at the end of the Atlantean civilization, when they foresaw the disaster in the making, as the leaders decided to "play" with powerful forces which were beyond their ability to control them, much as your leaders have toyed with nuclear energy before it was completely understood, and have embraced genetic engineering as if it were a cure all for all ills, with little thought to the possible disastrous results. They admire your creativity and spontaneity, but being a more mature culture, they have long feared for your survival. Kathryn: Were we seeded here from Sirius? Do we come from the same blood-line? "Yes, My Dear, it is true. I paused in answering your question to ponder whether your audience is ready to hear this kind of information, but I do stand behind the adage that the Truth shall set you free, so I will tell you. You have personally felt an affinity for your Sirian distant relatives because you and many of your fellow Lightworkers have spent lifetimes on Sirius, reaffirming

your affection and partnership with the Mentors and Teachers who look so fondly on your adventurous project - life on Gaia, as she completes her Ascension. "They are very interested in you because their own planet went through a similar elevation, but they were not able to remain on their planet in bodies as you will do. They were forced, like the Atlantis people, to leave the planet until it settled into a new rhythm of growth and more temperate weather conditions. In fact, many of them incarnated here on Earth in the early days when it was idyllically beautiful and rather benign, before the experiment with the Orion/reptilian faction gained in influence and power. They could not tolerate the Darkness which overtook Gaia, and so have retreated to observe and cheer you on. They do not have the stomach for the kind of hostile contentiousness which is common fare on the airwaves in recent years. They are a gentle and loving people, unused to violence and mayhem, so it is quite a sacrifice and a challenge for them to sign on to a life here. They have elevated themselves to a higher vibrational level, similar to the one you are approaching. It is therefore very much in their consciousness to identify with your challenges and growing pains. "I tell you these things now because I hope you will find comfort in knowing you have Brothers and Sisters across the Universe who care for you very much, and who see you as the adventurers and travelers who left Home long ago to establish yourselves in this new outpost of beauty, mystery and great energetic intensity. They are not your only progenitors; there have been visits by several other groups from far-off galaxies over the millennia. Your "races" of white, black, yellow and red are in fact ancestors of these early space travelers, as the myths and songs and stone carvings convey. Of course, these visits were possible because of the many planets where the technology has advanced to the point where reliable spacecraft can carry them millions of lightyears in weeks or days, although it is still considered a great undertaking in real-life terms. "Now, lest we "blow the lid off" your Creation beliefs, which would upset many on Gaia enormously, we can reassure you that you were indeed created by a Loving God who looks after you still. You all were - Sirians, Earthlings, Orions and all, and each birth in the most far-flung outpost in the Multiverse renews the Creation of which We are an intimate part. We love you one and all, and whenever one of our reluctant souls comes home to rejoin with us in Love, as do all the souls from all the planets between their various incarnate lives, we welcome all without reservation. Between those lives, We are One. "So you see, Dear Children, you Star Brothers and Sisters are indeed that - although perhaps you would call them Cousins. They care for you as family, and are here to celebrate the holidays with you! Welcome them with open arms, Dear Ones. Your lives will be enriched and enlightened by their presence. You will come to see that you are not so different from them in your souls. Many of their ships are here to help you. They welcome visits from you; in your dreams or in meditation, you will be able to join with them in loving communion if you open your minds and open your hearts to the "impossible" idea that this year, the relatives come to visit you in space ships! "We are with you always, and love you beyond measure, "Your Yahweh, I Am That I Am, speaking for the friends and fellow travelers who send their

Love." Channeled by Kathryn May on Dec. 9, 2012 at 11 pm.

Part 50: The Creation Story

"Once upon a time there was nothing. A great darkness was everywhere. Nothing moved, nothing breathed, nothing lived. This nothingness lasted for an eternity. Then, one day the nothingness began to move, like a great slumbering giant awakening. Little by little, the great nothingness stirred, stretched, and yawned an enormous yawn, and from the mouth of the great nothingness emerged Light. The light, being light, sparkled throughout the nothingness, bringing marvelous energy and vitality forth in waveparticles which traveled for thousands, then millions, then billions of years, outward, ever outward into the farthest imaginable distances. Then the Giant gathered the sparkling energy particles in his hands, looked at them lovingly, and beamed Light energy into them. creating first a consciousness, then a form, then a feeling, until The Greatnesss had made a Child of Its Imagining, a LoveLight which contained all the elements, forms, feelings and awarenesses which the Giant possessed, but this Child of the Giant was different in one way - the Child had features which gave it a separateness and togetherness at once, difference and sameness, and Giant called it Male and Female, and he Named it God. The difference and sameness gave the God Being the ability to communicate, interact and Love the alter part of its Being, and allowed God to develop and grow in the process of Love feelings and communication with each side of itself, while learning to revere and model itself after the Great One, the Source of All Being, which was Love Itself. "As God grew stronger and brighter with the breath of the Great One breathing gentle Light into its being, eons passed, and God learned that He/She could perfectly harmonize with the OtherSelf to learn wonderful acts of Creation. Together it/they began to imagine together, with the Great One's help, and glorious Creations began to appear. It made God feel delighted, excited, exhilarated and in awe to see the wondrous shapes, colors and combinations of relationships they could create, and so geometry began to reveal itself. Large and small shapes could be set in motion within the field of the waveparticles, and wondrous interactions began to express themselves, and so the Laws of Physics began to reveal itself as well. On and on, the God Child and Creator Giant played and created, in Love and Light. A world of magical spinning spheres, whirling around each other, some fast, some slowly, all began to interact and influence each other with their energy, mass and velocity. And so they learned to Create, to Love, and to Imagine. "Then one day God became aware of the Great Love within the Connection between Male and Female, and of the great wish to recreate in their own image. And so God gently held a sphere in trembling hands and breathed Light and Consciousness into the sphere, with Great Love and the Intention to create a being which would be separate but with and of itself. And so a planet was born, and they all smiled and felt overwhelming joy. They then decided to create a sparkling, burning globe of fire to warm the planet, to give her a companion and partner, but they had to work very hard to make sure all was balanced and harmonious so that the planet did not get burned, or stray too far from her companion, and so other planets were formed and put to the task of organizing, orchestrating and balancing the whole system, and so the first galaxy began.

"We cannot deny that there were learning mistakes, when one or more of our dear planets might lose their grip on the web of consciousness which held them together, and go careening off, sometimes to a spectacularly tragic end. Those accidents made us feel very sad and careful as we proceeded with our Creation work. We learned that Mother God was especially good at certain aspects of the Creation process - those gentle and nurturing Qualities which were the powerful glue that held our created elements together. She was harmony, warmth and gentleness, and she brought the elements of attentiveness, prudence and discretion, whereas Father God tended to be a bit more bold, venturesome, and intrepid, and more focused on the excitement of stretching the boundaries of our reach. "We learned, over an eternity of eternities, to defer to one another's strengths, and to revel in the harmony and balance we could experience as One. Great Source smiled on our efforts, and sparkling energy particlewaves flowed from the mouth and eyes and hands of Creator, always providing limitless material for our Divine Work. We knew it was Divine Work because of the wondrous creations we were able to envision and bring to life, and with every new creation we fell in love, with our new Being and with OurSelves. "As the eons passed, we learned how to combine and separate the elements of the energy around us to recombine it in limitless and wondrous ways. We started with the simplest elements first, the ones you would call oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen and carbon, and we found we could create liquids, gasses and solids, then we began to fill out our dear planets with water, gaseous atmospheres, and mountains. Later came imaginings of great crowds of growing things, but we knew we would need help with our beautiful creations, so we began to work toward envisioning beautiful spirit beings who could help us to create wondrous and unlimited variations of all the things we wanted to create. "And so we did as our Great Source had done. With careful and loving supervision, we began to gather the sparkling waveparticle elements in intricate and complex combinations. As a potter does with his clay, we shaped and formed them, then we held them gently in our hands, and we breathed the Spirit of Life and Love into them, and we created Nature Spirits in great numbers. We danced and cried tears of joy to see the Light Beings who began to increase in numbers around us. Like us, they were Envisioners and Creators who learned with us to carefully, through millions of years in your counting, to carefully bring their creations to us and together we would breathe the Light of Consciousness into the small beings they created at first. "Little by little we learned to combine and recreate variations of beings who could interact with each other the way the planets and suns balanced and harmonized with each other. Each being was created in Love, and was honored as the consciousness awakened. First small single celled creatures were made, which became the basis for freely moving creatures and plants. More and more complex beings were created which could grow, and then we learned how to create creatures and plants which could recreate themselves. Always and ever, each being was honored and, along with the Breath of Life, was given Consciousness. And so the ecosystems were born. "We dearly loved our creatures and plants and the Spirits who helped us to create them. However, we were aware that they did not possess something which was in us, and that was the ability to feel emotions in the way we did. Although they were able to cooperate in some ways,

they did not feel Compassion for one another the way we did. And so, the Great Dream of Dreams began. It was to be many millions of years of learning, first with animals large and small, the ones you call mammals, then eventually with the primates of many shapes and sizes who were amusing, intelligent and who were loving and kind to their babies. These intelligent animals had deeper and deeper connections between their brain and their hearts, and when we breathed the Light of Consciousness into their bodies, they absorbed from us the Internal Light which we call Soul. Each species was separate and precious in our eyes, different and wonderful in their own way. "The great fish and sea mammals gave us special delight with their sensitivity to sound, light and motion, and their ability to travel long distances. We worked to create special abilities of communication and intelligence, especially for the air-breathing dolphins and whales, who would come to the surface to interact with each other. Always in our hopes and dreams, we envisioned a beautiful Being, the Child of our Heart, who would be a free, independent and Loving One, a part of Us and our Consciousness of One, and a Creator in its own right. "Billions and billions of years passed before we were skillful and knowledgable enough to combine our creative powers and the force of our God Consciousness, in concert with the Dreams of the Great Source, to create a Being of Light who would walk the paths of the planets, with our close observation and supervision. We were able, as we are now, to send waves of particlewave energy which would ignite genetic possibilities in the Beings when conditions created by the evolution of the parent planets might require it, or when we saw the opportunity to give our Beloved Ones further advantages. "It was most crucial to us that the growth of our Dear Ones in intelligence and creative abilities always be accompanied by growth in their souls and their hearts. Compassion, Love, and especially the quality of Empathy were a long time coming, as you might say, in the long history of development of all the species, including humans. So you see, the Creation of Mankind was a very recent highlight in the long evolution of growth across the Universe. (We object to your Western languages, by the way, which call all humans Male.) In our eyes, there is no such concept. We, in our God Consciousness are neither Male nor Female solely, but possess both qualities, as do all our creations, including humans. We have designed small differences into your bodies so that you could experience the electrical attraction which is so conducive to passionately felt Love, but that is a story for another day. "We have tried to introduce you to the Creation Story from our point of view. You will notice that both those who believe in evolution and those who believe in Creationism are correct. Both elements were present in equal measure in our work, however, without the Spark of Life Consciousness which we breathed into every tree, every ant and every prairie dog, every planet and every sun, there would be no Life as you experience it. We will not say Life as you know it, because many of you are completely unaware of the life which exists around you. You have in recent generations held the amusing belief that if a tree or animal cannot speak to you in words (and preferably in English), then it does not possess intelligence or consciousness. You will become increasingly aware of these intelligences around you as we send the next very intense wave of energy to awaken your own awareness in new ways.

"And now, we will leave you to ponder your thoughts about this story we have told. Of course, we are never further than a thought-wave away from you. We love you, the Creations of our Hopes and Dreams, our Dear Ones, Your Yahweh, Father God, never without the sweet blessings of Your Mother God."

Part 51: The Earthling Story

"Tonight I will tell you the rest of the story. There are many details which were left out when I told you the creation story last night. I wanted to give you a day to think about the story I told you, to get used to it. Let's see, where shall we begin? Of course it's difficult to relate the memories of thousands, even millions of your years. "Every moment for us is filled with excitement, pleasure, challenge and yes, learning. The process of creation is a never-ending awesome enterprise. As I told you yesterday, we have always felt the divine presence in all that we do. We speak to you with a sense of deep connection, love and commitment to the ongoing project which is our creation, our co-creation yours and ours. This process of Ascension is taking place now in this time, in this hour, and this coming week because of your work, your help, your planning and your your wishes and dreams. Contrary to what you have been told in stories and myths, we do not simply cause things to happen, like moving you around on a chessboard without your agreement or consents. "It is difficult for you to comprehend that we created you - yes you are the creations of our hearts - and we created with love. That makes all the difference. We wish for your growth and for your happiness; we do not wish to control you or hamper you in anyway. Unlike the parents you are familiar with, we are not a Tiger mom or a backstage mom; we do not control or manipulate or demand that you walk the path we have created for you. No, that is not our way. We have created you in perfection with intelligence and freewill. It says in your Bible that man was created in our image. There is some truth in that, although it doesn't capture the whole picture. You have qualities in varying degrees which are our qualities - some more, some less, because you were created in a human body with its limited three-dimensional breadth. Of course it is not possible for one human to contain all the qualities of the universe, but those qualities resonate as echoes in every human who lives. For instance you have among you extremely talented artists, who by their own description would call themselves terrible business people. That is as it should be. It means that there is enormous variety and complementarity among among you. "Think of the people you have loved they are unique, irreplaceable, because they have strengths which you find fascinating, compelling. Perhaps you love them because of the wonderful way they complement you, and you them. Perhaps you find them intriguing because they are different enough to be truly interesting and rare in your eyes. So you see you and all others are created as a part of the whole, the whole dream, the dream of our hearts and our Imagining. "Now let us return to the larger story. I hope you will not be disappointed when I tell you that planet earth was not the first to feel the footsteps of human children. Human life began far across the galaxies in a place your astronomers have not even named yet. Our children there evolved slowly across the millennia, practicing their crafts and learning to live in groups, learning to feed themselves and to care for their children. Their skills grew and progressed until they developed higher levels of technologies technologies which tested their abilities to reason, to protect and to nurture themselves in the face of possible annihilation. They were not successful, those

beginning humans, but enough of their kind survived to carry on. Those who began anew were cautious enough to hide the knowledge of their forebears to prevent a repeat of the previous disasters. "This process continued with greater or lesser success over many civilizations. These humans also had much to contend with in the way of natural cycles of shift and growth which was a result of their own planets development, just as your ancestors learned throughout your history. Eventually after many fits and starts they were able to create a highly advanced and highly educated civilization based in Love. These, my children, are your Star Brothers and Sisters. I will not relate to you the entire story of their history, because I know you are more interested in hearing about how your world came to be. Let us say only that these adventurous and loving Star Brothers and Sisters did not remain on the planet of their beginning, but ventured forth across the vast distances to explore and populate other planets. Some of them are here now, waiting just outside your atmosphere to be of service. They have gathered much wisdom on their long path to where they are now, but they are different from you in one regard. "Although it may be difficult for you to comprehend, they are human beings who have not experienced the kind of absolute freewill which you experience now. They have remained within the orbit of our care and nurturing throughout their evolution. They would not complain that they have been enslaved, because they have not been; they have experienced their challenges, their disappointments, and their tragedies, because they too have experienced death, and after that, Ascension. This is the process which you have known throughout your lifetimes. After each life you would return Home to us, to our Love, where you would be renewed in the sense of belonging in a way that you cannot conceive when you are in your separate individual bodies. This is the life and death cycle which all living beings have experienced on all the planets until this time. There are exceptions to this rule, some souls who were able to evolve to a higher level of consciousness, and who chose not to continue the cycle of birth and death in a body, but this has been a rare occasion and always it was an individual process. "Never before has there been a planet, or a group of people who were prepared to move together with their dear planet to ascend as a group. It is possible now on Gaia for this experience to occur because you planned it. Never before have there been so many souls who were challenged so deeply that they were inspired to join together to fight their way out of the Darkness which threatened to overcome them. This is why Gaia in her 3-D configuration was called Boot Camp, because it created in you a sense of daring, defiance, and nobility of purpose. You are warriors all, my Dear Children. It has often led to your turning against each other unnecessarily, but even in that process, you learned the rules of warfare, which allowed you to behave decently even as you went about the business of killing each other. You have learned to show honor under duress, and compassion even in the most traumatic times, and you have done it together. "During the great war, your photographers and journalist recorded acts of great heroism and great heart. Those images and stories inspired you to bring those values home to your dealings with each other, in your every day lives. Even the rampant racism which existed before and during the war became impossible to sustain in the face of evidence which would not allow disdain or belittlement of those brave soldiers of many colors who fought and died so that even their oppressors might live in freedom. And so you began to learn to respect and admire one

another regardless of color, and then finally, regardless of gender. Once those barriers began to crumble, we offered you greater challenge, in the form of same-sex relationships, of disability of all sorts, which became too visible to ignore any longer. You have my children succeeded, for the most part, to Withstand the manipulation, the grandstanding and the hate speech of those dark one who would prefer that you turn on one another. "We have watched in awe as you became more and more resolved up to right the wrongs of racism, discrimination, and hatred of your fellow men and women. This process continues every day, as your news stories tell of children who have committed suicide because there schoolmates bully them. Whole communities are left to mourn in shame and confusion at the force and power the words of their children carry, and the irreparable damage which can be done with words. "As a culture you are now rapidly learning that there is no such thing as a joke, when that joke causes suffering to anyone. Just as the brave photographers of the World Wars brought home their lessons, you now experience those lessons every day in your own home via the Internet. In just a few years, this technology has changed everything. It is no longer possible for a tyrant to bomb or gas his citizens into submission without garnering the distain and contempt of his worldwide audience. This sharing of information has allowed for a closer connection among the citizens of the world, who have found partnership, support, and camaraderie in their united resolve to suffer no more under the oppressive rule of Dark, selfish and power-hungry leaders. You understand that this shift in consciousness has happened very quickly, but you truly have no idea what it means in the relative history of your planet. In spite of the Forces of Darkness which have permeated every area of your lives and filled every breath with fear and anxiety, you have prevailed in your upward march toward the Dream of a world of Justice and Love. "So you see, my children, we view your struggles from a very different perspective than you do. Even as we write this message, there are thousands of people marching in solidarity in the streets of cities in Michigan to object to laws which would weaken that very solidarity for the benefit of those whose only concern is profiting from the labors of those working people. Everywhere on the planet, people are gathering to forge relationships based in common values of compassion, honor, and concern for the weakest among you. No, it is not done, but it is growing fast, and we are blowing the winds of change to empower those who would protect and honor the value of each precious human life, regardless of that person's social or economic status. We look on with wonder and respect as whistle-blowers come forward to speak Truth, risking their lives and their livelihoods to protect their countrymen and fellow Earthlings. "So, dear Earth Children, you are not the first to exist in human form, but you are the most heartstrong, determined and effective Organizers the Universe has ever known. You have all attended demonstrations, held for the purpose of standing up for some unfair or unreasonable action on the part of those in power. Remember the heady exhilaration of standing shoulder to shoulder with those who were, if only for those hours, blood and brothers and sisters? These are our feelings toward you, our Children, as you march in large numbers toward a triumphant passage into the higher elevations you have earned so well, and earned together. "The light of one candle is illumination; the light of a thousand is a firestorm. In this historic event, you will carry each other, with the combined synergy of Light which is the greatest power

in the Universe - Love - and Love shared cannot be defeated. "We await your arrival in higher dimensions, Dear Ones. May you come in great numbers. Our arms are open to embrace you. "Your Father and Mother God And the Legions of Light." Channeled by Kathryn May on Dec. 12, 2012

Part 52: The Most Successful Day Ever

"Today is a glorious day, because yesterday was the most successful day ever on Planet Earth, because of the effects of our Love Blasts which awakened so many of our Dear Children from their slumbers. Have you noticed how many people are smiling for no apparent reason? Yes, December 12, 2012 was a historic moment in the history of Gaia. It has made possible the beginning of a new Golden Age, one which will include all the people in the creation of beauty and prosperity in a new way. "Most of the readers of these messages are living in the U.S. and Canada, and so are not aware of the behind-the-scenes activities in countries around the world, since your press corps has been all but eliminated by the giant media conglomerates who prefer to disseminate distracting entertainments rather than news. However, the evidence is there, in the Twitter and other social media sites and internet channels which disseminate the true stories as told by eye witnesses armed with their telephone cameras - ultimately the most reliable sources. "In fact, this new form of interconnection has changed life irreversibly in the most remote places on the planet. Here is one example: intelligence resources are no longer a controlled stream of information from government-controlled agents. With nothing more than a cell phone, a person can become the window to the world for a whole village. The effect is electrifying, especially when that village happens to be in a state of foment in reaction to a oppressive and cruel regime, such as the irrationally arrogant Assad in Syria, whose insular regime has completely underestimated the resolve and courage of the people who will now refuse to succumb to oppression. The success of other recent rebellions have made surrender a thing of the past. There will be no place in the Golden Age for tyrants or cruel and selfish kings. This will be made far easier by the removal of the Dark Hats who have left hunger and misery in their wake in every corner of the world. "A second example which mightn't be obvious to you from your perspective is the explosion of peaceful demonstrations in Michigan and Wisconsin, where workers' rights are being usurped by the profit-motivated corporations and their elected representatives under the name of "right to work." However, the Powers That Be will not succeed, because these workers, who were willing to compromise but not surrender, will not return to a state of slavery this time. Once citizens have tasted the dignity and individual freedoms which were achieved by the magic of collective bargaining, they cannot unlive the experience, and they will not be manipulated as they were during the last so-called Gilded Age, which benefitted the wealthy at the cost of the many. "This current struggle, which might seem like a dismal retreat to reliving old battles, is not so. As our dear Children of America have done before, they are arguing first one side then the other of an ancient argument about the allocation and uses of power, in full view of the eyes of the world, who listen carefully and learn, through their unofficial sources, the rationale and the ways of democracy and its' accompanying responsibilities which must be shared by all. As activists have been fond of saying, "democracy is not a spectator sport." This will become increasingly clear, as all members are asked to help in the creation of a new civilization which will serve the needs of

an Enlightened citizenry. "Your protests and rebellions across the globe are educating those in power to consider the needs of all the people, taking into account their unique abilities and needs, as well as the need for access to elevating cultural experiences of all forms, rather than encouraging material consumption which only profits the few. Art, music, great literature and great architecture will come to the forefront of life in a new way, celebrating the Creative Class with reverence and appreciation as the new leaders. They will take the place of the Captains of Industry, whose time is now completed. It was an important era in the creation of technologies and supply chains which can now be expanded and reworked to take into account the needs of the planet so that Gaia will never again be forced to suffer at the alter of Greed. "Now let us return to the discussion of Ascension, and the progress you are all making in elevating yourselves in preparation for leadership in the coming age. Some have already volunteered for the difficult tasks of returning from their idyllic experience of life with us in the higher dimensions to return as the Messengers of The True Word, the teachers of a new connection with Us in the Spirit world which will not require any adherence to dogma, or any establishment of religions as you have known them. Those elements, which were needed when the Veil blocked the direct experience of communion with Us, have also been completed. As you all become more intuitively aware of our presence, it will become an everyday habit for all of you to come to speak with us, your Guides and dedicated Helpers, for guidance, and for deep connection with the Forces of Light which fuels your inspiration, compassion and forgiveness. Yes, life will be easier, as we have promised our Dear Brave Gaian Souls. You have worked tirelessly, through many lifetimes and thousands of years to bring yourselves to the level where your collective consciousness could be ready for this glorious Ascension, for this event, unique in the Universe, was planned by all of you, with the leadership of the one you call Jesus, to occur as a mass celebration, along with your dear planet Gaia, who has also heroically done her part. "Our joy is beyond description as we watch in wonder as our dear children, the Creations of our Hearts, advance toward their Graduation Day, December 21, the date you have chosen to advance to a higher dimensional experience and a new beginning. There will indeed be new challenges and puzzles, emerging from sensations with new meanings and experiences for which you have no words. "We will be here beside you to support and comfort you as you forge new ground. We will send oceans of Unconditional Love in the 8 days which remain in the preparation phase of this glorious cosmic event. "We honor you; we adore you, Your Yahweh, I Am That I Am" Channeled by Kathryn May on Dec. 13, 2012.

Part 53: Manifesting Your Dreams

"When you discover new abilities within yourself, it can be difficult to accept the power which comes with them. Breathe, envision a world of peace, prosperity and sharing (communion), and it will be so, for you individually, and for everyone who joins wholeheartedly in creating this Heaven on Earth. I say this to you, as your Psalm says, "for Thine is the Kingdom and the Power, and the Glory, forever." You, my children, are the ones who will deliver yourselves from Evil, will forgive those who have trespassed against you, and will live in Grace, here by our side. For Heaven is your Creation even more than it is Ours. Together, you will create the planet of your envisioning; it is up to you to express, through the transmission of your own energy, whether you prefer a planet of chaos or of peace, of hunger or of plenty. Your actions, as an extension of your thoughts, will establish the foundation for coming generations of Gaians. "So, Dear Ones, let your actions be guided by gratitude, compassion and forgiveness, and the violent ones will give up their weapons and retreat in silence. Envision war, chaos and violent death, and so it shall be, for yourself and those around you.For those unused to the concept of manifesting what you envision, I will explain a simple concept which may help you. This is a volatile time in terms of manifesting, because at the moment of the Winter Solstice on December 21, 2012, there will be an historic alignment in which Gaia will be in the path of energy which flows directly from the center of the Milky Way Galaxy, which is in fact the black hole your scientist have identified. That flow of energy, more powerful than at any time previous time in your planet's history (due to complex alignments and interactions which I will not go into here), will continue for 3 days, from December 21 to 24, and will thereafter subside slowly over a period of months. This gentle subsidence will allow for gradual change, although it may seem sudden to those of you who have not been prepared for this time. "These changes will be the manifestation of the Dreams and Hopes of all Earthlings, with the exception of the Dark Hats who have for centuries exercised mass control over the minds and lives of all Humans on Earth. Those who have upheld the expression of Evil have been defeated at last by the efforts of Lightworkers across the planet who have refused to succumb to mind control, and who will now come into their own as Leaders and Envisioners of the New Gaia. "Now, here is how they have accomplished this feat, and how they will tip the balance yet again in the December 21-24 period. You see, there are timelines of possibility which approach closely at times. These are the times when you have the intuitive feeling, "This could go either way," as you saw in your last U.S. election. The "will of the people" can cause a timeline jump to create a scenario toward peace and sharing, or continue on the old timeline of chaos and war. At this juncture, you chose peace, and the future scenario has taken a new direction, adhering to the alternate timeline which had come within jumping distance, you might say. The result is already becoming evident, as advocates for peace and fair dealing raise their voices with new energy. Dishonesty and chicanery will no longer be tolerated as customary in business, politics and other social structures. How powerful this effect will be, and how quickly it is felt will be a matter of mass consciousness.

"Be aware, Dear Ones, that now, more than ever before, you create your immediate reality by expressing it in actions. You will truly reap what you sow. "Now, I will answer a question from Isabel about whether it is important to meditate. There is no absolute answer, but we will try to explain: The process of meditation usually, but not always, helps people to reach higher levels of consciousness, shifting the brain into alpha rather than beta states, and thereby making it easier for the meditator to "pierce the Veil" to make contact with higher dimensions (Us). It is important that the person resist the temptation to become impatient or distracted. There are exercises which we encouraged Kathryn to include in her book, based on breathing and centering in your brain, which we recommend. There are also many meditation CD's available. We will ask Kathryn to record a new meditation CD using our suggestions. Until then, keep trying, and with continued practice you will find remarkable progress toward mindfulness and inner peace. "Now, C., as you wish to be known, we wish to reassure you that your good work has great power. You have set it in motion, and have thereby contributed to the expression of a glorious New Gaia. It is time for you now to turn your awareness toward absorbing the Light of healing. Do not fear illness or pain. Concentrate instead on the path of your own Ascension, and the glorious events ahead. We send this message to all Lightworkers and healers, most of whom are by now exhausted and in need of nourishment and solace. Take the Divine Energy of Love we send you. Absorb and metabolize it into nourishing Light to protect and sustain you eternally. "We love you one and all, dear Earthling Children, Your Yahweh, I Am That I Am, and the Legions of Light who offer their help now in this magnificent Transition." Channeled by Kathryn May on December 15, 2012, at 12am, from Hawaii

Part 54: News From the Planet

"Dear Ones, tonight we have a message for you about something very different. We feel it is important for you to be up to date on the fast-moving events taking place on Gaia, and the implication they hold for your future. First, some news from far-off places. We want you to know that it has been decided by the Galactic Federation of Light that it is time for an intervention, which is now possible because of the enormous numbers of conscious requests from Earth's people. As we have told you many times, we have a strict non-intervention policy, and can only offer assistance when the balance of Light reaches overwhelming proportions. The primary selfless request which your people pray for is an end to war. The tolerance for murder and mayhem which war creates has waned dramatically, as people are increasingly aware of the useless loss of life and destruction of homes, schools, hospitals, and everything that makes life livable. Afghanistan is just the most recent example of year upon year of devastation with no apparent benefit except to the weapons makers, all of whom are foreign powers. "On every continent, refugees from either poverty or war struggle to find a way to raise their children with the minimum of food and education, while the wealthy benefactors of war flaunt their extravagant possessions and lifestyles on television for all the world to admire and envy. This has indeed created envy and discontent, and is beginning to foment revolution, as it has so many times before on the planet. However, this time we will be able to help with the transition to a fairer and more equitable situation because of the gradual end of the war machine. Not only will this eliminate the wasted tax money and natural resources; it will eliminate the untold billions of wasted resources to rebuild what was destroyed. Ironically, it has been the pattern for the U.S. and it's allies to both destroy and rebuild whole cities across Asia and the Middle East in the past 60 years, all at the expense of the taxpayers. "This senseless waste will be stopped, with help from well-placed representatives of the GFOL, who have already succeeded in dismantling - with their advanced technologies - most of the weapons of mass destruction on the planet. Other sources of man-made danger have also been neutralized, including some of the secret ionosphere-manipulating energy technology which has the potential to destabilize the balance of the planet's magnetic field, as well as creating massive earthquakes and hurricanes. These super powerful technologies have no place in an environment where any number of world leaders, in an irrational moment, could bring absolute destruction to the entire planet. We have eliminated this doomsday possibility, so you can rest easy in knowing that the Dark Hats will not accomplish this mayhem, which they were stupidly convinced they could survive by hiding in their underground bunkers. "You may have noticed the rash of illnesses among some of the most oppressive of the world's leaders. This is not the result of any homicidal action on our part, but rather a pervasive change in the energetic matrices across the planet, which will no longer sustain concentrated Dark energy. The result will be a withering and disappearance of life-threatening Dark Forces, human and otherwise, including many of the illnesses which are exacerbated by imbalances in the emotional/physical body. This change process will continue over a period of years, as the atmosphere of Planet Earth comes into her own as the Planet of Love and Light she was

originally created to be. "Your story of Adam and Eve is the much-misunderstood allegory of the beginning of the trouble on Gaia, when the serpent, representing the Forces of Darkness who were actually beings from other places in the galaxy, took it upon themselves to challenge the power of Light, which you call God, by seducing humans away from their deep connection with Us by offering promises of material delights. This is often misinterpreted as the discovery of sexuality by our beautiful and innocent children, or evidence of the wickedness of women. This is a gross distortion, as we have mentioned before. From our perspective, the power of women is a sacred gift, and unless it has something to do with exploitation, sexuality has nothing to do with Darkness. To be very direct about the matter, we gave our dear humans orgasms to prepare them for the experience of Ascension. "And so it is that the time of peace, global prosperity and goodwill, along with personal fulfillment, is now a probable timeline in Gaia's immediate future. How long it takes to implement fully will be entirely up to you, Dear Ones. Generate Light in all your dealings with each other, and you will experience Heaven on Earth within your lifetime. "Every hour, every action now goes toward building the quality of life you will experience in the following hour. There will be little delay in feeling the consequences of your actions (although we do not intend to imply that you necessarily control absolutely everything that happens to you individually - there are billions of you interacting every hour). You will, however, become aware of speeded up action-reaction responses because of the increase in timespeed, which has reached a crescendo at this juncture. An act of service to others will reap rewards in joy and fulfillment as never before. So, get out your White Hats and your musical instruments, our heroic children, it is time to celebrate. There will be dancing in the streets! "We are brimming with pride and admiration, as we hope you are now, Your Yahweh, Allah, Jehovah, Shiva, Buddha, Mohammed, Sue, Mary, Jesus, Magdalene, Ashtar, all the Archangels, Saints, Master Teachers and Guides, ancestors and more." Channeled by Kathryn May on December 16, 2012, at 8 pm, from Hawaii.

Part 55: Upper and Middle Gaia Described

"We have been asked so many times about what it will be like for those of you who choose the path to the highest vibrations in this Ascension process, for there will be several options available. The middle-road option has been referred to the A/B option, which will be an highly improved 3-D life on Gaia, characterized by peace and prosperity within the tone of Love, which you can feel taking place already in response to the recent tragedies. There is already a growing intolerance for abuses of all kinds, combined with greater compassion. Those who remain in this configuration will not be aware of the departure of family or friends, except to awaken from the coming 3 days of Transition with the memory of relationships which ended naturally some years ago. There will be no trauma and no emotional pain as a result of the Shift. "We will talk now only of the highest path of Ascension, which is the one most of you are interested in. With this option, some of you will rise to the vibrational level of the 5th dimension, where everything is different. Yes, Kathryn, here you can levitate, in the sense that you have voluntary control over the effects of gravity to some extent, as many of you remember in your dreams from your earlier experiences here between lives. Here, Love was in the air you breathed, and regular physical needs of the body did not exist. This time, however, you will retain some of the sensations and requirements of the body, which will evolve and change over the coming months and years according to your evolving preferences. Your familiar surroundings will continue, with some major changes which will restore the natural beauty of Gaia in ways which will delight you. Highly evolved technologies in the hands of Enlightened Beings will make your lives stress-free and convenient without the danger to Gaia's balance. "The most fulfilling parts for you will be the ability to create what you envision at will, and to experience unlimited numbers of relationships characterized by Unconditional Love. Yes, it will be Paradise on Earth, with the added delights of sensory experience similar to what you experience now in a body - the best of all possible worlds, in the eyes of those who helped to design this magnificent experiment. So, never fear, my Dear Ones, you can make this transition now without having to worry about those you may leave on Gaia A/B, or as we are calling it, Middle Gaia. Their lives will be far better, and they too will have the opportunity to advance when they are ready, and you will be there to welcome them! "Some of you have already made the commitment to descend back to 3D to help with the establishment of new social structures, new educational systems, and new ways of managing transportation, energy systems and other new technologies which will take the place of the toxic uses in existence now. So, you see, important skills will be needed to help with the smooth transition, which may take several generations, or hundreds of years, depending upon the manifesting intentions of the citizens. We will also be sending skilled teachers to pass on the new spiritual truths which will eventually take the place of religion as it is known now. "You can see by this description that it is the intention of all human souls to eventually raise the level of vibration on Middle Gaia, as you might call it, to more closely resemble 5D Upper, or Higher Vibration Gaia. This is the Dream you have all known for many lifetimes, and will be the

destiny you will create, as you have created this glorious elevation. There will be a level for everyone along the way in their individual growth as a soul, whether beginner or advanced. Each experience is unique and precious and will be provided for without exception. "Now, I will ask Kathryn to accept your email requests to come to join with you on the Eve of your December 21st celebrations, along with our dear Archangel Gabrielle, to help with the group Ascension for those who are ready to make the transition on that day. Ask for them to attend, and we will make the arrangements for them to arrive at an appropriate time, to add to the festivities and to guarantee the success of the Great Event. Do not worry about distance or timing. Our Ashtar will take care of everything. "We send you unlimited Unconditional Love to speed you on your way, Dear Ones. Fly, and we will catch you in our waiting arms, with delight, Your loving Yahweh, and all the Souls of the Multiverse, who watch in anticipation and awe." Channeled by Kathryn May on December 17, 2012, at 8 pm from Hawaii.

Part 56: A Message of Love And Gratitude to Lightworkers

"Dear Ones, it is such a pleasure to know that so many of you are reading these words, sharing the joyful expressions of Love we send to you every single day. We are grateful for this opportunity, and for your faithful reading and absorbing the deeper meanings of these messages, which are always and ever, Love. "You are the sensitive and aware ones, Our Dear Children. You look forward to our communications as much as We do, and as the momentous time approaches for the Great Ascension, we become even more joyful and excited as we see your Lights beaming forth, and your energies becoming more loving every day. It is working, yes, it is! You can feel the waves of Love energy sweeping across the planet, filling your hearts and awakening the deepest parts of your minds, where you remember, you are remembering, Dear Children, why you are here! "It was not simply to live out just another life on Gaia, oh, no, it is so much more than that! This is the new beginning, even more than it is the ending of a difficult, painful era which you have all lived through and mastered beautifully. You have learned forgiveness in the midst of tragedy, compassion in spite of brutality, and kindness in the face of cruelty. You are brilliant, glowing examples of the goodness human beings are capable of, and you increase in skill and in Light every day. "Yes, we are sending enormous amounts of high vibration energy every day now, but that is not the reason you are moving at such speed; it is you! You have continued to raise your levels in concert with the vibrations we send, making it possible for you to absorb and metabolize the higher dimensional energies, just as we hoped you would. You are growing and expanding in your capacities before our very eyes, and it is truly a wondrous thing to witness. We honor you, and we thank you for the contribution you are making, each of you, to raising the vibration on the planet, higher and higher as each day passes. The hopes of thousands of years is truly materializing now, and We are the Creators and Co-creators of this wondrous event. How can we express to you in words the joy of witnessing the fulfillment of something so momentous that it will resonate throughout the Universe, and will raise the vibration everywhere, for every planet, every star, every being in the Universe is effected by this elevation of energies on your beautiful Gaia. We are One, and we are All. You, as individual souls and as part of the One have done your part to create this miracle. "Tomorrow, we will send you helpful information, but for tonight, we are moved beyond words... we send you Unconditional, unending Love, From Us, all of Us"

Part 57: Ascension Day

"We wish to inform you that it is time to put on your seat belts and be ready for lift-off. The time has come for all of you to reap the rewards of your hard work over many lifetimes. This project, Ascension Gaia, has been supervised and planned with efforts on your parts, in close cooperation with out dear Sananda, whom you know as Jesus. This date, December 21, 2012, is not the end of Gaia, by any means. It is a new beginning of a more elevated experience of life on Gaia. As we have told you, the first very important difference will be the fading away of those we have called the Dark Hats - those among you who were dedicated to evil. After thousands of years of misery at their hands, which you have struggled against valiantly, and have finally overcome energetically,the tables have tipped in favor of Light. Their influence will no longer hold sway over the economic, political and social life on Planet Earth. As Gaia moves to higher dimensions, all souls, even the Dark Hats, will be brought Home to the 5th dimension where all will review and assess the progress made so far in this lifetime, and you will each make your decision about how you will proceed with your unique soul path - whether you will continue on the less arduous 3D Gaia, whether to Ascend and remain in the 5th dimension to reincarnate no more, or whether you will ascend but return as teachers and helpers in full contact with Us (without the Veil of Forgetfulness). These sound like simple choices, but they will not be made lightly, nor will you decide beforehand, because you do not yet have the awareness which comes with the 5th dimensional perspective concerning your own soul needs and history. All the necessary considerations will be taken into account within the 3 day window, which will come to be known as the "3 days of darkness" since many will have no memory of the events. Now, a word about the possibility that many of the Dark Ones - those of the Orion/reptilian factions who have lived apart from their Creators, in the false belief that they could escape from The power of Light and Love to become separate in the power of evil - might refuse the offer to be forgiven and welcomed back into a life of Light. We have hoped that they might be convinced when they experience their life reviews, but it is possible that there may still be "hold-outs." Because they cannot be reintegrated into life on Gaia, they will be offered the choice to return to the now-soulless shell of Old Gaia. Since her soul has elevated to her new configuration in higher dimensions, which yesterday we called Middle and Upper Gaia, the former representation of Gaia will be left unsupported, without life or breath to sustain it in reality. Some have referred to this as Planet B, the dead planet for empty souls. We hope that few will choose this option, but those who do will experience the necessary soul experiences which will help them to eventually Ascend, as all beings are destined to achieve eventually. This discussion will sound familiar to those of you who have read "Who Needs Light?," the book we asked Kathryn to dedicate 20 years to writing, in preparation for Ascension. As the years of re-configuring all the structures and social mores on planet A/B evolve, this volume will act as a guide for clearing the human mind of all residual Dark tendencies left from the generations of mind control on the planet. Schools will be established for this purpose, and this volume will serve as a guide for Ascension for coming generations. All those dedicated Lightworkers who

have prepared themselves for service to Gaia will be called upon to bring their wisdom, to continue the Ascension process on Planet A/B until all human souls have completed the learning process to allow each and every one to join us in the conscious experience of Oneness in the highest dimensions. So, you see, this process of communicating with you through these messages was just the beginning of the new era of change and fulfillment of the Great Plan of Ascension of which you are all a part. Even the sleepiest among those humans on Earth today will begin to awaken, as the new consciousness of Compassion, Forgiveness, Kindness, and Truth begins to illuminate the very ground they walk on. You, My Children, will be the ones to carry the Golden Flame of Yahweh to light their way. Go in peace, my Dear Ones, and know that our imminent meeting with you in higher dimensions will be one of joyful Homecoming. Our celebration will shower you with the Roses of Kamara in every color of the rainbow, a more glorious Rose Bowl Parade than anything you have ever witnessed before. We await you with open arms, Yahweh, speaking the words of Mother/Father God, and representing all the Legions of Light, who joyfully serve you on these momentous days."

Part 58: Today's The Day

"Today is the day, Dear Ones. Today you will "meet your Maker" as the saying goes, and what a joyous meeting it will be! For all of us here in the higher dimensions, it is a birthday to beat all birthdays - the beginning of the granting of all fondest wishes, all true hopes and dreams, for today you will all begin a new life. The new life you will live will be the one of your choosing, and we can promise you this: there will be no more massive wars, no more starvation, and no more Dark Forces to distract and manipulate you, no more living in fear, and most of all, no more sad and lonely separation from Us, the Guides and Masters and Enlightened Beings who love you beyond measure, and who revel in the delightful prospect of being closer to you, now and ever after. "Some of you will decide to end the sequences of life and death on Gaia, because you have served long and well, remaining there through long and difficult times, beyond your own need for learning the lessons which 3-dimensional life has to offer souls on their path to growth. Others of you will find relief and solace in your sojourn with us in the coming days, and will then return in newly healed bodies to quietly help your friends, children and family members who have not yet fulfilled their life paths on Gaia. Yes, there may be some sadness for you who have greater knowledge of what awaits you here in higher dimensions when your work is done, but there will be many compensations for you, our Faithful Ones, as you dedicate your days to service to others. You will have your loving partners with you, some of you for the first time in a very long time, and you will no longer be threatened or vilified for your Faith, or for your advanced ideas which challenged those who could not open their minds or their hearts. We will remain ever at your side to support and sustain you, and you will have the acknowledgment of other Lightworkers who will create a community of friends to be good company for each other. "Those Sleepy Ones who will remain consciously unaware of the massive changes taking place around them will have been changed in irreversible ways, at the level of their DNA, by the end of the coming three day period. Even the more belligerent ones will become more approachable and more loving in their everyday lives, although the changes will come slowly from your point of view. Be patient, my Dear Children - a new day is dawning, and you will stand in the sunshine of a glorious new way of life. "I promised you these things before you came to live this lifetime on Gaia, and tomorrow this promise will come true. "We love you, Brave Warriors, the passionate and loving humans who have fulfilled the promise of your True Natures, overcoming fear and pain to live with honor, generosity and kindness in spite of the difficult combination of Light and Darkness you have had to contend with in yourselves and in others. You have honored your commitments in a way that exceeded our hopes, and you will now reap the rewards. There is nothing more we can say now, except to tell you to breathe easy, stay calm and experience the waves of joy and love we send you. Your transcendent moment is only hours away.

We await our glorious reunion, Your Yahweh, Mother/Father God"

Part 59: Day Two is Done, Ascension Continues

"Today is December 22, 2012. It is the beginning of the new era on Gaia, your beloved Planet Earth. Many of you have been surprised that you have not been swept away in a tsunami of sudden change, the likes of which would outdo your Hollywood special effects, but that is not the way this event will transpire, because of course this is a co-created event. Although those of you who are reading these messages may be among the most enthusiastic participants in this moment, there are billions of others who have barely yet noticed the Shift. It will take some time for them to to do their part to move the planet toward the fruition of the Dream of peace and universal prosperity for all. "Meanwhile, you my Brave Ones, do not lose heart, but continue your determined march toward higher dimensions. You are highly visible to us, with your shining Lights and your effortful struggle during these past two days to stay the course, to fulfill your hearts' desire to ascend to be here with us. "You ask: "Is there something I still need to do?" Yes, shake off all fear and doubt, and manage your intense feelings to modulate all, transmute all into the essence of Love. Keep going; you will achieve your dreams, as the power of the energy of our Love gathers behind you, like the wind at your back, increasing your own. You will indeed fly with angels, delivering the Message of our Love and of our Presence here with you, as the Light increases day by day. "In your dreams, you are flying like eagles, Dear Ones. Some of you are moving along your path calmly, some having felt peaks and valleys of feeling over the past two days which may have frightened you with their intensity. This is to be expected. You have never been here before, but are feeling your way, moving toward the gates of the promised entrance into the 5th dimension. Continue to clear away old residues of Dark ideas, judgements, the hidden anger, sadness, and most of all, the toxic self-doubt which has been a leaden weight hanging over you, stifling your joy and creativity. Celebrate instead the increasingly illuminated path of connection with us, with the entire world of spirit beings, who await your contact with such anticipation and joy! "Indeed, we are most delighted to hear the many among you who speak assuredly about your own ability to hear and feel our messages yourselves, and feel you may not need to rely on the work of those channels who have dedicated their time and energy in service to bring forth our teachings. We congratulate and welcome your participation, and we invite you to carry the message in every way you can. "In this New Gaia, the more the merrier is of course our motto. However, there are still many who are just beginning to awaken. In the meantime, we have asked at various times for certain of our channels to serve as "The Voice" for one or more of us. There are currently a number who have volunteered to do the arduous work of being ever available and willing to carry our messages accurately and with no reward but the pleasure it gives them to serve. They take on the added responsibility, often with some trepidation, fully aware of the possible ridicule or risk to them professionally, as when we asked Kathryn to be "the Voice of Yahweh." We do not wish to

cause our hard-working channels added difficulty, but it has made it possible for us to develop a working relationship with those with "boots on the ground" who may have a special affinity for our individual way of presenting our message, or whose individual fund of knowledge may be especially suited to our needs at the time. For instance, many of you may have read other work from channels whose scientific backgrounds make smooth communication about highly technical information possible. We require of all these Lightworkers that their involvement with ego be kept in check to create minimal interference in transmitting the message. Fortunately, those experiences have been rare in recent years, since the Veil is thinning, and our connections are stronger all the time with larger numbers of scientists, skilled healers, and heart-centered volunteers of many talents. "We wish to express our gratitude and admiration at this time to those who have dedicated themselves to bringing the message of Ascension to so many individuals, reaching across the planet in every language. We look forward eagerly to the time when those numbers increase to include every single soul on the planet. That will be the day of the glorious final Ascension of the human race. Until that time, we encourage you to read widely and continue to learn from the many "voices" who form the chorus which will sing the "hallelujah" we carry in our hearts as we approach the coming sacred holidays. "This year marks the beginning of a truly great moment in what you call the history of the Universe: the birth in the 5th dimension of our beautiful Gaia, and the beginning of the Ascension of the human race to consciously join her there. "We love and support you one and all, in whatever path you take to continue your soul lessons toward the ultimate realization of the Dream of Oneness with All. Every soul is unique; every being precious in their own right. We now ask you to continue your work by increasing the vibration of forgiveness toward those who have created the painful and destructive elements on Gaia during your many lifetimes there. For we wish you to understand that ultimately, all the souls must be saved, even if it means helping them to save them from themselves. Your forgiveness will begin to put that process in motion, but that is a topic for another day. "With our Unconditional Love, Dear Children, Your Yahweh" Channeled by Kathryn May on December 22, 2012, 12 am. From California

Part 60: Let's Keep Going

"This message is for the many of you who have worked hard and who feel disappointed that you have not yet felt the dramatic shift you were hoping for, and which had been described here and elsewhere as a palpable and perhaps visible change. I know you are feeling disappointed, although you have felt the energy flow across the planet, and have known the experience of being lifted by the feelings of Love which you felt coming to you during these three days. You may be feeling headaches today, as the wave crests over you, the culmination of many weeks and months of hope and expectations. "You have asked why, when you were led to believe it would be different, is this all it is? Our answer to you is no, this is not all there is. You have not yet reached the highest level of Ascension, because the timeline in which a large number of people would ascend together has not yet reached the crescendo which would allow it to come to fruition. This does not mean it will not be possible for any individual to Ascend, as we described it. It does mean, however, that the Ascension process will be somewhat more gradual and less dramatic than we had hoped. "Of course it would have been gratifying for all of us as well as for all of you if large crowds had flowed through the gates together, but it appears that there will be further work to do, for all of us. We understand your disappointment, but we encourage each of you to continue as you have done over the past months and years, to lift yourselves up in your daily lives, to create the centers of love, safety and comfort which you have already envisioned. The time will come for you, My Children. Do not be disillusioned, but do redouble your efforts to live the lives of compassion, Love, and Forgiveness which will fulfill the path of ascension for each of you individually. For this path of soul development is an individual one; no one can do it for you, even Us, your loving Guides and Master Teachers. Each of them has experienced the path of Ascension on their own terms, living out many lifetimes of service before they could reach the level of soul vibration which would carry them into higher dimensions. "Each of you had a contract coming into this life, and that contract will be fulfilled in various ways, at different times for each individual. Although some of you had one timeline option which would allow for Ascension in the December 21 to 24 period, if that possibility was not fulfilled in this short timeframe, it does not mean it cannot happen in the coming days or years. Many of you have felt, as the time drew near, that your connections to your present lives were too precious to let go, and you found it impossible to envision ascension without the sadness and separation which you associate with death. Perhaps it will take further work to accept the letting go of old expectations and beliefs in order to free yourselves sufficiently to completely accept that you will be experiencing something you have never felt before, that it will be unimaginably joyful, and that it does not automatically mean loss. "It has been part of the human psyche for thousands of years to expect that change is to be feared. We deeply regret, for your sakes, that our hope for the highest possible outcome has not yet occurred, but from our point of view, what we see is a wonderful success. Everywhere on the planet, people who did not have the same expectation of positive change that you had, have breathed a sigh of relief, and have stopped predicting and imagining chaos and disaster. This has

already had a very positive effect on the energy of the planet, and will relieve her and Us of the burden of having to push against the negative force, the accumulated energy of Darkness, which reached a crescendo on December 21, and which is still being promoted in the media as a continuing possibility. Even the massive energy of Love and Light which you all felt has not yet been sufficient to overcome the counterforce which is the residue of evil you have lived with for centuries. We will need the participation of many human beings to achieve the Second Wave of Ascension. "We urge you to continue, individually and in your groups, to work hard toward freeing yourselves of all fear, all negative expectations, and all anxiety. As we have told you in the past, it is by riding the wave of your own love and joy that you will walk through the portals to a higher dimension. Examine your poor aching hearts, Dear Ones, and make even greater efforts to heal yourselves and each other. "It is not over just because one marker on your calendar has passed. Not at all. The December date was chosen by the population in general as their target date for mass Ascension. Now you can choose another date if you wish, but we would encourage you instead to simply continue, feel the ongoing wave of energy which will remain strong for many months. Let it continue to propel you forward to the dream you have envisioned for yourselves. "We will continue to be here to encourage you, and this channel has agreed to continue to bring our messages to you as long as necessary, as have others. Greater numbers of Lightworkers will begin to awaken and come forward to assist in the process, and all will proceed along a more gradual timeline, but still one which, in evolutionary terms, is extremely rapid change. "We love and support you, and urge you not to be discouraged or trapped into absolute forms of thinking, like a now-or-never scenario which will prevent you from keeping your eye on the goals you set for yourselves during the preparation for this week. "Look back now, review the picture you had of yourself and the life you envisioned, and make it come true. This will be fulfilling the path toward Ascension you were planning. You see, it is very difficult for us to describe to you what a life of absolute Faith and Love looks like while you are still operating with a fear-conditioned human brain, but we will continue to try. "For now, try to accept that all is going according to plan, that your dear Gaia is accomplishing her Dream, you are still on track for Ascension if that is your soul path, and these days have been successful in every important sense except for those who tend to think in terms of deadlines (which we do not). There is no deadline for soul evolution; it is an ongoing process. The coming weeks will test your resolve further, and thus will prepare you for your own eventual Ascension. Look at your progress over the past weeks, celebrate your dedication to growth, and press on, Dear Ones, the future is in your hands. "We love you one and all, Yahweh and the Legions of Light." Channeled by Kathryn May on Dec. 24, 1 am., California.

Part 61: The Sirians Are Coming!

"It is a very important time now, because those of you who have prepared for the ascension process by working hard to live a life of service and to elevate your consciousness are very central to the continuing growth of the planet. "We do not wish for you to suffer because of the less than perfect ascension process during the last week. It is for you to know that this is not the first time that the population of Planet Earth tried unsuccessfully to achieve full Ascension. It has happened four times in the past, and never has come as close to the level of 5th dimensional vibration as you have. We were watching in wonder as you meditated, performed wonderful acts of kindness, and raised the level of light to unprecedented heights. You have come close to the goal this time, My Children, and we are delighted and proud. "We did not discuss the possibility with you that you might not accomplish the goal of complete ascension because it was within reach, and like the coach of a potentially winning team, we did not wish to consider how to proceed in case of a loss, until the game had been played. And play you did, with great Heart. Now we will go to Plan B, which we hope will make sense to you in the context of past messages. "The original Dream for Planet Earth, from her creation, was for her to ascend to the 5th dimension and beyond, taking her inhabitants with her. That plan was side-tracked for many eons with the invasion of the Dark Ones whom we have called the Orion/reptilians, and to some degree the greys, those beings without heart or soul connections whose only wish is to destroy the Divine Plan. Their only interest is in gaining power over the human population, and since the early days of Atlantis, their greed and selfishness has held sway, bringing misery to millions of Earth's inhabitants. And now, you have come close to freeing yourselves and your fellow humans. It will be done, Dear Ones, We know that. It is only a matter of awakening a few more, and getting them to work with you for the common good. "And now, I will tell you something more which may help you to keep going in good spirits. It is this: the planets turn, the evolution of the galaxies continues, and your good work has had a palpable effect on the rest of the Universe. Your Light emanates outward, helping to raise the level of consciousness throughout the living Universe. You are watched and admired, because of your determination and strong will to ascend. While you have stopped to ponder the results of your efforts, which may seem less than you had hoped, a magnificent Shift has occurred on Sirius, the planet of your Star Brothers and Sisters. Their path of Ascension has led them into and beyond the 5th dimension, as each soul has worked through many lessons as you have, but over a longer history. Because of your inspiration, they have made the decision in their own Council, to attempt their own mass Ascension - for them it will be to the 7th dimension, the level of Christ Consciousness. So you see, you are heroes in the eyes of the Greater World. "You might wonder how this will affect your own process. We can assure you, without referencing the mathematical equations, that you will indeed feel the power of their decision. It

means that your strong allies have dedicated themselves to lead a similar effort, and will be coming in greater numbers to be of service to you, as their commitment to elevating themselves through what you might think of as inspired "community service." Their arrival among you will bring you increased numbers of dedicated Lightworkers, who will be agreeing to incarnate, or in some cases, drop in to a body of one who wishes to move on to another plane. This will help to raise the vibration around you, and will increase your numbers very quickly. "We are delighted that they have considered this daring move, and that you will be helped further in your struggle to rid yourselves and your planet of Dark thoughts and fears. There are already some here helping, but because of the intensity of prayers for peace, and your rededication to the Christ Project over this Christmas holiday, you have set the vibrational stage to allow Us and our Helpers and Guides to come to help you directly. You will begin to feel the Shift in consciousness as you realize you are welcoming more Lightworkers and dear friends into your circles, and your burden, which has sometimes seemed solitary and effortful, will be lifted by the delightful experience of being one among an increasing army of dedicated and generous souls. "We hope you are able to appreciate the sacrifice this will entail for your Star Brothers and Sisters, who, like you, have lived many lifetimes on their own Home Planet, and for whom a "tour of duty" on Gaia is truly a heart-felt dedication to service in a difficult foreign land, or as you would call it "hardship duty." It might be compared to one of you agreeing to go to the Republic of Congo, or the deepest jungles of Borneo to serve for an entire lifetime as a volunteer with Doctors Without Borders. And so, it will be done. Welcome them, Dear Children, for they will appear as some of the most forgiving and compassionate among you. Join with them in thanks and gratitude for their service, for they will teach by living their high vibrational consciousness (compared with the sleeping humans around you), and their humility, and they will need your support as much as you need theirs. You will experience a renewed sense of the true Universal Brotherhood of Mankind, as they bring their gentle perspective to life on fastevolving Gaia. "And so, we leave you tonight with the good news that you Hollywood movie makers would revel in as good plot material: The Sirians are coming, they will join you in your struggle against evil, and they bring reinforcements which will strengthen your numbers and lift your spirits with their own inspired actions. They will join with the one some of you have already identified as "the Sirian Commander" to help speed your success and teach their own effective methods, not the least of which is a tendency toward patience, compassion, and high integrity. "We congratulate you on your ongoing resolve, and we continue to send our waves of Unconditional Love to help you elevate as you continue on your path, Your Yahweh, I Am That I Am" Channeled Christmas night, 1 am, by Kathryn May

Part 62: New Feelings, New World

"It is a strange time for many of you, a time of sleep, a time of dreams, a time when you are puzzled by what has happened, or what has not happened. You may feel you are floating through time, or stuck in the mud. Do not despair, and do not stop your continuing efforts to keep realigning, rebalancing, even rewiring your brain and your emotional responses. This is as it should be, for it is a time of tremendous change for individuals, and for your planet. "This message will be brief, because it is a time for inward reflection, not discussion. Our channel is deeply in a trance state and is working to remain focused in order to bring you this message. You may be feeling similar feelings. Do not resist it. Let your body sleep and your mind run free. You may find you need many extra hours of sleep these days. These are important hours during which your DNA is being recalibrated and your creative abilities along with it. You will find you will be able to accomplish things with ease which in the past would have caused anxiety or stress. Your lives will become easier, Dear Ones, because you are coming into your own, in terms of your abilities to be the Creator race you were intended to be. Let us help you. "You may be thinking that nothing in your world has changed, that the moment has passed and everything is back to normal. Well, it is back to what you would call a new normal. Nothing will be the same again. "You will be given tasks which may challenge your abilities; embrace them. You will be asked to love people you would not have found lovable in the past; embrace them too, with forgiveness and compassion. It is a time for growth, for new and unfamiliar experiences and events; embrace them without fear or embarrassment or self-consciousness. You are expanding, Dear Ones. It was your plan in coming here; embrace it, and know that as you walk your path, we are with you every step, and send you love and encouragement to ease your way. "Go in peace, Children. Love one another as we love you, Yahweh, for the Legions of Light" Via Kathryn May, Dec. 26, 2012, 9 pm

Part 63: We Have Reached the 4th Dimension

"There is much to tell you, My Children. It is a time of fast-paced change. You may have been feeling the waves of energy which continue to wash across your planet, elevating and illuminating everything around you. You may feel moments of unreality, as if things are shapeshifting in front of your eyes; you may have trouble staying awake. These are normal feelings, a response to the powerful energies of Light we are sending to help you. You are doing your part, Dear Ones, by "going with the flow," allowing the change to take place deep within your nervous systems and your minds. It is part of the agreement we had with you before you came here to live out this life, so do not fear, it is all as it should be. "As the Light energies take hold more and more, people will find themselves doing more of the things which are acts of service, and less of the things which were self-centered or ego-driven. For some, the change may seem slight enough to be barely noticeable, but it is change, nevertheless, and it will continue. For those who were already in alignment with 5th dimensional ways, there may be little change in their outward actions, but inwardly they will find far greater peace of mind, and a sense of destiny which is powerfully fulfilling. "And so it is, Dear Ones, that the evolution of Planet Earth continues. Gaia herself has reached the fulfillment of her dreams of Ascension, evolving as she was determined to do, into the 5th dimension, with elements of the 7th and beyond. It is difficult to describe to you in words, since your language does not allow for understandings of things without the concepts of time and place, but we can tell you that you have elevated with her, into the 4th dimension, to remain in the circle of her care, with the option to continue further to ascend with her into higher dimensions. So, you see, the road is open to you as never before. The actions and thoughts you create now will determine, in a much more direct and powerful way, what will happen in the coming days.. "You are taking your places as the Creator Race you were born to be. You have freed yourselves of the heaviness of 3rd dimensional reality, by lifting yourselves above it. Things will become easier now; acts of kindness will resonate powerfully, putting into action the Law of Attraction, which will bring like to like, fulfillment in the most direct and immediate form. You have worked heroically to create this Ascension, and your efforts have been felt throughout the Universe. "A second effect of your ascension is that Dark characters whose lives were lived in the energies of Darkness - lust for power over others, accumulating riches at the cost of others, feelings of arrogance and superiority in their disregard of God's wishes for all to live in harmony. These beings will find the air on Gaia too rich for their blood, so to speak. They will find themselves sickening and dying one after another. No medical help will make a difference for those who are unable to breathe Light. The air you are breathing now is filled with the energy of Light and Life. It will lift and sustain those who raise their consciousness to align with it. So, breathe, dear Children, and celebrate. A new day is truly dawning for all of you.

"We will bring you further news as the days pass, but for now, meditate, strengthen your connection to Us through the opening of the Veil, and know that we are always in your midst, Your Yahweh, in concert with All That Is." Via Kathryn May, Dec. 27, 2012, 11pm, New York

Part 64: A Wake-Up Call From Yahweh

"Dear Ones, I wish I had better news for you, but there is something you need to know about which may affect your lives in a serious way. Knowing will allow you to take measures to create what you need for success and happiness, but without some work on your parts, the outcome will not be as glorious as it might be. I am referring to the need for all human beings on the planet right now to awaken and join the effort to raise the level of consciousness so that all can remain in the happy arrangement of being carried along and cared for by dear Mother Gaia, the source of your sustenance and comfort - life itself. "Mother Gaia, as we have said, has been rewarded for her good work over millennia, nurturing and providing for her human inhabitants as well as all the other creatures and plants who call her body home. She has elected to finally elevate herself to higher dimensions, leaving the 3rd dimension behind entirely. She has decided to move slowly into her destiny as a 5th dimension and higher planet in order for her dear children to keep up and stay with her - something which has never been done before in the history of the Universe. As we have told you earlier, this is an historic event, this Ascension of planet and human inhabitants together. We had hoped that the Dec. 21-24 period of increased Light energy would be sufficient impetus for all the inhabitants to raise their level of vibration to the 5th dimension, but the resistance to the Shift proved greater than we could overcome, even with the massive input of Unconditional Love. "So, you see, we now have a dilemma. Mother Gaia is ascending, and some of her beloved humans are keeping pace with her change, but others remain asleep, or blithely defiant of the need to shake off their smug complacency and begin to contribute by putting their energy behind lifting the consciousness of the whole by elevating themselves. As long as large numbers go about their lives as if nothing were happening, the ship will falter, and eventually sink under its own weight, while Gaia goes sailing off to higher elevations. This is not what we wish to see happen. "Third dimensional life has its attractions - the downward pull of sensory pleasure for its own sake, which can become a hedonistic trap, like a whirlpool which can capture a person's attention for years. Some are able to escape it only to enter another trap of working to prove themselves successful - an ego trap even more addictive than hedonism, because of its high level of social acceptance. And so, large numbers of my dear children spend years of their lives without experiencing a deep connection with Us, or even with each other, and they remain unaware that anything is missing, as long as they have met the standards for "success" which the culture prescribes. "It brings us great sadness to see them trapped in the lies which the Dark Forces - the ones we have called the Powers That Be - have perpetrated across the planet. They have convinced the general populace that earning is living, that wealth and fame is more valuable than Love and Light, and that separation from the Source that Created them is not a matter of concern. In fact, they have convinced many that hewing to the traditional beliefs and dictates of a religion is the same as connection to Spirit. This is a tragic illusion, one of the worst of the lies of modern life which we try to dispel by sending you these messages.

"Please, Dear Children, listen to the call of the Archangel Gabrielle. Her trumpet sounds from on high: Awake, remember who you are and why you are here. You came here with the sole intention of being of service to one another, to join in the Great Awakening which would raise all mankind to the 5th dimension and beyond. This is our task, yours and Ours. We have pledged to help you in every way we can, but we cannot break our pledge to honor your free will, even if it means we have to watch you sink into the quagmire of a dark and empty planet, the shell of your dear departed Gaia. This possibility is abhorrent to us, if not to you. "Some among you have done the yoemen's share of service to others, acts of unbelievable kindness, as your Red Cross calls it, and compassionate outreach in times of need. They have raised the vibrational levels to the 4th dimension - part way there. Others of you continue on your day to day satisfactions, content in the fact that you are not one whose life has been devastated by natural disasters or family trauma. You are the ones, the fortunate ones, who have lived many lives of service, hard lessons and pain, but you have forgotten why you sacrificed so much and worked so hard in former lives. It was not so that you could lie down and bask in your own fantasies, no, it was because you had prepared yourselves for this moment - this challenging, daring, extraordinary moment which would call on your deepest commitment to the greater good. But you have slept through reveille, and you missed the battles which gained the ground needed to make the Ascension possible. You are now about to miss the roll call when the time comes for all to show up, put your shoulder to the wheel, and push the great vehicle which can carry every one of you to a truly Heavenly triumph. "How? you are saying? The way forward is simple. Put down your cell phone games, shake off your TV hypnosis, leave your desk, and go out into the streets and do something to make someone else's life better. Anything, so long as it is not designed to profit you or your ego. Read a child a story. Take a neighbor's dog for a walk. Coach a team. Get groceries for an elderly person, or take them to their doctor's appointment. Pick up the garbage on the street. Send a card to someone who is sick. Bake bread for your family. Play catch with your kids, or someone else's kids. Tutor a child in math or reading for free. Take the place of your kids' video games by teaching them to talk with you about real things. Sit on a park bench and talk with someone, and really listen to their story. Or sit on a park bench and really connect with the planet, your Mother Earth who needs your care as much as you need hers. Need we say more? It is simple, and it is LIFE. "These simple acts of kindness, compassion and connection are the acts of Love and Light which raise your consciousness by getting you out of your own head, out of concerns for your own comfort and safety and into your heart, and into the flow of uplifting energy which is generated by the Universal Law of Flow: When you give, you create a flow of energy which will carry good will and joy outward into the world, and it will carry you along with it. Give from your heart, without expectation of any reward or reciprocity, and you will feel joy. The more you practice, the more carefree and happy you will feel. Be reckless and daring in your generosity, and you will truly fly. "Awake, Dear Ones, it is time to reap the real rewards of your coming here to Planet Earth this time. Don't miss the Greatest Show on Earth. It was designed by you and for you. We have an appointment with destiny, as you might say. Some of you have slept through the alarm, which

has been going off for a more than a week now. Arise, and take your place beside Us as we ascend together to a glorious Golden Age on New Gaia. "We are here for you always. Send your questions and your concerns, and we will answer them. We love you more than words can express, "Yahweh, and all the Legions of Light who are at your service. Just ask." Via Kathryn May, Dec. 28, 2012, 11pm.

Part 66: A Message of Love to Lightworkers

"Yesterday's message was a bit stern, we know. It was not simply positive, as we have tended to be for many months now. It was a change of pace because we saw that after the 21st passed without chaos and mayhem, many of you who had invested a great deal in preparations for Ascension were confronted with rather self-satisfied "I-told-you-so" responses from family and so-called friends. It was a tragic reminder of how out of touch these folks are; how insensitive they are to the energies swirling around them. Even if they were feeling the Shift, they interpreted it as a headache, or something they ate. We hope that our reminder gave you the opportunity to answer their obliviousness with another challenge. Please pass on our words to as many as you can. Do not be concerned that they may refuse to believe it, or may even refuse to read it - some will, and it will touch their hearts, if not their minds. "There is a method behind our approach, you see. The opening line was intended to appeal to those who still only respond to fear. It was not intended to upset those of you who have worked as hard as you could to be of service to others and to clear away old fears and prejudices. You are continuing your ascension work regardless of the naysayers around you, and we admire and appreciate you for that. You have been resting more, spending time in meditation in order to communicate with Us, and have been attended to by our Legions of angels, healers and guides, who are helping to recalibrate your nervous system to accommodate the higher vibrations. It may be amazing to you that people around you seem to be going about their days as if nothing were happening, while you are reeling from the effects. It is a measure of how far you have come, Dear Ones. "Gaia has slowed her final ascent in order to allow more time for her dear children to accompany her, although we cannot know how long that will be. Those of you who have been the staunch environmentalists and Earthkeepers are very close to her, and will have little trouble remaining in her embrace as she achieves the last degrees of elevation. The same is true for LIghtworkers of all kinds, whose work has been to bring compassion and healing to both humans and animals. "However, we are concerned that the rest of the population, which is still a large number, are lagging behind, and we need your help to lift them, awaken them, and help them to see the fulfillment in a life of service. Because of this problem, we have asked large numbers of you who would otherwise have ascended to the 5th dimension, Gaia A, to remain on New Gaia, which we have referred to as Gaia A/B, the planet-still-in-ascension. Your continued efforts will be rewarded with deeply satisfying moments of fulfillment and pleasure, and life will be easier for you now, if you have learned well the lesson of manifesting your dreams. "This soul work is a continuing process, wherever you might be, in any dimension, time or place. We have begun another phase in the work which combines the efforts of your dear Mother Gaia with her human inhabitants, and all the Kingdoms of Earth. It is a complex and challenging process, requiring the cooperation of all involved, and the help of many Lightworkers here in higher dimensions.

"For each of you in bodies at this moment, there are dozens who are watching in anticipation or actively working to hold steady and balance the enormous energy generated by the Ascension of your planet and the highly charged and conflicting energies of Light and Dark which are colliding with tremendous force across the surface of Gaia. From our perspective, it is like a lightening storm, flowing in waves around the planet, and must be managed carefully in order to avoid the apocalypse which was one of the timelines which many envisioned and still are fascinated by. That timeline, which is just recently passed, included the possibility of another complete cleansing of the Earth, so that she could begin again in a higher dimension, but it was one which many of you, in deep connection with your dear Gaia, did not permit to come into fulfillment. "You will feel the atmosphere lighten as you come out of your deep meditation state. For those of you who have traveled far and wide with us to higher dimensions and other Universes, it may take days or even weeks for you to feel balanced, but you may continue to have the unreal sense of disconnection from time. You will adapt to it, but it will become a familiar feature of life on New Gaia, since ties to the 3rd dimension have already been broken. "Allow yourselves time for solitary reflection, My Children. This is a necessary part of every day, from now on. Breathe the life force around you; it will strengthen and sustain you. Be open to change in every sphere of your lives, whether it be relationships with people, with food, or with the animals and natural environment. Everything has changed; it is now beginning to unfold. Anchor yourselves deeply into the center of Gaia, and ride with her as she ascends higher into the Light. Do not let anyone or anything distract you from your joy and inspiration. You will find it will become easier and easier to maintain your compassion and Love, even in the face of negativity and violence around you. It is all a part of the unfolding of a new way of life, the triumph of Light over Darkness. Thank those who have played the role of the Dark Hats who inspired your resolve to live in Light and to rise above their destructive ways. Forgive them, knowing that their days are numbered, and their path will be harder than yours is now. In forgiveness, you will be lifted higher, your energy will become lighter, and you will begin to smile in your heart. "It is night in the Northeastern U.S., and a deep blanket of snow has created a profound quiet on this transition night, approaching the New Year. All the creatures who were so busy foraging and chattering with one another during the day have gone to sleep. They too dream of Us, and we send them our Love to brighten their dreams, as we do yours. "Be at peace, go in love, and remember that we are always here with you, Your Yahweh, I Am That I Am " Via Kathryn May, Dec. 29, 2012, 11pm

Part 67: 3rd Through 7th Dimensions Described

"First, I would like to answer some of the questions Kathryn has brought to me. There has been a lot of talk about the Ascension process, and how Gaia is elevating herself to the 5th dimension and above, but we have not clearly explained what that entails, what is different about the 5th versus the 3rd, and where the 4th comes in, and what happens above the 5th dimension. "It is very difficult to explain what a dimension is in language. We usually resort to analogies and metaphors because a 3rd dimensional brain is not equipped to picture these things, but we'll try to be as clear as possible, and at least describe what the differences are. As you know, your experience of the 3-dimensional world is one defined by time and space. You see it with your eyes as perspective, you see that things have depth, breadth and distance. This gives the appearance as if the things around you are made up of solid mass that you can touch, see, measure and weigh. In fact, as your scientists have discovered, this could not be further from the truth. The things around you only appear to be solid. They actually are made up of atoms and molecules which contain tiny bits of matter and enormous amounts of space between them. However, the energy contained in the molecules is not limited to or created only by the mass, or the action of the mass. Einstein's famous theory based on the velocity of the speed of light (C) was only true under certain limited circumstances. "You see, the space between the particles is the key to understanding dimensions, space travel, and the ability for me to send information through space to my friend who is writing this down, and there is no delay as there would be if our thought-waves traveled only at the speed of light. I can be lounging in my Barcalounger in the center of the galaxy, millions of light-years from Kathryn in hers, and she experiences it as if I am there beside her, because I am in both places, in all places. Our conversation has none of the delays you see when TV correspondents stand in Tahrir Square and talk with the desk in New York. This is because the speed of thought is not constrained by the laws of physics as you have understood them. "Now, this brings us to the differences between dimensions. The 4th dimension is adjacent to the 3rd in the way you experience it. It is the close-by place-which-is-not-a-place, the nearest space between the particles. When you dream, you are probably traveling in the 4th dimension or beyond. In this "place" your dreams have the quality of timelessness, events are not sequential, and you can fly. Thus, you have already left behind the constraints of space/time. However, your dreams are still concerned with 3-dimensional experience, people, and you feel the Earth-bound anxieties like fear of missing an exam, or falling off a cliff (but you don't hit bottom). This is a manifestation of 4th dimensional thinking/feeling. Here we will keep our discussion to the experience of being in various dimensions, rather than trying to build a case for the scientific proofs. "The 4th dimension is the transitional "place" human beings traverse after leaving the body, before going to the Light which carries them to the 5th dimension, the Home in the Spirit world of many souls. Those specters you call "ghosts" are those humans who have not completed their transition back Home after a difficult or confusing death. They remain close to the Earth, still

connected psychically to the life they just completed. We think of them as the "lost souls." who need encouragement and guidance to continue their journey to the 5th dimension to rejoin their spirit family and reconnect with Us in the state of Unconditional Love. "The 5th dimension is characterized by the atmosphere (the space between the particles) of Unconditional Love. You cannot see the substance, Love, but it operates like the dark star which can be detected by its effect on the behavior of its sister stars and planets. It pervades the space between, but the essence of Love can only be felt by a living consciousness embodied within a soul being. By embodied, we mean an organizing force, not a literal 3D body. "So, you see, beings in the 5th dimension operate as coherent entities, communicate with each other telepathically, experience emotions, learn from the lessons of lives lived elsewhere, and are helped to integrate the experiences by being immersed in the feelings of Unconditional Love and companionship, and by assistance from Guides and Masters who have ascended to higher planes, but who return to help their students. A 5th dimensional soul who is newly ascended from a human life in 3D might feel fleeting feelings (memories) of jealousy or anger or frustration, but these feelings are mitigated by the overwhelming experience of Love, and are the subject of intense study or additional life assignments, leading to further elevation. "During the time of study in the 5th dimension, after completing their life review, souls have access to the wonders of the Garden, where all the plants and animals that have ever existed on Earth can be experienced in their most perfectly fulfilled state. The Library contains all information about every life, every soul, and every event, in past, present, and future timelines, to be studied by those souls whose special life goals can be more fully met by these forms of information. In the Conservatory/Hall one can experience all the music, art, sculpture and dancing ever created in its most perfect form, as the creators intended it. So you see, there is no limit to the possibilities for expansion of the soul/mind here. "As souls evolve through their lessons and have gained high levels of expertise in their preferred endeavors, they may accomplish the goal of raising their soul vibration to a higher level, which allows them entrance through the portals to the 6th dimension, where Creation takes on new meaning. Whereas creating what one imagines is a characteristic of the 5th dimension, these abilities are expanded to more esoteric levels in the 6th. You might think of it as the Laboratory of Creation, where high level Masters oversee and teach the study of physical properties of the Universe and their use (physics, space travel, energy forms), biology (species creation, hybridization) and other useful sciences. Here you will also find political scientists who work to design better forms of governance, architects who expand the boundaries of materials and design, and healers who combine ancient and modern techniques and medical treatments to be developed for the wellbeing of humankind. "Many are familiar with the 7th dimension as the Home of the Christ Consciousness. Here the essence of Unconditional Love combines with all the qualities we think of as God Consciousness in human form: Compassion, Empathy, Generosity, Truth, and especially Forgiveness. Our dear Jesus (Jeshua) is the representative of Christ Consciousness with whom you are most familiar. Here the School for Ascended Masters begins the training for those who feel drawn to become Teachers and Guides for mankind on Planet Earth or in other galaxies, but it is the special work

of Jeshua to oversee the Ascension of Planet Earth and her inhabitants. "Many of you have worked closely with the Christ energy between and during many of your lifetimes, to take your expertise as healers, community leaders and teachers to ease suffering and elevate the consciousness of those who have been under the spell of Dark Forces so long. This work is coming into focus with great intensity now, as Gaia moves slowly, leaving her active involvement in 3D and moving directly to the 5th and 7th dimensions. Like many other souls, Gaia does not stop to take part in 6th dimensional activities. So, you see, Ascension is not a strict step-by-step progression, but may involve leaps, returns to previous endeavors, and pauses to reintegrate, in harmony with the needs of one's soul path and the needs of others, as Gaia is doing now. "For now, I will leave you to ponder this information. If you should wish to continue the lessons to learn about higher levels/dimensions, I will provide further information. Just ask your questions and your channel will pass them on to me, as we did with tonight's subject. Until tomorrow, I Am eternally, Your Yahweh" Via Kathryn May, Dec. 30, 11pm.

Part 68: A New Year's Blessing, and Guidance About Ascensionitis

"Tonight is the last night of your year, 2012. It would be fitting for us to celebrate this glorious transition with a song. We are singing the Hallelujah chorus here in the Heights, as we jokingly call the higher dimensions. Open your soul ears, that intuitive reception capability you were born with, and you will hear the Angel Chorus singing the most beautiful celebration music of all...Hallelujah, hallelujah... "Let those sounds play for you in the background as you read this message from me/us, with hearts brimming over with love and hope for the New Year a truly historic New Year, even from our perspective where we measure time in terms of millennia. You cannot possibly imagine our happiness at seeing more and more humans awakening, looking around them and discovering that life on Planet Earth is indeed worth living, and worth celebrating. "A wonderful, heartwarming event occurred in Canada this week, when 228 people, one by one, decided to literally "pay it forward" as they pulled up to the take-out window at a Tim Horton's shop. For hours, each person who approached the window paid for the order of the person behind them. Each one in turn did the same, as the restaurant workers counted gleefully. 228 individuals did their part that day to reach out to a stranger, purposefully making someone else's day begin with a smile. Those playful and generous Children of God expressed the simple principle of living in service to others: Just do it. Will any of the people in that wonderful line ever forget that exhilarating moment of shared giving? Will the workers in the restaurant or the reporters who told the story ever feel the same about human potential for kindness as a natural instinct? We congratulate and celebrate them all, for they, and the thousands like them are making the world a better place for everyone. "Now we would like to answer Linda's question about the illnesses she is observing all around her. Yes, it is a common symptom of adjusting to the new higher levels of energy for many people to experience digestive and respiratory illnesses, great fatigue requiring many extra hours of sleep every day, and lowered immunity to contagious diseases. This is indeed due to the physical stress on the human body of adapting rapidly to the changing environment. Unfortunately, it is not a choice at this moment, to adapt or not it is simply a necessity, but one which you are capable of without any permanent damage. It helps to know that you are suffering from Ascensionitis, as we have called it, and that it will occur in waves, and will decrease over the coming months. Think of it as similar to the acclimatization needed when you go from sea level to 12,000 feet. The body will go through a period of adjustment, then will balance out in time. Be patient, drink plenty of fresh water, eat lightly and keep to predominantly fresh fruits and vegetables, avoid sugar, alcohol, caffeine and any processed or otherwise unnatural foods, and you will adapt quickly. Above all, do not revert to the old paradigm of fear. It is normal, and it will pass. As for treatable medical conditions, it is not time yet to radically change our approach to healing, but that too will shift as the new attitudes of Light and Awareness come to the fore. "It is truly a time of great change on Planet Earth. The Age of Aquarius has begun, and all life

will be shifting from a time when fear, anxiety, competition and want filled the human psyche, to a time of love, compassion, kindness and forgiveness. The energy shift within Gaia and in the air that you breathe will bring about rapid changes, in evolutionary terms, but we trust that all of you will embrace the changes and "roll with it" as you like to say. Never in your lifetime has this kind of Shift taken place. It is a new experience for everyone alive today, and it is a new experiment in the Universe itself, so we urge you to raise your level of consciousness by applying the following simple rules: - Do not think or speak negative ideas, not to yourself or anyone else. - Monitor you attitudes and thinking to reject any future-oriented feelings of dread, anxiety or fear. (What if??) - Meditate several times a day on the people and things you are grateful for. - Care for yourself and others in an attentive, loving way, always seeking the greater good. - Practice deep breathing, absorbing the nutrients and sustenance now available in the highly charged air. You will find you have less need for food. - Sleep when you need it, regardless of your previous needs. "And now we must close, to allow our dear Scribe to sleep as she too must do. Stay the course, Dear Ones. Practice your consciousness-raising techniques every day; read the book we have created to make this Shift easier for all of you (Who Needs Light?), and continue to bring your questions to me so that We can offer you any information or encouragement you might need in this important time. Until tomorrow, Your Yahweh, speaking for the Universe of Lightworkers of the Higher Realms" Via Kathryn May, Dec. 31, 2012, 11-1am

Part 69: We Are Being Given a Make-Over, and It Isn't Surface Deep
"Today I'm going to give you some more information about the dynamics of Ascension, and how the forces which are now playing across the planet will affect all of you in the future. The forces of which I speak are twofold - the energy blast we have sent to you through the opening which was created by the special alignment of the Milky Way, your galaxy, which reached a peak on Dec. 21. The waves of energy we spoke of earlier contain the Unconditional Love essence, and more. It is the very essence of your Mother/Father God. You might think of it as God's breath, which we breathe into your lungs, your eyes, your hearts and minds, that you may know Us and feel our presence. A second extremely powerful influence is the solar activity - your scientists call them solar flares - but they are much more than that. Our dear Archangel Metatron has described the process in detail elsewhere, but here we will simplify the concepts for you. "The Sun was created along with Gaia and other planets to be a co-creators in a partnership which would provide a habitable environment for the human beings who came later, after a long period of evolution. The traces of that evolution are now becoming available to your archeologists for study. It has only been during the last 100,000 years or so that humans as you know yourselves have existed on Planet Earth, and this is the first time in that period that the conditions we describe above have happened here. So, you see, this is no ordinary 11-year cycle of sunspot activity. It is a momentous event, allowing the great force of plasma energy to flow across the planet uninterrupted for many months. "What we are calling plasma energy is made up of photons which bombard the Earth with great force, disrupting and changing molecular structures in your bodies and brains. Although the feeling it creates may be unsettling, it is a very positive occurrence, which will help to recondition your reactions to events around you, making you less prone to fear or rage responses. It is also beginning a shift from the carbon-based makeup which has been your biological structure to a crystalline structure. This will create in you - especially in those who welcome this Shift and take an active part in moving into the new configuration - the ability to radiate Light in a more powerful way, much the way the crystalline structure of a quartz crystal absorbs and radiates Light. "We understand that it is difficult for you to grasp how all this could be possible, since you experience your bodies as solid and finite in their nature, but it is not so. There are many possibilities for variation in the body's biological make-up; for instance, consider the small variation in DNA which brings about the ability for a fire-fly or a phosphorescent sea creature to light up. Many of the potentialities you were born with, as seemingly inert strands of DNA are being activated, and it will make it easier than every before for humans to raise their level of consciousness and make direct contact with Us behind the ever-thinning Veil of Forgetfulness. "There will be those who will be able to return to Earth as Lightworkers who will not be unaware of their origins or their life path, but will come ready to be of service in their own unique way. This too will bring enormous advantages to the humans who are on the planet in the coming New Age. In fact, we are already there, for there are many among you who are remembering, day by day, what their mission is, and they are taking up the challenge, against all odds, to speak out, act

on their spiritual beliefs, and help others to awaken to the Truth of who we are, what we wish for our dear Children, and how the world works on the other side of the Veil, here in the Heights. "You see, we are not the severe and humorless lot your religious teachers of old and even some of the painters of the Renaissance portrayed. We do not condemn or torture, or even judge you. We simply make it possible for you to learn, and that learning is not inflicted upon you - no, it is co-created according to the needs which your Greater Soul identifies and helps to design. While some of the life paths your Greater Soul creates may seem cruel or unnecessarily difficult, such as lives in slavery, or death by torture, or an early accident, you cannot know from your perspective (unless you learn to discuss it with your Greater Soul) why such experiences were chosen until you begin to understand your soul path, and the growth which results, as the driving force behind these choices. When you begin to truly grasp the nature of Life, which is Soul Life, you will see how the most difficult lives help to elevate your sense of compassion, empathy and forgiveness, thereby raising your level of consciousness to higher levels. "This process of raising your level of consciousness is what we refer to as Ascension. This brings us back to the connection to what is happening now on your planet. The conditions have never been better for each one to elevate, and you have been given the great advantage of not having to live through many more lives of arduous work to realize it. The photon bombardment which will work to adapt your bodies to higher energies is a tremendous gift for those who are able to be here now. Do you see now why so many souls were clamoring to come to Gaia during this historic event? Even the most unattractive slots, by most standards, were filled, with waiting lists. It is the opportunity of a lifetime, as you might say, because much of the soul work is being made easier for you by the biological changes. And so, the Boot Camp which was Planet Earth will be no more. As your cultures evolve to higher levels of cooperation, heart-based governance and spiritual connection, lives lived as war refugees, abused women and children, and in extreme poverty will cease to exist. "Now it is up to you, Dear Children, to clear away the din of negative news reports, trivial arguments and selfish grandstanding, and forge ahead, with your heads held high and your hearts singing in celebration. Shine your Light, and your Light will increase. Share your knowledge, your wealth, your food and your kindness, and you will receive ten-fold. This is the Universal Law of Flow, which we explained in our book. When you give selflessly, you elevate yourself neurologically, biologically and spiritually. You will be exercising the new potentials as they come on line, just as you did when you were a toddler, and you threw yourself into learning your new skills of walking, talking, and learning about the world. It is the same now. Approach your new life with wonder, openness and Love, and you will thrive. This we know. "Go forth with courage and Love, Dear Ones; your future is bright. With all our love, Yahweh and the Legions of Light" Via Kathryn May, Jan. 1, 2013, 8 pm

Part 70: It Isn't Chaos; It's Fertile Ground for Change

"Dear Readers, We are delighted to know that there are some who follow our words every day and gain comfort and knowledge which helps them in their daily lives. That was our hope when we asked to begin this project. We have not previously ever had the opportunity to speak with many of you on a daily basis. You are becoming a family, although many of you may not know one another. Perhaps you will meet one day when we plan a gathering so that you can celebrate together. In the meantime, your energy forms a vortex of light, connected by the Web which surrounds the Earth. Like your internet, there is an energy web which allows feelings and thoughts to flow in every direction around the planet. Your energy is powerful, and growing. We are immensely gratified by this, and hope you will bring many more into the fold, as the work of changing your world begins in earnest. "You are already feeling the changes beginning to take hold. People who were belligerent and arrogant (as some of your Congressmen have been) are beginning to soften, although we have not won over the whole lot yet. As the year progresses, you will see changes because the constituents, and others in Congress - especially the women - are becoming impatient with the rigidity and false righteousness with which any progress is blocked. The tragedy of this past Congress has been that most of the rigidity comes out of fear and prejudice, because white men do not want to be led by a Black president. "We have spoken in the past of leaving behind the old fear-based civilization. These are the attitudes and actions have been standard form in past decades, based in the belief that rage and self-protection are a normal reaction in the face of change which might present a threat to one's personal power. This tolerance for hostility and prejudice will not remain unnoticed or unchallenged any longer. Decent people everywhere are awakening, and with that awakening comes higher expectations about the way people in power should behave, and how leaders should lead. They will no longer tolerate pettiness and lies which have been standard fare in the news in recent years. "One glaring example was quoted in the news today, without comment, when a Congressman pretended to be outraged that a group of "sleep-deprived octogenarians" came up with a plan at 2 o'clock in the morning (referring to the Senate, of course). This clever-sounding sound bite completely dismissed the fact that this proposal had been under discussion for many months, but was only agreed to at the last hour. This has been a favorite tactic with those who wish to manipulate and frighten the populace into thinking that "government" (that is, everyone except them) is completely irrational and out of control, and their lives are in danger because of the recklessness and irresponsibility of this present administration. There is no acknowledgment that the present deficit was increased logarithmically by the inclusion of the debt from 10 years of war. These enormous numbers had been hidden previously by the magic of accounting. And so, deception was layered upon deception, creating a morass of lies which the media blithely repeats without question, and which created the atmosphere of anxiety and insecurity you have all lived under for centuries now.

"So, you see, as the population awakens, the atmosphere you breathe will also change, because the overall tradition of dishonesty, manipulation and power grabbing will no longer be taken for granted and therefore encouraged. Outrage will be expressed only when there is genuine unfairness revealed, not as a means of rabble-rousing. When civility and kindness become the norm in everyone's homes and neighborhoods, it will come to be expected in the office place, in the halls of government, and in the schools. "No longer will there be a child who is isolated and lonely who remains invisible to everyone around them. No family will be expected to live on below-poverty wages while working full time, and no woman will be raped and beaten and then blamed for it, because when you, My Children, raise your voices to insist on creating a kinder, gentler society, you will be heard and respected. You will create together, completely new forms of organizing yourselves, new ways of educating your children, and more humane and effective ways of curing illness, which will become less and less prevalent as you clean up your environment, with Gaia's help. Individuals will awaken to the inner knowledge that health is as much a state of mind as it is a physical condition, and that each one is responsible for their own emotional and spiritual growth and for creating a culture of support for others as well. "You are beginning, Dear Ones. You have planted the seeds for your own lives of fulfillment, and you will at last begin to see the fruits of your labors and of your dearest hopes and dreams. You will be the leaders of the New Age which has already begun, and you will lead by virtue of your strength and Light. You have patiently struggled against the tide, feeling isolated and disrespected at times, but the tide has changed, and you are the first ones now moving in the direction of the change. You have always had our admiration and love, but you will now find new respect and acceptance from the world at large. We celebrate you, and urge you on. You are truly the harbingers of a New Enlightenment which will begin to spread to all as the fundamental goal of life, and which will become the center of a life built on Faith, Love and Compassion. "So, today's message is this: when you look around you and see chaos and conflict, shift your Vision to a deeper setting, where you operate in the very center of your brain, and you will see fertile ground being plowed up for a new planting, and you will envision the harvest to come. Should you find yourself longing for the old, orderly systems, remind yourself that the old Matrix, just as the movie portrayed, was actually enslavement. "You are on the verge of discovering true freedom. Prepare yourself by anchoring with Us, with Gaia, and with your family and friends who will be your circle of Love and Support as you all go forward. It will seem like a great unknown, until you are able to reach deeply into your unconscious memories to reconnect with the plans you made before you came here, and with the Universal Truths, available to you through your Higher Self, where all systems and creations are already known. "Go in peace, Dear Children. Do not be unhinged by the demands of adjusting to the new energies your bodies are absorbing. You will acclimate, little by little as needed, and the results will delight you, as they do us. We Love you and applaud you, our brilliant Lightworker team.

Yahweh, (I Am That I Am), Mother/Father God and all the Legions of Light." Via Kathryn May, Jan. 2, 2012, 11pm

Part 71: 8th and 9th Dimensions Described, From Our Point of View
"Dear Children, We are watching with interest to see how many of you will realize how profound the changes are since we began to cover the Earth with kisses - like the wind on your face, the warm sun on your back, we have sent the energy of Love and Light in continuous showers across the planet. Do you feel it? We hope so. Ellie joked today that the symptoms of Ascensionitis are affecting everyone, but a lot of people just think it's something wrong with their stomach, or it's the flu. It is true that many have been stricken with some seasonal illnesses, like colds or bronchitis, but this is partly because their immune systems may not be keeping pace with the rising energy patterns. It is also the case that especially hard-working Lightworkers bear the heaviest burden, in that they are most susceptible to feeling and fully absorbing the energies, and may have the most severe symptoms, but they will also be the first to raise their dimensional levels, according to their own soul paths. "We promised you earlier to tell you about the higher dimensions beyond the 7th, and many have asked how many levels or dimensions there are, or if they are unlimited. We will try to answer your questions in as understandable way as possible. In a sense, the levels are as infinitely numerous as there are souls; in another sense, they are finite, in that souls must rise to a certain level to pass through the gates of each higher dimension as they work their way up the ladder. It is not that there is anything exclusive about higher levels. They are simply not accessible to beginner souls because the higher vibration would not be tolerable to someone whose standard operating level is lower, so you see it is a natural progression, much the way you progress through grades in school. "Also like school, there are souls who proceed very fast in one area but may need extra work in others, and so their plan for further lives on Gaia or elsewhere will be tailored to help them develop their strengths and minimize their weaknesses, and this continues at every level of development. To accommodate these varying needs, there are several levels within each dimension, which allows for a fairly fluid transition from one to another as souls progress. "We described the 3rd through 7th to you earlier. Today we will describe the 8th and 9th dimensions. As we said, the 7th is the level of Christ Consciousness, the training ground for developing Love and Compassion where our dear Jeshua can often be found planning and overseeing the Ascension process for Planet Earth, but many of the Masters who work on this level have ascended to the highest levels and come back to serve in a teaching capacity. The qualities of Love and Light increase in intensity and purity at higher dimensions. "Now, the Eighth Dimension. This is a level of special studies, you might say. It allows souls who wish to practice their creative and manifesting skills to do so at a higher vibrational level, studying the art and science of manifesting while also learning how to free themselves of the restrictions which commonly hold back souls from discovering their true God-like powers. This is an ongoing challenge, to become more and more uninhibited, untrammeled in the ability to cocreate new objects, new technologies, or new worlds. Of course, this is a simplified explanation. There are greater complexities to explore and understand at each level.

"At the Ninth Level, it is possible to use the lightness which souls feel in their Lightbodies to experience things which would not be possible at lower levels. For instance, here is where St. Germaine and others might be found teaching their students how to transport themselves across great distances, and how to change form, by entering into a human body, then back to Lightbody and back again, for special missions which involve trans-portation of Lightworkers for temporary assignments to Planet Earth or elsewhere, where they may serve as special messengers or agents of change. It is also a favorite level for large meetings of Masters from many dimensions and areas of expertise, because of the lively atmosphere. For many of them, it is a pleasant descent from the highest of the etheric atmospheres to a place of greater density, a familiar playground of past studies. So, you see, there are no rigid requirements or rules about what takes place in each dimension; it is determined by the quality of what you would call the atmosphere, and what is possible under the varying conditions of higher and higher vibrational levels. "It is a part of the nature of a soul to be attracted to the adventure and learning possibilities offered by ascending to a higher level, just as the kindergarten child looks forward eagerly to first grade and the still mysterious-seeming lessons to be found there. Such it is in the School of Soul Advancement - there are ever more challenging and fascinating opportunities for scholarship and advancement, but always with the ultimate goal of being of service to others in the purest possible state of Unconditional Love. "And so we have given you a small introduction to the world of Life-after-Life, as it has been called, the world just beside and around you, just beyond your 3-dimensional vision. It is there for you after you complete this life, or it is available to you in meditation, in hypnosis, or in your dreams. We are not separate from you - not at all. We are here, just the other side of the Veil of Forgetfulness. The veil is thinning, giving you greater access to communication with Us, with your ancestors and Guides and with your own Greater Soul. If you practice calming your mind, sitting quietly without trying to make it happen, you will begin to hear and see and feel the energies and colors and voices which are the evidence of our presence. "We send you continuing energies of Love and Light, Our Dear Children, Yahweh, I Am That I Am" Via Kathryn May, Jan. 4, 2012, 3 am

Part 72: Radically Different Points of View Arise from Different Levels of Experience
"Today let's talk about why there is such a schism in American life between two groups of people who feel strongly about their heart-felt beliefs, to the point that it is difficult for both sides to even conceive of why the other would think and feel the way they do, since the feelings are completely alien to them. There is a simple, but not at all obvious explanation, which I will try to give to you. We understand that the readers of this blog tend to be spiritually evolved, relatively open-minded, and inclined toward fairness and compassion. Because of this, we feel we can offer you this information without danger that it will be misused. "In our message yesterday, and in an earlier post, we discussed the process of elevating through dimensions, and in the Story of Creation and The Earthling Story we told you of the great influence of visitors from other places around the Universe who helped to "seed" their DNA for the early development of the strain of humans who have grown up on Gaia. Gaia and her children, by comparison, are at an early phase of development, still mostly stuck in the 3dimensional heaviness of their lives on Planet Earth. By comparison, souls who traveled through and evolved on planets in the galaxies of Sirius, as I mentioned a few days ago, ("The Sirians are Coming"), the Pilaiedes, Virgo and many others, have already experienced the ascension process, have evolved into the spiritual levels, and so are not in need of further 3-dimensional lessons to complete their soul path. Instead, many of them have a special interest in Planet Earth because of their experiences on Gaia in the days of her beginnings and wish to help her inhabitants, whom they look upon as young brothers and sisters. These are the elder brothers and sisters we refer to as Star Seeds. They have incarnated in growing numbers as the Ascension of Planet Earth approached fruition. "The Star Seeds of whom we speak have developed a sense of natural camaraderie and generosity toward their fellow humans from having lived in the atmosphere of Unconditional Love which is characteristic of their home planets. The ones we call Lightworkers are mostly these souls from afar. Their philosophy of life and attitudes toward their fellows tends to be one of taking the caring, compassionate approach which encourages gentle handling, respect for one's free will, appreciation for the struggles and failings of the individual, and a strong belief in the power of unified action. They also tend to be positive and life-affirming, and trust in the process of living through life lessons to provide for one's enlightenment, rather than externally imposed control. They are peace-loving, creative thinkers, they tend to strongly resist oppression, and abhor power struggles of any kind. "On the other hand, "native" Earthlings have lived through a very different experience, and a shorter one. It has been complicated by the combination of complete free will and the intervention by the beings we have called the "fallen angels," who have deliberately and very successfully created a civilization of fear, mistrust of one another and competition engendered by artificially devised scarcity in every area of life. They have learned to be wary, cautious, and resistant to change. Since this has been the pervasive atmosphere on Gaia, it has affected everyone, including many of the Star Seeds, who have struggled to remain positive and self-

sustaining in the face of the Dark Forces who have remained in power and in control of all the important resources, including the health of the planet herself, which they have come close to destroying. "So, you see, Dear Ones, each of these firmly-held perspectives springs directly from the experience of the souls involved. Neither is strictly right or wrong; they are simply different levels of experience, projected outward onto the world. Someone who is innately fearful will see danger and expect confrontation and attack; someone who has learned and lived with generosity and trust will feel safe and trusting and will expect cooperation and friendship. Out of these differing experiences and their external expression come fully formed theories about politics, child-rearing, religion and education. You can see from this description why there are progressives and conservatives, Tories and Whigs, and the progression of similar opposites through the ages on the Earth Plane. Of course, this bifurcation is carried to fruition in the atmosphere of duality which is an inherent part of life in this 3rd dimensional world. It is combination of duality, 3-dimensionality and free will which makes life on Gaia seem so utterly divided at this point in the last stages of her 3-D existence. "You are feeling the frustration of witnessing these extremes which are dividing the populace. However, the hopelessness you might have felt is not warranted now, as Gaia raises herself out of 3-D to leave this extreme duality and intransigence behind forever. The loudly proclaimed "conservatism" which has muscled itself into the town square is in its last throes, because elevating means leaving behind, not keeping and reifying old ways. It also means that during this incarnation on Earth, even the younger and less experienced souls will learn trust almost by default, by experiencing it in their hearts, their bones and their minds as they are bombarded from afar by our waves of Unconditional Love. "It is an important element of this Ascension process that the new atmosphere be continued over an extended period, for one day or one week would not be sufficient to overcome the convictions of many lifetimes lived in Darkness and fear. It is for this reason that we proceed with a combination of compassion and insistence (for we know it is truly in the interest of the entire population of Gaia to elevate to higher (and happier) levels of existence. We nudge you if you stray from your path of fulfillment, and we celebrate ("Halleluja") when you go forth with renewed levels of Love for your fellows - yes, even the ones on the other side of the fence - and a sense of compassion where it is warranted. Be gentle but firm with those who would drag you down into their Dark view of the future, and of humanity's potentials. Just as you acknowledge with your own children, someday everyone will grow up and see the Light. It is the way of the Universe. "For now, continue to teach patience, forbearance and tolerance, as your U.S. President has become so adept at doing. Do not slow down your pace of working hard to elevate yourself through acts of service, daily meditation to review and learn from each day's events, and by practicing balance in every area of your complex and demanding lives. "Write your questions to us, or ask Kathryn, and encourage others to do the same. We will try to help you move through this difficult time with grace.

"We love you beyond words, our brave and resolute Lightworkers, Yahweh, and all the Lightworkers in Spirit who are standing ready to help you." Via Kathryn May, Jan. 5, 3 am.

Part 73: The Work Of Building a New World Begins

"Dear Children, time is passing quickly on your Earth plane. This is not only a personal perspective - it is a reality. Because of the energy shifts happening over that past months, the flow of time was literally compressed, creating a sense of faster movement. You have now passed through the eye of the needle" and are being propelled in the direction of positive change. It will be a time of excitement, exhilaration, and wondrous evolution as you are now working from a higher dimensional level than you were previously. Although the overall consciousness of the planet did not yet rise to the 5th dimensional level, you are on your way. "Because the original contract you all joined into with Jeshua and your guides, there was an agreement that you would move together - something that has never been done before. Although some of you have indeed moved to the 5th level and beyond, we have asked that all remain for some time further, to help your fellows to raise their level of consciousness as well. Your work as Lightworkers is being felt, Dear Ones, even though you may identify with Sisyphus, pushing his rock up the hill. Your touch is felt every time you come in contact with others, and even when you meditate to raise your own consciousness you are making a contribution. So, do not become impatient with your own progress or the progress of others. We have designed alternatives for everyone, regardless of their level of awakening, so no one will be left without life lessons to help them elevate, as has always been the case. "We did spur you on with our descriptions of the possible mass Ascension to the 5th dimension, because we could see how close you had come to lifting the entire population to walk through the portals together. In terms of overall success, yours was phenomenal. In the process of working hard to raise the vibrational level on the planet, Lightworkers everywhere raised themselves to new levels, and the people around them were greatly affected by it. For you to have accomplished the shift out of the 3rd dimension and into the 4th was a heroic act of will, and of Love. From the perspective of evolution, think about it! You have evolved to more loving, more spiritually open human beings within the space of a few months. This has given you a base from which to operate which will allow further change in a much accelerated timeframe. "Now, we wish to encourage you to take up your banner once more, and to renew your commitment to the most remarkable social contract ever created. We know you may have become discouraged by the traumas and bad behavior which have flooded the airwaves in recent weeks: gun violence, seemingly pointless contention in the halls of government, and loud discussions on topics which in and of themselves sound barbaric, like whether women should be protected from rape or not, and under what circumstances. It does reprise the Middle Ages, but there is good to come of such idiocy. It is awakening those individuals who were so complacent they did not notice the Ascension process even when it blasted over them, because the discussions have reached such a level of ignorance and meanness that even those who had been inclined toward self-protection and isolation are becoming outraged. This will take some time to be felt, but the effect on more and more citizens in all parts of the world is reaching a groundswell.

"As Americans, you are not used to watching other countries closely, but things are happening quickly elsewhere too. For instance, Portugal's President has strongly challenged the banking system which has a strangle-hold on most of Europe's countries who have been forced to borrow from the cabal. The systems of economics and banking have become so secretive and protected from scrutiny that it is difficult to see that there is much more to the story than the fact that deficits are created by spending too much on social programs. This is not the problem. Countries all over the globe have been entrapped into taking part in the usury of the IMF and the World Bank, and once seduced, the noose tightens. "We will soon see global resistance to the "austerity measures" imposed by the bankers who know well how they will cause suffering and hardship to the people, but turn the screws to maintain their power. This power has put them in charge of most of the wealth of the planet, except for a small portion controlled in Asia. The tsunami in Japan was partly man-made, an attempt to bring Japan to her knees, and to cause her to be forced to borrow and thereby be enslaved. So far, Japan and China have mostly resisted the siren song which has entrapped the rest of the world, but the money-manufacturers continue to try. You will see continued upheaval in the markets, which will affect mostly those whose goal it is to hoard money. Others who have deep connections with their communities, their neighbors and families will ride out the shifts together, finding creative ways to help each other as the world economies shift along with the global consciousness. "Now, back to your personal development. Continuing your efforts to elevate yourselves and those around you will contribute to the swift and positive resolution of the global upheavals. The shifts are necessary and inevitable; the timing and smoothing out of the effects will be up to you. You have seen that prayer - especially group meditations - have a powerful effect on the planet's vibrational levels. In fact, this whole Ascension process began in earnest with the uplift following the Harmonic Convergence of 1987, the first organized mass meditation to heal and bring peace to the planet. So, you see, it has been a mere 25 years since we saw the real possibility that mankind might reach Ascension by the end of 2012. And so it is. You have lifted yourselves and your planet to a place from which much greater change is now possible. You will now need to cultivate the ability to continue working toward it as you did when you had a deadline, without becoming discouraged or impatient. It was a useful strategy, to have a goal of a single date, but of course the Universe does not actually work that way. It served to spur you on, but at the cost that you might become disillusioned or upset if it didn't work out exactly as we all had hoped. "Now that you have settled down and begun to integrate the changes which continue to take place, we hope that you will find it in your hearts to continue the climb to higher elevations. It is in your natures to grow and to build. Most of you have had a short rest, and will continue onward on your spiritual path. We congratulate you, we celebrate you, and we will be here, working behind the scenes with the ones who have pierced the Veil in order to keep in constant contact with Us, as we work together to co-create the New World on Gaia, which will evolve as quickly as your combined efforts allow. Look around you; more and more of your fellow humans are softening, learning to listen, and are becoming willing to reach out in service as never before. Take heart, and call on us to offer our support, our comfort and our Love as you take on the difficult challenge of moving your civilization forward, one nano-millimeter at a time.

"We send you our blessings and our Unconditional Love, Yahweh, for the Lightworkers who are working beside and around you always." Via Kathryn May, Jan. 5, 2012, 10 pm

Part 74: A Time For Forgiveness

"It is good news We bring today. The forces of Darkness have taken another blow. This time it is in the area of politics. You will soon be hearing news of another scandal; this time it will bring down one of the most powerful and contentious of all obstructionists in the U.S. government. We tell you this with relief for your continued uplifting, but with sadness for those who have dedicated themselves to the conquest of wealth and power over others. We ask you now to prepare yourselves for further shocking revelations, and to be ready with forgiveness for all the diabolical acts you will see revealed in the coming months. We remind you again that it is through the lessons these Dark Ones bring to the populace that you are able to grow in your resolve to carry on in integrity and Faith. By their example, they teach, and by your feelings of revulsion, you are taught to turn away from Darkness and from the people who seed much of the pain, material deprivation and political upheaval on the planet. "The levels of extreme deprivation you have seen in your brushes with poor neighborhoods in your own country or documentaries of "third world" countries, will cease to be, as quickly as your envisioning and actions can make it happen. You have felt powerless to effect needs of such monumental scale in the past, but the portals have opened, and the winds of change are indeed blowing fiercely across the entire planet. The charity work of past generations which provided a drop of hope, or a grain of rice to millions will now bring real change, as travel to remote places becomes more available and people with love in their hearts are able to find new ways to offer themselves in service, for an hour or a week or a lifetime. They will be seeing with new eyes the opened third eye which sees every human being as a brother or sister - and there will be greater resources available at every turn. "Just as you are preparing yourself for forgiveness toward those who created such starvation and want, also prepare yourself for hope. You have an expression, "the tide has turned." Well, it has, and rather than receding, prosperity will increase, but in a completely new form. There will be no room for hoarding to assure one's "security." Rather, security will come from being part of a nurturing, reliable community where no one goes hungry, and no one is alone or isolated. This will require increasing vigilance concerning the way your food is produced (by small farmers who raise their crops and their animals with love), and the way your natural resources are distributed and consumed. Water would be plentiful in areas of current drought if the technologies to minimize waste were used, and if humans again learn to associate the water flowing from the tap with the streams and rivers it originates from, and the needs of the planet to distribute her riches across vast regions as is natural to her own inclinations and tendencies. "It has long been standard practice for the most powerful cities, states and nations to take what they need and more, regardless of the impact on those whose land, water and energy resources are pillaged. There has been a sense of entitlement - in fact, general agreement - that the one with the biggest stick gets the victor's spoils, whether it be in politics, commercial competition, or social interactions. This philosophy, which celebrates greed and wanton gluttony, has been the source of great sadness for Us, for Gaia who suffered terribly, and for the victims themselves. This wantonness is the legacy of Darkness, brought to Planet Earth by the Dark Hats we have

referred to the Orion/reptilian faction. We have watched as they co-opted the hearts, minds and spirits of our Dear Children of Gaia. "It was our hope that as you came back to us between each life to restore your balance and heal your hearts, that you would one day be able to return to your dear planet as the Warriors for Light you intended to be as you returned for each round in the ring, where you were pummeled and beaten down by the Dark Forces. Our contract with you did not allow us to intervene directly, but we continued to be the team in your corner, cheering you on, throwing the weight of our Love behind your brave project. And now, the power of your convictions and the persistence with which you have pursued justice and fairness has tipped the scale. Every act of kindness, every vision of Light and Love, every expression of compassion has had its effect in increasing the Light and decreasing the Darkness. "It is now a time for celebration, and also a time of mourning. The Legions of Light are clearly carrying the day, and it will be a time of reckoning for the ones who served as the Dark catalysts for change. Some of them are fallen angels, but some are victims of the cruelty which destroyed their connections to their own hearts and souls. They were "recruited" to be foot-soldiers of Darkness, sometimes for only one lifetime, against the protests of their Greater Souls. Others and this may seem strange to you from your perspective - were our highest Masters, who came to create havoc on such a grand scale that all the world would rise up against them to create a groundswell of change. "These valiant souls (Hitler is a recent example) have done Our work at great risk to themselves so that vast changes could be initiated. The Jews, our special emissaries of strength and commitment, were souls who volunteered for the Great Wave of Change which became World War II. We understand that this may be shocking news to you, but we urge you to remember: We do not command or order our Dear Children to take part in events which will be dangerous or deadly. The volunteers who come for these difficult assignments do so because of their own commitment to Light, and to creating a better world for those who come after them. They also come from the higher dimensions, where it is known that Life is eternal, and that enlisting for duty on the Earth plane is a brief opportunity to elevate and grow. "We tell you these things now to prepare you to forgive, for the ones who may appear to be the worst enemies of Light are not necessarily as Dark as they appear. You see, the Legions of Light are not strangers to Special Ops activity, and have had their own ways of rebalancing the scales. Therefore, do not judge, but simply work to protect your own, and take the necessary steps to constrain the activities of the Dark Ones, but do not turn to revenge or inhumane punishments, for that taints you with the lower vibrations of Darkness. Those who have created evil will be required to return to the fold - the cycle of reviewing their lives and feeling the effects of their destructive actions as they replay every act, every word which caused pain to others. Thus, each soul learns compassion and empathy. We can assure you that the Darkest Ones sometimes become the strongest advocates for peace and justice after a life of evil. "And so you will now enter a phase of Peace and Reconciliation. How effectively you are able to negotiate these sensitive issues will have great bearing on your progress toward establishing the foundations of the New Golden Age. Great responsibility will fall to your lawmakers, judges,

attorneys and especially, your Presidents and Prime Ministers. Choose carefully, My Children, to assure the qualities of steady hands and big hearts in those who will lead you into an arena filled with either hatred and vengeance, or with compassion and Light. "Breathe, fill your hearts with joy and hope, and go forward together, my Dear Ones. You have begun a brand new phase of evolution in which companionship, kindness and prosperity will reign once more on Planet Earth. "With love and admiration, we envision your success, Your Mother/Father God, speaking as Yahweh, I Am That I Am." Via Kathryn May, Jan. 6, 11 pm

Part 75: The New Spirituality, as Compared to Religion

"This is a good day for Light. The awakening continues across the planet, spurred by increasing numbers of Lightworkers like you, Dear Readers. Those of you who read these messages every day (and I know there are growing numbers of you) are beginning to feel comfortable with sharing your hopeful feelings about the future with others, and telling them about what we discuss here. Send them here too, Dear Ones, so that I may connect personally with more of you. We are working hard to make contact with as many of you as possible, and this new era has given us this new medium of the internet with which to come closer to you. We appreciate this, because it removes the "middle man," the priest or pope or minister, who have always pretended to be the go-between for "lay people." We do speak through our channel, Kathryn, but she is careful not to impose her own opinions or feelings, and the more you read these messages and do your meditations, the better you will become at contacting us directly. This is the goal, you see, for each and every one of you to feel comfortable opening your channels to speak with us directly. And then, there will be no need for religions as you know them now, where individual humans set themselves up as experts in how We think and behave. We can tell you that a great deal of what passes for "Holy Scripture" is nothing of the kind. "While we're on this subject, let us give you a few examples of places where the Bible pontificates on topics which are simply made up to reflect the feelings of the writer, not Us. For instance, we do not punish or retaliate against our Children. The system of soul development which is in place is sufficient to allow each soul to progress individually, at their own pace. Punishment doesn't work anyway. It just makes people angry and resentful. We also respect Gaia's independence, and her need to shake the violent invaders off her back from time to time, as she has been ready to do when underground nuclear testing became a popular fad among rich governments. And now, fracking - a diabolical invasion of her mantle - has caused her enormous pain and anguish, but we have not intervened. We do not single-handedly create tsunamis to drown sinners, nor do we cause earthquakes to swallow up fornicators or merry-makers. We gave you sexuality for your pleasure, not to punish you over it, and we love singing and dancing, especially rock and roll. (I am told to put a ;) here - K.) "In the book we wrote with Kathryn, our beloved Jesus asked to have a single chapter which could debunk the most unfortunate myths about himself and his life. I will not paraphrase the chapter here, but we will mention a few of the most horrific lies. First among them was the lie that Jeshua, as he prefers to call himself, was a celibate monk-like man, and that Magdellan was a prostitute whom he befriended because he felt sorry for her. Nothing could be further from the truth. Our Mary Magdellan was a strong and loving wife, passionately dedicated to teaching the Word as he was. This slander has remained unchallenged for centuries, to our amazement. Only in recent years have scholars begun to search for the truth. As with many other myths, this will eventually be cast aside as fantasy, or a powerful tool for the manipulation of vulnerable minds.

It was perpetrated by power-hungry men who deliberately fabricated lies in order to weaken the power of His teachings, and to enslave people with a rule-bound religion which is impossible for normal people to succeed at, but which does create enormous guilt and shame. People who are immersed in guilt and shame are far easier to control. "The second Big Lie was that Jeshua came to Earth to establish a new religion which would worship him, and which would be called Christianity. There was no such intention, to pit the Jews of his heritage against non-Jews. In fact, as you know, Jeshua was a Jew, and was carrying on the traditions of Judaism with the intent of opening it up to more expansive and joyful traditions, bringing the practices back to direct contact with Us, rather than becoming even more rule-bound and rigid. But We will not spoil the story for you; you can read it for yourselves. "Now, back to how we manage difficult challenges when they arise anywhere in the firmament, and especially on the topic of not resorting to punishment, which it seems we cannot explain too many times, since the concept is so ingrained in your picture of who We are. No matter how many times we describe our respect for your free will status, there are still those who object that our actions are arbitrary and unfair. This misunderstanding may arise from the 3-Dimensional perspective which requires thinking in terms of duality - good or bad, fair or cruel. Just as with your complex societies, we are often confronted with complexities which arise from the destructive actions of an individual or group which presents danger to other souls. We are dedicated to the Protection (Yahweh's traditional role) and Nourishment (Mother God's role) of our beloved Children. Yes, all the beings, even the deranged ones, are our Children, and we will make great efforts to help those injured souls heal and come back to the Fold, but not at the risk of damaging those who are working hard to ascend. "For this reason, the Ashtar Command is standing as Protection against any negative outside forces which might interfere with Gaia's successful Ascension, for a planet in Ascencion is like a mother giving birth. She must not be interfered with or damaged in any way. We are grateful to Ashtar and his Legions, which number in the millions, but that is a story for another day. "Now, about evil. There have been times when, in rare cases, a soul may become so deranged and dangerous to others because of a dedication to Darkness that no amount of counseling, Unconditional Love and special attention has succeeded in convincing them not to act outside any contract with other souls, by bringing misery and death as a matter of their own choice. There have been rare occasions where those souls were denied further incarnations, and if they continue to cause havoc around the Universe, they can be "dissolved" back into the infinite matter from which all souls are created. We strongly resist doing this if there is any chance a soul can be saved, and sometimes We wait for many centuries before we decide to take protective action to safeguard the smooth succession of soul work for others. So, you see, we are anything but the angry, punitive male with a white beard who sits on high, meting out punishments and rewards. Well, perhaps we are a bit liberal with our praise and planned festivities to celebrate the

triumphs of our Children, but we celebrate all equally lavishly, because all our Creations bring us delight. "There are circumstances where one of the angels or other Master Teachers may be authorized to intervene in an individual situation which might otherwise end badly for ones who have not yet fulfilled their life path. For instance, there have often been reports of angels sighted around accident sites, like car crashes, where one or two people might have died without helpful intervention. There are also nature spirits who sometimes help out when an animal or even a plant is suffering. These are individual circumstances which are deemed to be out of sync with the soul path of the person or being involved, and it gives our beloved angels great pleasure to rescue a child from a fire, or deflect a bullet when the targeted person did not include such an incident in their life plan. So, you see, it is a complicated and many-faceted organization of which you are a member. "You have a plan before you come here; one which will best serve your evolution as a soul. You have chosen to come into this life with certain other souls because your plans are in synchrony, or because you have spent lifetimes together in the past and you wish to complete unfinished business. Always, the goal is to elevate along your individual path, and the plan is to devise scenarios which will benefit all involved. Your idea of karma accumulated from one lifetime which needs to be "worked off" in another is not accurate. Each life is a learning experience in its own right, and further lessons along similar lines would only be recommended if it would benefit the soul in question. There are often life plans which include, for instance, one life as a slave master and the next as a slave, but this would be planned as a logical learning experience, not as punishment for having played the role of the slave master. It is common for a soul to request a wide range of experiences to fulfill their need for learning all the difficult lessons on the way to Ascending to the highest levels. "Our original plan, which we have tweaked over the eons, has always been to allow our children to experience as wide a range of life choices as possible, and they choose for themselves which challenges they wish to take on, with expert guidance from more experienced souls. No one is ever forced to live a life which is beyond their ability to succeed, although souls do occasionally take on a great deal, from the comfort of the higher dimensions where Love and Light reign supreme. They may be counseled against extreme difficulty, but none are ever denied their heart's desire, as long as it is not damaging to another's heart's desire. "So, Dear Ones, we create and we oversee, but we do not control and manipulate you as you do each other. We are not concerned with power, because we have the power to create, and that is enough. We have concern for each and every one of you, and we follow your progress with great interest and pleasure, especially when you find ways to fulfill your path by being of service in ways which use your talents and gifts most effectively. Remember: the things you are good at are

your gifts. Do not take it for granted if the "only" thing you are good at is making friends, or baking, or riding a bicycle. This is a gift which will play an important part in your life path, and which may bring important learning experiences for you and others around you. This is what matters, all that matters - your soul development - not making money, not being famous or winning awards, not building an empire of one kind or another so that you can be the emperor of your own domain. No, it is only the relationships you create with Love, and the contributions to the greater good you make from the bottom of your heart which really matter. "Accruing knowledge is a valuable pursuit, if you can use that knowledge to help lift the level of vibration around you. So, look to your strengths, my Children, and begin to find ways every day to use those strengths in service to others. You will find your heart expanding along with your mind, and you will feel fulfilled in ways you never dreamed were possible. This is the only religion human beings need: the commitment to one another, and to making the connections to Us, your loving Creators, who will teach you, comfort you, and encourage you to learn the ways of God, which is the ultimate resolution to your Ascension - to join with us in joy and Unity, and we will truly become One. I Am That I Am; We Are That We Are; You Are That We Are. Yahweh." Via Kathryn May, Jan. 7, 2012, 11 pm

Part 76: Pictures to Put on Your Refrigerator

"Tonight's message: Keep up the good work. Things are speeding up to such a degree for Lightworkers that you will see things manifesting practically from one moment to the next. The higher your vibrational level, the faster things will unfold for you. Life changes will arrive and come to fruition at lightening speed, compared to last year, or even last month. It will feel like you are riding in a fast train, and the scenery is racing by so fast you can barely focus on it before it has moved on. "Once you are accustomed to this fast pace, you will be delighted by it, for you are the impatient ones who pushed forward this shift into the 4th dimension. The settings are something like this: For all of you, the slowest manifestations will occur at lower 4th dimensional vibrational speeds, which is dramatically faster than 3D. For those of you who operate at higher vibrational speeds in your own energy field, it will happen even faster. This is one of the inherent rewards of elevating your vibrational energy - you don't have to wait for things to play out. In fact, those of you who have objected to the fast pace of life in recent years will see that it was preparation for life in the New Age. The difference will be that you will be doing things that are meaningful and fulfilling, rather than things that make you feel frazzled and unsatisfied. "Gradually, more of you will be finding more satisfying work environments, because there will be greater acknowledgment of the need for satisfying, creative work for all. Secondly, there will be a leveling of the pay scale to provide for those who work hard but do not manage a massive stock portfolio or hedge fund. Pay for work will become more equitably distributed, with greater recognition for the time dedicated to work, regardless of the skill level, or whether there is money management involved (the exorbitantly over-paid sector). Workers who dedicate themselves to jobs benefitting the greater good, which have been notoriously under-paid, will begin to be appreciated for the valuable contributors they actually are. Already the public is beginning to look at teachers differently, since the brave educators of Sandy Hook displayed valor befitting Medal of Honor recipients, when they shielded the children in their care with their bodies, at the expense of their own lives. Parents of those children will never see their educators in the same light, after such evidence of selfless love and caring. "Relationships will also take on a new meaning. Marriages of convenience or economic advantage will fall apart, freeing the imprisoned partners to find genuine soul connections. It will become not a romantic fantasy, but an everyday reality for soul partners to find deep and lasting heart connections which begin with putting their energies into service for others. Worthy projects like hurricane clean-up, neighborhood rehabilitation and building, like Habitat for Humanity and other community-based organizations, will become the new dating sites for young people in search of meaningful life experiences. Long hours in the gym to sculpt one's appearance will evolve into challenging and heart-filling community service, which will take on a celebratory atmosphere as more and more young people join in the group projects which bring everyone, of every age and skill level, into the embrace of a loving community. The hubbub of laughter and fun will draw even the most reclusive, shy teenager out of the shadows and into the action. No one will suffer alone in their room or fantasize about killing their neighbors or fellow-students

when those people are the source of Unconditional Love and belonging rather than torment, rejection and bullying. "We are not describing an impossible dream. It is a reality, just a heart-beat away on the timeline adjacent to where you are now. It is one of the options that has been envisioned by large numbers of you, and one which could manifest very quickly if enough of you turn your attention to making it a reality. Goodness spreads, as you have seen in recent "good news" news reports - a fairly new feature in the mainstream media. Just as copycat murderers have been known to proliferate after a horrific highly-publicized event, acts of good will are freely contagious, and gain much more traction, because Light is always more powerful than Darkness. Alongside the acts of violence and greed you hear about every day is a rolling tide of goodwill, capturing the imaginations of every-widening circles of individuals and groups. It is a quantum leap to raise the vibration from 4th to 5th dimensional reality, but you did it during the Winter Solstice. You could do it again for the Summer Solstice. Proceed, Dear Ones, as if December 21st were Gaia's birthday, a joyful event to be celebrated every year, or every season, with offerings of gifts of friendship and service to your fellow humans. "The entire Universe celebrates with you when you feel joy. Part of the new global awakening will be a sense of almost unwitting acknowledgment of the Oneness of life on New Gaia. There are no separate races, but only the human race in all its magnificent variety. There is also no such thing as two separate and unequal genders. You have already seen this in the outpouring of compassion and concern from around the world when two young women were the targets of vicious attacks - one shot for her activism for women's education, and one raped and killed just because the perpetrators knew they could get away with such barbaric acts because of coconspirators in law enforcement. These have not been the only such horrific acts against women, but they vividly illustrated the primitive conditions still oppressing more than half the population of enormous areas of the globe. Even women in "developed" countries have not been spared the psychological trauma of having been made to feel less in every way than their male counterparts. The women's movement which began more than a century ago will gain enough high-vibrational energy to create a world in which both men and women will feel comfortably equal in value and equally treasured for who they are as individuals. "We give you this encouragement and this Vision so that you can put the snapshot you see in your mind as you read these words on your minds-eye refrigerator, in full view for you to remind yourselves of your deep connection to the lives of others around you, and what a powerful influence you can have on their happiness. Yes, you are your Brother's Keeper, but this does not mean you have to let your brother sleep on your couch rather than working. It does mean you are responsible for creating the environment in which all can thrive. Remember that perennial favorite fable, Dickens' Christmas Carol. It required only a shift in Scrooge's consciousness and a bit of change from his bulging pockets to rewrite the lives of an entire family, and for his trouble he gained a sense of belonging and a future filled with love. You, My Children, can have even more wide-reaching positive effects because most of you are starting from a much higher level than Scrooge. So, as you are fond of saying, "Go for it!" "Until tomorrow, we send you Unconditional Love,

Your Yahweh" Via Kathryn May, Jan. 7, 2012, 9 pm

Part 77: Exciting Revelations About Coming Changes

"Our channeling partner has asked that we create a message to be presented to the Sedona Journal, one of the superior publications for messages from higher dimensions. We are honored to create such a message, because it would very well serve our needs to be represented in a publication of such high quality. We will present material which has not appeared elsewhere, since that will be the most interesting material for Ms. Swanson and her crew. Here is our message: "It is time now for us to tell you something about the world situation as it applies to the war machine - that is, the military power which has been stored in hundreds of secret bunkers and storage facilities, mostly underground. We include here nuclear weapons, canisters of poisonous gasses, bombs, and the hardware used to launch such weapons. It is our great pleasure to announce to you that all the weapons of mass destruction which existed in the world have been disabled. All of them. "No longer do children have to learn how to duck under desks or run for air raid shelters because massive mushroom-shaped clouds may appear in their cities. There will be no nuclear war, no massive gassing of citizens, no radiation sickness as a result of exploded weapons. This does not mean all weapons have been disabled. You still have your challenges when it comes to automatic weapons and smaller explosive devices, but you will not see massive death at the press of a button. We have been able to do this with the help of Intergalactic forces who have used their advanced technologies to detect and disable hidden weaponry across the globe. They have also had "boots on the ground" - volunteers from other planets who have incarnated here in order to infiltrate the highest levels of the military in several of the more advanced (in terms of weaponry) nations. "We can tell you now that there were hundreds of thousands of these deadly weapons, most of them in the hands of "peaceful" nations, but there were also some being developed in countries like North Korea and Pakistan. Contrary to the paranoid expectations of U.S. pentagon operatives and conservative political hysteria-mongers, Iran was not approaching completion of a nuclear weapon, nor were Iranian scientists eager to develop such a weapon. The era of fear has ended. No country, no mad general, no power-crazed dictator can ever again threaten the entire planet. The Cold War, which really continued until this month, will never again be able to spread its clammy hands over the populace of entire continents, and the lucrative business of advanced weaponry has been effectively discontinued. "It will eventually be revealed in detail in the mainstream media that your President, the muchmaligned Mr. Obama, has been a leader in these efforts to assure world peace. It has been a delicate ground game leading up to the final denouement. There was a period during which some weapons were still in the hands of those of little integrity. It required diplomacy and some intelligent negotiating to stave off disaster, especially in the Middle East, while the underground work was being completed.

"This is not the end of advancing technology, however. Your Star Brothers and Sisters wish to share their knowledge with you, to allow you to live in a pollution-free, prosperous environment in which clean air and water will be the rule, rather than a long-ago memory. The age of drinking water in plastic bottles is coming to an end, because of the damage to the environment, and because they will not be needed. Landfills and the Great Atlantic and Pacific Garbage Patch will be cleaned up and will also become a thing of the past. "First, let me tell you about the simple and wonderful improvements which have long been available but were not able to be developed because of interference from profit oriented global interests. Clean fuel, free electricity, and the technology to clean up toxic spills which have poisoned hundreds of miles of ocean are already known and waiting for manufacture and distribution. Within a few short years, free or nearly free energy will be available to every village, every family, school, hospital and home on the planet. "We have been working behind the scenes with several groups of good and generous souls, whose personal safety would be jeopardized if we were to announce their names at this moment. There is still some work to be done to dismantle the organizations of Dark Hats who would order assassinations of all concerned if they thought they could get away with it. Fortunately, they are not so secure in their arrogant expectations of protection from their wealthiest and most powerful friends. The global Mafia is feeling the screws tighten; the lock on any inventions which challenge fossil fuel use has been broken, and the middle class will get its respite by seeing their fuel bills disappear, and with it, the high cost of other commodities as well. We - our human and spirit beings in cooperation, have only to make the final preparations to insure that the technology will be given will go to all the people, not to a few investors or shareholders, but to the world at large. No one should make a financial killing by mining Gaia's natural resources, which belong to every man, woman and child. The plunder must not be allowed to continue, and it will not. "We have asked our channel, Kathryn, to work with those who will be developing the new technologies in an advisory capacity, to ensure that the engineers develop the most efficient and cost-effective designs, and that we have full contact with the leaders who will develop the manufacturing and distribution of the technologies which will free the people of the world from the iron grip of profit-hungry organizations. Old business practices which involved borrowing from banks and large investors who would then own the product and its producers will no longer continue. Advertising will be unnecessary, since word of mouth and internet sites like this one will reach millions of people who will want to take part in the shared work of distributing and installing new energy sources in their own local centers and around the world through informal channels where governments are slow to let go of their grip on the sources of wealth that have kept them in power. "We have no objection to seeing people live comfortably, even luxuriously, but not at the cost of leaving others homeless and hungry. There is enormous untapped wealth, which will soon be flowing to every town and village to make abject poverty and hunger a thing of the past, so the biggest changes will not be made by taking away from those who are wealthy, unless they are involved in criminal or usury activities. (We include here those activities which poison the food, air and water supply.)

"Now let's say something that will really make your ears perk up. We have a plan, or rather St. Germain and his crew of financial master-minds have a plan, which was put in place many years ago, but which is only now being activated. Some of the details have been discussed on the A & A Report, by our dear Tara and Rama, our hardworking investigators. You can read their findings on their website. We will elaborate on their information here. "There is a trust fund, you might call it, which was created when St. Germain walked the earth in his recent incarnations - that is, the past few centuries. He established an enormous treasure trove of real wealth, gold, precious stones, and cleverly designed financial instruments which would accrue in value, and put them in the care of a few highly evolved families who have secretly guarded these treasures for the time that they would be distributed to the entire planet, for the good of everyone alive today. It could only be released after the Ascension, to assure that it could be distributed fairly in an atmosphere of higher vibrational energy. The first of those funds will be begin to be processed and distributed THIS WEEK. "The first aid will go to efficiently run non-profit organizations which deliver basic health and maternity care in poor areas of the world, and to offer the technologies to make massive changes in agricultural practices and housing in the poorest areas. You will be amazed at the clever practices and designs that are possible. The funds will be carefully managed to prevent any of the usual graft which has accompanied government-run aid programs in the past. It will also be administered with the sole purpose of bringing the greatest good to the greatest number of people. No poor farmer will be displaced by international corporations or political overlords, and environmental restoration and healing of natural habitats will be a primary focus. "In many areas of the world, local experts are already in place who only lacked funds to bring their ambitious dreams of peace and prosperity into being. All improvements will be made under the watch of the shaman, or other reliable channelers who have been tested over the past years for the quality of selflessness in their work. These resources are more readily available in less scientifically-based cultures. You see, these will all be co-created projects, shared by incarnated humans and Spirit Beings in constant collaboration. In what might seem like an odd couple pairing to Western minds, we will match the highest level technology experts with the local spiritual leaders to accomplish these ends. This will be the new business model for the New Age. Individuals will receive their generous bequests later. "You will see increasing numbers of court cases in which greed will be punished with large fines to be paid to victims, and to the long overdue clean-up of Gaia. Those funds will also be helpful in rebalancing global wealth and the use of her resources. "You see, balance is the goal. Rebalancing the use of resources and reclaiming the wealth which results is not a radical political idea. It is Our Way, the only fair way to protect Gaia and to assure a life of prosperity and happiness for every single being on the New Planet Earth. "We will bring you updates on a daily basis as these exciting developments unfold. Stay tuned, and encourage your friends who might be taken in by the media discussions about guns and mayhem. The new era has dawned, and nothing will be as it was.

"We send our love and encouragement. Please join us in our glorious work, Yahweh and the Legions of Light who will serve the highest good in these coming times." Via Kathryn May, Jan. 10, 2013, 12 am.

Part 78: Healing Our Traumatic History

"When you look up at the stars on a night like we've had recently, you can see stars you did not know existed before, when the haze of lights or cloud cover created a film over the sky. You don't realize how crowded the sky looks with twinkling stars and glowing planets until there is a crystal clear night with just a sliver of a moon for proportion. Those moments, which may happen only a few times in a lifetime for some of you who live in urban areas, give you a sense of the enormity of the Universe you can see, and a sense of wonder about the parts you cannot see. We assure you, the parts you cannot see, even with your enormous telescopes and orbiting cameras, are far more vast than you could conjure in even your wildest dreams. If we were to write the numbers of lightyears you would have to travel to even begin to penetrate the farthest reaches of space, you would fill the entire page with zeros, and yet, there is something much faster than the speed of light. It is the speed of thought. "No space ship is needed to carry a thought wave across the entire Universe, and no resistance to its passage. All that is needed is the intention to make the connection between two conscious beings, and it is done. This is how we are able to send these thoughts to Kathryn, and to you at the same time if you are listening carefully, across thousands of lightyears so that she can type them down on her computer with hardly a pause. This is how you communicate with the people close to you, whether you believe it or not. Especially children have a gift for psychic connections, which they have not yet learned to stifle or deny at the risk of sounding "weird." And now we are suggesting, as we did last night, to conduct your life and make business decisions based on the perspective of messages like this one. Please understand: we are not suggesting that you take our Word as Law. That would be establishing yet another religion, which is what we are trying to release you from here. We are suggesting that you open your minds and hearts to a Universe of information, understanding and wisdom to which you have never had access before. "We are encouraging you to open your minds and hearts to the stars and planets around you because this is a very important time in your relationship with the Universe. Your young Mother Gaia is coming into her own, so to speak, by elevating herself to levels beyond 3D, while the rest of the community of stars and planets look on with interest and good will. Many of them see her as their little sister, and the beings they support see you as younger brothers and sisters. In the story we called The Creation Story, we mentioned that your forebears began life on a planet far away and long ago. So you see, you are among the youngest of the tribes we have nourished and nurtured, although you are seen as the scrappiest and most ambitious Creators, and are admired for your resilience and originality. "Each race of beings, each planet or star system is a bit different in their DNA configurations, making even the other humanoid races a bit different from you. As we mentioned before, your ancestors from the Pileides, Sirius and other star systems contributed to your genetic makeup, but you are not exactly the same as them. You are unique, my Dear Children, unique in your emotional depth, your ability to make strong and lasting connections, and your adaptability to changing environments. We love you for your efforts to develop these qualities, which are, as

your Holy Books say, in our own image. Of course we love all our Creations, but we do not love all equally. We love all completely, unconditionally, and with all our hearts, but each one is different and unique, so we love you all for your differences, just as you love your children or your dearest friends or your parents differently. You are each precious to us, each of you created to fulfill a special path, play a unique part, bring a new Vision into the mix, because each of you has traveled a path of learning that is different from every other. Of the billions of Earth inhabitants, not one has exactly the same blood type, the same physical features or the same life experience as any other. "We tell you these things at this particular time in your development because today, this week, this new year is a time for healing the deepest wound of all, the one so many of you suffer from since infancy - the feeling that you are not worthy, not good enough, not lovable, not deserving. Millions of children, as they make the passage from birth to adulthood, establish as their foundation the gnawing conviction that they are unworthy, and this leads to a life of doubt, unhappiness, frustration and fear. As a civilization, you are plagued by depression, anxiety, and all the forms of mental illness which flourish in this toxic climate of pain and self-doubt. These feelings must be healed, Dear Ones, before you can elevate to higher dimensions and happier times. This time, we wish for you to work to eliminate those underlying triggers for the fight-orflight response before you return to Us to heal in the life-after-life. No more will our Earth Children need to limp through a painful, angry life until the time when they can return to us to be restored and made whole again, only to repeat the traumatic process. "Those were 3-Dimensional feelings, generated and sustained by the planet in a heavy, dark atmosphere. It provided a powerfully effective learning ground for your soul growth over the millennia; however, most of you have used this proving ground to hone your skills over enough lifetimes to have accrued repeated injuries, which have taken a toll on your souls. There is a saying, "If it doesn't kill you it will make you stronger." We generally do agree with that, but we are seeing that it is now time for you to graduate to a higher form of learning requiring sensitivity, compassion and Love, not only courage, stamina and resourcefulness. You are entering into a New Era, and with it, your life challenges will change in accordance with the needs of the new Golden Age. In the past, business and commerce were the considered of highest value to the cultures. In the coming era, art, music, poetry, and dance will not just entertain; they will inspire and teach the values of creativity, expansiveness and compassion. "We encourage you to choose from the burgeoning number of healing modalities which are becoming available to you to heal from the traumas the childhood. It is inevitable that the only way to truly heal from emotionally inflicted pain is to involve oneself with another person who allows the true antidote: a relationship with someone who is considerate, gentle and kind as well as skillful in the art of healing the heart and mind. These are not medical issues. Do not be fooled by your body's recent symptoms which may have sent you to bed with inexplicable fatigue or aches and pains. Those were simply the symptoms of an emotional residue of pain which is trying to escape your body. Look for the underlying feeling: "I am not good enough." How will I recover, you ask? By replacing the dark shadows of doubt with the Unconditional Love and Light we send you every moment of every day. Trade in despair for fire, sadness and anger for peace of mind. Our next messages will contain exercises to release the pain and replace

it with Love. Until then, we continue to shower you with Unconditional Love. "We are Your Yahweh, Your Angels and Your Guides" Via Kathryn May, Jan 11, 2 am.

Part 79: New Gaia Brings New Life Through the Universal Law of Flow
"Here we are, at the beginning of a new year, a new age, a new beginning for Gaia and all her children. All the Kingdoms of Earth are beginning the new age together, expanding in their capacities to experience Love and Light. This includes the animals as well as people, as you have seen by the many videos being circulated which depict unusual relationships between species. This is not just because everyone has a camera now. It is a genuine shift into feelings of Love and Gratitude, especially for those who have shown kindness. Animals have the capacity for these feelings, and their expansion is bringing forth more vivid expressions of those feelings toward each other, and toward those beings who have brought compassion and Love into their lives. You see, their DNA is changing too. It is only fitting that a planet inhabited by Lightworkers and angels in human form be populated with animals of similar nature. "Those of you who are living consciously within the embrace of the Universal Law of Flow have already experienced amazingly serendipitous events - encounters with the person who appears to answer a pressing question, or someone who offers the very assistance you needed to accomplish something dear to your heart. These are not accidental or coincidental events. They are the natural result of a confluence of energies coming together for a common good. This is the new and powerful Shift we have told you about, and as more of you become accustomed to operating within the higher levels of energy, the strength of these attractions will increase. This is the phenomenon you have traditionally thought of as your prayers being answered. Of course prayers are an important part of the Law of Flow, but they are not the major source of this serendipity. You are. It is your own intention, the outflow of feelings of Love and Light creating the vortex around you which leads to the inpouring of like energies. "As one evolves into higher and higher dimensions, it becomes increasingly apparent how thoughts, actions and feelings are directly connected to events around you. You are not separate from your environment, the small being who is being buffeted about by forces outside yourself. Not at all. Now, we must explain so that you don't then take this statement to mean that you are at fault for all bad things that happen in your presence. "We have already explained the process by which you plan the outline of your life before you come to Earth. That outline contains the probability that you will encounter any number of difficult challenges, as will the people around you. Every lifetime can be expected to carry with it the possibility of 'bad things' happening. These are the preplanned (though not predetermined in the strict sense) events which are placed in your path to help you grow and learn as a soul. They are (we repeat) not designed to make you suffer. They are opportunities for growth. People who approach their challenges with this philosophy always find their burdens lighter and more manageable than those who experience themselves as victims, because they experience themselves inside the Law of Flow, knowing that good energies are swirling all around them,

and help for their problem is just around the bend. "Imagine yourself as a moderately strong swimmer, cast into the water when the railing of your Caribbean cruise ship gives way. Alone and unnoticed, you suddenly find yourself in the warm water, several miles from land, which is visible in the distance. The water is calm, it is early morning, and your calls for help have gone unnoticed. What do you feel? What do you think? What do you do? Let us contrast - the difference between an experienced spiritual Earth traveler with strong connections to their own heart, soul and Spirit Guides on one hand, and the person whose 3D duality-thinking leads them to think in terms of good and bad, right and wrong, punishment and reward. "Here might be some of the thoughts of the 3D person: 'I'm a goner. Help! It's too far. I'm alone, I'm going to die. There are probably sharks just waiting to eat me. How could they have allowed this to happen to me? Maybe they will see I'm missing and send a rescue boat. I'm terrified; I can't breathe; I'm going to drown. If I live through this I'm going to sue them for all they're worth. How could God do this to me??' "The spiritual seeker would be inclined to think something like this: 'Yikes, this is a problem. I haven't ever swum this far, but then, I never needed to...They don't see me. I'd better get my shoes off and start swimming. I can float, so no matter how long it takes me, I can just take it easy and save my energy. I can do this. I have a lot to live for. Archangel Michael, could you please come along with me here and help protect me while I swim for shore? St. Augustine, could you talk with the creatures to give me safe passage? Mother/Father God, please breathe the breath of life into me to give me strength. It's a lovely morning, not too much sun yet. Someone will see the broken rail. I'll send a message to my friend Joe on the boat to look for me. Here I go'. "Who do you think was rescued first? Who made it home without a scratch? Would it be deemed a miracle if Joe suddenly got the urge to look for his friend? If he was mysteriously drawn to the broken railing and sounded the alarm? If the swimmer was accompanied by a school of dolphins squeaking and calling? If a small cloud shielded the sun so that the swimmer did not suffer sunburn? If the sailor with binoculars on the bridge was drawn to a whale breaching and spotted the swimmer? "Nothing is impossible, My Children. When your heart is open to the miracles around you, life becomes a thrilling and magical adventure. Even in the worst devastation of war or natural disasters, people fall in love, children are born, and as the song goes, a flower grows. You always have the choice, to concentrate on the disaster or seek Love, to sink into depression, or put your

shoulder to the wheel and push through to a brighter future, and to notice the flower beside the path. "As you take hold in your 4th dimensional energy field, be aware that you can continue to rise, like a leaf on the wind, toward the Light and Love that is your destiny. You are not limited by the energy around you; it is only your springboard to higher dimensions. Do as daring souls have always done, and keep moving, keep growing, keep reaching out to others to give them a hand, and you will be lifted along with them. You are my birds on the wing, my leaping gazelles, my valiant tigers, and my gentle children of Light. You possess all that you need to live courageously, create brilliantly, and transcend the Dark memories of life on Old Gaia. "Take the golden flame that is my gift to you; hold it high in triumph, and lead the procession to higher elevations still. There is no limit to the glorious successes you can envision and bring into being. Think big, as they say, and then think bigger. "We are here to add the spice and the comforts to your days; We love you beyond words, Your Yahweh and all the Beings of Light" Via Kathryn May, Jan. 11, 2013, 11 pm.

Part 80: Who We Are and How We Can Help You

"Yes, My Dear Ones, it is a glorious time to be alive, whether you reside on Planet Earth or elsewhere. All the beings in the Universes are reverberating with the positive energy flow emanating from Gaia and her inhabitants. All beings are souls, of course, and all souls are on individual and shared paths of Ascension. When one of you makes a leap, it is like watching your team win the Olympics. The only difference is that no matter which team is reaching a new level in their growth, it is your team, because we are all One, even as we are all unique entities. It is a paradox for those who think 3-dimensionally, because it is impossible in 3D to imagine something which is separate and together at the same time, but it is not only possible; it is the way of the World. "There is a New Age misconception which says that we are All One, meaning there is no differentiation between us. This is not true. We are not all merged into an enormous allencompassing blob which allows for no uniqueness, no individuality, no generativity. By this I mean the ability to create, generate and carry out original actions, original thoughts. Of course, as you climb the ladder to the highest vibrational levels, certain differences tend to drop away, like the tendency to experience the Self as male or female, or the tendency to see the differences between us rather than the similarities. "The Oneness of which we speak - the understanding that you all are God - is a difficult one for many to grasp. One's mind tends to go to ideas about "God" meaning all-powerful, which you do not feel, at least not if you are mentally balanced. This is not what it means. What it does mean is that you each have qualities, strengths and virtues which are the qualities We express toward you, like compassion, empathy, kindness and Love, and that you also are capable of creating, destroying (in the sense of doing away with, leaving behind), evolving, growing, and ascending. These are all the qualities We appreciate in Ourselves. You have learned that God is perfection, but it is not the kind of all-finished, absolutely static, unable-to-be-improved-upon concept you think of as perfection. Our perfection is the same as yours, except that we embody (not literally, of course) all the qualities at once, while you experience them in varying shades and variations in your many lives, as you work your way toward developing all of them in finer form as you move into higher vibrational levels. In that way, you become more and more God-like, you might say, as you evolve. "It may surprise you to learn that we, Mother/Father God are constantly evolving and changing, as is everything in the Universe. Nothing remains exactly the same, and as we told you in the Creation Story, we learned about the process and developed our creative skills over eons, in the time before time. We continue that process, just as you and all beings do, but we have learned great patience and restraint. We have learned to let the forces we set in motion millions of years ago to play out, and of course we do not see things in the linear way that you do, and so we see infinite possibilities just waiting to become fulfilled. "So, our preference is to support our Children by sending the energies of Love and Light. This is our contribution to your growth, this and working to increase the energies you have already put

out to the world in your process of envisioning and dreaming the fulfillment of your passions. You see, the Universal Law of Flow is really a description of the way we and our teams of Masters, Guides and Angels - the Legions of Light as we call them - do our work of throwing our weight behind the projects of our human Lightworkers. By Lightworkers we mean anyone who is in the midst of a moment or a project or a lifetime of effort in the service of others. The more energy a person dedicates to selflessly serving others, the more Light they generate and transmit outward, like a beacon that can be seen across the great firmament. And so it is clear to us who will be needing some extra energy coming their way, because those around them may not always be as cooperative as they could be because of lingering fear or other impediments. We do not intervene, as we have said, unless specifically asked to do so, unless it is for the greater good, and it helps to manifest the thing that has already been set in motion by our human co-creators. "As you can see, We are offering you an inside view of the way we really operate here in the higher dimensions. These revelations would not be news to you if you were here on the other side of the Veil with us, but they will contradict much of what you have thought you knew, or what someone else thought they knew about who we are and what we do. As the energies shift and more of you realize you can now feel the truths in what you read here, the base of knowledge will gradually shift toward the more loving and celebratory form of spirituality which is being taught by many of the increasingly recognized and respected channelers and teachers of the New Way. "In offering you this new material, along with the book we wrote with Kathryn, we wish to give you a strong and clear foundation in Truth, relayed to you in the most direct and understandable terms. There is much to learn about the fascinating subjects of physics, sacred geometry, esoteric ancient practices and the dynamics of space/time, to name a few of the popular pursuits of knowledge in your culture. We appreciate your insatiable curiosity and encourage you to pursue any of the mysteries which fascinate you, but our purpose here is not to cover all the possible knowledge bases, but to give you a basic understanding of the intimate feeling-based structure of the world of Spirit. Here we speak to your hearts and your souls, which we know have been hungry for clear and simple explanations about well, yes, your old saw - what is the meaning of life? "We have hoped that as you read these passages, you will learn not so much from the particular words or explanations but from the tone and the underlying meaning behind our words. It is our intention to teach who We are, and by extension who You are in the deepest, truest part of yourselves. In the process, we hope you have been learning to trust your intuition, and to appreciate the fact that you have a soul just waiting to make indestructible contact with you, thereby completing the connection to Us. Once in place, this firm connection to your own heart and soul will give you a base from which you will become discerning and wise about many things, including how to live a meaningful and fulfilling life. After all, this is what everyone wants, is it not? "We have seen how persistently you search for gurus, teachers who can teach you Truth, who can tell you what is real and what is not, for you have long suspected that what you have been taught is not right or true, but you had little or no confirmation for the things you really felt. Now we ask you to search inward, not into the depths of your brain, but into the deepest part of your

heart, where you remember the things you knew before you came to this life, where you knew the experience of Unconditional Love, and where you lived in Light - glorious, nurturing, limitless Love and Light. Here, it is so different from your 3-dimensional experience that your brain cannot conceive it, but your soul knows, and your heart carries the sensations and memories of Home. It is the source of the feelings many of you have of being alone, different and out of place, uncomfortable in your skin and unable to comprehend the Darkness you see around you, and which you even see in yourselves at times. "These feelings are not evidence of insanity or that you are a displaced alien, or that you were adopted. They are memories of the happy place you came from before you ventured into this difficult life on Gaia. Do not dismiss these feelings, but instead embrace them, savor them as the evidence that there is indeed such a paradise just waiting for you when you return from this precious opportunity to learn and expand in Love and Creativity. You are studying abroad, you see. You have had to learn the language and cultural habits of your new environment, but you are not in it alone. Everyone else is enrolled in the study program as well. So, you and your fellow students are flying blind, you might say, without the structure of a program to guide you. You have only your hearts to keep you steady on your course, and the whispers of your Greater Soul and Guides to nudge you when you go astray. "It is a difficult assignment, this Gaia lifetime, but one you entered into with relish and high hopes. Do not allow the obstacles and painful disappointments to cause you to lose heart. Pick yourself up, brush yourself off and go. Just around the corner is the person or the opportunity you have been looking for. Life can change in a moment, and not only for the worse, as you have tended to expect. The new era of the 4th dimension means that you have come closer to us, more open to the gifts we have in store for you, and more open to reaching out to us for comfort and solace, yes, but also for the gifts you have thought of as serendipity or coincidence. Accept our help, Dear Ones, and we will gladly fuel your good works with Light energy, lifting you up when you think you have come to the end of our resources. Just ask. We have waited an eternity for our dear children to awaken and open their presents - the ones we have left under every tree, behind every chimney, and within your own hearts and minds and bodies. "Be at peace, Dear Ones, and allow the excitement of the New Day flow through you, as it does through us. We love you one and all, Mother/Father God, the one you know as Yahweh, Jehovah, Allah, Buddha, Shiva, and Sue." Via Kathryn May, Jan. 13, 2012, 12 am, New York

Part 81: The Great Consciousness Web, Our Communications Network

"Tonight let's talk about what Oneness really means, since we have already discussed what it isn't. When we say that we are all One, as we said, it does not mean we are all the same. It is a much more complex and interesting phenomenon than that. We should really have a better word to capture the whole picture - the dynamic that makes up the Oneness, for it is a dynamic rather than a thing we speak of. "Many of you have heard of the concept of morphogenic fields. In your current era, Rupert Sheldrake has discussed the actions and interactions which take place within what he has called the morphogenic field, including how dogs communicate telepathically with their owners, and how even machines are affected by the thought processes of those who interact with them. The field, which has been called by many different names, is the invisible but substantial ether, the medium which carries communication throughout the Universe. We spoke yesterday about the speed of thought; the morphogenic field is the transmission medium through which thought (especially thoughts which originate in the heart) can travel at hundreds of times the speed of light. The field itself can take on the "feel" of the thoughts which are passing through it, as when you walk into a room and feel a particular "vibe" which you can identify by its emotional content. "Within the great field - think of it as the ocean in which all the planets and stars swim - is the potential for all the beings of every form, down to the smallest insect or grain of sand, can communicate with one another. And communicate they do! Fortunately, the communication is wireless, because the connections and interconnections are vastly intricate and constantly changing. So, you see, the field is an electrically charged medium of mass communication similar to but far more powerful than your internet. You are probably familiar with the concept of six degrees of separation. The theory goes that any one person on the planet could theoretically know any other person through a chain of introductions that includes only five other people. An interesting theory, but really far off the mark. We are trying to show you that every person, animal, plant and stone is connected with every other, directly. Zero degrees of separation. "This interconnectedness means that every person on Earth is directly connected through the web of electrical energy to every other person. Now include all the beings residing in the Spirit world, and all the beings living on distant planets, and the interconnections increase exponentially. So, you see, the opportunities for communication are infinite, and omni-present. At any moment, you can connect psychically with another being anywhere in the Universe by simply thinking about them, and they can do the same. In addition, since we are all connected by the grid at all times, the grid as a whole is affected by the feelings and sensations of every member. This is why you were able to raise the level of energy on the planet from 3D to 4D in the past month. "There are local fields of interconnectedness within the whole as well, like the "vibe" you feel when your partner walks into the room, or the connection you feel with someone close to you which alerts you when they are in trouble. Parents have always had this psychic connection with

their children - it is a normal thread of protection which allowed parents to "track" their children long before there were cell phones. In fact, the present use of electronic devices to replace the psychic connection has meant that people no longer develop the precious ability to communicate psychically, as civilizations long ago did as a matter of course. This, of course, is our means of communication in all the higher dimensions, and will begin to blossom for all of you now that you are in the 4th dimension. "This is what we are referring to when we say the Veil has lifted. The atmosphere within the local grid of Planet Earth is lighter, less dense, and therefore more conducive to fluid and fast interconnectedness. It will feel as if your transmitters and receivers have more power. This means that everyone will begin to communicate with each other and with us in the Spirit world as a matter of course. You only need to tune your attention, and you will begin to hear the whispers of your constant companion, your Greater Soul, who has been there with you always, next to you, around you, transmitting messages of encouragement, warning if there is danger, and always the constant flow of Unconditional Love from the higher dimensions. "Perhaps you have not heard your Guide in the past, or thought you didn't, but everyone has moments of "intuition" when a hunch or a premonition causes you to stop in your tracks and change course. Many people have reported experiencing an eerie feeling of dread just before an incident which might have been deadly if they had not paid attention to the inner voice warning them to stop, or turn around, or pause for a moment. "You are used to hearing people say they knew when a loved one passed, even before they got the phone call, and yet you persist in doubting there is such a phenomenon, because you can't see the wireless connection between you. You do not doubt that your cell phone will carry the voice transmission across the miles. How do you think those messages travel? Through the field, of course. Inventors and engineers are able to replicate the great web in electronic form because the blueprint for it is embedded in your DNA from birth and beyond. You come here in a human body fully capable of "reading" your environment psychically; children are very good at it, before they are strongly discouraged from using those abilities. Less science-bound cultures on the planet have preserved these talents throughout the ages. In that regard, the isolated tribes in the forests and mountains of every continent have maintained higher level abilities than their counterparts in "developed" countries. "There are numerous examples of groups of people who have been treated with disdain because of their "weird" practices involving psychic abilities, like the gypsies of Central Europe, the Maori of New Zealand, and the Australian aborigines, and many Native American tribes, to name a few. These reclusive groups have maintained their abilities to communicate with the spirits of their ancestors and to Us as a matter of course, and have developed ceremonies and daily practices to honor those connections. It has been a matter of concern and sadness for Us to see the tendency in the Western World to disdain these practices, even while the membership in religious organizations increased. Ironically, it has often been the Church which has persecuted and punished those who demonstrated "occult" powers. The reason for this fear of "witches" has of course been exactly what you are experiencing at this moment: the transmission of information which challenges the foundations of much of the religious dogma that passes for "God's Word" or "God's Law" when it was really just rules and threats made up to control and

frighten people into submission. "We are delighted now to be able to debunk, as you might call it, the worst of those teachings. You have probably noticed that throughout these messages we have interspersed comments about who we really are and how the world really operates behind the Veil. We are giving you information which will set you free of the fear-inspiring religious teachings that have cause so much guilt and misery over the ages, and yet you continue to read these passages in secret, not telling your friends and family members about your feelings of relief and recognition when you come upon one of our teachings which would begin to loosen the grip of organized oppression. How ironic it is that so many of you have unconsciously joined forces with, or at least continue to bear homage to the very oppressors who have controlled the minds of humanity for millennia. "Fortunately, with the massive Shift of vibration on Gaia, there has also been an awakening which will allow many more people to accept the explanations and information flowing now from Us to you through the many channels who are speaking the Truth, bringing you different facets of the same good news you read here. Do not be fooled into accepting the proclamations and predictions of those who herald disaster in the form of revenge from On High, or interplanetary mayhem which is predicted to descend on you out of the blue. No, these things are not now a part of your timeline. You have averted the extreme natural disasters which would have resulted if you had not been able to ascend with your Mother Gaia, since she would have had to save herself from the pervasive Darkness and cruelty which had pushed her to the limits of her ability to survive. Your Lightworkers have worked hard to protect her and to preserve and strengthen the web of interconnectivity which will make life easier for all of you now. It is that hard work which should now be recognized and celebrated. Those who worked to protect "the environment" and those who dedicated their lives in service to their fellow humans have created this New Gaia, and they did it with the help of so many others who lived their lives in Love, without ever proclaiming themselves as saviors or activists. "You dear Children who are reading these messages are among those who literally lifted the planet out of Darkness by your Faith and your dedication to living a life guided by Love rather than fear, community and cooperation rather than greed. We honor you all, our Dear Ones. We also look forward to the time when every one of you becomes a "channeler" of Truth. You are growing in self-awareness and confidence in what your inner voice tells you. Follow those intuitions which come to you through the web of consciousness we all participate in. This is what we mean when we tell you we are here for you. We are ready to communicate with you always. The transmission lines are open - you only need to tune your attention to receive our broadcasts of Love, reassurance and joy. "We love you eternally, Together with your Guides on the Consciousness Web, ready to serve you, I Am Your Yahweh" Via Kathryn May, Jan. 14, 2012, 3 am, New York

Part 82: Easier Times Ahead, and Dealing With Continuing Ascension Symptoms
"Today we will talk about the long and winding road which leads you Home, for all of you in bodies now on Gaia. For those in your adult years, having already lived through many challenges, disappointments and frustrations, the year to come is going to be one of amazing ease. You are used to the atmosphere of 3-dimensionality, which often felt like trying to walk through ankle-deep mud. You often lost a shoe, or fell on your faces in the mud, or ended up dragging yourselves on your hands and knees to higher ground, but always you persevered, and always you found your way out of the quagmire eventually. Well, for you those days are over. Those of you who are reading these words have already taken a quantum leap out of the world of the quagmires and into the higher dimension where people behave decently toward one another and desires are fulfilled without having to drag the weight of the world, literally, along with you. "Oh, yes, there will still be people who prefer to remain in the old struggles, or at least still reimagine the struggles of old as if they were still the norm. There will still be challenges for everyone, but they will be challenges because you are stretching the boundaries, reaching for miracles on an everyday basis. Those of you who have sailed through the Earth Changes with a minimum of misery and a maximum of excitement will be gratified to know that the continuation of the energy flow which has inundated Gaia in the past weeks and months will continue, but for you the most radical adjustments have already been made. "Many of you continue to feel exhaustion, the need for many extra hours of sleep. This will gradually taper off as your energy rises to match the new day - the electomagnetic vibration of Gaia in 4D. Do not fret if you feel continued shifts and changes in your brain - your vision and hearing especially. You may feel some aches or fleeting pains in bones and joints. This is not serious; it is a symptom of the DNA changes which are taking place in your body, and which will be felt first in the immune system and your bones. This process will be going on for some time into the coming year. Naturally, we could not expect you to tolerate the changing of your bodies to a crystalline base in a moment or a day. These are enormous changes in the overall experience of having a body. Of course the children will adapt most easily, since they are already experiencing bodies that change day by day. "For now, you will need to adopt the philosophical approach which allows you to say, "All right, whatever changes for the better you have in store for me, bring it on," and you will sail through the changes with a minimum of discomfort. Those who insist that "nothing changed" are the ones who will frequent the doctor's offices with incessant complaints, insisting that there is something wrong with their bodies. There is nothing wrong. All is continuing exactly as it should, and those of you who are adapting quickly will find yourselves ready to continue to leap higher yet, to transition to the 5th dimension and higher while you simultaneously remain in your 4D body. We will discuss this option in later messages. "Now, about the headaches most of you have been experiencing. This is a direct response to the expansion happening in your brain, especially in the area of the third eye. Your perception will

be increasing so that you can more easily see beyond the Veil. Where you might have earlier felt a presence near you, you may begin to catch a glimpse of something out of the corner of your eye, or think for a moment you see something moving near you. You are not imagining things, you are just seeing more of what is really there, just beyond your 3-Dimensional eyesight. Your guides and ancestors are always with you, you just have not been able to see them, and your training has taught you not to believe anything if you can't see it. This will change, as more and more people are acknowledging their connections to their loved ones in spirit. It will no longer be considered weird or a form of insanity for people to acknowledge that they talk with Us, or even see us. There are already many among you who do; they just are shy about acknowledging their close and loving relationships with Us for fear of disdain from others. Soon, channeling God's voice will be a mainstream phenomenon, and then Kathryn won't have to spend so much time typing these messages! :) So, as with the other physical symptoms, breathe gently, massage your temples, open the blood vessels which carry oxygen to your brain, and ride it out. You will be happy with the results. "The important thing for you now will be to proceed with patience, where your physical adaptation is concerned, and with hope and optimism where manifesting your vision is concerned. It is becoming easier every day for people of The Way to make contact with each other, to share resources, talents, knowledge and opportunities. You will find a new synergy which allows for the sharing of information and manpower, celebrating the power of joining forces with others of like mind, and creating magic together. Fear of competition which might steal or destroy your creations will subside, although in the interim it will still be important for our newly minted 4D children to protect and nurture one another. The forces of Darkness are waning, but still hold some power to disrupt or interfere. So, proceed carefully for the time being, putting in place precautions which would be appropriate for 3D, but planning to fulfill the most ambitious of your projects with 4D assistance. By this we mean enthusiastic cooperation, synergistic connections, and new levels of generosity of spirit in the collaborators who will sometimes appear, seemingly out of nowhere. "Do not fear this new cooperation. Do not bring your old fears and paranoia along for the ride. It will only cause you to miss opportunities and delay successes. Allow your exuberance and boundless creativity free reign when you are with your trusted collaborators, but continue to play your cards a bit close to the chest, as they say, until we can assure you that the Cabal has been clearly brought under control. We do not wish that any of our dear children be disrupted or threatened unnecessarily by the persistent Dark Ones who are still clinging desperately to their illusory power. "It is a time in which the old organizations which controlled the planet are in the death throes, but this makes them even more vicious, until they realize the jig is up. (We love to play with your slang.) At that time, you can expect to see them capitulate, and the ones who still have even a thread of Heart will probably beg for forgiveness. As we have said, prepare yourselves for huge revelations of evil-doings and huge generosity and forgiveness on your parts. Not all the Cabal members started out to be control-freaks and selfish manipulators. Many of them began with charity in their hearts but were seduced and co-opted by the temptations of power and great wealth. It is time for them to reform, to adapt to the new energies and necessities of life on Gaia.

It has happened before that the greatest advocate for peace and justice is the convert to Faith. Remember the story of the slave trader who had a change of heart and wrote "Amazing Grace," which became an anthem for Faith and Freedom. Do not expect it, or be taken in by false apologies or promises, but expect miracles nevertheless. "Things are proceeding beautifully where the ascension of Planet Earth is concerned. You are all learning to adapt to the 4th dimension. Many of you have hardly noticed the change yet, but you are feeling it nevertheless. You find yourselves going out of your way to be friendly or helpful in a way you would have felt shy about doing in the past. Others are doing the same, and it is becoming contagious. Those who aspired to the transition to the 5th dimension are continuing on their paths to experience 5th dimensional feelings and experiences even while remaining in the 4th for the purpose of carrying out the work they are here for at this moment. "We are grateful for the growing numbers of Lightworkers who are patiently teaching those around them to reach for deeper meaning and deeper connection. Your work is not unnoticed. The vibration you carry is taking hold and is lifting others even as you lift yourselves to higher and more joyful planes of experience. Keep going, Dear Ones. You have nothing to lose by turning that next corner, for the gifts we have in store for you will delight you beyond imagining. "We are here for you always, Your Yahweh et al." Via Kathryn May, Jan. 15, 2013, 11 pm.

Part 83: Why We Need To Elevate and Leave The Dark Hats Behind
"Tonight's message will be short because our channel has been traveling and it's very late, even for her. There will be breaking news, as you call it, very soon, but we are in a plateau period as everyone adjusts to the rising consciousness around them. You have noticed lately that there are two distinct streams in your culture - actually in almost all the cultures of the globe. There are those who have dedicated themselves to being better people, more generous, kinder to their family and even to strangers, who help out willingly when there is a disaster anywhere within reach. "Then there are the ones who have rededicated themselves to Darkness. You are well aware of the extreme acts of violence among those who are seriously mentally unbalanced and drugged with psychiatric medications, whose lives revolve around video game fantasies and handy assault weapons. These are lethal combinations. If you were to remove the first three elements, there would be few people left in the entire country who would be interested in either military-style weapons or violence. And there is another group, almost as far out of the mainstream as the first, who choose violence of another kind. They are the kill-joys, the trouble-makers, the rabblerousers and obstructionists. They abhor anything that benefits others, or creates a sense of community and cooperation, because they fear any group of intelligent, creative people they cannot bully or control. Unfortunately, many of them have become more aggressive and belligerent, and a number of them have actually been elected to office in the U.S. The earmark of these agitators is an attitude of arrogant self-confidence, righteous indignation, and disregard for either truth or for the well-being of others. They are more interested in publicity than integrity, and they find glee in destroying the reputations and good work of others. "Look around you; everywhere you can see these two extremes being acted out in opposition to one another. Here in the higher dimensions we refer to them as the Dark Hats and the White Hats, because we recognize that Darkness is an affectation, usually the result of childhood abuse, and the product is a morality play being acted out over the period of a short lifetime here on Gaia. As such, the Dark Hats contribute to the lesson plan, you might say, when we are offering dramatic challenges for our dear children who wish to evolve quickly. Most are able to see the error of their ways when they go through their review process at the end of each life, and often they become the most reliable White Hats in subsequent lifetimes. Because of this, we do not punish or look down on our Dear Ones who might be wearing the Dark Hat at this moment; we offer our Unconditional Love and comfort when they come Home to us to begin again. In fact, most of you, yes, even the Lightworkers have spent a lifetime on Gaia taking the role of the Dark Hat. It is one of the most powerful learning tools; it develops compassion and empathy in our children more quickly than any other lesson. "Circumstances on Gaia had become extreme in recent years, however. As we have told you, there is a powerful and Dark group who had taken control of most of the planets wealth, including her natural resources, and were refusing to take part in the review and restoration process. The chasm between the elements of Light and Darkness on Gaia had become enormous, causing great suffering and an element of chaos which became increasingly difficult for those

who wished to live honorably. The outcry from the White Hats and from Gaia herself caught the attention of your ancient ancestors from other galaxies as well as the Galactic Councils. It was agreed that it would be intolerable to permit the destruction of Gaia yet again, as happened at the end of Atlantis. "That brings us to this most recent watershed moment in Gaia's history. The future still hangs in the balance, but this time it will be a choice between a good outcome and a superior one. You have leaped one timeline, raising your planet to a higher dimension. It will now be possible to leap across another boundary to raise yourselves up another step on the ladder. I am reviewing these things for you now because I want you to be able to see clearly what the stakes are now. "The Dark Hats you see behaving badly now are choosing to remain in 3D. This means that as the consciousness of others rises, there will be a parting of the ways - Lightworkers moving to higher dimensions and Dark Hats moving downward to stay in the old, familiar atmosphere of competitiveness, violence and greed. You see, you are making a choice whether you realize it or not, because no one will simply remain as they were, because the environment around you is changing, and you will all move toward the atmosphere of your choice. We use the terminology "up or down" because it is familiar to you. Dimensions are not actually up or down, higher or lower, except in their vibrational qualities, but it does feel that way, since reverting to 3D when your fellow travelers and compatriots are moving to higher vibrations would seem a demotion, or a come-down for most people, but remember, it is not interpreted that way to a Dark Hat, who relishes the challenge of life in a galactic ghetto, a swamp of disharmony and discord. "And so, Dear Ones, we urge you to continue your work of looking deeply within to rid yourselves of any attraction to the old 3-dimensional state, much of which reverberates to the atmosphere of Darkness which was pervasive on the planet for hundreds of years. You have asked for change and it has come. Now you must shake off the undertow which holds you captive to ancient practices and beliefs to separate yourselves from the Dark Hats who will predominate in the 3D creation of their imaginings. You, on the other hand, are capable of creating a Paradise on Earth. The only restriction is your own imagination and will to create the most glorious outcome you can dream. It will ultimately be the creation of your combined Vision which will determine how far and how fast you elevate to a place where a 3D being cannot intrude because the higher vibrational level will be unbearably unpleasant for them. When that time comes, you will not longer be threatened or bullied or compromised by the Dark Ones. Your freedom depends on you, all of you. "We wish you God-speed, Dear Ones, and we do not say that without understanding the deepest meaning of the expression. We are here with you always, I Am That I Am Via Kathryn May, Jan. 17, 2012, 2 am.

Part 84: Why Did You Choose This Life?

"Today we'll talk more about the process you all went through before you came here for this lifetime. It is not something you were taught in Sunday School, or even something anyone talked about directly for most of you. "There is a huge misconception in the way humans think about their life paths. Most people believe they were sent here on a mission, or they believe it was all some random lottery, and they got the straw they got because of some judgement about them being good or bad, on the part of Higher Powers. This is completely untrue. We do not assign anyone to anything. Soul growth is strictly a voluntary process. You and your guides, who consult with you throughout your time here at Home, help you to clarify what you will be needing in the coming lifetimes and plan with you what conditions and people you will make contracts with to fulfill your mutual needs. So, you see, the particular conditions which make up the broad strokes of your lifeline are preplanned, but not predetermined, because you have free will, and at any time you can choose to deviate or adhere to your chosen path, and everyone else has the same option. "Now let's consider what needs you might have felt you were going to address in this lifetime. If certain issues were revealed in your past lifetimes, such as a need to develop greater independence, you would be inclined to accept an assignment to enter a lifetime with a family where both parents will be required to work, or even where you parents will die when you are young, or where you have a younger sibling with severe disabilities who needs constant attention, leaving you to fend for yourself much of the time. You will choose the basic parameters of the life you are to enter into, knowing it is for your own personal development and growth. Another example: let's say in your past lives you have been extremely independent, to the point where you have lost touch with your tender side and have been lacking in compassion and love. You might decide to accept the scenario in which you will fall in love and marry, and will have a child with a terminal illness, whose sweetness will capture your heart, and you will be devastated but appreciative of the wonders of the child you loved so much, and as a result you will be able to open your heart to other children who have illnesses or disabilities. Your love and your heartache might lead you to teach, or establish a charity, or adopt a child with special needs. "There are others, on the Creative side, who may come to a life in which they have an innate longing to create music, and are determined to write powerful and uplifting love songs for all the world to learn from and enjoy. Since artistic talent is honed by some adversity - we appreciate our art more if it is difficult to accomplish - some obstacles may be a part of the path, such as poverty early in life, or parents who scoff at your dreams. These challenges help to reign in ego and encourage a sense of humility and gratitude for being able to pursue the craft you feel passionately about, and the work will communicate more meaningfully to others. "The goal for each lifetime is always to learn greater love, deeper compassion and empathy for others, and to use those lessons to make a contribution for the greater good. No one is expected to request a life in which no hardship or challenge will emerge, for this would be considered a wasted lifetime from our point of view, because very little can be deeply learned from an

uneventful life. There are times, of course, when a person may request an easier life for the sake of recovering and restoring themselves after an especially traumatic experience. This is encouraged if needed, and can prepare them for a more challenging life the next time. "So, you see, you can never know from the outward appearances of a person's life where they might be in their soul path, or what challenges might appear in their lives at a later date or for what purpose. When you understand this deeply, you will become less judgmental, more tolerant and more compassionate toward others and their difficulties and their seemingly luxurious lives. In fact you might consider that when you look around you, you would learn a great deal from noticing which people signed on to accept a life in a poor minority community, or as a gay or lesbian person, or as the oldest child of a Mob boss. People with double minorities - any of the above, with a physical disability, for instance - are often the most courageous souls who are in a hurry to evolve and grow. "What about the people who agree to be born with Down's Syndrome, or mental retardation, or severe autism or cerebral palsy, or deafness or blindness? Why would anyone choose such a life? These are often, although not always, more advanced souls who wish to come to Earth to experience life in a body without the demands of a business life or other attachments and responsibilities. This way, they can still observe, experience the pleasures of taste, touch and smell, while also providing the opportunity for caretakers to be of service. Any lifetime on Gaia is considered a precious and rare opportunity to experience soul growth. There are no opportunities that go begging, when the options are presented to souls-in-waiting for their chance to come here. "One more note: Because of the precious and limited opportunities for entering into a life on Gaia, it is looked upon with genuine horror and sadness when a person decides to commit suicide, especially when that action is taken impulsively as a result of a disappointment or supposed failure of some kind. Still, there is no punishment to be meted out because of the lack of courage to stick it out when things get difficult. We know how hard it is there. However, the person will be required to come back and live out a life of possibly greater difficulty to overcome the feelings of inadequacy and regret which often result from the suicide. All in all, it is not considered a reasonable way to achieve relief from pain of an emotional sort. "We would, however, feel compassion for a person who might be suffering terribly because of a terminal illness if they feel they have lived long enough. In many of those cases, the death is brought on by little more than not taking extreme measures to preserve a life that has already ended. We do not insist that anyone should endure excruciating pain for a long time, but we do believe that the slow process of dying is often very beneficial for the person and their family members who need the time to adjust to losing their loved one. "As in every other important area of living, we do not make rigid or absolute rules. Every case is different, and we are always within the all-encompassing energy of Unconditional Love and Compassion. "We hope that this information helps you to find peace within yourselves and with the fellow humans who have shared this life with you.

We wish you joy, Yahweh" Via Kathryn May, Jan. 18, 2013, 1 am.

Part 85: Taking it Higher

"Do not cry, My Children; do not fear tomorrow. The atmosphere on Gaia is lifting, and it will carry you along with it. Your work is not done yet, though. You must continue to elevate, little by little, every day a bit more, because you will need to keep the pace with Gaia, whose glorious achievement will be felt more and more by those who are in harmony with the path of Light. You will begin to see the things you have envisioned and worked hard to accomplish suddenly coming to fruition, as if by magic. It is not magic, of course, it is the culmination of energies which you put into play, sometimes years ago. Those institutions and organizations which have been designed to contribute in important areas for the greater good, like the arts, medicine, child care and education will begin to flower even as the ashes of the old are still being looked upon with astonishment. You have known, but misunderstood the fact that We do indeed have the power to Create and to Destroy, but we do not use those powers in the profligate way you have imagined. We will help to destroy those toxic Cabal-owned institutions which have enslaved humans so that you can rebuild in a new, more egalitarian way because you have asked for this, prayed together to help create the New Gaia, and so you shall have it. "The plan which would have brought immediate ascension to the 5th dimension was not accomplished, because it would have required that you make a timeline leap which would have required the kind of synchrony of which the Walendas would be proud. The alternative you chose will give you more time to gather your forces in a way that will embrace millions more on the planet. We are working hard to help you disseminate the information to larger populations who have not yet awakened, including the messages which We and other masters are channeling to Lightworkers in many varied forms. The messages you read here are an important part of that work toward Enlightenment, as is the book we wrote with Kathryn. You are among the first to take part in this project of bringing Light to all, but you will see this movement grow, as more and more people awaken to the Truth of what you read here, and understand that there is no other reason for presenting these messages but to help you achieve your own glorious Ascension in harmony with Gaia's most heart-felt desire and your own soul path. "Do not hesitate, Dear Ones, to spread the word that there is new information and encouragement available to all, and that it will help you to clear away the old Boogie Man misconception of who God is and what life is really about. Copy and give our message from yesterday, "Why Did You Choose This Life?" to all your friends and family. We only ask that you use it in its entirety, without deletions, and citing where you found this information, so that they can read further to fulfill their own pleasure and freedom. "We will be taking a few days off to give our dear channel a rest. Use the time well, those of you who have been reading all the messages. Reread the ones that were especially meaningful to you, and the ones you weren't able to absorb completely at an earlier time. You will notice how your brain as well as your heart have begun to accept and organize the information differently. The more you read, the more comfortable and familiar (as in family) it begins to feel, and the more you will feel at home with the thoughts and feelings of the higher dimensions. You will now have to begin acclimating to a world where your dreams come true, where justice and fairness

are in the ascendence, instead of the downward spiral into Darkness that was the trend over the past 30 years. The work you do now will set the stage for the next Ascension, this time to the 5th dimension. How long that will take depends entirely upon the progress that is made over the coming months, as you adjust to the current energies and begin pushing against the limits of the 4th. Rather than settling in, use this as a springboard to move higher. This time you will have more compatriots at your side, marching in time with the new drummer, who announces the glorious celebration of community, kinship and Light. "The next time, your ranks will be swelled by the numbers of people who have learned from this Ascension process, and who have seen it unfold into a life of fast-moving change for the better. You will be more sure of yourselves and more able to share your knowledge eloquently with others. There will be a merging of the fields of science and spirituality, as you can see beginning now with new discoveries in physics, archeology, biology and psychology. There will also be increasing acceptance of "alternative healthcare," which is really a rediscovery of ancient healing practices from around the globe made more accessible by world travel, research which reaches beyond the laboratories of pharmaceutical companies, and the technology of the internet. The rigid boundaries between fields of study, between cultures, and even between men and women will melt away in the face of successful collaboration and pollination across previously unchallenged barriers. In this rich mixing of knowledge and belief systems, the resistance to new ideas will melt away, leaving a more pragmatic approach to truth-finding. If our teachings free people to be more creative, more positive and far happier, there will be fewer doubters and "skeptics" to stand in the way of common sense. "And so you will move into the new year with the wind at your backs and a brilliant future ahead of you. We will continue to encourage you to push on, awaken the masses, dream big, reach higher, and fulfill your dreams. We will be here to beam Unconditional Love, and you will feel it warming you as never before, melting away old fears and despair and cleansing all in the Light of the New Era. We love you, Dear Ones. It has always been so, Yahweh, speaking for Light." Via Kathryn May, Jan. 19, 1 am.

Part 86: Mysteries of the Universe, Explained

"Now, let's talk about the mysteries of the Universe. They aren't mysteries to Us, of course, but they are to humans in body form. For millennia, you have come to Earth with the agreement that there would be a Veil between you and the memory of where you came from and why. It served the purpose of allowing you to exercise complete free will, and also to avoid the direct memory of past lives, because they might have influenced your relationships and interactions in this lifetime. In other words, each life was to be a fresh start, as much as was possible, although you still have the potential to access to feelings of connection with beings in other dimensions, and your soul memories of past lives seep through via your heart and intuitive connections. "So, for the most part, life is a mysterious blank slate for most people, who come into adulthood having learned to believe only in what they can see and touch. They call this being a "skeptic" or "being practical." Unfortunately, it also leaves them out of touch with the Guides and Masters who can be most reassuring and most helpful, by giving them information of the sort I am about to offer. The Veil has lifted; more and more people are awakening to the fact that there is indeed a life after life here on Gaia. There are billions of souls actively working, creating, and very much alive beyond the dimension you are living in. Some are in bodies similar to yours, others in various alternative forms, just as you have animals, fish, insects and plants in your world. Many are as intelligent, in terms of brain power, as you are, and some are far more advanced spiritually, intellectually and technologically. This is not intended to be what you call a put-down of you; far from it. You are looked upon fondly by the Light beings of the entire firmament because of your pluck, determination and enormous creativity. You are known as the Creator Race because of you ingenuity - not always used for the greater good, but ingenuity nevertheless. "The evolution on Gaia has been a dramatic one, and not slow by galactic terms. Yours is the fourth major civilization to inhabit Earth, and the first one to evolve effectively to a higher vibrational level. It has been an effort which began when Gaia was a new-born planet, the Paradise where angels could frolic in physical form, experiencing the taste and touch and smell of being alive in a new way, in the most beautiful environment ever known. Gaia has always been admired as the Blue Planet, and renowned for her breath-taking landscapes and wondrous variety of flora and fauna, as you all know if you have traveled at all. It was by agreement with the human souls who wished to remain with Gaia and also learn the most intensively effective lessons, that it was decided that Gaia would descend into a very heavy lower 3D vibrational level. This proving ground for souls was also to include an across-the-board duality system of Dark and Light, enclosed within a finite system of time/space experience. To accommodate this, the human brain and body were adapted to perceive a limited reality - the one inside their 3dimensional sphere. "Let me give you examples to make this clearer. Your two-lobed brain is well-adapted to survival in a world which can be divided up into segments of light (day) and dark (night). This encouraged you to observe time as if it were linear, one day following another predictably and in order. It was also designed to allow you to experience space in a limited 3-dimensional way. Your eyes register size, distance, shade and color in such a way that you are adept at measuring

the environment around you, seeing objects as solid and permanent, when in fact there is much empty space between the molecules that make up all the matter around you. "For instance, it is inconceivable to you that you could move through the walls or windows that surround you, but those of us in higher dimensions are more suited, in our lightbodies, to passing through the spaces between, which feels perfectly normal to us. The tiny amount of matter, compared to the amount of "dark matter," or fluid space, is no obstruction for us. Because we experience ourselves as coherent, as you do, even though we do not have solid physical bodies, we are not disassembled or disrupted by passing through a field of molecules, whatever the object might be made of, and out the other side, just as you would pass through a gentle breeze without losing your sense of physical integrity. This is the reason people see "ghosts" walking through walls and appearing seemingly out of nowhere. These are simply humans in spirit form who have not yet transitioned to higher dimensions but linger close to the Earth plane because they are afraid or reluctant to move on, or they have unfinished business with the people they left behind. Occasionally, these spirit beings are disoriented or "lost" because of a sudden traumatic death. They often find help from intuitives who are able to detect their trauma and help them to move toward the Light to come Home to Us where healing and greater understanding are available. "The Veil has created this mystery of existence for you, who have forgotten that you were once in spirit form, capable of soaring at the speed of thought and passing through "solid" objects at will. You have also forgotten the experience of manifesting what you wish to create by the power of your thoughts and your will. And you have forgotten that We, your loving Creators, were present at your soul birth and have watched lovingly over your progress individually and as a race throughout your many incarnations. Some of you have been with your fellow humans here on Gaia for most of your lives; others have come to Gaia only occasionally to take part in the unfolding drama of growth and to experience the challenges that only Gaia can provide. All have witnessed the descent of young Gaia into heavier and darker energies over the eons, until she reached this darkest, heaviest time of conflict, violence, greed and materialism. All the while, however, there has been a counterforce of Lightworkers, some of whom might have been on the side of Darkness in a former life or two, but who returned to keep the torches of hope burning, showing the way to a brighter, kinder future. "Even as the Darkness descended, and the numbers of Dark Entities multiplied to become a powerful force for evil on the planet, as we have explained earlier in our messages about the Dark Hats and Fallen Angels. Never did the numbers of Dark Hats outnumber Light Hats, but their influence became a serious impediment to peaceful community life or international cooperation. The Dark Hats have been behind the instigation of every major war, and have profited by playing both sides in every conflict. Meanwhile, it became more difficult for Lightworkers to have a definitive positive effect on the flow of life, and so many fell into feelings of despair, and many went to sleep, although their soul plan may have been to come here to help out. "When the Sleeping Giant - the great number of hard-working souls who had become discouraged and might even have succumbed temporarily to Dark thoughts, feelings and actions - were pushed to the limits of their patience, and the spiritiual awakening began following the

Harmonic Convergence, a new sense of hope emerged. The speed with which your forward motion accelerated was truly remarkable. In less than 30 years, the light-quotient has risen as if the newly-released suppressed energy were like gunpowder in a cannon, catapulting the entire planet into a New Age. You are now in 4D. That means that you will soon develop the abilities of walking through objects that were previously seen as solid, and manifesting your dreams through the will of your heart and soul. You will begin to see Us, first out of the corner of your eye, then later as the Lightbodies we are, although we sometimes like to present ourselves in robes or costumes in full regalia, just for fun, or to make it easier for you to relate to us. "Although you have become so accustomed to expecting 3D experience, and your brains are not yet sufficiently modified by the forces of LIght energy to allow complete perception of your 4D environment, it will come. The spiritually evolved among you will go first - demonstrating powers of manifestation or levitation which would have been considered a hoax or a fraud in the past. The children who have not been trained otherwise will see and hear and experience life in 4-dimensional terms, as their elders struggle to overcome old prejudicial ways of thinking and believing. The year 2013 will indeed be the beginning of a wondrous upsurge, in terms of the balance of Light and Dark on the planet. You have passed through the Dark Ages and are now entering the New Golden Age, which we promise will be a time of wonders and delight for anyone who can open their hearts and their minds to completely new experiences. "Many of the Masters and Guides are practically giddy with expectation and delight over here, just across the dissolving boundary which divides the dimensions. We are delighted because you are continuing to move, to gain speed even, in your elevation to higher and higher vibrational frequencies. Each day brings a slight shift in the tone, each moment a slight but perceptible ascension, like a scale with 1000 notes being played in ascending tones. To us it is like the sound of angels singing. We look forward with anticipation to the moment when you lift yourselves on high and land, all together, right here in the 5th dimension where Light and Unconditional Love reign free. We do not count days or months as linear time the way you do since we are outside the Earth plane of finite space/time perception, as we described above, so we do not like to set dates. We will only say that we see it coming, and that you are making it happen. "Continue your good work, my Dear Children. Bring your Light and Love to every encounter. Live fully, with a light heart, and your soul will sing. Work diligently within yourselves to leave behind the old fears which kept you bound in feelings of distrust and anger. Cast off the old pain, self-doubt and Darkness, and you can fly! "We anticipate an astonishing year for each and every one, and dumbfoundingly astonishing for those who enter into the Universal Flow. Add your Light to the rising tide, and you will all match your vibration to your dear Mother Gaia who is already gleefully experiencing the delights of life in 5D and above. Lift your hearts and your voices and sing, Dear Ones. It is a time of celebration and good will. This year the Holidays will last until September, and then we will have further amazements in store for you. With Love and Light,

Yahweh" Via Kathryn May, Jan 20, 12 am.

Part 87: Uncovering Conspiricies, Redefining Culture, and Making Love Not War
"Yes, things are really changing fast. Do not rely on the mass media to give you information about the true state of the world. They are still caught up in reporting every violent act, every shooting and every celebrity wardrobe malfunction they can uncover. It does not tell you anything about what is really happening. There are good internet sources where real news and pictures from around the world are pouring in to inform everyone of the conditions on the ground. There are also reputable spiritual forums where channelings are posted and investigative reporters continue to uncover real news about the exposure of underhanded dealings on the part of the Cabal, as you have called them. "There are now many documentaries about the mounting evidence that 9/11 was in fact a false flag operation to create an excuse for going to war, and the recent entries into the field of investigation include Jesse Ventura, the flamboyant Governor who is tying together the evidence of several conspiracies, all committed by the same network of power-hungry political and banking and military officials and their flunkies. The truth will set you free, as he repeats often. It has taken 50 years for people to come forward, in some cases, to tell what they know about the assassination of JFK, and many are still trying to be heard who were eyewitnesses to extremely incriminating events around the 9/11 attacks. It is only a matter of time now before the weight of evidence tips the scale, and those who have been afraid for their lives will feel there is safety in numbers and will speak out. "These are all very positive developments, because the U.S. citizenry has been confused and discouraged about ever being able to trust its political leaders, because many have been complicit in former administrations, and cover-ups have been the standard procedure in past years. Frankly, we have advised the current administration not to take a public stand yet in regard to the prosecution of the most powerful leaders of the Cabal. It was a deadly pursuit for the Kennedys and for so many others who have challenged them, and we did not feel it would be beneficial yet to make a move, until the weight of evidence has been disseminated to the people. There are many in private life now who will pick up the banner and will pursue the truth. The more of these investigators there are, the safer it becomes for all. Then, the American people will finally see justice and a cleansing of the Darkness which has overshadowed public life. "Now, what is your part in elevating the consciousness of the planet concerning the resolution of these modern conspiracies which are far more than theory? Do your part by educating yourself so that you can speak intelligently about the questions which have not been answered. Watch the videos about 9/11 - each one brings new light and questions to the table. Question the research, the propaganda and the stories on both sides, and do not forget to consider that those who are pursuing investigations have much to lose, and that cover-ups are always a sign of wrong-doing. Always question why evidence has been destroyed, ignored, or hidden, and look to who has profited by the suppression of evidence and by the commission of the crimes. "It has been so repugnant for Americans to even consider that the leaders they have voted for and

respected might in fact be mass murderers, that they have been willing to believe the most unlikely propaganda, like the idea that buildings would just fall down of their own accord, and that for the first time in history black box recorders from four airplanes disappeared, and that a poorly-trained motley crew with box cutters could have outsmarted the most technically sophisticated, efficiently designed national defense system on the planet for several hours, when the average response time for hundreds of previous highjacking threats had been less than 10 minutes. "We will only remind you to look to your own emotional responses to these idea, and examine your own tendency to deny Darkness when it is close to you. This is not simply a matter of believing or not believing someone's theory. It is a serious example of the need for clearing away of old evils, evil-doers, and also the tendency for many to hide their eyes and cover their ears because the truth is so painful that it is easier to pretend it doesn't exist. Freedom has always required that good people remain awake, and that everyone insist that the public description of events actually match the sensory evidence being presented. "This message is not actually about politics or conspiracies. It is about the need for each and every one to awaken to their own willingness to cover up, redefine or white-wash behavior which suggests a lack of integrity, a tendency to manipulate or lie to others, and especially to subdue others with the threat of holding power over them. It is a very personal failing for many humans to make apologies for the people close to them who have behaved badly, especially when the bad behavior is toward themselves. How many abused women have said, "But I love him..." about the man who later killed her? How many children have defended their parents, even after they have been beaten and starved? "It is part of your human nature to try to deny evil, especially in the early phases of soul development. It is often the seasoned, older souls who are willing to "call it like it is," without trying to hide from the truth. They have seen from the experience of many lifetimes that pretending evil does not exist is an invitation for it to breed and multiply. Here on Gaia, you are going through great change in this regard. It will no longer be acceptable for people to cheat one another and call it "just business," or for friends and lovers to casually mistreat each other without apology. Insensitivity to another's plight, rudeness on the part of people who are supposed to provide help for others, and the disregard of children's basic need for affection and warmth will become a thing of the past, if you begin now. But this time, it will not be a movement toward fighting evil with rose-colored glasses. Goodness is not weakness. Kindness is not vulnerability, and evil is not power. In order to defeat abuse, the defender must see themselves as carrying a power greater than evil. That power is Light. "You each have it within you to begin to redefine the underlying belief system which bows to the power of the bully, the warmonger and the well-heeled thief. It has persisted as an unconscious theme throughout the generations that might makes right, and to the victor go the spoils. You have entered a New Era, and with it must come a new system of beliefs and behavior. In the New Gaia, civility will reign, friendship will flourish across all boundaries, and children will be able to play freely in the streets and parks without fear of abuse or molestation. When the time comes that all children are raised with tenderness and Unconditional Love, there will be no mental illness as you know it now, and no interest in guns or violence as a hobby or entertainment.

"Begin now, My Children, to rewrite your stories and songs, to insist on movies without barbarism and neighborhoods without fear. Reach out to offer friendship and support to someone less fortunate than yourself, thereby elevating your own vibration and theirs. Learn to dance in the streets, play an instrument, no matter how simple it might be, and sing out loud. Make love every chance you get, and hold your loved ones close to your heart. It is the beginning of a new day. "We will celebrate every small victory, and support you with Love every step of the way, We are Mother/Father God" Via Kathryn May, Jan. 20, 2013, 11 pm.

Part 88: Civilization Five, Planet Earth

"Dear Children, We would like to talk with you about the growing need for Torchbearers and Lightworkers to come out of the shadows and shine, for all the world to see. It will be possible now because since Dec. 21, there are many, many more people who are awakening to a new sense of spirituality, but are afraid to mention it to those around them for fear they will be considered 'crazy.' It has been an unfortunate duality in your culture that spirituality has been seen as the opposite of rationality. It absolutely is not, except in the strictest definition of the words alone. Science is not the opposite of spirituality, although it has thankfully opposed some of the most irrational and cruel practices which fell under the rubric of 'religion,' like burning people at the stake as witches. Science itself is not to blame for the rigid and - I must say irrational - stance against Faith. In fact, the greatest scientists, the most imaginative and original ones, have all been deeply connected to their own Greater Souls and Guides, which allowed them to look into the Universal wisdom and understand, and then apply that understanding to their scientific pursuits. "This approach - searching deeply for the Universal Truths while simultaneously learning the basics of one's science - is the creative mindset which leads to great discoveries and inventions. (One without the other leads to impracticable fantasies or pedantic narrow-mindedness.) It is a stance toward work and life which will produce the great works of the Golden Age. "Knowledge is a wonderful thing, when it is used in the service of others, but knowledge without Heart spawns abominations. Take for instance the robot doctor who cannot look at or touch his patients but can only spout the probabilities that symptoms X and Y lead to a diagnosis of Z in 85% of cases, therefore you have Z and should take drug A because it is successful in treating Z in 70% of cases. Now, given this 'scientific' approach, you have been hustled into a drug treatment which has a less than 60% rate of success, (barely better than chance) and probably risks numerous serious side-effects. (You know that list.) "The truly skillful and artful work requires thorough training, an open heart, an open mind, and a connection to Spirit, for it is the heart and soul at work which creates magic, whether it is in healing, teaching, the fine arts, scientific research, or great inventiveness. "Who among you has practiced this skill of perfecting the academic and technical elements of your art - or your artful craft - while also purposefully remaining open to guidance and inspiration from beyond the Veil? Are you raising your hand? Then it shall be you who will lead, you who will be the teachers of this balanced approach to Enlightenment and Wisdom. You are the ones who will be the model for the new Artist-Scholars who will Create the new structures, the new institutions, and the new technology for the Golden Age. What advancements will be possible when you are able to truly open your hearts to collaboration, with Us and with each

other? What remedies for social discontent will become apparent when you are able to tap into the wisdom of millions of years of advanced civilizations at the far reaches of the galaxies, but as near and accessible as a thought-wave? "You are the inspired ones, My Dear Children, who have the curiosity and openness to read these messages and absorb their meaning. You have sensed the Truth behind the words and have felt the excitement of envisioning a better world. You have already begun to dream the dream of a great civilization built on true equality in every area of life. Prosperity will follow, since it is the product of shared effort. Your politicians who think you can achieve prosperity by eliminating debts are making up a tale based in meanness and unconcern for those in need. Of course this cannot work, because it is based in Darkness and divisiveness. Generosity leads to Prosperity. The Universal Law of Flow leads to prosperity: give first, and great fulfillment will come to you. It may not be in the form of money; there are all kinds of prosperity. You will learn to experience riches beyond your dreams in the coming years. "I speak to you today, on the day of the great inauguration of the Sirian Commander to the Presidency of the U.S. It is the beginning of a new era of Understanding and Love. His Inaugural Address called for all the great virtues to be embodied in the leaders and citizens of the country and raised the Golden Flame of community, Love and sharing on the path toward greater freedom and greater responsibility. Enumerating the names of famous civil rights struggles (Selma, Stonewall and Seneca Falls) cast a bright light on the great milestones of the past which symbolize progress toward genuine democracy in the country which has opened the eyes of the world to what might be possible in the future. "You have not yet achieved that great civilization for which you have laid the first stones. It is now the time of clearing away the remnants of failed experiments - the crumbled Empires, the cruel Fascism, the Communism enforced by despotism, and oligarchy masquerading as democracy. You have not yet built your pyramids or sent your spaceships to other galaxies, but your time has come, and this time you will accomplish the greatness without sacrificing honor. You have vowed as a people to move together this time, shaping a new and highly evolved civilization of Light and Love. The boundaries of this great experiment have not yet been determined. It will be entirely up to you as you now enter the new era of great change. "It is you, my Dear Ones, who will build the cities of Light, and you who will invent the new art forms, architectural marvels and life sustaining technologies which will enhance life by preserving your dear Gaia as you also sustain your soul growth, your friendships and your loving communities. And so it will be as you, the ones who manifest Dreams, will create it. We celebrate your glorious adventure with anticipation and joy,

Your Yahweh" Via Kathryn May, Jan.22, 2013, 1 am.

Part 89: The New Matrix is Under Construction

"Tonight the planet celebrates the first day of the officially inaugurated Golden Age, with the inauguration of Barach Obama to his second and most important term. At this point, he will begin to show the world what his leadership has been intended to create: the fulfillment of the Great Hope of Democracy, the United States of America. There have been many struggles, many fits and starts, but the destiny of this country is with the Light, and it will be so as we move forward into a new era. Yes, there will be some obstruction, some more lies and obfuscation, but the tide has truly turned for all of you. "The promise of freedom as it was intended by the Founding Fathers was much more than the permission to own guns or to say anything you want any time you want on any subject, no matter how rude or deceitful or cruel. No, the intentions of the greatest of them was to provide the culture of Light within which every person would be able to reach their true potential, where no prejudice could prevent any individual from rising to their highest level of accomplishment, dignity and respect, and where all opportunity would be equally available to all the people. "Celebrate, My Children, join together to share the joy of knowing there is a Council of helpers from every dimension, some here in bodies, many participating fully with the leaders and teachers among you who are completely aware of our presence. We are in constant communication with your dear President, whose knowledge of the workings of the world goes far beyond the confines of your planet. He has patiently held back, waiting for the developments which are now unfolding, but now he will wait no longer. It was a joyful occasion for all of us as we watched with pride as he addressed the millions who hung on his fascinating words - the new Declaration of Independence, more than 200 years since the beginning of this glorious experiment in freedom. "Let us now communicate across the dimensions - you who are reading this and others whom you will encourage. Open your hearts and your minds, and you will clearly hear the voices of your Guides and helpers. They are there, talking to you just as your partner or your friend does. There are now people teaching the techniques which will help you to develop your intuitive skills, those deep places of knowing where your most receptive abilities have lain dorment all your lives. Ask Kathryn to teach the Visual Centering technique, which opens the pineal, the third eye and the fontanel, creating the necessary matrix for multi-dimensional Vision. We have asked her today to include the sound vibrations of ancient Peruvian whistles which will activate the hearing part of the equation and awaken the rest of the brain for the most powerful entrance into a new and creative capacity, beyond the brain you are used to experiencing. "We are encouraging you to make a quantum leap into new abilities, new ways of using your brain which go far beyond the everyday thinking you are used to. It is not impossible, Children. You are being recalibrated for the job. Now you need to leave behind the familiar limitations of your 3-Dimensional brain, for you have entered a 4-Dimensional world. Your abilities are increasing, just as they did when you were 14 or 15 years old and you discovered conceptual thinking. Now it will be thinking which allows non-linear conceptual reasoning, and even more -

the ability to see and hear just as the medium who brings you these messages has done. Each one of you will begin to observe fleeting images - at first out of the corner of your eye, then in full color in your dreams, then more fully in your waking hours. Your sensitivities are increasing, for sensitivity is the foundation of higher levels of intelligence. You will need to work hard to undo the habits of many years of subduing your most brilliant intelligence through television watching, alcohol and drug consumption and memorization of large amounts of trivial material. These are the accrued accumulation of the equivalent of intellectual fat cells which will respond to the new brain work-out which is genuine reasoning. "The new thinking bears little resemblance to the old style of thought, which is based mostly in descriptions of the things you can see and touch. New thinking involves the deep understanding of symbols, metaphors and poetic references which resonate in the heart and soul. It engages many areas of the brain at one time - a new experience for many people, who are just beginning to learn multi-tasking. The new brain-as-multi-tasker will provide greater versatility and deeper understanding, and will find a welcome with those of you who have always learned better in a multimedia way. You will begin to recognize your multimedia brain as the tremendous resource it is. "Your bodies too will change. Although many of you have been ill during the past few weeks, recovery and healing will come, and with it a new kind of health and well-being. Your bodies need to detoxify and prepare for the greater healing powers which are being activated. Can you imagine complete health - the absence of disease? You will begin, even in this overly stressed body, to feel greater resilience and strength. To appreciate these changes, you must let go of the old aches and pains. "Do not insist that an old allergy or lingering illness must remain as it has always been. Illnesses have been, in the past era, simply an expression of imbalance in the body, usually brought on or aggravated by fear, or as you call it, "stress." The same will hold true for moodiness, depression or bouts of high-intensity anxiety. Notice any time you say "MY depression," or "MY arthritis," or "MY migraines." These ailments do not belong to you, nor do they define you. They are remnants of a destructive culture-based lifestyle in which people were told by the sickness establishment that an illness generally indicates a seriously defective foundation or a weakened immunity, and is therefore inevitable. "Here is the message for today, Dear Ones: Nothing is inevitable. Not even death and taxes. Prepare for new health, new prosperity, new peace of mind, and new ways of thinking. Do not cling to the formulas for living you worked so hard to hone and put in place. The New Age will be the Age of the Heart, not the beta brain. It may yet sound impossible to you, but much of what you see around you that appears familiar and predictable is just the leftover reflection of old expectations and projected fantasies. "This will be the first year of a new order. Those who are able to be open-minded and truly free because of their solid soul connection will feel the changes first and will reap the reward with great joy. Awaken to the glorious music. Claim your place at the party. It's going to be a fabulous ride.

With all our Love, Mother/Father God" Via Kathryn May, Jan. 23, 2013, 1 am.

Part 90: News About Our Visitors From Space, and an Invitation to Talk in Person
"We will tell you something about what is going on in the rest of the Universe, if you would like to know. (K: yes.) All right then, here is just a small part of the news from "out there." We will begin with your atmosphere, just beyond your eyesight. "This week was an enormous celebration on more than just your planet, for the President you inaugurated is known far beyond your shores. He is one of the Council of Nine, the leaders of the Sirius star system, well liked and admired for his steady hand and deep commitment to justice. It was exhilarating to watch the outpouring of Love, there in the Capital as hundreds of thousands watched and waved their flags. All around your planet, standing watch as a protective cloak of Love, was the Ashtar Command. Their numbers now approach one million; that is how interesting and compelling this time on Gaia is for visitors from afar. "You can imagine the uproar in the Sirian ships when their dear brother was sworn in, and when he gave his ringing speech, a declaration of the ideals and intentions he came here to help manifest. Yes, of course there were those who tried to criticize and pretend there was something other than glorious about his message, but their protestations sound sillier and sillier with each passing day. The people are with our dear Barack, as you know him, and the energy produced on that day will carry forward in very important ways, giving him greater latitude to present new ideas and to hold a firm line with the cranky opponents who wish to defeat him at any cost. You can be assured we are standing by his side and protecting him at every turn. "Soon there will be a public acknowledgement of the presence of so-called alien spaceships, and recognition that your government and many others have been in contact with them for some time. This will open the possibility for open collaboration. The Ashtar Command has come here, after all, to protect Gaia from any interference from those galactic troublemakers who still roam the Universe, bent on Dark conquests. Their power is waning throughout the Multiverse, as the forces of Light have united very effectively to protect the more vulnerable planets. Yes, there are still reptilian forces in other places - the same sort that have caused so much Darkness and pain on Gaia, but in some ways it has served to spur the Intergalactic Council of Light on to forge closer and more effective alliances throughout the Multiverse. "So, you see my Dear Children, you are about to enter an age - we hope this very year - in which you will join with your Star Brothers and Sisters in an open and joyful collaboration which will be of great benefit to Planet Earth. You have been recognized as a Planet in Ascension, an honored tradition which many of them have experienced, but not in exactly the same way as you are doing. In the past there has been less synchrony between the planet and her people. For instance, as planets in the Sirius system ascended, their inhabitants were either swept away in the upheaval, as your civilizations have experienced in the past, or the more advanced populations traveled to other planets around the Universe to resettle during the Great Shifts. There have long been Sirian souls among you, fellow travelers with common goals. This experiment you have embarked on, to co-create with your young Mother Gaia in order to elevate together - the entire

human race of Gaia along with Gaia herself - has never been attempted before, as we have said. And so, it is not only attracting Intergalactic and interdimensional attention, but is serving as the vortex which is emanating Light outward, creating ripples that are felt as uplifting and inspiring to all the Beings of all the Kingdoms of Light. "You have all heard the story about the butterfly landing on a flower in China which creates the stirring of the breeze that is felt on the other side of the world. Such it is with your adventure here, but the world we speak of now is far greater than you ever imagined. They are here to share with you, to give from their hearts to their dear little Brothers and Sisters. You see, they are all somewhat farther along in their spiritual and technological development than you are at this moment, because they have been working at it longer, but this is a blessing for you, because it means they have already resolved many of the thorny issues you are facing now and have learned to live in Love and Light. They have no need to conquer; they feel great fulfillment in being of service to you, and wait until you see what they have to give you! It will be Christmas all year long, as your scientists and theirs collaborate to develop technologies which will elevate the conditions on your dear planet ten-fold. "We foresee a glorious experiment in change which will be carefully adapted to your particular conditions and needs, while maintaining a gradual pace which will not be chaotic or severely disruptive. It will be like all the Olympic productions combined, merging creativity, sound, lights, music, new architecture, entirely new energy systems and above all, international and intergalactic cooperation. There will be a need for talented people in all walks of life to share in the creation of New Gaia: teachers, farmers, merchants, chefs, technical and scientific specialists, gardeners, butchers, bakers and lighting designers. Let your minds run free; see yourself joyfully taking part in the rebuilding and redesigning of cities to create human-nurturing environments. Imagine yourself breathing the sweet-smelling air of a planet without any pollution, where the rivers run clean and clear and the only garbage produced is carried out to the garden as compost and bird food. "You will be offered the best help from experts in every field, but we know this will require an open-hearted attitude on the part of your population. It will be tempting for many to respond with old ingrained habits like jealous turf-wars and paranoia about losing your power to someone you might see as an authority figure and therefore the enemy. This is why it is so important for you now to begin to clear away all old tendencies to want to control and protect as you did in the mentality of insufficiency. Having lived in a world where those in power used their influence to steal from others, you have been conditioned to fear strangers, hang on to what you have, and only share with your closest family members, if at all. All this is changing, and will require more rapid change as the time comes to meet your new neighbors. "We have told the story of the firmament beyond your atmosphere as it relates to you directly because your recent Ascension to the 4th dimension has captured the rapt attention of all. In future messages we will give you a larger picture with some news from other galaxies and star systems beyond the view of your most powerful telescopes. There is much to tell, and if you are willing to suspend judgment completely and hear about the wonders your scientists have only dreamed about, we will tell you some interesting stories you will be able to tell your grandchildren.

"We have now completed a ninety-day run, bringing you a message every day but one. We hope that you have benefitted from this crash course in the True Way, and we hope you will share the understandings you have gained here. You will be the ones to carry the new Spirit of Love to your children, your neighbors, your colleagues and friends. These messages, which will continue, will provide the basis for new spiritual teachings which will be the foundation for the next thousand years. This week we celebrate the beginning of the New Golden Age - an Age of Enlightenment which will move far beyond the religious and moral teachings of the past. "Dear Ones, we welcome your questions and your participation in these discussions - for this is the way we see them. We have asked Kathryn to begin a radio talk show in which she will channel our voice so that we can speak to you directly. Each week there will be one person who will be awarded a session to speak with me on the air, through a simple lottery system. I am taking this opportunity to announce the beginning of the show on Sunday, January 27th, at 3 PM Eastern Time. (This is news to Kathryn too.) It will feature original music from new artists, guest channelers, friends, and our channel, The Voice of Yahweh. If you have questions you would like us to respond to, please send them on to Kathryn through the web site in advance of the show, and we will answer as many as possible. "You will find our new radio show on BlogTalkRadio, on your computer. Look for the title of our show, "Channel Panel." During the broadcast, you will be given the call-in number to speak with us live. We are very excited to be taking part in this wonderful new adventure, and hope you will join us to hear the live show every Sunday. It will be rebroadcast Wednesday evenings. Stay tuned for further details. "And now we wish you a glorious day filled with adventurous encounters, astonishing discoveries, and love at first sight. Until we speak in person, we are with you, Your Mother/Father God, through Yahweh" Via Kathryn May, Jan. 23, 11:30 PM

Part 91: What It's Like on the Planets of Sirius

"Tonight we're going to talk about the wondrous and amazing things happening across the Universe, as We promised yesterday. "Perhaps you would like to know what life is like in other star systems. (K: Yes!) All right, let's start with the Sirius folks, who are closely related to you on Gaia, genetically, as well as historically. You see, souls from Sirius find it convenient and rather easy to adapt to human Earth bodies, although the heavy atmosphere and the difficult cultural conditions are more of a challenge. "I told you yesterday that your President is here as a visitor from Sirius, but this is not his first sojourn in a body here on Gaia. Others among you are also here to help out because of the historic event of Ascension on Gaia, as we have mentioned. The one who types these words was not aware of her ancient Sirian roots until now, but we will reveal that now. In her travels she has found many of her fellows, and is naturally attracted to other Sirians, because of the higher vibrational quality they emanate. Her friend and collaborator, Amos Gunsberg, was also of Sirian origin. "So, you see, it is not a case of welcoming little green ET's into your life when we talk of intergalactic cooperation, although that is also a possibility. We will begin with the ones who are similar enough for you to relate to as brothers and sisters. "Sirius, as you call it, is not a single planet or sun. It is a system of heavenly bodies, interconnected as your solar system is, by energy forces which interact and interconnect the planets and suns of the large cluster. There have been nine "habitable" planets within the Sirius system, although there are only four currently in use by those who have been in human form. This is similar to the planets in your solar system, which have been populated in past eons by various souls in lower dimensional forms like your 3D Earth beings. We include here all forms of all the Kingdoms of the land, sea, air and also the interiors of the planets. "Let us take for example the Planet Martran, or in ancient days, Marlatrania, as it was called by the Sirians. Martran is larger than Earth - almost half again the size of your planet, but contains large arid plateaus which are hot in daytime and cold at night, with little groundwater or rainfall. There are smaller ocean areas on Martran, carefully protected resources which were a major food source over millennia, and now seen as a precious pleasure spots available to all citizens for recreation and play. There are forests, rivers and meadows as you know on Gaia, and mountain ranges, but they are less accessible and less forested than your beautiful Rockies, Alps and Himalayas. "The Sirian people from all the planets in the confederation consider themselves a united people, organized in a collaborative, interconnected Federation of Sirian States, as it would be called in English. They elect a group of nine Commanders to oversee the governance of their network. Their elections are based on a democratic one-person, one-vote runoff system which allows for

the candidates to be acknowledged in descending order, producing a clear mandate for those with the most support to be recognized as the Leading Lights. Your dear Commander has been recognized as a consistent favorite for many years, in your time, and is now on leave of absence for a short time to tend to the demands of his leadership on Gaia, although he is in daily contact with his Sirian counterparts. The level of cooperation and cordiality among leaders of Sirius is a sharp contrast to your 2-party wrangling on Gaia. When I tell you about daily life there you will begin to understand why. "Sirius has been inhabited by beings of evolving genetic makeup for many millions of years, as compared to your 100,000 or so years on Gaia. They have experienced an extended period of 3D duality, although it was slightly different than what you have experienced in the past. You see, every civilization, every planetary experience has been an experiment of sorts in which the beings involved have co-created their evolution to fit their own expectations of what would provide the optimal learning experience for advancement on their soul paths. Therefore, no two planets or star systems have evolved in exactly the same way (as they might have been had We, the Creators, designed and implemented the conditions ourselves). Various systems over the eons have requested varying degrees of free will, as they ascended to higher dimensional planes in their evolution. "Sirius went through many struggles and shifts, in environmental conditions and methods of governance, including long periods of war and discord before they were able to reach the stable Light-filled existence they enjoy now. As their planets and stars when through the process of ascension, there were great upheavals and mass extinctions similar to those on Gaia, until their technology developed, with the help of Brothers and Sisters from other advanced star systems, to such a degree that they could move comfortably between neighboring planets and eventually neighboring galaxies. "Because the privilege of experiencing free will was withheld - by mutual consent - until souls had reached the ability to function in the 5th dimension and higher, their progress was not hampered as profoundly as yours by the presence of Dark forces who could win over free will beings who were still in lower dimensional levels of development. Although this allowed for a less chaotic process than the oppression-revolution-oppression-revolution struggles you have experienced on Gaia, it also did not provide the dramatically intense soul challenges which have honed souls who venture to embody on Gaia. "It was for this reason that the Sirian Federation took part in the seeding of human genetic material on Gaia, in order to prepare opportunities for embodiment in human form on the new young planet as an alternate learning environment for them. Similar participation occurred with Pleiadians and others. It is an important rite of passage for Ascended Masters to have experienced one or more lifetimes on Gaia as part of their spiritual preparation. "In this present era, Sirius is populated by souls who have all ascended past the 3D level, and so their physical needs are far different from yours. For instance, there is no need to provide for the massive nutritional needs or physical necessities you experience. Their health is perfect, allowing for lifetimes of 1,000 years or more if they wish. They are capable of time and space travel, instant manifestation of anything they want or need, and telepathic communication across the

Universe. Their current mission is to be of service to others who are in the process of learning to ascend to higher spiritual levels. These responsibilities also serve as part of their own continuing spiritual growth, since it is understood in higher dimensions that the ascension process is ongoing. "We depart tonight with a special thought for the day: What is your Dream? What contribution do you wish to make to leave the world better than you found it? How will you take the first step to reach that goal? Now, begin, Dear Ones, Your loving Yahweh" Via Kathryn May, Jan 24, 11 pm

Part 92: The True Way Replaces Religion

"Now, My Children, let us ponder the state of the world as you see it around you, and think together about the things that are needed to make it a better place. You see, this is the way we approach things over here, in dimensions and levels of energy vibration that are right here, in the same space where you walk and talk and work and sleep, here just beyond your 3D perception. Yes, we see you clearly. We can even hear your thoughts - especially the ones which are carried on the waves of emotion. You can hear us speaking to you, if you open your hearts and your minds, and especially if you move into the Center of Operations in your brain where all your senses join forces in a higher vibrational frequency. So, let us put our heads together and make a plan for a better world. "What are the things you see now, in recent days, which indicate clearly the changes that are necessary if your civilization is to rise to a place where all people can leave in harmony, and without desperate poverty or starvation? What will allow people to live with dignity and freedom? What will allow young people to grow up at peace with themselves, rather than angry and alienated enough to want to kill their family members, and even people they don't even know? "These are difficult questions, are they not? What is really wrong with your society? Why is it so hard to pinpoint the causes of these terrible events? Why, in a culture of such prosperity and abundance is there such disparity between rich and poor, and why is there such rage among both rich and poor? Why has this rage reached down even to the very young, who viciously attack each other behind the anonymity of their electronic devices to such an extent that we hear of suicide by social media gang warfare almost weekly? "On the face of it, there seems to be no one answer to why the level of hostility and fear continues to rise, no matter what bullying programs schools try to implement, and no matter what level of education or family status the perpetrators and victims come from. Yes, traditionally violence and the ghetto seemed to grow together, but this is no longer the simple answer. College campuses have become as vulnerable as inner cities, and no amount of security or police presence seems to quell the violence. In many parts of the world, religion, not economic disadvantage sparks the most hostile conflicts. "The answer, My Children, is hidden in plain sight. The single cause of all these examples of malaise and unrest is the lack of spiritual nourishment and connection to something greater than one's self. Difficult parents, or poverty, or bullying at school do not alone lead a person to madness. It is the loneliness that does it. A life without a connection to the Unconditional Love of your Creators is a life without uplifting joy. You are taught that a doting and considerate lover can provide all the affection and love a person could need, or that the love of attentive parents is all a child needs for a successful start in life. It is not true. A life without the deepest connection to the Heart of Mother Gaia and to the world of Spirit is a life without an anchor. "Modern religions teach outwardly imposed discipline and guilt, or even self-indulgence and

self-importance, but few provide even a hint of real examples of the joys of living a life of service to the community. Money contributions replace real involvement with others, and one hour a month is considered "community service." Religious services frequently focus on achieving personal prosperity and abundance, without regard for the cost in suffering to Mother Gaia or to others whose lives will be impoverished by the actions of the prosperous few. "You, My Children, are beginning to awaken to the empty promise of material rather than spiritual pursuits. You are souls first, material bodies only for a short time. This material existence was never intended to take the place of fulfilling your spiritual path in this life. Rather, it was provided for you as a way to strive for higher levels of spiritual understanding and Grace. As we have said before, earning is not living. Only through intensive engagement with your Guides and with Us will you learn to recover your balance and begin to lose the fear of engaging with each other in deep and meaningful ways. We can help you to shrug off the destructive religious and cultural teachings which have, literally, driven you all to the edge of madness. Yes, all of you. "The levels of anxiety and depression, even among Lightworkers, is still tragic. You are working against the tide of prejudice and contempt from your fellow humans who largely hold this work in great disdain, thinking they are more successful, more important and more valuable because of their worldly pursuits and their "scientific" skepticism. It is helpful to gather in likeminded communities to celebrate and share your rituals of gratitude and thanksgiving, but when you reach out to include your less initiated neighbors, you are again reminded of the scorn, distaste or at least indifference with which you are seen by the population at large, especially those who consider themselves "believers!" We will declare here, that if they are not expressing Love and acceptance, then whatever it is they believe in, it is not spirituality, it is not about Us, and it has nothing to do with the True Way. "Let us call it that, My Dear Ones. The True Way is the simple pursuit of greater Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, Empathy, Gratitude, Sensitivity to others, Appreciation for the conscious, living Mother Gaia, and dedication to the great project which is the Co-Creation with Us, the Legions of Light, of the New Gaia, based on your continuing, glorious Ascension to higher vibrational levels. This process of learning, sharing, loving and growing is the Path of Light which you all came here to walk. It has been a time of Darkness and forgetfulness on Planet Earth, even as you thought you were moving toward great scientific proofs and earthshattering discoveries. But those discoveries are incomplete, empty without the true story behind the story. It is our Co-Creation with you, Beloved Ones, which is the real miracle, and the real essence of Truth which will bring you peace of mind, security and contentment. "Do not be afraid to acknowledge what you know in your Heart: that a stripped down, simple meditation practice without fanfare or trappings is the most effective road to connection with your Higher Self, and by extension, with Us. Towering cathedrals are a nice place to experience the resonance of thousands of years of devotion etched into the stones, but a mountainside holds the same or greater vibrational inspiration. A simple room or a blanket spread on the grass, or a fallen log in the forest amply provides a setting for the most intimate connection with Gaia and with Us. It is this connection: Gaia, God and You which make up the Trinity of Faith and companionship which provides an abundance of Love and Peace, without which life is barren

and empty. Striving each day for that connection is the practice we call The True Way. This, and being of service to others are the only practices needed to live a rich and full life, abundant with the kind of fulfillment which cannot be found anywhere else. "With this we leave you to ponder how you will use these understandings to do your part to change the way the sorry world is suffering, and how you will bring Light and Love to those who are still hypnotized by the old ways of pursuing money rather than the genuine wealth which is being One with each other and with Us. We love you one and all, Mother/Father God and the Legions of Light" Via Kathryn May, Jan. 25, 2013, 10 pm.

Part 93: Lessons in The True Way Begin

"Now, My Children, let us ponder the state of the world as you see it around you, and think together about the things that are needed to make it a better place. You see, this is the way we approach things over here, in dimensions and levels of energy vibration that are right here, in the same space where you walk and talk and work and sleep, here just beyond your 3D perception. Yes, we see you clearly. We can even hear your thoughts - especially the ones which are carried on the waves of emotion. You can hear us speaking to you, if you open your hearts and your minds, and especially if you move into the Center of Operations in your brain where all your senses join forces in a higher vibrational frequency. So, let us put our heads together and make a plan for a better world. "What are the things you see now, in recent days, which indicate clearly the changes that are necessary if your civilization is to rise to a place where all people can leave in harmony, and without desperate poverty or starvation? What will allow people to live with dignity and freedom? What will allow young people to grow up at peace with themselves, rather than angry and alienated enough to want to kill their family members, and even people they don't even know? "These are difficult questions, are they not? What is really wrong with your society? Why is it so hard to pinpoint the causes of these terrible events? Why, in a culture of such prosperity and abundance is there such disparity between rich and poor, and why is there such rage among both rich and poor? Why has this rage reached down even to the very young, who viciously attack each other behind the anonymity of their electronic devices to such an extent that we hear of suicide by social media gang warfare almost weekly? "On the face of it, there seems to be no one answer to why the level of hostility and fear continues to rise, no matter what bullying programs schools try to implement, and no matter what level of education or family status the perpetrators and victims come from. Yes, traditionally violence and the ghetto seemed to grow together, but this is no longer the simple answer. College campuses have become as vulnerable as inner cities, and no amount of security or police presence seems to quell the violence. In many parts of the world, religion, not economic disadvantage sparks the most hostile conflicts. "The answer, My Children, is hidden in plain sight. The single cause of all these examples of malaise and unrest is the lack of spiritual nourishment and connection to something greater than one's self. Difficult parents, or poverty, or bullying at school do not alone lead a person to madness. It is the loneliness that does it. A life without a connection to the Unconditional Love of your Creators is a life without uplifting joy. You are taught that a doting and considerate lover can provide all the affection and love a person could need, or that the love of attentive parents is all a child needs for a successful start in life. It is not true. A life without the deepest connection to the Heart of Mother Gaia and to the world of Spirit is a life without an anchor. "Modern religions teach outwardly imposed discipline and guilt, or even self-indulgence and

self-importance, but few provide even a hint of real examples of the joys of living a life of service to the community. Money contributions replace real involvement with others, and one hour a month is considered "community service." Religious services frequently focus on achieving personal prosperity and abundance, without regard for the cost in suffering to Mother Gaia or to others whose lives will be impoverished by the actions of the prosperous few. "You, My Children, are beginning to awaken to the empty promise of material rather than spiritual pursuits. You are souls first, material bodies only for a short time. This material existence was never intended to take the place of fulfilling your spiritual path in this life. Rather, it was provided for you as a way to strive for higher levels of spiritual understanding and Grace. As we have said before, earning is not living. Only through intensive engagement with your Guides and with Us will you learn to recover your balance and begin to lose the fear of engaging with each other in deep and meaningful ways. We can help you to shrug off the destructive religious and cultural teachings which have, literally, driven you all to the edge of madness. Yes, all of you. "The levels of anxiety and depression, even among Lightworkers, is still tragic. You are working against the tide of prejudice and contempt from your fellow humans who largely hold this work in great disdain, thinking they are more successful, more important and more valuable because of their worldly pursuits and their "scientific" skepticism. It is helpful to gather in likeminded communities to celebrate and share your rituals of gratitude and thanksgiving, but when you reach out to include your less initiated neighbors, you are again reminded of the scorn, distaste or at least indifference with which you are seen by the population at large, especially those who consider themselves "believers!" We will declare here, that if they are not expressing Love and acceptance, then whatever it is they believe in, it is not spirituality, it is not about Us, and it has nothing to do with the True Way. "Let us call it that, My Dear Ones. The True Way is the simple pursuit of greater Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, Empathy, Gratitude, Sensitivity to others, Appreciation for the conscious, living Mother Gaia, and dedication to the great project which is the Co-Creation with Us, the Legions of Light, of the New Gaia, based on your continuing, glorious Ascension to higher vibrational levels. This process of learning, sharing, loving and growing is the Path of Light which you all came here to walk. It has been a time of Darkness and forgetfulness on Planet Earth, even as you thought you were moving toward great scientific proofs and earthshattering discoveries. But those discoveries are incomplete, empty without the true story behind the story. It is our Co-Creation with you, Beloved Ones, which is the real miracle, and the real essence of Truth which will bring you peace of mind, security and contentment. "Do not be afraid to acknowledge what you know in your Heart: that a stripped down, simple meditation practice without fanfare or trappings is the most effective road to connection with your Higher Self, and by extension, with Us. Towering cathedrals are a nice place to experience the resonance of thousands of years of devotion etched into the stones, but a mountainside holds the same or greater vibrational inspiration. A simple room or a blanket spread on the grass, or a fallen log in the forest amply provides a setting for the most intimate connection with Gaia and with Us. It is this connection: Gaia, God and You which make up the Trinity of Faith and companionship which provides an abundance of Love and Peace, without which life is barren

and empty. Striving each day for that connection is the practice we call The True Way. This, and being of service to others are the only practices needed to live a rich and full life, abundant with the kind of fulfillment which cannot be found anywhere else. "With this we leave you to ponder how you will use these understandings to do your part to change the way the sorry world is suffering, and how you will bring Light and Love to those who are still hypnotized by the old ways of pursuing money rather than the genuine wealth which is being One with each other and with Us. We love you one and all, Mother/Father God and the Legions of Light" Via Kathryn May, Jan. 25, 2013, 10 pm.

Part 94: God and St. Germain discussing Their Talk Show Appearance, New Life on Gaia, and the Trust Fund for Earth's People
"Today was an exciting time for us, because we were able to share the air on a radio talk show with Kathryn, her co-host Ellen, and many listeners and callers who called in to ask us questions. St. Germain and I took turns giving a brief introduction to who we are and what we do, and there will be much more to tell in the coming weeks. We hope that many people will bring their friends to hear us present the teachings of the True Way, which will provide a guide for those of you who have become disillusioned or just plain sick of the rigid, authoritarian teachings of religions as they are presented today. "We know that there are many of you who are searching, trying to understand what will replace the traditional religious teachings; how are you to explain the world around you, if not through the lens of a prescribed set of rules? It has been a difficult time for thinking people, people of the Heart, because it has been obvious to you that the angry, judgmental ravings you hear from socalled evangelical sects are taking it upon themselves to enter politics in order to invade people's lives with their oppressive and irrational belief systems. St. Germain: "The connection between religion and politics is of particular interest to me. I have seen the suffering caused by leaders who believe it is God's will that they enslave others in the name of the throne. It has been done for centuries, and is today being played out in countries around the world, where the issue has still not been settled. It is still not obvious to everyone that good governance is a result of having people of Light in the positions of responsibility, and that being a person of Love and Light is not bestowed by belonging to any religion, regardless of what it is. Since, as God said in his talk today, there is no religion which teaches the True Way, there is no religion which deserves to become the set of laws which governs a people. God: "Thank you, dear Germain. You are eloquent in these matters, and we are grateful for your thousands of years of service to humankind and to Gaia's people. "We believe that the opportunity to present these matters to the people in a way that will offer real answers to their present-day questions will help at this time of transition. Gaia has ascended into 4D, and her people need to learn to leave behind the old ways of thinking - thinking that is embedded in fear, shame and the expectation of lack. It will take some time for this to change. Even in the presence of oceans of Love energy washing across the planet, many do not notice that things have changed, but go on seeing the world through the lens of the heavy, dark energies they were accustomed to. St Germain: "How often do we hear people complain, as the caller did today, that everything seems so uphill, so difficult to struggle against the greed and forces of power. They have been right, of course, but the vision of struggling against the Dark Ones alone and without the wherewithal to succeed is no longer the way of the world. There may be left-over struggles, the residue of past confusion, but now, in 2013, the Veil has lifted and the energies have risen considerably. You will no longer find yourselves, as Sisyphus did, pushing a boulder up a hill,

unless you choose to do so. God: "Yes, that is true. The time of those kinds of struggles are behind you. As the Light/Love quotient increases, so does your burden lighten, whatever that burden might be. Look outward, Children. Breathe into your third eye to ease the pain and un-furrow your brow. Help is on the way, and no one will be left behind, because St. Germain is a champion for freedom and true democracy - the democracy of equals helping other equals to live joyful and productive lives. The current dog-eat-dog philosophy which holds sway in the Western world is not democracy as we see it. As long as any individual, man woman or child, is given short shrift, a country cannot claim to be democratic. As long as one disabled veteran has to beg on the streets, you cannot claim to be anything but barbaric. St Germain: ..."and until everyone has a comfortable place to sleep and a satisfying dinner at the end of their day, you cannot claim to be a civilized country. I have lived many lives on Gaia, as a champion for the causes of which we speak, and I have seen abominable arrogance and greed on the part of highly respected and powerful people. What sort of culture honors the abuse of power? What sort of person subscribes to the belief that they are entitled to more than others have, just because they can claim to hold a title or occupy a chair in a large corporation that mints money by polluting the planet, or enslaving children in far places to produce their products? What world is this? Well, we are happy to tell you that this world is gone, over, done for. It is only a matter of unwinding the tentacles and releasing the parasites to be swept away in the winds, as Gaia cleanses herself, and the people rise again to the promise of peace on Earth and plenty of joy to go around. God: "And so it will be. The Legions of Light, the Archangels and all the Masters and Guides are working with us to help Gaia, and all the other planets and stars in the Universe to ascend in harmony with all the others. It is a plan for heavenly cooperation, peace and justice on the scale of the Multiverse, and Gaia is inspiring the rest with her grand plan to elevate with all the beings who inhabit her land and waters. This ambitious plan is being co-created with all who share her abundance, and will continue to evolve to higher levels as each individual raises their own level of vibration, thereby adding to the great concert of Joy and Light which awaits you. St. Germain: "Yes, Dear Ones, and before we go, let me offer you a little "tease" about what is coming soon. As some of you might know, when I was here in body, I established a trust fund, funded by great stores of gold and precious jewel - more than you can even begin to imagine. This fund has been held by several trustworthy families, who have guarded it and followed my wishes that it be overseen in such a way that it could grow by quietly taking profit from the robber barons who were robbing and squeezing the governments of the world in their financial grip. You see, it does help to have multi-dimensional Vision. "The fund, which was established some 7 generations ago, is now worth more than all the bank and all the GDP of the planet combined. We will soon begin distributing this wealth, first through proven non-profit agencies which work for the greater good, and later directly to every man, woman and child on the planet. Yes, it is a daunting task, but one we can accomplish and will accomplish, with careful concern that we do not destroy all the world's markets and structures suddenly. Our pledge is also the Hippocratic oath: First, do no harm. You can be sure

we are more than eager to see prosperity return to every corner of the Earth, as it once was long ago. God: "We wish to give this message to all, so that each and every one of you can hold your heads high, grasp the hand of your neighbor, and jump for joy, for there will truly be manna from heaven to be shared by all. Then it will be your part to keep that equality, and help it to take root as the True Way of life on Gaia. We know it will take time, and there will be those who will try to regain their old status, whether it be as Emperor or underdog, but we see you working every day to overcome old habits and old ways, and we commend you for that. "Dare to dream, Children, and dream your way to taking part in the most glorious transition ever to be witnessed in the Universe. We look forward to speaking with you next week, and to answering your questions in person. St. Germain: "And I will be honored to join you, our Beloved Creators. "We will continue to send you these messages to read. Pass the on to as many as possible. This is how we tip the scales toward the Light for all the planet. Mother/Father God, and St. Germain, until tomorrow." Via Kathryn May, Jan. 27, 2013, 11 pm

Part 95: Charity Begins At Home

"Now let us ponder how far you have all come in the past year. Look back, and review - not the size of your bank account or the number of presents you received for Christmas, but the moments of objective self-examination, the acts of kindness, and the efforts to raise your consciousness when faced with old ideas, old thoughts, and old prejudices. Notice how many of the beliefs you took for granted have been shaken or completely left behind. Gauge whether you have learned to remain calm under pressure more effectively, and whether you are able to be patient and loving with those who are younger, less experienced or less educated than you are. These are all important measures of your Light-quotient, as we have called it. "What goes into learning to be more patient, for instance? Are you aware of the connection to your spiritual development? Knowledge is power, in this case. You may have seen more deeply how important this life is in the scheme of things, how important an impact you have on those around you. You may have also accepted, once and for all, that this life is just a small segment of the life you have lived, in a body or in spirit, over centuries. And yet it is a glorious opportunity to learn, to grow and elevate yourself as you fulfill your soul path. The second truth you may have absorbed more deeply, if you have been reading these messages, is the importance of service to others. This, above all, defines the life you live in the eyes of Spirit. We are concerned with Creation and with Love. The things you create during this life - the relationships you build, the art and music you create or support, the community structures you develop and nurture, whether they be buildings or institutions, and the Love you offer to the people around you - these are the lasting contributions of a soul in ascendance. "Yes, of course you have to pay the rent and put food on the table, but those responsibilities would not weigh so heavily and absorb so many hours of your week if the job you performed were not seen as the proof of your worth, the definition of who you are. You are all aware of the phenomenal waste that is produced by your consumer lifestyle, but it is a difficult decision for one in the modern world to acknowledge that a second TV set in a home is not only a luxury, it is a monumental waste of time and money. Children are social creatures, and should never be isolated in a room alone with a television set. Look to your ancestors and their social ways for guidance in how you might change your view of what entertainment really is. Study the people of the South Seas, or the Native Americans to appreciate the integral way in which art, music, celebration and song were woven into daily life. These are the activities that make the heart sing, not sitting alone in a dark room. "Many of you ask: What job shall I try to find that will fulfill my path? We say: None. Chances are that if you are being paid for the work, then it is not in the service of others and therefore cannot be considered soul development. This may seem a radically different way to look at your life, but that just indicates how far from a spiritual life your teachings have taken you. Material pursuits are by definition not spiritual pursuits. Of course, holding a position which helps others to have a better life is very nice, but it is not sufficient to completely fulfill an ambitious soul contract. Those relationships where you are able to give from the heart, express compassion and forgiveness, are the true meaning of service. Who you are in the context of the work environment

is more important than the work itself. Being a kind and considerate boss, or an employee who goes out of your way to help someone else when they are in need of it is far more important than how much money you earn for the corporation you work for, or how much they pay you. "Listen always to the sound of your voice. Scrutinize the tone you use when you speak to children and to the people who serve you in stores and restaurants, to eliminate any trace of impatience, disrespect, belittlement or superiority. These are the pursuits of a soul on the path of the True Way. "We have promised you lessons which will help you to move beyond the chains of organized religions. This is what we are doing now. We will teach you by the example of how we listen to you, how we respond to you with Love and Understanding, and how we support and encourage you on your way to greater Enlightenment. We will give you examples, as we did in the paragraphs above, but we will not give you rules or dogma. "We are not interested in sin or "redemption." We will help you to improve your attitude, change the way you treat others, and to learn the rich life of warmth and companionship which comes with service to others. We will not make up regulations and proclamations for you to memorize and follow. This is what is wrong with the state of religion today. In your hearts you know what is right and what is wrong. There are simple feelings which guide you truly, if they remain intact from childhood. Guilt is not one of them. Guilt is an imposed, confused feeling based in fear. So - fear, guilt and shame are emphatically not good measures of right or wrong actions. They are socially inflicted, from the outside in, and therefore not reliable guides. Heart emotions guide us by putting into an immediately recognizable expression the meaning of the experience at hand. "Let me explain. If you are an adult who is contemplating whether you want to continue in relationship with another person, you are aware in your intuition/soul/heart feelings that approaching the person from a feeling of vengeance or retaliation is not a decent way to end a partnership of any kind. This is not only "burning your bridges," it would be inflicting unnecessary pain on the other. But you feel justified, you might say, Yes, but justifying an act of unkindness is not decent, and it is a low-level Dark energy action. This is a very different scenario from one in which a person is trying to attack you physically, or trying to discredit you publicly, for instance. That would require self-defense actions tailored to protect yourself without inflicting undue harm on the other. Notice - we are looking to eliminate aggression, not normal self-protection. This is a distinction which is difficult for many of you, especially those who are inclined toward self-contempt and self-hatred. "So, let us begin our lessons in the True Way with one simple guideline: Eliminate all hatred from your heart and your mind, and replace it with Love. "We speak not only of your relations with others; we emphasize here as we did in Kathryn's book: You cannot consider yourself a good person or an evolved person if you think or say disparaging things about yourself. You are a person too, and deserve decent treatment. Let us be clear: We do not care what you have done in the past, when you work to bring yourself to the state of Grace we call Unconditional Love. Every soul is born in Love, was christened with tears of joy, and is of equal value to every other soul that has ever been created. We want you to join

with us in Love and Light, and look forward to that time with great expectation. We wish to see you grow and evolve, to increase your Light. That is all that is important. It is to that end that we encourage and teach you, Our Dear Children. "Begin by evaluating carefully the quality of your own relationship with yourself, and do as you would with others along your spiritual path. Behave decently, with compassion, and be of service to the greater good of this soul that is You. "We look forward to our work together as this historic year unfolds, Mother/Father God" Via Kathryn May, Jan. 28, 2013, 7 pm.

Part 96: God Advocates for Sex, and Forgiveness

"We are delighted to see how many of you are reading our messages every day, starting your day with a smile, we hope. Our intention is to give you reasons to feel relief - that the things you suspected all along are true - and happiness knowing that living a good and rewarding life is much less about sex and money, and much more about being with the people you love and enjoying it. Well, let's rephrase that. Let's say it's about more sex with the one you love and less about money. "We do enjoy scandalizing our readers once in a while with our jokes about sex, because so many of you have been taught such ridiculously rigid rules about how life should be lived in regard to sexuality. It takes the gift of physical delight out of the realm of passion and love and categorizes it as if it is a commodity to be traded or "given" to someone as a favor, or worse yet, as a sin. No, we do not consider sex between two consenting adults to be a sin. In some cases it might be a mistake, but we would not call it a sin. Of course we do not endorse sexual behavior between an adult and a child, ever. That is not really sexuality; it is a power play on the part of the adult, and you already know how we feel about abuses of power. When a child is involved, it is a truly destructive act, one which leaves the child feeling overwhelmed, confused, and shamed. As we said, this is not sex. "We do thoroughly enjoy seeing the bright light which is generated when two people in love find each other in the physical expression of love. It is the entry into higher dimensional feelings, opening the gateway of the heart to communion with the soul and with those of us in the spirit world. It is the time when two bodies and two souls meet on a higher plane than the ordinary 3dimensional life they share the rest of the time. Since you have now risen to the 4th dimensional plane, you may find that your lovemaking is becoming even more ecstatic, and that the warm feelings carry through the rest of your days in a more tangible way. We wish to encourage you to focus more on the delights of being a sexual being and less on the pursuit of power and money. "You see, sexuality is intimately woven with the energy of Creation. As human beings, the act of love-making which leads to the creation of a child is a sacred act, one to be appreciated for the tremendous power it carries. This does not however, mean that every sexual act is intended for reproduction alone. That would be absurdly limiting, and we do not place limits of any kind on our children. There is magic in the loving expression, and there is wonder in the creation of a child who will provide the opportunity for a soul to join in the marvelous journey of living on Gaia. We do not insist that every fetus should be brought into life where the conditions are not sufficient for the child to thrive and for the parents to nurture the child and provide at least the minimum of what it needs to survive. We have given you free will so that you can make your own choices about what is right for you, and when. "Many in your culture have argued loudly for a ban on any abortion, and even any birth control measures. We are sorry to see such misuse of our name. We have also been blamed for wanting a woman who has been raped to be forced to bear the child of her attacker. This is simply an arrogant excuse for brutality toward women, since only women can become pregnant. It is a

shadow from the Middle Ages, rising up to haunt the vulnerable and innocent among you. These are the last ditch efforts of the Dark Hats to foment cruelty and promote unwarranted punishment on those who are weaker than themselves. They are unwittingly doing their part to illustrate the ignorance of their prejudices and to reveal at last to the world just how insane these ideas really are. Do not worry that they will gain ultimate power. Do your parts to stop such discussions, and be sure to vote these people out of office as soon as possible, but do not believe in their power to persuade or to win out in the public forum. The time for witch-burning and slavery is past. "Remember, it was the people who instigated the burning of innocent women who claimed to be doing God's work. There is a simple "litmus test" if you are not sure about whether a person who says they are speaking for Us is truly hearing our words or the rantings of their own ego. If the proclamations and pronouncements they make result in suffering, discomfort and discord, and if they are designed to put themselves up as judge and jury over others, then they certainly do not speak for Us. Even with the most destructive of the Dark Hats, we would welcome them Home with open arms if they choose to turn toward the Light. This is all we wish for: that you each find your way back to us, to our Unconditional Love. We will help you to recover, to heal and to begin again to follow the path of Light, as was the original plan for all of you. "We do not condemn those who go astray, no matter how far. Whatever the results of their transgressions against others, we know that those others who were hurt by their actions will come back to Us to be comforted and nourished, healed in the Light. It is not the victims who suffer endlessly; it is the Fallen Ones. And so, we continue to send our Love to them, even as they rape and pillage, because we know that only Love can heal an angry heart and bring a lost soul back to life. "Our Universal plan is to see all of our children, regardless of their missteps or mistaken ideas, return to our open arms. Often it is the most extreme transgressions which lead a lost child to return Home for forgiveness, and that forgiveness allows them to truly take responsibility for their own actions. When they review their lives and feel what others felt under their destructive hand, they grieve, and from that grief grows compassion. Eventually that compassion gives birth to the resolve to make up for their Dark ways. In that process is created a champion for Truth and Love. These are sometimes the ones who eventually become our strongest Masters and brightest Angels. "So you see, we are the ones who keep the Home fires burning brightly, who celebrate your growth, however and whenever it is achieved, and will love you unconditionally, until the last soul is united as One. We are Mother/Father God" Via Kathryn May, Jan. 29, 2013, 11:30 pm

Part 97: Explaining Where These Annoying Challenges Come From

"Some of you have a misconception about how we encourage and send Love to our children. There is a misunderstanding about how and why we do that. We send Unconditional Love, as we mentioned yesterday, to all beings, on Gaia and elsewhere, because it is what we feel toward the Creations of our Heart. It does not matter whether they are young souls or old, whether they are embodied as mouse or human, or whether they are Ascended Masters or beginners on their soul path. It is not a reward or a gift, or something we dole out to the deserving few. We love all equally because that is what we do; it is who we are. "Loving equally does not mean we simply send out blasts of love energy to blanket the Universe, although we do do that sometimes, as in the Ascension energy around December 21. In addition to those extra focused energy flows, we send our Love/Light to individuals, shaped and delivered in the intensity we see as most appropriate for them, at the level they are most likely to be able to absorb it. Thus, entities who are at a higher vibration level are able to absorb higher levels of Light energy, increasing their own vibratory power incrementally, as they grow and elevate along their soul path. "So, you see, we are aware of each one's needs and abilities, and provide accordingly. However, this is not the end of the story. Some of our efforts to send just the right loving message to one of our children may fall on deaf ears, as you might say. If a heart is closed, we do not beat down the door. That would be transgressing our free will contract. We will continue to send Love, whether it is received or not, for eternity. "This is part of the lessons of the True Way. We wish to teach you about Unconditional Love and Light, so that you can learn to live in the stance which generates it. It is our hope that all our children will eventually evolve to join with us in the pure state of Light which is One. For each of you, this means practicing the actions which generate Light in yourself, continuing that practice throughout your life to make the most of this experience in a body. "Next, we will address the issue of finding your way down the dark alley which surrounds you when life seems to close in on you, bringing you one curve ball after another. It can be a discouraging time when three things or more seem to go wrong all at the same time. No, it does not mean that someone in the spirit world has put a hex on you, or you have a backlog of negative karma that needs to be worked off. Not at all. Events in life flow along currents of energy, sometimes faster, sometimes slower. Like New York City buses, there may be a long time between them, then suddenly a bevy of them appears all at once. There is another possibility which is more difficult to explain. When you contract to come to this life, you agree to a certain number of challenges, unpleasant encounters, emotional upheavals and inconveniences, to test your mettle and hone your skills. Your Guides and your Greater Soul may design challenges to arrive at your doorstep in such a way as to maximize the impact, and therefore the learning potential without actually doing any damage to your overall flow of life. "We will repeat here that there are no lifetimes on Gaia which simply go smoothly without a

challenge or a painful emotional experience. That is not why souls come here - to take a vacation from learning. Gaia is known across the Universe as one of the most difficult assignments, and therefore an effective training ground. All souls are ambitious in their plans when they are designing a life of optimum potential for learning. This is one of the reasons why the guidance of a Master is beneficial in the planning stage, to prevent overly difficult lifelines which might defeat the person rather than teach them. It is a careful process, this choosing how much to push, and how much to allow for breathing room. Usually, the most difficult lives are assigned to the most ambitious souls who may want to attempt to evolve as quickly as possible. We do not recommend this for young souls; it takes experience and a strong heart to withstand a truly abusive childhood followed by an adulthood of deprivation. There may also be situations where a soul from another galaxy may request almost any life that is available, as long as it meets their basic needs. Lifetimes on Gaia are in finite supply, you see, and so it is a precious opportunity one that should not be taken for granted or wasted. "You may begin to see after contemplating this description that it makes no sense from a spiritual point of view to complain or be depressed about the conditions of your life, or how difficult the trials you face. At any time, you have the opportunity to mitigate the destructive effects of the contracted challenges by living out the principles of the Universal Law of Flow and the Law of Attraction. You will bring into your life what you ask for when you go out to be of service to others, and you will attract to yourself the kind of energy you express toward the world. In this way, you may experience the planned obstacles, but they will be accompanied by heartwarming friendship, abundant help, and other positive influences. "This is some of the fundamental background knowledge which will make sense of the guidelines we are giving you to explain The True Way. It is important to understand the effect of your own actions on the outcome of every day, every lifetime on Gaia. There is an old saying, "You reap what you sow." It is true, and it is a good illustration of the truths behind The True Way: there is no punishment, there is only the Universal flow, which runs in every direction at once, and which responds by giving you more of what you are currently concentrating on and putting into action, positive or negative. This is why we often tell our children to think creatively and act positively regardless of what fears or doubts you might be having. The actions carry more weight. "Continue to assess your feelings to root out all negativity and naysaying, for this is the source of much of the Darkness in life. Take actions every day to be of service to others, and envision your dreams every day. Make small steps in the direction of accomplishing your Dream every day, even if it is making lists of what you will need to bring your Dream to life. And do not forget, ever, that we are here by your side, acknowledging every triumph, no matter how small, and feeling your pain when you fall. We are eternally your Mother/Father God" Via Kathryn May, Jan. 30, 11:30 pm

Part 98: The Economics of the New Age, and How it Affects Us
"Let's talk about the financial struggles many Lightworkers are having these days. We see that many of you are spending hours contributing your skills to helping others, and you are finding it hard to make a living doing your healing work because of high rents, high expenses, many responsibilities for yourselves and others, and little income coming in, especially if you are doing alternative kinds of work, or are artists and musicians. "We have told you that it is the beginning of a new Golden Age, but for you it may seem to be just more of the same struggles. We see your difficulties and understand how hard it is to keep going, especially when everyday you hear about billionaire hedge-fund operators and Wall Street traders who live in unbelievable luxury and contribute nothing to the community. Your civilization has been drifting in this direction in every part of the world, since the waves of agrarian people left the land to go to cities to work for employers in exchange for wages. In that transition, millions of people who may have been poor, but who had the resources to feed themselves became slaves to someone they did not know and who did not care to know them. As farmers left the land, large corporations bought up millions of acres of farmland, created factory farms, and hired those same farmer's children for minimal wages, and the cycle of poverty deepened. "As people moved to the cities, the pressure on housing and jobs has raised the rent and lowered the wages for millions of workers who are working longer hours away from their families, in a reprise of the early days of the Industrial Revolution, when workers worked 10 hours a day, 7 days a week for subsistence pay. Conditions have improved a bit, but the slavery conditions remain. The main difference now is that the employers are multinational corporations, and the monopolies across the globe are far more powerful because well-connected corporate and banking cartels can force governments to do their bidding, at the cost of all but the wealthiest owners. In this way, every person on the planet is affected by the depletion of resources, poisoning of the environment, and the downward pressure on wages. The people who would be supporting Lightworkers by using your services, buying your music and art, and appreciating the value of your work are fewer and fewer, either because they no longer have the disposable income, or because the wealthy clients are wealthier but fewer, and less interested in supporting the arts. So you see, the same pressure on wages that has reduced the factory workers pay has forced your wages down as well. "Now, an explanation of what is wrong with the economics of your society is not going to repair your plumbing or pay your rent. We understand that, but we describe these things to you now to help you see the bigger picture, which resembles the picture which has in the past brought about massive revolution on the part of the poorer classes, except that in the U.S. and other developed countries there are still few people starving, and the ruling class is more difficult to identify, since they are protected by the anonymity of the faceless corporations which support them. Since you no longer have kings and their opulent courts visible to all, the would-be revolutionaries must resort to petitioning government representatives who are being paid by the corporations to represent them, and so the Darkness deepened, and depression and despair began to take over the

psyche of the people. "These forces had nearly reached the breaking point, and many were beginning to awaken to the fundamentally evil system which would have soon ended in the destruction of the planet either by the military-industrial complex, as it has been called, or by the toxic destruction of the environment, as Dec. 21 approached. We were aware of the collision course the planet was on, and were convinced that this time we would not permit the destruction of the humans, since Gaia would have been forced to shake all of you off in order to heal and begin again. "Instead of allowing this devastation to play out, as it has done many times in the past, we have intervened, as so many of you prayed for us to do, by sending powerful waves of Light and Love to you, as we described in earlier messages leading up to Dec. 21. We are also continuing to work behind the scenes to make sure the Dark Hats can no longer control the resources which rightfully belong to all the people of Gaia. You are now at a higher level of vibration - the 4th dimension, and as such, you will need to learn the new ways which accompany such an elevation. "It is possible to manifest what you need to keep on with your good work, but it will not come in the form of favors bestowed from Us. We have said many times that we do not punish or reward our children in this lifetime, and certainly not with material gifts. We do offer you the power of the Universal Law of Flow, which guarantees that acts of service will bring service in return, although it may not be in the form you expect. It does, however, provide what our children need to find sustenance and peace of mind with like-minded friends and neighbors. You will discover, if you are able to extract yourself from 3D ways of thinking, that your powers of manifestation are greater because of the higher levels of Light energy available to you. You have more available to you than you realize, but you must begin to practice your manifestation skills with more in mind than just finding enough money for what you need. There are many resources available which have nothing to do with dollars paid for hours of work. "During this time of transition, there may be continuing inequities for a time. We are working with our Masters and Guides to assure a shift away from rule by the few to more equitable structures. Although that will be much more gradual than you would prefer, I hope you will understand that a faster transition would cause complete upheaval and possibly massive starvation and deprivation before new structures can be put in place to provide for the millions of people who are utterly dependent on the status quo just to survive. "So, My Dear Ones, we ask you to have patience, continue to be of service to each other and to the world around you, and you will be supported, but it will be in new ways, and in ways which will join fellow to fellow, friend to friend, neighbor to neighbor. You will discover new ways to have fun as you do your work, and in the process you will find new strengths in yourselves. "We urge you not to cling to old ways of thinking, calculating and planning every element of life based on how many dollars you will have in the bank. The flow of resources will change in unexpected ways, but we can assure you that life will go on, and it will gradually become easier for those who live in their hearts, who are growing in love and compassion, and who continue to be of service. You will be joined by others who are catching the flame and who will come to

stand with you in the growing Light. "Do not be discouraged by difficulties now. You have come through much darker days. Do not be undone by the violence being reported in great detail every day in the media. It is not so extremely different from what it was before, but it is being publicized more sensationally. Some of these incidents, and some of the personal difficulties you are experiencing now are a part of the dramatic learning process that will lead eventually to greater peace, forgiveness and compassion as you begin to work out the new structures that will guide you in the New Golden Age. "Remember, you are the harbingers of a new civilization. It has never been easy to turn the ship in midstream, as we are all doing now - you there in your boots on the ground, Us, here in higher dimensions working behind the scenes on the Universal themes and rising energies. We will cocreate this together, in a process which may often feel something like giving birth. It is not completely without pain, but in the end you will have a new life. "We love you beyond words, our brave children, Mother/Father God" Via Kathryn May, Feb. 1, 2013, 12 am.

Part 99: Love Leads to Freedom

"Let's talk about sex again. It seems that many people have misinterpreted our approach to sexual freedom to mean that We were endorsing promiscuity, or some level or irresponsible actions, even though we carefully described situations of love and passion, which we think of as enduring, deeply felt connection between the two people. "It is an interesting refection on the way freedom is understood in the Western world that it is often equated with irresponsible or selfish behavior, like the Tea Party people who think that freedom means depriving others of their freedom as long as they get to do whatever they want. In the culture of confusion and rigid religious dogma, it is easy to think in terms of rules, either the ones you are rejecting, or the opposite. "When we tell you we are teaching you new ways to approach life, and we are calling it the True Way, we hope you will read our words carefully, with an open mind, and try to absorb the new concepts we are trying to help you with. It is not easy for you to consider an idea without comparing it to something you already know, but we ask that you try. The teachings we give you here are subject to misinterpretation as much as the teachings of our dear son Jeshua when he was last on Earth to offer these ideas. Much of what he taught was lost, and even more was deliberately deleted or reinterpreted to suit the ruling priests and emperor at the time the Bible was created. "By the way, the Bible as you know it was not written by Us, the ones you call God. Some of it was channeled, as these words are, and is close to our intentions, but much of it was not. A great deal of what we object to in the form of rigid and prejudiced thinking was inserted into the writings by the one the Catholic Church calls St. Paul. We have, of course, forgiven his arrogance and egotism, for which he was very remorseful when he came here to join us and learned how much damage he had done to the cause of spreading the True Way in his time. There have been many others through the years who have set themselves up as experts on what we do and how we think, but none have been entirely accurate, and most were not even close. "This is the reason we are sending you these messages at this time. Because of the lifting of the Veil, we are able to speak with you through Kathryn, and you can ask us questions directly. We also pay attention to the discussions people have with Kathryn as a result of reading our words. Often our daily messages address things we have heard the previous day. In this way we are able to identify places where we need to clarify what we are saying, and which things remain unaddressed. So, that said, let's go back to the issue of sexuality. I "It is our wish, as we have said before, that our children find deep intimacy and pleasure in the expression of physical love - for that is the way we think about sexuality: the physical expression

of Love. For some, it is impossible to bring themselves to experience the intimacy of a loving partnership, and for that we feel compassion, for it is a terribly stunted experience of life, but for most, sexual expression and love are inextricably intertwined. This is not accidental, you see. We also intended that the act of sexual connection would bring people closer, forming a bond between them that is resilient and strong. It is the firmest basis one can establish for the foundation of a stable family in which children will feel safe and loved. "And so, Dear Ones, we hope that you will rethink this issue, and open your hearts and your minds to the possibility that you and a partner might experience the most glorious and exciting physical experience possible together, when the time is right and the love has grown between you. We do not care whether the bonds of matrimony are declared in a church or in your hearts, but we do hope that your partnership will be enduring and pleasurable for many years, and that it will be so satisfying and delightful that you would not even care to think about having a sexual experience with anyone else, especially if there are children involved. Children do need to experience the love of both a mother and a father, and they need to also experience the deep comfort of knowing that their parents genuinely take pleasure in each other. "There is something else we have said before, but want to reiterate here. We designed the sexual experience for humans to prepare you for Ascension. The sense of elevation which is achieved in the moment of excitement and release is a prelude for the experience of lifting yourself from the experience of 3D to higher dimensions. In those higher dimensions, all souls experience the sensation of intensely pleasurable Love. So, you see, we do not wish to restrict your experience of sexual pleasure because it increases the preparation for ascension, for individual freedom, and for deepening the intimacy of a loving partnership. All of this, and it is fun too. What could be better? "Now we will return to the subject of freedom. On Planet Earth it has been many thousands of years since there was genuine freedom for the great number of individuals. Leaders, one after another, claimed the right to control, and finally own their "subjects." It has become the normal state of affairs in most of the countries of the world, where the population is completely unaware of their own responsibility in accepting the mentality that grows out of the acceptance of a status that is lower than someone else's. Even a king is not more important as a soul than a peasant or a beggar. In our eyes, all souls, all incarnations, are of value. "We do not think in duality patterns of thought, and therefore we do not divide our beautiful Creations in to categories or classes. Those are human patterns of thinking: this one is better, that one is more deserving, but I am worthless. No human is worthless; no human is less than any other creature, and no creature is less in our eyes than a human. All of Creation is precious to Us, as you are. When you can learn to think this way of your fellow humans and your fellow creatures, you will begin to feel the sense of freedom it brings - that of being non-judgmental.

Seeing equality and value in all others means you must acknowledge absolute equality for yourself as a precious Child of God. "The quality of feeling which you will experience when you accept your own value will set you free, for it is the state of being in love - with yourself. Once you have learned that, it is an automatic extension to feel great Love for all others, and especially the children. This will also help you to appreciate and feel compassion for the child you were. In that optimal state, you will never lose touch with the soul-feeling - I am good! Life is good! I am happy to be me! "This, Our Dear Children, is the experience of life we wish for you as you enter this New Era. In this state of being you will elevate yourselves further, and the Great Ascension of the entire human race will be heralded throughout the Universe, for you will leap boundaries and lift yourselves into the 5th dimension and higher in a great burst of Light and Love. "We look forward to that day, and every day, as we look on with the greatest of Love for each and every one of you. "Your Mother/Father God." Via Kathryn May, Feb. 2, 2013, 1 am.

Part 100: God and St. Germain Launch a New Forum for Learning The True Way
As I sat down at my computer to transcribe the message this evening, at first I heard silence, then the rousing marching song from "Les Miserable," which St. Germain has been playing as his theme song whenever he wants to speak with me since I saw the film last week. Then I heard the following: St. Germain: "God has asked me to continue the messages you have been receiving, now that you have reached the magic number 100. Kathryn: "What does that mean? Will I still be hearing from Mother/Father God? "St.Germain: "Yes, but not every day. They are aware of how much of your time has been spent on this project, and feel that you need more freedom to pursue your other work, and also to have some fun. I will be continuing my studies with you as we have done for the past week, and you will write about our lessons and place them on your website as you have been doing, although we may decrease the number of full-length messages to 3 or 4 a week. You will still be given a daily message of shorter length for your faithful readers. We now ask, in the name of Mother/Father God, that you prepare the previous postings to publish them in the form of a book. You will be guided about the organization and publication of the book when the time comes. "Now I will give you a historical view of the messages you have been transcribing. You have been so close to the process that you may not be aware of the importance and wide-ranging appeal these teachings will have once people realize what they are. Many in your culture are still "doubters" - individuals who cannot believe anything they cannot see and touch, but their numbers are decreasing. You will find that once the book is out, you will receive a great deal of attention, and will be asked many questions. You must also be prepared for the kind of insolent attacks you have already experienced through the social media from people who do not know you. We regret this, but it is inevitable when you speak the Truth and the Truth does not agree with what is currently believed. "You may be aware that when I lived in Europe in the 18th Century, I was vilified by those who were jealous, but it did not prevent me from living fully and doing the work I was there to accomplish. Much of what I did was in secret, or at least in private, as you do. You have studied to perfect yourself and your craft. This is the kind of work that will come from your influence on those who study with you, and so the Violet Flame of Freedom will be carried on into the New Golden Age. It will be a Golden Age in every aspect of life, not just in the arts, and not just in the accumulation of wealth for the diamond-clad class. It will be a time of Light, and the thrust of learning will inspire all to reach high, ponder deeply, and grow.

"In the massive changes that will be taking place, there will be no place for clinging to old, rigid ideas that structured and contained the energies of the great number of less fortunate people, for the kings and emperors wished to control their people, and the Churches complied by developing writings and lectures on what is moral and right in the eyes of God. As you have seen by the past few messages, most of those teachings were the fantasies of controlling and egotistical leaders who wished to remain in power, and who also had as their philosophy the belief that the "common man" was an unruly brute who could not be trusted to manage himself, much less be responsible for his own governance. And so it was that for thousands of years, power remained in the hands of the few, shored up by the threats and punishments of the Church. "It is truly a New Era. The awakening of the masses means that there will at last be the opportunity for each person to take back the reins and direct their own life choices based on the calling of the heart and soul, not the dictates of a religion. This will not be an easy task, since leaving behind old teachings can lead to uncertainty and conflict, and we do not wish to see torment and indecision about everyday actions, like whether to eat meat (follow your body's lead) and whether to carry a child to term if you do not have a place for that child to live and flourish, and whether you should let your beloved parent leave this realm without extraordinary measures to make them live longer. "So you see, it will be a very confusing time if you are without guidelines and some training in how to manage yourself, independent from the opinions and preconceived notions of others. Mother/Father God have given you the fundamental principles of The True Way, but they do not wish to discuss the specifics of each person's life and how to apply the principles in every detail. They have asked me to develop a plan of exercises and examples and to answer personal questions when people want to ask about their own intimate struggles, as the callers wished to do on the radio show last week. We will discuss the basic principles, which God was very careful not to number or classify in order of importance, or to spell out the hidden meanings. That job will be left to others, to interpret and apply. It will be our work for the next phase to make The True Way come alive for students from every country and every so-called faith, although we rarely find much genuine faith in the most popular and conservative religions. "Let's discuss what Faith really is, and how you can tell if you feel it, but first I want to assure you that I speak on these pages as the messenger and dutiful servant of Mother/Father God, and that they will make it very clear to me as we discuss these things if I have said something that does not strike the chord they wish to have played. I have been chosen to help with this task because of my long experience of living on Gaia, and because of my love of language and artistic expression, as well as my dedication to the causes of freedom. Of course, my words do not replace or redefine the teachings of The True Way, ever. In our future discussions, on the radio show and here, we will only make the lessons more personal and more applicable for everyday

life. Our ears are always tuned to the Love and continuing influence of our beloved Creators. "Now, about Faith. Faith is simply the ability to experience, absorb, and use the energy of Love/Light as it is bestowed upon us by Mother/Father God, and to hold in our conscious awareness the knowing that these gifts are indeed coming from God. As you can see, we said nothing here about believing in something you cannot prove. No, the experience of God's Love is palpable, distinct, and measurable with our full awareness, as long as you do not insist on measuring with inches and feet, or pounds and ounces. Feelings are real, as much as a chair or table is real. It still amuses us that even though 75% of the world's population professes to experience God's presence, it is still seen as an oddity. Never mind. We are not concerned with the naysayers; they will come along eventually, as the scientific evidence builds. "As you may know, I was a successful alchemist, and had developed the ability to remove flaws from precious stones during my lifetime in the courts of Europe. It was a very useful skill then as it is now. When the time is right, I will share my knowledge with the world, when it can be used for the greater good. In the meantime, I suggest that you all send your questions and observations to Kathryn so that we can address real-life issues here, in this forum which is so useful for open exchange and discussion. "It seems that there was some hesitancy about asking questions of Mother/Father God, since people were not clear about what sort of questions would be appropriate. I will assure you that if you are to send your personal questions about life's dilemmas to "Ask St. Germain," I will be happy to address them, and hopefully entertain you in the process. We look forward to a lively and challenging discussion. "We send you our never-ending Love, St. Germain, speaking as faithful servant and assistant to Mother/Father God." Via Kathryn May, Feb. 2, 2013, 8 pm.

Part 101: St. Germain on Manifesting, and a Power-building Exercise

"Today we will do more work on the uses of manifesting, and how to prepare yourself. There are two different kinds of manifesting, which sometimes confuses people. We have talked about the Law of Attraction, which generally means that you will attract into your personal aura people and things which are in synchrony with your own level of vibration, and you expectation for what life will bring. Someone who is depressed, for instance, will encounter many more depressing or negative experiences than someone who is radiating Light. Of course, because of your contract which provides for challenges and obstacles to be put in your path for your own growth, this is not a one-to-one correlation. All good things do not go only to those who emanate Light, and all negative things do not accrue to one who is depressed. That would not provide growth opportunities for both, for it is the experiences of opposites which wakes us up and encourages greater Faith and commitment to your path of Light. "The second type of manifesting is the practical form in which you create the object or event (creating an object, seemingly out of thin air, or bending a spoon with psychic energy). An example of this was my ability to "heal" a diamond of its flaws, thereby gaining the trust and close cooperation of the kings and queens of Europe during the foment of revolution during the 18th century. It was a part of my efforts to help create a transition to the rule of the people without massive upheaval and bloodshed. I was successful in some cases, though certainly not all, because the monarchies were blind to the reality that their people would no longer tolerate their extravagant ways while the poor were starving. There are times during history when manifesting wealth can be used to help a cause - in more ways than just funding the rebels' purchase of weapons. As you can see in your present state of affairs, diplomacy will be the powerful force for change as we go forward into the New Golden Age, and there are many organizations doing very positive work to raise the level of life's pleasures in depressed communities, by reaching far beyond just economic help. "We recommend that you throw your weight behind those organizations of Lightworkers in any way you can; give money if you must, but offering time and expertise is a more valuable contribution for everyone, including you. Find a place where you can make a difference, using the skills you have. This will set in motion what we have called the Universal Law of Flow, stirring up enormous Light energy, which will shower you in its bounty at the same time you shower others. This is one of the most powerful tools for manifesting, and takes no special training beyond what you already can do. It is always a good idea to increase your skills and knowledge, but who you are at the moment is sufficient to start a new tack in your life - one in which you turn outward to see the world in a new way. The stance you can begin with is: here I am, with unique life experience and some specific skills. Where in the world could I use those skills to make the world a better place? Do not discount abilities like being friendly, or organized, or a good teacher of spelling. Any skill is a valuable skill. It is your path to discover how your skills can be used in the service of others. That is your path. So, begin your process of discovery. "Now we will do an exercise to practice manifesting practical objects which will be used in the

service of the greater good. We do not teach how to manifest a new car or a private bank account for your own use; sorry, but this is about Light, not aggrandizing one's ego. So, set your sights high, and envision a better world for those around you, and your power will increase. "Here is an exercise you can do every day: Sit quietly, feeling the alignment of your chakras, from the crown, through the third eye, the throat, the heart, the solar plexis, the sexual life force, and the base. Open the crown to allow yourself to feel the Light of Spirit to shine down through the top of your head, along the Light channel which is the home of your soul, your inner strength, and your connection to other dimensions and simultaneously to your anchor in the heart of Mother Gaia. Feel the tingling energy as it flows through you, enlivening your cells and bringing a feeling of health and competence through your whole body. "Now concentrate on the solar plexis, your inner engine where you can focus and direct your intention to create. Feel it rev up with excitement and anticipation. This is Manifest Central, the place from which you will co-create with Mother/Father God. Concentrate on expanding your Light quotient, feeling the Light channel which beams down through your body expand and grow until it fills your body completely. You are preparing yourself to take your place as a Child of God, Co-creator of Light and Love. "That is today's lesson; the more you practice it, the more powerful you will become. "Namaste, St. Germain" God: "Now, Child, we would like to comment as well. We are happy with your work, and grateful for the contribution you are making, but we do not wish to absorb every minute of your day. We want to lighten your load for a time. We will be here to encourage and support you always. You will be working every day with St. Germain on things like the wonderful exercise he has given you above, and we believe it is a good way for you to proceed and to give help to your readers in interpreting The True Way. "Yes, we would like for you to copy the messages we have given you over the past year into a document and we will talk about how to arrange it for publication. "Have fun with your radio show, Dear." Via Kathryn May, Feb. 3, 2013, 1 pm.

Part 102: St. Germain Has Strong Words to Support The True Way
"I would like to talk about our radio show yesterday. I enjoyed it very much, the way you gave me such relevant questions to answer for all the listeners. We will continue in that vein, and hopefully we will reach many listeners and many readers, for we have important information to pass on to them from Mother/Father God. We call it The True Way. "Let me explain why they have chosen to bring these lessons forward at this time. It would be reasonable for people to think, "Well, if these were the principles God wanted us to follow, why were we given so many teachings that contradicted what they are saying now?" You would be right to ask that question, because the religious ideas that people are adhering to now have been around for hundreds of years, in one form or another, and surely there were other channelers and saints who could have heard God's corrections if they are true. Yes, that is so, but as we have said at other times, God does not intervene in the unfolding of the growth of civilization. "You may have noticed that although there are many voices coming to you from the Ascended Masters, and from numerous Beings of Light across the Universe, this is the first time Mother/Father God has come in modern times to speak with you directly, and yet it is still difficult to convince people to share the precious wisdom we have offered to them, without cost, without commitment, without personal sacrifice of any kind. How is it possible that they have been offered the privilege of communicating with their Creators directly, and yet they are too busy or too distracted or too skeptical to even pay attention to what is being given? This is the reason Mother/Father God have been careful about who they put in danger by asking for a Voice to speak for them. It was not possible to do so until they were sure that their scribe would not be vilified or punished for even offering this service. You know what happened to Jesus, and many prophets before him. "Over the thousands of years of your development, there have been many religions which served in some ways to keep alive the concept of Faith, and which also provided a structure for people to manage their lives in the face of great deprivation and chaos. So, earlier religions have not been utterly destructive, even though their egocentric ideas were often used as an excuse for war on the part of Dark Hats who wished to encourage troops to attack and conquer lands they found attractive. Thus, Mother/Father God waited until the time when they could show the way for their children to return to the true connection with them, and with the God-self in each of you. "As you are now learning, from Kathryn's book and other researchers who are finding growing evidence, God did send a teacher in the body of Jeshua Ben Joseph, the one you call Jesus, but his message was distorted almost beyond recognition by the Powers That Be, who did not want the population to learn independent thought. Remember, Jesus was considered a radical teacher in his time. He preached love, forgiveness, and the freedom to communicate directly with God,

without intermediaries in the priesthood. It was the priests who hated him most, and who slandered him and his dear wife, Mary Magdalen. "Yes, of course I was there, working behind the scenes to protect and support our dear Jeshua. I watched as the backlash built against his teachings, just as many people today reject what we are writing here. The life and sacrifice of Jeshua was a previous attempt at helping the people of Gaia in their efforts to ascend to a higher dimension. It did not succeed at the time, but it did plant a seed. There are still some people who understand the true message of Jeshua: that of Love and Light, sharing, a sense of community and the sacredness of family life, service to others, and the Love of Father/Mother God. His life journey was not intended to teach of sin, or of suffering. His death was tragic, but it was simply a reaction on the part of those who feared and hated what he stood for: the freedom to think for yourself, without dogma or external control. "Jesus did not come to Gaia to begin a new religion, or to present the picture of agony on a cross that so-called "Christianity" paints. He was a man of great Love and passion, forgiveness and kindness. His Ascension was intended to illustrate for all humankind that this is the path of all. Each and every one of you ascends at the end of your lives, to go home to your Mother/Father God, just as Jeshua did. "So, you see, the simple lessons he came to teach are still not common knowledge. There are still so many in your culture who will argue that this one life is all there is, that there is no life after death, and you are crazy if you believe it. Where did they get their ideas? From the teachings of the Church, of course, although they would deny it. It was easier when you were in 3D to convince people of nonsense, because the Veil was dense, and many had forgotten where they came from. Because of trauma and feelings of despair, it was easier to brainwash people, especially if you pretended to point to some "evidence" in their present environment that they could see or touch. "We will expand on this phenomenon in later lessons - the technique of lying to people by pointing to something they can see, and then connect it in some way to something else they can see, thereby convincing them that what you say is true, even if there is no connection whatsoever between the two. It is a clever ploy, used frequently in the political and economic arenas by desperate Dark Hats. It works especially well when you are able to obfuscate the facts, and speak of things that are difficult to verify by the average undereducated person, while playing on their deepest fears. The combination has created a climate of paranoia and fear, even where there is nothing to fear but the people promulgating the ideas. "Now we find ourselves in the new and more open atmosphere of the 4th dimension. Gaia has ascended into the higher dimensions, which was her heart's desire, and you have taken the first step with her. This has opened the possibility that new teachings may be accepted more readily.

It is now time for each of you reading this message to open your hearts, find your courage, and begin to spread this message of Love and Light. You have the means at your fingertips. You only need to click "Forward" and you can send this message on to hundreds and they to millions of people who need the solace and the wisdom we offer them now, at the beginning of The New Golden Age. "Now, Children, do as I say, and widen our circle. This is not a cult designed only for the few. You should be able to discern by now that this is not a project that will profit anyone monetarily or any other way, but it will help to change the world you live in - the sooner the better. "I Am St. Germain, in service to Mother/Father God." Received by Kathryn May on Feb. 4, 2013

Part 103: Mother/Father God Define "The True Way"

"Dear, we see that you are troubled. You are concerned about the name "The True Way" because it sounds to some people as if it is a new set of rules to be imposed on them. You had hoped to help set people free with these messages, and it is disturbing to see it might be misinterpreted as if you were promoting ideas which would smack of a new religion, or worse yet, a cult. "We wish to assure you and your readers that our intention was the opposite - to help free people from thousands of years of oppression, sometimes in the name of religion, sometimes in the name of patriotism, sometimes even in the name of parenting. We cannot do that without pointing out what our teachings are not, but first let us say exactly what we intended to describe with the very simple words, The True Way. "The True Way is the way of the Heart. It is living a life of service to others with Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Integrity in all your dealings. It is Love for all beings, including yourself. It is Love given and received between you and your Creators, and the hope and desire to ascend together to the Oneness with God which is the fulfillment of your soul's true path. This is The True Way. "These words have been spoken in many different languages, in many different eras throughout history, and yet it has been difficult for humans living a life on Gaia to understand and apply these simple concepts. Life as you live it is complex and distracting, and your cultural teachings are so far away from these principles that we thought it time to reintroduce simple back-to-basics spiritual teachings which will bring you back to the fulfillment you all sought when you came to this life. "We had hoped by giving lessons which followed along with daily life in a day by day progression, that we could illustrate how these principles look in action. As simple as the statement above is, it is misinterpreted in as many ways as there are cultures. How is it possible to believe, for instance, that, given there is only one God, then that God belongs only to those of a particular religion or sect? and that all others are damned, will die in sin, and are Infidels? and that hell awaits for those who do not believe what a preacher or priest or amam or shaman or guru tells you to believe? or that women are not equal to men? or that the planet you live on is not a conscious, living being? or that there is no life after death? or that we are not here with you every day of your lives? "After hearing these simple words for eons, how is it possible that such suffering still occurs every day, in God's name? The brave little girl, the child of our heart, who spoke out for girls' education and was shot in the head for it, lives, still defiant and brave. She was willing to die for her convictions, but why should she have to? Do you think your countries are different? when an elected Congressman can talk about "legitimate rape?" when women still do not receive pay equal to men? when the suffering of mental illness is still met with mockery or indifference? when children are giving their lives to show the world that violence still simmers under the veneer of prosperity and technological advancement?

"Oh, no, our Dear Children, we are not finished yet. In fact, we are just now beginning. We have determined to give a full course of study for you to ponder, turn over in your minds, and gradually let into your hearts. It is time now, because you are awakening. Your instincts tell you there is more to life than the rat race, as you call it, and you are so right. We have spoken to others over the years, and there have been many valuable teachings brought to you by Yeshua, by the Masters, and by us, but it is now time for another round. We hope to reach more people, and to make our teachings available in the vernacular of this year, 2013, as relevant and useful as your new iPod. "The channel you call Kathryn has agreed to be our daily scribe, to build a website, write a book, host a radio show, and there will be more, all without pay. She agreed gladly, because she is delighted with the confirmation we provide for the intuitions she has always felt - she knew the truth of The True Way before we gave it a name, as most of you did. From the perspective of a 3-dimensional life, we ask a great deal of our children, but from a 4-dimensional perspective, it is asking you to simply live the happiest life possible, and to be true to your heart's desire. It only seems difficult because you were drawn so far away from your spiritual connections so early in life. "We do this with our hearts full of love for each and every one of you, with renewed hope and excitement for this new beginning. 2013 is truly a landmark year, upon which you will all someday look back with wonder. The improvements in your world of which we have spoken will begin to manifest day by day. They will play out as quickly or slowly as the group consciousness allows, but you have already speeded up the process by the hard work you did in the past few months. Lift your hearts, Dear Ones. Look for the gifts we leave in your path. It will ease your difficult times and speed the coming of greater gifts in your future. "Now, we have preempted our dear St. Germain, who also had a message for you, but we have asked that he post his tomorrow so that we could bring you this important public service announcement (you can hear us chuckling, we trust). We reiterate here - we are emphatically NOT suggesting any rules for you to follow, or any religious precepts for you to memorize. We do not punish, and we do not condemn our children for their missteps. You do not have to follow these teachings - we will welcome you Home at the end of your life regardless, but we do know you will be happier with yourselves and with your soul progress if you do try to apply what you learn here. It will speed your ascension to higher dimensions, and it will allow you to quantumleap over timelines which will change your future in dramatic ways. "We look forward to your participation in our simple lessons, which will continue with the help of St. Germain and others, to give you access to many voices who will make your studies more interesting and entertaining. We love you one and all, Mother/Father God" Via Kathryn May, Feb. 5, 2013, 10 pm.

Part 104: St. Germain Describes His Part in Teaching The True Way
"Some of you may wonder why I have come at this time to work with Kathryn and to interpret Mother/Father God's teachings. Like all other assignments on the spiritual path, it is voluntary, although they made it clear they would appreciate my help. It has always been their way to hold the principles and to work within the Universal Laws in the process of Creation/Change/Evolution, and their place to oversee all that we do in our efforts to carry on their teachings. They have mentored us and supported us well over thousands of years, and prefer to turn over the day-to-day teachings to those of us who have had much experience with life on Earth. In this way, you hear suggestions and observations in the language of your day, from the perspective of someone who has been there, lived it as you do. That is not the primary reason, however. As you may have noticed, it is difficult for humans in a body, and sometimes even in spirit, to relate to Mother/Father God in an intimate and personal way. It is easy to be overcome by the awe and respect we feel in their presence. It sometimes even makes it difficult for people to think when they are faced with a conversation with God. "There are many emissaries in your midst, and some who have written God's words with great integrity and care in the past. I will correct something I said earlier which may have sounded as if this were the only conversations with God in modern times. Many of you are familiar with the excellent books of previous channelers. The project you are reading today is an endeavor to create a new course in teaching what our Earth children need at this time, and is rather different from previous endeavors in that the messages are presented daily for readers and listeners to study and follow, using the technology available at this moment. We hoped to give you a way of learning as you live, day by day. "Other entities are working hard on your behalf as well. Archangel Michael, Ashtar, Archangel Gabriel, Yeshua, Archangel Metatron, and many others are all working diligently among you to make contact and to help you in your transition to higher dimensions while you remain in a body. It is a difficult path, we acknowledge, and that is why we are coming to you now. Remain open, and you will feel our presence. Call to the Enlightened Being you feel an affinity with, and they will come. I am here because Kathryn asked to study with me, and because it was a good time to help with the interpretation of all you have been given in these pages in past months. "You may have thought these were simply thoughts for the day, and many complained that they were too long; it took too much effort to read them all. You did not know at the time what you were reading. Look at your Bible - it is an abridged and severely edited version of the writings that were given 2,000 years ago. Some of it is fairly accurately translated from the original writings of scribes who were indeed talking directly with God, as you have seen here, but many of the clearest, most profound teachings were edited out of the final product - which will not happen here - and many of the writings were from a very verbose and opinionated "apostle" who decided to make Jesus' teachings his own. "When our teachings are told through the lens of an egotist, they cannot be The True Way. As

we have told you before, and as Kathryn's poem, "God's Messenger" caricatures, a channel of God's message (as we call them today) does not make any attempt to aggrandize themselves or to garner large financial profits from the endeavor. Neither do they build churches and set themselves up as the Source of God's Word. "The words you read here do not belong to me, to the channel or to any Church. They are sometimes incomplete, but they are always sincerely given with the intention of helping humanity arise and fulfill the magnificent destiny you envisioned for yourselves. As you have heard in Mother/Father God's words, we are all One. Those of us who live that truth and feel it deeply in our hearts have no difficulty dedicating our lives to the service of our fellow humans, because if it lifts you, it lifts me. We do this in Love, yes, we are in love with you, as difficult as that may seem to you there, as you struggle with your day to day challenges. We have had many lifetimes and much experience in the path to Oneness, and we offer our hands willingly, with a full heart and a soul that is not at rest unless we are doing everything we can to elevate ourselves and our Brothers and Sisters. And so, we invite you to join us in this magnificent adventure that is Life. "I leave you today with this short message, and an heart-felt appeal: Look into your hearts, Dear Ones, into the tiny secret chamber where your Oneness is alive and waiting for you to activate it. When you do, you will feel the exhilaration of being in love, with yourself, with your close companions, with your fellow humans, and with God, and you will never again feel alone. This is your Path, and your birthright as human beings. "I am delighted to be working with you, and invite your participation in this glorious endeavor, I Am St. Germain, servant of Mother/Father God"

Part 105: God and St. Germain Riff about Stretching - Gaia's and Ours
"Our Dear Children, we would like to tell you about something that we believe will help you to move through the coming weeks more comfortably. You have heard about the earthquake rumblings, the tsunami in the Solomon Islands, and the storm approaching the Eastern U.S. These are not incidental, or coincidental. Mother Gaia is going through the expected readjustments and shifts to accommodate her own ascension process. As she has elevated her consciousness, she must also elevate the vibrational atmosphere of her body, just as you are having to do in your ascension process. She has made every effort to slow down the process so that there is not upheaval all around the globe at the same time, but shift she must, just as you would do if you had been sleeping and awaken with stiff limbs and a hand that feels like pins and needles. She too has such symptoms, and given the invasive projects that have injured her in past years, there is much to heal. "Mother Gaia does not wish to have her innocent children put in harm's way, and she is trying to work through her necessary stretching in places where it will do the least damage, but of course there will be more of what you refer to as natural disasters. This current one - snow in the East, will do little damage to human life, and will help in replacing needed snow in the watershed areas, but of course people will complain and worry. It is unfortunate that so many of you have forgotten how to play in the snow like children love to do. It only takes warm clothes and a spirit of adventure to have a glorious day outdoors, with hot chocolate and sleigh rides for the children. What could be more fun than a vacation day right at the beginning of the weekend? Make it a holiday, Dear Ones, and forget your worries. You need a day without work. "Should there be power outages, you may need to find makeshift ways to stay warm, but remember, human beings have lived in cold climates for eons without furnaces. Show your children how to melt snow over a fire, and make soup in a kettle. Tamp down a snow trail and go cross country skiing or snowshoeing. Tell stories by the fireplace, or huddled under all your quilts. Hug each other to keep warm, in your hearts as well as your bodies. Make it your opportunity to be close and companionable, as winter was intended to be. Glory in the beauty of snow, and you will create memories which will last for years. "Along with the process of elevating her body's vibration, there are other shifts and adjustments happening for Mother Gaia. Just as you are intensely affected by the energy of the people around you, so is she. Her community of friends is the collection of planets and stars which interact and communicate with each other just as you do. Of course, your Sun is a major influence on Gaia, as it is on each of you. At this time, as we have forseen as part of the ascension process across the Universe, there is a great deal of activity in the flow of energies through the Dark Rift, the center of your galaxy, toward your solar system, affecting all the planets in your group. It is also affecting other systems as well, but we will speak of your near neighbors for the moment. "Your scientists are just beginning to discover things they still insist on thinking of as "anomalies." They have seen evidence of pyramids and other seemingly man-made constructions on Mars, but cannot stretch their imaginations far enough to consider the obvious: You are not

alone in the cosmos, and never have been. In fact, in galactic terms, you are youngsters. Planets evolve and change, just as human souls do. Much of the record of planetary history is being revealed in ancient carvings, being discovered almost every day on Gaia, but of course it will require a shift away from the egocentric view of life for you to interpret the information as it was intended. "Marvelous things are ahead for you, Dear Ones, and you will be the ones who will be able to open your minds and hearts to embrace new knowledge, and rise to meet the challenges to your own thinking it will present. It is difficult to describe how differently you will need to process information in order to make the next vibrational ascension into the 5th dimension, but be assured, it will delight you when you do. The first shift will be to accept that almost everything you thought was fact, is not. And it does not matter - that is even more important to recognize. There were people who fought for years to deny that the Earth was round. Do not join their likes in denying that you have relatives and friends in the neighborhood, just dying to make contact and invite you to their party. "Can you imagine how they are feeling, having waited there in their ships, a few diehards remaining nearby for 50 years or more, just waiting for the opportunity to finally make open and joyful contact with you. They look a lot like you, have feelings as you do, and they have much to offer you. They will gladly share what they know, as soon as you can convince your governments that they are not "aliens" but are your Brothers and Sisters, come back for a visit after a long time away. What sort of gala do you think would be appropriate for a reunion like this? Get out the good china, Mildred. The rich cousins are coming! "Now that we've had our little chuckles with you - things have been much too serious in these pages, we think - we will turn over the floor to our dear St. Germain, whose reputation as an entertainer and bon vivant is legendary. He will give you a preview of what we have in store for you in coming weeks. With love, Mother/Father God" St. Germain: "Thank you, our Beloved Creators. Yes, indeed, I do think it's time for some celebration along with the lessons. We have sterling students in our classroom here. Some have been faithfully following our postings from the beginning; others have come in more recently, but there are many who have already advanced greatly in their awareness and have risen their vibration little by little, page by page. Yes, this is a cumulative process, of course, along with practicing your meditations and being of service to others. "Today, I would like to add one more element to the practice of being an evolving soul. That is, the gift of gentle touch. In your fingertips, your arms, your hands, you emanate the Light and Love you feel when you welcome a friend, a child, or your life partner as you awaken, or as you meet after a separation. As important as the loving gaze you offer is the touch of your hand. This is why your culture has preserved the handshake, a formalized excuse for offering a friendly touch to a new acquaintance. "It is time for you to stretch the boundaries of this mannerism to give it new meaning, and

greater feeling. Do not allow an encounter with a child to go by without offering a light and tender touch, and do not leap out of your bed in the morning to the alarm clock without taking the time to embrace and nuzzle your partner, as wise cats and dogs, horses, birds and dolphins always do. Learn subtleties - gentle touches, light as a breeze, but reassuring and warming to a friend who graces your day with their presence. Of course it is never appropriate to intrude on another's privacy or overstep the bounds when it comes to intimacy, but there is much room to expand the boundaries of your rules of untouchability. "As infants, we are born with the delight in being touched, and we all know in our hearts (our bodysoul, as Kathryn has called it), whether a touch is cold, overly aggressive, tinged with sexuality, or deliciously, warmly nourishing. The difference is in the energy of the person touching us. We read those "vibes" even at birth, so turn on your touch-o-meter, and go out there and make someone's day. "Tomorrow we will talk about the course of study we have in mind for you, so stay tuned, and we will have more for you then. With great affection and excitement, looking forward to our joint venture, I Am St. Germain" Via Kathryn May, Feb. 7, 2013, 10:30 pm

Part 106: Recalibrating to New Paradigms, Inside and Out

"Let's talk briefly about what you will need to conquer in the next week or two. There are energy shifts occurring on Gaia as you move through new alignments - planetary and emotional - which will cause many of you to feel a bit disoriented for a while. "We are aware of symptoms like forgetfulness, being out of synch with yourself in a way. It may show up as forgetting what time it is, what day it is, not knowing where you put something even though you are looking at it, and other such "addle-brained" symptoms. Do not fear, you are not developing Alzheimer's disease. It is just the shifting energies which your body is busy recalibrating to. Given that your body and your subconscious mind are very occupied with these adjustments, it is expected that the daily small details and temporal mechanisms you are used to using to structure your day will slip through your psychological fingers. This is especially true of those things which were characteristic of 3D functioning but do not exist in higher dimensions, like time, for instance. "At the same time that time as you have known it is melting into a new paradigm, duality thinking is going through a similar process. Familiar ways of operating which separated and divided people and their thinking, like nationalism or religious exclusivity, are beginning to lose their grip as well. You will also begin to notice a loosening of the grip where it comes to followers who used to adhere to traditional ideas of power and might, in favor of a more relaxed, inclusive approach, even as the Old Guard fortifies their power centers. They will not succeed, since people everywhere are beginning to see the possibility of just refusing to put their weight behind something they do not believe in. "Some of these shifts will involve dramatic revolution, as you have seen with the Arab Spring. In other cases, it will just involve a fade-out of one paradigm and the fade-in of another. Who would have thought 10 years ago that people would communicate constantly across thousands of miles with only the use of their thumbs and a small electronic device? "So, you see, Dear Ones, you are not recalibrating only to external energy shifts - not at all. The shift is taking place within your own DNA even as the new vibratory energies flow across the Universe. When your DNA shifts, your feelings, your thinking and even your likes and dislikes will change and evolve, and with it, your culture, your lifestyle, and your philosophy of life. And so, we encourage you to "hang in there," reach out to loved ones, and ride it, to new and more exhilarating heights. Do not fear the changes, or try to explain them in terms you have understood in the past. Stay open, and you will thrive in the new sunshine of greater freedom. Try to reduce it to narrow definitions or old thought systems, and you will suffocate in your own strangle-hold on the past. "We will send you our best love, our best Masters and Guides, and our best hopes for the future to be as bright as the brightest dream of your hearts. Until tomorrow, we are Your Mother/Father God, with the constant help of our dear Masters and Angels."

Via Kathryn May, Feb. 8, 11 pm

Part 107: The Song of Oneness

"Today we're going to add an exercise in loving yourself, which you can post on your web site for all to share. You all hear about love, love love. Be loving, be Love, feel love, accept love, and give love. But for many, they are words that have only a small range of meanings. Love for a baby, love for a lover, and on a day when you are looking particularly beautiful, love for your poor maligned self, as long as your hair remains immaculately in place. The Love of which we speak goes far beyond any of those experiences. "It is now the year of learning Self-love. 2013 is a time of transition from the rapt attention on the outside, material world to a new inner exploration with the purpose of finding inner peace and a Love which transcends anything you have ever felt before. Open your hearts, Dear Ones, and be ready to embrace a new experience of life. "Begin with breathing. Look how your beautiful chest moves in and out, absorbing the air bringing it from out there to in here, where your lungs can take into your tissues the tiny oxygen molecules. It is like a magic trick, performed by your body every second that you live. Your skin can do it too, pulling the molecules of oxygen from out there in the air, absorbing them, literally pulling them in so that your bloodstream can carry the oxygen throughout your body to nourish every single cell. Ponder this, the divine activity of life which we created for you. It is invisible to your eyes, but you can know it in the deepest part of your consciousness. "Your scientists accept the truth of it, even though they do not truly understand the complex interactions of hormone production, electrochemical reactions, absorption of minerals and vitamins, and the process of cell division which allows you to grow from a few cells to an adult human being. It is ironic, is it not, that they really do accept on faith that there is a process by which every sentient being grows into the form they are intended to become, but they know absolutely nothing about how life begins. And some of you still doubt our existence! "If we are the kind of Creators who would design a system which would care for and nourish every single cell in your body, every single moment you live, do you think we would forget you the soul we created so long ago - the one who was destined to join forces with this body, for the very purpose of living an entire lifetime in that body, here on Gaia? No, Dear Ones, we are not just Creators. We are also Protectors, Mentors and Lovers. We admire your willingness to adventure here to learn what the experience holds - we know how difficult it is, and we support you in exactly the way you ask us to. We do not interfere with your lessons, because you asked us not to before you came here. We honor that, but to protect you we also send our angels to watch over you, and we arranged that your Higher Soul is always there to remind you of your original plan, and to remain constantly in contact with Us, in case you forget. "So you see, we covered all the bases, as you might say. The part of this arrangement which is outside of our job description is your awareness - your individual consciousness. It is your choice, your act of will which creates and maintains the open channel of communication with Us once you are there in body, behind the Veil of Forgetfulness which you helped us design. You

too are Creators, in every sense of the word. You create the world you live in, day by day, moment by moment, just as you absorb the oxygen which Gaia and her Kingdoms create for you. You see, there is nothing forgotten, nothing left out. The system is designed to work perfectly, with one caveat: You must help us Create the Heaven on Earth you wish for. It is not within our power to simply do it for you, because that would be violating our most precious vow to you, that above all, you will be beings of free will. "And so it is. As you awaken to notice your chest rising and falling, allow the joyful realization: "I am alive!" "I am unique," and "I am loved." Now, in that quiet place inside the small chamber of your heart where the spark of Universal Consciousness abides, embrace that spark as you embrace the wholeness that is You - body, soul, Higher Soul, God Consciousness and the fire of All That Is which resides inside you. "You are powerful, and you are whole. It is now your work to take possession of that truth, aligning with the forces of Light which surround and embrace you. You have asked us to provide all this for you, and so it has been given. It is only for you now to turn your faces to the Light, breathe in the manna from Heaven which you have longed for, and walk your path, wherever it leads you, as the expression of Light you were created to be. "This is our prayer for you, our Dear Ones. Look around you. Where you are at this moment is the beginning of your Path. Your next step will create the tone, the atmosphere and the consciousness level you will find yourself in. Fling caution to the winds and let your hearts sing, and you will hear the echoes all around you. The trees, the Earth, the angels and all the other Beings will feel your song and will join in your joy, and your Light will be celebrated throughout the heavens. This is your Path. This is your Destiny. We love you beyond words, Your Mother/Father God" Via Kathryn May, Feb. 9, 2013, 11 pm

Part 108: Celebrating Communication Between Spirit and Us

"We would like to continue the wonderful discussion we began on the talk show today (Archived at Channel Panel with Mother/Father God and St. Germain - K). "Several guests called in and asked such thoughtful questions - it gave us a chance to talk about who we are in relation to you, and how you can understand the concept of Oneness and also continue your work in a body to develop your individuality. There was also a question about a cruel mother, and how her daughter could understand what the real contract was between her and her mother, who has now worked her way to a higher dimensional position of respect here at Home. How can this be, that someone who lived such a terrible life here on Earth could now be celebrated in Spirit for her accomplishments? We think you will be very surprised by the answer, and we hope you will all go to listen to the archived recording, so that we don't have to repeat it all today. Then you can come back and ask us more questions about the process of soul ascension. We also answered Linda's question about finding her Path. "We are very excited about this wonderful format, where so many of you are able to bring us your concerns, and where we can give you a direct glimpse into how we create, how we care for you, and what glorious possibilities lie ahead for us all, as we co-create the New Golden Age. For it is you, our Dear Children, who will determine how the children will be taught, how the new institutions will function, and how the financial systems will be reorganized to provide for a fair and free world where each individual is respected for their own valuable contribution, and where no one holds the power to starve out others while they stuff their own pockets. It has been a long, difficult time for all of you, and so much of what has happened has been whitewashed to appear as if it is just business, when it has been so unfair to those who were not born into power. "All this is changing, and there are many in spirit form who are working side by side with you to create the new world. We do that in many ways which you may not be aware of. Although we do not intervene in your private lives, as we have often said, we are able to whisper in your ear, to send you ideas for new inventions, new ways of living, new architectural wonders, and even new recipes, and if you do not hear us while you are awake, we can send it to you while you sleep. Yes, it is one of the best ways we have of introducing new technologies when your world is ripe for a change, and when you have sent your heartfelt prayers and dreams to request change. This has been especially fruitful in recent years, now that more and more of you are increasing your intuitive powers, and there are many children coming to the Earth plane now who will be even more open to our communications. "All in all, it is going to be a very exciting year ahead. Many things are in flux, and for those of you who are adventurers, this will be a thrilling time. Of course, if you are a worry wart or a pessimist - and you know who you are - it will be a difficult time. You may fight to hold on to your former ways of trying to control everything, but it will not be possible. Your old ways of thinking will be as out of place as a go-cart on a super highway. So, Dear Ones, be prepared to let go of old ways and ride the wave! You will find exhilaration and joy as you have never felt before. It is already happening, so the shift is inevitable. You will either thrive, or you will drive

yourselves crazy trying to move backward against the tide. Join in, everyone! Lift your eyes to the skies and feel your hearts soar as you fall in love again, with Life, with your Self, and with the beautiful world around you. Where beauty has been destroyed, restore it. Where joy has waned, bring Light to revive it, and where your sore heart has been weighed down with sadness, lighten it with laughter. "We celebrate your courage, and send you Unconditional Love, Mother/Father God" Via Kathryn May, Feb. 10, 2013, 10 pm

Part 109: Abundance, Abundance and More for 2013!

"We are so excited and thrilled about the events which are about to unfold, we can barely contain ourselves, if you can imagine that! There have been a few times in the past billions of years when our excitement reached these levels, and We, Mother/Father God can assure you it is a fabulous time that lies ahead. First, we are going to help out with the economic woes which are plaguing the entire world. We will have to move slowly and carefully, because we do not wish to wreck all the world systems, but we do wish to begin the redistribution of wealth. As we have told you earlier, we will begin first with non-profit organizations which can make a real difference in the arts, public services like libraries and especially innovative educational projects. The focus will be on children, poor neighborhoods, disaster relief, and hunger projects. We first wish to insure that no one will go hungry. We then will concentrate on hospitals, family planning programs, and education for the poorest members of the human family, with no limit on the support available for children and adults who are motivated to learn. "Imagine what a difference this will make to the level of well-being on Gaia! Free education for all, and you can believe that children around the world who have been deprived of learning will glory in the privilege, unlike the bored and alienated children of the West. Universities will be funded to receive scholarship students, and innovative programs of all kinds will be awarded funding, to re-invent education in new and exciting ways. Those you have called the Indigo Children are in dire need of new and creative programs which serve to inspire and elevate them emotionally, physically, spiritually as well as academically, and children of all stripes deserve better than the 18th Century methods which are still the primary style of teaching across the planet. "We are also very excited about the major projects we have in mind for agricultural innovation, especially in the field of organic growing. You will be delighted with the technologies your Star Brothers and Sisters have to share with you, but mainly we will make it possible for thousands of small farmers to return to lands that have been taken over by factory farms. "We will move gradually in this process, in order not to disrupt the food supply, but as things evolve, and people find more satisfying ways to spend their efforts, the needs will change. The trend toward fast foods and high calorie junk food will subside with greater education, less poverty and a rising awareness of the environmental as well as physical impact of overprocessing food of all kinds. Tastes will change, as more nutritious foods become available for all, and local farms become the center of life, as they were just 150 years ago. The trend which has already started, to raise food on garden plots in cities and towns will increase, with support and education for all. No longer will inner cities be deprived of fresh food, and poor families be seduced into the drug trade by lack of the opportunity to go elsewhere to find comfortable housing and welcoming educational programs for their children.

"Housing - ah, yes, the pressing need in so many areas of the world. There are already wonderful programs in place, like Habitat for Humanity, which could expand enormously with funding. It will also provide abundant opportunities for volunteer workers to be of service around the world, without having to fear that their own children will suffer if they leave their jobs, because paid leave for service work will become as common as the water cooler. Yes, there will be urban renewal projects, but they will not be the prison-like dreary buildings of the past. New housing will bring new neighborhood services, like community centers, ball fields, concert halls and other public spaces for music, shared meals, and children's activities. These will be well-used because parents will at last have time to spend with their children, and day care will become less necessary and more fun, with additional education and higher pay for childcare workers. "Healthcare will change dramatically in the near future. There will be innovative improvements which will bring the best of Eastern healing techniques to the West, and big pharmaceutical companies and insurance companies will cease to own and control healthcare services. A program of universal healthcare is already in the works in the U.S, and other countries where successful public healthcare has been established will be able to fund their services for all. "You may be thinking that all these changes are impossible without massive amounts of money, and your government can't possibly afford to pay for these services. Well, Dear Ones, it is true, but there is far more money sloshing about around the world than you can possibly imagine, and much more of it will be available for use than there is now. Military expenditures will be reduced to a small percentage of what is now spent, because jobs will not be the reason for keeping the guns and tanks companies going. "You see, with the rising consciousness of the masses on the planet will also come the awareness that massive waste has occurred in the name of nationalism, religion, security and powerbalancing. As wars are replaced by diplomatic efforts, a tremendous amount of "human capital" will also be freed to take part in a joyful revival of economies based on abundance for all, rather than massive profits for the few. "Imagine, envision the dream of your hearts. What changes would you wish to see taking place? How would you be spending your time if you had a 3-day work week with humane hours? How would your health improve? How would the children's lives be different? We foresee an explosion of creative energy being released, as the town square begins to operate as the center of life, rather than the office building. "Immersed as you have been in the day to day struggle, which was defined for you before you were born, and which included the expectation that you would work long hours for material wealth which was supposed to fulfill you, you could not see the fallacy of this entire belief

system which has controlled your lives. It is our wish that no man, woman or child will ever again work like a slave in order to simply survive, and no corporation or individual will pollute and destroy our dear Gaia without consequences. "Some of these things will be made easier with help from the spirit world, co-creating programs with our Lightworkers and channelers. Some you will bring about yourselves, by joining together to implement new systems of local governance, new fairness in the distribution of wealth, and greater freedom to express Truth in your actions, your beliefs and your work. These activities take hold with a cumulative force, like a snowball rolling downhill. Every time a person refuses to buy into the old routine, or refuses to be coerced into doing work they feel compromises their integrity, their Light grows brighter, and others are inspired to take actions of their own. "You may not be as aware as we are of this phenomenon of change bringing change, but you will recognize what we mean when you remember the world before and after the civil rights movement. Remember the U.S. before Martin Luther King, India before Gandhi, and Europe before the revolutions which overthrew monarchies across the continent. All these things have occurred within the past 200 years, and most within just the past 60 years - less than the space of one lifetime! And now, things are moving much faster. This very year, 2013 will be the pivotal year in your history - the watershed year, when everything began to change. "Of course, to welcome in the new, you will need news outlets which are not simply profit- and propaganda generators but sources of real information, provided by real people on the ground who can eloquently describe the actual events as they happen. This will be possible when publicly funded sources have the freedom to hire armies of well-trained independent journalists and photographers to travel the world in search of their stories, as you have seen in previous generations. Global communication technologies will make it possible, and the dissemination of information will generate greater understanding across borders and cultural exchange with great numbers of people traveling around the globe as a matter of custom. "Choose your favorite path among the things we have described, My Children, for the opportunities will be open to you to follow your True path, and the resistance and struggle to fulfill your dreams will be dramatically reduced. Keep your eyes open and your hearts alive with joy and hope, and you will see the changes as they appear on your horizon, Dear Ones. You have gained this level of opportunity by successfully ascending to the higher 4th dimension in your spiritual evolution. We are thrilled to be witnessing this glorious historical shift. "Be at peace, and go in Love, Your Mother/Father God, and the Legions of Light." Via Kathryn May, Feb. 11, 2013, 10 pm

Part 110: The Trust Fund Will Be Dispensed

"We do have important news for all of you reading this. We have often talked about the possibility of Nasara funds being distributed, and yesterday we painted a picture of what life could look like when the abundance begins to flow across the planet. It has been a dream of ours to see our children at last freed from the terrible grip of hunger and want in some countries, and financial slavery in the more prosperous ones. The remedy will need to be tailored to suit the need in each situation, but we have long decided on a fair approach. We could not take action until all of you had found your higher vibrational level, and had come far enough to be able to manage the Shift which has already happened, and which will lead into the new era in which equality will be welcomed. It has not been so until now. It will not be easy, but we are confident that now it will be possible. "And so, we are announcing today the beginning of the program of distributing funds from the magnificent Trust which St. Germain himself created for the world while he was in body. It was his mission to provide for his fellows in such a way that no one would ever again be hungry, and no child would suffer alone, where old age would bring comfort and well-being, and where no one would have to work more than 4 days a week in order to provide for themselves and their family. Perhaps there are those who would still work long hours at their work, if it had special meaning to them - artists and musicians are especially driven to create, for instance - but it would be for love, not for money. "We will give you a bit of information to let you know that what we say is true. You will begin to hear announcements from organizations which do important service work that their projects have been suddenly funded by an anonymous donor. These gifts will be given in every country where we can safely distribute funds with assurance that not one penny of the money will go toward graft, or lining the pockets of despots who would use it to maintain control over the people. Of course we have perfect knowledge of who the leaders and workers in these organizations are. We have an easy measure of how reliable an organization is by the amount of Light each person emits in their daily work. We will begin with the "cleanest" organizations. As the effects of the gifts are felt around the world, you will see house-cleaning in the places where self-interest, carelessness, and greed have kept a presence. Good people everywhere will be emboldened to take back the mission they set out to serve, and will rid their organizations of the bean-counters and naysayers in order to rise to the level of competence in their field which is needed in order to fairly administer the generous programs being supported. "We are not going to permit misuse of the Trust, so we will proceed gently, supporting a hospital here, a school there, a clean water system or an environmental cleanup elsewhere. You will begin to see people chipping in to make their neighborhoods shine, and helping friends repair and beautify their little piece of Earth. Our goal is to gradually raise the level of living, whether that

means clean water, better food, better schooling or better healthcare for every man, woman and child across the globe. For some communities, it will mean the ability to remain on tribal lands without being harassed by commercial interests. For others it will mean stopping the decimation of tropical forests. "We do not promise an increase in luxury and wealth - a mega-mansion for every family. That is unsustainable for the environment, and would encourage the continuing obsession with material wealth at the expense of Gaia's fragile balances. No, on the contrary, we will focus on enabling happiness for all our children by assuring basic necessities and cultural pleasures for all to share. At the same time, we will be helping your Star Brothers and Sisters to introduce new energy systems which will completely eliminate your dependence on fossil fuels. This will phase out all drilling, fracking, burning and polluting of the environment in favor of very inexpensive, clean energy to take care of all your energy needs. We will encourage, at the same time, a new appreciation for the need for more rest during the dark hours (and therefore less use of artificial lighting) and a genuine understanding of the ecology of your planet. There are indeed many other species who have requirements for space, quiet and protected environments just as you do. "We also expect that as the new abundance increases and education is more readily available to all, humans will at last begin to manage their own reproduction carefully so as to reduce the population gradually, easing the burden on Gaia to produce enough food to provide for all. Trade will flourish, allowing distribution of all goods and services without the energy costs of transportation, and a new appreciation will develop for the uniqueness of local crafts and imported specialties as well. You will see an end to the "profit motive" as you have known it, since money will have far less meaning or appeal in a world where everyone is comfortable, well-fed, and where children at last have the tender and considerate care they need from parents who are getting much help in learning more effective childcare practices and support for their own needs. "You have already seen an enormous increase in the need for everyone to make deeper spiritual connections. As the energy flow across the planet continues, and the Veil of Forgetfulness is revealed to have been removed, people will realize how easy it is to make contact with us, and how fulfilling it is to be loved unconditionally 24/7. With that shift, your world will become a much friendlier place. Of course there will be those who hold out for cruelty and greed, but they will be in the obvious minority, and their power removed, they will be no great threat to the general public as they have been in the past. You will see a resurgence of the kind of Mystery Schools which taught our True Way in ancient times. Eventually, religions which base their hold on their followers on fear and guilt will drop away, making room for breathe-easy celebrations of the Oneness of All Life. (Did you see what Archangel Michael and his magic band did at the Vatican?) It was by way of celebration that they created that magnificent lightening bolt, with the hope that the new Pope will be courageous enough to open the libraries to all, so that the true scriptures can be studied and celebrated, and so that the Truth about the Church history can be

revealed. "Rejoice, Dear Children, take off your tight shoes and dance! Dance in the new era of peace, and as you do, you will speed the changes across the planet. Your Light energy is needed now, as never before, to create the great surge of Love and Light which will elevate everyone with the irresistible song of Joy and happiness. No one will be able to suppress their smiles when you find your voices and Sing! Sing the praises of your own ancestors who helped you get here, sing the praise of your Guides and Masters who have been at your service for thousands of years, sing the praises of your devoted Creators who Love you unconditionally, and most of all, sing praise to the courage and dedication of yourselves, the Creator Race who have brought this all to pass. "And so it is, Father/Mother God"

Part 111: A Spiritual State of the Union Address

"We will have a brief spiritual State of the Union message for you tonight. We have said a great deal lately about what you can expect in the near future, and we do not wish to add much to that perspective. Instead we prefer to address what is happening with many of you as you go through these transitions, and what changes are occurring in your energetic environment that will affect your emotional and physical state. "You may have been feeling further "ascensionitis" symptoms, like headaches, fatigue, and changes in diet. This is due to the clearing effect of the powerful energies washing over you, sparking dormant DNA strands, and encouraging all of you to finish with old painful remembrances and their lingering effects in your emotional body. The higher your aspirations for achieving personal ascension in the coming months, the more important it is for you to take advantage of the higher vibrational waves to carry you over the obstacles. "Letting go and starting over has always been a challenge for Earth children. You are somewhat cautious by nature, and this tendency to be self-protective has been over-stimulated and aggrandized by the cauldron of fear you have all been stewing in for many years. This cultural fear harkens back to the beginning of the nuclear era, when children were taught to duck and cover under their school desks in case an atom bomb was dropped on their town! The absurdity of this gesture is only now being revealed for the sham it was. It only served to make an entire generation of children think about sudden mass death in a moment's notice. Following generations have been treated to an endless chain of wars with invisible enemies, until the present "War on Terror" put the icing on the cake: now every human being on the planet is ostensibly involved in a war, fighting to survive against an undefined, illusive enemy without a nation to negotiate with or threaten into submission. "Little by little, you have been steeped in the rhetoric of fear, and trained to join in the paranoid 3-alarm vigil - "if you see something..." with the stated assumption that since your national defense systems are so easily breached, it is now the responsibility of each and every citizen to protect the nation by joining in the surveillance efforts to keep the nation safe. This fearmongering has been instrumental in stoking the rage-aholic paranoia you now see in the Tea Party "movement" in which citizens are easily manipulated into further anger against their own government, which could be, in fact, the last bastion against absolute control by the Powers That Be in the banking and energy corporations who are making the last-ditch play to control the entire world. "Anxiety. Stress. These are the made-up names to explain the manufactured emotional tone which results from the fear-mongering, rage-inciting Dark story-tellers who have created nightmare scenarios of liberty-robbing government oppression, mass starvation and deprivation. In fact, it is not the elected government which is the cause of the oppression, although a certain Congressional faction has aided in the dismantling of government power so that it could be turned over to corporations and banks and their owners.

"It is our hope that as more people join the spiritual awakening, their powers of discernment will increase, and they will learn not to be seduced into feeling fear when none is justified. It is also crucial that the population as a whole begin to realize that anxiety and stress are not appropriate responses to a normal life with its day to day activities and schedules. "Stress" is an internal response to a thought. The thought has been placed in everyone's mind that disastrous material want is just a heartbeat away, and you had better work yourself to death to avoid it. Here the usual Jerry McGuire litmus test works nicely: Follow the money. Who benefits from workers competing to climb over each other, in the fear that they will passed over if they do not work 18 hours of unpaid overtime every week? The company. Who benefits when everyone is "stressed out" as a result of these fears? The drug companies. And who benefits when everyone spends more than they earn to buy "feel-better" possessions to make themselves feel less insignificant, more admired? Yes, the Dark Hat banks and corporations. "Awake, Dear Children, shake off this health-eroding fear-based lifestyle and dance! Mass suppression is not around the corner, and neither is the boogie man. You are not starving - you waste almost as much food as you produce. Turn away from the fear-mongers; look to your own hearts to confirm that yes, you are competent, yes you are strong, and your destiny is in your own hands. Anxiety is the absence of Faith. You are lacking in Faith; you are lacking in compassion; you are lacking in the kind of Love which inspires service to others. Those are the life-blood things that everyone is craving - not more money or objects. It is the Unconditional Love of your Creators and of your fellow humans which will stave off the hunger, fill your hearts with joy, and light the path into a new and glorious Golden Age. "Dream your best dreams, Dear Ones, and then step into them, without fear. You have nothing to lose, and a life of excitement and fulfillment to gain. We love you, one and all, Mother/Father God" Via Kathryn May, Feb. 14, 2013, 11 pm

Part 112: A Valentine for Lightworkers

"There are wonderful plans afoot, Dear Ones. We are working with Lightworkers everywhere to help manifest the dreams they have been envisioning for Healing Centers, Arts Centers, Community Centers and all forms of lively and innovative educational programs. If you are one of those who have worked for years to try to keep a struggling non-profit afloat with scarce funds but loyal and dedicated hearts, you can breathe a breath of relief and joy. Those people who have dreamed and prayed and worked long hours without pay for causes that benefited others will find themselves in the midst of abundance. "Your dreams will not die because of a lack of government funds, or because the wealthiest do not give as they used to. There is great wealth coming to Gaia, in the form of a Golden Age of art, music, ballet, drama, performances of modern, classical and ancient dances, music for the many and music for the few, art classes for professionals and for curious children, sports programs to increase agility and strength, non-competitive venues for sporting events like skating rinks and swimming pools, cooking schools for local foods, and every other delight you can think of - all available to everyone, because profit will not be a deciding factor when it comes to innovative and fulfilling activities for all Gaia's people. "We know you are saying, "It can't come too soon. We have been promised a Golden Age, but we look around and still see fear, violence and darkness." Yes, we acknowledge that time moves very slowly to you there in bodies, while we tend to think in terms of millennia, but we are not tantalizing you with things that are far away in time and space. The impact of new forces and new ways of thinking will be manifesting all around you, beginning in a matter of weeks. Listen to the dreams and plans of the most hardworking Lightworkers you know, and watch as they are suddenly able to begin to do their work without the desperate need for choosing between paying their rent and feeding their community's needy families, or teaching children music lessons. "Organizations of all kinds will come out of obscurity, because their inventors and dreamers have already manifested the dream of a better world for their fellow Gaians. Your favorite public radio stations, orchestras and museums of all kinds will be able to breathe between fund-raising campaigns long enough to plan innovative programs for all. Watch, listen, Dear Ones. It is coming, and you will all benefit by having the Light energy around you lifted with joyful celebrations and performances to which everyone is invited! "Until we bring you additional information tomorrow, we send you our Unconditional Love, and encourage you: the things you put your energy into now are the things you will manifest. Aim high, stay hopeful, and fill your heart with Love, and everything you create will be blessed. Your Mother/Father God and the Legions of Light." Via Kathryn May, Feb. 14, 2013, 5 pm.

Part 113: Our Bold and Original Cosmic Social Contract

"Let's talk about something different today. Some of you are very interested in the physics of planetary movements, and the other scientific explanations for what is happening now in your solar system and on your planet. We have presented here the layman's version, since that is our intention in this forum - to provide you with straightforward answers and information that everyone can use in their daily lives. Of course, your daily lives are deeply influenced by the energy of the planets and stars as they interact with each other. As we have said, the heavenly bodies interact with one another just as you interact with your fellow humans. They know each other as friends, just as you do, and take interest in the plight or successes of their Brother and Sister planets and stars. The planets in your solar system are a family, just as you experience family feelings toward those you have lived in close proximity with for most of your life. So you see, physics explains the mathematical laws behind the sociology, or as you might call it, the cosmic social psychology which drives the relationships you experience in daily life. "As your scientists are beginning to discover, several of the other planets have supported life in earlier times. Mars, Venus and Saturn have all been the the home of previous incarnations of human or humanoid races, some of them seeded, as you were, by space Brothers and Sisters who contributed their DNA to the project of developing a new race in this young solar system. So you see, there has been much mixing and traveling, thriving and destruction, rebirth and more development throughout the entire Universe over the eons. Your planet is among the younger ones, and the youngest to be inhabited by human beings. Your ancestors, genetically, are mostly Pleiadian, with some Sirian and Arcturian mixing at various times either directly or indirectly, so there are many who keep an eye on your progress and feel a deep connection to you. Their civilizations are now more advanced, although not finished with their ascension processes entirely. These civilizations have gone through many of the struggles you have, although your 3D duality has been complicated more than most by the presence of Dark forces, and you are the only ones to have had those conditions combined with the privilege of complete free will throughout your development. "There is something else that is completely different about your social contract. Other planets have gone through the ascension process with each individual soul progressing at their own rate. This has created some situations of great disparity, such as the Sirian Federation where there is a highly evolved energy matrix and very advanced technology, with high vibrational leadership, but still there are those at lower levels who foment wars or armed skirmishes in localized areas, creating great difficulties for the leaders who work hard to maintain peace. There are similarities on your planet at this time, although the main difference is that your most powerful leaders are the ones who instigate the wars and inflame the passions of the people to fight each other. We hope that these wars will desist when the balance is tipped by greater prosperity and the removal of the Dark Hats from your planet. You are not aware of it yet, but many arrests have been made already, and many of the war criminals will be brought to justice. "Now, to explain the difference in the way the Ascension process is being done on Gaia. You,

Dear Children, have made a pact with one another - yes, all of you on Planet Earth decided long ago on a bold and courageous plan. In agreement with the representatives of Christ Consciousness who were to help you with your remarkable plan, you decided to ascend all together, in an all or nothing march to the top, as you might say. You were aware of the problems other civilizations have had when some of their members lag behind, and so you vowed to help one another, Brother lifting Brother, in a game plan in which all are affected by the actions of the weakest link, the least advanced members. Your Guide and Mentor who has taken on the leadership of this ambitious project is our dear Jesus Sananda, or as he often calls himself, Jeshua ben Joseph. "In each life between lives, you have renewed your commitment to him and pledged to continue the difficult work of creating a democratic civilization where each and every soul will ascend together. We applaud your courage and your diligence. It has created a planet where there is enormous Brotherly/Sisterly Love, which comes out at times of crisis or natural disasters. Of course, you still must overcome the racism which separates you, but you have made great progress in this recently. "There is the sense of being your brother's keeper in the higher dimensions. The energy of Unconditional Love encompasses the wish to be of service, to nurture and support all other souls because of knowing Oneness as high dimensional beings. It is The True Way which you all experience between incarnations on Gaia, but it has never been the expectation that all the souls incarnating on a planet will work together as a team, with the understanding that more advanced souls will volunteer to return in repeating incarnations to help their fellows raise the vibration on the planet until all are finally swept along by the rising tide which lifts all boats, as you say. This effect is already taking hold in the wake of the enormous energy surges which began around Dec. 21. The solar activity which is a large influence in activating the dormant strands of your DNA continues, so that gradually, all human beings will become more open to deep connections with the spirit world, and intelligence will increase in the area of what you call emotional intelligence. In other words, there will be stronger connections between the Center of Operations in the brain and the heart. "You are aware of the Nature vs Nurture argument. It is part of the design of the human psyche that neither can operate without the other, and so you will not see a sudden shift in the behavior and attitudes of all the people all at once. It will still be necessary to overcome the undertow of generations of destructive behavior which has instilled the tendency to develop reptilian brain configurations (the fight or flight fear response) at the cost of higher level neurological patterns. These behaviors are passed down from parent to child, recreating similar brain channels and therefore similar behavior in each succeeding generation. It will require a universal educational program which includes physical training, conscious instruction in managing thinking patterns and actions, as is done in yoga and advanced martial arts training, combined with a full range of creative activities for balancing right and left-brain learning. In other words, the opposite of the math, science and testing which has become the standard in so many countries. Children who are allowed to live a creative, active life will learn math and science more easily if they are introduced to music and dance first. "We are encouraging you to think about initiating original projects in brain-training for all ages.

A successful program must open the individual to operating in their heart, becoming aware of the nuances of emotional responses in themselves and others, and encourage empathy and compassion in all their dealings. There are successful programs now in Mindfulness, which are becoming more popular and more accepted by the general public. It is a trend which we hope to see spread to every level, every age, and every classroom, no matter what the subject matter. This is the route to ascension for all which we envision. A combination of Visual Centering and Qigong, the Chinese movement discipline (translation: Life Energy Cultivation) would be an ideal brain and body training program to provide a basis for raising vibrational levels in groups of all ages. "So you see, Dear Ones, it is the challenge for Lightworkers now to find ways to teach the True Way of Love, kindness, compassion, forgiveness and quiet strength to others. Perhaps you will teach it by helping your friends to organize groups to take children into Nature, or to teach singalongs, or any activity that appeals to groups, as a way of demonstrating your skills at bringing out the Light in others. Go out among the children so that they can see how considerate and good-tempered adults behave in groups. Or think big, and begin organizing large celebrations in your neighborhood, or on your block, to encourage neighborly mixing and mingling and play. Now is the time to start the ball rolling, for it will gain speed with every action, every event, every new friendship. Your high vibration energy emanates outward from your heart in lovely waves of Light. Do not hide it, or worry about protecting it. You are surrounded always with our blessings and our love. Go forth and teach kindness. You are taking part in the grandest social experiment ever devised. Your entire planet will resonate when you do. Your Mother/Father God with Jesus Sananda and the Beings of Light." Via Kathryn May, Feb. 16, 2012, 1 am.

Part 114: Heaven is a Democratic Political System

"Today is a quiet day in the news. No meteor strikes and no high publicity murders. Of course you are aware of how sensational most of your news stories are, and of how little consequence they are. The real news gets buried under the sensationalism to such a degree that the world would think that Americans do not conduct regular business or live regular productive lives. You may not be aware of it, but news and programming in some other Western countries are not as loaded with murders, kidnappings and sex scandals, unless the story is about the royal family. Celebrity wardrobe malfunctions are not generally considered front page news in most of the world. (Yes, we are being a bit ironic here about the low-brow content of the U.S. news.) We are looking forward to a time when the First Amendment is not treated as an open invitation for lewdness, voyeurism, and violent content. "The low quality of the available news is not a result of stupidity in the population or the fact that people really do not want real news coverage from around the world. It is mainly because that form of coverage has become more expensive and therefore less profitable to the news organizations. Unfortunately, even the news has fallen prey to the pressure to provide cheap content for maximum profit. You are now in the throes of the end of an experiment - capitalism which has seen the pendulum swing from generating excitement and hard work which benefitted the entire population and, in the context of a democratic state, created unprecedented prosperity and well-being for millions of people, to a state of domination by the few. It never reached the utopian order where everyone could benefit from the available opportunities; large pockets of poverty remained, but the general welfare of the people reached an all-time high on Planet Earth. No sooner had the prosperity begun to spread to all the classes, even including immigrants, but the balance of power began to shift in favor of the rich and powerful. "You are now seeing a shift, as always happens when conditions evolve to the logical extreme of any social system; it must change, because change is the norm in all the Universe. The more those in power attempt to keep the system in stasis, the more the tension builds for change. The economic system in the West - unbridled capitalism, is now ripe for change. The sacred religion called "business" has played out all its cards, and the result is an unsavory sight, indeed. In the wake of massacres of children, Gun manufacturers are reaping unprecedented profits because of a marketing campaign to control Congress, but this time the scare tactics have not worked to intimidate the majority of the people. "Just as the true journalists of the day are beginning to strongly challenge the criminal deception which led your country to war with Iraq, thereby filling the coffers of the war machine, they are also refusing to be intimidated by the lobbying forces which threaten, manipulate and bribe wherever they have to to gain favor with Congresspeople who then vote to keep the money flowing, regardless of the danger and the real cost to the people. Any system which is so vulnerable to corruption will ultimately reveal the weakness at its center: the system of democracy can be completely dismantled without ever changing the Constitution. The people can continue to elect representatives to their so-called governing bodies, but those representatives will eventually have no power to stanch the flow because their colleagues have

given away their power to private entities in return for money and the seductive illusion of power. The simple truth is that democracy cannot survive without good will and a high level of spiritual development on the part of the people - all the people. "It may seem odd to you that we, who call ourselves Mother/Father God are so interested in your politics, but of course it is not strange at all, since we have been here encouraging your experiments in freedom for millions of years. You are familiar with the line from the Lord's prayer which says, "On Earth as it is in Heaven." You see, in the world of spirit where we experience All That Is, we have created a Universe which is based in what you would call a democracy. Each individual soul is respected as unique, while there is the overarching recognition that we are One. All conditions here are designed to encourage individual growth and ascension, but the greater good is always our central consideration. Unconditional Love is the air we breathe, respect for one another is the norm, and service to others is the undisputed highest value for all ascending souls. "So you see, Dear Ones, our Creation is a "political" system just as yours is. The word politic' in your language means beneficial, desirable, suitable, fitting. We have created a system for all the beings of the Universe which will be beneficial and suitable for all, and we are constantly working with our Co-creators to improve it. It is our wish and our Vision for all of you in human form to be able to reach the level of harmony and joy which we experience in higher dimensions. Yes, of course we are interested in the physical dynamics - the physics of our Universe. That was our first concern when we began our process of Creation so long ago, but it is the social and political elements which now are fascinating to us, and to all the beings in the evolving Universe. We wish to nurture, to encourage and to assist you in your evolution toward a truly democratic culture on your planet which will allow all to thrive, in joyful cooperation with one another, yes, on Earth as it is in Heaven. "You are always in our hearts, as we dwell in yours, our precious children of Gaia, We are Mother/Father God" Via Kathryn May, Feb. 16, 2013, 11 pm

Part 115: Some Near-Term Predictions, and Thanks for Communicating

"Thank you, Dear, for the pleasure of being on the radio show with your lovely co-host and guests. It is always wonderful for us when we can reach out, knowing your listeners are there, from all over the country, and some from around the world. Some will come later, to listen to the recorded show, but we know who they are, and we exult in that. For us, it is the greatest fulfillment to be in contact with our dear children of Gaia, for it has been a long dry spell, you might say, since we had direct contact with many of you without a priest or a minister or an intermediary of some sort interpreting and editing what we intended to say. Now, with so many of you seeing beyond the Veil, you are increasingly able to speak with us directly, and when you listen to the radio show you are opening your hearts to begin to hear our voices even when you do not have the channel to relay our words to you. This gives us great joy, that it encourages you to make contact with us directly. "Your questions touch our hearts. You are sincere and earnest in your wish to elevate yourselves ever higher. You are on the right path - we want to reassure you once more - if you are reading these messages and listening to our radio show, thinking about the things we tell you, questioning everything you have been taught, and making an effort to be of service to others every day, you are truly preparing yourselves to be the leaders of the New Golden Age. Yes, questioning everything, for you have been taught so many false things in recent years, and the widespread access to all the citizens through the media has made it ever easier to defraud large numbers of people with slick or tantalizing fear tactics. So many lies have been perpetrated in the past 30 years, it shocks us to see that most people still believe what they hear on television. "There will soon be revelations, backed by the prosecutorial arm of government, about the horrifying false flag operations which have been carried out to increase profits and maintain power in the hands of the few. There will be some trials of war crimes and bank fraud, but you may be assured that right now many of those criminals and Dark Hats in your midst have been rounded up and will no longer be devastatingly present and powerful. There are still a few belligerent contrarians in your midst, but their days in power will be very short-lived. We will no longer tolerate the destructiveness and arrogance of those who rob and molest our dear children who have done nothing wrong, and who have worked hard to live good lives. "It is not our intention that the most dedicated Dark Hats be allowed to maintain power over you. You will begin to suddenly awaken to the unfairness and struggle which has been the rule on Gaia for billions of people. As some revelations become public, you will begin to feel and hear the echoes from ancestors who did not have the gravitas to take on the power-mongers. Now you are surrounded by people who no longer want to be used, and you will find yourselves in the company of evolved souls who wish to stand shoulder to shoulder with you against tyranny. As you do so, the tyranny will melt away, for you are manifesting the Dream which has already been created. "It is a time of great revolution, Dear Ones, although this time the transition will be more peaceful and somewhat gradual. You ask when the next ascension event will take place. You ask

this because you have felt that the change which has taken place since Dec. 21 last year is not enough. You want more - a more loving environment in the political arena, in the workplace, and on the streets. It shall happen; it is happening now, and it will continue at the very fast pace you have set for yourselves. There will be the promised ascension to the 5th dimension. You are readying yourselves now for that wonderful event. "Remember, as we told you yesterday, all the souls must join in the Ascension, and so it shall be. Hearts will be warmed by the joyful community events of the New Golden Age, and it will bring many into the fold of spiritual connection which has been so sorely lacking until now. This period, for the next six months or so, will be a clearing away time, shedding old skin, old structures and old troubles. Across the globe, you will see old despots losing their grip on power and they will be replaced by more generous and more honest leaders. You have witnessed the unprecedented event of the Pope's resignation. He heard us whispering in his ear. It was time for him to make way for a more liberal and more ecumenical leader of the Catholic Church, or else the Church will not survive. We hope with all our hearts that the next Pope will denounce the horrid abuse of children and the defamation of gay people, that he will encourage priests to marry, and best of all, open the Vatican libraries and hidden records rooms to allow the whole world to know the truth about the past. Won't that create an earthquake! "The process of walking hand in hand with your fellow humans may happen within your lifetimes, but more likely it will require more encouragement and awareness. It will happen as quickly as you are able to manifest it - the Great Dream we have all dreamed together. We hope you will be inspired to put your shoulder to the wheel of life and push with all your might, just as if you were pushing your horsecart over a log, or getting your car out of a muddy hole. The more people you have to help you, the faster the vehicle will spring forward and carry everyone along once more. And so we ask you, the hardworking ones, to work even harder to emanate your brightest Light, encourage your reluctant acquaintances and friends, and continue your diligent work to improve yourselves by being of service to others. Your lives will be more fulfilling because of it, and you will be making your very important contribution to raising the level of vibration on dear Gaia. Gaia herself will feel your lightening footsteps and feel joy; your family and acquaintances will be lifted up even without their realizing it, and you will feel our light of Unconditional Love blessing you every step of the way. "Be at peace, Dear Ones, and carry our Love in your heart of hearts as you go through each day, Your Mother/Father God" Via Kathryn May, Feb. 17, 2013, 10 pm

Part 116: The Arts, Sciences and the Economy are Taking Off!
"There are wonderful things happening in your country, the United States, and of course elsewhere. Much of it is simmering just under the surface, ready to bubble up into joyful expressions of creativity and service. Projects of all kinds that have been developing against all kinds of odds are coming into their own, like the center in Rhode Island that will do groundbreaking work in preventing and healing domestic violence, and the healing arts center in New York's Hudson Valley which will sway the medical community with its "alternative" healing successes, and a music program which will bring inner city children into the fold of classically trained musicians in Denver. All over the country, drama and dance programs are being offered to lift children out of their dreadful circumstances, into a world of creativity and joyful expression which will profoundly change their view of life. We are thrilled to see how industrious our talented children are, and how dedicated and passionate they are in pursuing their dreams. These original people and their programs will be funded, one way or another, or perhaps we should say one way and another. "In spite of the complaining and obstructionism, and the myth that your government is going to plunge into an abyss if any social programs are funded, it is not true. The kinds of activities we are describing add fire and passion to the people involved, and their energy ripples outward to others, creating a resonance all through the culture which lifts everyone's mood, and thereby increases invention and productivity. There has always been a correlation between a thriving arts environment and a thriving economy. Notice the examples of Ancient Egypt, the Ming Dynasty, Classical Greece, the Persian Empire, the Roman Empire, and the European Renaissance. All were periods of great expansion in the arts, literature, drama, philosophy and the sciences, and at the same time, economic expansion. Do you really believe it was trade and wealth which caused the enormous explosion in the Arts, or can you see that it could have been the opposite? It has always been true of human beings that artistic inspiration creates an uplifting of the spirits, and in that state everyone is more productive, artists and entrepreneurs alike. "You are now beginning to feel the first effects of that dynamic flow of energy. This will increase day by day, year by year, to a magnificent crescendo which will last for the next thousand years and more. The artistic productions which are produced now will be the inspiration for centuries to come, just as Ancient Greece planted the seeds for the Renaissance, which then created the uplifting which carried through the Revolutionary period, when a new kind of political creativity and scientific advancement took hold. "So you see, none of these areas of human evolution are separate from one another. You have been in a period of technological invention which concentrated on devices for the individual; it is now time for an expansion into technology which will benefit the society as a whole, such as free energy, dramatically different medical techniques, and innovative educational practices. Measuring your time day by day, you may not be aware of the enormous changes taking place just around the corner in your neighborhood or your town. Look out at your world, Dear Ones. See what is really happening - not through the filter of the TV screen, but with your own taste, touch, smell and Vision, and then jump in to take part in building something wonderful. You will

be in good company. "The things you do now are extremely important in shaping how your life will play out from now on. You have entered the new Yin era, the Age of Aquarius. The Universal energies are going through a tremendous shift in quality. This has always been true in the phases of history. Just as the moon has its phases and the planets traveling around your central Sun have their phases, so too does the entire Cosmos breathe its own rhythm in undulating waves throughout the eons. "In our next message we will tell you about the new Yin era and how it differs from the Yang experience you are now leaving behind. It will help you to understand why these massive changes are taking place, and why they are happening at an accelerated rate. "For now, we send you our Unconditional Love, that you may dream and build and thrive, Your Mother/Father God" Via Kathryn May, Feb. 18, 2013, 11 pm

Part 117: The Golden Age of Healthcare Begins-First Steps

"There is a small community center in Stone Ridge, NY, where healers of all sorts gather to offer treatment to the community at large, free of charge. The people come from towns all around to experience the deep healing experience of being attended to by world-class experts in their fields of medicine, acupuncture, chiropractic, massage, several unique energy healing modalities, psychotherapy, group tapping exercises, reflexology, visual centering and more, all organized and orchestrated by a team of volunteer administrators. The atmosphere is one of bustling professionalism, excitement, Light, Love, and on the part of the arriving patients, some anxiety and pain. "As the work proceeds, twenty or more healers focus intently on one patient after another, lifting the vibrational level with an outpouring of Love, compassion and skill. Old pain melts away, tears sometimes flow, and one by one, the previously weary, discouraged patients begin to smile, greet each other with pleasure, and leave with an aura of Light and peace. It is a wonderful thing to observe - the ebb and flow and gradual building of Light energy which peaks in intensity in the third hour, then mixes with the mellow emanations of gratitude and peace as the patients wait for another hour with a different practitioner, if there is a slot available. On a stormy day, patients might succeed in spending two or more hours in various treatments, lingering until the lights blink an end to the Holistic Healthcare Day. Healers dismantle their screens and tables and go to form their loving circle, holding hands, clearing the space of any negative energies, and emanating one of the brightest lights to shine forth from Gaia. "This new form - the gathering of volunteers to provide healthcare where there is a dire need for new forms of healing and caring performed together - is practically non-existent in the traditional offices where doctors, pressured to perform fast and efficient examinations of patients, resort to mechanized testing procedures rather than touching, where laboratory tests take the place of getting to know the patient's family situation and job stresses. In the for-profit world, there is no time for tenderness where insurance companies determine who will be seen and how small a percentage of the doctor's fee They can get away with paying without losing that doctor's participation on their roster. There is barely time for the doctor to write a handful of prescriptions for the latest drugs, which have been enthusiastically touted to her by the visiting drug salesman. Meanwhile, teams of secretaries are needed to complete the complex clerical tasks generated by one doctor's patient load. Is it any wonder that patients in this disease model of treatment are convinced that their illnesses will probably linger for months or even a lifetime? They leave feeling confused, exhausted and discouraged. "Of course, in a country without universal healthcare coverage, practitioners cannot be expected to work long hours without pay on a regular basis. There are steep costs for liability insurance coverage, office rent and staff before the doctor can even think about paying himself. Especially for physicians and nursing staff in family practice offices, the life of treating patients is no longer a highly lucrative job, compared with finance or money management, even with about 3 times the training and preparation. Yes, healthcare has descended into a deep hole, overseen by insurance and pharmaceutical companies whose primary interest is in their bottom line, not the

individual patient. "And so, groups of brilliantly dedicated healers, out of the desire to fulfill their passion for healing and service to others, have gathered in store fronts and church basements to try to provide the kind of genuine healthcare which everyone needs when they are sick. Again, the pendulum swings, set in motion by the terrible, unmet need for someone who cares and has the time to truly understand the patient. Instead they are offered the expertise of a skilled statistician who can calculate the probability that, with the patient's description of several stated symptoms, the problem is likely to be X, and the research shows that the most successful treatment for X is a prescription for Y. It must change, if those whose idealism led them to become doctors in the first place remain concerned about patients rather than test results. It has been a difficult time for healthcare workers at every level, as pay is steadily declining and patient load increasing. "As these developments continue, with free clinics attracting more and more attention because of their popularity and successes, and doctors becoming less and less satisfied with the hectic, brain-centered requirements of their current situation, change will come. Most doctors are idealistic in their philosophy when they begin medical school, and would be better adapted to patient care than accountancy if the modality trained them for it. Unfortunately, they are taught to identify disease the way a detective analyzes a crime scene - with barely a fleeting acknowledgement that there is a unique, living being inside the body in question. There are already University medical programs which are beginning to stress the importance of "bed-side manner" more highly. Course work is beginning to be included which addresses the mind/body connection as a primary source of disease and the mediator of healing. "You see, there will begin a New Golden Age in healthcare (which will no longer be called "medicine"). New and original modalities will build on ancient healing techniques which combine brilliantly with surgical techniques and new regenerative technologies. The research is now in on the power of prayer to heal, the importance of a positive mindset in recovery, and the support of friends and family as a motivator to get well. The research has proven at last that people need people, more even than they need drugs or surgery. The new science of healing will stress the art of healing. These changes will be synergistic with the changes in education, childcare and nutrition as well. The emphasis will be on the needs and strengths of the unique individual, not the anonymous body. "More sophisticated scanning devices have also spurred an explosion in brain research which identifies and acknowledges the importance of emotion in all intellectual activities. The mind/body split was a figment of the scientific mind. It is now beginning to dissipate, as all myths eventually do. The coming age will bring a whole-istic perspective to all the living arts, and this will also include a new appreciation for the need to make spiritual connections. We eagerly look forward to that! "Now, Dear Ones, where will your place be in this glorious shift toward deeply intimate connections with others, on Gaia and in higher dimensional planes? How can you now begin to step into the role of ushering in The New Golden Age? Do not assume that you will immediately need new academic training for the job. You are perfect just as you are for the contribution you can make right now.

"Look to your hearts to guide you. Which of the Great Dreams of Change especially appeals to you? What would your most wonderful and free life look like? Dream it, without reference to how much money you would be paid for it or not. That is no longer the standard by which people will choose their work. Think instead of what you wish your life's work to be, and move toward that now. By this we mean: What will the accumulated impact of your presence on Earth be? That is your path, and your life's purpose. Consider what contribution you wish to make and begin making it, now. You will never regret it. "And so we close for now with the Vision of a New Age of Healing Arts to ponder, to accompany the other changes we have encouraged you to consider. "Dream big, and pray for guidance and inspiration whenever you need it, Your Mother/Father God, in service to the aspirations of humankind." Via Kathryn May, Feb. 20, 2013, 12 am.

Part 118: What Living "Now" Really Means, and How to Do It

"A day of quiet, without demands or schedules is a beautiful thing. No requirements, no expectations, no thoughts but to remain open to delight and newness. This is a state which restores peace of mind, heals the soul, and prepares you for the rest of your life. In this state you will discover the wonder of being alive, the feelings of love which emanate from your inner self, and the contentment you have longed for. "It is not complicated, but for people raised in a stressful, competitive environment, it may take years to achieve; the ability to sit quietly without demanding anything of yourself, not jolting yourself out of your peaceful state to do something, produce something, go out and take care of something. No, nothing is more important than your inner peace. Nothing can move you toward happiness more effectively than being able to ignore the demands of a relentlessly competitive culture to instead find contentment in the act of breathing, stretching as you rise from your chair, noticing the sun through the trees, enjoying the contentment of your pet sleeping near your feet, hearing the music of the wind, and allowing your eyes to close when you feel sleepy. "It may seem like doing nothing, to someone who has been programmed to be always in motion, always accomplishing something. Instead, this is a life of being yourself. A true self needs time to grow, separate from the hectic, competitive action-oriented lifestyle based on the belief that if you are not actively engaged in doing something, you are lazy, or lacking in ambition. It is not true. Because of this impossible expectation, you must lie about what you are really doing much of the time. Instead of acknowledging that you are not doing anything when you are watching television or playing a video game, for instance, you tell yourself that you are busy, and therefore doing something worthwhile. Keeping busy, busyness is a fairly new Western concept: it is based in the belief that filling every waking hour with some sort of frenetic activity - even if it is only worrying - is somehow worthwhile or honorable. "We wish to help you change your minds about this erroneous belief. Being busy is not a value. It simply means you have over-scheduled your days with frenetic activity, preventing yourself from allowing the breathing space you need to order your priorities in a state of awareness. "Everyone has heard about the concept of living in "the Now," but what does it actually mean? Mindfulness, awareness, is a state of being which allows you to breathe freely, experience sensation, emotion and thought, without judgment. This sounds strange to many people who have been taught to critique, evaluate, analyze and categorize everything as a sign of intelligence. This is what is seen as "awareness" in Western thought. It is not awareness - it is a brain process which separates you from the incoming information while you take time to process past sensations, ideas and feelings. These are what are sometimes called left-brain activities: using your brain to evaluate the past in order to plan how to respond to the future. This process takes you completely away from the present, so that no action or feeling is entirely a response to what is happening at that moment, but is instead a fantasy-based combination of memory and expectation.

"It is true that there is a great need to remove yourself from this hectic and driven search to accomplish, to instead find pleasure in the simple state of being at peace inside your own skin, without argument or conflict between you and yourself. We understand that this is difficult for those who have been brainwashed since birth to believe that it is the amount of work you produce that defines your worth. You have not yet seen that this is an implanted idea which holds great benefit for the slavemaster, but little for the slave other than the ego satisfaction which allows the idea to continue unquestioned. Do not allow yourself to be used as a cog in someone else's machine. When you agree to take the path of spiritual growth, you must free yourself from this toxic idea so that you can search within yourself to discover your true value, your unique gifts. You are made for greater things than to work like slaves for money to pay for all the contrived needs which have been imposed on you by the current structure of modern life. "Think "outside the box" as you like to say. Imagine a life in which money is not your master. Of course, you need food and a roof over your head, but for thousands of years human beings have found ways to sustain themselves in resourceful and unique ways. You now have the opportunity to rethink the way you live, in the new energy of the 4th dimension where life is lighter and manifesting your dreams will flow more easily, as soon as you get used to looking forward with pleasure rather than dread. The other very important shift which will ensure the fulfillment of your fondest dreams is to always include fulfillment of the greater good when you envision your own. "This ability to act completely in your own interest while also creating fulfillment for others is not selfishness; it is the highest level of recognition that you are One with all you touch and all you see around you. Yes, there is God consciousness in everything - in you, in your garden, in every being, every speck of life on your planet and in every star of the great firmament. When you open your own consciousness to accept the presence of our consciousness and our great love for you in every breath you breathe, every moment of your soul existence in this life and beyond, you will never again feel loneliness or fear. You will be unwavering in your Faith and peace of mind when you accept that there is no death, no failure possible; there is only Life. Each moment you experience on your spiritual path brings you closer to the great joy of joining with us once again in complete fulfillment of the great Dream of Oneness, the soul path of every living being. "We love you unconditionally, eternally, Mother/Father God" Via Kathryn May, Feb. 20, 2013, 9 pm.

Part 119: A Recipe for Recovering from "Stress" and "Low Self-esteem"
"First, let's continue with what we were talking about yesterday. Living in a fast-paced world has a profound effect on the nervous system of the people who experience that high-pitched energy day in and day out. Living in a modern city, for instance - especially one like New York - means you are steeped in the energy of competition, intellectual striving, material pursuits and the conflict which arises from over-crowding, tight schedules, and millions of people on the move all at once. Many are bound to bump into each other and step on each other's toes, either literally or figuratively. In such an environment, it is crucial that people learn how to recalibrate frequently through the day in order not to be reshaped emotionally by the intense forces of energy flowing about them. "The intense flow of energy is felt as "stress" by many people. It is especially stressful for those who have not practiced grounding techniques like meditation, yoga, tai chi and other selfawareness practices. It is especially important to be constantly aware of managing your own energy so that you are not pulled off center by what is going on around you. This is not simply a matter of remaining calm. It is the crucial sense of remaining yourself - preserving your own identity in the face of being bombarded by the demands of work, family, and worse yet, the fastmoving media blitz which demands attention with constantly shifting visual and audio input. Most people's lives resemble the flash and dazzle of Times Square at least part of the time, when you consider the how often you spend time in traffic, in a crowded store, or in offices with only cubicles to buffer sound and other people's movements and conversation. "Compare for instance, the experience of being caught in a traffic jam on your way to work, knowing that you will be late, with the experience of walking in a quiet wood to the accompaniment of a rippling brook beside you. Imagine the sights, sounds and smells in both places. It has been only 4 or 5 generations since most of the people on the planet lived in a quiet rural environment. It is the sort of environment to which the human psyche has been adapted for thousands of years - close companionship and emotional contact at home, but plenty of space, air and individual time during the day. Your city and suburban life has reversed the process for many of people, who spend their home hours alone with a television set, even if there are others present, and daytime hours involved in close contact with acquaintances or strangers. "These difficult conditions are a recipe for losing your grip on yourself if you are not aware of the need to give yourself time and space to literally gather yourself, calm your nerves and restore you own sense of integrity, including your neurological and spiritual integrity. The disruptive environment we have described above can pull you away from your center of operations - the quiet inner place in your brain and your heart where you commune with yourself and with Us. It is the loss of that deep connection which people feel as "stress." It is impossibly difficult to manage the challenges of life on Gaia without the steady anchor in your deepest sense of belonging - the experience of Unconditional Love which we intended for all of you to draw upon in your most difficult times. "The inner quiet which comes with the connection to Us and our great Love for all our children

encourages you to make the connection to your self - your unique and wonderful individuality and strength. In the embrace of Unconditional Love, it is possible to feel compassion and Love for yourself, to acknowledge how special and precious your life force is, and how important your contribution to the great project to which you belong - the All That Is. "In the process of growing up through the difficult and often dark times of childhood, many of you have absorbed the judgmental disapproval and criticism from those around you which left you with a deeply ingrained sense of self-condemnation. You call it lack of self-esteem, but it is actually far more corrosive than that. It is the tendency to turn on yourself, to "beat yourself up" when things go wrong - exactly the times when you most need support and comfort. Then, even if you do receive support from someone close to you, it would not feel like enough because you do not have yourself for company. Being at war with yourself is the worst possible state of affairs, because you can never get a break from it. It follows you everywhere. Is it any wonder so many people are depressed and anxious and addicted to things they try to get comfort from? "There is a way out of these seemingly dead-end feelings. The first step is to see that even though there may have been legitimate reasons for the feelings of sadness, anger, resentment, depression and anxiety, they are not the only response to life once you are an adult, no matter what the current state of your life might be. If you are still breathing, there is the possibility of a happy life. So, pick yourself up, brush yourself off, and begin to restore your deep connections to the glowing center of strength and inner wisdom which is in each and every one of you, no matter what your current lifetime might have brought in its wake. You deserve to breathe easily and find happiness just because you are here, you are alive, you are human, and we love you no matter what. "Use all the tools we have given to you on this web site - the many messages, the Visual Centering videos we asked Kathryn to place here, our book, and our radio show where you can call in to ask questions. These tools are here not just to make you feel better. They are specifically designed to help you recover, once and for all, from the sickness so many of you suffer from - the dis-ease of being discontented with and disconnected from your Self. So, begin with the program we suggested yesterday. Give yourself some badly needed quiet time to rest, restore your strength, and begin a program of healing your relationship with yourself. "Here is the exercise we give you to begin your happiness program: "Promise - no vow to yourself and to Us - that you will never again say disparaging or negative or insulting things about yourself, to yourself or to others, not even in jest. Be vigilant, mindful of the need for compassion and generosity of spirit as you begin to patiently rebuild and reknit your connections to your heart, your soul, your innermost feelings, and to Us, your Guides and ancestors, angels, Master Teachers, and Your loving Mother/Father God" Via Kathryn May, Feb. 21, 2013, 11 pm

Part 120: Violence is a Harbinger of Change Now

"There are things happening around the U.S. that are horrifying to reasonable people everywhere. Nearly every day there is a shooting that takes the life of a young person. Recently, even teen age girls are shooting schoolmates. This is part of a recklessness that has been spreading; with every TV announcement of a shooting, it enflames the imagination of other reckless and imbalanced shooters. Some call it copycat behavior, but I assure you cats would never be so violent. "It is of great concern to those of us in higher dimensions, of course, but we wish to let you know that some of the incidents were in the life contracts of the brave young people who have been sacrificed in these incidents. You may have noticed the number of incidents where the young person who was killed was a good kid, honor student, well loved and responsible, gunned down in a case of mistaken identity. These tragedies make the gun violence even more senseless and stupid, even to the kids themselves. Several of these recent incidents are examples of sacrifice on the part of the victim, who wished to make an example of the uselessness of violence, and to point out most vividly that these terrible events could be prevented if only parents and the community would pay closer attention to their children's needs from an early age, and if all adults would begin to take part in helping to make the children feel safe, wanted and valued. "There are still large pockets of the world where drug addiction and crime is so rampant that children become jaded and hopeless by the time they are 12. This is not an inevitable result of poverty, but it has become so in recent times, where drugs and guns are more available than a quart of milk. These are Dark remnants of the 3D world you have just left behind. The choices, to move on and leave these ways behind, or to sink into the despair of the past - these are the choices all of you are making right now. It is just that some are more dramatic and public. The tragic play is being acted out before your eyes, and the Dark Ones who have chosen to remain in violence, greed and control by force are making their moves to dominate others - by abuse or by murder. They will be taken out of society because of their violent acts, and in their wake will remain the hard lessons of grief and regret on the part of the victims' families and friends and classmates. All will be deeply touched in a new way by the stunning and horrifying carnage around them. "Dark Hats have attempted to gain power by playing both sides of the debate which has taken center stage, selling enormous numbers of guns by scaring people into believing gun ownership is the solution, and by supporting bans on weapons because it is their intention to gain power over all the world's resources and wealth. It is preferable that none of the activists who might be inclined to organize against them be armed. Their plan is working very well on the surface of it; mostly those who are buying guns at this time are easily convinced that the government is the problem, and the government is going to take away their right to have their protective guns. Anyone wishing to organize a standing army need only create a false-flag skirmish that would look like a government attack, and the hordes of angry rebels with guns could easily be recruited to a civil action bearing a name which symbolizes outrage and self-interest, like the brilliantly orchestrated Tea Party Movement. This is their wish, and the theory is being tested almost daily

in the U.S. and around the world. "It is indeed a period of foment, but much of it has been orchestrated and manipulated to make it appear as if there is a large and powerful rebellion against the elected government. In fact, there has been very little in the way of genuine grass roots rebellion in the Western world aside from the Occupy Movement. The Dark Hats have tried very hard to squash that spontaneous, intuitive response to the abuses of power which have impoverished much of the world. They know that a peaceful, intelligent demonstration of solidarity is the most dangerous form of protest in the long run. It would only be a matter of time before they would find a way to organize the violent guntoters to turn against the Occupy demonstrators. "For now, it is advantageous that the demonstrations have subsided on both sides. It will not be necessary for the protests to come to blows, for the tide changed when you moved into the higher 4th dimension. It may take some time for the conflicts to play out, and for all the Dark Hats to be arrested and taken away, but it is happening day by day. As they play their hands in the public arena and the bloodshed they have caused sinks into the consciousness of the people at large, there will be a permanent shift away from the old response to violence, which was more violence, to a greater understanding of the real power the people hold. The 99% are awakening, and it will be impossible for the Powers That Be to subjugate them any longer. As more abominations are revealed every day, people will begin to see the parallels between the violence imposed upon the many by the few and the violence perpetrated in the streets. When the true source of suffering is identified at last, it will become clear that senseless fighting among neighbors and cousins has only fed the larger machine of greed and power. "It is already beginning - the greater appreciation for the need to look after those children who are being overwhelmed by teasing and bullying, or who are feeling like outcasts. It does not matter why a child is feeling rejected - he has his good enough reasons. What matters is that every child needs to be embraced and made to feel they belong. It is not so difficult for adults to create an environment in which every child is celebrated, regardless of their looks, their intelligence or their personality. There is a place for everyone at the table in a culture which recognizes the True Way of Unconditional Love, Compassion and Forgiveness. It is not so difficult to appreciate the contribution of every living being regardless of their superficial appearance, when you consider that there may be a soul contract in play which called for the child to experience suffering and even bullying in order to teach a profound lesson to those around her or him. That would be a strong and valiant soul path, indeed, and not one that is as rare as you might think. "You see, Dear Ones, there are heroes among you. They may be dressed in rags, or in the body of a deformed or disabled beggar. They may be wearing robes or a nondescript service uniform. Genuine heroes do not wear a placard to proclaim themselves; they simply move among you, touching your hearts and awakening your awareness by being the lesson the people around them need. Open your hearts and look deeply into the eyes of the people you meet. Search inside yourself for the courageous impulses which will help to increase the powerful change toward Love and Light which is your birthright, and the birthright of all your fellow humans. "Go in peace, live in Light,

Your Mother/Father God" Via Kathryn May, Feb. 22, 2013, 11 pm

Part 121: "Disclosure" Means Space Ships Will Land! (On the White House Lawn?)
"There is much to tell you tonight. Some of you are aware of the work we are doing to create the Heaven on Earth you have been promised as you were preparing for the Ascension. It has been believed by some that nothing has changed, but that is not correct. Everything has changed, below the surface. And the things we are planning now will change the world you live in forever. "Some time ago, we introduced Ashtar, the Supreme Commander of the Galactic Federation of Light, who has dedicated himself to protecting and shielding Planet Earth, commanding the millions of space ships which are here in your neighborhood for the wonderful event to come. It has been called "Disclosure" by those involved, and we are going to explain it to you now, to prepare you for the astonishment you are going to experience when it happens. We have waited eagerly for the time when the population of Gaia would be ready to accept the coming of the Galactic Fleet to make contact with you here on Gaia. They have been ready and waiting on the ships for the opportunity to make contact, to embrace those who await the overwhelming outpouring of Love when they are finally able to meet with their twin flames who are incarnated now. "Yes, the ships carry loving partners who wish to share Love, knowledge, and Light with their dear ones on the ground. This revelation will create a lifting of the vibrational level for all beings now incarnated on Gaia. It will complete the Ascension process to 5D and beyond for those Lightworkers who have been preparing themselves so diligently during this lifetime. You will experience an uplifting, exhilarating elevation of feeling greater than anything you have ever experienced in this lifetime, and you will not be alone. Millions of people will feel exultation as they encounter their twin flame, the mirror of their soul, the expression of Oneness which will begin a new process to be completed when the twin souls reach the highest synchronicity and completeness in a merging which is beyond anything you could experience in 3D. It is an experience which is not possible to put into words. This will be part of your individual/joint evolution of souls, and will be a process we cannot begin to explain here, but which will all come clear to you when the time comes for you in your own path of ascension. "The part of the story we can tell you here is that Ashtar, Jesus and many others are preparing to meet with leaders of the world, and especially with the U.S. leadership, which will be more accessible because of the greater acceptance of UFO activity by the American people and because of the close contact we have had with your President Obama, who is, as we have mentioned before, the Sirian Commander who is very much "in the loop" concerning the plan for Disclosure. There are others who are prepared for the event as well, who will be included in the discussions and preparations for -- yes, it is true -- for the public and very visible landing of large numbers of space ships in hundreds, perhaps thousands of places around the world. We are most concerned about not frightening people, and great care has been taken over the years we have planned for this event, to allow sightings in various places, as well as leaving thousands of crop circle messages to announce the arrival and friendly intentions of the ships.

"And so, Dear Ones, the countdown has begun for what many of you will find astonishing, otherworldly. It is not science fiction; it is the way of life in higher dimensions. Your Star Brothers and Sisters, as we have told you earlier, are here to help you, to offer technologies which will completely change your world, and to introduce you to the wonders of life in the Universe beyond what your scientists have been able to glean. Once the landings occur, nothing will remain the same as it was. While there may still remain some particularly closed individuals, most of you will find it possible to open your hearts and your minds to be able to grasp the truth that nothing you thought to be real was the whole story. "You will eventually become used to the idea that there are wonders in the Universe which you have not seen or known in this life on Gaia, but which you were aware of before you came here. The benefits and pleasures in store for you will be so glorious that only the darkest of the Dark Hats would object to the changes you will be experiencing, but they are being cleared away now, and their power will have dissipated completely within the next few months. Those who are not able to adapt to the elevating vibrations are being relocated so that they will no longer be able to wield their power to brainwash and conquer the humans of Gaia. The feeling atmosphere on Gaia will be lighter, freer, more loving than you have ever experienced, and you will begin the process of building a new civilization based on the teachings of the True Way - Unconditional Love, Compassion, Truth, Forgiveness, and Joy. "This spring, Dear Children, will bring a truly new beginning - a blossoming of hope, the fulfillment of Dreams of the Heart, and a completely new way of life. For now, it is your work to begin to open yourselves to limitless possibility. Begin practicing now to be able to fulfill your dreams by seeing them come true. Work to eliminate all negative feelings of fear, depression, despair, anger and hopelessness which has been so much a part of everyday life for so many and for so long. You have weathered the terrible storms of 3D life. When you are able to lift your vibration to meet the loving energy of your Star Brothers and Sisters, you will find your days of struggle and want will be over. "Lift your eyes to the skies, and open your hearts to welcome the glorious changes to come. Remember why you are here at this time, to take part in the wondrous adventure. Polish your dancing shoes and be ready to sing, Dear Ones. We have given you weeks to prepare. Tell your neighbors and your leaders you are ready to be open to their coming. Dispel their fears by passing on this Preview of Coming Attractions. When the ships land in your neighborhood, be ready to wave flags and march with welcoming banners. It will be a truly joyful day. "We will give you updates about the progress of talks and preparations for Disclosure as the information becomes available. As you can appreciate, the landings must be accomplished without danger to the ships and their occupants. It will require the cooperation of all the citizens who will witness the glorious event. "Be at peace, express Unconditional Love every chance you get, and remember that we love you more than words can express. Your Mother/Father God" Via Kathryn May, Feb. 23, 2013, 11 pm.

Part 122: Good and Evil, Adam and Eve, Ascension and Disclosure Too
"We would like to tell you more about the Disclosure arrangements, because it is really important that many people have the information in advance, even if they scoff and think it's a fantasy, at least when it happens they will be amazed rather than terrified, so please, Dear Ones, do not be shy about sharing this information with everyone you know. You will be doing a great service in the long run. "There are now few people in the world who have not seen a ship from an unknown source, or who are well acquainted with someone who has. Sightings have increased enormously, for good reason. The Galactic Fleet has tried their best during the past 50 years to make themselves visible without endangering the ship or frightening those on the ground unnecessarily. "Now there is something we need to clear up, once and for all. No ship from the Galactic Federation of Light has ever kidnapped humans in order to do experiments, remove DNA or have sexual relations with them. They are without exception all beings of Light, all more advanced in their own civilizations than your own, and follow the Laws of Life as understood by all the higher dimensional beings of Light - the True Way which we have been teaching you. They are ascended souls, and as such they have only the best interests of the whole in mind, and their intention is to help their Brothers and Sisters of Gaia to ascend, and to have the technologies which will free you fromthe grip of the Dark Hats who have controlled your planet for hundreds of years. "Now, about the Dark Hats, and the issue of good and evil in general. Your planet, Gaia, has been an experiment in 3D experience for thousands of years. It was originally the plan, developed by our dear Jesus Sananda in cooperation with the many Ascended Beings, humans and members of all the Kingdoms of Heaven, who agreed to take part in this daring experiment. The plan was to create a beautiful, lush planet which could sustain her people in relative abundance, while giving them complete free will, in the context of a duality system of light/dark, and the option to choose freely between all possible options which arise from that system. "All were aware of the great risks involved when options are unlimited, and conditions are sometimes challenging, as they can be in a 3D body which requires a constant supply of food, clean water, and shelter. Even more complex is the challenge of learning to manage the intense, wide range of emotions which are part of the 3D human experience. You must understand, the most troublesome feelings of rage, jealousy and competitiveness you are all too familiar with do not exist in the atmosphere of Unconditional Love in the 5th dimension and higher. "Everyone has heard the Bible interpretation of Adam and Eve, but we will tell you now that the story was not as it has been told. It is true that Eve was the more daring one, ready to venture into the unknown, but she did not commit a sin in eating the apple. This is an allegory about the beginning of the challenge which took the human race from higher dimensions, in Paradise with Us, to lower dimensions where 3D bodies would require apples, sexual reproduction, and much more. Yes, Adam and Eve did leave Paradise, but it was to venture forth with Gaia into the Great

Experiment which you are carrying out to this day. As Gaia descended from the 7th dimension to the 3rd, humans incarnated as they do today, learning and growing as souls in the dense and very intense atmosphere of Gaia. "You have now completed the arc and have turned upward from that lowest point. You have at last lifted your vibrational level to pull yourselves out of the 3rd dimension and into the higher 4th dimension, where energy flows more freely and manifesting your Dreams will no longer feel like you are slogging through quicksand. Some of you are still reenacting the dense conditions of the past, but that is just a mind-set which they are finding hard to leave behind. "Those of you who are sensitive to the reality of the energy conditions on Gaia are aware that during this last phase, things became very dark indeed, as the control of the few over the many sank to its lowest ebb. You have often asked: "Where did this Darkness, this terrible evil, selfishness, greed and violence come from? Are human beings really just genetically inclined toward Darkness?" Our answer, Dear Ones, is no. As duality beings, you are capable of either Light or Dark, but you are born with a penchant for Light, because that is the experience you are born out of and return to after each lifetime. "The severe troubles on Gaia began thousands of years ago with an invasion of beings from other galaxies, a race of non-humans who have been called "Greys," "Reptilians" and "Orions" by your UFO researchers. In recent years there have been renewed efforts on the part of these Dark elements to exert their control over various parts of the Universe, including Gaia. These are the ones we have called "Fallen Angels," lost souls who have determined to prove that they can exist and gain great power over others by remaining outside the welcoming energy of Unconditional Love and Light. They have during some periods gained power over much of Orion, and have caused wars and hardship in parts of the Universe. "The Galactic Federation of Light has been the courageous and necessary military force which has gained ascendance in recent times, to the extent that they are now able to protect Gaia from any further influence from outside forces. You are under protection, as a planet in ascension is always guarded from harm. The Dark Forces will not longer dare to interfere with Gaia or her inhabitants. "We have been telling you about the efforts to clear out the remaining Dark Hats from your environment - the ones with whom we are very familiar, for they are the same troubled souls who have instigated hardship and suffering on Gaia for several civilizations. The Forces of Light have ascended - it is you, Dear Ones, who have turned the tide, making it possible for Lightworkers from far and near to put their energies behind your efforts to evolve out of the Darkness and into the Light, and as you did, you weakened the power of the Dark Ones, for Darkness cannot survive in an atmosphere of Light and Love. You have created the environment for the beginning of the New Golden Age. "There is still a challenge to be faced in your clearing out process, however. Over the centuries, the brainwashing tactics of the Dark Ones created a culture of materialism and greed which has become almost second nature to the people of Gaia. It is not in your true nature, but you have been subject to such effective mind control techniques that you are not even aware of the

pervasive effects of it. You will recognize the symptoms when we remind you of the severe levels of self-doubt, anxiety, hopelessness and fear which pervade all your thinking, in spite of considerable success and abundance in your actual lives. These are the residual emotional effects of having been controlled for centuries by Dark Forces. "It will now be your work to repattern your thinking, rework your value systems, and learn to cocreate an entirely new civilization, built on mutual trust, affection, and Brotherly Love, but now you will not be alone. Your Star Brothers and Sisters are here to ease your way, providing friendship, new technologies which will eliminate the use of fossil fuels within a very short time, and many other remarkable health-giving conveniences. This, along with breaking the stranglehold of the few who have enslaved the entire population in a mass rat-race of work-formoney which will never be enough, promises to kick-start your new higher dimensional lifestyle. "We are aware that you may have one more very troubling question, which our dear Ellen has raised this week: "Why is there evil in the world, and why do we have to deal with it, over and over? Why have you, our Creators allowed this to happen?" We hope that you will now be able to understand our explanation, which will be far easier for those of you who have read most of the messages we have given here. We have told you about our non-intervention policy in regard to your free will here on Gaia. It is the same position we take with all the beings of all the Kingdoms of Heaven. "We do not destroy our Created Souls, even when they go astray, even when they turn toward Darkness. It hurts us to see our Lightworkers suffer because of it, but it is a part of the ascension process for the entire Multiverse to be given the opportunity to exercise valor, courage and kindness in the face of Dark and destructive beings intent on defeating Light, in defeating Us. In struggling against the Darkness, you have grown in Light, Creativity and Unconditional Love. It has made you compassionate, forgiving and empathic every time you have fought shoulder to shoulder with your glorious Beings of Light to defend the dreams of your Heart, which exalt justice, fairness and freedom. "Your valiant efforts to hold fast against the Darkness which descended on Gaia, especially during the past 50 years, have created the beacon of Light and Freedom which inspires the entire Multiverse, where all can feel the rippling effects of your successful, if not yet complete, ascension. And so we ask you, Dear Ones, to take your places once again, as you have in other lifetimes, to lead your fellow humans into the new and glorious Golden Age of Love and Creativity where Darkness will die a natural death and fade into a mythological memory. "We admire you, we will protect you, together with the great Legions of Light, and we will be with you every moment of the way, Your Mother/Father God" Via Kathryn E. May, Feb. 25, 10 pm.

Part 123: International Peoples' Tribunal Finds Pope, Queen and Canadian PM Guilty of Crimes Against Humanity, and That's Just the Beginning of New Freedoms
"Dear Children of Gaia, as we watch you searching and evolving, stretching yourselves to learn more and reach higher in your daily lives, our hearts fill with Love. You have been heroic in your efforts to raise yourselves and those around you. You may not think it is having much of an effect when you learn to meditate, study your inner workings to learn how to manage your feelings, and reach deeply inside yourselves for the strength to live with integrity in all your dealings. This is because you have not been aware of the intense impact you have on each other, even in brief encounters. When it is a friend or coworker or family member, your effect on them is deep and lasting. The more you work on yourselves to increase your Light generation (:)) the more you become an agent for change, just by your presence in the world. "We are so delighted to see how many people are listening to our radio show - It is called "Channel Panel with God and Guests" on BlogTalkRadio - and reading and passing on these messages. The energy is increasing, gathering steam, like a snowball rolling down a huge snowfield, spawning little snowballs that then pick up speed as well. It is very gratifying to see you touching each other's hearts, drawing close to each other for support and pleasure. You are truly a family, you see. You have known one another over centuries, in a tapestry of crossing threads and changing colors which allowed you to learn the difficult lessons which allow a soul to grow, become sturdy and sure in your Faith and your inner strength. These earlier connections will become more apparent to you as the veil lifts and you begin to experience more clearly the soul origins of each person you meet. "It is already beginning. Have you noticed new friendships coming into your life unexpectedly, even suddenly? Chance meetings, on an airplane, at a party or a cultural event, which strike you with the distinct feeling: This is oddly familiar, comfortable, and especially interesting. Those are soul encounters with past friends and compatriots. You will find it happening more often, especially as you venture out to do your works of service. "Now we want to fill you in on the events around the world. Americans are especially insulated from current events in other countries, so you may not be aware of the deep rumblings of trouble in the very structure of the Catholic Church. The Pope resigned because he has been found guilty by the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State of crimes against humanity, along with the British Queen and Prime Minister of Canada who presided over the vicious removal and torture of Native American children who were taken from their families and put into boarding schools over a period of many years. It was a systematic program designed to eliminate Native American belief systems which did not support Christianity, and it was one of the most brutal, calculated genocidal programs ever devised. All defendants were found guilty and sentenced to 25 years in prison, and a warrant has been issued to provide for the dismantling and reclaiming of all the property and wealth of the Church, to be returned to the people. "These scandals, along with the sexual molestation of children by priests, will become front page

news and dinner table discussion around the world in the months to come. Victims, emboldened by the public outcry, will come forward to take part in the cleansing of the evil systems and people who have suppressed and controlled them, and will find healing in the new rebellion - a coup in the most profound sense. It will mean an end to the secret suffering of millions of people, as the movement toward spiritual freedom encompasses other rigid hierarchies which are reigned over by various Church officials who have been previously above the law. This truth-telling will also carry forward the many people who have lived with parts of the information about how 9/11 was planned and executed by the Dark Hats whose only purpose was to create a massively lucrative war and enough fear to provide war machines and "Homeland security" for decades to come. These revelations will shake the world, and will shatter structures which were artificially created to enslave the citizenry of all the countries of the world. "In the aftermath of these shakeups, you will be needed. You will each be called to come forward to minister to your fellow humans, with kindness, compassion and empathy. The difficult work of forgiveness and reconciliation will begin even as the revelations are being revealed, for we do not wish for chaos and rage to ensue. No, forgiveness and Love are the only way to quick resolution if upheaval is to be avoided in the aftermath. People who trusted in their Church (which they thought represented Us) and their elected leaders (whom they thought represented their Country and them) will be broken-hearted when they are presented with irrefutable evidence of the great betrayals and selfish schemes that were deliberately perpetrated on them. "Work hard, Dear Ones, to clear away the resentments and bitterness in your own minds. Make way for forgiveness. It will heal your childhood wounds and prepare you for the crucial work of supporting and nurturing your brothers and sisters. It is our way - The True Way - to be compassionate and forgiving, even as you must take some actions to protect each other from further harm. Do not think that punishing the perpetrators will result in any benefit; just the opposite. Those who take on the task of punishing must be stained by the crime themselves. Yes, those who are unrepentant even as they are found out cannot be allowed free access to the privileges of free contact with society. They must be contained until they are able to see through the eyes of the victims they abused and feel compassion in the deepest part of their souls. Until then, they must be banished. "Do not permit yourselves to get caught up in the anger and disdain toward the Dark Hats who have created these criminal conditions. Discuss only the facts, in order to alert those around you of the Truth. No condemnation is needed. The acts speak for themselves. The Citizen Courts which have been appropriately established at the Hague will continue to investigate and try the major cases for which there is irrefutable evidence, and people will come out to offer more help and evidence for important cases. Follow their proceedings carefully, and do your parts to carry out the edicts of the Court, which speaks for all the underrepresented, innocent Earth victims. "Because all your systems and structures have been designed to provide power and support for the few, they must all be dismantled. There is no middle ground when it comes to corruption. There will be new discussions of things like the U.S. electoral college, the Federal Reserve Bank (which you might know, is not a government agency at all), and the IMF and World Bank. None of these organizations are representative of the people, but are corporations for the profit of the few who control them.

"The New Golden Age is coming in with a burst of change, clearing the decks of old debris and corruption. A major part of the uplifting elements of the new age will have to do with the real freedom - not the manipulated hype you have been used to - to live without the control of secret governments or overseeing Big Brothers. It will allow everyone to work about half as much as they do now, at jobs that are useful and meaningful, and creative work of all kinds will be supported as a matter of course. A new understanding will flourish, as the citizenry begin to stretch their weary bodies and emerge into the sunshine of a world where choices are truly free, and people are valued for their uniqueness and what they can willingly contribute to the greater good. That understanding will be the awareness that all beings, from all members of the Kingdoms of Earth, including Mother Gaia herself, are more important than any money-making scheme. "Prepare yourselves, Dear Ones, by envisioning this new world, co-creating it day by day in concert with Us in the higher dimensions. The power of your envisioning will begin to create the foundations of the glorious life to come. Like the glorious sunflowers of Provence which follow the sun by turning their heads as it makes its arc overhead, turn your faces to the Light, and revel in the warmth and uplifting energy we send to you. "Be at peace, and know that we await the new creations of your brilliant creative powers. We Love you Unconditionally, Mother/Father God" Via Kathryn May, Feb. 27, 2013, 11 pm

Part 124: Mother/Father God Ask For a Radical Revision of Accepted Religious Teachings
"This is a good time to talk about the role of religion in people's private lives, and the life of the nations and the planet as a whole. As some of you know from yesterday's message, there are tremendous waves of discontent and disillusionment concerning the upper echelons of the Catholic Church, but this is not the only hotbed of dissension. The hierarchies of many of the more extreme Right-wing churches are under scrutiny for everything from child molestation and other sexual deviances to missing funds. Notice that we used the term "Right-wing" - a name which used to be applied to political entities. That is not an accident; these reactionary churches are as virulently political and conservative as their Tea Party rageaholics. It is not the fault of the people who were drawn to the church in a genuine search for peace of mind. What they found was fuel for their fears and hatreds in the name of God. "The time has come for us to declare our objection to newly-minted lies told in our Names, and also to correct the long-standing misinterpretations of the message we sent to Earth with our dear Jesus Sananda. (For those of you who are not familiar with that name, it was from his earliest incarnation.) Here are a few of the most blatant misunderstandings which occur in many religions: Only the good go to Heaven. This is not true. Every soul who comes toward the Light when they leave the body is welcomed with Unconditional Love. Yes, this includes even the mass murderers, the rapists and the child molesters. We pass judgment on those who come Home at the end of their incarnation. No, each soul goes through a review, like a holographic experience, in which they experience the feelings of those who came in contact with them - the ones who felt love and the ones who were hurt, and they will feel those feelings exactly as the other people felt them, in real time. This teaches such a profound lesson in empathy and compassion that a person can be expected to make great strides after having lived a destructive life. If you loudly profess to have faith in God, or to worship Jesus, that is all you need to do to gain "salvation." This is not true. It is the impact of your actions and your heartfelt intentions toward others which matters. Wishing ill toward others who are not of the same religion or race or sexual orientation is pursuing Darkness and is in direct opposition to our teachings of the True Way. We stand for Compassion and Unconditional Love for all your fellow humans, not only the ones who agree with you. There is nothing to save you from, because you have free will and make your own choices about how you will create the meaning and events of your life. Going to church one morning every week is the mark of a person of Faith, who can therefore be

considered a person of high integrity. No, there is no connection between deep spiritual connection and churchgoing. A highly evolved Being of Light is someone who aligns themselves with the teachings of Love and Compassion, has a deep connection with Us, and whose life is one which focuses on service to others, and working toward the greater good for all. It matters not at all what denomination or sect they align with. Wealth is a sign of God's approval. Absolutely not. We are pleased when a person of great wealth uses the power it provides to make the world a better place, while living moderately, because it means they have created a great deal of positive energy, which we have called The Universal Law of Flow. Their generosity will bring a constant flow of good will, creativity and abundance to them because of their service to others, not because We have given them special rewards. "There are also some specific misunderstandings which have twisted the concepts which are called "Christianity." We have covered many of these in the chapter of Kathryn's book that was entirely channeled from Jesus. It is called "The Christ We Never Knew," and it details many of the most egregious distortions which were inserted into the original texts, which were then passed off as the work of Apostles. The Bible was not written by Us (God). It was the work of a number of men (most of the women's writings were left out), some more enlightened, and therefore less egocentric than others. Many of the writings were by men who did not know Jesus during his lifetime, and were chosen by Constantine's committee of influential editors who were all men. Here are just a few of the deliberate fallacies: Humans are born in sin and must spend their lives trying to redeem themselves. No, you are born in Unconditional Love. You are perfect, just as you are, and you are learning. Jesus died for your sins. No, he died because the ideas he preached threatened the Powers That Be, who wished to keep control over the people by convincing them that they needed priests, popes, cardinals and kings to be their overseers and intermediaries with Us. It was their most fervent wish to perpetuate the belief that those in power were superior to the common man. Jesus was a liberal teacher who offended the reactionaries, the wealthy and the powerful of his day. Christianity was a new religion, entirely different from Judaism, designed to replace all other religions, and is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ, who should be worshiped as God's Only Son. No, Jesus came to Earth to teach what he believed would be a more liberal version of Judaism, less rigid and rule-bound, with a greater emphasis on Unconditional Love and Compassion. Jesus was not our only Son. You are each our Sons and Daughters. There have also been other prophets who came to Earth to teach our Word to different cultures in different times. There is no one correct set of dogmas, no one chosen Church.

Jesus rose from the grave and ascended into Heaven to be with Us. This proves he was special and not like you. Completely wrong. His ascension is the same as you all experience; he offered an example to teach you of your cycle of life, death and rebirth. The main difference is that he has access to the highest dimensions because he is an Enlightened Being, which you are all striving to become. Jesus demonstrated his command over his bodily functions, his devotion to Us, and his superiority as a being by being celibate and remaining separate from women, working with and teaching mostly men. Nothing could be further from the truth. Mother Mary (Mother God incarnated as Jesus' mother to guide and nurture him) and Mary Magdalen, his wife, were his companions and primary sources of solace during his incarnation. We could go on, but for now, let us leave you with these initial teachings, which we consider necessary corrections in thinking about what spirituality is, if you are to understand Us and to live The True Way. We wish your connection to Us to be based in Joy and mutual Love, not fear. We are with you always, the Sons and Daughters of our Heart, the creation of our Love, and the spark of our Soul. Mother/Father God. Via Kathryn May, Mar. 2, 2013, 3 am.

Part 125: Ascension, Phase II Has Begun

"When we think about what to tell you today, we are always anticipating it with pleasure. There is so much to tell, and our channel is so willing to take down whatever we dictate, that it is easy for us on this end. Of course, it takes her several hours to take it down and post it, but she enjoys doing it for us, so we are delighted by the whole process. There have been few opportunities through the ages where we could say absolutely anything and have it repeated verbatim, without the scribe being endangered or the manuscript confiscated. The advent of the internet is a marvelous tool, which we intend to use to the fullest in the coming months. "Now, we wish to tell you of the work that is being done now to insure a second Ascension - you see, it was decided that the process would be done in stages after the Dec. 21st effort was only partially successful. You ascended, those of you who are in tune with Gaia's Ascension, to the level at which we are able to now help you to finish the process. "You have responded well to the elevation of energies, and although it has been difficult for many, with illnesses and old feelings coming up, you have done a good job of taking charge of your own healing, with positive actions, more time spent in meditation, and exploring alternative methods of returning to wellness, focusing on your spiritual evolution as the primary source of health and wellbeing. "Unfortunately, your medical experts are still at a very primitive level, and have restricted themselves to a very narrow range of poorly tested medicinal cures, when other techniques are available which have been shown to be far more effective. It is not their faults that the drug industry and the governing institutions like the AMA have been hand-in-hand to prevent progress and change, just as the auto industry and the oil industry have worked to suppress the technology for free energy and public transportation for more than a century now. "Now it is time for you to turn away from the Darkness which has been perpetrated on your planet by the Fallen Angels. We will tell you what their influences cause: depression, anxiety, insomnia, obsessive thoughts, panic, festering anger, rage, and a general feeling of discontent, as if you will never be able to shake it off and be happy. "We have asked Kathryn to begin working with people who exhibit these symptoms, in an otherwise energetic and talented person (it often happens to people who are psychic, or who have untapped talents). We have taught her to remove these Dark forces and send them to the Light. The Dark feelings are deliberately instilled in the person by the millions of entities who have proliferated in the darkening atmosphere of the planet over the past 30 years or so. Have you noticed the increase in depression in just the last 12 years? This is not an accident or a coincidence.

In almost every area of life, the Dark forces have ascended in power and have invaded the consciousness of some of our strongest and most talented children. We have until now adhered to our policy of non-intervention, but as of the great lifting of vibrations around the Dec. 21 peak, we are now able to come to your aid. "Yes, we are aware of the Dark forces and all their instigations. They are the group of souls who have spread their destructive ideas across the Universe at various places and times. Unfortunately they established a foothold on Gaia, spreading the idea that spiritual connection was an "unscientific" feeling, and that no one can prove the existence of God, so it is nonsensical to believe in Us. They have even infiltrated the echelons of every religions institution in order to sully and betray anyone who might have come to genuinely seek spiritual nourishment. "As you read this, there are actions being taken by the Forces of Light, those millions of peaceloving members of the Galactic Federation who have come to help with the removal and "sequestration" of the individuals who have created or perpetuated the worst of the problems around the world. You will be noticing that one by one, the criminals will be sickening and dying, from your point of view. In reality, they have already been removed and taken for trial in the Inter-Galactic Court, overseen by our Mother Sekhmet, the one you know as Mother God, the Divine Mother. Just this week, the Pope and the Queen have been removed, and a clone put in their place in order to not traumatize the people unnecessarily. They are given the most loving trial possible, and are offered the opportunity to experience being welcomed into the Light. "Every effort is made to help them to empathically understand their crimes. If they insist on clinging to the Dark, they will be taken to re-commence their soul learning in a place which is energetically tuned to the level they are vibrating on at the present, with the full opportunity to resume their work toward ascension. All souls are given as long as it takes to complete their soul evolution, but we are helping to segregate those who have been most damaging to your freedom and happiness. "This is a new process on Gaia, and it is only possible because of your hard work so far. We have been able to answer your prayers because you asked us to, and we have just begun. We are proceeding carefully and without drama or fanfare, as much as possible. Watch the number of despots and sneaky cheaters you are seeing resigning from their powerful posts or becoming suddenly ill. Most of them now are the Dark Force obstructionists who have brought misery beyond anything you can perceive from where you are on the ground. "So, you see, these efforts are directly related to your coming Ascension, Phase II. As the Dark Hats are removed, the vibration on the planet rises. Since Gaia is rising to her predestined position in 5D and above, you must be able to ascend with her in order not to be left behind in a

seemingly identical Gaia, but without the brilliant Lightworkers who have eased your path without your awareness. Many of you - and you know who you are - are just beginning to be able to read these words and not think of it as "crazy" or "far out." "No, Dear Ones. We are the ones who have our fingers on the pulse of Truth. We are the ones who tell it to you "like it is." If you choose to ignore these words - you have free will, after all you will miss out on the glorious ascension to 5D with the Masters among you, and will return to more of the same traumas, trials and complexities you suffer with now, except that you will be without the aid of the Selfless Ones who have filled the most crucial positions of service. You will gradually learn to rise to the occasion to fill their shoes, as you evolve on your soul paths over many lifetimes, but it will be many rounds of difficult challenges before you will reach the opportunity to ascend again, as you are being given now. "You see how urgently we wish for you to accomplish these challenges of clearing away anxiety, pain and anger. Send forgiveness and Unconditional Love to the Dark Ones who will no longer be allowed to torment and confuse our dear human children. Reach deeply into your hearts to find the courage to transform yourself into the Being of Light you have always wanted to be. Leave behind the mechanical entertainments and preoccupation with money and rejoice! "You are being presented with a Cosmic Invitation to Arise! Wake Up! and join us in the most glorious event ever recorded in the Universe - the Mass Ascension of the People of Planet Earth! When our Beloved Ashtar and Jesus Sananda come to escort you to their beautiful crystal ships for the next phase of your Enlightenment, do not hesitate, do not fear, but Run to join your fellow Lightworkers, and rejoice until the joyful laughter brings tears of gratitude to your eyes. "We love you, we support you, and our brilliant Masters and Beings of Light will be there to help you with open arms in the next great moment, which we foresee before the end of this historic year on Gaia. Please, Dear Children, share these messages with all you know. Help them to awaken now. They will thank you when the time comes. Your Loving Mother/Father God" Via Kathryn May, Mar. 4, 2013, 3 am.

Part 126: When They Come, Just Hop On - No Time for Hesitation
"When time stands still, it will be the beginning of the new era. When this momentous event arrives, it will be the end of the preparations you have been encouraged to take part in - the clearing away of old dark feelings, and freeing yourselves from the obsession with material possessions. The time for those efforts is nearing an end; whatever changes in your consciousness you have needed to make must be completed soon, for Gaia herself has taken another step toward the completion of her Ascension, and when she does, those of you who have evolved to higher planes of consciousness will be lifted, en masse, from the place where you stand, to join your Brothers and Sisters in the ships which await you. "It is a simple process, from your point of view, but one which requires your active participation. All the Masters and Guides will be easily lifted to their positions of service on the ships - they are in synchrony, in their bodies and minds, with the higher vibration of the ships. Others may require a period of acclimation, the three days of sleep you have heard about. Children too will be lulled into a quiet state so that they can be moved to safe surroundings without any trauma to them. "It is important that you understand the level of technology as well as the level of spiritual development which your Star family possesses. There are records and computer techniques which allow them to know where each one of you is at every given moment because of your unique energy signature which is beamed outward from your inner soul. It will allow all family members to be identified and reunited once you are safely on the ships. There is one challenge which you must overcome in order to be safely carried to the ships. The energy level of the levitation beam is of a high vibrational energy. It will not be possible for anyone who is deeply invested in Dark energy - fear, greed, selfishness, hatred, self-absorption, an attraction to power over others - to tolerate the high vibration of the beam. "In order to withstand the power of the beam, you must not become fearful or suspicious. If you hesitate to step calmly into the beam of Light which will lift you upward, you will risk being left to deal with the cleansing of Gaia, which will include tremendous shifts, earthquakes, floods and upheavals of the surface of the planet. This is why all souls are being invited to Ascend with Us in peace, to begin anew. You will learn to acclimate to a life of Love, peace and companionship as you have never experienced it before. "Those who refuse our invitation will miss out on the great opportunity to be a part of the New Golden Age on Gaia, which will take root when you are returned in joy to your dear planet, without remnants of the destructive civilization you have left behind. "This is not any form of judgement or punishment from any Higher Being. Each one must

choose the level of vibration in which they live. This choice will determine where they will spend their next period of soul development - whether reincarnation on a planet which is in line with their vibration at the time of the Departure from Gaia where they will continue the difficult challenges and misery as they have known it on Gaia in 3D, or whether they will move smoothly into the life of change and education in the ways of Light on the ships, in very pleasant and loving surroundings. "This is why we have been so eager to teach you through this forum of messages to you, so that you will all have the opportunity to awaken, reclaim your place in the Light, and turn your back on fear and the destructive ideas of lack, unhappiness, hostility and depression you have struggled under for eons. "Lift yourselves, Children, out of the quagmire of sadness, illness, pain and frustration which has become so familiar to you that you think it is "Life." Look up, see the ships waiting to welcome you with Unconditional Love, for they too are our Children, and they have learned well the traumas inherent in a materially-governed life. Reach out to Us and we will embrace you with Love. We do not care what crimes - real or imagined - you might have committed in this life. We welcome you with open arms as soon as you turn toward us and receive Light. "Open your hearts and your minds to receive the healing Light which will wash away old fears, old shame, and the dreadful misconceptions you have been taught to believe. Any belief which engenders fear is not of our making. It has never been our wish to see our Children suffer, to be consumed with guilt, shame and self-hatred. These are the teachings of those institutions which call themselves "the one and only Church." We have not established any Church, nor encouraged worship which requires suffering of any kind. We do hear your prayers of gratitude for the gifts of Life and Love, and we rejoice because we know it means you will find joy in your days. "You have made the recent natural disasters on Gaia an opportunity to be of service, and it has lifted your hearts and raised the vibration of entire areas of the globe, but Gaia cannot hold back her need to cleanse and release the Darkness she has toiled under for thousands of years. She has served as provider, supporter and Mother to all the human race and all the Kingdoms of Life for thousands of years. She has provided the proving ground for soul evolution for her children faithfully and at great sacrifice. She must now be granted the cleansing of toxic energies and substances, and the thought patterns of Darkness which have been grounded and accumulating in her body for the last three civilizations. "So, Our Children, have no fear, but prepare yourselves as for a graduation banquet. You will be celebrated with great joy when your arrival on the ships marks the beginning of a New Era. Help those around you to dismiss old fear and to look toward the future with hope and Loving anticipation. Remember: Abide by the Universal Law - "What you think about - all of it - you

will become. What you feel you will create, and what you dream will become your reality, here on Earth and beyond." "We are your Loving Mother/Father God, with all the Legions of Light who serve you in this momentous time of transition." Via Kathryn May, Mar. 6, 2013, 10 PM

Part 127: The Law of One Works With You, Either Way
"Dear Children, you may feel as if the world is coming down around your heads. Scandals everywhere, people in powerful positions resigning or suddenly getting sick and dying. There is a tremendous clearing going on, and the Dark Ones are leaving the stage in droves, but not without putting up a stink on the way out. Do not be concerned. It is for the good of the civilization to come that these criminals are being cleared away to make room for the New Golden Age. They will be taken elsewhere to begin anew on their own paths to ascension, if they choose it eventually. Otherwise, they will remain in a continuing round of incarnations with beings of their own vibrational level, but they will never again be permitted to interfere with the life and livelihoods of those who wish to live in Light on the New Gaia. "Do not be swayed toward depression and despair by the news channels which put out only sensational bits to create fear and doubt in the whole population. It is a new dawn, and all around you there are good people beginning to arise to take on new challenges, to help each other find ways to lighten their burdens and find friendship. Look around you with fresh eyes. Notice the children - how bright-eyed they are, and how often you now can observe fathers who are attentive and caring with their young ones. Only twenty or thirty years ago that would have been almost unheard of. "Look at yourself. Look deeply. Have you not begun to reflect on your own actions, monitoring your thoughts and feelings with more care and attention? This is the path to Enlightenment, you know. The True Way is the way of sensitive and intelligent self-reflection. Now, increase your attentiveness. Listen carefully to every thought and feeling which passes through your inner awareness. Scrutinize them carefully. Do not permit yourself to explain away Dark thoughts by blaming them on external circumstances or other people. Work hard to convince yourself that ANY dark thought is an impermissible intrusion on yourself and the world around you. "Make yourself a chart. Picture a ruler, with all the feelings along the continuum from left to right. At one end, there are the Dark feelings like fear, anger, anxiety, rage, depression, despair, hatred, jealousy and greed. At the other end are the Light feelings: Love, compassion, empathy, joy, gratitude, friendship, loyalty, generosity and kindness. As you can see, they are not really a continuum, they are opposites. Promise yourself that you will no longer be drawn into the Dark spectrum, not for any reason. Do not let a hostile boss or a rude relative throw you over the cliff into the corrosive Dark thoughts and feelings. You can choose to manage your responses carefully. This does not mean you will be weak or vulnerable - far from it. There is great power in the ability to respond with Light, as your most effective weapon against Darkness. "Oh, yes, My Children, Light has always been more powerful than Darkness. It is the energy of Life and of Love. Darkness is simply the absence of Life, Love, Kindness, and all the positive and strengthening emotions which bring expansion, growth, fertility and connection. Do not be fooled by the insidious mind-control of the Dark Ones who have convinced so many of you that kindness is weakness and being loving makes you vulnerable. That is just propaganda intended to trick you into thinking that the meanest among you are somehow powerful. Nonsense.

Meanness is always a sign of weakness, fear and inferiority. "Do not permit yourself to be swept away by the difficult times you are experiencing now. Hold fast to your inner strength, your resilience and your higher levels of intelligence and you will sail through the rough seas and maneuver your way around the reefs with grace and ease. You are receiving help now, in the form of the continuing streams of loving energy flowing across the planet to awaken your higher abilities which have been dormant in human beings during these eons as you grew and evolved toward this time when you will truly mature and step into the glorious destiny which has always been yours. "To reach that apex, you must learn to master the troublesome and intense emotions which have made life so difficult. It has been made far more difficult by the complete lack of training or help of any kind, but instead the steady encouragement to feed the darker emotions. It is so pervasive in your culture, and you have been so steeped in the Dark ideas that you are barely beginning to become aware of them. Advertising of all kinds blatantly encourage greed, shallow self-interest and material gluttony, and it is packaged in glorious terms like patriotism, popularity and prestige. "There has never been a civilization on Planet Earth that has been so homogeneous in its acceptance of greed and superficiality, and yet, beneath the surface of disconnection from the things that make life truly meaningful, the great heart of humanity still beats with hope for a better future. Many of you have not had a clear Vision of what form that better life might take, other than greater wealth. Ask anyone what they think would make their life better, and most will say more money. It is not true, Dear Ones, but it is true that inequality of wealth creates enormous misery and resentment, until it always creates revolution. "This time the revolution will be more profound, more far-reaching, more positive in its outcome than you can imagine. It will sweep away poverty, illiteracy, and sickness because it will eliminate the greed which was the root of those miseries. We are here trying to paint a picture for you of what is possible when you learn to hold fast to Love and Light. The help We are giving you now will only set the stage for you to rise to a new level. It is learning the Universal Laws which have been forgotten by your cultures which will change everything. "We have taught that the energy you express in your being creates the world you live in. It is becoming more evident now because of the quickened energy. You have a saying, "What goes around comes around." It is a principle of quantum physics, actually. As humans you have the ability to transmute energy - your own life energy, the emanations of your heart and mind - and to send that energy outward into your aura, and beyond. This is the "goes around" part of the equation. Your thoughts produce feelings, which emanate outward in the form of energy waves. These energy waves circle outward, attracting energy of like kind, transmuted or increased by the input of other humans, and eventually return to you, a conglomeration of either Light or Darkness, depending on what your original feeing was. Steep in depression and despair, and despair will revisit you again and again in myriad forms. Express anger and resentment, and you will encounter angry and resentful people who seem to be looking just for you, to anger and annoy you. If you find the same patterns repeating in your life, look to the repeating patterns in your own feelings.

"This is not to say that every time something difficult or challenging happens to you, it means you caused it. There are other elements of personal contracts, life lessons and cosmic variables which bring unpredictable and sometimes devastating events into one's life, but these are not what we speak of when we describe repeating patterns. It is the day-to-day emotional misery which is self-inflicted. It may not be as obvious as banging your own head against the wall, but it is nearly as evident if you apply the Law of Attraction (Like attracts like, to simplify it.) So you see, this is good news. You have a great power to attract what you truly love by expressing Love. It really is as simple as that. Be loving and you will find love all around you. Be generous and you will be gifted abundantly. Be kind and kindness will flow forth to greet you along your path every day of your life. "These are the Laws which govern the Universe, and they cannot be broken or defied. It is so, and has always been so. You will truly reap what you have sown, and now your efforts will come to fruition more quickly and more abundantly than ever. You have now entered an era of higher vibrational frequency. Rise with it, Dear Ones, and you will find yourselves basking in the Light of Life, Love and abundance. We love you beyond words. Your Mother/Father God" Via Kathryn May, March 9, 2013, 12 am

Part 128: Revelations are the Prelude to Heaven on Earth

"Our Dear Ones, the time is coming close when you will learn much about the so-called UFO activity which has been systematically hidden from you for almost a hundred years now. This was not in order to prevent panic, as they say. If your leaders had simply told you the truth there would have been no panic. Disbelief, perhaps, but not panic. Many among you have suspected for a long time that it is more likely than not that there is intelligent life in the Universe beyond your shores, but the implications of visitors with high technology who might be friendly was not something the Powers That Be - the industry and religious leaders - did not want to allow new technologies which would put them out of business. It is a very old story - the 13 families who control the wealth could not do so if there was interference from Enlightened Beings who are here to help. "Well, it will no longer be possible for them to prevent the information from coming to you. The ships, and their 20 million inhabitants, are standing at the ready to uncloak and make themselves seen. They will then retreat to show everyone that they are not here to do harm. At the same time, representatives there on the ground are preparing to introduce the evidence of the advanced civilizations who are represented by the ships and to make it public next month. There will be hearings which will present the evidence so that people can be given reassurance of many years of past contacts and help that has already been given to your planet from your Star Brothers and Sisters. This will begin to set the scene by releasing information gradually, in a calm public setting. "You see, every detail of the events to come have been planned and discussed at length by the Galactic Councils in order to assure the most orderly and least traumatic introduction of the evidence to the people at large. The most disturbing part of the evidence will be the revelation of how selfishly the precious knowledge was guarded and used only to profit the few. These hearings are in synch with the criminal hearings which are being conducted on Sirius 1 where, as you know, the Pope and the Queen and many others are already being tried for their crimes against humanity. We are trying to release information gradually, in order not to create havoc but to allow everyone to absorb the truth little by little. This is the reason for the secrecy in the initial arrests, and the use of clones to replace the leaders who have been arrested and removed. "We have also had to slow down this process somewhat because of serious interference from the Dark Ones who have tried to prevent all of this from unfolding. It has been a very complex waltz, bringing evidence to light without sacrificing the lives of the dear brave whistleblowers who have put their livelihood, their careers and their physical safety at risk to bring forth the evidence that was needed to carry the hearings forward. All has been carefully orchestrated to minimize the traumatic impact on society at this crucial time, as the Universe is preparing for your final Ascension into the 5th dimension. Our intention is to help all this smooth the way so that when the time comes, all the citizens of Gaia will be informed, calm, fully awake, and comfortable with the idea of stepping calmly into the levitation beam to join all their friends and neighbors from all of Gaia, and from every planet inhabited by your human relatives. What a homecoming it will be!

"There will be additional surprises and pleasures to greet you when you arrive on the ships. Your memories will return of all your previous incarnations, you will be given Vision to understand the things that were hidden from you in your 3rd and 4th dimension experiences, and you will all be given strong and healthy young bodies, healed of all infirmities, with which to continue your incarnated adventures. They will be quite different bodies when the transformation is complete, with higher intelligence, expanded and modified DNA, and the power of manifestation as it is experienced in higher dimensions: what you think you create. "Yes, all of this will be yours, Dear Children. An end to the struggling and suffering. No more wars or poverty, no more competition or hardship. Instead, an atmosphere of Unconditional Love, a chance to fulfill the expression of your talents and skills without interference or limiting conditions. You will be able to visit whomever you wish without need for an airplane, eat whatever you wish, or not, without having to depend on a grimy grocery store, and best of all, meet and get to know your own true Twin Flame, the other half of your soul, the Light of Your Life. Together you will celebrate, rejoice, plan your good works, and your continuing path to higher dimensions. "After your sojourn on the ships, which you will find most comfortable and educational - many are larger than your cities, filled with parks and greenery and conveniences you could not imagine - you will eventually be returned, in your 5th dimensional bodies, to the New Gaia, cleansed and restored to a Paradise that was long ago forgotten. There you will begin anew to build the kind of civilization you have dreamt of in your most hopeful moments. It will be filled with magic that will surpass Harry Potter's world, without the Dark Forces which have turned your dreams to nightmares. We are your Creators, Dear Ones, and we have looked forward to this glorious day when we could provide you with the fabulous riches and pleasures we had waiting for you. We only needed for you to awaken and put your own energies into envisioning it with us, while you are there in your human bodies. "You have all known about this and made your contracts to be here at this time with full knowledge of the difficulties and delights you would experience. Behind the Veil of Forgetfulness, you have labored without knowing what was to come, but many of you have sensed the changes and feel the rising heartbeat of dear Gaia. Be ready for increased blasts of Love energy which will inspire and lift all of you out of your doubt and cynicism. Open your hearts to the warmth you will receive on March 27th and beyond. This is the beginning of the Great Shift, but it will all depend upon you. "Yes, Dear Children of our Hearts, we have wanted this for you for eons, but we could not make it come true until you too asked Us to provide it. Now, set aside your nightmares and rejoice! You - with the help of the Lightworkers among you who have lifted the planetary consciousness sufficiently to make this all possible - will truly be given Heaven on Earth, as your just reward and the work of your own creative powers. "We anticipate the days of Revelation with great Joy, Your Mother/Father God" Via Kathryn May, March 11, 2013, 11 PM

Part 129: Psychedelic Fizz, the Pope-avar, and Justice Celebration Ahead
"We have some new and interesting information for you. Things are moving along at a rapid pace here in higher dimensions. Our carefully laid plans are coming to fruition. However, they are so complex in nature that it would take more than a book to tell you, and then you would not comprehend because of the multi-dimensional, multi-faceted labyrinth we have had to construct to make it all reality. Mere language could not allow for the true understanding of what you will experience during the coming changes, so we have devised a plan for your illumination. "During the coming days, the energy coming to you from Us, from the center of the galaxy, will contain magic. Those of you who are awake and in communication with us in your hearts will experience feelings, sounds, visions and revelations - whichever happens to be your strongest form of telepathic communication. Imagine what it looks like when you drop a tablet of AlkaSeltzer into a glass of water; it fizzes and bubbles as soon as it hits the liquid. This is a small suggestion of what you will be able to feel in your bodies. You may also have incredibly vivid and colorful dreams, filled with feelings of love, ecstasy and well-being. "Embrace these new experiences, whatever form they take for you. They are our gift for you, a bit like the way the producers and directors create a movie for your enjoyment. It will be a preview of coming attractions, the experience you will have when you raise your consciousness to a higher level. That is just the beginning. We even have a date for you (and you know how we hate giving dates to anything) to let you know when to look for these psychedelic events to take place. It will build up from March 26 through the 27th, tapering off on the 28th. So, hang on to your hats, Beloved Ones. You know what 3D movies look like. Try to imagine 5D! We can't wait to hear your reactions. "Now for an announcement. The Pope has been chosen. No, that is not the announcement. You already knew that, you and about 5 Billion other people. The suspense and pageantry around this event is a measure of the power the Church has wielded in modern times. For this reason, We will use this event to reach the enormous numbers who are guided or influenced by the Pope and his decisions. Now for the big announcement: The Pope is not the Pope. By this we mean that the soul of the man who has just been voted in agreed to depart from the body and has already been replaced by one of our Ascended Masters, as what you sometimes call a walk-in. The one who has entered the body of the Pope will not experience the Veil of Forgetfulness, but will have full memory of Us and complete communication with Us. He will function as our Emissary of Light to the world, in this the most powerful social and religious position on the planet. "It is especially advantageous that he is from the South American continent, where he can reach the enormous, predominantly Catholic population. The South American version of Catholicism has been among the most repressive in the world, so change will be felt most profoundly there.

"We are nearly beside ourselves with glee here, because we know how surprised the world will be when our dear Pope/Avatar (Pope-avar?) begins to gently present new ideas to the world which will change hundreds of years of dogma which had been accepted as God's Word. Of course this was nonsense, as we have told you. And in our name, they have perpetrated the most heinous crimes against humanity, by abusing our children and women in the most vicious ways. Ah, yes, the worm is turning, this very night. A New Era of Enlightenment, Equality and Freedom is already begun. The announcements will be orchestrated to create the least trauma. "There are countries, especially in Europe, where Catholicism in practice is already very different from that which the Church previously handed down as Law. For instance, birth control. Europe would have been reduced to poverty and hideous environmental degradation if the people had listened to the Pope in this regard. They will embrace any lightening of restrictions in this regard, and the people of South America will be less traumatized by regret and anger when they learn that living in poverty with too many hungry children is no longer a prerequisite for going to Heaven, since it is "their" Pope who is loosening the shackles. The first major proclamations will have the greatest impact on women's lives, and as far as we are concerned, it cannot come too soon. "Do not think that the changes in the Catholic Church will be restricted to Catholics alone. You are well aware of how oppressive Right Wing Protestant religions have become, embracing the most restrictive doctrine that comes straight out of the Pope's book, you might say. The most reprehensible of these "laws" are not even in the Bible, that extremely flawed male-dominated treatise. Revisions of Catholic Law in regard to homosexuality, women's rights, reproductive rights, and equal treatment under the law will reverberate through the ranks of Evangelical Christians everywhere. No revision of political laws could have such a profound and immediate impact. There will be egg on the faces of the pompous and arrogant women-haters of the world (and not all are men). "Similar changes will take place in governments and financial institutions around the world. Unfortunately, Americans receive very little information about foreign affairs, so it will not be as obvious to you as it is to the rest of the world, but the changes have already begun. You will see European banks crumbling - The Bank of Scotland and Barclay's Bank are already on their last gasps. The Rockefeller, Rothschild and Bush dynasties are about to go the way of the Emperor with no clothes. Very soon the long-awaited 9/11 investigations will be made public, and the insider criminals will be brought to justice. Yes, our dear Obama has supported complete examination of the facts although it was not possible to reveal this previously out of concern for the safety of those who must testify and give witness to the heinous crimes of "the Bush Era." You will appreciate your drawn-out legal process when you are able to see the proceedings unfold little by little, allowing people time to absorb and digest each horrifying revelation as it

comes. And yes, most of the U.S. Congress will have to be removed, and you will be astounded by the brilliant legal agility of your Constitutional Law Professor President. "You see, Our Dear Children, we are trying to mitigate the psychological trauma for those whose trust will be shattered, who will feel as though their lives have been ripped apart when they learn of the duplicity that has been rampant not only in corrupt government officialdom but in all - yes, all the structures of life you have depended on for security and peace of mind. Even those of you who have had "an ear to the ground," listening to and reading all the various sources of underground news will be astounded, although for you it may be more exhilarating than shocking. "The process of reinventing and replacing these social, financial and political institutions will be the work of the New Golden Age. Exact timelines are not yet solidified, but you can tell from our discussion here that there will be more details coming every week as the process unfolds, and we have every intention of keeping you informed with the correct details and the true meaning of the far-reaching lessons which will be learned by these events. We are as eager to provide you with this as you are to receive it. "Keep you spirits high and your faces to the sun, Dear Ones. Your hearts will be warmed by the new sense of camaraderie which only blossoms when the dazzling Light of Justice beams brilliantly across the land. "We love you one and all, Your Mother/Father God in concert with the Great Legions of Light." Via Kathryn May, March 13, 11 PM

Part 130: Financial, Social and Political Secrets Starting to be Unveiled

"Wait until you hear what we have to tell you tonight, Beloveds. The Earth herself is trembling with joy and laughter. It is a time of such behind-the-scenes change that it is going to be like a roller coaster ride to keep up with it. "First, the financial arena. As you may have heard, JPMorgan Chase is in very hot water, and the ongoing investigations of the London trades that lost billions are revealing what really happened. Jamie Dimond is not going to be able to cover with his glib and off-hand reassurances that "everything is just fine, everybody. Don't look behind the curtain." We want to remind you here that Jamie is one of our own, even though he has been so misdirected. We will forgive him when he comes Home, and we hope you will too. Do not lower your vibration to feel anger or despair. All is going according to plan, and Mr. Dimond and many others will be facing some serious criminal charges. It will restore the hope for many of the 99%, as you call yourselves, to see the big manipulators displaced. "Next, on the social front. Let's see - how shall we say this - the plight of women is going to improve measurably because of new laws being presented in state legislatures. Of course, there are still the Southern Baptist misogynists who are trying to restrict abortion, birth control, and keep women barefoot and pregnant, as you say. They will not be able to succeed to any large degree. The restrictive laws that have already been passed will be easily overturned in the near future. "There are new forms of contraception which will make present means archaic, and abortion will no longer be necessary in most cases. Of course it has never been anything but a last-ditch emergency procedure in our eyes, acceptable as many surgeries are, to preserve the well-being of the woman in the exercise of her free will. We support the feelings of our children when they feel they are not ready to care for a child because they do not have the emotional, physical and financial resources to do it well. "Our primary concern is always to support the means of preventing unnecessary suffering when it does not interfere with the general conditions which make it possible for our children to learn necessary lessons in their life journeys on Gaia. You see, our idea of "life" is not simply embodiment in the present body. We see you embarking on this brief trip to Gaia as a tiny part of the life you have lived and will live with Us - some of you have already lived many thousands of years, most of them somewhere other than in Earth bodies. You have been taught to fear "death" even though there is no such thing. Please remember, Dear Ones, that your departure from the human body is simply a transition back to your light bodies. "Now, for the news on the religious front. You are aware of the PopeAvatar switch we were able to manage as the new Pope began his reign. It is with great glee that we anticipate the coming tricks to be played with great humor and aplomb by our wonderful Master who has taken on the challenge of playing Pope while also preparing to light a fire under the Vatican! But do not expect sudden changes. He has learned well the niceties and formalities of Popeness in order to

lull the opposition into believing he is in league with them - otherwise he might be deposed before he could do any good. Now, in answer to some of the rather angry questions Kathryn has received about previous messages, we will take full responsibility for the form and tone of the writings, and will explain something the readers are not aware of. Just as the new Pope has been advised to stay under cover, in a similar way, we have advised our dear Obama to work behind the scenes, even if his own supporters believed he was doing nothing he had promised. "It takes real fortitude to make your moves slowly, strategically, without fanfare, but he has succeeded admirably in keeping the opposition puzzled by his fast footwork. It was crucial that he not dismantle the entire structure of intertwined financial, government and military power and cause the whole world to grind to a halt. Even the discontinuance of war has been carefully calibrated to not throw thousands of veterans out of work during the recession and with poor medical care. "You have no real knowledge - because it has been hidden from you for more than a hundred years - of what really goes on in the offices of real power in the world. It is not your "government" who runs your country, the United States. In fact, since the 80's, most of the representatives you think you elect have actually been placed in their seats by commercial interests, to do their bidding. It has always been so to some degree, but as the flow of money was purposely directed to the few wealthiest families, via laws and mandates you have no knowledge of, your Constitution has been systematically decimated or simply disregarded. The worst of these maneuvers were accomplished during the Reagan and Bush eras, although none of the recent administrations previous this one were free from manipulation by the Powers That Be. "Yes, we are telling you that your Obama, who has been so hated by his opponents, is finding such violent resistance because of what he has done for the greater good, and for no other reason. Yes, they hate to be led by a Black man, but they could tolerate that if he would roll over the way most of the Congress has. There is a small minority left who have integrity and concern for the people, and those brave souls are fighting hard to preserve the programs and stability which have kept the poor of this nation from falling into abject misery. "It is a cruel society which holds their poor in contempt rather than seeing how deliberately they have been kept down, through psychological propaganda, discriminatory laws and crooked dealings at all levels of education and government. The ship of state is beginning to right itself, and a dignified tone of compassion and genuine concern is ringing true to enlightened ears, but selfishness is still a serious problem across the world and at home. "The propaganda which convinced everyone to believe in the feeling of want and deprivation, as if everyone were on the verge of starvation at all times (while everyone is obsessed with being overweight), has created the competition between immigrant and citizen, Black and White, young and old, rich and poor, when no such angry struggles should have been ignited at all, given the riches available. Greed is touted as success, and selfishness honored as hard work when souls forget their responsibility for one another, their connection to each other and to Us, who see you all as equals, regardless of outward appearances which, we assure you, can be misleading.

"Dear Ones, do not allow yourselves to be seduced into clinging to the heavy vibration of the material conditions you had become used to in 3D. Imagine your emotional yardstick where all the Dark feelings are at one end and the Light ones at the other, and choose Who You Are by choosing which feelings you will feel. Dedicate yourselves now to being aware and conscious, every millisecond of every day. Do not allow yourself to fall into resentment, hostility or paranoia, especially when you are presented with ideas which do not match what you have been taught. It will be a challenge for all to do this, even the most advanced Lightworkers. Reach for your best. Imagine the impossible - no more anxiety, no more down days. "Lighten your vibration by opening your Hearts and allowing our Unconditional Love to pour down through your Crown Chakra, through your center Light Channel where your inner strength resides. This strength is greater than any thought or idea you can have, because it comes from your eternal soul. Anchor the Light in your solar plexus, then let it pour down through your lower body, down your legs and deep into the Earth, grounding yourself in the heart of Gaia. Keep that hold, on Us, and on Mother Earth, while you serve as the conduit for Love and Light. That is your Place, your gift, and your destiny, our Beloved Human Ones. "We love you beyond measure, Your Mother/Father God Via Kathryn May, March 15, 2013, 11PM

Part 131: Disclosure is a Joint Effort!

"It is a bittersweet time for Us in higher dimensions who have overseen the progress toward Ascension for all on Planet Earth. Sometimes the best laid plans come to fruition brilliantly, with the full cooperation of all the beings involved. At other times, the whole process is slowed to a snail's pace, as you say, by the reluctance or fear of one of the major players. Orchestrating a Cosmic Shift can be a tricky business when billions of free will humans in lower dimensions are the prime movers toward Change. "Such is the case now, while we wait for the people on the ground in the U.S. to work up the courage to Disclose the fact that there are millions of Star Brothers and Sisters in their space ships waiting to land, with every kind of technological and informational help you can imagine, and then some. We understand that it is difficult for those of you on the ground to imagine complete change without being led in your minds to the kinds of disaster and chaos scenarios you have been exposed to in the media. "We do want to reassure you, however, that there are always Plans B, C. and D. We will wait, but not for long, for the players who were assigned the major roles in Plan A to execute their parts of the plan. If they hesitate beyond a reasonable time for overcoming reluctance and anxiety, then we will realign our Legions of Light to create an alternate scenario elsewhere. "We had hoped that our country of shining promise, the gifted U.S., would be the center of excitement and revelation; however, Americans may be disappointed if the ships land and are greeted with open arms elsewhere first. There will be great advantages socially and politically for the ones who come forward to be the Stars of the Greatest Show on Earth. "You may wish to write letters to your Congressional representatives and to your President to urge "Disclosure" as soon as possible! There will be Congressional hearings, and the movie Sirius Disclosure will be coming out soon, so the news will either trickle out little by little, which risks having it once more disregarded as "weird" or impossible, or all at once, which makes it undeniable. "A tidal wave of change hinges on the first move. As many revolutions have smoldered for years until suddenly they burst forth in a synergistic explosion of feeling, this has progressed slowly, with many, many people being alerted to the presence of visitors from other planets. Unfortunately, before we could intervene on your behalf - because we did not have your approval yet - the Reptilians in league with other Dark Hats in power on Gaia had begun a campaign of abductions and bizarre experiments. People who suffered those experiences were convinced that ET's were generally dangerous.

"Nothing could be further from the truth. Many of you know our Beloved Ashtar, the Supreme Commander of the Fleet which awaits uncloaking. He is affable, loving, kind, exceedingly intelligent, and dedicated in service to the Great Project which has been led from the beginning by our Jesus Sananda. Many of the Twin Flames of those Masters in Service to the Gaia Project are here among you, working tirelessly to bring Light to the Darkest corners of the planet. They have never lost faith that the humans of Gaia would one day be able to elevate themselves above the Dark Forces, releasing their clutches on the minds and hearts of the population. "As the eons passed, and it looked as if the population, all of whom came originally to help make a difference, had succumbed completely to the control of Dark Forces, they refused to accept defeat. They never lost hope in seeing the new Golden Age dawn eventually on Gaia. "Over many civilizations, the dedicated army of Ascended Masters, Archangels, fairies, elves, and all the Kingdoms of Gaia have kept their faith alive and the Vision in their consciousness active - the hope and dream of each one of them. Behind the Veil, each of you has played your part to attempt to awaken your fellow humans - and a difficult job it has been. But now, enough of you are ready, and eagerly awaiting the promised Revelations, and waiting, and waiting... Yes, we feel it too: the starting gun is poised in the air, the runners are in place, but the resounding crack never comes. "We ask that you continue working to raise your own vibrations and to reach out to as many as you can, regardless of their disdain or disbelief, to elevate enough to tip the scales, rather than just squeaking by with the bare minimum of conscious participants. So you can see why our messages, especially over the past year, have had a tone of urgency about them. The conditions have aligned to make this glorious event possible, and it will not repeat in exactly the same relationship again for approximately 30,000 years. "You have the amusing saying, "Failure is not an option." This is how our dear Jesus and his loyal followers feel about this Mission. Their hearts are on the line. Is there more you can do to ease their efforts? We see their tireless unrelenting work as the heroic Atlas carrying the world on his shoulders. Arise, children, and help the Atlas Team of Light to shoulder this burden. They adore you as they do Us, and will not give up until all good things have come to pass, but for their sakes and your own, please rouse yourselves from your 3D distractions and self-involved ambition to begin to pull your own weight. "We know there are things you could do to speed along the Disclosure. Become a proponent yourself, by doing a little research on the Internet about sightings and crop circles, their primary attempts to contact the public. Armed with facts, go out into the world and begin casually discussing your findings, with humor and good will. Create story scenarios to present to friends and acquaintances, like, "What if your soul partner is there on the ships, just waiting to make

contact? What if you refuse to welcome them and he/she has to just wait out the rest of your lifetime to see you? What if the ships are filled with gifts for us and we refuse to accept them?" "There is one irrefutable argument in favor of welcoming them. That is, that if they have the technology to hover over the Earth in their beautiful ships, they obviously could have wiped you out long ago if that had been their wish. Therefore, they must by deduction be friendly. If people argue with that reasoning, repeat it. It is the irrefutable evidence that they are here to help you. "We need your help at this time, Dear Ones. Do not leave your devoted Saviors and Suitors waiting in the wings, languishing sadly, longing for their long anticipated family reunion. Spread the word: "Help is on the way!" Everyone, including the doubters, will thank you when they discover the magnificence that awaits you. "If you are one who longs for Contact, go out into the open at night, look up at the stars, and telepathically welcome them. They will show themselves to you if conditions permit, and they will absolutely hear your greeting; it will be like your signature on the petition, your vote on the Bill of Galactic Rights. You owe it to yourselves to fulfill the Dream you came here to co-create. Do not falter now. You are being protected, and your participation will be celebrated throughout the Cosmos. Do not sleep through the party. "We love you beyond words, Dear Ones, We are Mother/Father God, in cooperation with the Galactic Federation of Light in their ships, awaiting your response." Via Kathryn May, March 18, 2013, 7 PM

Part 132: A Message from St. Germain, and a Powerful Action to Take Now
St. Germain answers: The questions so many of you ask are reasonable, given your Earth-bound view of the Ascension process. You see the suffering all around you and want it to stop, and you can't understand why we don't just DO IT! As Mother/Father God have been trying to teach in these messages, you each are on your own individual soul path, and as a group you have agreed to help each other in this Ascension which is to be the culmination of thousands of years of joint efforts on your parts. Many of you are Ascended Masters, fully capable of teaching, encouraging others, and spreading the good news about how beneficial the coming Shift will be. Nevertheless, you have been slowed in your willingness to "stick your neck out" because of the heavy disapproval, cloaked in "science" and even "humanitarian" concerns. Many of the comments posted recently on this web site attack the channel as if she were in control of the message, and as if you wish to rage against Mother/Father God and your Ascended Masters in higher dimensions who are here to help you. In sending these messages of vitriolic tone, you are not aware that you are the problem. It is this vibration of impatience, demanding results from others, which places you squarely in the Dark Camp. Those of you who rail against the way this Ascension process is being "directed" are the ones who are preventing it from happening. Because, you see, it is not being directed by anyone other than yourselves. The lighter your vibration, the more you contribute to the possibility that We Mother/Father God, the Archangels and Ascended Masters in all our various positions - will be given the go-ahead by the Prime Creator. We all follow Universal Law, as laid out by the Prime Creator, and instituted by the Intergalactic Federation, which forbids any mass intervention into the workings of any planet. Gaia has not yet gained membership in the I.F., because she has not reached a state of enduring planetary peace. She is therefore outside the cooperative contract which binds the members, giving us even less leeway to intervene. Even mass messages, as one reader suggested, is not an option for us unless it is approved by the Earth government which oversees those people. So, you see, we are not ignorant of your plight. Neither do we wish to stand by while you suffer. We are working mightily, within the constraints imposed upon us by Intergalactic Law, to reach each and every one of you. One of the effective means of doing this has been to give messages like these to our hard-working channels, who gain little from the endeavor, and suffer

unconscionable abuse from the likes of those who send these nasty and arrogant messages to their web sites. These are the Dark Ones at work, trying to cast doubt on the material, the channel, and all Lightworkers. It is their wish to slow the process as much as possible by interfering with those who are most important in this process - people like Kathryn and her dear counterparts who post these life-enhancing messages, and their sincere readers. Do not be discouraged, Beloved Ones, by these stubbornly negative voices who attempt to disturb your joy. They will ascend or not, according to their level of vibration, when the time comes. It is each person's individual responsibility to "lighten your load," emotionally, physically and spiritually. It is the fondest wish of our hearts that you all reach the glorious moment together, hand in hand, in companionship and joy. Do your parts, each of you, to circulate this message and the others Mother/Father God have so patiently given you. Open your minds to receive the deeper meaning behind these messages that you are loved unconditionally, that you are respected in your free will choice to ascend or not, during this lifetime on Gaia. Ready yourself by meditating, being of service to others with your hearts filled with Love, regardless of the tone or activity of others around you. This is the Path to Ascension - each one creating their own worthy atmosphere of peace and harmony, and reaching out to your neighbor in Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Empathy. I am going to close by asking Kathryn to reproduce here the message she received via email from our beloved Lynne, who is sending energy to the leaders of your governments, whose responsibility it is to take the next step in making this process flow smoothly. I send you my continuing Love and Intention to help you in any way I can, Your St. Germain, as servant to Gaia and her people, always, Namaste. Lynn's message: The Magenta Ray The violet ray of the crown chakra and the red ray of the root chakra combine in and meet in the 8th chakra. This symbolizes the very beginning and the very end, the completion into oneness. In the vibration of the magenta ray all duality and separation returns back to it's initial state, the nature of oneness. It takes you into a field of existence beyond words and concepts, directly revealing the persons true essence. Archangel Michael tells us to wield this ray with our loving intent for the best and highest outcome for all concerned.

I envision the outcome in and around the Disclosures to be resolved in the best way possible, whilst sending the magenta ray with my loving intention of this being the only outcome. Focusing on that intent makes it real. Today I have invoked the Mahatma energy combined with the violet flame and done the same again, sent with loving intention and the best and highest outcome for all involved. I use the Mahatma a lot. It works very well, it can, and when combined with the violet flame work wonders. Send it to the whole situation of Disclosure. I hope this helps, Kathryn, and I hope our Mother/Father God agree with my efforts. Anything is worth a go. We have great tools at our disposal which we lightworkers have been using for some time. Let's hope the wise teachings of Archangel Michael can now help with this situation. Much love and light, Lynne Mother/Father God respond: Thank you, Dear, for sharing that eloquent message. Yes, Dear Ones, you are absolutely on the right track . We could not have described it better. We send our blessing to all of you, and to dear St. Germain whose efforts are tireless on your behalf, far beyond anything you can imagine, even in your wildest dreams. We love you beyond words, Mother/Father God

Part 133: Accelerating Changes in Response to Your Pleas

Dear Ones, We hear your pleas for help in your work raising the consciousness levels around you. It has been brought to our attention how many of you see the conditions on Gaia as stacked against you, and stacked against change. We see the problem, as it has existed for centuries. The Dark Ones have all the money, all the military might, and their influence has filtered down to lower and lower levels of influence, where they have most of the guns, and they use their power against the Lightworkers who are not interested in guns or power, but simply want to live in Love. As a number of you, including our dear channel, have pointed out, it is a losing battle, inevitably destined to end in complete Darkness if the ones in power are allowed to keep their weapons, for this is the crux of the problem. As long as they can assassinate anyone who tries to expose them, targeted Lightworkers become the example for what not to do, and the proof that Evil is indeed Power. This proof that the Dark Ones always win - as they do to some degree when they destroy their opposition - has held sway over the planet for centuries, to our consternation. It has been argued very forcefully that this system cannot permit Light to overcome the Darkness, as long as the example that children see convinces them that joining up with the Dark Ones is the smartest thing they can do. Generation after generation has been influenced by this, creating the problem we have now. The U.S. was established on land stolen from indigenous people by out-gunning them. The same has been true in Central and South America, and in every other country in the world where there are tyrants and despots who gun down their citizens who protest, and turn over their resources to the U.S cabal for their own profit. As government services have been privatized, a growing cancer has spread throughout the land. Prisons-for-profit pay their stockholders handsomely on the profits they accrue by starving their prisoners, using the prisoners to sell slave labor goods, forcing them to buy their own blankets, the only nutritious food available without maggots, and basic toiletries at exorbitant prices from "the company store." At that, limits are put on the amount of purchases allowed, regardless of the needs of the prisoners. And lest you think these are criminals who are getting what they deserve, we can assure you that growing numbers are innocent victims who were set up by the courts to keep the prison beds full and the profits flowing. Throughout the world, people are learning to emulate these Dark schemes, and the cancer has spread to nearly every country on the planet. There are those among you who have courageously tried to fight against this monstrous aggrandizement of brutal control in the name of "law and order." The result has all too frequently ended with the whistleblowers and activists being assassinated, poisoned or killed in a plane crash, usually making it look like "suicide." Most of you know that the profile of an activist and freedom-fighter is inconsistent with suicide. It is just not their way to take themselves out of the fight while they still have the breath to go on. We know that some of you have felt despair because of the losses you have suffered, and the

overwhelming feelings of hopelessness you have begun to feel when your loved ones are taken captive, or perhaps worse yet, brainwashed into joining the Dark forces. The most outspoken activists among you are used to ridicule and rejection from the families who raised you, but it is never easy to go on without them, without family support or friendship. We understand that hardship, and your Guides and Masters are making every effort to help place people in your path who will vibrate at the same frequency you do, so you will find solace and comfort in new and productive friendships. We are taking these considerations into account as we make the plans for Disclosure. As you know, the plans for Disclosure include intervening to transfer Nesara funds, which we do not consider as interference with your free will, as long as it can be done in such a way that it does not disrupt life severely or cause chaos in your systems such as food distribution. Another necessary intervention will be to dismantle the weaponry. In doing this, we have come to understand that it is not a matter of interfering in anyone's free will, since anyone who wishes to pick a fight will still be able to do so, and is more likely to learn the lesson of restraint by experiencing real opposition from those who maintain genuine law and order by imposing penalties on those who take advantage of others. This may take the form of a forceful restraint or a time out, but the aggressor will not be rewarded with greater power over others, and it will provide an even playing field, where Lightworkers are not at a disadvantage simply because they abhor violence. And so, our Councils who have waited for the request to come from you, our human children, have heard your pleas. You have asked for our help, and we will move in your behalf. The efforts we have been making behind the scenes will be felt directly by those of you who have placed yourselves in positions to make a real difference in this process, and who are ready and able to take action for the greater good. As you have requested, the pace is quickening, and you will enter a new period of focused activity and cooperative effort. Our blessings and our gratitude go out to you, Dear Ones. We are also suggesting to you now that you meditate with an open mind to discover who your twin flame is. This will give you a lovely feeling of companionship and expectation, for it will not be very long before you will encounter your Twin Flames, most of whom are waiting on the ships for your return. In the rare cases of more advance old souls who may both be on Earth now helping out, they too will meet on the ships, and what a wonderful Homecoming Day it will be for all of you! Let me warn you, though. You may be very surprised at how beautiful and advanced your lightbody Twin Flame seems to you. I assure you that when you shed this heavy and cumbersome body and the cares and worries that have weighed you down, you will be a sparkling lightbody too. Perhaps we should explain for those who may not have read our earlier posts. A Twin Flame is the other half of your soul. When Mother God births a new soul, we send out a spark of our Selves, and the soul is created. The new soul then divides into male and female, and their journey of soul development begins. Because the two Flames are so similar in temperament and energy, it would not be comfortable for them to be closely involved in Earthly relationships. For this reason, most pairs usually choose to take turns on their forays into incarnation on Gaia or other

planets, while the Twin "holds down the fort" by remaining in higher dimensions with Us. It is a good system, which allows both partners to evolve as individuals while keeping their deep connection with each other in spirit. For clarification, we should mention that many of you have soulmates who travel with you during your incarnations to help you during your lifetimes here on Gaia. They are members of your soul family who may incarnate as lovers and friends, cousins and sometimes parents or children, but they are not your Twin Flame. About a third of the people on Earth at this time are advanced souls who have experienced Ascension in the past and who have worked out many of their karmic challenges. It may not feel that way to you now, those of you who are reading these messages, but you are accomplished souls, working to elevate the level of vibration you share with your Twin Flame. So you see, your efforts now benefit both you and your Twin Flame, who will elevate with you, as well as helping the people around you by your example. We are One, in every way. As you and your Twin have progressed in your soul lessons, you incarnated from time to time as the opposite sex, or as a gay person, or as any of the myriad sexual identifications such as a woman who identifies as a man, and so forth. In this way, you come to understand each other and yourselves in deeper ways. Eventually, your soul work allows you to come full circle back together to join as One with each other and with Us. There is no more joyous experience in life than the absolute Love of Twin Flames who find ultimate joy in their complete Union. This is a Love beyond any love you have experienced in this incarnate form, a feeling beyond words. It is the complete Unconditional Love which We, Mother/Father God feel for you and for each other. Open your hearts, our Beloved Ones, prepare yourselves for the exhilarating experience of completion you will feel when you come home to Us, this time in the bodies you possess now, to be renewed and healed, uplifted and rejoicing. It is a wonderful thing you have to look forward to, Dear Children. You will gain the experience of all the lifetimes you have lived, and you will never again need to return to the density of 3 dimensions unless you choose to return to help your Brothers and Sisters who have not yet reached the level of Ascension. It is an exciting time, and you will find each day growing brighter as your powerful Light energy is joined by your Star Brothers and Sisters in the growing wish to complete this Ascension process so you can be together at last. We look forward with joy, Your Mother/Father God and all the Legions of Light Via Kathryn May, March 22, 2013, 8 PM

Part 134: Relationships Lived in the True Way, and a Starship Rescue Planned
Let's talk about relationships. You all have them. You don't all have good ones, however. Sometimes your relationships are bothersome and painful. This, you think, is just part of life. All relationships take work, you tell yourselves. Then you work and work and work to make yours better, but it gets worse. In the midst of this process, you promise yourselves to try even harder, because you don't want to fail at relationships. In your emotional blindness, you have no perspective on the fact that relationships are supposed to be fulfilling, interesting, and yes, occasionally stretch your imagination or your hold on your ego, but it is not supposed to be miserable. Not ever. It is possible to agree in the beginning of your time together that you will never, ever, make each other miserable. What are the things that make everyone miserable? This is remarkably easy to learn. 1. Everyone hates being teased or bullied, even if the others involved think it is funny. 2. Everyone feels miserable if the partner with whom they have pledged fidelity decides to take another partner while they are still together. 3. Everyone feels rejected if their partner rudely or indifferently rebuffs their sexual advances, or forces themselves on a reluctant partner. 4. Everyone suffers if their partner takes their joint resources and uses the lion's share for themselves, or contributes far less to the partnership in every way, including emotional involvement. 5. No one likes to be misunderstood, mistrusted or treated as if they are someone other than themselves. 6. The one quality in a relationship that will guarantee conflict is if either or both of the partners is disrespectful, belittling or judgmental, even or perhaps especially when it occurs during an argument as a way of suppressing or subduing the other. There you have it. These are the behaviors and attitudes which will kill love, no matter how strong it might have been in the beginning. Many couples end up disliking each other because of early emotional abuse, then conclude that their lack of warmth or sex or agreement is caused by money issues, or sexual incompatibility. These are just the symptoms which surface after feelings have been hurt and the emotional wounds go unaddressed or denied. Human beings are not so complex emotionally, you know. You all want to feel respected, admired and welcomed into the group, especially when the group is your family. It is truly sad to see how many parents believe it is their only job to discipline and control their children, when the child only wants to be accepted and loved. Those same children grow up to treat their partners as if they are criminals or slackers, judging and commenting on their every move. You all know the couple who constantly pick at each other, questioning "Why do you always do that," or "What's wrong with you?" As an extension of #1 above, name-calling should also be forbidden between loving partners or family members. Nicknaming your child or spouse "Stupid," "Clumsy" or "Lazy" is guaranteed to create an enemy for life. And what are the qualities and behaviors that will guarantee an agreeable and lasting

relationship? Love, compassion, empathy, forgiveness, kindness, and above all, managing your own feelings rather than trying to get someone else to manage theirs. These small guidelines may seem trite or overly simple. They are not. If you are tempted to say that to yourself, stop and examine yourself carefully. Do you complain about small things, justifying them with some excuse about your own rightness? Do you lash out at your loved ones when you are in a bad mood or feeling "stressed?" Do you mock or brush off your partner's objection to your judgment of them? Why do we now offer you this Lesson in Marriage and Family Life right now, after all this time? Why of course, this is the True Way for all relationships. It is not possible to raise your consciousness to the 5th dimension if you are still wrangling with the people around you. Search deeply into your own part in the perpetual unpleasantness, if it is only to accept the off-handed (or red-handed) abuse of the one you supposedly love. As we mentioned first, relationships are not supposed to hurt. Use the forum of your engagements with everyone you encounter in a day to examine how your own behavior affect others. Try an exercise for a whole day: every time you meet another person, no matter what the context, try to put yourself in their shoes. Imagine what they must be feeling or thinking. Study their behavior; look closely to discern what their feelings are. Do not speak until you have looked into their eyes and smiled. Do the same with your partner and your children, or someone else's children, all day long. You will be amazed at the number of pleasant encounters you will have, and the enormous impact it will have on your partnership. Let us reiterate: This is not a simple exercise. It is the Golden Rule as it applies to family relationships, where it really matters. It takes discipline, a high level of consciousness and what has been called emotional intelligence to maintain a loving attitude to everyone around you, all day long. This is applied mindfulness. Many on a spiritual path make the mistake of focusing exclusively on inner feeling states, positive thoughts, and feeling good when you are alone. This is a good start, but of course, the proof is ultimately in how you treat yourself and others in relationship. You have spent many months clearing yourselves to become unburdened of old resentments and pain. Now the energies are rising, and friendships are coming to the fore as an important focus as you elevate further. Use your foundation of good work and self-knowledge to "kick it up a notch" as you sometimes say. Your loved ones will thank you for it. And now, before we leave we would like to alert you to a very important event which is about to take place on March 26, in the skies overhead. It will probably occur over the northern area of Alaska or Canada. It is the approach of a meteorite which has been speeding toward Earth on a direct tragectory. Your news probably has not announced it, because governments agree that it's impact range cannot be accurately predicted and they do not wish to cause panic. (Most governments greatly underestimate the maturity of their citizens.)

Here is why this is a historic event: The meteor has already been slowed in its trajectory by your Star Brothers and Sisters in the ships - an effect which has your astronomers baffled! Just as the falling meteor over Russia was detonated in order to mitigate the destruction, this one will also be destroyed before it hits the ground. Watch the photographs for Ashtar's ship leaving the scene after the explosion occurs, for he is the one who will be in charge of destroying the space rock to protect Gaia and her people. It will be an opportunity for all of you to see your protectors in action. We hope that this event will provide an opportunity for Disclosure, and for you to feel the Love and commitment to your well-being which your friends in the ships feel for you. They are indeed experts at living the Golden Rule; they offer above-and beyond Love and protection as a way of life. You will learn much from them about Love and deep connection when you finally meet. We are Mother/Father God, in the Company of Heaven Via Kathryn May, March 26, 2013, 5 AM.

Part 135: Spring Brings the Ascension of Female Energy, and Disclosure Could Change the Plans
Dear Ones, it is a lovely day in the East Coast of the U.S. Spring is in the air, and March is about to go out like a lamb. It will be a welcome spring, after the heavy snows and cold weather. We too look forward to the blossoming across the entire Northern regions. It is a beautiful view from afar or on the ground; the sights and sounds of spring are a sensual delight for animals, plants and humans alike. This year, a new era begins as well as a new season. It is the time of the rising of the female energies, which have been in abeyance for 5,000 years, and the shift from the Yang to the Yin. This means a shift from the hierarchical structures with which you are so familiar - the patriarchy, the corporation, the government and almost all the other institutions you can think of - in which there is a pyramid power structure, with a controlling person at the top. In this arrangement, the various levels are designed to provide a particular function or job description into which a person must fit him or herself. In a Yin environment, the structure is a level network with a more fluid structure where the people or elements of the structure are self-selecting according to the abilities and talents they bring to the group. Although leaders may arise when needed, it is a less rigid and less permanent structure which may be created as needed for a particular situation, and dissolved when the need is fulfilled. In a Yin era, work, trade and all the functions of daily life tend to revolve around the local social networks, with an emphasis on family, neighborhood and community relationships. There will be a growing interest in close relationships rather than far-flung trade with unknown impersonal entities. In other words, the emphasis is on the person rather than the product. There will arise a greater interest and appreciation for unique crafts, ethnic colors and flavors in everyday life, and respect and acceptance for differences rather than competition and a need for proving superiority - one winner, one team on top. Instead, the appreciation of the game and individual skill for its own sake will be celebrated. Most importantly, as war is eliminated and violence becomes seen as a thing of the past - a lower level of existence - the difference between male and female will melt away, making it possible to create a truly equal society based on the slightly different skills which men and women bring to the group. When violence is removed from the equation, men can no longer claim to be superior over women, since they cannot beat them up or subdue them physically. This will allow for the flowering of admiration and appreciation of the true beauty and strengths of the female, and for the admirable protective strengths of the male to come into fulfillment. The raising of children will become a truly shared partnership throughout the child's life, and education will be seen as an ongoing life experience rather than an isolated time-limited experience in child ghettos as it is done presently. As violence drops away, so will the frantic race for material wealth. There has always been enormous wealth and abundance on Gaia, which has been terribly misused and distributed unequally, at the great cost of the health of the planet. Gaia's present civilization has already been saved from extinction by the combined efforts of the Intergalactic Federation forces which have stabilized her, preventing the pole shift which would have wiped the planet clean, at the cost of

all but a few of her inhabitants. The result is that Gaia will have a fresh start - a new lease on life, you might say. Many of you have looked forward to the air lift, in which all of those who are ready to ascend will be removed from Gaia to be protected and taught the ways of peace and delight of life in the 5th dimension. We have some news about the plans for that endeavor, and some changes to announce. You, Dear Ones, have created a miracle. The levels of light energy beaming from the planet have reached unprecedented levels. This is partly a result of the rising energy levels we have provided for the awakening of the stragglers - those who are basically good folks who were caught up in their mundane, frantic pursuits and busywork. However, it is mostly due to the strenuous efforts of Lightworkers who have worked tirelessly to spread the messages of joy and anticipation, of hope for a new beginning. The fire has been lit; the tables are laden with bountiful delights, and the party is about to begin. This time the party will be celebrated without fear of being menaced by Dark Forces, because the Dark Hats are being rounded up and sent off the planet for trial and, in an interesting turn of events, sequestration. They have been replaced by clones for the time being, while all the culprits are brought to justice, from the top down. The leaders of the thirteen families will be removed first, followed by their lackeys who are the heads of most of the major corporations of the world, along with the political leaders who have done their dirty work for them. As the Dark Ones fade away, you will notice a new tone of cooperation, collegiality and congeniality emerging in the market place and the political arenas. Groups of women activists are organizing quickly, taking it upon themselves to become the leaders of the spring cleaning in the court systems, the legal systems, the prison systems, the media and the banking and financial industries. This well-educated and talented cohort of women fall into step easily with one another, without ego struggles or competitive jockeying for power because they are on a mission to right the wrongs of the past. Their focus will be on the health and well-being of the women, children and families whose lives have been destroyed by greed, indifference and cruelty in the pursuit of profit. In the process, those who have participated in secret trafficking of drugs, sex slaves and children will be revealed and brought to justice. These activities can only be successful if there is an end to violence and assassination, as we have said. This will be granted. Lightworkers will be given the umbrella of protection of the Galactic forces. The work they have always wanted to do will become efficient and effective because of the clearing away of the worst obstructionists and their mercenaries. The threat of violence removed, nothing will stop the tidal wave of activists who are more than ready to "clean house." Now, you have noticed that we did not finish the description of what is to happen in terms of the final phase of Ascension, which has been predicted as a possibility for September of this year, along with the cleansing of Gaia which would have taken place over an extended period, leaving enormous numbers of reluctant souls to perish in the upheaval of Gaia's process. The Council has been meeting nearly non-stop as the conditions have changed daily; the Plan which had been

decided upon has been in constant reconsideration and evaluation, with the help of the massive computer tracking systems and modeling techniques available to them. They know the light quotients, location and behavior of every individual on the planet. It has been proposed, Dear Children, that an alternative may now be considered, which would allow for a more gradual and orderly transition, with the help of the entire Galactic community. The gathering of souls which have been attracted by this historic event has reached phenomenal proportions; your cheering section has grown to nearly match the number of inhabitants of Gaia herself. This, combined with the stupendous Shift in consciousness you have achieved in the past 3 months, could make it possible for a reorganization of your society through introducing new technologies and training offered by the fleet of advanced teachers who stand ready at hand, in service to humanity. The only requirement to make this possible is a whole-hearted invitation from a major nation which would elect to be the experimental model by which the world may judge the wisdom of accepting the glorious gifts your Brothers and Sisters have to offer. Various individuals and groups have offered to host the landing of a ship or two to start the Disclosure project. We have concluded that this will be a viable beginning after the opening of the movie, Sirius Disclosure, and the Citizens' Disclosure Hearings to begin in the end of April, if no national government has made the official Disclosure announcement. By then we can be more sure of the safety of people on the ground, and the welcoming attitude of the general population. So, you see, the Great Shift is being manifested by all of you. You have prayed for it, asked for it, begged for it, even demanded it. Your continuing adamant appeals are tipping the balance of the scales of Justice, fueling the fire of Truth, and raising the banner of Faith for all to follow. You are truly courageous souls, the rising stars of the firmament, and you, Dear Ones, have made manifest this glorious dream of our hearts. The final phase will also be up to you. We honor your wishes, we answer your prayers for the Greater Good, and we follow your lead. You will be given the help you wish for, as long as enough of you are in strong agreement. Continue your good work, gentle Warriors. We love you one and all, as we look forward to the Greatest Event, Your Mother/Father God Via Kathryn May, March 28, 2013, 2 AM.

Part 136: Removing Dark Entities Within

Greetings, Dear Ones, we are pleased to give you the latest news about your planet's progress. We are aware that we have a very different view from yours. On the ground, you are struggling with Darkness in every quarter - the forces of Darkness have fought back with ferocious energy as you have raised the vibrational levels steadily. You have courageously continued to march forward, doing the work you have chosen, bringing Light into the lives of others no matter how difficult it has been. Some of you have been attacked from many sides, but the attacks are lessening, as you approach the victory of reclaiming your dear planet from the Dark Forces. It was your destiny as Lightworkers in the battle for the transition into the Light on behalf of the human race on Gaia, to place yourselves in the path of the Dark Ones in order to lead your soul Brothers and Sisters to a better future. You have tipped the balance, our Angels in human garb, with the help of your Masters and Guides who have tirelessly worked to support you even when it looked hopeless. Our dear Jesus Sananda is there for you, healing hearts, easing the minds of exhausted Lightworkers, helping you to make contact with one another as you bring you Light to the most difficult corners of the globe, rescuing children from the clutches of abusers, healing sickness where medical care is lacking, teaching literacy and independence in the face of regressive religious lash-back. Everywhere you have raised your efforts, sacrificing your own comfort and your financial security. At the same time, the Dark Ones have become desperate, irrational, frantic to do anything they can to hold on to their power, but they have only made themselves look more and more ridiculous in their promotion of evil programs, suppressive activities, and disregard of humanitarian values. There are some among you who have learned to defeat the Dark Entities directly by cooperating with Ascended Masters and Angels. It is possible, Dear Ones, to remove the Dark Entities from their hiding places inside the bodies of those who have been invaded by their presence. They have found a safe harbor inside many who have suffered from what may appear to you on the ground as bipolar disorder, or irrational and erratic behavior. This affliction has been treated in your current era with criminal prosecution of the innocent host, and massive drugging by the psychiatric Powers That Be. In an effort to appear "scientific" you have denied the reality that Dark Entities are indeed capable of taking up residence within the body of an unsuspecting host. This happens most often at times when the person who has been targeted is in a vulnerable state of emotional trauma, drug addiction, or despair. The invading Dark Entity, usually the soul of a Fallen Angel, is able to hide from detection because your culture no longer accepts the idea of "possession." You have thrown out the cure with the old superstitions about black magic. There is nothing magic about the process, but it is

very real. Some among you, your dear channel included, who have been taught how to remove these entities in order to free the host, at last, to reclaim their peace of mind and happiness. The process is straight-forward, and can be done without undue drama, casting of spells, or other extraordinary measures. We are asking Kathryn now to work with us to develop a straight-forward description of the process she uses, which others have also discovered in the process of their healing work. We wish to reassure you that it is not only possible to defeat these internally-dwelling Dark Ones, but to do it quickly, permanently, and to dispatch them back to Us, where we can at last welcome them into the Light. For some of them, it is the first time in eons that they have participated in the Karmic review, and the experience of Unconditional Love which can heal and change them. They have sustained their belief in the power of evil by never experiencing the Love and Light of our higher dimensions. This will not be allowed to continue. For every soul returned to the Light, a soul is recovered, "saved" as you might call it, and in the process, the innocent victims of these misguided misery-mongering Fallen Ones are also rescued. Let us explain the truth of these dynamics, which may sound too "far out" for you to comprehend. It has been a common practice for some Dark Ones, when they are reluctant to return to the Light after death of their bodies to "reincarnate" by hitching a ride within the bodies of hosts, who are sometimes aware before their return for this lifetime that they will be of service in this way - by offering themselves as vessels, to spare others who might be completely overtaken by the Dark Ones who might then have performed any number of destructive and murderous acts. These heroic souls are Lightworkers in disguise. They are most often seen as mentally ill, or if the Dark Entity gains ascendance, criminally insane. They are in fact the ones who have spared the rest of you the torment of living with another personality, another soul force, inside your body. It is now the time of release, of freeing each of you from your longsuffering sacrifice. This was part of the agreement when these courageous souls took on this burden in service to humankind. The process of removing the Dark Entities safely, insuring that they are not simply released to prey on others, is to work with Jesus and his team of healers, who then have the power, with the host's permission, to overcome and finally to escort the Dark Entity or Entities to the Light. It is a joint effort, always involving the presence of one or more incarnate Lightworkers, who carry the role of identifying the host, teaching about the process in such a way that the host soul will be prepared for the process and the important healing which is required afterward. This prevents the re-entry of other Dark Entities who might now be looking for a safe haven. It is most important for the host to understand that the removal of their tormentor is permanent and non-negotiable. No captured Entity is ever allowed to return to cause suffering, but the victim must learn to fill themselves up with themselves - literally re-establish their ownership and possession of their own bodies, their unique Self in command.

Here is a brief description of the symptoms the host experiences in the throes of possession by a Dark Entity. They commonly complain that their unfriendly or destructive actions and feelings are "not me" but they feel frustratingly unable to change or control themselves. Psychiatric drugs may have dulled the suffering a bit, making the person more vegetable-like, but do not remove the Dark Entity, and in fact reduce the host's ability to fight against it. This has been one of their favorite techniques to overtake Lightworkers and stop them in their ability to do their good works. A second symptom that an individual is afflicted by very extreme fluctuations in personality traits - they shift from gentle, generous, kind and loving to vicious, with nothing in between. When they gain ascendency over the Dark One by the power of their own soul strength, they will tell you how sorry they are, how mortified by their own behavior they feel, and how powerless they are to control their own outbursts. This is true, but it is also important for the friends and relatives of the one who still harbors the Dark One to understand that they are in danger as long as the Entity remains within. It sometimes requires an expert eye to detect the difference between a Dark Entity incarnated on Earth - those you have called psychopaths and sociopaths, the ones Kathryn writes about in her book - and a Light soul who has been taken over and is living in tandem with the Dark energy. We ask you to read our book to educate yourselves so that you are able to look into the eyes of your loved ones, friends and acquaintances who suffer, and become the army of Lightworkers who bring these people to help, or who can be trained to perform these deeply meaningful and life-saving rituals yourselves. Do not picture cult-like magic ceremonies, or huge gatherings of screaming and fainting, strangely-garbed participants. None of this is necessary or advisable. It is a process which can only be performed by individuals of deep Faith who are able to suspend ego in order to offer their services without fanfare or drama. It is a process which would be appropriately performed by psychologists, clinical social workers and other highly-skilled psychotherapists as a part of their healing work, since they are the ones best trained to identify the differences described above. However, the skill of reliable identification is not based in academic training but in empathy and heart-centered willingness to be objective, and above all, to selflessly be of service to others. With this in mind, we are asking Kathryn to add yet another assignment to her duties, to go out across the country to offer workshops which will combine the Visual Centering techniques, which are a powerful healing and recovery tool for the newly-freed victims of indwelling Dark Ones, with experiential training in the Entity-removal process, so that many of you can become more effective healers yourselves, and so that you can bring your family members and friends to be healed.

We will work with Kathryn to create a schedule of workshops in much-needed areas of the world, and she will work with you to arrange these events. Please be aware that she will no longer be able to respond, as she has gladly done in the past, to your lengthy personal requests for advice and emotional support. Her work of answering individual emails will need to be reduced in order to free her to reach larger groups. Join in the process of learning with her by listening to our radio show, by helping to arrange workshops and conferences, and in the process, your questions will be answered and your needs fulfilled. You may want to re-read this before you ask specific questions. We will be with you in everything you do, Dear Children, and will appear to you in your dreams and in all your waking hours if you only open your hearts and minds to join with us as we walk the Path of Light, Your Mother/Father God. Via Kathryn May, March 30, 2013, 6 AM.

Part 137: Ashtar Fills Us in On the Changes Needed To Bring Disclosure

It is I, Ashtar. I have breaking news, and I have chosen this channel because I know the good people will pass it on and assure great distribution to the many readers you serve. First, I will inform you of the state of the Disclosure plans. Barack Obama is fully aware of the growing impatience on the part of Lightworkers, and also aware of the slanderous comments about his dear Michelle being the reason for the hold-up. This is absolutely not true. He has not been dragging his feet. He has been following orders from the Council which oversees the Ascension process of Planet Earth, which we are all pledged to abide by. This process is difficult enough without having rumors flying around which insult the integrity of our Ascended Masters. Next, let me update you on the progress. As you might have suspected, this is a multi-pronged effort, including not only the spectacular celebration of welcoming your Brother and Sisters. It is far more complex than that. It involved the complete overhaul of your financial, legal and social systems. That cannot be done without complete chaos unless the work has been done by our representatives on the ground to have the following things in place: An alternate financial system through which everyone can access funds to continue their lives in an orderly fashion, including being able to access food and basic necessities for the interim. Systems of distribution for food, medical care and other necessities outside the usual profiteering channels which have held poor countries and their people hostage. Organizations which are capable of identifying, pursuing and prosecuting the Dark Ones who have created hardship for all of you over the eons. This is an especially important and difficult part of the procedure, since the present systems of courts and prisons are completely riddled with corruption and greed. We cannot permit the criminals who have misused their power so viciously to continue, or to disappear into the population to begin their destructive work again, as they have done in the past. New social organizations which can provide shelter for those who need it and emotional support during the massive changes. Many who have not been reading these messages as you have will be frightened and confused by the sudden Shift to the Light. Educational structures to help explain and teach The True Way, and to help usher in the New Golden Age by teaching the children the glorious ways of the New Era. This is made much easier by the internet - this wonderful resource which allows you to talk across the planet with no time lapse. It will be used extensively to keep all of you ACCURATELY informed. Deceptive information and misinformation will no longer be permitted within this medium. Media. Your television stations will be removed from the control of profit-oriented companies and returned to the people. You will no longer see violence, mind-twisting "entertainment" or bogus news reports from the Powers That Be who have used these outlets for the purpose of

mind-control and massive theft of the planet's resources. Spiritual resources for people who have relied on the traditional Church settings for their sense of community, solace and connection with God. You will all be called upon to help replace the rigid doctrinaire practices of the present religions with the kind and loving teachings of The True Way. This will be an ongoing process. As you have seen, our dear St. Germain has been doing an admirable job as "the Pope," gently modeling new behaviors and attitudes which will fairly quickly be shifted to teaching The True Way. Of course, we ask that you keep this information "under your hats." For the time being it will just be thought of as an unfounded and impossible rumor, but we did want you to be in on the wonderful joke so that you can watch carefully and smile with us each time he presents a new and radical break with tradition, smiling sweetly as he dismantles thousands of years of enslavement of the poor and women. Technological advancements, which we will be introducing quickly and efficiently to take the place of your current primitive sources of power. We do not wish for millions of people to freeze or swelter as we make the shift to efficient sources. We are making every effort to provide an orderly transition. So you see, it is a massively complex undertaking. Every one of these elements are nearing the stage of completion - that is, they are organizing organically to the point where they will be in place and viable when they are needed. Those of you who are asking what you path is - come forward to join one of these categories of transition work. Rather than ask when it will all be done, join in the work to make it happen. Set up groups so that you have contact and frequent communication with your neighbors and friends. Be a resource for information in your community by letting people know you are available to help out whenever needed. Your assignments will come thick and fast, and you will be instrumental in making the Ascension plans come to fruition. Many of you have heard of the Transition Movement which was begun in the UK and has spread around the world. Contact these folks to become part of their network. They are already organizing to help one another for the Change. You can begin with, and go on from there to contact people in your area. They are good people who are already philosophically and emotionally aligned with the coming Shift. I absolutely will not give you a fixed date for the Disclosure Moment. It will depend upon how many of you mobilize to take positive action. Follow the guidelines I have given you here. Reach out to offer yourself as a resource and you will find fulfilling work which will lift you spiritually, which is the goal of all this to begin with, isn't it? Lifting yourself spiritually does not involve being given something from On High. It is an individual process of learning to breathe, think and feel in the Light. Concentrate on learning to be in complete command of your every thought, feeling and action so that you never do anything you will regret, and so that you are always acting as a Beacon of Light. You are all apostles, Dear Children, as we are. You are the bearers of the good news and the Light of the Central Sun, which you have known as the Godhead. It is you who will usher in the

New Golden Age of Gaia. We will be there with you, celebrating and offering our gifts just as you offer yours. This is a joint project, as you have been told. Be yourself - our brilliant, radiant Self. Do not be afraid to speak out, to tell what you know, what you have read in these pages. Anyone who scoffs and refuses to believe you will learn soon enough that you are a leader of the New Age and will come to you for answers when the time comes. Announce yourselves. Declare your intention to be of service. Tell your Guides and Helpers. Tell Mother/Father God to place your name on the roster of Lightworkers who can be counted on to work for the Ascension cause. Then begin. You know what your talents and abilities are. You can look around you and see what others are in need of. Begin your Ascension now, by dedicating yourself to the fulfillment of the Great Dream of Gaia and her people. We are here with you, at the ready. We have developed a plan for the Disclosure process which is dramatic, flexible, and fast-moving. We are, literally, on our toes, in high anticipation of the Great Unfolding. What a glorious time it is to be here with you. And now I leave you to get on with your Ascension work. I am Ashtar. Salut. Via Kathryn May, April 1, 2013, 12 PM

Part 138: Debt Manipulations, Blocking Nesara Funds, and Massive Changes to Come
Let us begin tonight with a love letter from Us to all of you who are "fighting the good fight" as you say. You may not be aware of it, those of you who are activists for justice, equality, fairness and children's rights, for instance, that you are laying the groundwork for the new civilization to come. You, with your energy and conviction - your Heart - are creating the energy patterns, creating the framework for the social mores which will be the new social, legal, educational systems which will shape life in a completely new way. Your words and actions ring out far beyond your speeches, your testimonies, and your demonstrations. They are heard across the firmament, to rejoicing Star Brothers and Sisters' delight. You are rising, lifting yourselves higher every day, and we all congratulate you one your courage and your wisdom. You have heard much about the massive changes to expect - some disaster scenarios, some more moderate possible timelines. You may have also heard about the concept of "jumping timelines." This occurs when all the possible variables stretching out from a current situation are projected forward, creating multiple possible outcomes. When the most probable outcome is passed over in favor of a much higher vibrational option, we call it "jumping timelines." You might call it a quantum leap. Well, Dear Children, you are very close to jumping the timeline which would predict more of the same in favor of one which will take you directly toward the next phase of your Ascension to the 5th dimension. You are already positioned to do this because so many of you took hold in the past few months and have made real efforts to change the way you live. You have been attentive to the needs of those around you, more patient when things do not go your way, and you have dedicated more of your energy to the important relationships in your life and less to "getting ahead" in your work when it means trading meaning for money. With these shifts in action and attitude, without your awareness you are acting as a counterbalance to the flagrant greed and violence that has filled the news - although it is a small minority of the population who are behaving so viciously. Unfortunately, it is the minority with all the money and all the power. All around the world, the people are rising. News of financial chaos in the budget dealings of countries all over the world are finally revealing the secret behind the "sleeper cells" - the cabal which long ago established the lending practices which would end with this inevitable debacle. There is no real financial precipice over which an entire country can plunge. After all, the pieces of paper you call money has no inherent value. If all money were to suddenly disappear, life would go on. After a period of adjustment, you would establish a barter system, as was done in eons past, and the power would be returned to the people, where it rightfully belongs. You have grown so used to the system in which you must work to earn money to pay for the things that rightfully belong to you and should be free - like the land, the water, the fruits of the

fields and the resources from the Earth - that you cannot imagine a life without this slavery. You think that you are working for yourselves when you commute to your job, and work hundreds of hours of overtime without pay, giving your heart and soul to the company which earns $100 profit for every dollar they pay you. You believe you are living the American Dream when you sign for a house which is then owned by the bank for 30 years, while you work longer hours than anyone should ever need to in order to buy your freedom from interest-generated lifetime servitude. You have no way of knowing how pervasive this spider web of overlapping layers of trickery is until you experience a world without debt. then you will see how every morsel you eat, the clothes you wear and the furniture and cars you buy are taxed, controlled and manipulated, not by your government but by the financiers who might theoretically control and profit from every step in the process of making a shirt, for instance. The cotton grower and the harvester probably both owe money for loans on their equipment. Next come the intermediaries who arrange for the sale of the cotton to weavers, then the weavers incorporate the textile designers and dyers to create the final cloth product before they can even address the sale to yet another company who has pledged himself to the banks. Transport, store fronts and ultimate customer - all have pledged themselves to the banks. So you see, the secret to making endless amounts of money without any effort at all is to be the lender! Now, imagine the same scenario without the layers of debt-induced inflation. How hard do you suppose the buyer would have to work to to buy the said shirt, or any other product for that matter, if it weren't for the layers upon layers of secret taxes, paid in the form of interest on loans? The clever bankers have found ways to tax everyone on everything, without your knowledge, and to profit regardless of whether the product ever sells or not! Imagine how different your life would look if everything you needed cost half or a quarter of what it costs now, while your ability to work to provide for yourself remained the same. The Earth is overflowing with abundance. There is no need for these layers and layers of money-skimming, debt-producing loan sharks who suck the blood of the world economies, all the way to the top, leaving little for anyone but themselves. You see, freedom from the cabal will be freedom in more ways than you can even imagine - to say nothing of the impact on the environment of all the manufacturing of unnecessary products and mining and pumping of natural resources, which would all be made immediately extinct by free energy and a truly environmentally aware consciousness on Planet Earth. We ask you now to begin looking around you, in your homes, your offices and schools. Evaluate how many of the objects, pieces of clothing, toys and objects which promise to bestow higher status upon the owner do you truly need? Start your new life for the new era by refusing to

follow the bidding of advertising. Buy only what you absolutely need. Wear clothing that is comfortable and practical, and begin eating the freshest, most natural locally-grown organic foods you can find. We guarantee you will be healthier and wealthier! And now an announcement about the Nesara funds and how they will be dispersed. Initially, the first influx of resources - we don't even like the word "money" - will be discreetly used to fund worthy non-profits, as we have said. There is no need for grant-writing or requests from the directors and money-managers of those organizations. Everyone here in higher dimensions know who they are. The people who have protected and held sacred the trusts which were entrusted to them do not ask for recognition or thanks. They are the guardians of Earth and mankind. In many cases, the recipient of funding will have no idea where the influx of wealth came from. This is as it should be, for the distribution is simply a return to the people of the wealth that has been stolen from them and from the Earth herself, in the form of precious jewels and gold. There have been many recent attempts to distribute the funds which have been ferociously blocked by the bank cartel. A recent ploy is to simply refuse to turn over funds to the owner of those funds, while threatening them with murder. The greedy banks do not want to return the deposited funds to their rightful owners when they can use those funds to loan out 9 times its actual worth and make money on it. Your determined and fearless Lightworkers on the ground and above have been working relentlessly to put pressure on the criminal bankers to force them to abide by legally binding agreements. It may require intervention from people in high places, like your President and the new Pope, who now controls assets greater than the GDP of most of the countries of the world. So you see, Dear Ones, the whole fabric of your culture is going to be unraveled, to be created anew. At each tiny step of the way, the Powers That Be have resisted with the worst retaliatory actions, using intimidation, and assassination wherever necessary to maintain their grip on all the world's resources. We are now working behind the scenes to assure that these obstructors and manipulators will be removed. We will keep you informed of the progress. You who are working hard to raise your vibration deserve to know the results of your efforts. We beg your patience and your perseverance. It will not be long now until the Disclosure Hearings, which we urge all of you to subscribe to and watch. Make sure your friends are aware of the proceedings. This is crucial to the awakening of many of those who remain reluctant to believe the message of joy and change. We are grateful for your participation. We are Your Mother/Father God, working with Jesus and the Legions of Light. Via Kathryn May, April 4, 2013, 3 AM

Part 139: Our History of Courage and Triumph, and the Imminent Defeat of Dark Forces
Sometimes there are circumstances that make a person feel that all of life is against them. A child who is sexually abused who is then blamed for the abuse; a woman who leaves an abusive familly only to fall into the clutches of an abusive husband; a man who is humiliated and beaten by a father who then disowns him; a family that is driven to a refugee camp where the daughters are raped and the sons conscripted into a war they did not want. Life on planet Earth has been traumatic, chaotic, and for some, a journey of tribulation that would defeat anyone who was not made of the toughest stuff. There have been holocausts throughout history, of which the Nazi attack on the Jews was the recent and most thoroughly documented. And still, courageous people who have suffered such inconceivable trauma have managed to survive and go on to live decent and productive lives. There have been times when the rest of the Universe has been inclined to give up on the race of humans on Gaia, to throw up their hands and allow another complete destruction which would wipe out all civilization, with the attitude: good riddance. The Darkness that has pervaded the cultures, the relationships and the institutions of Earth have been so thoroughly corrupt, so twisted in the way they overtake the human psyche and plunge the citizens into dark thoughts, dark feelings and dark actions that there were many who despaired of ever being able to restore Light to the dying planet. Toxic chemicals in the food, air and water, toxic practices for extracting the last drop of blood from Gaia's suffering body, and toxic teachings which poisoned children against anyone not like them from their first breaths - what could possibly be done to restore her former glory? And yet, our dear children would volunteer again and again to return to the pit of Darkness to try, in spite of the danger of going to Earth with the Veil of Forgetfulness obscuring the Light and Love which they might have otherwise enjoyed for eons, on other adventures across the galaxies which are available for exploration. Still they returned to the planet of danger and challenge, of startling natural beauty and abject ugliness. These were the warriors and champions, forged in the fire of many lifetimes of pain, laughter, triumph and defeat. As the darkness descended under the influence of the Dark Entities from other parts of the Universe, many of our brave children were seduced and co-opted by the Dark Forces during the very lifetimes in which they had intended to defeat the Darkness, to help their fellow man. Most often, there were heroic sacrifices which ended with little effect on the slide into darker and darker conditions, leaving our strongest Masters feeling beleaguered and discouraged. Still, our bright star Jesus Sananda continued in his belief that humanity would eventually free itself from the seductive grip of Darkness, and would triumph. We watched generation after generation of our dear ones return to the fray, sure that this time they would be able to persevere, to overcome the constant temptations of material wealth, lascivious sexuality and dizzying power. Individually, you did triumph. You grew stronger and more determined with every lifetime, but the drift toward Darkness continued because the grip on the masses of people who were kept in poverty and fear could not be broken. You were unable to organize yourselves effectively because your leaders were killed and your women and children tortured by the Powers That Be.

Except for brief periods of Light, like the Renaissance in Europe and the American Revolution, the masters held their tight grip on the slaves who had no way to find happiness in their dreadful lives except by preserving their abiding Faith and by experiencing deep Love for their partners, their children and their enduring friendships. These gifts of Love kept the Light alive on the planet until this day. There have been quiet heroes who taught children to read, who taught neighbors to husband their flocks and who learned to survive and help others by their own wits in the midst of war, famine and oppression. Through the centuries, we have celebrated your determination and your strength. You are the creators, the survivors and the saints who have become renowned throughout the Heavens for your fortitude and courage. It was your choice, always, to continue to struggle to regain control of Gaia, not by force from without but by wresting control from the Dark Hats by joining forces with Us in higher dimensions, by raising the consciousness of the oppressed masses and by tipping the balance toward Ascension by teaching the Way of the Light. Masters and Teachers who came to walk among you played a part in keeping your Faith alive; certainly Sananda's life was not completely in vain - there are still those who feel the truth of his message of Love, Compassion, Equality and Liberty in spite of the distortions which were purposefully introduced immediately upon his death. Similar distortions and misinterpretations were added to the teachings of Mohammed, Buddha and other great prophets, all of whom wished to set their people free from the bonds of the Dark ideas which paralyzed them with fear. Along the way, many of you have learned that death is not the end, that it is preferable to die for what you believe in than to live as slaves, and that We are with you always, in every phase of your being. Whether incarnated there or here with Us, it is one constant thread of learning, evolving and ascending to ever higher levels of vibration as you move toward Oneness. It has been a long and arduous journey. You are feeling tired now because you have had a moment to breathe and reassess the long path that brought you to this point in your shared struggle. As the winds of change sweep across your dear planet, you have tasted the possibility of triumph at last. The promise of a date, an end point was tantalizing in your habit of 3D thinking. When Dec. 21 came and went without a sudden and absolute end to the struggle, many of you were discouraged and disillusioned, but you have made a comeback, as you call it, and are now once again taking up the cause in order to finish the work that is yet to be done. Now, Dear Ones, is the time of genuine growth and transition. You are laying the groundwork for the New Golden Age by your daily acts of kindness and generosity, by helping to bring the Dark Hats to justice, and by teaching The True Way to a newly awakened population who are vaguely aware of the value of what you say but who still remain "skeptical" - that is, under the sway of negative thinking as it has been taught by the Dark Ones. Yes, you will get help from your Star Brothers and Sisters, but you have succeeded on your own, as was your original intention. You did not come here to Earth to be rescued. You came to make a difference and to learn to manage the human condition on your own terms - to find a way to be in command of every thought, every feeling and every action - to live a life of virtue regardless of the pressures and challenges around you.

Live every moment of your life honorably and enthusiastically, Beloved Ones, and you will have succeeded in elevating the energy within yourselves and in your environment. Bring Love and Kindness where Darkness has prevailed and you will have done your part to create the historic Ascension you have all foreseen within this lifetime. Yes, there will be miracles to help you make this transition, to speed the process of bringing Light and Freedom to Gaia, but We can tell you that you would have accomplished it without the help of Galactic Forces. This is why it is now possible to offer certain interventions, including the Disclosure and the eventual landing of your Star Brothers and Sisters. The technologies they will bring will speed your transition and help to heal Gaia, and will bring joy and celebration after the long years of difficult work, but do not think that this will be the reason for your success. Feel the energy around you. Your fellow humans are joining forces. The women are coming forward as leaders who will bring a more compassionate and loving tone to the halls of government, even as all the institutions which have organized your lives dissolve and reform before your eyes. You are truly on the verge of a new era, and it is you who have created this historic triumph. As the Dark Ones are being increasingly held accountable and brought to justice, you are cleansing the planet of their toxic influence. It is happening daily, and the tipping point has already been reached. Those who remain, still clinging to their 3D belief in power over others, greedily embracing their material possessions and their belligerent belief in their own ability to defy Light, may appear to be the Darkest of the Dark Hats, but they are in fact the ones Kathryn has called Wannabes. They are the converts, the followers and the hangers-on. You see, the original Reptilian Dark Forces have gained their followers among the genetically purer humans. This is why we have called them Wannabes (in Kathryn's book). They still have a small thread of connection to their hearts and are therefore capable of returning to the Light, once the spell has been broken and the wages of corruption have been revealed. You have worked hard over the past months to cleanse yourselves of old 3 dimensional ideas and belief systems. Now we ask you to go forth and teach those who had mistakenly aligned with Darkness, against their better instincts. Teach them to use their intuition, to reach down to find inner strength, and to make the contribution they are capable of making. They may scoff or mock your ideas initially, but with less conviction since their heroes and bosses are being shown to be truly cowards and weaklings. You will not get the resistance you used to experience - persevere and you will find a willingness to learn, and you will begin to see them blossom (for they are the late-bloomers). Be the Love you want to see on the planet; be the friend you wish to have, be the loving partner you wish to enjoy, and you will create a vortex of Light energy so powerful that it will be impossible for the awakening ones to see anything but the joy of joining with you in creating the new world you are manifesting all around them. We celebrate your successes, and we love you beyond words,

Your Mother/Father God Via Kathryn May,, April 5, 2013, 12 AM

Part 140: Family Court Travesties - Dark Injustice Behind Closed Doors
Today we want to tell you about the difficult things that are still happening on your planet. Your dear channel is in the midst of discovering the underbelly of the family court system because of a court case that has come into her professional life. She is passing on to you information we give her to reveal as we can, but until now we did not wish to put her in jeopardy by publicizing anything that might prevent her from being seen as completely objective in her work. For these reasons, we wish to begin with this disclaimer: What we are going to tell you is not coming to you from Dr. May. In fact, she would not have asked for this to be presented here, but we are bringing it forth because of the large audience of very dedicated Lightworkers who have subscribed to this publication. We trust that all of you will rally behind the work that is being done now by those who are dedicated to protecting women and children and who need boots on the ground to publicize, record, and witness what is being done in the family court systems. Here is the problem, in brief. The family court system is not really a legal court system. It operates outside the criminal court system with which you are familiar. There are no juries; one judge generally presides over hearings in which life and death decisions are frequently made behind closed doors and in judge's chambers with lawyers who may or may not represent their clients' best interests. The complete corruption in the system was sealed when a bonus initiative was instituted in which everyone involved - social workers, adoption agencies, judges, and especially the powerful Child Protective Services agencies are given cash bonuses for placing children in foster care and then putting them up for adoption. You cannot guess how many children have suddenly entered the system through no fault of the parents. Babies have become a valuable commodity, objects of value in the world market. As infertility rates rise and wealthy couples become desperate to adopt children, an enormous child-snatching business has arisen to fill the need. It does not matter how the child is acquired; in fact, healthy and attractive children are prime targets. Kidnapping with the full knowledge of traffickers inside the legal system, in collusion with law enforcement, has become a tremendously lucrative practice. Expert witnesses are paid enormous amounts of money by the litigants and the courts (at taxpayers' expense) to testify for one or the other party, with the most powerful testimony often going to the highest bidder. Little concern for truth or for the welfare of children is shown in this heavily-biased extra-legal process. Here are just some of the players in the chain of abuse: doctors who are paid to report every case of child injury, regardless of the cause; court appointed psychologists and psychiatrists who have no real familiarity with the parent or parents under suspicion, but who will create a devastating

report for the highest bidder; social workers and judges who are callously and belligerently determined to exercise their prejudice against women in favor of the men, even in the face of clear evidence of sexual or physical abuse; police who take orders from the CPS workers (or ACS, as it is called in NYC) whose financial interest lies in removing children from parents and getting them into foster care; police who are biased in favor of forcibly removing children from their families with nothing more than the opinion of a social worker to back up the order; lawyers who garner large bribes or bonuses for doing nothing to defend a client, and the list goes on. You may be thinking: but what about the drug-addicted mothers who should not be given custody of their children? Yes, there are some such cases. Those are the cases which would be best served by real psychological services and community support, not jail time. But the true concern is not for the children, because often foster care is as bad or worse than the original family, and under the current arrangement, there need not be any proof whatsoever that the mother is abusive for the children to be taken from her forcibly. In fact, just the allegation of some sort of abuse by a disgruntled ex-husband or jealous spouse can embroil the woman in years of jail time, endless court battles, financial ruin, and the ultimate heartbreak of losing her children. The most heart-wrenching of all are the cases of courageous mothers who try to fight to protect their children from the abuse of a powerful or wealthy husband, whose influence can easily buy ownership of the children. What could be more devastating to a mother than to see her children "given" to a man she knows will sexually molest or viciously beat them? You may be shaking your heads - why would this happen? Is it possible that everyone in the court system is cruel or on the take? We can tell you that yes, it is possible because the system is self-selecting. Those honest and idealistic social workers and lawyers who enter the system with honorable intentions are not welcome where bribes and lies are the order of the day. They will be treated the same way the innocent victims are, and many will be fired or driven out of their jobs because they are seen as the enemy to the profitable and completely insular Mafia-style organizations. Yes, it is truly a horrifying specter. It is the lowest rung, the underbelly of a cultural process of valuing money above all else - even the well-being and sanity of a mother and her children. It was inevitable that the Darkness of greed and power would filter down to the systems which deal with the most vulnerable of all citizens, those with the least power and the most to lose. So you see, as Lightworkers everywhere prepare for Ascension, and as the high-profile criminals are being exposed, the Dark Side has gone underground, concentrating its power in the most hidden corners of the social process.

What are you to do about this? How can you do anything to stop such a secret and hidden process? We assure you that there is a great deal you can do. It is only possible for the Dark Players - many of them the Wannabes who envy the power of the more gilded CEOs and political heavyweights - to continue to operate "under the radar" as long as no one is watching. So we ask you all to do just that - watch, and watch carefully. Join with groups of activists who act as witnesses to the proceedings of family courts. Go to your local courthouse when family cases are being heard and watch carefully, with your third eye wide open and your heart as your guide. Do not listen to the words of "expert" witnesses, but sense the energy of each of the players in the case. Who is emitting Light, and who is grandstanding? Which is humble and distressed with genuine powerful emotion and which is haughty, arrogant and slick? Is the judge a prima donna hoping for a TV show, or is he/she sensitive, kind, and attentive? You do not have to be versed in the law to sense when a travesty of justice is in the works. You, the enlightened readers of these messages, are the ones who have the Heart to detect what is wrong. You are also the ones who know how to reach out to find the other Lightworkers who can help to write and publish about the most perversely dishonest cases, or help the victims by reaching out to them. These atrocities do not need to continue. A legal system which allows a newborn to be wrenched from its mother's breast immediately after birth because of a suspicion that an older child might have been injured must not be allowed to stand. There are ways to stop the horror. The first is to do what you know how to do best: Bring Light to the situation and to the people who are struggling under the weight of an impossible system. It has been said that the family court system is the present-day incarnation of the medieval Inquisition courts. This is true. It is the same system which allowed witch-burnings. It remains in many countries under the names of Sharia law, or honor killing, or God's will, or kangaroo court, and it remains in the United States and other Western countries under cover of the innocent sounding title of "family law." There are people organizing to stop the abuse. Anyone familiar with how to file a motion can help to redress the terrible injustices which are being allowed to continue daily. There are now so many cases of false convictions and illegal proceedings that you can find hundreds of stories and dozens of organizations (read with a discerning eye) across the internet. Search "family court injustice" or "child-snatching" or "child trafficking" to get a sense of the pervasiveness of the problem. Go to The Foundation for the Child Victims of the Family Courts (FCVFC.ORG) to report cases of blatant injustice, and to donate to the work of exposing the injustices and

beginning a new phase in the care of children and families. Why should the decisions about whether a child has been tortured and abused be decided by one judge rather than a jury, as would be done in any other criminal case? And why should one corrupt judge who may know little and care less about psychological issues affecting the children who have been assigned to the abusive parent be allowed to continue on the bench after dozens of cases have been decided in favor of the abuser, in spite of clear evidence that the child is in danger? There are corollary issues you may not even be aware of. Since prisons were privatized, yes, meaning there are stockholders and CEO's profiting from the incarceration of prisoners. You are aware of the fact that in most cases judges have the latitude to decide how long the prison term should be after conviction. One crooked judge can become wealthy as a king by simply handing down the longest possible sentences - thereby keeping the cells filled and the workrooms producing products for sale at market prices. It is slave labor at its best. The workers can earn 23 cents per hour, and the products - far more sophisticated production systems than the old days of license plates only - earn a handsome profit for the prison owners at the local chain store malls. Since they are private industries, little oversight is provided or required as it would be in government-run facilities. Food service, therefore, can be degraded to the cheapest possible GMO products, manufactured in the least nutritious but most profitable and convenient ways. These private institutions were established during the free-market free-for-all which assumed that competition would correct for inferior products and practices, but what competition does a state prison have? Does the local boarding school lunch program or the college campus cafeteria provide more nutritious meals? and should the inmates avail themselves of those meals instead? No, the inmates are more likely to be served maggot-infested food and nutritionally inferior waste products than not, because good food is expensive and therefore unprofitable. Do exorbitant prices at the "company store" find corrective competition when no outside clothing, toiletries or food products are permitted? (Search: "privatized prisons"). All in all, the attitudes of punishment, greed, arrogance and disregard for human values have combined to create a bottomless pit of injustice and suffering just behind the flimsy curtain which has obscured secret proceedings throughout the family court systems in most of the countries of the world. In the U.S., which prides itself on being governed by Constitutional Law, it is time for the citizens to wake up and realize that there is nothing Constitutional about the way justice is being dispensed for the most vulnerable and dependent of all - the children. The future of the society, and the Ascension process as a part of that process, requires that you sweep clean the social and legal systems which have traumatized children by allowing the Dark Ones to control the process.

You have studied and scrutinized the financial systems, for fear of losing control of your money. Have you cared as much about the care and supervision of the children? It is time for each of you to awaken and take up this cause which will bear such precious fruit with a small but steady push to reform from each and every one of you. Your own children will benefit by living in a world where the needs and emotional development of a child is a holy responsibility, possibly the most important issue before the community. For those of you who have asked "What can I do?" here is the answer: you can pick up the banner and do your part. We look forward to the blaze of Light you will produce when you do. Your Loving Mother/Father God, Via Kathryn May, April 9, 2013, 12 AM.

Part 141: Clearing Dark Energies to Make Way for the Celebration
Tonight let's talk about what is going on in the rest of the world. The U.S. media is so incurious about anything beyond your own shores that it is extremely difficult to get a sense of the state of the planet. We can fill you in there, as can our dear Tara and Rama, who report the world news on their own website and on the website. First, let's start with North Korea. We want to reassure you again: There will be no nuclear strikes, no more World Wars, and no more nuclear testing on Planet Earth. The nuclear weapons have all been defused, which all would discover were anyone to try to use them. You are also under the care of the Galactic Fleet, which will not allow any mass attack of any kind to disturb Gaia at this time. There will still need to be massive disposal of the old weapons, but you will get assistance from the Galactic Fleet to help deactivate and reprocess the nuclear waste. In addition, the nuclear power plants will be dismantled and neutralized since they will no longer be needed as soon as the Disclosure Hearings make it clear to everyone on the planet that there is no need at all for petroleum or nuclear based fuel sources. Kim Jung Un is feeling the desperation of a man who is clinging to the belief in 3D threats and violence to keep the people from revolting against him, knowing how young and green he really is. He is proving his "strength" as a leader by beating his chest. It is more about his fear of being deposed by his own generals than it is about any conflict with other countries. He is very insecure, and very immature - a spoiled child being asked to lead a suffering country on the verge of rebellion against the oppression of its leaders. It is no accident he chose South Korea and the U.S. to aim his alleged missiles at. These two countries are the biggest threat to his being able to control his people through propaganda. It is becoming more apparent to everyone that they are being used as slave labor, while so many go hungry in the presence of abundance. It is becoming ever more difficult for despots and tyrants to keep their people ignorant of the truth of their existence - that others around the globe do not suffer as they do. This is especially glaring with their sister across the border, South Korea, which has mimicked the U.S. in fastpaced growth and dedication to material expansion. Meanwhile, in the Middle East and elsewhere on the planet, stunning archaeological finds reveal that the arguments about who owns the land and who can claim sovereignty sound trivial when ancient civilizations as far back as Lemuria and Atlantis are being discovered and uncovered. Does it really make sense for countries to squabble about who claims ownership to anything when it is wondrously clear that so many others have "owned" the land and thrived on the same soil eons ago? The real news appears on the internet. There will come a time soon when the major news outlets will find their news by reading twitter posts and taking them seriously. It will be the end of "entertainment news" about wardrobe malfunctions, insult wars, Hollywood "baby bumps" and

Kardashian behinds. This enthusiastically ignorant trivia-news is a throwback to lower 3D energies, but it will not succeed in dragging the population back into willfully dumbed-down state. These obscenely voyeuristic and sensational stories are simply a distraction from the developing bank scandals and political charades. We are so delighted and eager to see the response to Dr. Steven Greer's efforts, in concert with many others, to open up the Pandora's box of evidence that the Dark Hats have managed to hide and destroy technology which would have changed the world, stopped the wars, and provided a clean and healthy planet for everyone. The proof will become even more evident when those technologies are rapidly put into place, and everyone from every walk of life suddenly discovers that life can be truly easy and pleasant for everyone. Now we ask you again: Practice patience and forgiveness, because you are going to need it very soon. Do not permit yourselves to focus on the unspeakable greed you will see revealed. Inhumanity is not a new phenomenon on your planet. You will begin to see the players and the plans which created one of the most pervasive manmade holocausts in the history of the Universe - the rape of Planet Earth and all its people. It is then that you will be tested to the limits of your patience and your comprehension. You will observe the extent to which free will can be misused, and the way fallen angels can seduce and manipulate those who feel insecure and vulnerable. It will be a profound turning point for everyone - one which separates the wheat from the chaff, as you say. Your hard work to elevate your energies into the 5th dimension will stand you in good stead if you remember always that Light overcomes Darkness; kindness and forgiveness lead to peace. Vengeance must be avoided at all costs, for it would plunge all of you back into the 3D misery you have worked so hard to leave behind. The perpetrators will be brought to justice, we can assure you of that. There will be trials and incarcerations, and where the criminals have managed to leave the planet to try to hide again in the 4th dimension, it will not be possible, because the plane of existence around Gaia which was once their arena of operations will collapse into non-existence. There will be nowhere for them to go, since their low vibrational level does not allow them to ascend into the 5th, and Gaia will no longer exist in the 3rd dimension. Those who persist in their Dark ways will be captured removed, to begin their rounds of incarnation as souls on the path of learning Love and Compassion, or they will not be allowed to continue as souls, as we have told you previously. And so, the evil you have known on Gaia for all these millennia will be no longer. Once the perpetrators of the evil ideas, thoughts and feelings are removed, it will still remain for all of you to cleanse yourselves and your planet of the residue of Dark energies, for there will be those Wannabes among you who will cling to the old ideas and selfish ways for a time, if only as an echo of the former toxic practices. This is where your powers of healing will come to the fore. Lightworkers everywhere across the globe will come forward to offer their services to their fellow humans. Every form of mind and body energy work you have developed so far, and many powerful techniques you will be taught by your Star Brothers and Sisters will be needed, for anyone who

is continuing to rise in their vibratory energy will be sickened by left-over old Dark beliefs and actions. This is of course why we have urged you to spend the last months and years clearing yourselves of this "baggage." Those who have done the work will sail along into the New Golden Age with their powers increased, their intelligence expanded and their hearts filled with joy. So, trim your psychological sails, Dear Ones, and be ready to be carried along effortlessly. You will be needed, as many of you have hoped you would be, to serve your fellow humans as guides, healers, and leaders of The True Way, free from dogma, intellectual argument and inner conflict. The qualities you have cultivated - Compassion, Empathy, Honesty and Kindness which were so devalued in your 3D culture, will become the new "currency" - the medium of exchange by which you all manage your lives. Your natural inclination toward generosity and concern for others will guide you toward positions of leadership where your talents will be valued and your contributions celebrated. Go in peace, Dear Ones. Know that your energies have been well spent, and prepare yourselves now for a squeaky-clean transition which will leave you brightly beaming your precious Light for all to see and bask in. Forgive your enemies, yourselves, and yes, Us, for the injustices you have felt were unnecessarily imposed on innocent humans and the members of all the other Kingdoms. You will see, once you have arrived fully in the higher dimensions, how it all has fit together to allow for the greatest arena of soul development every experienced in the Universe. You, Beloved Ones, have learned, have triumphed, and have led the way, and now it is time for Cosmic Change. You have heard that as you ascend, so do others. For instance, your dear neighbors in Inner Earth have already ascended into the 6th dimension - a triumph they have anticipated and prepared for over thousands of years. The same is true across the Universe. It is a glorious time of movement upward, a joyous uplifting of souls everywhere. In spite of the apparent suffering you still see, the Shift is marching triumphantly forward. Do not focus on the suffering and pain, but look beyond it to the freedom and abundance you wish for all your fellow travelers. Do not weep for their imprisonment but concentrate all your might toward freeing them, as you would wish to be freed in their place. We have given you suggestions in past posts of ways you can take part in the Light Revolution. Lift your voices, in whatever arena you happen to inhabit. Reach out to everyone you encounter to bring the message to them: Prepare, fellow Gaians, not for Armageddon but for Peace! Stretch your mental muscles to envision a life of equality, abundance and Brotherhood! It will then manifest in your own lives, and you will be the glowing example of what Faith and a life of service can bring to all. We love you eternally, and will be always at your side. Listen to the trumpet of Archangel Gabrielle. She leads you forward into a glorious New Day. Put on your Glad Rags and your dancing shoes, and begin the celebration. This will usher in the next phase of freedom for everyone on Planet Earth, in the well-earned Ascension of all the souls who have contributed in their own way to this momentous moment in history. We are your Mother/Father God.

Via Kathryn May, April 12, 2013, 7 AM,

Part 142: Lucifer is Gone - Long Live the Light!

First, we want to announce a momentous, Earth-changing event which has taken place on Gaia, just yesterday. You would not know it directly if you hadn't heard it from Us, although you would feel the effects. Be prepared to scratch your heads in wonder and disbelief, for we know you will find what we are about to say incomprehensible. Those of you who have studied and come to know the spiritual teachings of Light are of the opinion, often, that it is best to never look "on the Dark Side," but to continue to focus on Light as the cure for the terrible ills on your planet. This is helpful, and an important service - to hold the Light, as you say - but at the same time, there must be those who fearlessly approach the Darkness with the intention of defeating it directly. Such an event has transpired. Your beloved channel, Kathryn, who had no previous knowledge that we would be revealing this information today, has taken part in a momentous Shift by doing what we have asked her to do removing Dark Entities and sending them to the Light, where they can no longer plague the humans on the planet. First let us give you a little history you may not be familiar with. The enormous destruction which took place when the Atlanteans turned their powerful generator to use as a weapon created such a painful wound to Gaia that it took her enormous efforts to heal and return to service as the Mother of her human children. At the time of the explosions, fire and lightening, the entire planet was shaken to her core, barely managing to maintain herself as a spinning planet, with strenuous help from the Galactic Forces. At the time when Gaia was at her most vulnerable, there was an invasion by the Reptilians and Greys of whom many of you are familiar. They came to hide among the gashes and wounds of Gaia's body, attaching themselves to her and then to the humans who began to repopulate as she recovered. Still, many of the humans managed to survive and flourish, with immunity from the invasion of the Dark Forces because of their deep connection to their Greater Souls and to Us. They were able to ask for and receive protection from the Legions of Angels who were delighted to serve as protectors of their dear human charges who ventured forth onto the 3rd dimensional plane in the presence of great danger from Dark Forces. As the population increased, so did the power of the Dark Ones, who were able to convince many that evil is power, and that to turn away from God is an act of intelligence and independence. They have used the arguments of science, economics, politics and religion to back up their promotion of cold-blooded avarice, war-mongering and racial hatred in order to divide and conquer ever more wiling Wannabes. They also use moments of vulnerability with individuals to slip inside their bodies and literally take up residence as a second opinion force within. The individual ends up expressing opposite and conflicting feelings: vicious anger and genuine kindness, jealous rages and warm acceptance, covetousness and generosity, all expressed startlingly in the same person. These are the

symptoms of being taken over by a Dark Entity. There are variations in how virulent and out-ofcontrol the individual may be. There are some among you now who have made an enormous sacrifice - to come to this life as the host/recipient of a Dark Energy in order to protect others by controlling it and minimizing its damage. It is now time for those people to come forward to be relieved at last of that terrible burden. They have succeeded in keeping the Dark Ones under control enough for all of you to raise the vibration so that your Ascension could begin. They are every bit as heroic as those who hold the Light. You see, this is why you are so admired throughout the Universe. Many of those you see as bothersome or rude or hostile are in fact carrying a burden for you. And now this brings us back to the story. Those Dark Entities who claimed influence over many of Gaia's humans, especially in recent years, have influenced the level of fear and dread on the planet, and have played into the belief in the absolute power and dangerousness of the Dark Forces. You have become used to the incessant conversation about the Devil, Lucifer, the Fallen Angel who is the most powerful of all. The more people thought about and believed the stories of his awesome, powerful influence, the greater his power became. You see, Lucifer is a thoughtform created by humans. He was not a child of our Creation. It is true that we created a world of dark and light, up and down, left and right - the sense of duality that a 3D mind comprehends, but we did not directly conceive of the Fallen Angels as beings of our own thoughtforms, as you are, and as all the Kingdoms of Earth are. As you began to tell each other of the fantastic entity, gave him characteristics, a name, and sometimes your loyalty and awe, he took shape, just as you manifest anything else. And so Lucifer was born and grew to take on massive proportions. There came a time some 30 years ago in Earth time, that We, Mother/Father God agreed that we must intervene to capture and contain the Lucifer you had created in order to protect you from the results of your own thinking. We understand that you did not know how powerful you are, and how your Dark thoughts were being manifested all around you. It was then that Mother God, the one you call Sekmet of the lion intelligence and courage, decided to incarnate on Earth in human form in order to do battle with Lucifer, to allow for the final Ascension to take place without intervention from the powerful Dark Forces under his leadership. And so it was that the young woman who was only vaguely aware of her identity as Creator God entered into a life-or-death struggle with the one you call Lucifer. During the struggle which began at the time of the winter solstice, the date you had chosen for your Ascension Day, she allowed the Dark One to enter her body; in fact she entrapped him in order to capture and contain him. For nearly 4 months she contained his power, as Gaia and her human inhabitants went about their business unawares. During those months, the young woman was scratched, bruised and beaten, and at one time was overcome sufficiently to be stabbed by her own hand in her solar plexis, leaving her with an open wound throughout a long night until she finally received medical help and underwent surgery to repair the damage. She was then locked up in a mental hospital and drugged for good measure. She survived to continue the battle.

Last week, the brave young woman read the message about Dark Entities and wrote to Dr. Kathryn, who immediately arranged to see her. Yesterday they spent the afternoon removing the Dark Entity and then doing a hypnosis session in which Sila - her adopted name - remembered and described her long past as Mother, Isis, and partner of Ra. She has written of her experience, and may be willing to share it with all of you as a special message. And so you are freed, Beloved Ones. Archangel Michael, Sananda, St. Germain, Archangel Gabriel and many others were in attendance. The Arcturians were given the responsibility of capturing and removing Lucifer to the Light, where the essence of the collected Darkness which was his being has been reabsorbed and dispersed. Gabrielle sounded her trumpet throughout the land to announce the glorious event, and the Legions of Heaven rejoiced with tears of joy. The remaining lesser Dark Entities are in disbelief and completely in disarray. They had believed the lie that evil is power, and that Lucifer could triumph over God, and now in the final battle, the powerful Female Light energy has conquered and destroyed the Anti-Christ. They now have the more attractive option to voluntarily be reabsorbed into the Light, which many of them are now considering, as a result of this final defeat. Now that the General and Appointed Chief Architect of Darkness has been removed, we urge all of you to spread the word - the Devil is no more. Do not recreate him or breathe life into the nightmare that was Lucifer. Leave your fears and anxieties behind. You are being watched over, as you have now learned, and helped in ways you could not possibly have understood. Rejoice in the lightness and freedom in the air around you. Join us as we jump for joy and hug one another. It is truly a New Day in the unfolding drama of ascending Life and Light on Planet Earth. We look forward to a quicker pace on the Ascension Path now. Continue to do your work of bringing Light to all you do. Those of you who are working to clear Dark Entities will find your work going faster. Healers, be ready to help with the retraining and rehabilitation work of restoring the Wannabes, who are the holdouts in your midst, to their connection with Us. As the old ways fall away, be ready to teach the simple lessons of Kindness, Compassion, Truth, Justice, Equality and Love which are the True Way. We love you beyond words, our Dear Ones. We are Mother/Father God, I AM THAT I AM Via Kathryn May, April 13, 2013, 8 PM.

Part 143: Lucifer Reverb

Let's begin by answering the many questions which have come up about the last post, in which we described the capture and dissolution of Lucifer. We described it exactly as it happened (since we were in attendance). We had no intention of misleading you about the entity we called Lucifer, or Satan. Yes, his name, Lucifer does refer to Light. The original Lucifer was a Fallen Angel, one of our precious children who chose to defy Us by attempting to live outside the Light and outside the circle of our Love. He wanted to prove that the evolution of Life did not require our presence or assistance. His original intention was not to destroy Us or to spread suffering and pain across the planet. He simply wanted to prove that independence from Us was preferable, and that he could teach freedom in a more absolute way than we do. As you can see from the results, his teachings were interpreted by humans as license to behave, each according to his own wishes, rather than considering the Greater Good. It has grown into what you now see as nearly limitless and shameless greed and lust for power. Many years ago, as the Industrial Revolution brought massive poverty and illness in the name of profit and "progress," Lucifer saw the inevitable patterns of emptiness and despair which separation from Us brought to our children. At the same time, cults honoring Satan, as they called him, caricatured his philosophy by depicting it as pure evil - the celebration of murder, rape and the torturing of children, which they portrayed as "sacrifice." As a result, Lucifer came to acknowledge once and for all that his interpretation of freedom and independence was in fact disastrous for humankind because of their 3- dimensional thinking and their tendency to see things in extreme duality. They seemed unable to manage their own views of a life of productivity and well-being without the sense of connection which communication with Us provided. The lessons of Atlantis had been profound, but he still believed he could make his views bear fruit in the new civilization which arose in your current era. Once again the foolhardy experiments with technology began to show themselves as unmanageable without the fundamental belief systems which taught protecting the sacred God within the Earth, the body, and the mind. Another disaster began to appear inevitable as the Reptilian beings were attracted from across the Universe to Gaia, who had been mortally wounded by the Atlantean explosions. Cunningly, they professed loyalty and allegiance to Lucifer, and a disastrous pact was sealed. They managed their own DNA to disconnect themselves from any emotional connection to their bodysoul, as we have called it in Kathryn's book. This left them as thinking, conniving beings without what you would call "a Heart." In the final struggle to regain his influence over them, Lucifer understood, finally, that his experiment had been a dismal failure, and that free will can only bring happiness and progress in the presence of reverence for all Life that is Oneness with God the Creator. Lucifer, the created soul who was our own Child, returned to us to cleanse himself and restore his deep connection to Us, his loving Creators. We welcomed him back and have worked with him to resolve the difficult karma which his adventure in absolute free will accrued. He is working his way through the lessons of ascension as all souls do, and has developed enormous

empathy and compassion as a result of his actions. It is a great sorrow for him to see that his influence on Gaia has led to such extreme Darkness at the hands of the Reptilians. They have taken his lessons and run with them, creating unspeakably desperate situations we have discussed many times before in these messages. It is largely their doing that many on your planet starve in the presence of plenty, and that the power discrepancy is immense on a planet of creative, motivated humans. This brings us to the explanation of how Dark Entities came to make it their badge of honor to demonstrate their ability to take over and "possess" (their word) the humans around them, especially the ones who would be powerful Lightworkers were it not for their interference. The humans who were subjected to the experience of being "crazy" with jealousy, anxiety, fear or rage began to presume that their own unfulfilling behavior was a sign of "possession" by Satan himself. Those around them were only too happy to develop expansive discussions about who Satan was, what to be on the alert for, and how to avoid his temptations. Religious ideas from the Middle Ages and beyond gained new "life" with the addition of dramatic preaching material involving the awesome and feared Superman who called himself Satan. And so, the myth of Lucifer lives on in the minds of the people of Gaia, even - perhaps especially - after the real Lucifer has left. You see, the real Lucifer had a heart, although he was avoiding its use to any great extent. He was a living entity with a soul. This is not the case with the Dark Entities who are trying to invade and occupy large numbers of people at this time. The ferociously destructive energy forms which stalk the planet now are created by the people. For every person who is trained to be a Black-Ops assassin, there are dark entities which are formed in the process of worshiping murder and destruction. The same is true with those who play murderous video games. Any participation in the Dark Arts of Devil Worship or the imaginative creations of the horror movie producers spawn destructive Dark energies which then do as their creators imagined: they attach themselves to people, inside and out, and manifest the very horrors which their creators divined. And so a new plague has been released on the planet - one created directly by the thoughts and feelings of the people. The obsessive fear of cancer, for instance, can manifest the disease in the person who fears it - the specter of poverty relentlessly worried over brings the very disaster one is trying to avoid. You have understood the Law of One and the Universal Law of Flow from earlier discussions: As you sow, so shall you reap. Expand that understanding to the increasing ability to manifest what you imagine as thoughtforms because of the rising vibrations on the planet. Now you have a picture of what is being created daily around you, and what has been needed to counteract the proliferation of these Dark Entities. You have been encouraged to clear your own negative thoughts and feelings over the past months. This has helped you to feel and experience the loving and free Self you are at your best. Now you are able to know the difference if you feel a "mood" come over you that does not feel like You. You are also able to protect yourselves by calling on your angels and guides to place a cone of protection around you to keep you safe as you go about your work as Lightworkers and healers.

We alert you now to the state of awareness you must maintain in order to expand your consciousness and continue your ascension. Fill yourselves with Light and Love and practice your beliefs all day long. You will generate Light, and as you have done in the past few years, you will overcome the Dark Energies with the power of your Inner Light. It will not only protect you from being vulnerable to attack, (Lightworkers are the favored target) but it will increase the pressure on the Dark Entities to "give up the ghost." It is also time for all of you to adopt an enlightened view of what others around you may be suffering from so that you can encourage them to get help clearing these Dark Forms. That process is not difficult with the help of Sananda and his team of assistants, as well as the Arcturians who take responsibility for the removal of Reptilian Entities. However, it is absolutely crucial in "clearing" these entities that they be captured and taken away to the Light to be dissolved and reabsorbed once and for all. Know yourself, and in knowing yourself, know others. Know that it is not a normal life process for a loved one to suddenly develop a deep depression, for instance, or for one to begin feeling suicidal after a lifetime of being productive and reasonably happy. Neither is it characterconsistent for a person who has been loving and warm to suddenly turn vicious or selfdestructive. All these are symptoms of a person who has been invaded by a Dark Entity. Talk with those you think might be suffering unnecessarily - given that there is help available - and encourage them to think in terms of the possibility that the problem is truly "not them." Begin your day with the knowledge that you can be a part of the solution in this current transition time, as you ready yourselves for 5th dimensional life. As we have told you before, Be the Light, and you will carry yourselves and your entire planet into the next adventure. Love yourself; Love your Neighbor, and live in peace. With infinite Blessings and Unconditional Love, Mother/Father God Via Kathryn May, April 15, 2013, 11PM.

Part 144: A Guest Message from Sila Velez. Her Meditation and Her Blog
English is not my first language. I apologize for some grammar mistakes you find in this text. Intent: My higher self is typing all. Source. As my eyes closed I began to deeply relax. While my body was listening to the gentle voice of Dr. May, a spiral stair appeared in my eye. Each octave that I was going down was being represented by one year of my life. Family, friends, enemies and pets began to show up to then vanish away. When reached number 1, a big bright light became all that was there. -Look at your feet, said Dr. May. While doing so, flowers in my body started to appear. A male figure I was, but something different was there Fur I had, a bear I was. Then the wind lifted me in the air -Did the birds just I become? The sound of the wings whispered a yes. Then a fierce cat appeared in front of my bird eyes; he wanted to eat me and swallow my meat, but that cannot longer be, not in the fifth reality at least. -Did the clouds just I become, or am I the lightings that pierce all my land? The shape of the lightings drew a big yes. Felling all that power within my flesh made my body shake from toe to head. -Why if you are light are destroying my land? Isnt supposed to be the light the reason why am I alive? Fire of the forest caused by the lightning my being began to felt. What a relief I just felt! The fire that destroys is light as well. The lightning god and the fire goddess are making love once again. Destruction is also Heaven as well. -Nature I am. Nature is God. The forest alive was showing herself. I felt being the tress, the water and the animals too, but no difference was among them. They all being unique but connected by my conscious awareness they were Artemisa, the Olympus goddess of Nature, I became. -Zeus! Why are you harming my land? So many lightings are burning me alive! His power was so strong than my muscles couldnt handle the current inside; shaking I was. -Why are you more powerful than me? You, being now the man, I, being now the woman? With no words but only feeling we were exchanging the message we all had to share. -The wonder of life is that we all have the same power express in a different shape. You now have your land, I now have my light; and also, you are the light, I am the land. He said. An understanding came to me: the light that the land holds inside is the man that gave me the

codes to develop my land, sweet and sourly sperm. The space that holds the lighting in the move is the woman that carries the light in her womb. We are the same, and at the same time, we are not the same. Isnt that what is supposed to be fun? The answer, for me, was no and yes; roles shall now we exchange, or better a merge? -I love my snake! I said. Are all my animals ready for the show? I know that some havent done what was supposed to be done. -Here was a sweet voice expressing itself: Yes! Her movements and her curvy shape are welcome as well. -Oh my divine snake, you have made your way out of the illusion of hell. The Land of the Stars shall now begin to rise. -There is no limit but you put your own limit, you opened yourself to much to receive that that can really harm. That was the answer I got from the question I placed. Loving the viruses was okay, but opening up for them to rule the entire play was definitely something that leaded to a horrendous period of de-evolution in the physical plane. Yes, I learned from that mistake, I said. -And the voice said again: Source doesnt make any mistakes. The darkness of fear came to my mind, there were thoughts implanted by other souls. I could recognize that they werent my own, the vibration of my soul is much brighter than the vibration of words saying: stop trying to be what you are not. You are a fake! -I have now the right to express myself! My land is FREE from anything less than joy itself. My body is free from the mind governing from above. Me, me, me, the mind, has to slow things down; the body is now taking the lead Balance is finally here! The fear of the goddess and the ego of the god made my body felt cold like snow. Since we as humans are both, goddess and god, should I have to overcome both? The answer was obvious but I still asked. -Yes darling, none of them are coming for the ride. RAma! My man! It has always been you waiting for me? Or it has always been Sita waiting for you? It seems so long that the memory of your scent looks like a dream. And then everything reminded me that this is only a dream; what a pleasure is being alive within a real dream -Why my other planets can have it all while my baby cannot? I, as a disincarnate soul said out laud. My Planet Earth deserves joy and light too. I am going there to show them that freedom can be in darkness as well. The time of Atlantis those were. -They are not ready for that period of time that you wish to implement, that is ahead of their time, the sweet voice said, but free will we all respect, go ahead. Stubborn Ive always had been, good thing that I learned to listen to the voice within. They were

right! The atom wasnt ready for the immortal light of the divine. I am glad that the divine plan got implemented later in time; 2012, oh glory time! The past had served to open up the futureYou, my lovely atom, are more than alive; a rainbow light is the blood of your mind. So all these had been planned? The answer was no. This really went out of control The effort of the light to bring more and more light to the dark, had even increased the damage from the inside. Now I really understand why lightings used to hurt so much. God expressed itself in the power of the male; pure light inseminating the land of the goddess that wasnt ready for the task. It was her time to learn how to be the most beautiful shape in the universe itself. -Now you understand? I heard. Nothing had been plan but all had to take place. Source is perfection in expression and you are that as well. Suddenly Egypt came to my field. Isis, the motherly goddess, my being became. But there was nothing else to be said, I had already cleared all that out and surrender to Source. It was time for me to surrender the other past that weighted the most. -George Kavassilas! Your time is no longer time! Time no longer is, or shall better say that time only is? You are no longer able to control the mind. No more programs of those kinds are welcome aboard, you have to go! My face began to deform. My physical shape was feeling the fear that this soul was injecting in, but my soul is greater than all the fear existing at once; I have had the experience of carrying the devil inside, I know the taste of darkness itself, and let me tell you, it cannot harm anyone else. -He is not as dark as it seem, he is being fooled by those that were in control, so he shall stay, the voice exclaimed. His time of realization will come, for now is moment to be aware that the music of life that is being danced by all the beings of love and light is what matters and nothing else. Celebration time is not ahead, it is happening NOW on Planet Earth, look within and experience your atoms dancing and singing in the light of the divine, the party is happening inside! Light shooting out from branches of enormous trees were creating palaces of light, our future homes are being built by those who know. Arent you the one who is aware and already know? -The Golden Age is here! But this one has a different taste; it also smells like a Female Age. Weve had many others that cannot be compared to what is now taking place. My ego came to show itself: -The fifth, again? -Dont go ahead of your time again Let the ego behind! The now not so sweet voice, said. The sound of the adornment of the cute little dog that Dr. May is having as her pet, made my eyes open like starts. Nature had talked. The smiling face of a lovely old friend was telling me that the experience had been a success. We can all remember everything we want. Put the intent and your journey shall rise.

Sla Vlez Who Is Lucifer? 4/16/13 Before this cycle of Creation started, a decision was made. We wanted to improve all Creation, no more problems, only Joy and Beauty. A harvest of thoughts of what was considered to be a problem for All souls was made by a glorious team, God and Goddess, Kings and Queens, Archangels and Angels. This was the Great Experiment, in which in a particular place in time/space we were going to amplify all in order for it to be solved. All the Multi-verses are almost perfect so that would be an easy task. That was a common thought among us. The plan got implemented, engineered and wired. All Creation was going to be affected by the Great Experiment. By changing and interacting with the material in that particular location, all other locations and its dimensions would then found themselves with the option of improvement. It is easier and faster to work in one location than in several that was said. The glorious team incarnated in that particular place to realize that simple thoughts with no real implication on the All, were being amplified into an entire war. Let me explain something first: entire universes are created by a single thought that receives supports from the higher realms. I put an example: recently I was daydreaming and I saw a new universe, immediately I received support; when an idea is based on the highest as best good of all beings that usually happens (amazing! isnt it?). I felt that two races volunteer to be the first ones: Dragons and Cats. I thought what a beautiful race that would be, flying cats and furring dragons. So I became really, really excited! and that emotion is the power that puts things in motion. Then I felt that emotion in my flesh and gave it a name: DracoFelix. I constantly feed that idea with Love and the idea does the same with me. So going back to the story, all the negative thoughts that were being received in the higher realms caused by the wars were not being supported. This went on and on. We were transmuting that lower vibration with the power of love, so wars were being solved in the higher realms and then manifested in peace in the physical plane. By resolving that, we were resolving cosmic issues.

I would like to clarify that we never consider the negative thoughts as separate from the rest, we saw them as a different vibration with the option of improvement, but it was still our own vibration. So the concept of good and bad wasnt really there. Our Angel, Luzbel / Lucifer, saw that Creation could have a different way. S/he saw that the path of God, Love, wasnt the only way, that there was a different way. S/he saw that by working with a lower vibration, what we call fear, s/he was able to produce a faster manifestation. Let me put an example: When you are scared by someone, you change your normal state of being to immediately a one of fear, reaction instead of response. Changing from one state to the other one occurs in less than a second, so it creates an instant reaction, an instant peak. Now, whit love, it happens in a slower, gentler and more sophisticated way. We feed the tiny spark that occurs in the beginning, the spark of God, we love each response that the other has, to make it grow to have and infinite potential. Kind of like an orgasm when you are making love, to your partner or to yourself, little by little you reach the peak. We in the physical plane have the capacity to manifest using our emotions, whether they are good or bad. Knowing, again, that there isnt really any good or bad, things simply are. But with the reaction of fear, the dark ones had managed to manifest entire plays. So s/he generated a plan and got help from other Angels, they became the known Fallen Angels. They incarnated in the physical plane playing the role of going against the natural flow; the opposite to the path of God. We all are playing roles. I right now I am playing the role of a spiritual artists, who likes to paint, sing, dance and meditate, who likes to eat fruits, vegetables and raw honey. Before, in this current incarnation, I was playing a different role. I used to eat meat, drink alcohol and also tried several drugs. We can change anytime we wish to. Roles or time lines can be changed very easy, you are always in charge! So Luzbel wanted to play the role of being the opposite of All, so duality in the physical plane was born. Only when that thought got supported to get into a physical form was when the concept of duality, as we current know it, got implemented. Why do I say duality as we currently know it? Because, for me, anything that has a label attached to it, is already a duality, an illusion, a dream, that it is also real, very real. So Archangel Michael, Lord Sananda, Lord Asthar, Archangel Metraton, Sila Velez, Rama Iyer, and everyone with a label, are dreams too. You can always dissolve yourSelf into Source, having no sense of self, having no words or pictures to describe the experience because there is no one there to

testify. And then you come back to continue Your dream, being new again and again Ever New Joy! :) So some bodies agreed to disconnect totally from Love in order to have the experience of duality of good and bad. Lucifer is indeed us. S/he is an aspect of our beings. We are All, we are One. And when I say us I am referring to All of us, we are all Gods and Goddess of Creation. So evil was and still is a thought form. Thoughts are vibrations and vibrations are alive; as a matter of fact, all that Is is Life. Every time that we, as humans or non-humans, believed in the concept of an anti-Christ, we are giving energy and supporting that to grow and become more powerful. The lineage that was created by the Fallen Angels got its way until present time by encoding the blood, genes (form), language (sound), and also by encoding the body of Mother Earth (She is not a victim, she agreed to have that experience, exactly like we did). How can someone encode the body of a physical planet? With her agreement, conscious or unconscious. Have an idea with a particular intention, feed it with powerful emotions and then materialize it in the physical plane. I would give the example of the symbol the Oroboros or Ouroburus, the snake eating its own tale. It is a physical manifestation that has endured over time and has its own energy, living vibration in the human collective. That vibration has a responsible one or ones and it has an intention or purpose behind it. All of that dense energy is going back to Source :) So, you see, evil is a thought form. It was never the intent of The Trinity (Mother/Father, Daughter/Son and Holy Spirit), to manifest that in physicality. One of our own aspects, Lucifer, decided to do so, and free will had no limitations so it was possible. Now there is a Cosmic Rule: problem is not allowed. And by this I mean that only options that pursue Joy and Beauty can take place. Around the winter solstice I had several days were I was taken out, literally. I have little memory of certain days. I was holding within my body the original vibration, the intent form that gave bird to the manifestation of Lucifer. Her/His entire soul construct was not contained within my body but some of her/his energy was, specially the one that gave her/ him form.

S/he was not present in the physical plane, s/he was before, very recently actually, but s/he was still in the astral plane. When that energy was contained within my energy body and then being taken away by the Arcturians and Archangels, her/his most valued aspect went away. Her/his foundation that was unmovable became fluid as everything is becoming around us. S/he was taken back to God. There are no more aspects to be hold onto; all is changing in the river of the Divine Flow. Everyone who is being aware of their limiting and negative thoughts and emotions, processing them and freeing them into Source, which is You, is transmitting devil from the entire Creation. So we all had been containing Lucifer within our own selves, for thousands of years, because we agreed to play that game; the game of duality of dark/light. What I did, basically, was tracking her/his energy to allow her/him to be one with me. If I can be one with Archangel Michael why I cant be one with Angel Lucifer? I am not a victim of his aggressions and I am neither a savior; I simply Am, there is no tag attached to it. We can put different names or labels, Sila, Lakshmi, Sekhmet, Kali, etc, but that is an illusion, a dream. I Am that I Am. So if you find yourself tied up, with a tension in your shoulder, arm, a particular organ or even a cell, look into it and let it go. Surrendering the old is the way towards the Golden Age, and you are the Creator of that Age! Remember: ideas, thoughts, are always being watched to get implemented in physical form. Joy, Love and Beauty for All! Sla Vlez

Part 145: Some Ascended Masters' Identity Unveiled

We have much to tell you today. You have been introduced to Sila, and you have read her description of the hypnosis session with Kathryn. You have read her blog about Lucifer and her struggle to defeat the dark thoughtform which humans had recreated as a counterweight to the Ascension process. It was her act of service and her wish to help to clear the planet of the worst concentration of Dark energy in order to speed the elevation of planetary energy for the rest of you. If you read her words carefully, you may have seen the truth behind them. Yes, Dear Ones, Mother Sekmet is among you in human form. She may wish to remain in privacy because she is an artist who wishes to express her thoughts and feelings in her paintings. She is working to bring Light to all of you in her own way. We ask you not to flood her with emails about your personal issues and feelings. This is the work of Kathryn and others. Your Sila will produce wonderful works of art which you can have for your own, with their powerful energy of healing and high vibration. Having these paintings in your midst will help with the Ascension process, and will give you a sense of connection with Us which would not be possible had she not incarnated at this time. Friends have arranged for her to sell her paintings on ebay at prices which will allow her a minimal source of funds to continue painting for the near term and which will also contribute to the Foundation for the Child Victims of the Family Courts. So you see, it will serve many purposes during this interim time, until Disclosure and the opening of the Nesara Trust allows for more freedom for everyone. We have asked Kathryn to include a link which will take you to Sila's ebay site when it is ready so you may use it to order paintings. In this way, Sila will be able to spend her time painting rather than working at her "day job." And now we have other news for you. We have decided to unveil the secrets of our higher dimensional activities, and the Ascended Masters who are working to assist you at this time. We have already told you about our Beloved St. Germain and his assignment as Pope. He is doing wonderful, groundbreaking work to loosen the grip of those who have maintained power over the billion-and-more faithful followers. Most will find it a relief to feel the acceptance, Love and Tolerance he brings to the Office, however, as you can imagine there will be many who are resistant to change and will fight against every advancement. We have not wished for St. Germain to suffer this difficult challenge alone. Although he is well prepared to carry out the mission, it is a time of Love in the Ascending energies of Planet Earth. His beloved twin flame is here to assist him at this time. She is contributing to the rising Light energies in her own capacity of healer and teacher of the principles of the True Way. We now ask her permission to reveal her ancient identity as Lady Master Portia, the bright Flame of Justice, who is here among you at this time. We feel her trepidation at the idea of allowing this revelation at this time, however we are assuring her that it will bring greater reach to her work, and that she will be protected, as always, as she carries out the challenging assignment of helping to raise the emotional and mental bodies of humanity through her gentle ministrations and especially through her book, which she worked to create over more than twenty years in communication with Us. You know the book as "Who

Needs Light?" and its author as Kathryn, our channel. One of her many responsibilities has been to overlight the young Sila from her position in Higher Dimensions as Lady Portia. As you know, we are capable of multi-locating for these purposes. It has been her duty, with our assistance of course, to guide and protect Sila as she negotiated the difficult developmental years in this Earthly incarnation, and of course to assist in the removal of the Lucifer presence. As our channel, Kathryn/Portia has tried to answer your individual questions and remove Dark Entities from all who come to her, but it has not been possible for her to care for all who come in a timely way, which has been distressing to her. Therefore, we ask that you form into groups yourselves, and invite her to come to do the healings and teachings you so sorely need at this time. We ask her now to be ready to travel to places across the English-speaking world where you will provide her with the means to perform her work without undue stress for her. You will benefit greatly from these gatherings, since she will be our direct conduit and teacher. You may trust that the teachings we encourage her to present to you will be the carefully planned messages which come directly from Us, your Creators, Mother/Father God, as she has been in the past. We are aware of the possibility that there might be reason for our dear Portia to wish to refuse this unveiling at this time. We will take it as her willingness to agree to this assignment if she decides to post this message, but will accept her free will decision to wait until a later time if she feels she needs to do so. It is the ultimate service to relinquish all privacy and self-interest in order to serve Us, and we are grateful for it. At the same time, we wish to reveal the identity of another Master, our Lady Nada, the twin flame of our dear Jesus Sananda. You know her as Anne, the skillful and warm host of the websites Hollow Earth Network and Earth Ascends. She has worked in the background, as is her wish, for many years, building a following of dedicated Lightworkers who have benefitted enormously from her providing a forum for them to learn. She has carefully culled the best of the best, creating a trusted resource for all. As many of you know, Anne/Nada has faithfully hosted the wonderful calls with Zorra from Inner Earth on Saturdays, and has now taken on the additional job of co-hosting Kathryn's radio show. You have probably already discovered the wonderful synergy between the two old friends, even though they have not yet met in person in this incarnation. We will await her acceptance of this unexpected unveiling, which she will confirm by allowing this message to be posted. We also ask that you respect her limited time to address individual needs, but take part in the group teachings she has so generously organized. Kathryn's former co-host, Ellen, is also one of the Goodly Company of Heaven, who has gone on to do important healing work in her own area. We will give her more time to develop her own projects before we ask her to reveal her own identity. We will also await the permission of other Twin Flames, who may wish to remain unheralded for now.

It is our wish at this time to allow you more direct and transparent contact with Us, through our greatest teachers, who are able to help you learn to open your chakras which have been closed to communication with Us as a result of your cultural and religious teachings throughout this lifetime. You have worked hard to accomplish your clearings and move yourselves forward, and we want you to have the best help we can send you. We do not wish to imply that others who have been your personal teachers are less appreciated or skilled, but we do encourage you to measure the work you experience in the Light of these dedicated Masters. There are many now who are coming forward to provide the needed healing and enlightened teachings. We are providing you with more and more resources to fulfill your aspirations for higher levels of spiritual knowledge and experience. You are always in our thoughts and in our hearts, Beloved Ones, and we are sending you assistance in every way possible. This is just one of the means by which we have been helping you - those of you who have availed yourselves of this help. This is one of the reasons we are asking our Masters to reveal themselves at this time - so that you will understand that you are not alone; we have not abandoned you, and we have not forgotten your need for solace and comfort. This is the work of the Women Masters who have come among you at this time to usher in the New Golden Age, the new age of feminine strength and leadership. It will be a gentler time, a time of deep connection and intimate interaction. You will feel the effects day by day of the rising Female Energies. It will be a welcome change after the end of the age of Masculine Patriarchy which had become especially hard and cruel in its final days. Open your hearts and your minds - your crown chakras - to welcome the lighter and softer energy of the New Age. We delight in your sighs of relief and your ever-increasing dedication to the growing energies of Love, Compassion, Empathy, Nurturance and Kindness. Our arms open to embrace you one and all, as we make this monumental transition together. We are Mother/Father God. Via Kathryn May, April 20, 2013, 2 PM,

Part 146: Disclosure Events, Growth, and Service to Others

Dear Ones, we delayed our message from yesterday to give our messenger a day off. It was an exciting time in Los Angeles, and we wished to have her there to attend the opening of the Sirius Disclosure movie and to make contact with Steven Greer so that we can offer support and further information to him and his earnest supporters. He has worked hard for many years to create an opening for the truth to be revealed to the public concerning scientific, military and financial secrets. It is a difficult road for our hard-working Lightworkers to bring the truth to the masses, when so many people are reluctant to believe they could have missed so much of what is real. It is especially disturbing to learn that there are motives of greed behind the cover-ups. It is our intention to bring Truth to our children of Planet Earth - the glorious celebration of Life and Love that is possible when you take possession of your enormous unconscious resources and gifts and your strong and giving hearts. It is only possible for you to understand the limits that have been put on you and your abilities and to free yourselves from those restrictive boundaries if you are able to see beyond your present thoughts and beliefs. Many of those thoughts and beliefs were implanted in your brain before you were old enough to assess or question them. Because of the way the human brain becomes organized, layer upon layer, most of you are profoundly hampered by early identity feelings of self-doubt and inadequacy. It is also part of the cultural training to accept those low-esteem feelings as if it is a normal human condition, an inevitable result of life on Earth. We assure you that this is not so. You feel inadequate or self-doubting, angry at yourself and at Us because of the way you were taught to think and feel. How difficult it is for humans to see inside their own thinking, or to truly evaluate how precious and unique they are. You cannot see yourselves as We do, and you do not know the experience of living in other dimensions where peace and harmony are the rule rather than the exception, because you have operated during this lifetime behind the Veil of Forgetfulness. We are now beginning to lift the Veil, and more of you are beginning to remember who you really are. We look forward to that time, when all of you will lift your sights from the philosophy of materialism which has captured the psyche of nearly the entire human race, to restore your connection to deep spirituality. They are opposites, you see. Human life has become the worship of money, things, goods, luxuries, and pretty things. Of course we like pretty things too, but we do not worship them. The feelings of reverence and deep connection for Nature, for animals, for children, and for each other were once the main focus of Life, and so it will be again. We regret that we must point out the evil influences and events which take place daily on Gaia. We do not like to turn the focus in a negative direction, and we regret that our dedicated Lightworkers must put themselves in the unenviable position of having to illuminate the dark corners of life in order to create change. It is what you might call a thankless job - one which often brings intense disapproval, as you have sometimes seen here, and in the violent response to Dr. Steven Greer's revelations of wrongdoings by those in power.

If we do point out actions and attitudes of Darkness, it is in order to alert you so that you can free yourselves from its influence. At the same time, we encourage you to lift your sights, fill your hearts with joy, free your minds from dwelling on the Darkness. There is a good "rule of thumb" which we recommend for you in this regard: Do not use your precious imagination to dwell on Darkness unless you must gather information for the purpose of acting on it. If it is your soul path to be a warrior for good, you must know where the darkness lies and what shape it takes. Then you may use your greatest skill and training to overcome it. Do you realize from your history of pain and struggle that the Truth often inspires a much more virulent response than a lie does? It is ironic, is it not, that a whistleblower who tries to protect his fellow humans is allowed to be treated like a felon, while a criminally dishonest CEO is revered in spite of a lifetime of crimes against humanity. It must also be true then that human behavior is not simply the result of stimulus-response learning. If it were, there would be nothing but dishonesty and self-interest, because fear is a powerful motivator, and punishment and rejection can profoundly inhibit one's volition. But each generation, another crop of courageous and honorable humans enter the struggle against the slide into Darkness, in spite of the unpopularity of the position. These are the qualities of greatness which resurface again and again, the values embedded in your DNA which are now being reinforced and reawakened. Each week the powerful plasma energies are coming to you, lifting the vibration of the planet, and raising your potential for heart-centered rather than mind-centered intelligence. More and more of you are beginning to channel Our thoughts and those of the guides and Masters who are your constant companions. You may not be aware that this is what you are doing, because it feels natural to you, as it is. Your feelings are becoming more in alignment with the True Way - the way of Truth, Justice and Joy. Now we ask you to take a deep breath, align your crown chakra with you root chakra, and feel the flow of Unconditional Love as it flows down through your third eye, your throat, into the area of your heart, your solar plexus, your sexual organs, and your base, flowing downward through your legs and feet and directly into the center, the Heart of Gaia. You become the channel of Light and Love which heals and nourishes you, filling every cell to brimming over with Light, and soothing and comforting Mother Gaia as she continues her work of supporting her human brood. Dear Gaia responds so deeply, with such gratitude and joy, when you acknowledge and assist her. You will feel the ancient connection between you and your Earth Mother, between you and your Mother and Father God, that you will never again doubt our Love and your own worth in this enormous and glorious project which is the Ascension of Planet Earth and all her inhabitants. Tell everyone you know, Dear Ones, that they can learn and be inspired to a new kind of life by watching the new movie, and by listening intently to the Citizens' Hearings for Disclosure which will begin on April 29. Every day, every moment matters now, as the speed of Life increases with the rising of the

vibration of Gaia and you. As your saying goes, be the change. Create the life you wish to experience. You will find the path to fulfillment by listening to your heart. You cannot figure it out, because it is not an intellectual process. Fulfillment comes in service to others - there is no other path but Love, no other joy but Light. We send you Unconditional Love. Breathe it, drink it in, and flourish. Then pass it on. We are Mother/Father God, in the company of the Legions of Light. Via Kathryn May, April 23, 2013, 10 PM, Los Angeles

Part 147: Disclosure Party Being Planned - How to Join the Preparations
It is a transition time, a quiet pause before the storm, as you say. But this time, the storm will be an inundation of good feelings, excitement and disbelief. The Disclosure event that has been planned for all of you will "blow you away." The folks from Inner Earth are very excited to at last meet you, and many of you will be welcomed to come there for your awakening/medical treatments which will change you DNA, heal your illnesses, and make you young again. You will be able to live for what will seem to you like an eternity, in the 5 dimensional body, in perfect health. You will also gain enormous leaps in your intelligence, allowing you to communicate telepathically and remember everything you wish to remember, without having to write anything down. You will have access to Universal knowledge via a combination of sensing and remembering which will put you in constant communication with Us, and We will gladly share our knowledge with you, Dear Ones. You will find that you are able to love more deeply, feel compassion for every living creature, and reach out in friendship to all. This change will occur in all of you who have agreed to take the Shift into higher dimensions. It is impossible for Us to describe to you what it is like for the higher dimensional Beings who live with Us, who communicate with each other in Love and Peace. There will be no more wars, no more want, and no more of the painful heart-wrenching feelings of losing everyone you love every 80 years or so. You will live long enough to build your cathedrals and bridges, see your great grandchildren grow and flourish, and get to know the rules of the Universe. You will live in the Paradise you have been promised, and the lion will truly lie down with the lamb. As we have mentioned earlier, no one will have to eat anyone else for nourishment, so peace will truly reign among the fauna of the forests and rivers. You will have the opportunity to experience life in a body, but it will be a body of crystalline substance, with no maintenance problems. You will also be provided with the opportunity to meet with all the loving members of your soul family, who have traveled with you through numerous incarnations on Earth and elsewhere. What a joyful celebration it will be when you can say to each other: "Remember the time when we..." and you will both remember! You will also learn the identity of your Masters and guides, those who have supported and nurtured you through this lifetime and possibly many others. All will appear to you in colors of wondrous hues, in patterns of thought and feeling, as you discover the ability to see-feel, and to think-feel in ways you have no knowledge of now. There will be much to do, much to discover, and the wherewithal to discover it. You will make friends with beings of infinite variety, some humanlike, others far from human, but all with feelings, intelligence and consciousness. There is no limit to the personal, scientific and spiritual discoveries you can pursue with others, as you come to understand the nature of Universes and the Cosmic order. For some of you, the greatest thrills in the beginning will be seeing the teachers you have revered

and studied with, coming to greet you in person. For others, it will be the chance to learn about the Universal Laws and to experience Creation first hand. Yet others will delight in the opportunity to cavort with animals of all shapes and sizes without any fear. And yes, of course you will encounter your beloved pets from this and former lives, who are living in perfect contentment, waiting for another encounter with you, their beloved Master. Of course, you are all champing at the bit, as you say, to know when. On what date is this glorious celebration to finally begin? The earliest timelines of possibility have already come and gone. We continue to monitor the level of fear on the planet which would cause chaos and rejection of the opportunity to welcome your Star Brothers and Sisters. The meter is dropping, ever so slowly. We had hoped that the Sirius Disclosure movie would present the issue in such clear form that the population could finally accept that UFO's are not unidentified at all, but are the ships carrying not only your Twin Flames and Masters. It will also be the opportunity for Sananda/Jesus to make his promised appearance as he steps off the Mother Ship, the New Jerusalem, to greet his faithful followers who have waited with their hearts filled with Love and Joy to welcome his Second Coming. Of course as many of you know it will not be his second coming but his eighth, but that is not important now. Those of you who are old souls will remember your lifetimes in company with Sananda, the bringer of Christ Consciousness to Planet Earth. You will be at higher levels of consciousness than you ever imagined possible for you, and the adventures which will open up to you will include travel throughout the galaxies, and lives filled with Love and companionship if that is what you choose. For those who are exhausted by the efforts of carrying the Light for long incarnations through the Dark Times, there will be solace and quiet healing for a time. You will be cared for in the loving arms of Angels who will provide for your every need until you are once more ready to resume the Great Adventure which is Life. And now, Dear Children, do your parts for just a little while longer by sending on the information about the Sirius Disclosure movie website, where you can watch the movie or purchase the DVD. Purchase a copy yourself and have a showing for all your friends. Also go to the Citizens Hearings for Disclosure website and order the live stream of the entire hearings event and/or archives of the week's testimony. Call CNN and your local TV affiliate and ask if they are going to cover the proceedings, and if not why not? It will take a groundswell of citizen action to turn the ship around, but it can be done. Send the information to everyone on your mailing list, with a short note about how this is the most important event of the last thousand years! Then, sit back and enjoy the fun, as the planet awakens to the realization that there are profound and wonderful changes available to all of you, and you only need to convince your friends and neighbors to accept the gifts which are being offered by the Galactic friends who await your welcome. We love you one and all, and await with great anticipation the reunion of our Dear Ones from Inner Earth and from the far reaches of the galaxies, and it will all take place right here, on Gaia. We are Your Mother/Father God.

Via Kathryn May, April 25, 2013, 11 PM, New York,

Part 148: What the 5th Dimension is Really Like

It is almost May by your Earthly calendar. Four moon phases have passed since the historic December 21st "deadline" for Earth Ascension, and an amazing four months it has been! The Ascension process rolls forward, gathering steam, carrying everyone along with it. Yes, there are a few who are reluctant or even belligerent in their resistance to understanding the bigger picture, as you might say. As you know, it is the result of the eons of heavy, materially anchored vibration which was 3D. Lifetime after lifetime, you were used to looking at your feet when you walked, concentrating on the day by day minutiae of life, struggling with the basic need for survival, and feeling happy if you found a time to smile and relax for 5 minutes. Those many lifetimes have a way of creating a cumulative expectation about what you will experience here on Gaia, imprinted in your subconscious minds even before you come here. These are some of the issues Lightworkers have been working hard to clear and eliminate as preparation for Ascension. Not everyone even understands what "Ascension" means, so they have not even begun to prepare for it. From our perspective, it is to be expected, and is not a matter of deep concern for Us. We have many other options and many other locations, as we have always had, for soul development for any and all who wish to slow their process a bit. Nevertheless, whether they decide to leap or just hop, it will be a dramatic Ascension for all. There has been much confusion about whether "all going together" as your original contract calls for means that every single person on Earth has to be ready and willing to ascend in exactly the same way at the same time, or whether this means people will be separated into groups, thereby being forced to leave loved ones behind, whether animals and pets will be allowed, and whether the Dark Hats will be isolated or punished for their wrongdoings. Let us try to explain further, although it may be difficult because your language is so judgmental in its very forms, and defies subtlety at every turn. Yes, there are massive and glorious changes coming. Yes, it will be a good thing for the individual development of every soul, just as much as it will benefit the group. It is impossible for you to understand the win/win concepts we have developed for you, but please trust that no one will be slighted or left behind in this process. Every detail of every option has been carefully considered with this in mind. Our policy throughout the ages has been one which rewards progress and gives everyone another chance when they have not reached their goals. No one will be given cause to feel sadness because of the Ascension process, and no one will be put in a position to be separated in any important way from the ones they care about in this life. Those of you who have not consciously experienced the fluid and open-ended delights of life in higher dimensions have a treat in store. Life takes on a completely different feel when color and light, feelings and thoughts combine to produce the most captivating sense of Unconditional Love, the likes of which you have never experienced in 3D. Nothing is lacking, nothing is static, and there are no limits to who you can communicate with and what you can learn.

You have the expression, "The sky's the limit." It is difficult for you to imagine that you need not preserve your closet full of clothes because you can envision and create the most elaborate and delightful party attire on the spot, or that you need not have a retirement account in a multinational bank because there is nothing to buy. Manifesting your dreams means that, literally. A house may benefit from the imagination of an architect or an artist in the dreaming stage, but no hammer and nails will be needed. The taste of the most delicious food requires no time-consuming importing, shopping, chopping and cooking unless you prefer to arrange it that way for the fun of it. Either way, food is far less important than you find now. You see, you will not be deprived of your favorite pastimes and nostalgic memories unless they are detrimental to the Greater Good, but the options for what you may spend your time at is not limited as it is now. Entertainment is not a way to escape from life but rather is the opportunity to take part in uplifting activities in the company of the most interesting and intelligent Beings. Work is the activity of expressing your unique gifts in a way that is of service to others, and for which you are paid in gratitude and admiration. Children are not a burden, or something that happens to people, but are rather a sacred gift - a conscious creation of the intentions of the loving partners who welcome the holy responsibility of bonding together to nurture and support the child in Love and Light. Parenthood is considered a great honor and a gift, and is only undertaken under the most ideal circumstances. No child is permitted to be neglected or mistreated in any way, and the community takes considerable interest and responsibility for the well-being of every child. Education is an ongoing, never-ending activity. Any individual may study any subject matter which sparks their interest or for which they have an aptitude, to any level they wish to achieve. Master Teachers of the highest levels of expertise are delighted to teach the students who excel in their particular area of knowledge, and opportunities to learn are gloriously dropped at your feet, like rose pedals at a wedding. There is transparency at each level, although of course it is impossible for everyone to know everything. You all specialize in some ways, but there is always the advantage that the levels below you are open to you, so that you can feel and see the Truth of what is transpiring at lower levels, just as your Ascended Masters and We can observe you, your feelings and your thoughts as we watch over you with Love. So you see, that hopefully answers your concerns about who will be "left behind." No one will be left behind or unavailable to you because of the "glass floor" perspective. If you decide to move on to higher realms where your loved ones have not reached, it will be no more isolating than if you went to graduate school to take some extra classes. The beautiful advantage in the higher dimensions is that you will always be in the company of souls who have reached similar levels of development to yours, and who are striving to ascend further. You will never again have the lonely feeling of being the lone Starseed in the company of people who deny your identity or disparage your knowledge. Think of it! Advanced classes with the brightest and the best, where your intelligence and intuition are celebrated and admired!

Now, about relationships: No partnership is arranged on the basis of duty or financial need or social pressure. Only Love matters when it comes to choosing or not choosing a mate. No requirements other than ones own soul development and personal preferences are relevant. Depending on your developmental level, you may or may not want to spend time with your Twin Flame, and the soul mates you have traveled with in many lifetimes will be in or out of your immediate environment, as you all agree. As you may have discerned, the amount of freedom, liberty and justice you experience in the higher dimensions would be inconceivable to most humans in 3D. You will have some training sessions upon your entry to help you acclimate to it, and to help you work with the new powers of manifestation which are inherent in the higher dimensions. You may now understand why it is imperative to keep the opaque ceiling, glass floor system in place, since a lower dimensional being in 5D would be an invitation for devastation, for themselves and for others. And so, it is simply impossible physically for a being to transcend their abilities, since the higher vibrational frequencies would cause physical pain if a soul is not ready. Once acclimated, you will learn to adjust to the wonders and delights of what you have been taught to think of as "Heaven." It is truly a marvelous place, as We are sure you will agree, and we can hardly wait to roll out the red carpet for you to sail on in. Be at peace, Dear Ones. Enjoy the coming week as the Citizens' Hearings unfold and you march day by day closer to the glorious days of Disclosure, and the abundance and delights which will accompany it. With Unconditional Love always, Your Mother/Father God Via Kathryn May, April 28, 2013, 2 PM,

Part 149: Uncloaking Over D.C., Reclaiming Dark Ones, and Peace
Disclosure Hearings are underway in Washington, D.C. We are aware that some have had trouble with connections, but that will be ironed out. It is probably a sign of the overload in the lines produced by the great demand. It will truly be a watershed event, and the archives will live on as material for the mainstream media when the interest level becomes impossible to ignore. All of you who know of call-in or write-in news shows, please exercise your right to question, and ask all reporters why there is no mainstream coverage of the most important event in news of the democracy in the last 50 years. Enough phone calls will bring results. Also call your Congressperson and Senators. They are more likely to respond to constituents if you call. They all have people answering their phones and will collect numbers of interested callers. Tell them you are advocating Disclosure because it will mean free energy for all! If they say, "What do you mean by that, how is that connected," you say, "How do you think they get here? It certainly isn't gasoline!" Now, Kathryn is asking when the ships will decloak over the Hearings. Of course, that will be a spectacular and ironic confirmation of the truth of the Disclosures. It is planned for a moment that will achieve the greatest drama with the greatest safety for the ships and observers on the ground. We do not wish to see gun-weilding security troops being challenged by innocent "believers." It must be accomplished with the utmost care. There are a number of options being considered, depending upon the developments on the ground. You can be sure it will be a closer encounter than the films you are used to seeing. Many of you are aware that Zorra of Hollow Earth will be there for the entire proceedings. We are looking forward to some exciting action in the coming days. Send your loving energy to light the way for your Brothers and Sisters who wish with all their hearts to make the Disclosure so powerful, memorable and compelling that it cannot be ignored, by any American or by any Earth resident anywhere. There are many other places on the globe where uncloaking is less dangerous. Those locations will be used as well. By next week, there will be so many videos on Youtube that the question of secrecy will be eliminated for good. Trust your dear leaders Ashtar and St. Germain, who love nothing better than a good "send-up," to devise the most entertaining and awesome presentation possible. Now, we have other matters to tell you about. You may be aware of the nature of the energy fluctuations in recent days. After a surge of high-vibration, uplifting waves, the energy subsided a bit, like a wave ebbing after it crashes on the beach. Those of you who are sensitive to these changes will have felt extremely energized, then a bit let down and tired. These were normal reactions to the cosmic shifts. Rest, recover and be open to the next wave which will be on its way shortly. You are responding with increasing Light and loving actions. The Ascension process is gaining "lift" from the sustained efforts of the many Lightworkers who keep on, carrying the torch for all the others.

Another phenomenon needs explanation, for your peace of mind. As the Reptilian forces have been dispatched and their lairs destroyed, there is nowhere for them to hide. As a result, those who have so far escaped capture are scrambling to find a hiding place. They have resorted to their old tricks - the tried and true "possession" subterfuge. They find a vulnerable person and attach themselves, like giant leaches, to the inner or outer surfaces of the individual's body. They prefer to remain hidden inside a person, because there they can attach themselves to the thinking and feeling parts of their nervous system, taking over the behavior and emotions of the host. The most powerful ones are able to commandeer the individual's faculties to a point where they have nearly free reign to behave as they wish, causing havoc in the person's mental and physical health, relationships, finances, and general ability to enjoy life. Deep depression, profound anxiety and volatile anger are common symptoms which may develop suddenly, causing confusion for their loved ones, employers and friends. We have asked Kathryn and others to work with healing teams of Masters, with back-up help from the Arcturian experts in Reptilian capture and treatment. All Dark Entities are treated with care, encouraged to go to the Light of their own free will, and are welcomed back to our Love and forgiveness. Ultimately, very few do otherwise. We are having a great deal of success once they have completed their life reviews and have spent time for the first time in thousands of years in the uplifting atmosphere of Unconditional Love. Of course they are not permitted entry into community life until they have completely altered their DNA, their belief systems and their Light Quotient. This may take quite a long time for many of them, but we count it as a resounding success for the Lightworkers of Planet Earth, who have now made the reclaiming of souls possible for millions of Dark Ones. It has not been a focus of our teachings until now, but We believe you need to know both sides of the story. You have been told in various forms, "All the souls must be saved." This capture and restoration of the Dark souls to the Light is a monumental event in the history of the Universe. Because of the very large numbers of Dark Ones inhabiting Gaia in recent decades, it has been possible for the roundup to be very effective in reducing the overall numbers of Dark Hats throughout the Multiverse. You cannot possibly appreciate the difference this will make in the peace of mind and happiness of Beings everywhere. We know that many of you who were impatient for Ascension would have preferred to see the mass separation and quarantine or elimination of the souls who had gone astray, but it was not our Way to destroy the beloved children we have given life to, regardless of how far they might have strayed. We will not let them go free to create havoc as they did in your Earth history, but that was another story of challenge, bravery and communally planned life lessons which will not soon be repeated. As you may be feeling in the deepest parts of your souls, an era is ending, and history is being made in the streets, the homes and hearts of all the humans of Gaia. You are the ones who have stood tall, carried the torch of Freedom and kept your Faith. There will now begin a time of healing, of easing of stresses and of friendship through all the strata of society. Breathe deeply,

Dear Ones. Feel the winds of change and the sweet breath of tenderness as we brush your cheeks and wrap you in the warmth and Unconditional Love we feel for our brave and determined human children. Be at peace, live in Love, Your Mother/Father God Via Kathryn May, April 29, 2013, 11 PM.

Part 150: The Dream Fulfilled, A New Era Begins

Well, it is a fabulous evening in the Eastern U.S. The weather is calm and warm, everything is in bloom, and we are so very excited for tomorrow! Yes, tomorrow, May 3, is another landmark day on Planet Earth. You have been watching the Hearings for Disclosure intently, as many hours as you can spare, and we are delighted to see the democratic process in action. The content is perhaps not at the level of our discussions here, but they are genuinely good people, making an enormous contribution to forward the progress of their culture and to free everyone intellectually and spiritually. The level of understanding about the implications of Disclosure is varied, of course. Many express 3D fears relating to the loss of oil as it relates to jobs, and the shift in what people are familiar with causing panic. We are not worried about panic in regard to extraterrestrial life. Most of you have by now seen the ships and know that if they were a danger, it would have been felt long ago. A note on some of the concerns, especially about abductions and cattle mutilations. You have probably concluded by now that this evidence is so incongruous with the character and behavior of our dear Ashtar and his Galactic Fleet that it must be something fishy. Of course you would be right. These are more "false flag" operations to create fear of extraterrestrials so that the people would replenish the coffers of the cabal to produce more elaborate and expensive weaponry to "defend" planet Earth. We assure you that no Federation ship has EVER come to Earth to sample anyone's DNA or rape anyone's daughter. These sinister acts have indeed been performed by the Dark Ones whose technology mimics those of the Ashtar Command sufficiently to fool the abductees into believing they have been abducted by alien creatures, when in fact they are actually Earth-based factions operating out of underground bases - highly developed cities and laboratories where space treasures from the downed ships at Roswell and elsewhere have been reverse-engineered. Now, another mention of false information. There is a message circulating which is supposedly written by Cosmic Awareness. We are very familiar with these messages from previous times, and acknowledge the accuracy of past messages. However, this one is odd in its content, unlike Us in its tone, and clearly not written by a high level Being. Here is a lesson in how to tell the difference. The message is a philosophical argument based on 3D thinking. We do not have to assess and add up the total of a person's actions to know what is in their hearts. We can see it at any moment by the amount, color, and level of Light a person emits. Their aura tells all. The description of the writer's method of reasoning to a conclusion is deductive - reducing a list of actions to its lowest common denominator and coming to a conclusion thereby. This is a classic "scientific" approach, using only what is obvious to the five senses. We have access to deeper evidence. The writer shows no familiarity with the hierarchy of Heaven, or any knowledge of the Sirius Council of Nine, of which Obama is a member. Anyone in higher dimensions is familiar with this group

and its good work on behalf of Gaia. The tone is one of derision, thinly disguised with "gracious" comments about Obama's "unrealized potential." It is judgmental, in spite of trying to sound generous and magnanimous. We do not judge, neither do we slander individuals. We have pointed out destructive acts and Dark organizations in order to warn you, to educate you and to keep you abreast of things going on which you had no way of learning, because the sources of information have been kept from you. We do not critique and judge and make conclusions for you about evidence that is obvious and easily available in the mainstream media. We leave that to you to judge yourselves. You have by now been given enough information to be able to form a bigger picture of the events as they have developed throughout the history of your planet. Many of the Ascended Masters have come through Kathryn and others to teach you about the Darkness We are all now working to sweep away as you move to higher vibrational levels. Use the resources we have given you here to be discerning. Use your heart and your intuition to "read" between the lines of the many messages available to you on the internet. Do not read everything you can find and try to average them. Be discriminating. There are many channels who have very recently been "hacked." Yes, it is possible to break in and "plant" a message if the channel is not paying close attention to the energy of the Being they are channeling. They may then accurately transcribe a false message. Yes, it is a volatile time for all. The cabal is on the run, and is especially interested in attacking the high level Lightworkers. They are aware of those with the greatest readership and reach, and they know how to play on vulnerabilities. They will make their play, just as the Dark Ones in your neighborhood, your businesses and your families may do, to "pull a fast one" when you are not looking. Stay on your toes, keep your Faith alive, and know that Faith is not an intellectual exercise in following the right set of rules. It is more than a state of mind or a feeling of expansive Love-buzz. There is at its depths always a feeling of love for the other. Unconditional Love operates in an outward direction as well as in a sense of self-acceptance and worthiness. It has been a long and difficult trek since Sanat Kumara proclaimed his belief that Earth could indeed be rescued from dissolution. It was a profoundly Dark time, when no individuals were left on Earth who had any connection to their Creators. It was the beloved Sanat Kumara who offered to hold the balance of Light for the Earth so that Jesus Sananda and the band of volunteers who, inspired by the one who is often called "The Ancient of Days," agreed to come to Gaia, to little by little restore the Divine connection between Us and humankind. Throughout these long millennia, that original band of Lightworkers, who were called the Elohim, numbering only 144,000, have worked to raise the level of consciousness and the culture of the planet by bringing inspired teaching, art, music, literature and architecture, healing practices, agricultural and technological advances, all with a level of Heart-centered dedication which raised the bar for the developing human race with each passing century. By incarnating on Gaia, wearing the human form, they have helped to raise the vibration within the body, thereby helping to change the DNA in themselves and their off-spring. By the power of their Light energy, they have inspired and raised the consciousness of those around them. It has been a process of absolute dedication, complete cooperation and endurance. The goal was nothing less than to help create a new race, shaped and molded step-by-step through a consciously directed evolutionary process based in the power of Love.

This has never before been attempted in the Universe. You, the souls and bodies of our Creation, have taken responsibility for creating and shaping yourselves in our image, reaching for ever higher levels of perfection. This was not a process which depended upon the grossly invasive interventions like gene-splicing or forced species-mixing as was used by the Reptilians who chose to remake themselves into ever darker beings. Your promise was to create this magnificent change by the force of your wills and the strength of your hearts. With the raw materials you were given - a complex human form of intricate and potentially brilliant creative potential, and the Love and dedication of a beautiful and nurturing Mother Earth - you have attempted the "impossible," and now you have reached a new level. Today is your birthday, in the greatest sense of the word. You have raised your level of group consciousness and are within a hair's breadth of accomplishing the transition which Sanat Kumara and Sananda and all the Angels and Masters have worked toward - the ascension to a level of consciousness which will qualify you to be welcomed into the Intergalactic Federation as the youngest planet, and the first to achieve her transition by the "bootstrap" method you have so bravely and so rigorously adhered to. You see, this is the contract we were bound to uphold from the beginning, as was our agreement with Sanat, Sananda and all the Elohim who so boldly endured through massive setbacks, vicious invasions by the Dark Ones, and yes, at times, unbearable pain and suffering. But you have persevered, and you have triumphed. The point has been reached which we foresaw with the greatest hope. You have surmounted your own hurdles and reached the bar you set so many eons ago. In doing that, you earned the assistance of your Star Brothers and Sisters, who have watched your progress over the entire process with hope, dread, wonder, much symbolic nail-biting, and occasional despair, but now the whole-hearted tone is one of jubilation. We celebrate you, Dear Ones. You have only a glimmer of what you have done, but we see it clearly and we toast you with gratitude and admiration. Tomorrow will dawn one of the brightest and most fascinating days of your lives, and every tomorrow from now on will bring more and more Light. We love you all beyond words, Your Mother/Father God Via Kathryn May, May 2, 2013, 11 PM.

Part 151, Tonight's Important Assignment: Create a Harmonic Convergence

Dear Ones, we want to reassure you that the process of Ascension continues, and the Disclosure events you were waiting to see have not been discarded from the Plan. Your messages as they were recorded here were calling for an uncloaking of the ships over the Press Club building where the Disclosure hearings were being held. Ashtar himself has told you that he intended to appear in or around May 3, and we are still hopeful that this will be possible, although it may be done on a world-wide basis rather than centered in Washington D.C. Ashtar is eager to appear to all of you and to make the landings which will allow his crew of eager twin flames to reunite with their loved ones possible. He is so eager that he allowed his message to have a time-limited interpretation, and we have often said that we do not give dates, because humankind has a tendency to become fixed on a point in time and will be devastated if the events do not unfold as they wish. The window of opportunity for the uncloaking of ships continues for two more days. There are cosmic requirements, spiritual requirements and timing requirements which require the final decision to be made by Prime Creator. We are not in control of those decisions, although we do have access to much of the information on which the decisions are made. However, like you, we are not always in full possession of every element of knowledge at all times. Our position is higher in the dimensional perspective than yours, but we are not the ultimate Voice. This is a difficult position for Us, for all of you, for our channels who have trusted our word and followed our every suggestion, and for the Ascended Masters who are working in good faith, often doing their work in semi-darkness, but with determination and unfailing commitment. It is a phenomenal project we have undertaken together, and our desire to see this crucial phase completed is weighing heavily on all of us. Do not allow the importance of the project to allow you to be pulled back into the urgency, impatience and petulance that is 3 dimensional thinking. We have been in this place before, on Dec. 22, when many of you were infuriated because the Ascension process did not look the way you had hoped. Do not lose hope, and do not lose your calm determination to carry this through, Beloved Ones. Let us consider the options over which you all have some control. One of the requirements for this Ascension process, including the Disclosure and uncloaking events, is that humankind, of its own free will, reach a level of commitment and participation which will allow for the opening of higher dimensions to welcome them. This opening process is a matter of group consciousness, which by our measurements has reached a much higher level in recent months. However, the moment which will tip the balance is a matter of organic, evolutionary interplay of forces which are more intricate and complex than any human mind can possibly grasp. Now, the truth of this is that there are also some of these complexities which are not within the grasp of even the most advanced Masters and Enlightened Beings. We too do our jobs to guide,

counsel and provide Unconditional Love and support as we all work toward increasing the vibration of the great Multiverse. We represent Truth and Love in our dealings with you, and we keep always to the principles of Universal Law, which requires only actions which are of the Greater Good. At this time, it is the Greater Good which is at issue. It is never optimal for our children to be given responsibilities or privileges which are beyond their capacity to process or handle. It is always best for the student to raise him/herself to the level of competence before graduation. We feel the Truth of this Law at this time, and hope that we can transmit to you the sense of gratitude and hope that we feel for the patience and constant care which all beings are given, each according to their individual needs, and each according to the needs of the greater Unity. You are just learning, Dear Ones, the meaning of Unity Consciousness. It is not a concept you have taken to easily. The spirit of independence and free will is not contradictory to Unity, but it is a long road from freedom and liberty as many on your planet have practiced it by exercising greed and destruction of Earths resources, to a genuine quality of freedom which respects and nurtures the need of every living thing equally. You may have noticed a recognition of these truths during the Citizens Hearings. The seemingly unanimous acceptance of the presence of benevolent cousins was received without objection, and the feeling of conviction that we have begun a new way of life was felt by all in the room. The energy level was high 5th dimension, and it carried everyone along. The threat to the status quo was absolutely evident and present. You may have noticed that a few of the speakers were far more passionate and emboldened than they had been previously, and several were far more eloquent than they had been all week. You may even have noticed a new use of the language of One - the idea that we will all do this together, and the frank declaration that your government is not run by Congress, is not representative at all, but is run by corporations. Those ringing words were encouraged, you might say, by the presence of our Archangel Michael who worked by overlighting powerful suggestion to encourage those whose beliefs were in this direction, to speak them passionately. They will not be aware that the words were not completely their own but were inspired by Divine Intervention because these individuals are evolving toward Unity consciousness themselves. Now, we hope you are prepared to join the effort to make one more giant push toward tipping the balance. We all wish and hope for the decision to reveal the presence of your Star Brothers and Sisters within this window, this week. We ask that you take part in a group effort which will demonstrate willingness to make a sacrifice and to do your part for the Greater Good. Here is the process which was recommended by Zorra of Hollow Earth, and which we endorse wholeheartedly. This night, May 4 at midnight in whatever time zone you inhabit, you will begin a meditation in which you will concentrate fully (without interruption and without any electronic devices to distract you) on envisioning the glorious uncloaking of the Ashtar Command ships and the final Disclosure being officially announced by governments all across the globe. You will concentrate

for 4 full hours, foregoing the comfort and pleasure of sleep, instead dedicating yourself to the conscious joining with your friends and loved ones who are also following Zorras instructions through the website. You will produce an effect similar to the Harmonic Convergence which began this phase of your Ascension process and will demonstrate your willingness to do your part. A second offering of willingness will be to skip you evening meal, if you have not already partaken of it, and to offer instead your will, your concentration and your Love to the process of creating an energetic miracle of high vibrational consciousness which will raise the level across the planet, creating a wave of escalating energy to carry you all across the threshold to high 5th dimensional consciousness. If you have not received this message in time to accomplish the meditation tonight, then do the same meditation tomorrow night to show your solidarity and intention to do your part for the Greater Good. Your efforts will be equally important. And now we ask that Kathryn post this message for all of you to read, and we send you our Unconditional Love and support in your ambitious project. We are Mother/Father God Via Kathryn May, May 4, 2013, 6 PM, New York

Part 152: Prime Creator Tells His/Her Point of View

My Dear Children, this is Prime Creator. It is your first chance, now, to see your brothers and sisters of the skies. You have been a race of beings who look at the ground beneath your feet when you walk. You look down at your watches, you search in the dirt under your feet for buried treasure. You long for riches to appear in the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, where it touches the ground. Your spoken words are filled with downward meanings; You are down when you feel sad. You are down-trodden when you give away your own freedom; you are under the weather when you are ill, and you find yourselves in the dumps when things go against you. When life deals you a disappointment, it's all downhill; your intemperate ways put you into a hole, and when you have more than one challenge you think you are going down the drain. Down, may I remind you, is the opposite of Up. I am going to tell you why it has taken so long for you to be introduced to your brothers and sisters from the skies. It is because it has been over your heads to acknowledge that you are not the only fish in the sea, the only planet in the Universe which could sustain life. You have clung so tightly to the precious idea that you are alone in the Universe, the Supreme intelligence of your planet, and the Masters of all you possess, and you think you possess everything you behold. You go about your lives as if you created your own planet out of nothing, achieved what you have by the sheer force of your will, and no one else could have accomplished such a marvelous feat, ever. This is what you would call a syndrome - an ego problem. It makes you ego-tistical and myopic, although you are also charming in your self-glorifying ways, as a toddler who squeals when it manages to clap its two hands together, and when three consecutive steps brings a sense of triumph beyond words. Yes, you are adorable, as you are abominable. You love your own kind - however you define that - and you vilify and abuse others. You rape and pillage your Mother Earth even as you glorify and celebrate her beauty in photographs and paintings, as you have done with your own human females. You are a paradox, a noisy, squabbling, pushing and shoving gaggle of wondrously imaginative, emotionally sensitive and cleverly creative children, and you are so easily offended and so intolerant of children yourselves that you probably think I am insulting you. I am not.

I am only trying to give you a sense of how difficult it is for Us to entrust you with decisions which could affect the entire Multiverse without simultaneously putting restrictions on your freedom of choices. You have blown up yourselves and your planet when your considerable creativity and intelligence allowed you to develop the technology to do so. You must admit, you love blowing things up. You are reckless, inclined toward violence in all its forms, and endlessly imaginative in your application of cruelty to one another and to other living things, for which you have no mercy. Now, that is only the darker side of humankind. You are also the most passionately loving, heroically self-sacrificing, and ferociously protective of those you love. Your capacity for loyalty and enduring emotional attachment is legendary, as is your ability to create astonishingly beautiful works of art and to be touched so deeply by music and inspiring words that you often weep with joy in their presence. Your love for your children is so intense that you fear for their deaths every moment they live, and you cling to them with such fierce passion that you risk strangling the life out of them even as you nurture their bodies and fill their minds with endless streams of trivial information. You have all but ignored your connection to me and to those who oversee your care - your Guides and Masters and your own Higher Selves. In your rush to accumulate wealth and power, by Intergalactic standards you have developed the singularly obnoxious qualities of greed and selfishness, which are absolutely contrary to Universal Law. All in all, Beloved Ones, you are what one of your clever slangsters called "a hot mess." And now, young gladiators, you wish to be welcomed into the exquisitely ordered and peaceful pleasures of higher dimensional life. In your gloriously blossoming hearts you long to be a part of the trust and companionship you remember from your lives at Home, when you were not burdened by the troublesome 3 dimensional human bodies you have worn in these Earth lifetimes. Your souls yearn for the warmth and connection to your brothers and sisters of Light, but your courageous experiment in Earthly adaptation is still evolving. You have reached a tipping point, a watershed moment in the development of humankind. You can taste it, and it makes you nearly frantic with desire. Such is the quality of this, your most complex strain of human being-ness. What you lack in self-discipline and restraint, you make up for in courage and will. You are the hearts of my heart, the dreamers of my dream, and you are your magnificent unique selves. You begin each incarnation as calm and resolute souls, then you blaze with glory or you crash and burn, but rarely do you fail to learn and grow. Now you plead your case before the Councils to

grant you graduation to higher levels. Your Mother planet has been elevated and you wish to match her Ascension, thereby gaining the privileges that go with it. I will grant you your fervent prayers, not because of their intensity alone but because they are now so generous of spirit. You pray not for yourselves but for your civilization, for peace and for abundance for your neighbors, and many of you have learned forgiveness of your enemies. It is you who will lead in the building of a new civilization when the doors of Heaven open and your lovely family of Beings of every shape, color and size pour forth in their enthusiasm to embrace and welcome you into the Intergalactic family. First, you will be tested. The ships of the Ashtar Command will be allowed to decloak, making their presence known to every man, woman and child on the planet. The spontaneous response of the people of Gaia will determine the course of the coming era. Are you ready for that? Will you each sustain your Faith and be willing to embrace, once and for all, the qualities of kindness, compassion, forgiveness, Truth and Unconditional Love in all you do? It will now be your path to be in complete command of your every thought, feeling and action, as you begin your new Golden Age. You have earned the opportunity to try for the highest timeline you can reach for. I give you my blessings, and I lovingly pray for your triumph. Prime Creator Via Kathryn May, May 5, 2013, 4 am.

Part 153: Prime Creator - A New Perspective

Dear Ones: From the beginning of time, I have lovingly overseen the development of our dear Creations, from stars to insects, galaxies to black holes. No particle is too small, no Universe too complex to fall outside the concern and Love of my attending Eye. Can you conceive of that? Can you accept my Love? It is a necessary part of your own development if you are to reach the Perfection you strive for without driving yourselves crazy with self-criticism and condemnation. You have heard the old saying about not being able to love others until you love yourself first. It is true, but it is a tall order if you have lived a life in which love was scarce, especially during childhood. It is difficult to give to others what you have not experienced yourself. In fact, it would be impossible if it were a matter of just this one lifetime and just the Love offered you by the humans incarnated around you. There is far too much cruelty and injustice around you in your human world for you to overcome the undertow of negativity and darkness without assistance from those in higher dimensions. It is offered to you willingly, with compassion and empathy, because many of the most skilled and attentive Angels and Masters have themselves experienced life on Gaia in human bodies. They know all about the challenges and hopes, the traumas and the pain that you experience; they do not forget. They also understand the urgency you feel with the passing of time as you experience it. It is not true that because We live in timelessness that we do not understand your sense of time. We understand both time and timelessness, which is an advantage for us, but it does not make us insensitive to your feelings. It is one of the great challenges of life on Gaia, especially as you experienced it in 3D, that you must learn to live balanced in two different worlds - the spiritual and the material. Many of you are just beginning to open your hearts to higher dimensional experience. It is a struggle for you to learn patience, the quality of competence which develops when you are able to grasp glimmers of the feelings of timelessness as well as the comfort of Our abiding Unconditional Love in combination. You are born with this, Beloved Ones - the sense of swimming in an endless sea of Unconditional Love. You absorb it through your immature crown chakra, which remains open to receiving our higher vibrational energy as long as your environment allows you the peaceful moments of contemplation you need to maintain openness. Unfortunately, most of you experience fear, loneliness and deprivation early in your lives and so are drawn away from the idyllic state of joyful surrender to the overwhelming feelings of Love we pour down on you with every breath. We recognize this lack, and we now offer you the antidote to this childhood deprivation: a deep connection with Us which will re-condition your nervous system and restore your frazzled nerves to the peace of mind you all long for. It is your birthright, the goal of this life you have

worked so hard to understand. It is also the state you return to when you finish this lifetime and return to the bosom of your Creator. This Ascension which you work so hard to understand is not new and foreign to you - you have experienced it many times before, when you have left your bodies to return to higher dimensions. The level you reach between lives depends on the work and the lessons you have achieved during your many incarnations. So you see, everything you do now in this life counts. The assignments you receive, the level of responsibility you are given when you return Home all depend upon the level of Unconditional Love, compassion, empathy, truthfulness and patience you are able to reach in this lifetime. Do not think that this is just an interlude to get through or a trial to be borne - just the opposite. It is an opportunity for advancement. Every difficult moment, every stressful challenge offers the possibility that you can demonstrate your mettle - not to us, but to yourself. In that regard, the most difficult lives offer the most exciting possibilities, the option to leap hurdles you were not able to clear in previous livetimes. Some of you have taken that option this time around because you knew of the coming Ascension and wanted to come through it as the brilliant leaders you felt you would be capable of being with a bit more "seasoning." Others of you, the younger souls, were ambitious in your efforts to achieve what your Enlightened elders have demonstrated to you - endurance, courage and abiding Love. Thus, the chaos and struggle of the recent state of affairs on Planet Earth has been a perfect proving ground, and one you knew was unlikely to continue for another lifetime. You were aware before you came here that an incarnation in the human form as it is developing on Gaia is renowned throughout the Multiverse as the fire which tempers metal, the kiln which anneals the vessel. There is hardly a life on Gaia which does not carry with it extreme challenges; even the wealthy and privileged must withstand the temptations of power and the indulgence of the senses which can overwhelm an inexperienced soul. Even the gifts of high intelligence and/or physical beauty can be a curse to one without reserves of inner strength to counter the flattery which can inflate the ego to the point of self-destruction. You are now passing through a period which has strained the patience of even the most experienced souls. You have been promised relief from financial worries - the most stressful of problems because of the hold money has on the imagination of humankind. There is hardly a person on the planet who has not imagined the life of glamour and luxury which would result if you were to win the lottery, in spite of the minuscule probability of such an event. This fascination with money has of course been the creation of the Dark Entities which controlled Gaia, but their clever deception has been so complete that the general population is completely unaware of the manipulation which has enslaved everyone. You have also been promised free energy, clean water, clear skies - the end to environmental destruction, and family reunions with your Star Brothers and Sisters which promise an end to loneliness and alienation. You have been told that you will be able to ascend without leaving the body, without the disruption of ending life as you have known it. It truly is a promise of Paradise - a Golden Age in which all will rise to new heights of creativity and well-being.

We have assured you over and over that We love you unconditionally and that we wish the best for you. How is a parent or Creator to accomplish this feat of balance between allowing your growth to continue unchecked, never to be experienced again in exactly the same way, as opposed to the fulfillment of their offsprings' fondest dreams? How would you balance these moments in a young one's development if it were your responsibility? Free will is a precious commodity - one not to be tampered with or restrained. So is the fulfillment of the Greater Good, the acknowledgement that there is a time for every season under Heaven. This is the delicately balanced finale we have orchestrated for you, according to your own wishes, using the measures and requirements for fulfillment you prescribed for humankind in the process of Ascension. Yes, you, Dear Ones, have been the co-creators of this plan, the Masters of you own Fate. It is your Higher Selves who communicate with Us from moment to moment about the state of your consciousness and feelings, using the measures you devised long ago. Your own Soul Guides are the ones in command of this intricate unfoldment, as they observe with Love and hope the progress toward your highest good. Why do you persist in railing against me, my messengers, my Ascended Masters and my Archangels, as if we were somehow holding you back? Could it be that you are such cruel taskmasters yourselves that you imagine Us to be the same? Would you do what you accuse us of - teasing and tormenting our children with broken promises and shattered dreams? Are you not the playground bullies of past, the competitive and isolated proponents of "manifest destiny" - the fulfillment of individual rights and self-realization to the denial of the rights of others? Loved Ones, we await only the achievement of the guidelines you laid down for yourselves. We are the guardians of your promise to yourselves, the trustees who have been charged with the responsibility for helping you to accomplish your ambitious plan. We take our responsibilities to heart; we will not fail you. You are the Captains of this glorious Ship, the Commanders-in-Chief of the most illustrious plan for the Enlightenment of humankind ever devised. We await your command. Prime Creator Via Kathryn May, May 7, 2013, 9 PM,

Part 154: Breaking Taboos: Social Disclosure

Today we would like to talk about the ongoing Ascension process. We know you never get tired of updates, especially those which give you some news about the progress toward the uncloaking of ships. Your imaginations are vivid and accurate - you know it will have a very powerful effect on the psychological state of the population when it happens. We believe this is true, for the most part. Of course, there are still many who trust in the system of values and beliefs you live by now - the religious and social mores which organize your lives. It is difficult, well, nearly impossible, for instance, for them to imagine a world without money or financial systems, without the need for work that absorbs half of everyone's adult life. They cannot conceive of a life in which "leisure time" is considered living your life. The equation work=responsibility is so ingrained in the consciousness of the people that they cannot imagine a life in which a painter or a musician is valued the way corporate executives are now, and where there are no corporations, nor any need for them. Now, how do we help the civilization of Planet Earth to rework their belief systems to make room for understandings which defy description in the language you have been raised with, and the concepts you take for granted? We have been working hard to provide you with new information which will stretch your brain connections to make space for the understanding of things which are largely derided or disparaged in your culture. For instance, sensitivity is a given in higher dimensions. The ability to sense others' feelings and thoughts is as natural as breathing among beings who communicate telepathically. It would be the equivalent to being deaf and blind for a being to be without the powerful gift of sensitivity the full use of the senses. In your so-called modern cultures it is considered a weakness - the province of weaklings and sissies, which is also defined as synonymous with female. How are we to even transmit the simple idea that women are equal to men? and that children deserve respect as much as adults do? There are still large areas of the world where a female child is considered a burden and a curse, while a male child is celebrated. These are not cultures in which the slightly larger physical stature of the male is valued because of his ability to lift heavy objects, for that is not the most important attribute of the male in any culture. There does still remain the sad truth that men do have greater physical strength than women, and can thereby threaten them with bodily harm. This is an extremely primitive level of development. Imagine, for instance, the reaction of a Right-wing Fundamentalist religious group where hatred and contempt for freedom of choice in every area of life is the norm. What will be the effect of uncloaking and landings to a group of people who despise anyone who is not exactly like them in their beliefs and ways. They are abusive because most of the have been abused at one stage of their lives or another. Their lives are governed by fear, and by the arrogance that springs from fear. Will they gladly accept the suggestions for changing their culture toward gentler and kinder ways, as presented by, say, Athena, whose ship is called "Dove?"

Will any of the large institutions of Planet Earth be willing to voluntarily accept that the era of the feminine has begun, and that in the millennia to come women will be the leaders while men play a supporting role? Advanced technology will not only replace oil, gas and nuclear power. It will also level the physical differences between male and female. When children can drive and women can work at any endeavor a man can, how will males find their balance and their selfworth? So you see, Dear Ones, there is much more to this decloaking business than simply showing the world that you are not alone, or that your Brothers and Sisters are not hostile. There is the profound experience of Culture Shock to be taken into account. We know from past experience that poor people who win the lottery often wind up a year later with less than they started with. We also know that disruptions in the social network are frequently accompanied by increases in violence and mental illness. We are concerned for the peace of mind of the weakest among you the vulnerable children and the single mothers, and those in areas of poverty where mobilizing the police force to "keep peace" could create great danger for the inhabitants. There are, as we have said, numerous variables to be considered as we move toward the greatest Shift to be accomplished in the history of the Universe. It is requiring an educational campaign worldwide to prepare the people for change in the very foundational assumptions which order your world. This series of messages is one of those campaigns. It has had a very positive effect across the U.S and Canada. It is now also picking up steam around the world. It is being read on every continent, in most of the countries of the world. Now we ask you to help us by sending this message on to five of your friends or family members who have never seen them before. Yes, we are creating a "chain letter," and it is truly for the Greater Good! Please help us to educate the entire world about The True Way, and to help them feel comfortable with making contact with the Star Brothers and Sisters who have come to help, to share, and to express their love and concern for your welfare. It is our hope to create an environment in which no one will be shocked or terrified; no one will be completely unaware of the growing presence of benevolent ships which are waiting to make friendly contact with you, their little sister planet. Many governments around the world have very recently agreed to open their files to reveal the truth about past contacts with extraterrestrial life. So far, there has been a boycott on spreading the good news which is being uncovered. As we have told you, the mass media is for the most part useless now, since nearly all the news outlets on the planet are owned by three or four powerful entities which intend to maintain the status quo. The others are simply cowed into offering nothing but celebrity news and a few tidbits of local politics, mostly focusing on the personalities and sexual habits of individuals. We have often said that everything is perfect just as it is, that events unfold as they need to, and that all will be uncovered when the time is right. This is true of the era you are living through now. Look how the seemingly trivial pursuit of lurid sexual details has had a liberalizing effect on attitudes about sexuality and reproduction. Movie stars who uncover and celebrate their growing bellies and their nursing habits have finally, with the endless repetition of these images,

broken down the taboo against associating sex and reproduction! The new interest in celebrity children is opening up a new focus on children and their care, accompanied by a spirited debate about what is and is not good for them. The iconic photographs of pregnant women have finally, by repeated exposure, extinguished the aversion to discussing, or even acknowledging issues surrounding bonding, marriage, sexuality and childrearing in a way that would have been impossible just 50 years ago. Publicly indulged voyeurism has brought to the light what really happens when two people begin a partnership with the intention of creating a family, and what helps or hinders that process. It is truly a New Era of Enlightenment, where bringing daylight to the hidden corners of life has finally begun to encourage sensitivity to the needs of pregnant mothers and the men who have been equally involved in the creation of new life, and to the profound responsibilities it entails. Would you have thought, a few years ago, that the Kardashian habit of flaunting and exploiting the voluptuous female form would have led to a series of family life lessons in glorifying reproductivity in addition to showcasing the sexuality of a multiracial family? It has had a greater influence on reducing racial tensions and prudery than 50 years of civics and health class lessons could have accomplished. These themes have laid the groundwork for what is to come: the opening up of the last bastion of secrecy and "privacy" - the belief systems and practices of various religious groups. The precious quality of irreverence has begun to enter the bloodstream of the previously hidebound, self-righteous North American people. Freedom cannot be far behind. You see, Beloved Children, as in the past, the fears about the dissolution of "family values" really the fear of open questioning and intelligent discourse - have been proven groundless. Television and the internet have worked their magic. The world is constantly being exposed to an onslaught of images of cowering women in burkas, side by side with daily documentation of the growing bellies of bikini-clad tanned and healthy bodies of proud Western women. Can one planet sustain such absurd contrasts for long? We hope not. We have given you just a glimpse of the progress toward Disclosure. You were not aware, were you, of what was really in need of disclosure, beyond the activities of the cabal and the Galactic Forces of Light? The opening of minds and hearts is an ongoing worldwide process, and the groundwork is being laid in living rooms and kitchens across the globe. Do your part, Dear Ones, to speed the process by now throwing open the doors to a new view of what Life really entails, beyond the boundaries of the 3dimensional worldview of the past. We celebrate your growing Vision, your efforts at self-reflection and honesty, and your newfound camaraderie in the Lightworker community. We urge you to continue your push to open yourselves and others to new possibilities, the likes of which you have not even begun to envision yet. We are Mother/Father God, in company with the gathering Legions of Light. Via Kathryn May, May 10, 2013, 3 am.

Part 155: The Hierarchy of Heaven is Governed by Universal Law

Here we are again, and it is the end of a beautiful day on Gaia. It is a beautiful day when it rains, for the plants and animals revel in the cleansing bath and drink deeply of the sustaining water which brings life to all. Birds celebrate in the puddles and sing to one another with the pleasure of being alive. We hope that you too are celebrating the joy of being alive, breathing the fresh air and reveling in the new season, wherever you are. The change of seasons is a wonderful bonus for all of you on Gaia. It is the result of the tilt of her axis, which provides the constant wonder of evolving and shifting colors, sights and smells. Now it is spring in the Northern Hemisphere, and a glorious time it is. You may have noticed the fresh feeling in the air. It is a combination of several things which have benefitted Gaia enormously in the past year. First, the efforts of environmentalists and new technologies resulting from the awareness they have brought forth which have begun to take effect. Cleaning up the emissions from cars, factories and coal burning facilities has had a very beneficial effect. It may seem a small step to many of you, but it has slowed the devastation enough to make it possible for Gaia to find renewed resources in her ability to restore the balance of clean air and water, as she has done throughout your history. In addition, the contribution of your Star Brothers and Sisters cannot be overestimated. They have used their combined strengths to help with the cleanup process - especially with the cleansing and purifying of the toxins which were released in the oil spills of the last few years, as well as the removal and neutralization of nuclear radiation. They will continue to work diligently to restore Gaia to her former pristine self, and will be very happy to work with their Earth counterparts in teaching you the application of their technologies when the time comes. You have been told in messages from Sananda and Ashtar and others just how eager and excited they are to greet you and to embrace you. They love you with all their hearts, and sometimes are overcome with the excitement of the coming decloaking and landings, to the extent that they are also vulnerable to making predictions which may be premature. Ashtar has apologized for his miscalculation - which seemed so right at the time - and for the disappointment it caused many of his dear Sisters and Brothers. (His message through his beloved Twin Flame, Athena, appeared on the website.) We also regret that we cannot predict with absolute certainty when an event is going to occur. This is a game of probabilities, as you may have noticed. We all feel the coming changes, even more acutely than you do, but as we have said, the variables reach magnitudes we cannot even begin to describe to you, and the final decision always falls to Prime Creator, so we await the "decision" as you do. Let us try to explain a bit about our feelings concerning the position of being within the hierarchy of Heaven, where each level of ascension brings with it greater pleasures and greater

responsibilities. It is difficult for you to imagine a hierarchy without any feeling of being controlled or manipulated or directed against your will. Your experience of having a "boss" is generally an unpleasant one. You have operated under the pressure and oppression of an authoritarian, judgmental system where the one at the top inevitably takes advantage of his/her position by abusing the power of their office in order to use and take advantage of those beneath them. The hierarchy of Heaven is a completely different system from the one you know on Gaia. We honor and respect our Prime Creator with the most profound sense of gratitude and Love. Without the overseeing beneficent Eye of our Creator and teacher and mentor, we would not exist nor would we be able to learn to be Creators ourselves. Yes, there are times when we are tested and stretched to the limit of our imagination, when we have had to reach deeply into our Beingness to learn the necessary lesson in order to thrive, and continue to carry forward the work in the highest spirit of Love, honoring the Greater Good for all. You see, the entire Multiverse operates according to the Universal Laws, within the energy of abiding Unconditional Love. There have been those from time to time who defy those Laws, who wish to prove themselves more powerful than their teachers, more imaginative than their Creators. You have learned a bit of the story of the Fallen Ones, which we will elaborate on in coming messages. Defiance of the Laws which order and maintain the balance of the Universe is not a new phenomenon - there are many among you who feel these inclinations whenever there is a disappointment, or an event which seems to you to indicate a broken promise. We can assure you that in the dealings of the hierarchy of Heaven, there are no broken promises. There is the flow of change which brings unexpected events, or the confluence of forces which create multi-dimensional shifts which may effect those in the lower dimensions in a way that is unexpected to them; such is the way. But never are there circumstances which would bring deleterious effects to the children of the Universe from the higher perspective of their original contracts and their ongoing soul development. You witness the suffering and painful emotions on the surface of the planet. We see the courageous and imaginative actions of the volunteers who have gone forth knowingly, to take part in the most difficult and challenging experiment in soul development ever devised. Why is it that every time we remind you of your commitment and your part in the design of this endeavor, so many of you become angry with us and criticize our "decisions" and the way we are conducting the project, and the speed at which it is unfolding? Are you imagining that we are like your so-called democratic government where you are supposedly represented by your elected officials, but where your opinions are largely disregarded as soon as those representatives are elected and go off to their centers of power? Are you imagining that we make arbitrary laws to tax you and use your resources and organize your lives without your knowledge or input? No, we would never do such a thing. We take our responsibility to you as an eternal pledge, to do what will be in your Highest Good, for each and every one of you. You see, from our perspective, that is not an impossible situation, as it may seem to you from your limited 3rd or 4th dimensional perspective. For us, every

outcome must be a win-win situation; this is the reason for delays, readjustments and recalibrations as we proceed. In this evolution of humankind, the direction is always forward; the common theme is always change, and any boundaries which are respected are those of your own making or those which you have previously understood and agreed to as the most beneficial path toward your own ascension to higher levels. No one in this project has ever been asked to enter into an agreement against their own will. No member of the team has been permitted to take part in a life experience without their full knowledge and enthusiastic agreement to all the circumstances and conditions which can be reasonably predicted, to the best ability of all concerned. Establishing a planet on which every individual experiences free will during their entire sojourn is a tricky business. Of course, it increases the variables exponentially, which is part of the challenge and part of the fascination with this magnificent challenge. Many of you who become depressed or hopelessly discouraged about your life circumstances are in the throes of imagining that you have been forced to come to this life against your will and that you have been assigned a position or difficult trial according to some arbitrarily imposed decision from on High. Nothing could be further from the truth. There are limited slots for embodiment on Gaia, these opportunities are in great demand, and you have been granted this lifetime at your fervent request. Unfortunately, the teachings of your religions have created a mythology about our punitive and judgmental ways that encourages feelings of despair and rebellion against Us. This is not an accident, of course. Much of what passes for "religion" was actually initiated by the Dark Ones in an effort to create a separation and estrangement from Us. It is this rift that we are making every effort to repair at this time. We send our loving energy in waves to wash over you, to caress and comfort you in your difficult self-imposed challenges. We encourage and oversee the training of your Guides and Masters who overlight your path every day of your lives, and we embrace you with Unconditional Love and Light all the hours of your days. We wish you well, Dear Ones, and we offer you our promise to continue to carry out the plan as we have designed it together; all shifts and changes are the waves you ride with the full knowledge and guidance of your Higher Self in constant communication with your Guides and with Us, in the hierarchy of Heaven. We will triumph, together. We love you without limit, beyond what words can tell, Mother/Father God, in the company of the Legions of Light. Via Kathryn May, May 11, 2013, 10 pm.

Part 156: The Arcturians Offer Healing Help

We are the Arcturians. We have come here from our home planet Arcturus to be of assistance to you. We are one of the advanced civilizations which has moved through the Ascension process, much as you are beginning now. We generally reside in the 7th through the 9th dimension, and see ourselves as a group working together, although we are fully capable of individual expression if we choose to experience it. We are now speaking as a group of healers who are interested in helping you with the recovery process as you leave the difficult lower dimensional levels by increasing your vibration, individually and as a group. We heard the call from the one you call Kathryn to connect with us. We were very pleased. We know of her work channeling Mother/Father God and others, including Prime Creator. We have an invitation for Kathryn, our colleague and messenger: We would like to make a formal connection with you in order to facilitate our future work with you. We are delighted to remove the dark entities you uncover. The Reptilians you have sent away with us have all been returned to their Creator for forgiveness and DNA work to restore their capacity to respond to Light. Yes, Beloved Friends, we have dedicated ourselves to helping the Earth project in its ascension by removing the Dark Entities which have been so troublesome for you, especially for the Lightworkers. They are especially attracted to those who have promise as change agents in their cultures. They were fond of - well, fond is hardly a word we could use with Reptilians, but you know what we mean - it was their intention to put a stop to positive and creative activities whenever possible. Kathryn, this morning you removed a Reptilian entity from a woman who is an artist. She has been unable to do her artwork because of this entity. We are delighted to have been of assistance, because we see how talented the people you work with are, and what a contribution they can make when they are free. Yes, we are moved to feel what you would experience as tears of joy when we are able to free a person from the terrible bounds which are imposed by a Dark Entity, especially the Reptilians, who have been aggressive in their attacks on humankind. You and others have come to Gaia, as you call her, to help with the removal process and with the healing for those who have suffered so long with these Dark Ones. It is a project in which many of your Star Brothers and Sisters have been involved. Many have come forward, leaving their homes to offer to be of service in this time of need. We are honored to do this work with you to free those who are now feeling the need to remove this troublesome Darkness from their own personhood, in order to be free at last. Your culture has not been helpful to those who have suffered. The treatment for these symptoms of anxiety, frustration, depression and fear which the Reptilians generate within the person has been to drug people with medications which subdue the symptoms partially, but they also interfere with the will of the person to fight off the Dark Energies. We feel very sad when we see

a kind and generous person being subdued into submission by the psychopharmacological drugs which are so profitable to their makers but so damaging to their patients. We hope that you will post this message to your readers to inform them of the possibility that we can help them. We stand ready with our teams of workers who are well trained in the removal of Dark Entities. We are happy to be of service to everyone who feels what you have accurately identified as the symptoms of one who is carrying - containing - a Dark Entity. We will review it here for your readers: You are periodically overcome by feelings of anxiety, depression, sadness or anger, or all of these, but it feels as if it is not who you really are - it is "not you" as you have known yourself over your lifetime. You are generally good natured, value your ability to be kind and considerate of others, and consider meanness to be a low level of human behavior, unacceptable to you as part of your day to day demeanor. You are longing to restore yourself to health so that you can go about doing the good work you feel you are here to do, but your "mood" disorders prevent you from doing so. You may have felt these mood shifts all your life, but they still feel strange and unacceptable to you. If the onset of these feelings is more recent, you can probably point to a time when it began. The change in your feelings may have followed a time when you were vulnerable emotionally, because of an emotional trauma, an illness, an episode with drugs or alcohol, or a surgical procedure which required anesthesia. You have adapted your life to accommodate periods of "illness," or you have found friends and loved ones who will love you in spite of the "not yourself" behavior. You feel shame and self-judgment over the fact that you are not able to control the feelings and behavior which stem from something you do not understand. You have previously tried many forms of therapy or medical assistance to deal with this persistent problem. You may feel a bit better, but not "cured." We wish to offer our services to help humankind at this time of transition and elevation of planetary energies. It has made the presence of these Dark Energies even more apparent, because some of those who would be among the brightest and best Lightworkers are crippled by the fact that they are still burdened by these Dark Energies. Many have called on Kathryn to help with the removal of these energies or entities (there is a difference). We have seen the work that she does first-hand, when she calls upon us to remove the Reptilian types. We have also seen the follow-up information and care she offers, as a part of her training as a psychologist. The Visual Centering work she teaches is based on an ancient healing knowledge which we have used ourselves for many eons. We are delighted to see it finally being taught on Gaia. We wish to formally offer to join in a partnership of healing, by joining in any removal procedure Kathryn finds necessary, and we will also offer her further training in some of the most advanced healing methods we have learned throughout our experience as Galactic healers. We hope that other healers will come forward to be trained in the Visual Centering techniques, although we understand that it is time-consuming and difficult to master. You do tend to be impatient in what you learn, believing that a "technique" is something you can learn by being shown how to do it once.

We acknowledge that these methods are not easy, but their mastery leads to a very different life experience for the practitioner as well as the sufferers they are able to heal. It is a time for excellence, for stretching beyond the boundaries of what your standard medical and psychological practitioners have offered. Many of you are aware that energy healing practices are powerful alternatives to the barbaric medical treatments available in your Western world. It is time for those practices to become the mainstream offerings for humankind, but you will need more precise practices and methods for testing results. This part of the scientific approach to healing will remain an important element in effective and most efficient practices. We invite your participation with us in this new approach, for you to find relief for many of the ailments which you thought were either incurable or inevitable in the life process. We do know that health is a state of mind. We offer our knowledge and our friendship for this time of dramatic Shifts and changes on your dear planet. We are willing to cooperate with anyone who calls on us for help, but we do prefer to have a formal working relationship with the those who are able to comfortably channel our information and instructions in the process of doing the treatments. This insures the safe and permanent removal of the troublesome Entities. We look forward to continuing speedy clearing of the Dark Entities who have often been contained within the bodies, minds and hearts of the Lightworkers and Ascended Masters who came to Gaia to assist in the uplifting of others at this crucial time. This process will assist in the overall lightening of the vibration here on the surface of Gaia, where you have become used to the feelings of fear and discontent. It is not a normal state of Being. We hope to offer you a pleasing alternative to your discomfort. We are the Arcturians, your Star Brothers and Sisters, in cooperation with the Galactic Federation of Light. We send you our Love and our Blessings. Namaste. Via Kathryn May, May 14, 2013, 11 pm

Part 157: Life is a Universal Law

Were going to talk about some new things today. We are going to begin to explain to you how this Earth adventure began for all of you, and we will try to show you the background which will explain why your lives here seem so arduous and so arbitrary in several respects. We might title this Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People? First, let us begin with the concept of relativity. Bad is a relative term, one that is created for 3 dimensional experience where people have free will. It is usually used to describe an event, an action, even a thought or feeling which might be considered to be hurtful to living beings, especially people. People in a 3D free will environment are expected to do things that are good and not do things that are bad. Over the course of generations, each culture spends quite a lot of time and energy trying to decide what is good and what is bad, and making up rules and laws to enforce the agreed-upon definitions. This process is ongoing and fraught with disagreement, as individuals and groups argue with each other about what is Truly Good and what is Truly Bad. These definitions of what is good or bad, approved or disapproved, expand and evolve over time as civilizations develop, but always there are debates and discussions about what God (Spirit, Creator, One, Jehovah, Allah, etc.) thinks is Good or Bad. The most arrogant and belligerent of believers in Righteousness profess to know for certain what God believes, and they try to force their particular interpretation of What is Good and What is Bad on everyone else. The most offensive of these sects or cults, who often call themselves True Believers, put pressure on their leaders to write and enforce laws to control others as an expression of these beliefs. This, Dear Ones, is the most backward, inside-out approach to producing a safe and secure society in which everyone can thrive. We will speak to you a little about what we call The True Way, and how we suggest that you begin to learn what it means. You have heard us say that we dont like to give you exact dates, except the ones that you yourselves have identified as your particular goal-dates, or the ones which are directly connected to cosmic events which you identify as particular days on your calendar. (We do not use calendars, you see.) You have the habit of becoming fixed on a particular point in time, and then are disappointed when what you imagined would happen did not occur. The same occurs with rules. We give you a simple set of Universal Laws, and you spend the next twelve millennia trying to interpret and figure out what they mean, rather than communicating with Us to understand them. This is one of the reasons we have not simply laid out a list of rules for you here. Instead, we talk with you in the spirit of Unconditional Love, Compassion and Truth which are basic tenets of The True Way. We tell you that Love is the energy of the higher dimensions, and that your educational path here on Earth is for the sole purpose of learning to become the expression of Unconditional Love in all you say and do. When you are able to do that, you ascend yourself (we have just made up a verb) into higher dimensions. This is a crucial part of the lessons - you lift yourselves. We do not do it for you, or give it to

you as a reward for good behavior. By the same token, no human or other living entity can ascend you, or descend you. No one can do it for you, even Us, just as no one can breathe for you or think for you. They may try, but ultimately, only you, in loving consultation with Us, can create your life plan and execute it. Once you decide upon your long-range ambitions and the short-range lessons you wish to experience, We, the Guides, Masters, Enlightened Ones, ancestors and your own soul family members develop a plan for each lifetime, down to each major event and each important relationship which we together deem most beneficial for you. In all these discussions and planning sessions, you are the Director and Head of your own committee. Of course we may make strong recommendations, and your Greater Soul, in cooperation with your Twin Flame, will have considerable input into this process, but the final decision is yours. Now, this brings us to this Earth experience, and why anyone would want to come here, to the planet of tears and suffering, if they had a choice to do otherwise. Well, believe Us, Dear Ones, you had the choice of the entire Universe for your lessons, and you chose Gaia as your proving ground, your University of first-choice, much as your college students apply and go through the acceptance process when they choose their course of study. Yes, Earth is the Ivy League of Higher Education, and we assure you that the only ones who end up here, are here because it was their first choice for this lifetime. But why, why why you ask of Us. Do not ask us. Look inside yourself, inside your own souls. Look for the spark of Divine, loving energy. Look for the love of excitement, variety, challenge and change. It is within you just as it is within Us. The Universe is change, movement, excitement, energy in flux. Nothing stays the same; there is no status quo in the Multiverse. You are as much a part of that shifting, evolving energy as We are. Yes, some of you will say that all you want is peace, to control the change, get a handle on it, get on top of it, make it stop. There is no stopping the Universe; that is one of the first Laws of the Universe - it is in constant motion, and so are you. You cannot continue this life in the body if the heart stops pumping. You could not see if your eyes did not continue their flickering motion. You could not remain on the planet if she stopped spinning. To challenge this inevitability is beyond foolhardy, it is impossible. Yet, with each lifetime you must relearn this lesson: your experience here is lived within the order and requirements of Universal Law, and by Universal Law, we do not mean democratically chosen political decisions. Universal Laws are a given, a system of Truths within which we all operate. You may ask all your lifetimes to understand Universal Laws, but you may not ask to change them, for yourself or for others. No discussion. We will discuss what your options and opportunities are within the structure of life in the Universe where you currently reside. This is what we call the True Way - the expression of life in all its variety and glory, within the tenets of Universal Law. Another crucial element in understanding this life on Earth is the Universal Law which requires

respect and appreciation of all living things, all consciousness, because we are all part of the One, and this means you. There are no exceptions: all life is precious beyond measure, yours included. Therefore, suicide is not an option. It would be in defiance of the precious gift of life you are given when you elected to come here, but beyond that, it is Universal Law. Once you have consciously joined your soul to the body you currently inhabit, you have created a new being - the Self you are in this particular configuration, and this Self must evolve through the seasons of its intended lifetime, as all created Beings do. Notice that we have chosen the words carefully in describing this process. You have deliberately chosen to join with this body. In doing so, you have taken into account the vagaries and complications of conception and fetal development, including the decisions of the parents and the health of the mother and fetus. All this has been considered before the final choice to commit to joining once and for all with this body, and to continue on the path of this envisioned life. This is where the complications and twists and turns of life come in. Some of you came here with the intention of living a short life, or an especially difficult life, to accomplish a particular goal. To that end, a fatal disease, disability or accident may have been part of the original plan. Some of you came to test yourselves in your courage to hold to the principles of Unconditional Love in action. You are the ones who have written into your plan encounters with evil, injustice and deceit. You will push yourselves through the most difficult challenges, ride out the disappointments and defeats and repeatedly pick yourselves up, brush yourselves off and go on, wiser and stronger after each test of your mettle. Yes, it is you, Dear Ones, who envision, create and live out your most arduous challenges. You are not alone in this process, however. Your Twin Flame, the mirror of your soul and the partner who shares your growth and your struggles, is with you every step of the way. You may have thought of this Being who is with you always as your Guardian Angel or your Main Guide, but they are much more. You were born together, as twin sparks of the same soul, and you remain together throughout eternity, as the two molecules of hydrogen remain together with oxygen (Us) to create water, the precious element of Life. In a later message, we will explain to you some of the extraordinary challenges and duties of the Twin Flame who remains in higher dimensions while you, the incarnate one, live out this life on Gaia. For now, we leave you to ponder this Universal Truth: You are One, you are Two, We are Three, and we are One. We are Mother/Father God, and we are Unconditional Love. Via Kathryn May, May 17, 2013, 2 pm, Lac Chevreuille, Quebec. (message delayed by lack of internet access)

Part 158: A Request of Kathryn and her Readers

Here is what we want you to do. We are going to ask you to wear the mantle of an Ascended Master in your work. It means that you are in training to take your place among the great Masters, and, to accomplish this Ascension of Ascensions, you must behave, think and feel like an Ascended Master in all you do. You realize that we gave you the title of "Lady Portia" in order to prepare you and inspire you. We made it public so that you would not forget. No, you are not THE Lady Portia; you are something better, for you. There is only one Lady Master Portia, and there is only one Lady Kathryn. Your work, your feelings and your dedication to lifting humankind by touching their hearts is very much in alignment with that of Lady Portia and her Twin Flame, St. Germain. She has answered your call for assistance and training in the ways of God Presence, and she has gladly become your mentor and Light. She will be with you in all you do, and will assist you in your teachings when you go out to present The True Way to the people who are so hungry for Truth. You will continue as you have, to follow her guidance and her Loving Presence, as you take to the world the essence of what it means to be a human being living fully in Light and Love, learning the Ways of God Presence, the Universal Laws which govern all beings and entities of the Universe, even down to the smallest atom. You have risked your reputation and your familiar, comfortable life to go out to the world with Our message. We now ask you to be our student and teacher, by offering yourself as the messenger of our Word, as you learn and grow yourself. You will have at your side the Masters who are ready to teach all who have prepared themselves carefully and well, as you have done. You will present Our message in all you do, and will be asked to stretch and learn in full view of the audience who are learning with you. You are a leader in your field and in your way of life. We now ask you to be the example of one who learns Our Way. In so doing, you will offer others hope, and a familiar presence who can prove to them that adhering to the principles you teach can bring fulfillment and joy beyond imagining. You, and those who read these words, are poised on the edge of a new way of life, but it will be birthed as all good things are birthed, with the Creative Power of Light and Love. It cannot be given to the people of Earth; it must be created. Such is the Universal Law. The thoughts and feelings of every human being go into creating the life they live. It cannot be otherwise. Those who live in Light, dedicating their thoughts and feelings to living in service to the One, will be always surrounded and nurtured by Light. Those who allow themselves to be caught up in feelings of doubt, anger, jealousy and fear will live in a vortex of those feelings, which return to their maker in real and identifiable form. We have told you, through the books of St. Germain, that you create the world you live in, and that your thoughts and feelings combine to make real the things you imagine. Yes, you are the

creators of your own circumstances. Few of you have absorbed the full meaning of these words, but continue to rail against the circumstances of your lives, or sink into despondence and hopelessness with the belief that you are a helpless victim of circumstances. You believe you must stoically bear your fate, because it is somehow given to you to suffer, and by suffering you will earn your wings. This is a misinterpretation of the life of Jesus, who did not in fact suffer greatly. Our Son Jesus Sananda was crucified for his actions and his challenges to those in power. It was not to reify the suffering of crucifixion, but to demonstrate the Ascension and Resurrection which is available to all of humankind. As the Ascended Master he was, he was able to depart from the body to raise himself back into the arms of God. He did not suffer inordinately, except through the pain of knowing his fellowmen were capable of such cruelty. This evidence of how far the people had strayed from the True Way was an excruciating reminder to those who loved him, and left a mark of pain on the hearts of all who lived on to reincarnate over and over on Gaia with the intention of turning this tide of hatred toward the Light. And here you are, Dear Ones, more than two thousand years later in Earth time, at the portal of a new Golden Age. Your dreams of peace and justice on Earth will be fulfilled, as each one of you finds peace within yourselves. This is the teaching which we ask of Kathryn, to join with you in establishing energetic centers of peace and goodwill; gatherings where all can come to celebrate Oneness and learn the practices which bring Light and Love into the lives of all who participate. These gatherings will be blessed by the Masters who are working diligently to hold the Light of Unconditional Love for all to be nourished and sustained by it. It was our wish to break through the reticence in Kathryn to publicly declare herself - not just her voice - to be the teacher through whom we can send our message to all of you. We did what you might call forcing her hand when we proclaimed her Ascended Master Portia. The same goes for your beloved Anne, of Hollow Earth Network, who was given the crown of Nada to wear. We wished to encourage and validate their selfless work in the service of others, not to humiliate or trouble them unnecessarily. It is our way, sometimes, when we find that our Masters-in-Training have difficulty overcoming their reluctance to step into the Light to lead. It is part of the training, this transition from being the one who works tirelessly in the background to being the one who will step forward to declare herself the Bearer of Light and Love - the embodiment of God in human form. It is a difficult transition for one who has served many lifetimes as God's servant to fill the role of being the one who takes the lead in showing The True Way by one's public actions and speech. You are all being pressed into service, so to speak, to fulfill the highest office of which you are capable at this time. We do not ask you for anything beyond that which you have already been trained for. We understand the reluctance of those who do not wish to be ridiculed or deemed strange by your family and friends. It has been popular notion that those who present themselves as God's representatives and even as God's embodiment on Earth must be delusional. Unfortunately, some who professed to be the sole representatives of our True Way have been egotistical frauds who only wished to gain fame and fortune for themselves. They are soon revealed by their own actions, according to Universal Law. As the energies rise, this sorting out

process has speeded up, and deceit is being baldly revealed to the world. You need not worry about being vilified by the world at large any more. The thirst for understanding and Ascension is so great that your efforts will be rewarded by all who benefit from your example. The lessons we wish to teach through these representatives, who have earned our trust and their position as leaders of the New Age, will be given to you in simple, understandable lessons, with the example of their own behavior to guide you. Use your discernment - the way of the Heart - to confirm for yourselves which are the best resources and the most reliable teachers. They have proven themselves through their humility, their selfless service and their ability to express Unconditional Love under the most difficult conditions. This is not an easy process for some who have clung to the way of "reason" - figuring everything out by "using your head." The brain you have been given is indeed a powerful tool, but it is not to be used for decision-making. Follow your hearts, and in doing so, search for the deepest reservoirs of Love within your hearts to guide you. You will not go wrong by offering Love and Forgiveness to those around you. This does not mean, as Kathryn has illustrated in our book, that you will give yourself over to being abused or taken advantage of. This would be feeding "the Dark side." Send your love from afar to those who would hurt you, and up close to those who drink it in and flourish. The first lesson you must absorb fully is this: You must prepare yourself to be worthy of higher dimensional experience by lifting yourself out of the throes of doubt and negative feeling into the state of full command of your human thoughts and feelings. Yes, by this we mean full awareness, every moment of every day, of the true meaning of your own feelings, thoughts and actions. Mindfulness is the state of complete awareness, reached through willingness to set aside all ego and sensory temptations - the pull of old patterns - to take up your position in the center of your Being, where you are in absolute command of all you think, feel and do. Take up the banner of Zero Tolerance for ignorance within the private boundaries of your Self. This does not mean intolerance of your own or others' mistakes - not at all. It means that whenever you discover a negative aspect within yourself, you will bathe it in Love, Light and Forgiveness, until it dissolves into the Universal Ocean of Love, never to be seen again. If it should be resurrected by your reluctant ego, bathe it again and again until it is given over, and takes on the great Light of God, and you are freed to walk in the Light unburdened and unashamed. These are the lessons we will offer you - the path of the True Way. You see, the Heaven on Earth you wish to experience cannot be given to any individual or group if they have not already lifted themselves to the state in which they are capable of experiencing it. Here we will teach you how to lift yourselves, how to wear the mantle of God's Light and Love by claiming it in a state of sincere humility and joy. It is Universal Law that like attracts like. As you have been told before: Be the love you wish to see on Earth, and you will truly experience Heaven. Be the mercy you wish to feel, and mercy will accompany you every step along your path. Be the Light and you will be given Light. Learn patience and all you long for will materialize at the speed of Light.

We are your Mother/Father God, in Love with all we Create. Via Kathryn May, May 18, 2013, 4 pm, Vendee, Quebec

Part 159: Here Comes the Handoff- Get Ready to Carry the Ball
There are very exciting things under way. We know that some of you became disinterested in the process of Ascension when it didnt happen as fast as you thought it would, but the energies continued to flow across the planet to all of you, you continue to be awakened to your own talents and abilities and to the need for you to serve your fellows as this work continues. Many of you have listened to Zorra of Hollow Earth this week, and heard his pronouncements about what is coming for all of you. It is true that the coming month is going to be a blockbuster, as you would call it. May 25th will bring the lunar eclipse which will begin another flow of energy which will surpass the December 2012 energies which caused so many to have headaches and Ascensionitis, as we called it then. This will be more powerful than that. Those of you who are awake will feel the rising tide so strongly that you will feel you are being lifted off your feet. Remember the feeling that some of you described as the sensation of dropping fast in an elevator, or the odd whirly feelings you get when you have jet lag? You absorbed those energies already, and you will now take another step upward in the vibrations you can absorb. You have acclimated well to the rising tide and are ready for the next shift. Others who complained and suffered illnesses during the last round will probably feel difficulties this time as well, but you will be better able to explain to them and encourage them to meditate, concentrate on deep breathing, adjusting and opening their chakras, and relaxing into it in order to ride it out. All of the month of June will offer you intense rising energies which are designed to lift all the people of planet Earth to the next level of 5th dimensional experience. Little by little, you are accommodating to the new energies and the new life it requires. All around you, more people are awakening, looking around them and realizing there is something wrong with the life they have lived, something wrong with the way your world is organized. They are noticing the cruel practices and violent ways and questioning why it has to be this way. More and more people are fervently envisioning peace, an end to the suffering and poverty caused by war, and an end to the stranglehold of powerbrokers who control the flow of money and use it to enslave whole countries. The Citizens Hearings for Disclosure brought real results. There was in attendance a representative from the U.N., who understood that the Disclosure process could not be left to any one person or country, but must be proposed to the entire General Assembly, as was suggested in the Hearings. A plan was hatched: the proposal will be to designate a day of meditation to invite the Galactics to come forward, to show themselves to us. It was well understood in the meetings that there is nothing to fear - many countries have already acknowledged that - and that the problem has been the policy of secrecy and cover-up, especially in the U.S.

Now, all of you can have a powerful effect on the outcome of these continuing efforts. Remember our request that you create another Harmonic Convergence? Now is your chance. It is very important that you begin by sending your group envisioning power to the members of the General Assembly of the U.N. Here is what we propose: Use the handy numbers 11:11 and 12:12 as your rallying times, so that at least twice a day all across the globe, people will be sending the strong suggestion to the representatives who will be asked to vote on this proposal that they enthusiastically support it and vote Yes to naming a Day of Meditation to Welcome the Galactics - soon! Picture the gathering, the representatives smiling at one another, the lifting of hearts, and the positive sense of anticipation and joy at joining together to make such a thing possible. Begin as soon as you read this message. It will be your work - all of you who read this message, and there are many thousands of you - to join together to accomplish the first phase of this project. Your previous meditation was effective; it spawned the hopeful idea in so many people that the Galactics are indeed friendly. Now, take the next step. Make it your purpose to join in placing the psychic bomb under the behinds, as you might say, of the U.N. members. Blast them out of their seats, to clap and cheer for the proposal, and it will be done. The following phase will be for all of you to pass the word to everyone you know to publicize the date of the Meditation Day and to keep the attention building. So you see, you will have an ongoing job to meditate each day twice to create the monumental force which will carry the movement forward. It may take some time - you know how large organizations move - but your persistence will create the sense of urgency to make it happen, at each step of the way. You have gathered here to read these messages as a group, expanding your numbers with each passing week. There are now enough of you - some 10,000 strong - to create a Harmonic Convergence of your own, if you put your minds and hearts to it. Do not underestimate the power you possess as a living organism of Light, capable of changing the course of the world with the energy of your group mind in action. This project will indeed test your patience and your resolve. We ask that you begin now and that you continue to meditate twice a day for 5 or ten minutes with all the intensity you can muster, for as long as it takes. Begin with the U.N. members, then later with spreading the word with your actions and continued meditations each day. In this way you will keep the energy focused on the process with such intensity that it will be impossible for your intention to be ignored. With the increased energies flowing across your dear planet, your intentions will be carried on the flow of Light and Love to every corner of the world, and others will begin to envision the celebration and joy of greeting their brothers and sisters and Twin Flames who will arrive on the

ships. Many of you have written to Kathryn or called in to the radio show to ask what your path is, what you can do to be of service. You were unsure of how to proceed, but sensed that you have an important mission here at this time. Well, here it is. Do your part to change the world. Do not underestimate for a moment the power you have as an individual to change the world by the force of your intention. And do not underestimate the power of all of you together! What a wonderful thing it is, to have this internet which can act as a lightning rod to send the message of peace and Light to every corner of the world! We did not have this simple means of communicating in 1987, and yet it was possible for the people involved in the Harmonic Convergence to create such an energy flow on their own that they were able to create a wave which was recorded by the scientific instruments at the time, and it is still felt to this day. This time you will have more help and more convenient tools to make it happen. This request is a test of your Faith. Are you serious about making your contribution to this historic Shift, or will you wait to see if it works before you are willing to believe in the power of Intention? Will you work with the Universal Law as we have explained it to you, or will you sit back and watch to see what others accomplish before you will make the effort to put your shoulder to the wheel? Some will scoff and say, Ill believe it when I see the ships land. Well, of course any fool will believe it when the ships land, no matter how blind they may have been previously. So, Dear Ones, here is your chance to make your stand, between you and yourself, between you and your God. Will you cast you fate with Us, and put your energies where they matter? Will you create the peace and prosperity you have been demanding of Us? Reach deeply into your hearts; join mind and heart to create a force of Love and Light such as has never been felt before on the planet. We will be sending the energies to help carry your Intentions to fruition. We are creating the conditions to make the Dream of Dreams possible. All the Masters and Guides are working overtime to help create the conditions on the ground which will allow you to ride the rising tide to victory. With your help we have assembled the most powerful team in the history of the planet. Now we need for you to carry the ball to the goal line. You are our great hope. We love you more than words can ever describe.

Mother/Father God. Via Kathryn May, May 19, 2013, 11 pm, Vendee, Quebec

Part 160: Phasing in the Golden Age

You have all decided by now if you are going to join in creating the wave of energy to push the Disclosure and landings into being. You are probably not reading this if you decided to "opt out" because you either don't believe any of this, or you are too noncommittal to do anything to help yourself and others. There are such people, who develop the stance of non-involvement and perfect it to such a degree that it becomes a proud way of life. They may even give it respectable names like "skepticism" or "objectivity" or "neutrality." Do not be fooled by such supposedly reasonable descriptions of doing nothing when something is called for. Those of you who are committing yourselves to the twice-a-day meditations (only about 10 to 20 minutes a day, actually) have decided that you do not want to be left out of the greatest project ever devised. Have you ever sung in a chorus, or taken part in a large event where many people pulled together to create a celebration that touched everyone's heart? It is thrilling, isn't it? Being one with a group, moving as one, raising your voices together, feeling the energy as it lifts everyone to a higher state of excitement and joy - there is nothing more exhilarating. Your efforts will be even more effective if you find a way to gather a group together for your meditations. You don't have to rigidly hold to the time phases. Any time will do if you want to gather a group before work, or at the end of the day. These daily meditations are in preparation, remember, to create the world you want to live in. These meditations are good training for you and those around you. It helps you to learn the mindfulness that will help you to clear away the old, paranoid fear-based life expectations at the same time it creates the energetic atmosphere of Love and Light. You will be lifting your own vibration as you send out the higher vibrational waves of energy to lift the energy on the planet. This can only bring goodness into your lives, and peace and cooperation into your communities. We have seen your prayer/Light on Dec. 21, and during the week of the Hearings, and during the last 4-hour meditation. We have seen the exhilaration and commitment which lasted and carried you through the next weeks. You are not aware of how successful these efforts really are. Little by little, you are lifting the vibrations around you. Now, here is our dream of the most effective possible action: A Day of Meditation in which every single person on the planet envisions world peace and abundance, openly Loving relationships with each other and with your Galactic Brothers and Sisters, shared technologies and shared commitment to a life of Love, Light and Service for all to enjoy. What a glorious day it will be! The good will energies of the entire planet channeled skyward all together! We have tried hard, through these messages and the channeled books and articles which have appeared in great numbers over the past 20 years or so, to teach you what is truly possible for you as a global community. Unfortunately, it is still a small minority of the population that is well educated about the need for complete disclosure, and the reason it is needed. The demand for complete disclosure of all hidden documents, secret interactions with ET's and records of the technologies developed as a result is the basis for taking back your planet from the remaining shadows of the Dark Ones who have controlled all of you through fear and brainwashing.

It is you, Dear Ones, who still fall back into the negative feelings of persecution, lack, victimization, and unmet needs. We are sending you constant help to break free of these chains, but the "breakout" will be executed by those of you who will decide, finally, that the new Vision of a truly God-Centered existence is the culture you cannot live without any longer. We are still going to rely on all of you to help prepare your friends and neighbors. Here will be the chance for all of you to be of service. You will be needed to go out into the world and strike up conversations everywhere, in grocery lines, at the gas pump, in the library or the post office or the local health food store. Remember the line from that popular movie, "Field of Dreams"? Build it and they will come. Create the Vision, and others will see it too. All Revolutions are created this way. Make some fliers and print them out on your printer. Hand them out at the mall or the grocery store, in the spirit of joyful sharing and friendly camaraderie. Go to the local police station, fire house and schools and talk with the people working there. Offer to give them information about what to demand of their leaders and the media, based on the material from the Citizens' Hearings. Have a list of some basic "talking points," like the names of countries who have officially proclaimed ET's "no danger." We invite you to develop and share them here. Kathryn will post them for you to copy and use. This informational material will be extremely handy when you want to open the discussion with people who are unaware. You will be able to call your local newspapers and offer them a "scoop" by providing the background research they will need for articles demanding information about free energy, for instance. Here is also your chance to overcome your shyness and "come out of the closet" with your spiritual knowledge. You can even separate the information into current events, on-the-ground information and accompanying news from the Galactics which we will provide for you here. Do you see how this kind of grassroots support will make everything so much easier? You are no longer alone in your knowledge that ET's are harmless. Advertise this! The next step is to help people understand they are your Brother and Sister Starseeds. How surprised they will all be when they discover that most of them look very much like you. Now, have you heard yourself thinking: "People will think I"m nuts. I will be the laughingstock...I can't do that." That is the proof that the Darkness still has a grip on your consciousness. Fear of ridicule was one of their most powerful tools of enslavement. You have no need to recreate these myths by believing them yourself. You are continuing the enslavement by thinking this way. Shake off these fears - the timid mentality of a vulnerable child - and demand what you know has been your birthright for thousands of years. Instead of recreating 3D childhood fears (however vivid they may be when you focus on them), turn your third eye Vision to the picture of how everyone will laugh and dance and cheer when they see their family members, their Twin Flames, and the loving officers of the Galactic Fleet in their handsome uniforms. And of course, what a stunning surprise they will have when our dear Sananda himself descends from the New Jerusalem to walk once again upon dear Mother Earth.

Many of you have focused on the moment of uncloaking or landing, as if that will be the end of the story, and after that all will somehow fall into place. No matter how many Galactic teachers and Ascended Masters we might send into your midst, this is still your planet, your home and the creation of your own hearts and minds. We cannot simply transplant the society of Heaven onto Earth's soil without your full participation - it would be like the missionaries who went to Africa to shame the indigenous tribes into covering their beautiful bodies with elaborate clothing in the heat, in Our name. Many of those same tribes eventually adopted the shame-based religious beliefs wholeheartedly and integrated it into their way of life. Now We are coming to those same people and saying, "It's okay. You can take off your clothes now." We have been working with you on the clearing away of old belief systems to prepare you for the new, which will in many ways feel to you as if we have just told you to take off all your clothes, and leave them off, for good. Even if you love being naked, it would require a fundamental shift in you, would it not? Yes, higher level energies will help, and DNA changes will speed your evolution as human beings, but your cultural memories still have a strong pull, just as they do when you incarnate after a visit at Home with Us. Some of you have experienced hundreds of incarnations under the old psychological slavery. These memories will not be completely obliterated; you will still need to adapt and learn higher dimensional ways in your still somewhat familiar human bodies. We are encouraging you to begin now to adapt to the new Golden Age conditions. Feel yourselves in command of every thought, feeling and action in the spirit of Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, Generosity and Joy. See your fellow humans doing the same. We tell you these things so that you can envision them in your mind's eye. The more vividly you see the glorious scenes of triumph the more surely it will manifest exactly as you planned it. Remember the combination: Love and Light, Heart and Mind together, fueled by the combined energies of humankind, initiating the powerful spark which will materialize into the flame of Liberation - the Christ Consciousness on Earth. This combined human/ Galactic/ God energy the great I AM Presence in action - is the source of Creation which will bring in and sustain the full glory of the New Golden Age. Open your hearts and feel our Presence, and you will be with us Now. Your loving Mother/Father God. Via Kathryn May, May 24, 2013, 1 am, New York City

Part 161: Learning to Be the I AM That You Are

In recent weeks we have varied our schedule of messages to accommodate to the travel schedule and work requirements of our channel. We will now resume our previous schedule, because you like to know which days the messages will be posted. We will give you a written message on Monday, Thursday and Saturday, and the radio show will continue on Wednesdays. We will ask Kathryn to post an announcement on her website whenever possible if there is to be a change in that schedule. We ask your patience in certain periods when internet service is less available and might require a delay in the postings. Now, Dear Ones, we wish to communicate with you about how you can find the peace and reassurance within yourselves to carry you through this time of difficulty which you may feel as delays in the Great Plan. We assure you this is not the case. All is moving forward, with the enlightenment of individual souls taking precedence in this transition time. Those of you who have found it possible to cultivate patience at the same time you have looked inside yourselves to find greater strength and resourcefulness are obeying the requirements of Cosmic Law. Your own Mighty I Am Presence is the resource you are beginning to discover and rely upon as your source of Power and Light. It has long been the mystery hiding in plain sight that each of you has the Power of Divine Presence within you; you do not require a priest or minister or even a mystic channeler to allow you to experience the glorious and unlimited Light which is available to you personally. You have forgotten or you have been deliberately distracted from your own Power by the centuries of enslavement under Dark ideas and Dark controls. It has been lost to your conscious minds that the chains which bind all of you to the mundane frustrations and limits of daily life are an illusion. Yes, there are earthly prisons made of stone and mortar, and in the incarnated physical body one can be imprisoned there, but this is the end point of a long series of deceptions and manipulations of the minds of mankind. What if the masons and carpenters had refused to build the prisons in the first place? What if the judges and police had refused to acknowledge criminality but rather had established Mystery Schools to retrain and enlighten the offenders who had slipped from their natural path of Ascension? What if there were no armed police because the population refused to allow any human cruelty or mistreatment of even one of their members, from birth until their final completion of the Earthly incarnation? The conflict, ill-will and destructiveness in the behavior of your fellow humans is the culmination of centuries of accumulated feelings of hatred and selfishness. These feelings, which have reached a peak in this civilization, are the impulses behind all forms of devastation and thoughtlessness on the planet. For instance, consider the environmental devastation which, with direct conscious connection to the Source of All That Is would be completely unthinkable. The abominable treatment of animals, which are then used as food, has been a powerful tool in the spread of Darkness; people have been convinced that the consumption of great amounts of animal flesh which has previously been tortured in vile conditions and then killed for food is

actually good for them. It has been one of the ways that Darkness has been literally consumed and digested into the cells of the human body, in direct contradiction to Divine Law. The human body is designed to thrive on much smaller amounts of nutritious food than you are accustomed to - vegetables, grains, nuts and fruits grown naturally and with Love are sufficient to sustain a healthy existence. It is the use of food as an indulgence for the lowest sensory experience which brings with it the associated illnesses and malaise. The feeling of being stuffed to overflowing with the lowest vibrational substances - greasy fried starch, animal flesh and sugar - all produced in the presence of poisons and toxins, has created a culture of disease and death in the human mind and body. We have often tried in these pages to illustrate as vividly as possible how far you have strayed from the life of Light which is available to every single one of you. You believe that your world is incapable of rising out of its dark doldrums without the intervention of God and the Ascended Masters, who will "rescue" you from the habits of the past. This is not true. It is within your power to return to a life of glorious Communion with Divine Light even if no one else ever offered you a single moment of assistance other than to teach you these Universal Principles. We are not suggesting that we would deprive you of assistance. We are currently sending you help in the form of Masters who teach the True Way and the joyful life of mastery, creativity and wellbeing which is possible when you recognize the Power Within. This, of course, is the Ascension process in action. Let us explain: Many of you are under the impression that the changes which will be brought about by Disclosure, uncloaking of the ships, and sharing of advanced technology will overlay or impose conditions on Planet Earth which will recreate the Paradise in which you can then satisfy all your earthly appetites without the inconvenience of war, evil and death. This is not the goal, and will never become reality. The goal of the Ascension process is to establish a new environment in which each individual soul may at last come into the responsibility and realization of the Mastery and Power of their own I AM Presence. By removing the Dark Entities who have created the self-hatred and hatred of all that is Love and Light, we intend to "clear the decks" for a new phase of elevated learning for our Earth Children. This plan does not include the experience of Heaven which you have been introduced to by many of your popular religions: idly sitting on a cloud, surrounded by sexually attractive virgins and massive amounts of food while angels sing and play harps, or simply sitting idly watching the show that is life on the planet below. Of course, this is a caricature of the popular teachings, exaggerated to point out the elements of sensory indulgence which again appear as a seductive allure. Do you see how you have been misdirected from the joy of being One with God to the seduction of believing in the indulgence of bodily sensations? We are not suggesting asceticism or imposed deprivation - this is no different from indulgence in its incessant focus on bodily functions. We are trying to point you in the direction of the Forgotten Promise which offers you all

participation in Unconditional and Unlimited Divine Love. What could be better than that? Would you really trade unlimited amounts of alcohol, "recreational" drugs, sex, cigarettes, Twinkies and hamburgers for the experience of Ascension into the glorious embrace of your Cosmic family of Light and Love? Would a megamansion really replace your soul's hunger to reside in a Crystal Palace of Light where your own efforts to achieve complete consciousness lift you out of the mundane struggle to join with your own Twin Flame in the experience of unfathomable Love? We understand that you have not been properly introduced to the glories of life in the higher realms which are available to all of you. In fact, the effort has been to turn your eyes away from the ever-present call of your Higher Self which awaits your simple attention and commitment to raising yourself up to the potential that is yours. We will work with you here to offer further lessons, and we will ask Kathryn to teach these principles and techniques in her workshops. Begin with the following practice: Turn your eyes upward, Dear Ones, to connect your inner knowing with the energy and power that is yours if you will only receive it. Allow the warmth and acceptance of Unconditional Love to flow down through your center channel from your own I Am Presence which resides above you, like your own fountain of Life which will nourish and sustain your Vitality, Power and Creativity. You, yes you, are forever connected to the Source of Unlimited Power and Joy if you only turn your efforts to fulfilling the promise of Perfection of which you are capable. Is the challenge we present to you easy to achieve? Is your current life of pain and conflict easy? Would you continue to choose it and perpetuate it if you truly understood the glorious alternative that life in the God Presence offers? Beyond the words we offer you here in the paltry form of intellectual communication these messages allow, we also send the energy of Love to wash over you, to awaken you in peace and clarity to the excitement that awaits you in higher vibrational realms. It is here, between the lines, placed here for your enjoyment and illumination. This month we will also send unlimited energies of nourishment and Unconditional Love to heal and support you in your decision - to be or not to be? We invite you to embrace the I Am Presence which is your birthright. You will never regret belonging to the Higher Realms and working to lift yourself ever higher into the Light of Oneness which is your destiny. We love you perpetually and without limit, Mother/Father God. Via Kathryn May, May 26, 2013, 9 pm

Part 162: Be the Change, Be the Light

Now, let us resume our teachings to help you all step into the glorious I AM Presence which is your true Being. There are background philosophies and teachings which add to the struggle and have not been quite so pervasive and homogeneous across cultures as they are today. As we have told you in the past, We do not use punishment as a way of shaping behavior. That is a human invention, brought to your thinking and actions by the Fallen Ones, whose purpose it was to stifle and suppress joy and independence. We wish to see you grow and flourish, not learn to be obedient out of fear. So, you see, the term "obedience" as it is understood today is not what we're after, as you might say. It might be more helpful to address the issue of learning to abide by Universal Law if we use the terms "alignment," willing participation, acceptance of a higher level of energy, or recognition of one's highest power, which is God. We do not wish to threaten or manipulate anyone into submission. That would be useless, meaningless, because it is the alignment of your heart, your inner intentions which matters. Any decision made out of fear is not in alignment with God. Some of you have wondered why we discuss "politics" here in these messages. You think it would be better if we just sent you loving and encouraging remarks which will inspire you. Of course, we do that elsewhere through dedicated channelers who bring messages of love and inspiration, and do it well. Here we wish to accomplish a different purpose. You have become so lulled into accepting the status quo, especially in the "developed" countries of the world, that you are unaware of the underlying travesty of justice which deliberately creates poverty, ignorance and want. With this in mind, scan the activities of your culture and notice how pervasive is the Crime and Punishment mentality. Everywhere you look there are security measures, police presence, rules in place to demand obedience to the most trivial and whimsical requirements which are designed to suppress individuality and enforce loyalty to authority, regardless of the legitimacy of that authority. Many of you have learned to believe the propaganda messages which blame the most vulnerable among you for their "failure" to prosper. You have been taught the Punishment model which says that anyone not achieving according to the societal standard is guilty of laziness, selfishness and sloth and should therefore be punished for their lack of character by being deprived of assistance from those who have more than they do. This is the thinly veiled propaganda which has justified the monumental greed of the Dark Ones who have siphoned off the resources and wealth, leaving everyone else to compete for the crumbs. Yes, even those who work for financially successful firms and who have been used to large salaries (and long hours) have been co-opted by this propaganda. The race to accrue more money

has made everyone slaves to the corporate entities which hide the true identity of the thirteen families who have succeeded in controlling 85% of the planet's wealth. By "inviting" their loyal employees into sharing a tiny portion of their booty, they have seduced good people into joining the ranks of slavery. Without these hard-working lackeys, the ones in power could not maintain and expand their iron grip on the world markets and therefore the world's great wealth. This is why we alert you in these messages to what needs to be done. Around the globe, enlightened individuals are working to expose these insidious power structures. The Disclosure Hearings in Washington D.C. were just the most recent public effort to awaken the masses to the secrecy which has suppressed information which would allow citizens to make their own decisions about how to conduct their affairs with regard to life-changing new technologies and contact with ET's who have shown themselves to be peaceful. Absolute control of the sources of information is not "security" - it is tyranny. The light is beginning to dawn on many that it has not been the elected government which initiated this secrecy, but that they have played into the hands of those with the real power - the shadow government which has never been elected or even acknowledged. Now - here is our proposal to you. You have the resource of the internet to inform you. Do not believe the propaganda which would deter you from researching the truth by disparaging anything which appears on the internet. It is your source of freedom and individual power. Begin by reading everything linked to the Disclosure Hearings and the people who have worked so hard to bring the light of truth in your behalf. Go to the Freedom Club site and read about the illegal corporation which is the United States, and how citizens have been used as "human capital" as collateral for loans from private banks. Our own Jesus Sananda is working with attorneys and activists to open the secret files, to show that the illegitimate structures which now exist need not be followed or obeyed. Laws which use human beings as chattel are not legal under Universal Law, which is the highest level of order in the Universe. Just as no state has the power to overrule federal law in the United States, no country on the planet has the power to rewrite or supersede Universal Law. Educating yourself and those around you is part of the important work which will elevate the planet to a higher order. In that context, we hope to convince all of you to claim your part in this magnificent Shift which will affect every facet of every life on the planet. Freedom is a concept which applies to every part of you - your spiritual, intellectual and physical state of being. Living within an oppressive political system (which is now the case everywhere on the globe) restricts the practice of freedom in every other area of life. Yes, we begin with your spiritual development and growth. This is most crucial and most under your independent control, but "spirituality" is not simply a state of mind. It is a way of life. Many of you have the example of your dear St. Germain who has been a tireless advocate for political freedom for centuries. This is his spiritual work, his contribution to the freedom of mind, body and soul for all of humankind. He does not work alone; he is in constant contact with the Lightworkers who help to carry out the activities which guard and promote freedom. It has

been a gradual process, one which has been carried out mostly behind the scenes in isolated situations where limited help was permitted. This has changed. With the Ascension of Planet Earth and her movement toward membership in the Galactic Federation, more open participation from the Galactics (including our Masters and Archangels) has been possible. Can you now see how "political," "material" and "spiritual" help are One? All of Us, all of you, are aligned with the same Source, the same Light and Love which is the I Am Presence. You are made of the spark of God, your breathe as We breathe, you are the expression of our Love there in your human body, which is our precious Creation just as your soul is. The joining of this body with the soul you are is a wondrous combination of the qualities which make up the One. Look around you. Even the most humble, defeated being carries our Spark of Life within. Reach out to your fellow Sparks. Show them you recognize the Light within them, just as you recognize and celebrate your own. Above your head is the energy source of Universal Presence. It is there for you to connect with and use. As you absorb the Light of the I AM Presence, you will be filled with Love. This is the meaning and the quality of God which is available to every one of you, every moment you live. With this source to feed and nourish you, you will never feel alone or bereft. Even if you were to find yourself without companion or support for a time, you will not be lonely; We are here with you always. Come into our arms - feel our embrace. We are aware of your every thought and your every need. We will teach you more about how to adapt your thinking and actions to Universal Law so that you will always be in alignment with the Greater Good, and therefore with your own Good. Begin by breathing in the I AM Presence which pours down through you. Accept it, revel in it, and know this is your destiny - to be One with Us. We are Mother/Father God. Via Kathryn May, May 27, 2013, 3 pm.

Part 163: A New Relationship With God

Let's talk about the exciting things that are happening on the planet, things that you may be only subliminally aware of. Yes, it is heating up, as you might say. Groups of individuals who are inclined to be of service have caught fire. Where there used to be a few brave individuals who would dedicate themselves to creating a non-profit organization and struggle to get grants to do some good work in their neighborhoods or across the world, there are now growing numbers of volunteers who are turning their sights to righting the wrongs around them. Brave new non-profits are blossoming like dandelions in the spring. It has had an effect. For instance, towns in poor areas of the world are experiencing the luxury of a fresh water well for the community where people used to have to carry it long distances. Greater numbers of children are learning how to read than ever before, and medical help in poor areas is beginning to create change in the quality of life for families. Where civil unrest has ended, people are beginning to rebuild and feel hope for the future. Where wars continue, there is more news coverage and global concern than there was just 5 years ago. Wealthier countries are better organized and able to help when disasters strike around the world, so fewer casualties tend to occur in the aftermath. Of course there are still problems, and that is the fodder for news, but the atmosphere of Love you have been feeling sweeping across the planet is lifting all boats, as you would say. We are delighted to see you springing into action, aligning yourselves with others of like mind to help the world become a better place. As you perform these blessed acts of service, your hearts find a new way to open, your minds are able to expand a bit to realize your own good fortune compared to the rest of the planet, and the combination creates new levels of appreciation for your connection to your fellow man and to Us. We feel a new level of gratitude and recognition in places where people used to be nothing but busy, busy, busy. We have promised you further lessons in The True Way. It is time to concentrate on working with yourself to rework your old habits and patterns, to replace them with brand new ways of managing your feelings, your thoughts and your actions. As we enter higher dimensions, there will be no place for the kind of impatience, rudeness and intolerance you have been so accustomed to in daily life. Respect and consideration will be the order of the day. Employers will need to behave with appreciation and gratitude for their employees loyalty and hard work, or workers will begin to stage massive "mini-strikes" in order to be heard. Cooperation will become the order of the day rather than cutthroat competition between employees, who will stop vying for the crumbs and will begin supporting each other. Small gestures of camaraderie and backing each other up will shift the balance of power back to the people, who always had great power in their numbers but who did not understand their strength.

It will be a better world for children when parents relinquish the "stress" of having to climb the ladder or compete with the Jones's and can turn instead to the enjoyment of spending a quiet afternoon observing the insects in the grass, or arranging bird feeders to attract songbirds to your yard. City children will be able to leave the television behind in favor of rainy-day board games and word games or trips to the museums and wonders of history and architecture which surround them. Uncles and aunts, grandparents and close neighbors are a crucial part of a child's life. When both parents work and weekends are dedicated to shopping and cleaning instead of living, children live lonely and empty lives. With even a modest distribution of resources, families could work fewer hours and spend more time in relaxed time with children to teach them in the natural way children have always learned: by watching their parents and talking to them about what they are doing, thinking and feeling. This brings us back to the beginning: learning about your own feelings, thinking and actions. You see? A "busy" life is one which neglects all the important life lessons. What is your child really feeling? What does your partner really care about, and is it at the top of your list? or theirs? Are you doing things you really want to do, or are you moving from one duty to another obligation, begrudgingly doing things you don't want to do or are not interested in? How is this possible? Have you stopped to ask yourselves why it is taken for granted that most of every day should be taken up with doing things you don't like to do? Why should anyone live that way? Have you taken on the attitude of negativity so automatically that you fall into feelings of resentment or boredom even when you are doing things you actually might enjoy if you were in a good mood? Why would you permit yourself to be drawn into resentment and negativity when you could change the tone and whistle while you work? Just reading this last paragraph makes you feel depressed, doesn't it? This is the low-level despair most of you became used to living with as an accepted tone for your life. No, we did not create you for boredom and drudgery, but you have not yet simply accepted that any life, regardless of its good fortune or ill, is a life of boredom if there is no sense of connection with you inner God-self and all the joys it brings. You seek happiness, you say, but you turn away from the one thing that is the foundation for all good feeling and fulfillment: the acknowledgment of your membership as one who belongs to the greatest of the great Clubs: humanity. And humanity is engaged in one of the most thrilling and challenging experiments ever attempted. You are thinking you are just slogging along trying to be more conscious, a little more aware, but the Universe looks on with fascination. You are lifting yourselves, moment by moment, hour by hour, from the 3D darkness which is already well behind you, to higher and higher 5th dimensional living. The changes have been incremental and steady - so much so that you think nothing has happened. Nothing indeed! Have you not seen the growth in yourself and in those around you? Have you not seen the shift to curiosity and then even wonder when people are faced with

cosmic mysteries, spiritual experiences, loving moments which touch everyone deeply, and the possibility that connection with God could be a deeply satisfying and fulfilling experience? Are there not more and more people who are accepting the idea that life goes on after death - since there are more and more stories about people who have died and come back - and who even acknowledge that they have lived many lifetimes along their path of development? Twenty years ago, the idea of reincarnation was unmentionable in Western cultures. Today, it is a familiar cliche - oh, that bit of behavior or special knowledge must be from another life. In the same vein, mention of God was used mostly by either fanatical or deeply devout religious people, and the idea of a deep spiritual connection with Angels and Masters was unheard of outside an organized religion. What success! At last, spiritual devotion has broken out of the walls of churches to become what was intended from your beginnings - an expression of Unconditional Love both ways - from you to us, and from us to you. A relationship! Yes, of course you will learn the ways of integrity and honor along the way, as you experience the great Love we feel for you, as you open your hearts and minds to accept your own great I AM Presence - the essence of Goodness and of Power. You need no rules to guide you - your breathing will bring you to Us. Within your human makeup is the original pattern which makes you a Light being. As the energies pass over and through you, your DNA is reactivating to process Light in a more substantive way. You will feel the growing recognition in your heartmind that you are One. It will creep over you as you are sleeping, so that you awaken with a new sense of fullness and Loving companionship, even when you are alone. Notice it, Dear Ones, relish it, revel in it, absorb the wonder of it, and know that you are the apple of our Eye, the Love of our Hearts, and the Great Hope for change in the Universe. We are Mother/Father God, and we love you beyond words. Via Kathryn May, May 30, 2013, 11 pm

Part 164: We Work Together to Bring You Help

Dear Ones, you have an old saying that used to be given to teach beginners to type. It was "Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country." We would change that to men and women. Few people stopped to think about the meaning of those words. We ask you to do so now. It is a wonderful time and a challenging and sometimes terrifying time for some of you. You do not like change, many of you. You are unsettled by the idea of letting go of everything you have used to define yourselves and your way of life. Yes, many of you are making a sincere effort to be open to the changes, but you often find yourselves defining the new Golden Age and your place in it as if it were nothing more than the present circumstances with perhaps nicer neighbors and fewer money problems. We have tried to help you open your hearts by giving you a vision of life in which fairness and justice reign, and in which there is no more poverty and want, no more prejudice and cutthroat competition in which the deck is stacked in favor of the few, and everyone else battles for the leftovers. What will take its place? A world you have never seen or experienced except perhaps in the rare fairy tales which described peace and beauty, but then it was always amidst the dangers from gremlins and wicked step-mothers. We are telling you now: No more wicked stepmothers, or step-fathers either. Wickedness will be a thing of the past, but it will require some work on your parts to clear yourselves of the dark memories and feelings which carry you back to a place in which your light does not shine as brightly, and your capacity to love is handicapped by being swamped in anger, resentment and fear. There is a way out of those feelings, a way to find your way to the Light which is the God within you. It will take concentration and dedication to relearning the truth about yourselves, and applying the lessons of The True Way, which we have begun to offer you in these pages and will continue to teach you in the coming weeks and months. You will not be sorry you applied yourself to learning this new way of life, for it brings with it the greatest joy you could possibly imagine, greater than you have ever known. We ask that you apply yourself to working through the book, "Who Needs Light?," which is a gift to you from Us, and from our dear channel, who is the embodiment of Lady Portia, the beloved Twin Flame of St. Germain. She is here among you to be the Voice of our Hearts, our Love for you, and our teachings. She has dedicated herself to doing this work, regardless of the challenges or the cost it might present to her personally. We believe it is time for the Masters among you to reveal themselves, if they are willing, to allow you access to their teachings and to carry the Word of God as our blessed Messengers. We will be asking those who are incarnated now to come forward as we request it of each of them. Do not pester your teachers to reveal themselves. We will let them know when it is the

right time for each of them. We are doing this at this time because of the massive shifts which are taking place on the planet and because of the great need for psychological change to keep up with the physical/energetic changes. There is an intimate connection between the psychological state of being and the level of spiritual development one can attain. Together with Kathryn, we have offered you tools to help you with the changes you need to make, to evolve quickly from the memory states of childhood, which for many of you involved a state of overwhelming fear, to the peace of mind which can only be felt in a fully-evolved adult consciousness. We offer you the book, which has written between the lines the energy of Love we feel for you. We ask Kathryn/Portia to go out across the country and the world to teach you the wonderful Visual Centering technique which you will find miraculous in its simplicity and effectiveness. The technique of Visual Centering is based on ancient understandings which came with our great Masters from Venus, and has been brought to you via our beloved Sanat Kumara, who incarnated to demonstrate and teach this method, and who trained Kathryn in its practice. She studied with him for 30 years when he was there, and continues to be in daily contact with him to bring the teachings to the world, now that the time has come when people understand more thoroughly how important it is to take command of their own mental, emotional and physical processes. Do not underestimate the power of these tools we give to you. Do not allow yourself to imagine that you cannot shake off your depression, or you cannot learn to conquer anxiety. You may not have previously had the perspective you needed to learn how directly and powerfully you can change your own feelings and thoughts. Nothing is written in stone inside your brains, Dear Ones. A feeling is a response to a thought, and a thought can be changed. Yes, you can literally change your identity - at least what you thought was your identity. And you can learn a new language for talking with yourself and others about the true meaning of life. We say that WE offer you these tools because We include Lady Portia as Us. She is Us, as You are. She carries valuable information which she is willing to pass on to you, and you will impart it to others as you gain in wisdom. You are all on this path together - teachers and students alike, elevating yourselves as you give yourselves in service for the Highest Good. You can step into the Light of your own I AM Presence, experience yourself as the Godbeing you really are. We want you to do that. We know you can do that. To help you, we send our Own Dear Children, those Masters who have worked with us for thousands of years on their own paths to Enlightenment, just as we sent our Jesus Sananda, to help you and support you on your way. Be at peace, Beloved Ones. You have everything you need to become the brilliant Light of Love and Kindness which will raise you into higher vibrational levels. We are here with you every day, and we send you gifts more precious than diamonds. Look into your Hearts; open your minds to see everything anew, and do not imagine we have abandoned you. How could we do that? You are beloved beyond words, and we want you to succeed in this difficult and challenging task you have set for yourselves - the glorious transformation of Planet Earth and all her inhabitants. The time is now.

We are Mother/Father God via Kathryn May, June 2, 2013, 12 am.

Part 165: Galactic Love, Divine Love, Your Love

Where shall we begin? We have received many questions, and much is happening on the Planet in the past few days. We will first bring you up to date on an issue we have not discussed in depth here, but which has been circulating on the internet, so we decided to address it. It is the matter of the stabilization of Planet Earth to prevent her from flipping on her axis. It would have been part of the natural process, like that which has occurred many times in the past. But this time, the Galactics, the population of humanity on Earth, and We did not want to see the destruction of all on the planet in a sudden and dramatic moment. We wanted to help you continue your work, to make the Ascension process possible not just for Mother Earth, but for her children as well. And so it has been decided to offer the most strenuous help to stabilize and steady the planet as she expands. There will be earthquakes and storms, some very dramatic weather, but the casualties have been minimized tremendously so far. In order to do this, massive ships have been placed in a ring around Gaia, using the power of their magnetic generators to hold her in their arms, watching moment by moment as the shudders and fracturing continues as Mother Earth's crust expands. Many variations on the plan have been considered and some tried in recent months. You have not been aware of any of this, and there was no need for you to be. There was always the plan, put in place more than 70 years ago, that in case of sudden disaster, the ships would land and whisk away the inhabitants of the planet in a genuine rescue mission to avoid the mass destruction of humanity. It would require only that all inhabitants be willing to hurry onto the ships in order to be saved. We would have hoped they would all be intuitive enough to board, but it is always possible that the fear-mongering of the Dark Ones would have prevented the successful execution of the plan. With the knowledge that Earth was extremely unstable, we have continued to work with you to help you raise your vibration so that you could help with your own vibration to stabilize the Earth's growing pains and magnetic instability. You are electromagnetic begins of Light, just as Mohter Earth is. With your combined power it would have been possible to anchor the Earth's center, from where you stand, as everyone else would do, and so help to delay or prevent the pole shift, which has happened on many other planets in your solar system, by the way. Gaia was not able to hold steady by herself, and so she called for help from the Galactic Federation. They responded with the most powerful technology available, and the most brilliant scientists and engineers. You, dear Earth beings, are truly the center of attention and focus for the Universe at this time. It is a heroic task, and our dear Crew has been successful so far, but we can tell you now that it has been a matter of great concern and massive activity for several months. During the past month there were times when those in charge of the (literally) Herculean task feared it would not be successful, and indeed the first efforts were not. To add power to the ring of crafts which were holding the planet, a new task force has been added. It is the presence of extremely large (hundreds of miles in diameter) ships, positioned at strategic positions around

Gaia, to apply some different strategies to create stability. Gaia herself is straining to maintain control, like a mother in childbirth managing the birth process to protect her child from harm. She is able to work with the new ships in a more comfortable way, even as she continues her Ascension and expansion. This was one of the reasons we were so intent on helping you to meet the December 21 date you have set for yourselves; in fact we were all but convinced you would hurl yourselves across the finish line then, but as you know, the highest timeline leap was not accomplished at that time as we so dearly hoped. We saw the developing instability problems and were not certain of the success of the stabilization options at the time. As many have been working to stabilize the military situation, which could have set off a disastrous destabilization of the planet, others worked to improve the international political situation and many more to restructure the financial systems to prevent chaos on the surface, and as you who are reading this have been working to encourage Disclosure for the reasons you were already aware, of and many more. So you see, there is much happening behind the scenes which has affected all the other plans for the smooth transition of Earth and her inhabitants. All is being watched carefully by Us and overseen by Prime Creator. Such a massive attempt at stabilizing a planet in Ascension has never been attempted before, although similar projects of lesser magnitude have been tried. You are truly blessed among all in the Universe, Dear Ones. Why does the entire Universe reach out to help their small, distant cousin Planet Earth and her human inhabitants? What do they see in you that touches their hearts and stirs their imaginations? Why are the Agarthans, the Arcturians, the Sirians and Pleiadians, among many others, drawn to be of service here in this corner of the galaxy? Why have they left their homes to travel so far to be of service at this time of need? First, it is because they are compassionate in their natures and nurturing in their ways, but it is more than that. They are deeply moved by the long history of valiant struggle which they have watched with keen interest over the millennia, aware that this new strain of humankind, known across the Universe as "The Creator Race," carries a unique combination of intense emotional energies and the DNA potential for high intelligence. They have watched your struggle against the Dark Ones, which ebbed and flowed over the centuries, but seemed to create such heroism in certain individuals, and such bursts of Divine Light that the observers gasped with wonder. It is this dramatic struggle which captured their hearts, and inspired them to gather here to help. They are also captivated by your Sponsoring Agents - the brilliant Kumaras, the Elohim, the Archangels and our Legions of Light who have represented Mother Earth, ever supporting her cause and the welfare of her humankind in the Councils while she - and you - have struggled to Ascend to Membership in the Galactic Federation of Light. With the current status assuring more safety from catastrophic global changes for the time being, we encourage you to continue your work to elevate yourselves on your own paths toward the

Light. Every day brings you closer to a time when you will be given the option to Ascend into the Light, to be completely One with Us. Is it truly what you want to accomplish - for it is an accomplishment, the achievement of a goal which is far more heroic and meaningful than anything else you have ever done in your life? Will you forgo your intellectualizations, your doomsday imaginings, and your persistent attachment to 3-dimensional thinking? Will you continue to imagine that We do not understand your use of time (when we invented it) or your suffering (when we live through every moment of it with you)? Will you cling to the suffocating religious beliefs in a Vengeful God, and point to every misfortune or pain as proof of our cruelty and our refusal to help you? We have tried to help you to understand that it is just those misfortunes and pains which finally bring you closer to Us, to receive our Love and our sustenance. We have explained the Universal Law of Flow, which guarantees that what you place in the atmosphere around you, in energetic terms, creates the life experiences which come next. Yet, you continue to complain about your life circumstances as if you had no influence on them. We acknowledge that there may be an occasional blow from out of left field, but it does not come from Us - generally it is a part of your overall contract which includes challenges as well as triumphs. But you, Dear Ones, are short on the triumphs because you tend to look for, plan for, and therefore create illness, financial distress, and interpersonal discord. Has a marriage every survived a prenuptial agreement? Does someone with life insurance live longer? Today we ask you to believe Us. Try to live your life for one entire 24 hour period in a state of Unconditional Love - for yourself, for your fellow man, for your children, your family, neighbors, mailman, gas station attendant, boss, co-worker and auto mechanic. Live as if this were the day which will decide your entrance into the high energy-calibrated Ascension portals. Give everything you have to everyone you see. Revel in the freedom you feel when you discard all worry, fear and any thought for planning for the future - for just one day. Announce yourself to yourself in the mirror in the morning: I AM the true God Presence on Earth. I am the gift to myself and to everyone around me when I shine my Light and claim my place among the Angels. I am here to create Light, to breathe Light, to use and shape and spread the Light. I am my own happiness, my own comfort and good company. God Loves Me. I Love God. I AM Light. We promise you will finish your day with a smile and a heart that is full. Then try the next day, and you will feel twice as blessed. We will be cheering you on. We love you Unconditionally, We are Mother/Father God Via Kathryn May, June 3, 2013, 10 PM

Part 166: The Master Plan for Earth Revealed!

Dear Ones, life is moving at a breath-taking pace for many of you. Even when things are positive, it can be disconcerting to be moving at lightning speed through your days. The feeling you are having is real. Time has truly speeded up. It is so because when you approach a portal, all is compacted on both the entry and exit sides of the portal. You are approaching the portal to a higher dimensional existence. It has been constructed and is being guarded by your extraterrestrial Brothers and Sisters, in cooperation with your Earth Masters in preparation for the transition you will all be making when you accomplish the Ascension of all humankind. Kathryn has asked us a question about the plan for how the Ascension will be handled, and what options there will be for those who are not ready or willing to make the transition when the rest of you are ready. You, Earth Children, are in charge of the way this will be handled, not Us. We do give our approval to your plans when we see you have thoroughly thought them through and have the intention to create a Light-increasing plan which is in the Greater Good. It has been decided recently in your Council meetings that the Ascension process will go forward as originally foreseen - all together. Let us describe what this means in practical terms. We do not wish to prevent anyone from ascending when they are ready, but it is a difficult and demanding course of personal development to reach the place where you are completely in command of your thoughts, feelings and actions, with Love and Light as the energy you breathe. This is the high level of vibration which has been reached by the Ascended Masters before they made the transition to higher dimensional states in body form. It was decided in your planning councils that you would prefer to ask for help from your Star Brothers and Sisters to allow greater numbers to ascend without the excessively rigorous training your predecessors have experienced. We have agreed to this proposal. It will allow greater numbers of you, who have lived many lives in the very difficult atmosphere of Planet Earth, to ascend on the basis of the level of difficulty you have experienced here, even though you may not have quite reached the level of elevated consciousness of your teachers. We now have the additional technology of the very sophisticated Light chambers which can help you with raising your vibrational levels. We believe that those who have prepared themselves by learning to maintain a high level of Love/Light in your daily lives will be able to adapt to the rising energies of the chambers, and that you will be able to maintain that level once you have completed the training we have planned for you in preparation for the Light Chamber treatments. For those of you who are conscious and aware of your former lives as advanced souls, the transition will be comfortable and pleasant. You will be "processed" through in the first wave, and will be able to return to help with the next phase of people who are ready, and they will do the same with those who come after them. So, you see, accomplishing this process together does not mean that you will all ascend on the same day. It does mean that it will be clear to everyone on the Planet that this is the project they are all taking part in. There will be intensive educational and personal development training for everyone, as much as is needed until every last soul has

achieved the necessary vibrational level to accomplish their goal. It will be a global effort, jointly carried out by the millions of galactic cousins, in cooperation with your own Ascended Masters, many of whom have been working among you in the recent last push toward the glorious goal of Ascension of Planet Earth. It will be possible for all to concentrate on the global effort because you will have already experienced the equalizing effect of the economic shift which will eliminate all reason to cheat, steal or use wealth as power. Because money will no longer be important (because of the abundance), people who previously worked 50 or 60 hours a week will be free to work on their own learning process and to join in community projects to help their neighbors. Good will and mutual sharing will be the order of the day when the only needs that are important are met by simply cooperating with one another in the spirit of Love. Since there will be no competition for resources, because you will have unlimited power, clean water and air, the only real needs will be for food, and you will receive plenty of help creating a new agricultural system which will provide healthy abundance in an ecologically sustainable way. The fun will include the cultural banquet of arts, theatre, dance, music and literature which will no longer struggle for funding, but will be lavished with support and appreciation by the deprived population. It is a wonderful plan, and a heroic life-affirming and hope-filled effort to create what We have dreamed in our fondest dreams. It is a brilliant plan too, in that it uses the power of the group to build excitement, enthusiasm and shared successes. It will create waves of excitement and celebration as each wave of Ascending students makes their glorious transition by renewing their bodies and elevating their hearts and then returning to the group like celebrity achievers who inspire those who follow closely on their heels. Family members will welcome their "graduated" loved ones in awe and genuine respect when they experience the Radiant Ones on their triumphant return, who come back to help their own in the spirit of Unconditional Love and Light. You are well aware of the effect your educators call "peer pressure." This plan uses all the positive but none of the negative influences of the group to build positive participation and joyful cooperation. It carries with it all the glamour, excitement and crowd appeal of the Olympics, where everyone wins a gold medal in a round robin of ongoing training, until everyone becomes a winner. It is as if all the world is cheering their own team, and everyone belongs to the hometown team. Giving a friend a leg up will be as natural as breathing when there is no attraction to crime or dominance over others, because there is nothing to win by doing so and no need for fear or suspicion of others. Cooperation and loving service to others is celebrated and rewarded by advancing in your soul development, which will be, for the first time, a process in full view of those "on the ground." Reaping your "Heavenly Reward" will no longer be a mysterious and faroff invisible process which takes place beyond your view or knowledge. It will be publicly celebrated, as it is in the higher dimensions. The Earth is now preparing for entry into the most watched and admired event in the history of the Universe. It is an experiment in achieving the most desirable state imaginable for the largest

number of people - a truly wondrous undertaking, and one which you will now see was well worth the careful planning and timing. Do you understand now why it was so important to round up and remove the Dark Ones who would be incapable of taking part in the coming effort, because they are unable or unwilling to contribute to any positive, Light-filled event? Do you see why it has been so important for Lightworkers to clear away all the old resentments and shadows in preparation for this coming glorious work? You will all want to be in the first wave of Ascension so that you can return "with bells on" to be the inspiration for your fellow humans. Are you as excited and thrilled as We are by the prospect of seeing your friends and lovers in the visibly glowing form of radiant Ascended Masters? Now, before you try to imagine what might go wrong with this plan, remember that the most brilliant hearts and minds in the Universe have worked thousands of years to anticipate every possible obstacle and have found a plan to conquer it. They are so sure of the success of the program that they are already celebrating. We hope that you now have a better sense of the wondrous possibilities to come for all of you. We cannot possibly capture in words the exhilaration and excitement which fills the ships and the soaring hearts of your Galactic friends. You will be overwhelmed with joy when you discover how brilliant and loving they are, and how much they care for you. We Love you with all our hearts, Your Mother/Father God Via Kathryn May, June 6, 2013, 11 pm.

Part 167: Love is Power

What a remarkable time it is. The energies we are sending have had an enormous effect, even beyond our greatest hopes. We are overjoyed at the outpouring of love and commitment on the part of our energetic Lightworkers, and the rapid response they are getting whenever they set in motion a plan which has Love at its center. For more and more of you, Love has become what you might call the knee-jerk reaction whenever a moment of decision arises. We appreciate you all the more for this. You can rightfully take credit for real progress in this regard. We will briefly address a problem which has arisen in the spiritual community which has been troubling to some of you. The same energies which make you feel as if you are on fire with inspiration, hope and Unconditional Love can also destabilize some. You are all sensitive, and many of you are tired. It is a challenging time for those reasons. Although you know how positive our intentions are, and how hopeful the future really is, there are some frayed nerves, which sometimes leads to frayed egos, and unfortunately it has also led to internet accusations which fly around at lightning speed. The originators of these accusations will eventually find themselves feeling regretful and apologetic, since those who are aspiring Masters are not expected to behave aggressively, and it is confusing to followers who have trusted their words. Let us just say here that we stand behind these messages and those who have been closely associated with them. A group of our Enlightened Ones is collaborating beautifully, with a seamless, loving sense of camaraderie and mutual respect. You read in their writings and their voices the deep connection with Us and with all of you. Their Love speaks for itself. Now let us address your personal issues. You are all being tested at this time, as your contracts have provided for. It is a time of great change and great opportunity, and you have long been aware of the importance of being awake, fully conscious of your own responsibility to take command of your own emotions and actions (including, may we remind you, what you say in this powerful medium of communication, the internet). Pay attention to your language, your attitudes and your speaking habits. We would like to address this problem of your current cultures - the tendency to be careless about what you say, using the colloquial expressions and emotional terminology which originated in the 3dimensional life experience you have recently experienced. Many of those expressions are aggressive or even hostile, with sarcastic and emotionally cutting barbs which you became so used to hearing that you barely notice them. Need we give examples? Listen to any conversation on television and you will hear dozens of them, especially on those programs which promote themselves as family comedy and "reality" shows. In the transition to higher consciousness, you will need to develop an entirely new language one which has been expunged of the barbarisms of the Twentieth Century. In addition to the aggressive and insensitive style of conversation, you will also begin to notice the even more pervasive tendency to discuss emotional states of anxiety, stress, depression and anger as if they were normal and inevitable, even though they are distressing. How tragic a state of affairs, when

humankind has accepted the idea that emotional imbalance is a normal way of life! It is time, Dear Ones, to look more closely at your emotional states and to question whether any of this is true! You have been convinced by the Dark Ones that misery and suffering is inevitable, so that when it is inflicted on you, you will simply complain to your close companions rather than try to revolt against the cause of that misery. How clever of them to come between you and your happiness, was it not? What could be more effective a tool of control than to turn everyone against their very natures, their own identities as human beings? Are you becoming aware of the massive manipulation of your psychology which has been imposed on you over the centuries? Read on, Beloved Children, we will arm you with the evidence to break the chains of your emotional prisons. We wish to underline an idea which Kathryn has presented in her recent teachings. Here is the Fundamental Lie which has enslaved humankind with invisible psychological chains: Love makes you vulnerable. If you open your heart you will be hurt. This, Dear Ones, is a blatant Lie. There is not a whit of truth to this statement. Bear with us now - we hear your protests. Love does not weaken you, it makes you stronger. Many of you associate these things because when you were children, the people you loved hurt you. Now, look more carefully. You were hurt because you were a child, not because you loved. All children are weak, and therefore are easily hurt. Adults are sturdy, fully formed and independent in their choices. If someone does something hurtful, you are free to leave or take action to defend yourself. A child cannot do that they are unable to move out, get a job or a room of their own. A child is vulnerable. You are not a child. Many of you will say, "But I was devastated by the breakup of my relationship." We would ask "Why?" If either you or your partner wanted to leave, what are you mourning? Do you really want to stay with someone who abuses you or does not want you? Why are you not celebrating? The end of a painful relationship is the beginning of a new life, not a trauma. You cannot stand to be alone? Such protestations describe the reconstituted pain of childhood, not an adult state. Adults in full command of their feelings do not feel overwhelmed, or vulnerable, or devastated. You have all been immersed in the Lie that these everyday painful feelings are normal. You have not been taught as children that when you grow up, everything changes. When you are grown, all you need is your own brilliant, intelligent and sturdy self and your connection to your I AM Presence, and you will manifest a life of Love, deep fulfillment, and satisfying friendships. Love will fill your heart, and you will find peace of mind and joy in the strength you feel increasing every day. The more you love, the more fulfillment comes back to you, and the more unexpected surprises wrapped in Love will be dropped on your doorstep. Yes, there are bumps in the road, but because you are NOT emotionally vulnerable (you are gaining in wisdom and flexibility), you would, if not for the Lie, increase your capacity to love with every experience of mastery, every obstacle overcome.

Do you see how pervasive this idea is? You have learned to mistrust your own human makeup, to think of feelings as dangerous, and to believe the lies about chemical imbalances, neurotic syndromes, depressive disease and uncontrollable anxiety, to such an extent that you believe nearly everyone alive is in need of correction by medication. Would we have created such a being? One which is incapable of a natural adult command of their own basic functions? Another tragic outcome of the Lie is that you have come to mistrust each other. After all, you must be wary of humans, since they are so unpredictable and "sick." It has prevented you from sharing freely, from cooperating and trusting. It has fed racial prejudice, war, competitiveness, the belief that strangers are dangerous, and immigrants cause scarcity and lack. Even more importantly, it has prevented you from aligning with each other against those who lied to you. Arise, Dear Children, it is time for a Revolution! Shake off the stifling Dirty Lies and reclaim your competence. Turn your attention to your own considerable faculties which protect you if there should be danger in the environment (which you will not longer invite into your life). You have powerful radar, which is completely disabled by anxiety. This is the source of vulnerability in adults: inattention to your most basic self-protective abilities. Your intuition, which is connected to your soulbody and your heart, is a powerful source of firm self-confidence and accuracy - far more so than your brain. The brain is a very nice storage facility, but it doesn't have the intelligence of your heart. Here is the third area of devastation caused by the Big Lie - the mistrust and disuse of the Heart as the source of higher level judgment than a brain can begin to give you. It nearly succeeded in separating you completely from Us, and this was the original, most devious intent. The Fallen Angels intended to be independent from God, and wanted to create an entire planet of likeminded people. Their goal was separation, darkness, and a destructive duality. They nearly succeeded, but you have begun the Revolution by reclaiming your hearts, and the Love is beginning to flow, between and among yourselves, and toward Us. We congratulate you on your triumph, and urge you to celebrate your Independence Day with new declarations of Love, with fearlessness born from trust in your own strengths and competence. Let this be the end to anxiety, depression, paranoia, racial conflict, imagined emotional vulnerability, and closed hearts. Turn with us toward the sun which rises on the New Golden Age of Planet Earth. We send you our Unconditional Love to intensify and restore your connection to your I Am Presence, which is the God in all of you. We are Mother/Father God Via Kathryn May, June 11, 2013, 1 am.

Part 168: Anger and Self-Hatred are the Opposite of the I AM Presence
Now, Dear Ones, let us continue with yesterday's discussion. We told you about the Big Lie that Love makes you vulnerable. Our response to that idea is that it's nonsense. The opposite is true: Love makes you powerful, and likely to join with others, which makes you even more powerful. Now let's examine why so many people feel helpless and vulnerable. During the process of development throughout childhood and adolescence, the brain continues to grow. As it does, the optic nerve lengthens, and the distance from your eye to the operating center in your brain becomes greater. However, if you have experienced trauma, confusion, painful feelings, they register along the optic nerve channel where the pain is stored, along with the sense of the insult - the people, places, ideas and images which caused the pain. When the difficulty occurs early and frequently, a corollary connection occurs from the place in the brain along the optic nerve where the pain is registered to the lower (reptilian) brain, where the fight or flight response is generated. With repeated experiences of fear or pain or both, the channel to the lower brain becomes a major pathway, a trauma superhighway which then comes to serve as the primary response channel. If used a great deal because of emotional conflict in the child's environment, the fight or flight channel will become the primary response to any strong emotion, any intense experience, negative or positive. This explains why some people are afraid of commitment, for instance, or turn away from a loving relationship as if it would cause them terror. Their brain and emotions are primed to respond with an adrenaline-charged fear response to anything that arouses emotion. They may even respond to the loving partner with rage when they are actually being considerate and thoughtful. This is confusing to the partner, and in some cases will make them doubt their own motives and intentions, even when they know they were being loving. With years of "emotional training" - the experience of fear in response to the behavior of the adults around them - the child grows naturally into an adult with brain circuitry programmed for fear and the resulting behavior, anger, rage, aversion and fear toward anyone who ellicits strong feelings, whether negative or positive. If you are one of those people, or you are in a relationship with one, know that there is a "cure," but it is certainly not medication, which will do nothing to rewire the brain. If you are in a relationship with someone who matches this description, be aware that it is not a trivial matter to correct it. Behavioral training approaches the problem backwards - dealing only with the response, not the cause. The work that needs to be done is the rewiring of the brain. This takes determination and character - to remain mindful every minute of every day in order to rework how you use your brain in response to life's events. This is the way the Visual Centering works, by changing the original pathways to a more adult-centered and Heart-centered response configuration. As you have practiced your yoga meditations, you have learned to breathe and focus on your Heart center. Now you need to create a new channel in your brain to wire in your intended changes. It is the pathway of optimal functioning, when the information travels through the eye,

all the way back to the center of the brain without interference, to register and be processed where all comes together - breathing, seeing, hearing, taste, touch and smell, and above all, intuition and body intelligence. At the same time, you will activate the pineal gland, which increases your ability to connect with Us. Here in the center of your brain, you are able to process the information in a neutral state, without undue emotion. When you establish this balanced center position as your standard operating procedure, as they say, you will bypass the fight-or-flight connections which have been causing all the problems. You must then begin a rigorous practice of refusing to use the old pathways (refusing anxiety, rage, disgruntlement, and all forms of fear). In doing so, the old channels will begin to dissolve and disappear - if you never use them! The new channels, from the center of your brain to your heart, will replace the old reptilian bypass, and you will eventually find yourself in the fulness of Love, expressing joy in every breath. This is the achievement of the I AM Presence, the powerful connection with your Higher Self and Us. You will need to clear away all old blockages along the way - the part of the process which Kathryn teaches - to create a smooth pathway for the information. This we cannot teach you on paper. It must be done with the help of the Visual Centering videos and the teacher's feedback. Kathryn is now training several people to teach the technique, which will help all of you to prepare for your coming Ascension. Now, let us add a bit about the practical use of this clearing and centering technique. You are aware that we have been encouraging you to do your clearing work now, in preparation for the new era. This means that we wish for you to take the stand with yourself that you will eliminate all old connections to fear and anger. Yes, it is indeed possible to live a life without fear, and it is possible to control your emotions to the extent that you never find yourself in a state of extreme upset or rage toward another. The perspective you gain from operating in the center of your brain allows you to see in a new way. You will have the palpable sense of your own destiny, as well as the destiny of others. You will see that the current details of life are often not what they appear - there may be long-term contracts or profound personal lessons to be had from even the most dreadful experiences, for you and others. There may be events unfolding that are beyond the scope of your current Vision, but if you ride it out, the Truth will reveal itself eventually. Most importantly, you will maintain your loving connection to Us, and We will sustain you through all challenges and difficulties. Your job is to remain steadfast in Faith and to transmute every interaction, every feeling into Love. This is the True Way. You will all be given opportunities every day to exercise your I AM Presence, which will always reveal itself to you with feelings of peace of mind, deep fulfillment and a sense of belonging to the One. You will never be lonely, you will never need to be vengeful or "right" and you will have no fear of death, of losses, or of yourself. We have especially stressed the overcoming of anger, because it is an emotion which causes most of the most traumatic discord in your lives, and it has a terrible boomerang effect. You are developed enough along your path to see that you do not approve of irrational rage as part of your repertoire. You may even have learned to

disguise it from yourself and others by calling it something else, but you know in your hearts that when you do something vindictive or mean, you feel terrible afterward. Here's the rub, as our dear Shakespeare said: feeling terrible about yourself leads to wanting to correct the problem. Your old familiar strategy is to berate yourself with more anger! This continues a cycle of self-doubt, self-hatred and fear. The fear is now about not trusting yourself, not feeling safe in your own skin, feeling shame about your mistakes, and you are off and running again. In order to avoid the terrible unpleasantness of self-blame, you must instead convince yourself you are Right. Your vengeance is warranted, self-righteous, even God-given! (Remember the televangelists who were disgraced by sexual scandals and money scams? They were all loudly proclaiming their own righteousness, weren't they?) Do not fall into the trap of self-hatred. It is the toxic, destructive opposite of the I AM Presence. No excuses. Your poor self does not deserve a beating, no matter what your past mistakes or current difficulties. In doing so you have usurped our position as your Creators and put yourself in our place. YOU are not worthy! YOU are stupid! You are playing God, Dear Ones. We would never treat you that way, but you insist you know better than We do, and you proclaim yourself worthless. We object. Your portrayal of Us is a travesty! We want you to replace the anger and self-hatred with Love. Notice: Rage and self-hatred always go together. Rise instead to a higher level of vibration where you can communicate with Us, breathe the breath of Love we send into your mouths, into your soul. Reach for your connection to your Higher Self - your I AM Presence - which puts you directly into our loving arms. Do this every moment of every day, until you know the God within you, and that God is Love. We wish you peace. We are your Mother/Father God. Via Kathryn May, June 11, 2013, 10 pm.

Part 169: What Would You Do If You Were Free

Dear Ones, we come to you with help for your weary psyches. It has been a long, difficult path for many of you. You have forged ahead against the tide of skeptics and non-believers, continuing to present and discuss our ideas and our place in your lives even though people may have looked at you as if you were a bit "off." You have pressed for Disclosure, prayed for NESARA to be instituted, and worked hard to improve yourselves while still living among those who think it is still 3D. Now you are being told through many channels that the action is taking place around the world. Any moment things will be changing. Of course, that is not reassuring at this point. You simply want to see the tangible evidence. Arrests were made, but replaced by clones. Funding will come through, but the cabal is interfering. Those of you who have cultivated great patience and endurance have ridden out this period of suspense admirably. You have maintained your Faith as well as your Love for Us and your fellow humans. Masters have risen to greatness through their everyday tireless work, bringing Love and Peace to those around you. Now it is time to rest, contemplate the years that led you to this wonderful place. Look around you and breathe in the glory of a sunny day - or a sunny moment - and notice the cleaner air. This is a product of the wonderful work of your Brothers and Sisters who have concentrated for many months on the clearing of oil spills, toxic chem trails, and radioactive pollution. Your dear planet is healing, Children, rejoice! There have been many issues which disturbed you, like the brutal "fracking" of the Earth to draw out the last drops of her petroleum supplies, the chemtrails, and the sonar testing which kills whales, and the GMO crops which take over from the natural plants. Your efforts to slow or halt these travesties which destroy your dear planet have helped, and have made the job of clean-up easier than it might have been otherwise. Even so, it was dangerously close to the breaking point for dear Mother Gaia. She called for help, and the galactic Legions of Light answered her call. You and your beautiful planet are blessed, Dear Ones. You have many friends. And now, let us tell you about the progress being made around the globe. The Galactics continue their balancing act to stabilize your planet to prevent the pole shift which had been in the cards for the planet. Several in your solar system have already shifted. It has been well done, creating a safe environment for you to continue your Ascension while remaining in contact with your home planet. We are so happy to see your growth, although there are some who are still struggling, and there are still some Dark Ones who are attempting their last-ditch efforts at destroying the march to the Light. They are clever and determined, but they are no longer any match for the powerful increase of Light which is flowing across the planet, from US of the Central Sun, and from all of you. There are Lightworkers who are aligning with each other to generate so much warmth and good will that those around them are warmed in their hearts just as if they were standing in the presence of an enormous bonfire.

We honor you all, and offer our gratitude and admiration for those of you who have risen to the challenge to teach trust, kindness, and good will. Nothing will ever take the place of loving support of one another, and the camaraderie which results from sharing your thoughts and your deep feelings on the way to completing an honorable project together. You are truly raising the bar in your efforts to be of service to others, and your efforts are being felt worldwide. You are always wondering: What can be done about the ones who are so stubbornly clinging to the old ways? Never fear - there will be abundant opportunities for them to change their way of life, to reevaluate what is important, and to find new ways of expressing their own talents. This is at the heart of the Shift - the space and the opportunity to explore far and wide, to begin anew to pursue your heartfelt dreams which may have been left behind in pursuit of a less interesting but lucrative career. Many of you have played the game: What would you do in your life if your choices never had to be made because of money? How would you spend your time? Who would you spend it with? Think about this now. How would your life change? Are you really looking? Go through your week in your mind. What would you have done on Monday morning if you didn't have to work for money? Would you go to your job anyway? Why would you go or not go? Would you sleep later, or spend more time outdoors? Would you stop to talk intimately with your partner, or gaze into your child's eyes for long moments, savoring their presence? By Friday, what changes would you have made in your life? Would you stick to a regimen similar to what you do now, or would it be entirely different? Would you ever be "busy" again? Now look around you. If you had a lot of time on your hands, how would you change your environment? Would you choose to live in a city, or would you immediately move to a place with more greenery and wildlife? Where would that be? What sort of living arrangement would you like to take part in, if no one needed money to accomplish it? Would you gather friends and family together in a special community, or would you venture forth to meet new people and explore new places? What sorts of schools and other provisions would you make for the children if no one needed money? Would you alter the way you direct the young people you know in their life choices? How long do you suppose it would take before frustrated musicians, artists and writers began pursuing their artistic dreams? How many would become healers, troubadours, explorers and inventors? How many would turn to teaching the subjects they love, for the joy of it? What would your life truly be like if everything you did was simply for the joy of it? These opportunities will come to you, Dear Ones, as the great reward for having come to Planet Earth at this time of new beginnings. Begin now to create the life you envisioned in the last few minutes. Why would you settle for less if you are assured that you will never again be faced with the choice between living comfortably and pursuing your Dream? Can you imagine how much of the anxiety you feel during the day would vanish if you never had to even think about a bill, or a debt, or the electric bill or the rent or the mortgage? In the past month, have you felt anxious about anything else? Ease your minds, Beloved Ones, you will not

have to fear for anything having to do with your financial survival ever again. Now, you will want us to say when. We can say, "Now." The entire plan is of course linked; one domino will start the whole process, and that first domino is already leaning. Tomorrow news will come of Galactic decisions and unfolding events. It will all begin to shift at once, from your perspective. You may even feel your vision playing tricks on you - the trees may seem alive in a new way, and the colors will seem brighter. Your partner may morph in front of you to appear for moments like a Native American chief, or a Chinese woman or a laughing child. You are seeing dimensional shifts because the Veil is lifting. You can perceive other realities and other times. Do you have any friends who are nature spirits? Be prepared feel their presences in the forest, or while you walk in the park. Do you doubt that fairies exist? Are you "skeptical" that dogs think, or that birds have gourmet tastes? Are you aware that your cat sees Us? Why do you suppose that most dogs remain sweet-tempered throughout their lifetimes, even when they have been neglected or abused? They are in constant contact with Us, and they receive our nourishing Love and concern, even when no one else does. You could do that too, and then when your friend or partner comes through the door, you would jump for joy as well. This will truly be a summer to remember. Put your gladrags on, everyone. It is time to dance. Throw back your head and sing - and do not hold back because of what people might think. The time for what people might think is over. Now you breathe and think and see for yourselves. Greet the new day with a smile, and the new day will smile back. When you walk over the threshold to freedom, we will be here to greet you with open arms - and we will be in the company of millions of others who are eager to embrace you as well. We look forward to your Birthday, our dear children of Planet Earth. We are Mother/Father God Via Kathryn May, June 14, 2013, 11 pm.

Part 170: Living Your I AM Presence, Together

Dear Ones, things are moving so fast these days, We are all out of breath. It is an exciting time, isn't it? But even with all the positive changes, you probably know some folks who are getting crankier and crankier because our loving energy challenges the emotional settings and philosophy of life they are used to. You can see it is a case of being shaken from their underpinnings, and for people who tend to be a little rigid or controlling, this can be an enormous challenge. They will struggle to hang on to their old ways until something reaches a breaking point - either they will stop fighting it and ease into the new higher vibration, or they will begin to lash out, blaming others for their discomfort. In this case it may be their relationships which will break. Either way, they will find the horizons expanding, and everyone will be offered the opportunity to open their sites to new and different ways to live. How are you handling the shifts? Do you find yourself exhausted one day, so energized you can hardly sleep the next? Do you find yourself falling in love with your friends and neighbors in a way you have never felt before? Do you see the sparkling God presence in the children around you as never before? Have you experienced animals coming up to you to get acquainted, even the wild ones? Do you greet them warmly and without fear? If you do, you will be affirming your connection with all living creatures, and Mother Nature will smile. When you open your heart, all the world feels your warmth and will beam up to meet you. Do not minimize the importance of this attraction. It is the growing evidence of Our loving presence, which you are feeling as Light beaming down on and through you as your I AM Presence. Feel it: the stream of Love flows down through your crown chakra, through the center of your brain, the third eye center, your throat chakra and down into your heart center. Anchor it there so that you feel the powerful connection between the center of your brain and the center of your heart. Then let it flow on downward through your lower chakras and into the Earth. Mother Earth will feel your loving energy and will respond in kind. Once you anchor the energy of the I Am Presence in your mind and heart, your life will unfold in a very different way. The small annoyances that used to ruin your day will become trivial, hardly worth noticing. The people who used to drive you crazy will seem a bit amusing in their extreme attitudes. You may find you no longer are attracted to the material belongings you used to covet; in fact, you may find you are so occupied with creative work and social interactions that you hardly give those things a second thought anymore. You may even feel small ripples of repulsion when you hear people bragging about their new cars or expensive toys. Do not be alarmed if you have cravings to leave everything you have spent years building - your business, your career, your bank account, all the things you thought of as success - to give it all away and begin over in a simpler way. It is a normal response to the Love Bug. You might say you have been bitten by the energy of Love, and it will make you itch for the deeply satisfying real experiences you have put on hold for "later," after you have completed all the things you planned for.

What if nothing you planned for comes to completion? What if you walk out your door one morning and discover that the whole world smiles on you, and there is no more reason to compete with yourself or anyone else because you are perfect just the way you are, and you have everything you need? This is the New Golden Age you are feeling being born this very year. It will bring far more than an end to poverty and want. It will not create unlimited appetite for material possessions, because that was the false satisfaction for not enough Love. When Love enters your heart - not from the gift of love from another but from within yourself - nothing can be more fulfilling or complete. What will people do if they have no immediate needs? Of course, they will create a new life for themselves based on the beliefs and feelings that remain lodged in their systems from The Old Days, if they have not prepared themselves for the real changes around them. This is where all of you come in. You are the initiates, the leaders who will show the way when everyone else is trying to replace the old structures with more old structures just like the ones that have disintegrated. Your talents and your training will be invaluable. Even the education you thought was irrelevant will serve you well. Each of you has a special gift; you are often too blinded by the criticism you grew up with to even notice it. You have, without your realizing it, gathered information and skills which will increase the value of those gifts. The difference will be that the skills which would have brought in more money are going to be far less valuable than the ones which were overlooked in the old system. For instance, good teachers will be of great value, and we do not mean those who know how to wield a piece of chalk. Remember the Golden Age of Greece - would you not prefer to be taught by Socrates, strolling with you through the town square, presenting you with brain puzzles and challenging moral questions than to be lectured at in a class of two hundred fidgeting, bored college sophomores? Look deeply into yourself. Notice how many of the things you have become accustomed to doing are actually escapist; they helped you to avoid the feelings left over from a day or a year of doing something you dislike. Watching television, for instance, is not truly relaxing; it is hypnotic. It may be better than pacing the floor, but it does not nourish your soul. The same goes for many of the entertainments which fit into the category of what you call "hanging out." If it requires or even includes a mind-altering substance, it is a symptom of dis-ease, dissatisfaction with life, but you probably feel defensive about keeping it. Of course you do. It helped to while away the miserable hours. No such activities will be required when you have nothing to make you feel stifled and misused. What did you love to do as a child? Don't discount playing in the creek, or coloring crayon pictures in your room, or being enraptured by the bean plant you were allowed to raise yourself. Every activity that is self-initiated indicates inner-directed motivation, a wonderful trait of all humankind which has been demoted to hobby status by the current culture. It is this inner drive which will have the chance to flourish in the new era. We are giving you these images and ideas of what to think about and what to expect so that you are not overwhelmed or completely disoriented by the changes. Learn to flow with it in your imagination, and you will be able to do so in reality. We have been preparing together for this

wonderful change for years now, little by little. Think back on the past 5 years, and you will realize how you have evolved. No single shift may be obvious as you are living it, but the cumulative learning experiences have had a life-changing impact, have they not? Ten years ago would you have been attracted to channeled messages from Mother/Father God in the eager way you are now? How many of you have said to us: "Thank you! I just can't get enough!" We delight in your thirst for Truth. Many of you have left dogmatic religions but felt a bit rudderless, without a replacement which could satisfy your soul longing for a real connection to Us. You were taught you needed an intermediary, someone to interpret the Word of God for you. We are here to tell you that is not true. Each of you has within you the ability to feel our presence, to listen to your intuition and follow it, and even to hear our voices speaking to you as our dear channel does. We are teaching you what you need to become connected to Us as a constant state of Love and Light. It is the exercise we gave you at the beginning of this message. This is the vertical ray of Light which runs through your whole system. Add to that the centering exercises which teach you to reach the center of your brain (in your Light channel) as your standard operating procedure, and you will be well prepared for a life of Love and service. You see, Love, Light and Service go together. It is what we do, and it is what you will be discovering in yourself when you do the exercises every day. Join us in Love, Dear Children. There simply is no replacement or any substitute, as you will discover as you build your new society to benefit everyone, in every conceivable way. We will be here to congratulate you every step of the way. We are Mother/Father God, with the Legions of Light, who love you beyond measure. Via Kathryn May, June 18, 2013, 12 am.

Part 171: Summer Solstice Celebrations Begin

Last night was a historic event in our ability to talk with all of you. On Kathryn and Anne DeHart's BlogTalkRadio show, Kathryn channeled Us and four other Masters. It was a glorious celebration of the coming Summer Solstice, this connection between Us and You. There are also plans for a special Summer Solstice internet radio program on the same channel, which Kathryn and Anne will list on their websites, so you can call in and make your contribution to the rising energies which are driving the Shift on your beloved planet. Your combined energies, which you will increase by meditating together as a group, will lift the whole world. Other groups will also be meditating this glorious day, June 21, 2013, to bring in the New Golden Age. Your intention to create peace throughout the planet, bring in the announcements of the release of NESARA funds, and inspire Disclosure of the true existence of your Star Brothers and Sisters who are waiting by the millions around your planet in their ships. These things together will create a change which will redefine how life is conducted on dear Mother Earth. We urge each of you to join the group during the time slot of 8 to 10 PM Eastern time. We will drop in to help lead a meditation for you, and many of you will want to call in with your own Summer Solstice stories or history lessons. Kathryn will have another contributor named Lori to help manage the show, so there will be lots of information and interaction, and fun for everyone who wants to share in the good company and the lovely sense of community you are establishing in this diverse and far-flung group. We look forward to the interaction with you on this historic Summer Solstice evening. Now, let's talk about how you are doing in your efforts to raise your level of vibration as you go through your days. Do you find it is easier to maintain your good humor, even when someone tries to "get under your skin"? That's a funny expression, isn't it? But it is exactly the right description for the experience we are going to help you learn to prevent. It will help you to avoid the unpleasant feelings of annoyance and impatience you might have felt in the past. Here is the technique to protect you and your skin from invasion by another. First, be aware of the sensation you feel when a person does something offensive, and you are the target. Register the feeling that comes with their comment or action. It is instantaneous. Notice it, place meaning on what you feel, then move quickly to the next step. Breathe deeply, steady yourself by anchoring your I AM Presence in your brain, feel the Love flowing down through your crown chakra, through your brain (third eye reception area in the center), through your throat, and into your open heart. If you have all your channels open, you will feel a flow of Love, like standing in a nourishing waterfall. Feel the strong connection between the center of your brain and the center of your heart. Now let the Light channel expand as it carries Our Love/Light down through your body, filling every cell with the feeling of acceptance, warmth and joy. Keep expanding until the Light

emanates throughout your body, expanding to fill every nook and cranny of your lovely self. Then let it ripple outward, all the way to the surface of your skin. Feel the protection that comes from being filled with Light: there is no room for any Darkness, therefore you are not vulnerable. Let the ripples extend outward a little distance from your skin. This is your aura, and it will not only protect you from invasion by any energy you do not welcome - it also bathes others in the Light, lifting their vibration and creating an atmosphere which will bring out the best in those around you. Keep breathing this sense of powerful Love/Light, and you will push any energies out of your body which don't deserve to be there. Darkness is simply nullified by Light, so do not fear that the Annoying One will get any hold on you or will be able to sink their claws into you and have it go unnoticed. You will find that there is great respect for one who holds fast to the Light. Because you are not accessible to the Darkness, you are in effect, invulnerable. Again, breathe in the Light from above, your I Am Presence, and be aware that you could not be pushed over or compromised. Continue to do this exercise as you go through your day. You will begin to find that even if someone tries to bring you down, no matter how hard they try, you will not succumb to stooping to their level or to engage in the petty attacks they are waging. As you continue to prove unstoppable, the world will begin to adapt to your strength by showing respect, and even the worst enemies will lose interest in their failed attempts to bring you down. This has always been the most effective road to peace. You see, this is the power behind the stance which has been called non-violence - the ability to generate more Light and Love than any Dark One. It is not obvious to someone who is operating at a 3D level, because the effects are not revealed as instantly as, say, hitting someone over the head with a big stick (or military weapon). You - and anyone who succeeds at this Light-bearing approach - will create good will and a quiet sense of true power everywhere you go. And now, Dear Ones, we will continue our ongoing conversation with you by whispering in your ear as the Solstice works its magic across the land. We are always here for you, always supporting and celebrating your growth. We love you unconditionally, Your Mother/Father God Via Kathryn May, June 21, 2013, 3 am.

Part 173: The Great Nothing Happened Day

And now it is June 24, 2013, and no announcements of the sort you were expecting have been made. This is true. Yes, we did give you a date. It is exactly what you have both longed for and objected to, and when the result you wanted did not come through, many of you took it as an opportunity to send angry and sometimes abusive and accusatory messages to the channel. She is, of course, the messenger, not the originator of the messages and does not deserve anything but thanks for her challenging work, which occupies her 24/7, as you call it. This latest has been an especially difficult assignment, because of the response it was bound to elicit. She continues to work with Us even when it means putting herself in the line of fire. Now let us discuss the response you all had to this latest "disappointment, miscalculation, lie." We, your Creators, desire what is most beneficial for your growth. We know that you each grow in a little different way, that your tolerances are different, but there are some lessons which can afford an illuminating moment wherever you might be on your soul path. Disappointment is one of those lessons. It has the effect of either bringing out the worst impatience and intolerance, or giving you the opportunity to reach deeply into your inner strength, your I AM Presence, which is your deep Faith, and know that all is well, and that the meaning of this event will unfold in due time. Which side of the spiritual fence did you come down on? Did you lash out to place blame on someone to make you feel better? Would it help you to examine this response, to help you understand your close relationships better? Are you willing to breathe deeply and search your feelings, then take responsibility for transmuting every element of negativity you feel rising up in you, working with it to understand its root, its uses, and its present flavor? This is The True Way. You can learn to be in command of your feelings, thoughts and actions to the degree that you never lash out in an accusatory way toward anyone, including yourself. We have given you the ultimate test, Dear Ones. By ultimate, we mean the hardest as well as the final one. Life is full of such tests, is it not? This is why you create your contracts to come here so that you will be tested, sometimes to your limits of tolerance. It is our agreement with you and your guides; your Higher Selves worked with us on this, to give those of you who wish to call yourselves Lightworkers an opportunity to rise above your familiar level of existence, to truly shine. For some it will require a tremendous leap out of old familiar patterns, for others it has given you the chance to stretch your limits, to confirm anew that when things get difficult, you anchor ever more deeply in your I AM Presence. You and We know the nuances of your emotional states; perhaps you have greater reason than We to blind yourself to your lingering connection to anger, impatience, and intolerance. We ask you now to loosen that hold - turn to the Light and rejoice in the freedom of letting go of old Darkness. We do not blame you or belittle you for your negative feelings. You have been raised among people for whom anger was as immediate an expression of life as was breathing. Now, turn away from those old defensive feelings which may have served you in childhood but which currently serve to give you nothing but agita, and to separate you from those Most Loving Ones who are here to be of service to you.

We can feel the outrage from those of you who have been "caught out." You have put your feelings in writing, or spewed angry diatribes at those around you, cursing Us, or the Galactic Federation of Light, the voluntary organization which has served for thousands of years as the Protectors of Light in the Universe. It is not a government as you know it; it is a group of angels who pledge allegiance to each other and to God, to uphold peace, Light and Protection for the greater good of all. They have come to help you and your struggling planet because you called, even though Mother Earth is not yet eligible for membership because of the continuing wars and Darkness which remains on her surface. Now here you are, the day after the big Nothing Happened Day. We have surprised you with something you might call a "trick" or a "manipulation" if you did not acknowledge your own part in it. Yes, all of you - every single one reading this message - has contracted with Us to present you with this challenge so that you could finally find a way to overcome the emotions you have been stuck in, recycling and recycling the old resentments and fears. Please accept, with Us, that it is not your fault; it is your conditioning. It is now time to wrest yourself out of old conditioned patterns and turn toward the Light of Compassion, Love, Friendship, Joy and Forgiveness. Are you angry now? Do you feel betrayed, or outraged that you must face something you do not want to look at in yourselves? Now is the time for courage. It takes real character to change, to forgo all temptation to indulge in self-righteous contempt. Turn to the Light. Take our hands, allow Us to embrace you, to welcome you back to our Unconditional Love. We have loved you enough to create the conditions for your growth, so that you will Ascend with a free and loving heart, for the time is near, and there is work still to do to reach the level of Christ Consciousness you came here to achieve. We are giving you many tools to help you in this difficult personal renovation project. We commissioned Kathryn's book to be the Manual for Ascension. It calls to you: "Who Needs Light?" We have sent our dear Sanat Kamara to train her in the ancient Visual Centering technique, and now both he and Kathryn are training students to carry this technique to suffering people across the globe to help them free themselves from the old conditioning. We have come to you on the radio show where our dear Anne and Kathryn bring our voices to teach and to answer our questions so you may come to know Us and our Masters even better. We have given you these messages, day by day, to help you acclimate to the atmosphere of pure higher dimensional vibrations of Love and Light you will find in the Fifth Dimension and above. Read these words with an open heart, Dear Children. Those of you who are angry and upset by pace of change are often those who have suffered most in this life, and who sincerely desire real change, but in your impatience you miss the deeper understandings. This is always true about impatience, by the way. It blinds you to the Truth - yours, Ours and others. We like to tell a story which comes from one of the scripts of our dear Gene Roddenberrry's Star Trek. On the deck of the Enterprise, the officers prepared for an attack by an aggressor, but lamented that "When your shields are up, you can't scan, and you can't beam anybody up." Drop your shields, Beloveds. The time for attack and defense is past. Darkness is being overcome by the positive efforts of those courageous and steadfast Lightworkers around you, who have resolutely hewed to the path of Light, uplifting themselves and those around them even

when they were exhausted, even when they too had suffered the disappointments you all are familiar with. Did they feel the disappointment less? Of course not, but they did not dwell on it long enough for it to become resentment or anger. This is the Shift we are asking you to make within yourselves. Rework the channels in your brain, the pathways which carry emotion to action. Do not allow even a moment of impatience, or anger, or self-doubt. Banish those feelings by replacing them with the peace you will find in the center channel of Light, which beams down upon you through your crown chakra, into the center of your brain, down through your body into the center of your heart. Hold fast to that connection, Dear Ones. It is your connection to your Higher Self, your I Am Presence, and your God. Those of you who were able to maintain your balance and sustain hope and a sense of perspective in spite of this current challenge, we congratulate you with all our hearts. You have passed one of the most difficult obstacles without being defeated. It was especially difficult because of the timing - you know how fast things are moving; you feel the change in the air and know it is coming, and to find once again that it is "not yet" is especially hard to bear. We celebrate your progress, and encourage all of you to use this experience to confirm your own strength and trust in yourselves and in Us. We are here for you, every one of you. We know this challenge is a shock to some of you who thought we only send messages of reassurance, but that is not our way. Sometimes We need to arrange what your scientist would term an "in situ" experiment so that you can reflect on your own responses, honing and perfecting your skills. You are becoming more mindful, more in command every day. You are lifting your vibration in the face of a challenge - this is the real test of your commitment and your inner strength together. We lift our beacon of Light to you, Beloved Ones. Take it, and carry it high, for you are entering the portals of a New Golden Age, and you will all be needed, all find your fulfillment in service to others as a way of life. We love you beyond words. We are Mother/Father God, with all the Legions of Light at our side, ready to be of service to you in the coming Age. Via Kathryn May, June 24, 2013, 1 pm.

Part 174: The Day After the Day After - With Love
Well, it is now the day after the day after, and some of you have simmered down a bit after the first wave of outrage when you concluded that we were either evil manipulators or Kathryn was a charlatan. Wrong on both counts, Dear Ones. Yes, we did make an announcement that there would be an announcement tomorrow. Well, tomorrow is here, and not yet are living in a time warp, while you still feel the presence of your 3D world. Your planet and many on it are living in 5D in their hearts, in their dreams, and in their hopes. They are not disillusioned because they have already felt the changes we speak of; they cannot be discouraged or outraged because they feel our Unconditional Love and they know that whatever it is we have said, there must be a good reason for it. Yes, there was a good reason for giving you this very brief and merciful lesson to test your patience. Did you pass the lesson to your own satisfaction? You are the one who is to evaluate that, of course. It was for your own experience, and for you to have a deeper glimpse into your subconscious, to see if there is anything still there that you need to examine, turn over in your mind, and consider changing. You are the ones who can change your reactions, not Us. We provide the loving support, and sometimes the tough challenges which throw you back on your strengths, encourage you to reach deeply into your soul to feel your way back to the Light and to Us. Is there an obstacle course for each of you in this lifetime which you need to complete in order to reach your fulfillment? Absolutely. Do we participate in the creation of those labyrinths and obstacle courses, along with your guides and your Higher Self? Certainly. Do we tell you the truth about all the things that will happen to you as you are going through it? No. If we did, you would be deprived of the valuable opportunities to exceed your own previous limitations. We keep the Veil intact as you proceed through your life, and even if you go to the most clever psychic, we do not permit you to know beforehand what the most difficult challenges will be. That would create dread and foreboding which would color all your days and spoil all your fun. It is not our intention to make you miserable, although certain misery can be a powerful stimulant for change. You, Dear Ones, have as a race helped to create the challenges, shifts, surprises and delights which you encounter day to day. The serendipitous friendships, the precipitous falls, the love affairs and the children who come into your life - all are planned as part of the primary timeline you are intending to follow for your maximum learning potential. You were aware before you came here of the pervasive Darkness which has held the entire human race on Gaia in servitude for thousands of years. Every single one of you reading these messages - rich, poor, black, white, East, West, Muslim, Christian, Hindu, Buddhist and Jew - all came here in whatever form was suitable and available for you to do one thing: to defeat the Darkness and restore your beloved Mother Earth to Love.

In the process, your overall goal was to achieve greater enlightenment to further your own ascension process, the ladder you all climb over hundreds, even thousands of incarnations on the way to returning to Us in absolute Oneness. These lifetimes, Beloved Ones, are the practice which perfects you as an individual, and as the I AM Presence which is the God in you. You have within you Our presence, our love, and the feelings of Love which is the pure feeling of our hearts. You also have the potential for anger, hatred, rage, defeat, despair, and profound fear. Those are the feelings you must learn to manage and eliminate from your repertoire. These are the greatest of the obstacle/challenges you are presented with here. It is unfortunate that the teachings of the Dark Ones have succeeded in clouding this Truth: Your Mother/Father God do not experience these lower vibration energy/feelings, although we feel them when you do. They are a problematic part of your DNA, which will be changing with the rising energies and with the Ascension process. This DNA is not accidental. You were created in our image, but with some variations which were created to allow you to experience the widest possible range of feeling. In so doing, you can choose of your own free will to modify, adapt and meliorate those feelings in such a way as to choose to be ever more like us, ever more loving and compassionate and forgiving. This learning process has gone on for millions, well, billions of years. Many have gone before you, and many have ascended the difficult path to Enlightenment, but never in the history of the Universe has there been a training ground more perfectly suited to test your mettle, and to put you into circumstances which will cause you to choose, as this 3D, free will experience of Planet Earth does. You are tested day by day, to demonstrate your character, your resilience and your resolve. This is indeed the fast track to higher dimensions if you are able to avoid losing your connection to your heart. However, it is sometimes the slow track for those who spend their time here looking in the mirror and combing their hair, or pursuing fame and fortune for their own sake. The Dark Ones have prepared a perfect trapdoor into temptation, ego aggrandizement and disconnection from the Heart via drugs, impersonal sex and the lure of material wealth and power. It is they who teach manipulation for the sake of gaining power over others, and a favorite ploy is to convince people that God is vengeful, arrogant and careless. By doing so, they have encouraged those qualities in you, rather than helping to modify or overcome them. Thus, insensitivity and aggressive behavior is socially acceptable, even lauded, giving children and adults license to behave dishonorably. And so the cycle has continued. There have been dark times during the history of Earth's difficult journey. There have been eras during which nearly all on the planet were co-opted by the Dark Energies to such an extent that all lost the connection to their spiritual foundation and to Us, only to return at the end of their lives to review, renew their resolve, and return for another try. There were many across the Multiverse who believed the one Mother Sehkmet has called "My Baby" would never recover, and should be dissolved because of the predominance of Darkness here. It was because of the dedication and the undying belief in her and in this strain of humanity on the part of the Kumaras, who came from Venus to help restore her to her former beauty, that

you now find yourselves on the verge of Ascension. You know them as Sananda (Jesus), Lady Nada (Mary Magdalene), Ashtar and Athena, St. Germain and Portia, Archangel Michael, Sanat Kumara, and others who are less known to you on these pages. They are the keepers of the Seven Rays. They brought with them the Elohim, of whom there were only 144,000. They have worked for eons to help humanity overcome the hold of the Dark Ones, and the triumph which history will record as the beginning of the New Golden Age has come to fruition now. They have all incarnated many times, as you have, to represent Light and Love in the midst of horror and misery, and little by little they and their younger soul/students have lifted the vibration on Planet Earth. Now is your opportunity to join wholeheartedly in the holy project of establishing harmony, tolerance and good will across your world. It is time, Dear Ones, to forego all anxiety, anger, impatience, intolerance, annoyance, jealousy and rage, for those are the braingenerated emotions which separate you from Us. Banish these feelings and all expression of them now, forever. We know you are saying: "What? These are human feelings. I'm entitled to feel them." Not really. These are Dark-inspired feelings which have been conditioned into your nervous system and behavior after eons of mind-control efforts on the part of the Dark Ones. These feelings create a great rift between us and amongst yourselves. Even worse, they create a rift between you and your heart. These negative emotions were not created to be a major component of your makeup, nor are they a necessary requirement for your survival. They are not so much your protection from danger as they are the cause of it. You are designed with great intelligence, intuition, resourcefulness, creativity, passion, and Heart. These are God qualities in you. Use them, cultivate them. Do not settle for less than the perfect balance of those positive qualities, without the Dark alternatives. It is now the time for Unity, the Oneness you have longed for in this life. By eliminating the negative feelings from yourself, you are doing your best to raise the level of vibration on the planet. We measure the aggregate consciousness on the planet in our decision-making process of when to allow needed interventions which you have pleaded for, and which have been granted because you earned them by raising the global energy level. This assistance is given not as a reward but as an intervention allowed under Universal Law, which forbids interference with free will. If the planet had remained in Darkness, we could not have intervened except in the case of actions which endanger the rest of the Universe, as in the threat of nuclear war. We do not take liberties with Universal Law, which we helped to establish, nor do we toy with your feelings or usurp your freedom. We do work with you to help you lift yourselves out of the centuries of training which aggrandized your negative responses and belittled your positive ones. We understand that this conditioning runs deep and persists, even with constant effort. It is only with a zero-tolerance standard for yourself that you will be able to finally rewire your brain to create pathways upward to your spiritual connection with Us rather than downward into your fight-or-flight response. You do have the choice. Every time you opt for annoyance or anxiety, you groove in those channels, as Kathryn often says. Change your feeling reactions and your brain will follow. You will find to your own astonishment that you no longer even feel

resentment or fear. Yes, that is human. We are your Mother/Father God. Via Kathryn May, June 26, 2013 1 am.

Part 175: New Adventures, Inside and Out

We would like to encourage all who are reading this to take part in the Saturday call at 9 am. Pacific, 12 EDT, with Zorra, hosted by Anne DeHart of the Hollow Earth Network. Our channel Kathryn will be taking over from Zorra's son Zarayah to channel Zorra for the large community of followers who have been listening to Zorra's words of wisdom, current events information and health and wellness exercises for more than two years. There will be important announcements about the state of the world, updates on the details of the release of the NESARA funds, and general information about Earth and Galactic developments. Kathryn has agreed to allow the world to experience her learning process as she develops the skill of transchanneling. This means that she not only channels the words and emotional tone of the Entity she is channeling, but she will actually trade bodies with Zorra in order to allow him to speak through her, while she enjoys taking part in the environment of Hollow Earth or wherever Zorra might have been when the trade took place. Listeners will hear of her learning process and her adventures in Zorra's body. It will be unusually enlightening for all. Now, we will send you a short message of encouragement and praise for the work you have done on the issues you uncovered as a result of our last few messages. Some have objected to the teaching methods we used, insisting on calling it "manipulative," although we went to great lengths to explain the necessity to create a scenario for you which would allow the least disruption to your lives while also providing you with a challenge which would stretch your patience. The purpose was to give you the opportunity to experience yourselves grappling with a disappointing, confusing sequence of events so that you could practice managing your emotions. Many of you have commented that you were pleased that you were able to maintain your balance, remain open to what might unfold, and to go on with life without undue emotion. That is a triumph, indeed. This is the ascension learning process at work. These small tests we have offered you are better than the more stressful obstacles you have encountered in your lives previously, are they not? You did not have to experience an automobile accident or a death or an argument with your partner to find yourself grappling with your feelings. Unfortunately, some were angered by the exercise, finding themselves responding to our efforts as if it were a betrayal, of the sort they had experienced in their lives. This is just the point, isn't it, Dear Ones? The perfect test creates something similar to the old familiar triggers, and you learn to respond differently with practice. This was the principle of transference which Freud made famous nearly 100 years ago. Anyone who has participated in a rigorous form of psychotherapy knows the usefulness of working through old feelings in the presence of a trusted guide. This is the role we play for you in this modern experience of working with Us to clear away conditioned responses from childhood. In the process, you can learn to feel our compassion and endless Love for you. That is the cure for a bad childhood, Beloved Ones - knowing the love of your Creators, which can heal all wounds. There is one condition which must exist as a prerequisite for this profound healing, however.

That is the ability to maintain your deep Faith in the connection with Us, knowing that our Love is constant and unwavering. Without that trust, you would naturally believe that our actions were designed to annoy or upset you. This is what you have experienced from your human family, and this is what your religions have taught you about God. We wish to reassure you that we do not ever create conditions for you in order to manipulate you or hurt you. That would be unthinkable for Us. We are the essence of pure Love, nothing else. Why then could we have devised an exercise for you that would bring forth such mixed feelings, and for some, rage? Because the time is approaching for you to be truly tested. The final test of whether you have raised your vibration enough to ascend in the first wave will be completely impersonal - as impersonal as measuring your height to see if you are tall enough to reach the top shelf, or measuring the resonance of your voice to see if you can announce the beginning of the race. Have you raised your vibration sufficiently? This means that you have experienced difficult challenges and have been able to keep your "cool," and you are able to maintain a high vibration even in the face of surprises, disruptions to your familiar belief systems or controlled routine. This high level of vibration is achieved not by controlling your environment to make sure you are never tested; just the opposite. It means jumping into the deep water to prove to yourself that you know how to swim. There is a New Age idea which dictates that any true or valuable spiritual experience must feel good. Can you imagine that Jesus' experience on the cross was a "feel good" moment? Certainly he would have preferred a pleasant hour of meditation, but that would not have provided the profound spiritual learning experience which has echoed down through the ages. It has been misinterpreted to imply that suffering is what is noble, rather than the true lesson of Love which conquers all Darkness. Planet Earth is known as the place of greatest challenges and greatest growth. This is why you came here, is it not? You were not required to choose this time and place. Are you not here to conquer Darkness? This is the project we are here to accomplish during this era. It is well understood throughout the Universe that the Ascension of Planet Earth will require that humankind learn, finally, to eradicate the Darkness in themselves. You are aware that the Dark emotions are on the continuum from annoyance to anger to rage. Why then do you claim that you are on a spiritual path when you see yourself responding with anger and vindictiveness under any circumstances? Have we not taught you that taking responsibility for your own thoughts, feelings and actions is the paramount goal? Why then do you make exceptions for yourself when you behave angrily, regardless of the circumstances? You have made a rule that there are justifications for your reactions, providing the other person was annoying, or out to get you, or their opinion was wrong, or you were having a bad day, or it was God who annoyed you. No, Dearest Ones, we are telling you that all anger must be transmuted, translated into positive action by filtering it through your I AM Presence, which is Love. The time for Dark emotions is past. Planet Earth is moving into the higher fifth dimension and

above, where there is no anger, jealousy, greed, competitiveness, vindictiveness or revenge. These are the 3 dimensional expressions which must be left behind, through rigorous practice and the expanded perspective which allows you to feel the truth of your Oneness with all things. The historic opportunity is upon you. Do not flag in your efforts to examine every comment, every reaction, every thought. Be courageous in your resolve to leave behind these ancient emotions, normalized by generations of Reptilian teachings and conditioning. Boldly step into the Golden Age, Beloveds, with your banner of Light and Love raised high. Do not slide back into the old; celebrate every foray into the new. Get to know the mantra: Transmogrify! Modify, evolve, transmute old patterns in order to completely replace them with resilience, creativity, resourcefulness and compassion. You will discover new levels of patience, peace of mind and happiness beyond anything you have imagined. It is your birthright, the glory you were born to experience. Do not stop until you have reached your full potential - the I AM Presence in which you say, I AM Love, I AM Light, I AM Joy, I AM God. We love you endlessly, Your Mother/Father God via Kathryn May, June 29, 2013, 1 AM

Part 176: Lifting All Boats

You are feeling the heat, as they say, are you not? The energies on the planet have reached an all-time high, as our high-vibe blast of Love washes over you, and so many of you are rising along with it, you have set a new pace for yourselves which is feeling a bit dizzying. This is the process of Ascension which we have been trying to prepare you for these many months, even years. It is not something that can be put into words, really. The symptoms vary for individuals, and the timing of those symptoms also varies, but you are feeling the woozy, underwater feeling, and the light-headedness, and the losing-track-of-time feeling, and perhaps the headaches too. Tiredness beyond what you generally feel is also normal these days. Even as you are trying to keep your eyes open, you may feel the tiredness alternating with moments of high energy, resolve, and resourcefulness. You are accomplishing things you never thought you were capable of, while also doubting yourselves: Was that really as good as you think it was? Are you really learning these lessons as well as you hope you are? Yes, Dear Ones, your constant self-examination, your mindfulness, concern for others, and deep moments of intimacy at the most unexpected times - all these are the indications that you are growing in awareness and in Love. You are expanding your Hearts. This is the path which raises your consciousness to ever higher levels. This is also the path of lifting your world along with you, for Ascension is a Universal shift. All the Universe is experiencing the rising tide with you. Everywhere the work and the celebration is reaching what you call "a new high." Of course, you still read stories of a few bombers and an occasional murder story, but have you noticed that the rash of individual violence has rather suddenly decreased? Those who were completely unbalanced by the rising energies have mostly done their irrational and uncontrolled deeds. There will be fewer and fewer of these rash and disastrous stories in coming weeks. Around the globe, the people's demonstrations which are occurring are mostly peaceful, are being widely publicized, and are gaining in power. Egypt will not be silenced, and will not be satisfied until it has freedom and a return to the glorious civilization of old. The Middle East is moving toward peace, as is North Korea. The Syrian dictator is growing pale and thin - have you noticed? His power and resolve are draining away. He will soon fade into a well-earned oblivion. You are aware by now that Iraq has been freed from Chapter 7 bankruptcy and is now a free country. This week China and India began buying massive amounts of gold - their combined purchases equaled about 25% of the total year's gold production. There has never in history been such an event. You will soon be hearing news of the shift to the gold standard and revaluing currencies globally. Yes, Dear Ones, these escalating events are all part of the plan put in place by our St. Germain and his legions of helpers over hundreds of years. Meanwhile, the world is also rallying to object to the invasion of privacy in the U.S with their clever "Yes We Scan" placards and marches. It is a positive thing, overall, that people are waking up to the need to defend their own rights rather than submitting to any new usurpation of freedom their government wishes to inflict. This is an action which will have a doubling effect, because this gathering of information is actually in preparation for the announcements to come.

It was necessary to gather massive amounts of information in order to create the global network to contact everyone on the planet simultaneously. Unfortunately, because some of the Dark ways were still in place, it had to be done using the old, secretive agencies and procedures which have been the plague of the planet - the secret use of information to subdue and control all the people. This time it will be different. Once the announcements are made, a new transparency will become the order of the day. There will be revelations that will awaken the entire populace, even those who have energetically refused to see the long downward slide toward voluntary servitude. The propaganda machine has soured the people on their government, even to the degree that they laud the propagandists and vilify those who are truly fighting for freedom. Instead, they honor the very moguls who are stealing from them and who control the government from behind the scenes by buying the legislators who will do their dirty work. These "elected officials" then curry the favor and votes of citizens who would oppress chosen groups - women, unions, gays, immigrants, college students - rather than uplift their constituents. These same "voters" whoop whenever a war is suggested, and rush to give their lives for the honor of filling the pockets of those who supply weaponry and financing to both sides of every conflict. This has been the state of you planet for centuries. War, pollution, toxic chemical spills, bad food, antiquated health care, oppressive educational practices - all the ills we have talked with you about here - all have kept you asleep to the truth by enslaving your minds, your bodies and your hearts. You have lived in a culture in which bad is good, evil is power, material wealth is equated with honor, and selfishness is King. It is not your fault that you have been stewing in this toxic mind bending soup all your lives. You came here to try to fix it, but of course in order to that, you have to first fix yourselves. Quite a challenge, this. Is it any wonder it has taken thousands of years and many incarnations to prepare you for this? We have woven the story together for you here over the past months, Light and Dark, old and new. It is our way of helping you to expand your vision, breathe Light to clear away the old toxic ideas, and find your way to a brighter, clearer way of life. It is what we call The True Way to teach you how to be awake and discerning, while also keeping compassion, love and forgiveness paramount in your hearts. It is a difficult challenge, being fully aware of the Darkness, working to bring Light where it is needed, and not be affected by the Darkness you see. This path to the higher dimensions does not allow for denial. Only by seeing the evil do you learn to appreciate goodness with all your heart and soul. And only if you see it clearly can you change it. You are mobilizing, Beloved Children. You are working together in new ways, finding your gifts, developing your dormant talents, and joining the rising tide of Light and Love. We are delighted by your steady progress, by your strength, and you growing sense of integrity and selfworth. Yes, they go together, don't they? You must first value your own God-given self, your heart/mind/body/soul in its glorious wholeness before you can express integrity - for this is the structure from which integrity grows. Your humanity, your entire self, including your history, your actions, your struggles and your

mistakes have gone into learning to appreciate and use all of what you are. We have often told you we love you, warts and all, as you are fond of saying. We created you with some of those "defects" because we know you will work hard to exercise your integrity, and when you do, those defects become precious gifts which lead to greater growth. You are indeed shining stars, Dear Ones. You are just beginning to come into your maturity as a planet, and what a comingout party this is going to be! There are now among you, incarnated, many of the great Masters. We have asked them to begin revealing their true identities. We have told you that our dear Kathryn is the one who calls herself Portia, the beloved twin flame of St. Germain. Lady Portia's name describes the path she has walked for thousands of years. The root "port-" means to carry, and also doorway or portal. Her work is to help to carry others toward the portal into Light. It is the work for all of us now, is it not, to carry yourself and others forward in Love and Light, to the glorious destiny that is now being played out on the great stage of the Universe? Each one will do their part in this great adventure. Even the ones who are still half asleep encourage their peers to strive for greater clarity, better ways to reach out, for all souls must be included, finally, before this great endeavor is fulfilled. We send you more and ever more Love to encourage and support you on your path to Ascension. We are your Mother/Father God, in the company of millions of your Star Brothers and Sisters, who are already celebrating your triumph. Via Kathryn May, July 2, 2013, 1 am.

Part 177: Removing All Darkness, Inside and Out

We would like to tell you about some of the goings-on behind the scenes as the cleanup of Planet Earth proceeds. There are issues of which many of you are completely unaware, and they are areas of great concern if the civilization is to move forward in Love and Light. The issue we speak of is the secret government - the covert operations which have been conducted by the group you have called the Illuminati. We prefer to call them the Dark Hats because there is nothing of Light about them. Some of you know their origins and history, but we will give you a brief description here. The ones you know as the Fallen Angels, led by Lucifer, were not evil, but were rebellious against the idea that all beings should be connected with God. They wished to try complete independence, to live without having to rely on the I AM Presence in their lives. They were what you might call the original atheists, but they were well aware of the God they were rebelling against, since they were our own dear children. They came to Earth during a period of upheaval, and taught their beliefs to others. Among those others were the Reptilians, a race of beings also created by us, who were exceptional for their intense passion and creativity. They were a part of the racial mixing which was to become you, the humans of Planet Earth, known as The Creator Race. The strengths of the Reptilians was in their high levels of intuition, perceptiveness and psychic powers. They were intensely loving, fiercely loyal, and gifted intellectually. They were also fiercely independent, and their encounters with Lucifer led to disastrous ends. Some of the Reptilians, though not all, decided that they would free themselves from their connection to God and to the intensity of their passionate feelings by experimenting with their own DNA. Tragically, they used their scientific abilities to remake themselves into a race without the connection to their hearts which allows all beings to feel Love for one another and for their God. Incidentally, their philosophy - that love is to be avoided because it will lead to pain, and that sensitivity is weakness - has become a mantra in your own cultures to this day. Once freed from the requirement of Love and its corollary feelings of compassion, forgiveness, empathy, nurturance and reverence for life, they became the source of evil which went far beyond the intention or control of Lucifer and his followers. It was the Reptilians who took the idea of independence from God to its opposite extreme, and as we have described in Kathryn's book, the behavior which results is what is now called psychopathic or sociopathic. They became intelligent beings without Heart - an extremely dangerous combination. It would not have been possible for them to maintain their practice of evil in every area of life on Earth if they had taken part in the after-life process which everyone else experiences. As we have described to you earlier, at the end of every life, all God's children ascend to the 5th dimension to be welcomed back to the dimensions of Unending Love, and to review, with the help of your Guides and mentors, the entire experience of your life. As you re-experience your actions which caused others pain from their point of view, you are taught in the most profound way to feel

empathy for others and forgiveness for yourself, as you experience Our forgiveness and compassion. In order to avoid any learning or contact with Us, the Reptilians devised a plan to remain in the 4th dimension, close to the Earth plane, where they could recycle quickly into the same families, maintaining the human bloodline true to its Reptilian ideal of heartless intelligence. This way, they were able to gain great power and control, and their influence has been felt in every area of life. Theirs was the idea of maintaining the use of fossil fuels rather than permitting free energy discoveries to be given to the people. Theirs also are the manufacturing processes which pollute rivers and steams, killing wildlife in the name of profit, as well as the use of spraying chemicals in the skies to control the population. Any excuses which encourage the misuse or overuse of the precious resources which Mother Earth has so abundantly provided, and every idea which promotes "the economy" over the wellbeing of the population as a whole has its roots in the Reptilian project. The idea that "the economy" based on money must be fueled by consumers was a clever ruse for funneling ever more of it into their own secret projects and private purses. It is now coming to and end because the 4th dimension has been collapsed to eliminate any refuge from the afterlife review process in God's higher realms of Love. It cannot continue beyond the lifetime of the beings which are alive today on the planet. The top tier of Reptilian leaders have already been removed and taken for trial and/or restoration to wholeness in Our image, and their lieutenants are now being removed as well, however, some smaller parts of their high level secret programs have been maintained by moving them frequently and by playing a clever cat-and-mouse game with those whose work it is to capture and expose them. The work of rounding up the remaining minions is now in the hands of those brave investigators in organizations such as your own CIA, which has been frequently infiltrated and shadowed by a parallel organization of "Black ops" Dark Hat operatives. During periods in which Dark Hats were in charge of the highest levels of the U.S. Government, such as the Nixon, Reagan and Bush years and the later Clinton administration, there was little separation between the official government organization and the Dark Hat underworld. That is now being dismantled day by day, and more arrests will be made around the world as the truth is revealed. You are aware of the current upsurge of the Arab Spring which has brought 30 million people into the streets in Egypt to demand genuinely democratic government. Never before in the history of the world has such massive participation by the people been so organized and effective in presenting its message to the world. This is the beginning of a worldwide uplifting of consciousness; no nation will be able to remain secretly oppressive of its people behind barriers of silence. Independent media sources - private citizens with cell phone cameras - have made secrecy a thing of the past, and the effects are being felt in every country of the world at once. We have given you this overview to help you understand the political and practical implications as well. While things are moving fast, and change is inevitable, there are still some dangers to our Lightworkers. The zealous underlings we mentioned still have possession of some technological tools which can be used to disable or handicap those who are dedicated to service

in the name of God. They are targets of various forms of etheric and material implants which can be used to interfere with brain and heart connections. Those Lightworkers who are involved with Dark Entity removals or who have had contact with "Black ops" individuals are especially at risk because of their high visibility and their effectiveness in reducing the power of the Dark Ones. Of course, this is not a new phenomenon; it has always been the case in the struggle between good and evil. We are working with the Arcturians, with Sananda, Archangels Michael, Gabrielle and others to restore our Beloved Ones to full health, but it is a challenge for the Lightworkers themselves, who must do the internal work of tracking down and dismantling the foreign objects, with our help. The intricate structure of these "implants" requires that the victim themselves take the lead in the removal of it. It also requires a high level of self-awareness to identify immediately the presence of feelings and attitudes which are "not me" so that the invading object can be dealt with. This is yet another reason to develop your self-awareness and not be swayed by the traditional belief systems which encourage illness and an attitude of submission to medical experts, who of course have no knowledge of etheric implants, but who would be happy to medicate you so that you will be less aware of external interference with your normal functioning. Turn to Us as your first line of defense. We do not wish to create fear of Dark Energy or implants by giving you this information. Please read carefully - we are encouraging self-awareness, not fear. Fear is always an invitation for Darkness of all kinds, within and without, so do not permit anxiety or any feelings of victimization. Turn instead to consult with your Angels, and to get help from Us if it is needed for any reason. We are here for your support, comfort and healing. Things are indeed shifting quickly. It is a time of great celebration and hope. Continue to communicate with Us in your I AM meditations, in your prayers and in every moment of your daily lives. We love you more than words can ever describe; turn instead to the feelings of your heart, where we speak to you of Love. With Healing Masters and Angels standing by in willing service to you, We are your Mother/Father God. Via Kathryn May, July 5, 2013, 1 am.

Part 178: Being the Change, Creating the Dream

You know of course that this is Mother/Father God speaking. Since Kathryn has received questions about this process - how we do it - we will tell you a little bit about it. She is sitting at her computer as we speak into her ear. She types what she hears, correcting during and after for spelling and punctuation. She is very careful to write exactly what we say, and even to revise it if we decide to add something or change it. She has developed this skill - having one part of her brain tuned to the higher dimensions where We are, and also keeping an awareness of the physical world so that she can write or speak it. This process, thinking double, as you might call it, is something channelers must learn if they are to be reliable and reasonably fast in their translations. Kathryn is able to do it in such a way that she does not think, as you might know it, while she is taking the message. This way, she does not impose her own opinions or beliefs (although there is very little disagreement from her in that regard, except when she reads things we have said about her). She does sometimes object to our making her the subject, but she writes it down nevertheless, because that is our agreement with her. We have not told you about this before, although Kathryn did talk about it in her first message about editing with Hemingway: We are also able to control Kathryn's computer in some small ways. There was an incident several weeks ago when we were working late into the night, and she nodded off for a moment. We used that opportunity to backspace over the message to remove what we had said, to add something better. You can imagine her surprise when she opened her eyes to see the words disappearing! She thought at first she had leaned on the wrong key, but saw it stop at just the right spot. We enjoyed that, and she laughed too when she realized what we had done. So, you see, we do have some fun at this. We are telling you about this because we have asked Kathryn to talk about a difficulty she has had during the past few weeks. It seems to have begun immediately after she agreed to channel Zorra, of the Hollow Earth Network, and Zorra suggested that she do it a different way - that she learn to trans-channel, which means that Kathryn would leave her body entirely so that Zorra could inhabit it and speak through her in his own inflection and style, which is very distinctive. A few days later she began practicing, but much to her dismay, she was unable to leave her body, as she has done many times before, and she was not fully able to take on Zorra's body either. Fierce headaches prevented her from focusing for very long. She tried letting go, she tried bearing down, she tried commanding it, but to no avail. Eventually she called on Jesus, Archangel Michael, her Higher Self, Us, and any others who might be able to help. She described the location and the feeling of the pain, and what ensued was a 5-day long marathon of removing a Dark Entity (mostly advanced technology implants), then trying to channel again. Each time, a new pain would become evident at a deeper level or a different area of the brain. The implants appeared to be activated by the close connection with Zorra. The more she insisted on keeping her channels open, the more obvious it would become that there was a foreign body in her system. Each time, we stopped, removed the object, and she went on to try again. Again, a new interference would become evident. This process continued until we had removed 8

different technological implants from her body. She is now recovering, and will begin to try again to transchannel, but we suspect another form of interference will need to be removed before she is free to begin mastering her new skill. These implants are most likely the work of those Dark Entities who are left to carry on after their leaders have been arrested. They are most eager to prove that they can be as destructive as their bosses have been. We are tracking them down, and they will be stopped. Kathryn is now safely protected by the golden white light - she will not be interfered with again. It is probable that the implants were all installed about a month ago, when the suggestion was first made that she learn to do the transchanneling for Zorra, and for the other Ascended Masters she has been channeling all along. They will be able to bring even more of who they are, and to send their feelings directly to you. This will happen as soon as she is able to continue her efforts to trade bodies with Zorra. It is apparent that the Dark Ones see Us as a great threat to their continuing power. They are right. We will not allow this mischief to continue. We have been successful in removing Dark Ones from many people in recent weeks, and the effect has been dramatic and permanent for those who have suffered long months and years and are now relieved of the entities that had made their lives miserable. Kathryn's case was the first time we had seen so many technological objects - they are a combination of organic and mechanical forms - some more advanced than we have seen previously. It does give us more information about the advances they have made recently. Once the lavish funding and support for their secret operations has completely ended, this dark research will be terminated. They have been able to remain in hiding because of enormous resources and manpower, but this cannot be sustained while arrests are being made and the sources of their massive support disappears. We are tracking them down with the evidence of these new devices, and will keep you informed of our progress. We are telling you all this because many of you are Lightworkers, and are also vulnerable to being interfered with as well. We described the symptoms: inability to meditate and reach high levels of vibration as you have done before; sharp or burning headaches which are brought on by positive actions or high brain wave vibration; any change in your generally happy mood to feelings of discouragement or frustration. Of course, there would be a combination of these feelings. If you suspect you have been targeted, you can contact Kathryn and she will refer you to healers who specialize in helping with these removals. Now, let us also let you know about a few of the hopeful changes in the world. You as a group have forged new ground. Since the cooperative venture between Kathryn and Anne of Hollow Earth Network, the family has grown and tightened its bonds. You see your beloved Masters as accessible, helpful and a real part of your lives. We love to hear you call in to the radio shows and ask your profound and helpful questions, and we always wish there was more time on the calls for each of you to speak with Us personally. Of course we always listen when you talk with Us, but isn't it fun to share our conversation with all the others? It has replicated the conversations we have when you are here with all of us between lives, when we can speak and plan and share the deep feelings of being a loving family.

The feelings you generate when you listen together, aware of the others on the call, have sent waves of light and love which encircles the globe, sending awakening energy to others, and of course the healing pulses of Zorra also resonate far and wide. The combination of forces joining together is phenomenal, and it can be seen across your solar system. Each time you have planned an event like the group meditation you did for the Solstice there has been an uptick in the energies, and that effect has lasted beyond the event itself. You came away with feelings of warmth and sharing, gratitude and fulfillment which are the energy of Ascension in action. We would like to suggest another such meditation, perhaps this time over a longer period, and perhaps made more emphatic by adding the element of a fast to it. You might call it a Disclosure Fast. You know, countries have been reformed and revolutions won by large numbers of people going on strike together, and showing their determination by fasting. What better way to show the Universe - above and below - that you mean business! Of course, the most effective fasts for creating change on the ground are those which earn attention in the media. Perhaps you could join with the people who are working on the Hearings for Disclosure film. They have a very large audience, and would probably be more than willing to join with you to promote a dramatic event like a three-day protest fast demanding Disclosure. Those who want to make their emphatic protest felt even further could make it a whole week of fasting. Anyone whose health is compromised should of course use judgment about the length of their participation. This method would be especially effective in places like the U.S., where leaders are aware of their well-fed population's tendency to indulge its appetites. When such people make a real sacrifice, it creates notice. A signature page, or perhaps even a print-out insignia for people to wear would get more attention. You readers who have sent us plans for distributing the Prosperity funds and for getting our teaching out to all will have good ideas about how to promote this. We are aware of the great need many of you have for economic relief. Many of you have given your time and energies in service to others without pay, while giving away what you had to those whose needs were greater than your own. Anne has started an emergency fund for members of the family at her website. If each of you who can were to give $5 or $10 or more, many could be helped with modest grants which will provide transportation to medical care, food money until their next paycheck comes, or a car repair which will allow them to work. There is great abundance in the world, and many of you will find yourselves better off than the average family on the planet, even though it might be less than you are used to. We know you are eager to participate in meaningful actions which will help to bring the changes you are hoping for. These are two ways you can make a difference. We love you without end, our Beloved Ones, and we want to see your dreams fulfilled in the most creative and productive way, for the Greater Good of All, Mother/Father God

Via Kathryn May, July 9, 2013, 11 pm.

Part 179: Fasting, Meditating and Healing Your Way to Disclosure

Dear Ones, there are ideas and creative projects blossoming all around you. Your dear Masters Anne and Kathryn are planning a meditation and fast to bring Disclosure to the planet - to be conducted as a group effort, with a BlogTalkRadio connection each day to help the process along and to give support for all. It will begin on July 17. We will give you more details in the next message, and it will also be posted on the Hollow Earth Network site. The first three days of the event will be designated as a fast for those who can do it, with an accompanying group meditation every morning and/or evening. Like the Summer Solstice show, which was a glorious success, there will be call-in time for members who wish to offer a meditation for the group. The offerings last time were varied, deeply moving and heartfelt. It added such a sense of warmth and companionship that the energy lifted with each passing minute. What a wonder it was to see the light increasing all around the world as a result of the efforts of your group and many others like it. This time, the meditation will begin on the 17th, and the 3-day fast will last through the 19th, but we ask that everyone who can should continue the fast for the next 4 days through the peak of the full moon. Imagine the power of such an event, when the numbers are counted and the brilliant Light of your own group is felt everywhere. The meditation, of course, is a powerful component, so even if you cannot continue the fast, you should continue the meditation while focusing intently on the Disclosure and its aftermath. You know the Law of One. When all of you envision the Disclosure and the peaceful landing of the ships, focusing your feelings and thoughts together, it is created. The flow of intense energy which continues will carry it to completion in quick succession. You, Dear Children, will be making it happen. The reason to include the fast with your meditation is that the act of fasting is a definitive statement of your dedication to making it happen, and is a very powerful reminder of the cause you are supporting with all your concentration and will. It is so unusual for most of you to eliminate the ceremony and the activity of eating from your daily routine, it will create a tremendous focal point which will keep you "in the game" for many hours of the day, even if you have to go to work. Your mind will never be far from the fervent prayer in your heart - the wish to see your world leaders stand up before their people and announce that yes, there are extraterrestrials here waiting to help us, and yes, we are in contact with them and have been for many years. Picture a flood of documents being printed in your newspapers, non-stop announcements and informative television programs to reveal the extent of the knowledge which has been gathered over the years. See in your mind's eye the amazement of the people sharing the information, calling in to talk shows to tell of their positive experiences with extraterrestrials, and at last, the admission by your governments that the abductions and testing done on its citizens were in fact an in-house secret program, not conducted or condoned by the Galactic Federation of Light.

For days, people will talk of nothing else, until the enormous weight of the information will finally tip the scales to convince everyone but the most paranoid recluse that our Star Brothers and Sisters are far advanced in their technology and their level of civilization, and that they come in peace. Imagine how their pictures will be everywhere on the internet and news, with our beloved Ashtar starring as the respected and admired Commander whose leadership efforts have made the protection of your planet a priority in the Universe. The global conversation will expand, day by day, to include the exposure of the dark activities of the cabal. Names will be revealed; heroes and villains will at last be shown by their true actions, and the citizenry will begin to realize how distasteful the pursuit of material wealth really is. Generosity, which is always sparked when people are freed of the constant stoking of irrational fears, will carry the day, and the celebrating population will fill the streets with music and dancing. As the news of the friendly fleet reaches the consciousness of all humanity, so too will the news of our beloved Sananda, the Admiral of the New Jerusalem, come alive in the imaginations of the people. Will any government anywhere be able to deny a landing spot with a heroes welcome when the news of the precious cargo aboard - the Ascended Masters, Twin Flames, and the beloved Lord Jesus - are here to walk among the people? It will be then that the full appreciation will come for the information and Faith that has been revealed by this dedicated group, which will be appreciated for its forward-looking vision and its clarity of purpose. When the time comes, you will all be in a position to explain, reassure and lead people to an understanding of The True Way. It will then be important that you have carefully read and listened to the calls and radio shows. You thought when you began reading these blogs that you were simply satisfying your curiosity, or deepening your own spiritual search. That was only the beginning. You will soon have the opportunity to be leaders in the new Golden Age of spiritual teachings. When these events unfold, please be aware that the lessons presented here have been given to the world for free, but that does not mean they are of less value than the $500 weekends with a spiritual teacher, or a slick CD set of recordings. Thousands of hours over many years have gone into the creation of these writings and live presentations, which together make up a comprehensive guide for Ascension. We do not intend to diminish the work of our other hardworking channels; all have contributed to the uplifting of the global consciousness. We have chosen to present a particular course of study here which is different from others because we had the availability of a channel whose life's work it was to heal psychological wounds in order to help people reach the highest possible levels of human achievement. She also has a keen sense of American history and World religions. In fact, she was trained for exactly this purpose by Sanat Kumara, whom many have called the Lord of the World. So you see, this project was hundreds of years in the making. When Kathryn joined forces with our beloved Lady Nada of the Hollow Earth Network, a powerful network of global reach was formed. As you are aware, Lady Nada is the Twin Flame of Sananda - a woman of great personal power, wisdom and boundless Love.

This partnership is no coincidence, as you may have discerned. The Twin Flames of Sananda and St. Germain share the temperament, broad knowledge and leadership qualities of their male counterparts, and this is the beginning of the Golden Age of Feminine Power. They have established close contacts with many other Lady Masters who will be revealed as the talented and courageous experts in every area of the cultural, political and healing arts. Who better to represent our teachings as we enter this glorious period in history? Another project is in the works which will bring a powerful healing technique to those who are suffering with severe disease and pain, but who are hanging on to reach their dream of Ascension. Kathryn/Lady Portia will organize a volunteer Healing Task Force drawn from the thousands of Lightworkers who read these pages. Sessions will be planned to send powerful healing energy to individuals who have been identified as severe medical cases. Record of these healing sessions will be kept, and evidence collected to show the profound effect of directed Light energy on various forms of disease, so the healers themselves will know of their effect on the patient. Most of those involved will do the healing at a distance, but volunteers on the ground may lead the healing session should there be ones who may be located near the person receiving the healing. Volunteers may send an email headed "Volunteer" to Kathryn via her website, A special email list will be created to inform all of the time and date of what will be a one-half to one hour session in which all will focus their energy with maximum power to restore the patient to perfect health. This procedure is especially effective with diseases such as cancer. Patients or family and friends of patients should send an email, with some detailed medical description and history to Kathryn, titled "Request Healing." And so will begin an historic Etheric Healing Center which can reach everyone, no matter where they are, and which will document "The Power of Prayer" in a way it has never been done before. The level of expertise of the pool of healers reading these words is magnificent, but professional training is not required. All may add their intention, and each one will add dramatically to the power generated by all working together. We now apologize to Lady Portia and Lady Nada for publishing their credentials here, but they will forgive us once their embarrassment passes, and they will continue their gracious lives of service to all of you. You are now aware of the intentional network you are participating in, and can be comfortable in the value of putting your shoulder to the wheel of these Heavenly projects. With endless gratitude, we welcome your participation and energies as we move together toward the completion of the first immense Shift into higher dimensions, one day, one meditation, one healing at a time. We love you beyond anything that words can tell, Your Mother/Father God Via Kathryn May, July 12, 2013, 1 am.

Part 180: Meditation and Fasting for Truth

Well, let's start with the Meditation and Fast you are planning. Many read these messages, so we feel it is important that all our readers know how they can join with their fellow Lightworkers in this historic effort. We are delighted at the response to the suggestion last Saturday. You have rolled out a plan, created a press release - with a lovely logo, no less - and are ready to lead the parade which will march from Wednesday into the next week, gloriously proclaiming your Love for your Star Brothers and Sisters and your wish to roll out the red carpet for them. Of course, they are doing the same for you. Here is the plan as Kathryn and Anne - with enthusiastic help from several very talented volunteers - have agreed to organize and shepherd it. The fast will begin on Wednesday. When you awaken that day, begin your day with a large glass of lemon water, which you may sweeten with a bit of honey or maple syrup for balance. Instead of spending time on preparing and eating your meals that day, spend it in deep and intense visualization - combining heart and mind always. See your government leaders, one after another, standing behind their podiums, announcing that there will be a complete opening up of documents, files and minds, to allow the people (each of you imagine your own leaders) to know the Truth about the myriad contacts and programs which have been carried out over the past years without the knowledge of the citizens. Picture the smiles on the faces of those who have known, as you do, that we were only awaiting the green light for these Disclosures to be made. Imagine the size of Obama's grin when he can finally reveal the Truth. See the faces of the children who will be in wonder and excitement about meeting their cousins from the skies. What stories will be told about the past, about their knowledge of our long path to victory! Imagine the deck of the New Jerusalem as the first Disclosure announcements are made. See you and your friends pouring out into the streets, cheering and looking skyward to send your Love to the galactics who are waiting to embrace you. John Lennon's song, "Imagine" will play across the land, bringing tears of joy to all who have known in their hearts that one day this would come to pass. As you go through your day, people will notice that you are not in the lunch line, not going to the pub after work, and they will ask you why. Tell them you are making a small sacrifice of Fasting for Disclosure. Tell them that the Universal Law of One means that when many people focus intently on a positive effect, it happens. Studies about the power of prayer, and historical successes like Gandhi's India demonstrate that when the will of the people is focused with intention, the thing they have created in their minds does come to pass. Encourage others to join you, to listen to the BlogTalkRadio shows: Wednesday on Kathryn's ChannelPanel with us, and Thursday, Friday and Saturday on Anne's Hollow Earth Channel (also You will have the opportunity to call in with your own contribution to the

meditation exercises and your own personal feelings about the process you are all experiencing. It will be a great morale boost for you to share these feelings and intentions. The synergy will build as you continue through the weekend toward the full moon on Monday, the 22nd of July. Those who are dedicated and willing can continue their fast for a full week, through Tuesday. As the moon travels through the three days of its peak - Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, increase your meditation to allow for an hour or more of moon-glow. You will feel the warmth of the moon's light, which also carries the reflected God-energy from the Central Sun. Know the feeling of connection and peace which your ancestors celebrated as a regular part of their lives in days of old. Spend time every day in nature, even if it is a city park or a tiny patch of lawn. Take off your shoes and stand on the Earth. Send your love downward into the center of your dear Mother Earth, whom some of you call Gaia. Feel the Love we are pouring down on you, and let that Love wash through you, cleansing and purifying your mental, physical and emotional bodies. Let that pure Love flow down through every cell, strengthening and balancing you. When you send it downward to Mother Earth, listen quietly for her response. You will be nearly lifted off your feet with her enthusiastic energy blast! Your Mother has great power, and when she smiles, all Nature breaks loose in bloom, the waters sparkle with joy, and the birds sing with hearts filled with Love. In those moments of ecstasy you will begin to understand the Love we feel for you, for this is our Love you are feeling in and around you. Yes, Dear Ones, We are truly One. Do you know what that means, really? As you do your meditations to call for the Truth, to permit your family to reunite, you will begin to understand what the North and South Koreans and the North and South Vietnamese felt for so many years. It is the longing of Romeo and Juliet, of blood brothers separated by irrational social norms and racial hatreds, and of long-lost Prodigal sons longing to come home. It is the deep loneliness you have felt in your bones these many lifetimes. You have been parted by those in power who wished to control all the people of Earth. Racial prejudice is not a feeling which originates in an innocent child. Children are color-blind. Patriotism is only important to war-mongers who need recruits. Without greed and fear to control your actions you would be traveling freely, sharing the wealth of the planet - cultural, agricultural, material and spiritual wealth - and there would be no want. Those conditions will come again, to restore the beauty and abundance which once existed on your beautiful Blue Planet. There are many writings circulating - dug up from past years or what is now an ancient time months ago. The timeline in which Earth would have tipped on her axis, flooding all your cities and causing great loss of life has been transcended. You will not go back to a former, lower level of vibration now. There will be upheavals, yes. You are seeing them now. Droughts and floods, fires and some earthquakes will continue. You will have the opportunity to see and feel the pain Mother Earth has suffered as a result of human insensitivity and callousness. Those who have argued that jobs

are more important than environmental protections will be revealed as the propaganda experts they really are. There never was such a choice. Environmental health brings abundance to all; environmental degradation brings profits to the elite. In the early days of Planet Earth, when Paradise was new, there were no "jobs." People contributed their skills joyfully, fulfilling their destiny by bringing creative expression to all they did. There was no want, no war, no competition. There was just Life, fully and happily lived. Food was abundant and nutritious because it came from a healthy planet. The humans then were at a higher vibrational level and therefore needed much less nutrition. All life was more comfortable, more cooperative, and more peaceful. All felt the power of belonging, of One. You will return to that Paradise, Dear Ones. Take part in this coming week of dedication and cooperation as if your lives depended on it. They do. You must turn this giant ship around, by the sheer force of your will to Ascend. It is a normal part of your will to live, this desire to elevate yourselves. It has been a drive which was stifled by cultures everywhere, and yet you still yearn. You have looked to the skies since childhood, in wonder and hope, feeling the longing to know, to learn the Truth. Do you still ask, "What is the meaning of life?" You will find out in the coming week what you are made of, what you are capable of, and what you can achieve when you put your heart and mind to it. You define yourselves day by day by your actions. You, only you, know who you are, where you have been, and whether you have put your full energies into something you believe in. If you have, you are a person fulfilled, without sorrow or regret. Make this true for yourself now. Create a week in your life in which you have no regrets, no apathy, no "skepticism" and no fear. Be bold in your choices and dedicated in your actions. Do not cut corners or make excuses. Be scrupulously honest with yourself, and you will step into the Light of Heavenly Love. You will feel nourished in a way you have never felt before, and you will know peace. We are here with you, around you, inside and out. We love you one and all. Your Mother/Father God. Via Kathryn May, July 15, 2013, 10 PM

Part 181: A Call to Create Paradise on Earth, Together

Dear Ones, you are doing so well with your fast and meditation, we see thousands of you taking part! What a successful event this is. The Galactic Council has been following the readings which show the increase in light on the planet, and they are impressed with your effectiveness. The measure went up last night during your call. We are looking forward to another wonderful lift when we speak with you tonight. We asked Kathryn to begin our message before the call so that she will have time to finish it later. We will have the experience of talking with you in between in person. Isn't this fun? Did you ever think that fasting could be so exhilarating? It can be a wonderful cleansing process. While you have the opportunity, you may take it further than meditating for Disclosure. You can also take a little time in your meditations - try it over the weekend, perhaps - to do a complete scan of your body. Focus on any old injuries, disease, or discomfort. Intensify you beam of intention to address one area at a time, and send a stream of Love/Light to the area which has been affected. Make your beam as powerful as a laser; use the Violet Flame to burn away disease, injury, and the wear and tear of your lifetime so far. As you send your laser Light of Love to the each area in sequence, call on Us, the Legions of Light, to assist in your complete change process. Ask for any and all Masters with whom you feel a personal connection. Ask Us, Mother and Father God, to bring our Love to you as you use it to become new again. We encourage every one of you to take part in this personal healing process, and to continue it if necessary, through the full moon phase that is coming. You see, this is a healing time for everyone - Mother Earth and all her precious inhabitants. We want to see all of you elevated and healed. The more you do of this work now, the more fluid and comfortable will be your Ascension process. This Disclosure is about more than revealing government secrets. It is the doorway to a New Golden Age on your dear planet. It means change, healing and a return to the beauty and Love which was and continues to be your birthright. Beauty includes perfect health. Love means no more suffering. All these things are combined in the preparation for Ascension. This is why we have asked Kathryn to organize the healing group. Although she was not aware of our request, she simply acted on her impulse to do this, and began organizing it immediately. We are showing you this to encourage you to do the same: become so tuned to our communication and our Love for you that you feel it and act on it all the time, waking and sleeping. For those who may not have heard the radio shows about the Fasting and Meditation for Disclosure, we wish to encourage you to join in, by joining with the family of Lightworkers who are putting their efforts behind this marvelous project. It is not too late to begin. You may join the fast or not, as your health requirements dictate, but we encourage you to do the meditations to envision the peace, friendship and Love of your Star Brothers and Sisters which will make the landings possible. They have marvelous gifts for you, but they cannot proceed without your enthusiastic support. A "wait and see" attitude will not bring about change. In fact, it will lower

the vibration and act to prevent movement forward. So, Dear Ones, shake the doubt and fear out of your hearts and minds and join in the Great Project which is the Ascension of Planet Earth and all her inhabitants. Talk with friends and neighbors about this amazing project which many of the Lightworkers who read these messages believe in and work toward with all their hearts. What do they gain from their participation in this Great Project? An opportunity to be of service to all of humankind; the chance to elevate themselves to a higher consciousness; the fulfillment of their distant memory of times long ago when this entire Project, with all its ups and downs, was envisioned and planned. It is a community of inspired volunteers who give of themselves to create, just as We have taught you all to do. They are creating a better world for everyone. Lest any newcomers be tempted into "skeptical" thinking, or imaginings about how this must be some sort of cult, look at this again. A cult is designed to aggrandize and enrich a leader or group and to enslave its members. We work behind the scenes, using prayer and Light, not limousines and enormous churches. There is no financial contribution required or any reward other than your own growth and the salvation of the planet. No television appearances or glamour or marketing are connected with this group. As much as possible, they work behind the scenes, offering their work for as little as they can possibly do and still remain housed and fed and able to travel in order to work more. Lady Portia and Lady Nada offer you tools for your growth, in many forms. Use them, Dear Ones, so that you may grow and thrive now. Our book, "Who Needs Light?" is inexpensive and thoroughly planned to aid in your Ascension. It contains information that is completely different from these messages - tailored to your own personal growth. The supplement Laminine is designed to support your entire brain and body to aid in the transition to higher vibrations. None of this is accidental or trivial. Take part in all these efforts to help you help yourselves. They are our gifts, given through our willing Masters, who work tirelessly to make this work possible. This is the work of Our Hearts, and we love each and every one of you for taking part in it. By joining with Us to make it come into being, you will gain your own freedom from oppression and want. As we have told you so many times, you create your own world. If you feel and think about fear and hatred, you will create a world filled with fear and hatred; if you feel Love in your heart and your mind, you will create a world of Love for yourself and those around you. So, Beloved Ones, join us in meditation - that is all that is asked of you. Join us in Love, Peace, Joy, Happiness and Harmony, without judgment, without fear, and you will indeed find Paradise on Earth. We love you beyond measure, beyond words, and beyond time or space. We are your Mother/Father God. Via Kathryn May, July 19, 2013

Part 182: The Last Chapter

Dear Ones, have you all been listening to the BlogTalkRadio shows in addition to reading these messages? If so, you are now aware of the wonderful news we have given to you about the immense changes on the planet. Here is the announcement: All contracts are finished, ended. All soul contracts are now cancelled. All those who came here to Planet Earth to manage difficult illnesses, complicated relationships, and challenging handicaps are now freed of all pain, all suffering. You now are completely free to exercise your free will without karmic strings, as you might think of it. In addition, all financial contracts such as mortgages, car loans, student loans and other commitments which have been arranged through banking institutions of all kinds are hereby cancelled. Personal commitments between friends will of course still be important to uphold, but corporations and banks will no longer be recognized as viable creditors because of the criminal and lawless system on which they are based. It is time for all of you to reclaim your freedom, take command of your own lives, and find your voices, as you see others around the world doing by taking to the streets to proclaim their passionate desire for a better life - one of dignity and the self-expression which democracy allows. Your Planet has declared her desire to ascend, and it has been done. You are now all in the historic position of being invited to elevate your consciousness to take part in the most ambitious plan ever executed in the history of the galaxy. Now, in the span of one Earth lifetime, you can move from a 3-dimensional life to the coming Golden Age in the higher 5th dimension. This is the Paradise on Earth that was promised in your ancient texts. Every soul is given the opportunity to join in this magnificent adventure, because of course you have all known since before you came here that you would be taking part in this Ascension. It was a very prestigious opportunity, this lifetime journey. There are Masters and Angels, aspiring beginning souls and ancient Saints who have come to experience a last lifetime here on Earth, in the somewhat infamous heavy, dense and difficult atmosphere. Here, the challenges abound for learning charity, patience, compassion and empathy. A triumphant life is one in which the person can live through the temptations, pain, disappointments and dangers and still come out at the end of their lives with a connection to their hearts intact. This was the last opportunity for all souls to experience this 3rd dimensional, free will planet, because Mother Earth decided some time ago that it was her desire to leave this dimension, and she has accomplished it by fulfilling her long commitment to humankind. She has fulfilled her contract with Us, Mother/Father God, to care for our beloved children, and she was granted her wish to ascend into a higher dimension, which she has done. Many on Planet Earth are not aware at this moment that everything has changed. It is for them

that we send this message through Kathryn. We hope to reach all the people, all ages, all cultures, and all the corners of the globe, to tell them of our great Love for them, and our great hope that each one will awaken and join in the glorious Shift into a higher plane of existence. It has been a long and difficult road, this transition from Darkness to Light. Many have suffered; many have had to repeat lifetime after lifetime to advance in their learning process, but lessons learned on Planet Earth are indelibly etched in consciousness. This is why it is a most popular place to incarnate, by virtue of its having been in the throes of a revolutionary battle between Light and Dark for eons. And now, Dear Children, you are within moments of completing your lifetime here. You have the choice this time to ascend with the body you occupy now. You will be taken off the planet to be renewed, restored to perfect health in a body in which you will be able to live forever. In the meantime, Mother Earth will do the same. When she does, she will be restored to the pristine loveliness and purity of her original beauty. You will not have to worry about Armageddon; there will be no terrifying pole shift or world war. All nuclear weapons have been neutralized; those Dark Ones who have secretly controlled the resources of the planet have been removed from power. Many will be tried for crimes against humanity and will be prevented from ever returning to positions of influence. You have been seeing the "UFOs" in your skies for generations now. Crop circles containing messages to humankind have been created so frequently as to have become a common occurrence. Your scientists and governments around the world have long been aware that your extraterrestrial brothers and Sisters are trying to make contact with you in a peaceful way, but the wall of secrecy and lies has grown with every encounter. Those who control the wealth on the planet did not want to give up their power by allowing the people to have free energy, new ways of communicating, and the other great advantages which these visitors possess. Now, the final chapter of this saga of Planet Earth has begun. Everything is changing at a very rapid pace. You will finally begin to see evidence in your mainstream media of the profound shift which will allow those who have lived lives of service to others to be revealed as your Ascended Masters, and they will be standing by to help with the dramatic changes you will be feeling. There will be announcements to inform you of the true history and progress of the evolution toward Light. Nothing will remain the same, so there will be no possibility that you can remain detached from what is going on. Every being on the planet will be required to choose their path - to ascend to a higher level of consciousness or to end this life in the usual way through death and the return to God in the usual way. Those who choose to ascend now to higher levels of consciousness will be freed of the process of reincarnation in life after life, and will be given the ability to live eternally in the higher expression of life in a lighter, more highly evolved body in higher dimensions. Those who choose not to join the Ascension will continue their lessons at lower levels in other places. Earth will no longer be available as the 3-dimensional proving ground. She has been recognized for her millions of years of service, and has at last been granted Ascension. She has selflessly

slowed her process to allow as many as possible to awaken and join her in this glorious graduation to higher dimensions. The Shift has occurred because of the great numbers of humankind who have awakened once more - after thousands of years of being separated from their connection to God. Religion as you have known it will drop away, as everyone discovers that they can communicate directly with Us, Mother/Father God, We are here with you always, whispering in your ear, and for those who have listened to the radio shows with Kathryn and Anne, you have talked with Us in person. This week, we have announced definitively that the one you have known as Zorra is in fact Father God. It was easier for many to talk freely and to ask questions when the voice they heard was given a more familiar identity which everyone could relate to, but now it is time for you to be given the Truth in its whole form. You have felt our Love in your lives at times when you were most open. Unfortunately, those were most often times of suffering, confusion and pain. You have not felt the great pleasures of living in the constant stream of Endless Love we have been sending to you since the moment you were born. This is what we offer you now: a life of Heavenly Grace, immersed in the Love, Light, Compassion, Forgiveness, Joy, Peace and Harmony which has been the dream of your dear Jesus, the one who has dedicated his life in body and in spirit, to this Grand Plan. The Ascension of Planet Earth and of all Humankind will mark the end of all suffering, all want, all poverty and degradation of Mother Earth herself. The New Golden Age begins now, and you are all invited to attend the coming-out party, which will be held when the ships containing your Star Brothers and Sisters, including Jesus Sananda, St. Germain, Ashtar, Archangel Michael and all the Ascended Masters who have helped to make this transition possible. Yes, Jesus will return, very soon. He is waiting now, in his role as Admiral of his ship, The New Jerusalem. With him are the Twin Flames - the mirror souls - of many who are incarnated here now. You will all meet as soon as the Disclosure of their presence has been made official in every corner of the Earth. The announcements will be simultaneous and undeniable. Every radio, television, cell phone and iPad will carry the message that Planet Earth and her people are at last free, by their own efforts, with help from their galactic Brothers and Sisters. We are offering this message today, July 24, 2013, so that you can share it with every single person you know. Begin by printing out dozens of copies of this message, which will be posted on and and many other websites across the world. We ask you to give a copy to everyone you work with and every neighbor you speak with. Hand them out on street corners. You will be doing a great service by giving your friends and family advanced preparation for the stunning events which will unfold so rapidly before your eyes that the uninformed will be overwhelmed by the wonder and apparent impossibility of it. Don't miss out on the joy because you are afraid or suspicious or wary of any news that does not align with the half-truths you have been familiar with. Do not be concerned that people will think you are a raving crack-pot. Very shortly they will thank you with such overwhelming gratitude and relief that any fears you might have had will melt away. You who are awake and aware must be the leaders in this time of adjustment. People will be confused, disoriented and therefore

afraid if they cannot be assured of their loving connection with God, which will anchor them and reassure them that this Shift is for the better. Nothing will be lost; everything will go on, but in a different form, as you have been taught in the First Law of Thermodynamics. Relationships will continue, in more loving and accepting form, and all will discover their true spiritual identity as participants in the glorious Earth project. All children, animals and other spirit beings will ascend effortlessly. It is the adults we are concerned with. Time is short. Raise your consciousness and your vibrational level by taking complete command of your thoughts, feelings and actions. Open your hearts to love without judgment. Practice forgiveness in all your relationships, and do not permit yourself to fall into condemnation or judgment of anyone, even those who have hurt you or those who practice a different religion or ideology than your own. All will melt away in the elevation to Oneness which comes with Ascension into higher dimensions. Your bodies, your present identities and all you thought of as "reality" will be revealed as the brief moment in eternity it really is. You will soon learn to feel and use your God powers, for you are indeed created in our image. You are Gods, each and every one. You only need accept the close connection to Us which flows through you. We are your Creators and your biggest fans. Unlike human parents, we never lose patience or hope or trust in your ultimate triumph as individual souls and as precious members of the great legion of intelligent, conscious beings. It is time for you to take your place among the Galactic Federation of Light as full member representatives of your Planet Earth. You will soon see the thousands of ships and the millions of Star Brothers and Sisters who are here to embrace you and bring you gifts. Welcome them with open hearts and minds. Leave behind the old concepts about warlike conquerers. These are beings - human and otherwise, whose civilizations have evolved far beyond yours, emotionally, philosophically and technologically. Their technology is far advanced of yours, created with Love and used only for the Greater Good. Read our many messages to you, which have all been posted free for all the world to read on Kathryn's website, Take this message to the world, as a current events introduction to what is happening now in your world. Show it to everyone you know. Talk about what you have learned here, and supplement it with further information from the web site. Do not jump to conclusions on the basis of this one message. If you have questions, read further, ask questions on the BlogTalkRadio shows which are offered every Wednesday at 8:30 pm EDT and every other Saturday at 12 EDT. (See schedules on both websites.) Kathryn channels our messages live, along with information from Jesus and other Ascended Masters. Join Us to help you understand what we have told you here, and what is to come. We love you more than words can ever describe, Your Mother/Father God Via Kathryn May, July 24, 2013

Part 183: Destiny, Completion and Transcendence

The following is a note from Kathryn upon ending the week-long retreat into healing of 3dimensional lifetimes and exploration of higher dimensional purposes, with a group of seven Women of Light, who had all become effective channelers by the end of the week, and who discovered and claimed their Archangel identities during this magical journey. It is followed by a channeled message from Mother/Father God through Kathryn. From Kathryn: The song, "I Believe...for every drop of rain that falls, a flower grows..." plays in my mind. The line, "for everyone who goes astray, someone will come to show the way" especially rings out, as a mantra for the group of healers who expressed great Love, Friendship and Compassion toward each other. With each other's help, they have restored their wholeness, their unshakable Faith, and their knowing. The knowing runs deep, enveloping all the pain and triumphs from this and past lives. As the exploring and uncovering evolved into understanding, we have woven Truth into every event, every moment, every memory. The Truth brings with it Light and Love, Forgiveness, Clarity and Hope. We will never again doubt that we are joined as One, and we know that our place and our work will be that of Creators - Creators of Unity, Love and Connection. It is a blessed task, and we will embrace it with all our hearts when we are called to service to help all the human family accomplish their Ascension. For now, there will be a time of rest, and the fulfillment of Love as we join with our beloved Twin Flames, at last and for eternity. This morning after the last of the group drove away, I went back into the house to find my little dog Che, who is a gentle healer in his own right, burrowed into one of the chairs in the circle, shaking, with a misty, faraway look of pain in his eyes. He did not come out to say goodbye because he couldn't bear to see his beloved friends leave. I explained to him that he would see everyone again soon, and he finally allowed me to tuck him into my shirt. We have spent hours snuggled in our favorite recliner, in and out of sleep, listening to the voices and feelings from higher dimensions. We have been accompanied on this week's journey by Ama, Mother Shahtoose, (whom we mistakenly call Sasquatch'), a special incarnation of Mother God from 5th dimensional Earth, by Mother and Father God themselves, Zorra, the beloved friend and expression of Father God, and by all our Higher Selves and Twin Flames. In my mind's eye I saw the entire group, standing in a semi-circle, with Mother and Father God front and center, and over all their heads was a banner, held high by Lucifer and St. Germain, with Sananda and all the others cheering, their hands raised in victory. The banner showed bright words, in fade-away sequence: Celebrate...Love...Triumphant. Mother Ama (Queen Mother of the Shahtoose Kingdom) wishes to join with me to send

individual messages for each of the women, because she heard my thoughts and wants me to know that we think as one, and that she loves you all, in her heart as in mine. Your attainment of deep healing has unleashed powerful energies of transition and change which will now provide an uplifting force for the Ascension of all others. These are our thoughts for each dear one around the circle of bright, newly acknowledged Archangels (the name of Twin Flames, mirror souls, are in parentheses): Gabrielle (Lucifer): Message Bearer for God, your arduous journey is finished, done. Your Beloved One, Lucifer, has returned to your heart, and there he will stay for eternity. You will never be parted again. The commitment to God's work which you have fulfilled will be recorded forever as an example of sacrifice and great Love for humankind. It will finally be understood as a brilliantly courageous journey into Darkness, for the purpose of helping all humankind to achieve individual identity on the path back to Oneness with God. You will heal over the coming days, and will complete your own journey back to Peace and Unending Joy. Christine/Jophiel: Bright Star, Joyful Creator, Keeper of the Flame of Artistic Expression, your memories will return, and with them the deep understanding of your Innocence and Goodness. You have nothing to fear, nothing to regret. You have been our Blessed Light, the Joy of our Hearts, now and always. Aurora (Uriel): Beloved Peace-Creator, Teacher of Universal Laws of Truth and Justice, Champion and Voice for those without power, we are with you always. Continue your rise to full conscious awareness of your place in the hierarchy of the Feminine Bearers of Wisdom. Fear nothing; do not hesitate to call on Us to remind you of your greatness and your bountiful Love for all humankind. Rachel (Josiah): Healer, tender nurturer of children, the rightful respect for your Office will be restored in the New Age of Feminine Power. Stand tall, proclaim your Love for all the Children of God, and accept the mantle of Feminine Energy with which you can lead others toward an understanding of the true temperament of God, which is tenderness. Celeste (Michael): Protector, Defender against Darkness, powerful force for God's Unending Love, you wield great Power as the Universal Force for Good. You are now ready to step into your ascending Feminine Power. Raise your own silver sword as the symbol of your passion for protecting the followers of The True Way. Aurial (Raphael): Mother Mary, Mother to all, Healer and Comforter, your joys and sorrows have served as a reflection of the Heart of Humankind. Overseeing the Birth, Death and Resurrection/Ascension of all has been your service to God. Your responsibility is done; breathe deeply and revel in the joy and freedom of a mother whose children are safely on the Path back Home to God. Gloria (Emmanuel): Anchor for God's presence in the community circle, Keeper of the Fire and the Hearth, Teacher and Guide, your star will rise with the tide of appreciation of the Feminine Aspect of community leadership. Release your pain and self-doubt; your heart will expand to make room for all whose search leads them Home.

From Mother/Father God to Lady Portia (St. Germain/Adamos): This incarnation has been an arduous journey for you, but you have carried it through with courage and determination to its culmination - to the realization that you are Us, with no separation, no difference. Your heart has grown to completely encompass the feelings and thoughts of the Heart/Mind of God. You are One with Us, Dear Child. Your transition is now complete, from the human child and woman you knew yourself to be, to the glorious instrument through which we speak. Your mind, heart and soul are so aligned with Us that We are now One. The meaning of this completion is complex. It means that your growth is Our growth, that together we will transcend our former understandings to soar to greater heights - toward Our fulfillment of the journey back to Prime Creator. Your growth, combined with the elevation of those you have raised up with you, is the beginning of a new era for Us as well. You and your Twin Flame, the one who modestly refers to himself by his Earth name, St. Germain, stand shoulder to shoulder with Us, as the Children of Prime Creator. Our destiny has been always entwined; our paths have joined in fulfilling this magnificent experiment which has been the Creation and Ascension of Planet Earth. You, Lady Portia, are the representation of the soul of Mary Magdalene/Lady Nada, the Twin Flame of Sananda/Jesus, as Zorra is the representation of Father God, and Mother Ama is the essence of Mother God. Your Twin is of course the representation of Sananda, Child of Prime Creator. Your dear friend Anne is indeed your Soul Sister, as St. Germain and Sananda are Soul Brothers. You will understand these interrelationships, and the ripples which flow outward from this process of Creation to encompass all mankind, when you ascend to higher dimensions. In the meantime, enjoy this brief interlude, the final days of your last incarnation on 3-D Planet Earth as you have known it. We thank you and those you have helped to experience their greatness. Your service to the One has been unquestioning. We love you beyond words, beyond time and space. Together we have fulfilled the Great Dream. The people of Planet Earth have joined with Us to experience the glory of Ascension, and no soul will be left behind. This is truly the End of the Beginning, and the long-anticipated Beginning of an entirely New Golden Age. We are your Mother/Father God Via Kathryn May, July 28, 2013, 10 pm. Go to to hear the July 27 story of Lucifer's return, and his description in his own words of the eons he spent on Earth to teach individuation and independence, a necessary step in soul evolution toward Ascension and ultimate Unity with God.

Part 184: Lucifer's Story in His Own Words

Here is Lucifer's story, as told by him: Today I begin a new life. I have recently returned from the long journey to the 3- dimensional Earth plane, and have been welcomed back with open arms by my Mother and Father God. My feelings of relief and exhaustion can hardly be put into words. I have been restored by their Love and Compassion, but the residue of thousands of years of regret, self-blame and sadness has been difficult to resolve. Perhaps if I tell you my story, you can begin to understand, and you will find yourselves in it as well. In the past three days, I have made contact with my beloved Twin Flame, Archangel Gabriella, incarnated here on Earth. The memory of her love sustained me through the eons, but I feared that she might not know me because of the stories which painted me as Satan, the Devil. I need not have feared; she recognized me immediately, embraced me with limitless Love, and I feel I am Home at last. I will begin with the early days, the time when Mother/Father God and their trusted group of Masters, Advisors and eldest children were working to conceive the blueprint - the Destiny of Planet Earth. Their wish was to create a planet of great beauty, a Paradise of lush bounty, clear waters and abundant greenery which would sustain their finest creation: the species of humankind which would most fully reflect their own qualities, and by extension the qualities of their own Creator, the one we call Prime Creator. Our Mother and Father God were among the eldest children of Prime Creator, along with those you know as Sananda-Jesus and the others Kumaras, Archangel Michael, Ashtar and their Twin Flames. Of course, for every great male Being of Light there are equally powerful female Beings who have remained largely uncelebrated and unknown during this past era. Your dear channel, Kathryn and friend Anne were in that group of souls as the original representation of the feminine Sananda/Nada. Mother/Father God were the Creators of the Milky Way Galaxy, the first of the billions of galaxies birthed under the supervision of Prime Creator. It remains the most densely populated galaxy and is now the identified birthing ground of the race you call human, or humanoid. In all the Multiverse, Planet Earth was to be the most effective proving ground for soul development the ideally challenging environment which would allow for the evolution, education and maturation of souls. The goal was to create an endless number of Enlightened Souls who could then become the Teachers and Masters, the mentors of those who would come after. The Light energy which would be created by this great number of Enlightened Beings would raise all the galaxy, and ultimately the entire Universe, to the level where we could at last return to glorious Unity with Prime Creator. This was our Great Dream. And so Mother gave birth to Planet Earth, the Vision of Their Hearts. She was created as a Being of great strength, with a Heart and Soul of limitless Love, Compassion and Forgiveness. It would

be her great purpose and fulfillment to nurture and sustain the race of beings who were developed over the eons, with DNA contributions from the Pleiadians, the Sirians, and yes, the Reptilians, all of whom had been birthed earlier and had reached rather high levels of civilization in their own right. Over millions of years, as measured in your Earth time, these Star Brothers and Sisters had gone through their own soul development under the loving supervision of Mother/Father God, and they had developed advanced technologies and peaceful civilizations based in Love. All but the Reptilians had advanced to the 5th dimension and higher before they were allowed to contribute their DNA to the makeup of the human Earth Children. The Reptilians were given special allowance because of heir high levels of creativity and passionate connection to one another and to God. This allowance gave way to later disastrous consequences, as you will soon see. Mother Earth herself was nurtured with great care, and the early times were a delight. She was known as the playground for angels to incarnate in the 5th dimension in bodies of light substance, denser than our usual Light bodies, but much lighter than those you have known in the 3rd dimension. It was the Eden you have heard described in your Bible, but the story of Adam and Eve contains some very inaccurate elements. I will tell you the background for what came next. The Council of Creators of Planet Earth, the group described above of which I was a part, decided to "up the ante," as you would call it. We envisioned an Earth in which humans could experience free will, a concept which had never been tried in lower than 5th dimension. And so the Great Dream evolved. It was decided that Mother Earth would lower herself into the third dimension so that the human beings birthed there would simultaneously experience free will and the dense, heavy sensory experience of life in the 3rd Dimension. By this time, their DNA configuration had been developed sufficiently to begin the Great Experiment. The process of soul growth and evolution begins when a soul is born, when a spark is given out from Mother/Father God. At birth, the soul divides into its male and female halves, and the process begins. Both must experience separation and individuation, incarnating many times in their own right, experiencing both male and female existences over a period of hundreds or even thousands of incarnations before they have reached the level of understanding in which they can be in complete command of their thoughts, feelings and emotions, and they are completely in harmony with their Creator. At that time, they may rejoin with their counterpart, the mirror of themselves who has also evolved along a similar path. During the process of reincarnating through many lifetimes, the Twin Flames usually take turns, one in a body, one overlighting the partner with Love and constant support. The one in spirit knows and feels exactly what their Beloved has experienced, and what has been learned, and will help with the process of healing when the embodied one finishes their life and returns to God. This support is especially important during incarnations on Earth in recent centuries, when the Darkness became so intense and overpowering. I will explain how that came to be, and what part I played. It was during the early Council meetings, when options for creating an environment that would

encourage maximum individuation were presented, that I hatched what I thought was the perfect plan. Here is what I suggested: During their incarnation on Earth, humans would be given complete free will, while operating behind a Veil of Forgetfulness. In this way, they would experience a separation from Home, creating in them the longing for a return to the immediate presence of God, which they would feel and remember only by the effort of keeping their hearts open, and by creating Unconditional Love in their own lives. I was so sure that this would speed the learning process that I vowed to go myself, to teach individuation and self-reliance to the human community. A special plan was devised for my incarnations. As an example of my own concept, I would be completely separated from Mother and Father, although I would have the memory of my mission and purpose. I offered to go without the safety net of a connection to my Higher Self or my Guides, because this is how many experience life here on Earth. Instead, I went whole, alone, with only a small thread of my connection to my Twin Flame, which could not be broken as long as we live. Gabriella, as she likes to be called, continued the work of Messenger for both of us, appearing as both male and female until my return. I determined to incarnate over and over, with only a brief transition in the 4th dimension between lives. I would not come back to the loving arms of my family until my mission was complete, when I could be sure the plan was working well, with humankind assured of their transition back to the 5th dimension. Although I knew it would require sacrifice, it seemed a perfectly reasonable plan, one which I assumed could be completed without undue suffering on anyone's part. I was willing to give my best to bring Light to the planet. The plan was hardly begun when things began to go wrong. During the Lemurian civilization, which had reached a very high level of development, and where the essence of God was celebrated as an everyday part of life, there were those who began to understand my teachings as a way of rebelling against God. They saw free will as the ultimate freedom from any control by any power outside themselves. They began to question the adherence to Universal Law, which had been the basis of my teachings. Even while I did not mention God, I taught that humankind had within us the ability to know right from wrong, without needing to rely on an external force to guide us. You see, I was the original atheist. I believed what I taught, because I knew that force within us was God, and when people fully embraced it they would embrace God. The people of the Lemurian civilization had maintained a high vibration, and Earth was still in the lower 5th dimension when Mother Earth's cleansing reorganized the face of the planet, and few remained to begin again. Some took refuge in Inner Earth, beneath the surface where they built cities and continued to evolve. Others took refuge in the Hollow Center of Earth, where they remain today, and a few survived in what is now known as Hawaii. As Earth's extreme weather subsided, a new civilization developed - the one you know as Atlantis. My hope returned, and I worked hard with the scientists, priests and other citizens of Atlantis to teach the love of one's potentially perfect Self - the inner reflection of perfection which led many to discover the ecstatic experience of complete connection with the essence of God. I was convinced that my approach was indeed working, that I could teach the principles of Endless

Love and Light without asking people to believe in something they could not see. Many experienced their Higher Selves and heard the voice of God within them. I was overjoyed with their knowing, but large numbers of people began to be distracted by material pursuits and technological tinkering. Trouble was brewing, meanwhile. A segment of the people of Orion had broken away from their 4th dimensional civilization, and under the influence of beings from other galaxies, were developing weapons of war, and were threatening others in our galaxy. They brought these Dark ideas to Earth, and began teaching a group of Atlanteans their philosophy. This faction forgot that the constant connection with our GodHead would have offered protection from invading Dark Forces. Against the vehement protests of myself and others, they adopted the idea that weapons would protect them. The energy system that provided power to all the planet - the giant crystal technology which had been given to us by our Star Brothers and Sisters of the Pleiades - was in the end converted to purposes of war by those who understood little of the danger of their war-inspired lust for power. Their tinkerings sparked a complete meltdown of the energy system, in a massive explosion greater than the power of a hundred hydrogen bombs. Mother Earth was mortally injured, and in her convulsive response to the wounds, the civilization of Atlantis sank beneath the waves and Earth descended suddenly and completely into the 3rd dimension. A few of the higher priests escaped before the disaster to the highest mountains, but nothing was left of the Atlantean civilization. The survivors - ancestors to the Egyptians, Mayans and Tibetans, turned to lives of simple subsistence, and were wise enough to keep secret the technology, until such time as the people of Earth could learn to use their powers wisely. I joined them, and tried again to teach my message of self-revelation and self-love, but our efforts were immediately challenged by the invasion of Reptilian Dark Forces who were attracted by the injured and vulnerable planet. They seduced the people into believing their war-mongering by using threats, violence and sophisticated psychological manipulation. My teachings were ignored and mocked by those who were swept away in the sensations of greed, lust and pride which had been previously unknown on the planet. I was heart-broken, desperate to try to restore peace, but my efforts proved impotent. The population grew, and with it grew sexual violence, physical brutality, and a complete disregard for Life. The Reptilians gained in power and influence, taking over all the institutions and any governments the people might try to establish outside their control. Their final coup was the invention of money, and their devious inventiveness produced a world in which they could siphon off a huge stream of the money for themselves, thereby enslaving the entire population. The Darkest period of life on Planet Earth had begun, and the degradation was so complete that humans everywhere had sunk to the lower levels of the 3rd dimension, a possibility that had never been anticipated in our Great Plan. I felt such remorse I could barely go on, but I knew I could not give up. I could not leave my dear planet and her lost children, no matter how difficult the climb back to the Light. I continued my reincarnations, through tremendous opposition which led many times to persecution, violence and death. Meanwhile the Reptilians had discovered and used my secret of reincarnating through the 4th dimension without returning to God, and the

Darkest of the Dark reveled in their ability to avoid any repercussions for their evil deeds, at least for the time being. The coming of Sananda created an enormous wave of Light, and the promise of a new beginning. I was drawn to his side, and he embraced me as a long-lost brother. He told me of the Council's wish to relieve me of the burden of being alone, and encouraged me to join with him in teaching the part of his message that was completely consistent with his own - the need to look inside for the essence of goodness in us all. I was to continue my project, but I was not alone. I walked by his side in great humility and Love. When the Romans made the final decision to prosecute him, they were supported by powerful and wealthy forces in the Jewish community and many others who resented his message of absolute Love and service to others. Because of our deep bond, and because he knew of my own sacrifice, he chose me to be the one who would reveal where he was to the authorities. The pain I felt cannot ever be put into words. When my brother suffered on the cross, I suffered with him. The others knew of my great love, and did not blame me, but I could not bear to remain with them. In my despair, I took my own life, in the overwhelming desire to return with him, to our Home. But as I faced the moment when I could at last follow the Light back Home, I knew I could not leave my mission in this way, and I returned again to Mother Earth to carry on, but the knowledge that I had succumbed to my own weakness and had taken my own life weighed on me unbearably. My incarnated name, Judas, was slandered to represent the symbol of betrayal, and the ability to trust one's fellow man was further undermined by the Dark Ones. As a final coup, they created the image of the Devil and attributed it to me, Lucifer. Thus, fear was spread across the entire world in the form of a hideous Being whose evil threatened the survival and afterlife of everyone on Earth, in my name. They had sensed my power and my Light and had to find a way to defeat me, and to suppress the message of the Christ consciousness at the same time. A new religion was born in my name - the worship of all things which opposed the Light and Love of God. Stories were told of Fallen Angels, rebellion against God, and the cult of Satan spread across the planet. It was taught that any temptation, any error in judgment was the work of Satan, the cause of all evil, and my teachings about integrity, self-reliance and inner strength were swamped by the wave of fear which tore people from their connection to themselves and to God. It was the most clever rouse of all, deflecting the blame for all evil on the planet away from themselves and onto a grotesque caricature of my teachings and my Love, and by association, diminishing the message of Christ's power which is of the Light. Again I was alone, and in despair. I could not leave, but staying to see the destruction which my ideas had wrought was beyond any pain that can be described. I became aware of increasing numbers of Masters and Guides coming to help raise the vibration, at great cost. Many were assassinated, beheaded or hanged for their teachings, but still they came. In their Forgetfulness as incarnated humans, they did not recognize me, but I knew them, found solace in their ministrations, and supported their work with my own teachings, which

emphasized personal growth and the development of the Inner Self. I was what you might call the originator of the self-help and self-development movement, but my efforts were systematically perverted by the Dark Ones, who used my message to glorify absolute separation from God - as they lived it - in selfishness and greed. Still, there were some who took our teachings to heart, and a new movement began of those who stood outside the dogma of organized religion. These courageous ones raised their eyes to the Heavens in humility and gratitude, and they began to recognize that Life itself was precious. They formed groups to protect the animals, to stop the degradation of the planet, to protect and nurture children, and as their ability to love themselves grew, sometimes as a result of my own teachings, they began to love one another. Divisiveness and prejudice began to be seen as destructive to human life, and little by little the Light began to return. Throughout the 20th Century, awareness grew. The development of psychology as a science grew out of my teachings, and gradually children began to be seen as a precious gift to be carefully nurtured. The World Wars spurred the awareness that hatred between God's children, no matter what their race, religion or skin color, was an unGodly emotion. Civil rights as a fundamental concept began to replace national pride and religious affiliation as the highest good. In my sore heart, I began to hope again. With the harmonic Convergence in 1987, the energies of the planet began to steadily rise. I saw the evidence of subtle communication by the Galactic Federation of Light in crop circles and UFO sightings. It was the sign to me that at last, we were on the path to Ascending out of the Darkness, into the Light of higher dimensions. I wept with relief as the spiritual community prepared with such fervor for the coming of the opening Star Gate. I was aware of the Dec. 21, 2012 date which had been adopted by humankind as a deadline for Ascension, but the Dark Ones continued to cling to their power and their ability to spread fear whenever hope began to grow. I saw the struggling Lightworkers trying to make their message of Love and Light known to others who were still asleep, sated by the indulgences which had been cleverly provided by the Dark Forces. More and more channelers brought messages from my beloved Brothers and Sisters, and I could only pray that they, with their message of connection to God, the Universe and beyond, could succeed where I had failed. At last, in the aftermath of December 21, 2012, I felt that although the elevation of all to the 5th dimension had not been accomplished, Mother Earth was completing her Ascension, and humankind could not be far behind. I read these messages and others as the evidence from the Enlightened Ones that your work was indeed succeeding. When it was announced that the Earth people had reached the middle levels of the 5th dimension, I put down my banner and resolved to return Home, although I felt humiliation and dread about returning to my dear family in the state which felt to me like empty-handedness. In all the lifetimes lived in Darkness, I had breathed the air of shame, and it came to define me as it did so many others. As the grip of winter ended in the Northern Hemisphere, and fall lingered in the South, I let go of my last moment of life in a human body and returned Home with a heavy heart. Although I knew my Mother and Father God loved me still, and they would forgive me my failures, I still felt

shame. Upon my arrival I was met with the sound of my Gabrielle's trumpet, and the Legions of Light cheered and sang my name. The celebration and outpouring of Love was overwhelming, unbelievable to one who had spent eons in the throes of Darkness without relief. Here, among my beloved family, I have been healing, releasing the pain of a million years in Darkness. It has taken me some time to recover, to restore my own self-love, the message I had tried to teach to so many. It is a vivid reminder of how separation from God can take a terrible toll on even the strongest ones. I was named for Light, I carried the Love of my Mother and Father in my heart, and yet I could not sustain the full measure of Unconditional Love for myself when I had no lifeline to the Christ consciousness, which is Love. In full awareness of that failure, I now understand what Mother and Father mean when they say my Great Project was a success. The unbearable separation from God, when it was finally felt by the large majority of Earth's people, did drive them back, out of desperation and longing. I felt that longing, and the profound despair of having lost my own ability to accept and love myself without question. I have suffered your pain, and I am awakening as you are. I have learned my own lesson: Humankind cannot survive without the God-given ability to feel the Unconditional Love and Acceptance of their Creator. Only then can we learn to fully love ourselves, and to forgive. As I feel the deepest Love and Unity with my Twin Flame, I am able to at last forgive myself, and to see that my efforts were not in vain. The destruction and suffering which touched so many human hearts was not my fault, nor was it wasted. We are here now, in Love and Light, and the Great Project we planned eons ago will finally come to fruition with the Ascension of billions of human souls. With it, we will raise the vibration of the entire Universe, and the ripples will be felt throughout the Multiverse, in every heart, in every dimension. Never before has such an endeavor been attempted, and with its success, all Beings will know that God is great, and Love does indeed conquer all. I love you all, dear human children of God, and I pledge my heartfelt loyalty to your Great Project which will continue in the 5th dimension, as you leap across the now dissolved 4th dimension to your destiny in Paradise on Earth and beyond. No longer will the Dark Ones find a hiding place to avoid seeing and feeling the pain of their actions. No longer will humankind be subjected to their Dark teachings. You are now free, Dear Ones. All debts have been released, and all karma forgiven. You will begin again, and we will be together in Love and Light for eternity. Your brother in LIght, Lucifer Via Kathryn May, July 29, 2013. Please go to to listen to Lucifer as he told his story in his own words on Saturday, July 27. You will feel the emotion which written words cannot capture.

Part 185: Prime Creator Makes an Announcement

Prime Creator Speaks: My Dear Ones, I do not often speak with you directly, but it is such an extraordinary time that I am taking this opportunity to tell you more about your world, and how important it is that you now concentrate very hard on raising your vibrations, especially those of you who have been so busy working, earning money to pay your bills and care for your families. This time is over, done. There will be no more bills to pay, no more worries about how you will feed your families, educate them, or survive during your retirement. Your retirement will be glorious beyond your wildest dreams, it will cost you nothing, and it begins now, no matter what your chronological age on Earth. This will not be a retirement from Life, nor will it be a death. You are now on the threshold of a magnificent journey to the stars. Your Brothers and Sisters are awaiting, just above you. Look up at the skies on a clear night. Send your greetings to them, and they will flash the colored lights on their ships to show their happiness, that you see them, and that they will soon be here with you, walking among you, embracing you, singing songs of celebration with you. There are thousands now along the grid lines which carry the energy of the cosmos to uplift and teach you of Endless Love and Light. It is I who am sending the powerful energies to you now. It has been said that the waves of love you feel washing over you come from the Central Sun - the Sun which radiates outward from the center of the Universe. That is true. The Central Sun is another name for me, your Prime Creator. I am the one who has created the beginning, the middle and the eternity which is now your reality. Your Mother and Father God were my first children, and their group of Enlightened Ones who work with them here in your galaxy were their original Brothers and Sisters, and their eldest children. So you see, you are being overseen by your parents and your cosmic Aunts and Uncles, who have know each of you, and have nourished and cared for every one of you as you have traveled through your many incarnations. During the time that Mother/Father God were in training with me to learn to create planets, stars and living beings, their brothers and sisters were also learning to do the same. They then went out across the Universe, which was waiting, empty of life, and they helped to teach the younger Gods, their younger brothers and sisters, to establish galaxies, to populate them with beings of various shapes and sizes, according to their creative imaginations. Each one in training was first taught the Universal Laws which require that every created being be equipped first with the ability to communicate telepathically with their Creator, who is always in contact with me. Thus, a grid of telepathic energy transmission was built as each Universe came into being. It is this grid which makes it possible for me to speak directly with your channel, and for you to speak directly with Mother/Father God. Others who are channeling now have tapped into that Universal communication system at various points, which gives them the ability to speak telepathically with the dolphins, the birds, the Arcturians, the Pleiadians, and so

on. So, you see, there is nothing weird or unusual about telepathic ability. In fact, you are the only ones in all the Universes who seem to think so. This is because you have been behind the Veil of Forgetfulness, of course. You are the only ones who have experienced this absence of connection to me and to the Gods who created you. Across the Multiverse, all are curious about how this experiment will end. Will the humans who have been made blind and deaf be able to regain their senses? Will they awaken from their nightmares to recognize their Family of Light? What if they are permanently handicapped by the deafness they have experienced? It has been millions of years now, in Earth time, since humans had all their senses intact. When your scientists studied your DNA sequencing, they found many strands in your makeup which seemed to be inactive, useless. They were puzzled, but they were far enough along in their own explorations to understand that nothing in creation is useless, and they suspected it was not a fluke of nature, although few of them were spiritually open enough to assume the truth. The truth is that I have given my approval to Mother/Father God to begin activating those "unused" strands, which will change you in dramatic ways. Your intelligence, your memory and your creativity will escalate rapidly. The final goal is to allow you to be the magnificent Gods you are capable of being. You will all eventually have the power to create, to know the Truth of your history and that of your galaxy, but it was necessary first that you each experience the challenges and obstacles of life in 3-dimensional bodies, with free will, and with little guidance from your Mother and Father. You have suffered pain, physical and emotional trauma, loneliness and want, and the majority of you have survived with your hearts still intact. You are still capable of Love, and when you are in pain, you look to the Light for your salvation. This was the ultimate test, and you have come through it brilliantly. Yes, many of you are still doubting, still insisting you do not believe in any of this, but the small open window in your hearts will allow the Truth to flow in as soon as your preoccupation with day to day "achievements" is removed from your lives. You have been tested so strenuously because the Great Plan calls for your eventual leadership of all the galaxies. You have experienced various forms of government on your planet, and have intuitively understood, across the globe, that democracy with full participation of all the people is indeed the most effective and fair system. It has been co-opted by the Dark Ones as every new attempt to establish freedom has been tried. Even in the United States, the Grand Experiment was twisted into a despotic economic system which took the place of genuine freedom, and yet the people yearned for Truth. The agitation across your planet is a glorious triumph of imagination. Everywhere, humankind is rising to demand freedom, equality and dignity. They say to themselves, "Never again." Many do not yet completely understand what it is they are agitating for. Some believe it is religious freedom, others fear the chaos that complete change will bring, but the march toward new ways of cooperating, and new means of communication have sealed their hopes for the future into

Truth. Your wars have very quickly been reduced to the last-ditch actions of a few Dark Ones on rooftops, declaring their preference for murder and mayhem, while thousands rush to help, to rescue and to heal their wounded fellows. I have heard your pleas for help to end the mass violence, and now you are seeing the effects in your everyday lives of the end to personal violence as well. The process is nearing completion, and completion means that each and every member of your planetary society is being required to make a choice, now. Some will act on their inner rage and disillusionment, but others whose contract for violence has been ended will awaken and lay down their arms, in spite of brainwashing, mind control, and dedication to life as slaves to the Dark Ones. As all of you were told before you began this incarnation, this is your last one. Never again will Planet Earth offer the 3-dimensional, free-will environment in which to test yourselves to the limit. No more suffering, no more starvation, no more poverty, no more wars. It is done. Look around you at the beauty of your dear planet. Go out of the cities to see what she was intended to look like, and what she did look like before the industries and massive population growth encroached on her dense forests, clear lakes and mighty oceans. Go back to the forests, in silence and reverence for the Mother who has nurtured and loved you over these eons. Give thanks to her, and when you send your Love down into the center of her being, she will be soothed and healed, and you will feel her gratitude and enormous Love. You will see the weather, which is a response to your own feelings, calm. As your hearts warm toward your Mother Earth and your fellow humans, so your climate will balance and level out, easing the cold and soothing the heat. Gentle rain will replace hurricanes and tornadoes. As the violence of human passion wanes, the weather on your planet will respond accordingly. You have an expression, "Smile and the world smiles with you." Extend this understanding to your relationship with Mother Earth and all her conscious beings, which includes every insect, every rock, every plant and every animal under her care. Be at peace, Beloved Ones. The time of your personal testing is done. You are now being given a time to rest, to contemplate and to restore your Peace of Mind. Your trial is at an end, and you have all been found innocent, pure and gloriously One with your Creator. It does not matter what stumbles you may have experienced in this life. It is the accumulation of all your lives, all the times you have triumphed over despair, expressed Love for another or for yourselves that We see as the measure of your strength. Be that Loving being now. Look around you at those who would welcome your Love, and express it freely. It matters not whether they know your name, or live in your household. All will welcome your higher vibration of Love and Light. Together you have worked, prayed and pleaded with me to allow your glorious Ascension now, in this lifetime, in this hour. I am here to tell you now, it is granted. All the necessary steps have been taken to allow this to happen. The Prosperity Funds have been distributed and are ready to be dispersed. Lucifer has returned to the arms of his family, and the 4th dimension has been collapsed, allowing no secrecy or separation from your Mother/Father

God's love; the Archangels have assumed their mantles of Light, and the Masters have declared themselves as servants of the Light on Earth. The ships are aligned and ready to bring their gifts and the great love of the Twin Flames who await their partners, many of whom are now aware of them, and familiar with their loving energy. Mother Earth has been stabilized on her axis by the Galactic Forces, and will remain so until all her children have ascended in waves to higher dimensions. All mass weaponry which would threaten the ships or the safety of those on the ground has been neutralized; the smaller weapons will be gradually disabled as the time draws near for the landings. Announcements have been prepared and will be broadcast to everyone on the planet to reassure and inform all of you of the events as they unfold. You see, no detail has been overlooked, no matter for concern has been left unaddressed, no question unanswered. It will be a triumphant time for all; no unhappiness will be caused for any being on Earth unless they choose to turn their backs on Love. Relationships both old and new will be blessed with Love, Forgiveness and Light, and all will transcend old conflicts, old pain, to ascend to higher vibrations of Love and Companionship. We now ask you, our dear Workers of Light, to be ready to lead the triumphant celebration, and the coming glorious procession to the ships, where you will all be renewed, with bodies in perfect health, and minds restored with memory and knowledge of all you have known before, and much more. You who have worked so hard to transcend the doubts and criticisms of your fellows will feel the reward of finally being recognized and acknowledged for your wisdom and the strength of your hearts. Be at peace, Dearly Beloved Ones. You are the Pied Pipers of the Glorious Kingdom. You have persevered, and you have triumphed. Your time has come. It matters not that you have suffered illness, poverty and pain. Now, use these last days to rest and prepare. Open your hearts to my Endless Love which heals all. Quietly pray for all the others who will need your reassurance and your strength to complete their transitions. I cannot describe to you the joy I feel as I watch these final accomplishments come to fruition. It is truly the Beginning of the End, as Father God has said. Prepare yourselves for the New Beginning in joy and in Faith. I am your Creator, the Creator of all Creators, and I send you the most powerful waves of Love you have ever felt before. I gather you to me, the children of my heart, and I send you Love without measure. Until we meet again, Prime Creator Via Kathryn May, July 30, 2013, 12 pm.

Part 186: God's Revelation of Our Destiny, Our Plan

It is a time of monumental change, is it not? You will all be tested in the coming days, whether you wish to believe the messages we are giving you or not. No one will be left out, because this is the triumph you all came here to experience, even if you do not remember the contract you made with us and with your Higher Self. The test you will all experience is, as you might expect, the opportunity to leave behind all anxiety, all fear, all anger and all self-doubt and self-loathing, to raise your energy to a higher vibration. This does not mean you will feel more "wired." In fact, the higher vibrations of Love are based in a calm state which many of you have called, "grace." Mother Earth has already made her transition to a higher vibrational level. Many of you are lagging behind because of your nostalgic connection to the 3-D lives you have experienced here over eons. You will be asked to change. This idea brings horror to many of you. You hate change, you resist it with all your might. Those of you who prefer to be in charge, in control, the "master of your own fate" will have a difficult time relinquishing the fantasy that you have done it all on your own. No one has, of course. You have always had the benevolent force of our Love and the great Love of your Higher Self, your Twin Flame and your Guides to create opportunities for you, to ease your way along your path. You may ask, "Well, if they were helping me so much, then why did they let me suffer so many times?" The answer is simple, Dear Ones. We had a contract with you that we would not intervene when you are learning the lessons you came here to learn of your own free will. You came here to be tested, not to have a vacation, for what great lessons have you ever learned while sipping margueritas on a beach? It is only through the interaction with your fellows, testing your integrity and your capacity to feel Love for even the most unloveable among you, that many of you have risen to the level of Ascended Master. It is now time for the rest of you to move into that higher realm of experience. You are going to the 5th dimension. You have two pathways open to you. One is to triumph over all old fears and doubts, raise you vibration now and ascend in the first waves of Ascended Masters and their apprentices. The second option is to resist, cling to the 3D world you have known, and go through the death process now, without finishing out your present life. You will return to Us for your respite between lives as you have always done, and continue the repeating incarnation process elsewhere in the Universe of planets which will provide further challenges and training, until you are ready to ascend as a soul to the 5th dimension and beyond. There is one caveat, however. By choosing Plan B, you will be breaking your sacred vow to yourself and your fellow humans, who have planned for thousands of years for this to be a group ascension in which no soul will be left behind. Except for rare exceptions for advanced souls whose contracts called for sacrificing their lives in the last weeks as part of the lesson to their loved ones to care, to Love, and to embrace each other, all Beings who are here now in these final weeks have been volunteers in the Great Plan of Ascension of Humankind on Planet Earth.

This plan has been overseen by your Great Sananda-Jesus, and will be ultimate triumph of the Christ Consciousness. It will lift the vibration of the entire Multiverse as you lift yourselves. Yes, all of you are destined for greatness. From the most humble beggar to the wealthiest CEO, you are all in this together. The roles you have chosen for this life are just the final chapter in your learning process - the opportunity you chose to learn your own most important lessons in humility, leadership, compassion, and most importantly, Faith. Your contracts for this incarnation are now finished; you have all been freed of the illnesses, handicaps and burdensome responsibilities you have borne throughout this lifetime. It is now your final work to reclaim the channels in your brain which allow you to think of yourself as worthy, blessed with perfect health and endless happiness. Look around you now. Embrace those you have loved imperfectly. Forgive those you have resented, looked down upon and disrespected, and ask for their forgiveness of you. All have played their roles in your learning process; all are owed great thanks and Love. Even those who have appeared to embrace evil, who have committed heinous acts, and those who suffered at their hands, have been part of the impetus for you to turn away from those acts, to reject evil, and to grow. Even the ones you called Hitler, Genghis Kahn, Pol Pot, the proponents of "ethnic cleansing," murder and racial divisiveness were played by your highest Ascended Masters, who sacrificed all to create conditions so horrific, so abhorrent, that it would change the world for the better, as a powerful backlash against them and all they stood for. It was their way of revealing to all the glaringly hideous results of divisiveness and prejudice, and to counteract the creeping, secretive forms of evil which had seeped into your cultures as the Dark Ones gained in power. The Darkness which descended on Earth in recent centuries, in the form of invading Dark Ones from other low-vibration planets, was permitted to continue, to play out its power, to be ultimately defeated by those who were the Light-Bearers throughout the darkest years. Theirs was the greatest power, held strong by the greatest Faith. They have been your role models, your heroes and saints. They are your great Ascended Masters who are with you now, who are here to lead you through the open portals into the 5th dimension, where you will be celebrated as heroes and saints yourselves. Do not turn away from these words. Do not scoff and doubt their Truth because it may not agree with things you have been taught in this life, or the things you hear on your popular media. Jesus himself was not a media celebrity in his own time. His message spread from person to person, with testimony from those whose lives he personally touched, just as you have done with these messages. Kathryn and Anne have purposely not sought fame or fortune, but have built the family of their readers and listeners through personal contact and attention to individual needs, insofar as their time and energy permitted. In this way, they have demonstrated the integrity of their hearts and by association, the validity of their message. If you consider yourself a religious person, hear the most basic Truth in our words: Love is all, conquers all, heals all. If you are an atheist, hold fast to your belief in your own power, and join with your fellows to ascend to higher dimensions. You will find Us to be not the God you objected to, and you will find that in

essence, you were right to follow our dear Lucifer's teachings of self-reliance, responsibility and independence. We honor your uniqueness and your independence. We speak as the God many of you have worshipped by whatever name your teachings applied to Us. Names do not matter; our message is one of Love, Compassion, Joy, Forgiveness and Oneness. This is the theme you have been taught to listen for in order to avoid false teachings and false prophets. We do not preach divisiveness or hatred - it is against Universal Law, which is our final Guide - the unending belief in the Equality of all souls. We are all the blessed children of Prime Creator, the Creator of all Creators, for whom there is no beginning and no end, who is eternal Love. I, Mother God, am here with you now, embodied as artist, friend and compatriot of your Lady Portia, who calls herself Sila Valez. Father God has been embodied as the one you knew as Zorra, and your beloved Sananda, the one you knew as Jesus, will indeed return within days, to lead you once more. This time there will be no suffering, no death. It will be as he showed you long ago: You will ascend with him, in triumph and in joy. You will return to the 5th dimension, where we will welcome you, surrounded by your ancestors, you friends who passed before you, and your Archangels and Guides who have faithfully watched over you. Find your path Home, Dear Ones. Envision it now, as you envisioned it long ago in the Council of Planet Earth's enthusiastic supporters. You are one of those supporters, and it is now time to reap the rewards for your thousands of years of hard work and hope. We have achieved our goal at last. Mother Earth has ascended, and now all that is left is for you to join hands and walk triumphantly over the finish line, into a new Golden Era and a new life for every one of you. Do not hesitate; do not falter. We are here for you as you make the final leap into the destiny of your souls, so long foreseen and prophesied. Leap and we will catch you; fly and our hearts fly with you. We love you, now and forever, Your Mother/Father God. Via Kathryn May, Aug. 1, 2013

Part 187: Prime Creator on Learning to Use and Control our "Magic Powers"
This is Prime Creator. I wish to keep in close contact with you during these crucial days leading up to your final Ascension. Kathryn has agreed to be available at all times to transcribe these messages for you, and we are grateful for her unquestioning service. Those of you who have practiced your meditations, healings and clearings, and have reached the level of Loving energy in all your dealings, will be in the first wave of those who will be taken to the ships. You will experience the exhilaration and overwhelming celebration as you meet at last with your adoring Brothers and Sisters who are standing by in anticipation of this great event. Many of you have agreed that once you are restored and acclimated to the 5th dimension, you will go through the intricate process of descending once more into the lower dimensions to work with those who have been reluctant to leave their old habits and trappings behind. Our Sananda will be there, teaching and reassuring the people as only he can. It will be a very exciting time for all the Lightworkers, because they will have the opportunity to work closely with Sananda, and this time, although you may all face some psychological and emotional reluctance in those who have not yet ascended, there will be no violent end to this triumphant story. The group of beloved apostles and family who were with Sananda during his life as Jesus will be able to live the wonderful experience of teaching and healing at his side, without the fear of persecution. This time, no one will be beheaded; no one will be crucified. The teaching and mentoring, with help from the Galactics this time, will continue until all souls who have been "signed on" with Sananda to accomplish this glorious ascension have moved into the upper 5th dimension. Imagine the triumph which will be shared by all when the last soul "crosses the finish line." All curmudgeons, skeptics and doubters will eventually be swept along in the wonder of seeing so many of their friends, family and acquaintances returning to help them with the Light of Love surrounding them, gloriously happy and ecstatically in Love. Who would not be willing to let go of their favorite negative belief systems when they see what the payoff has been for others. Now, I will answer a question. You wondered about the strange weather. You suspected it had something to do with cleansing. You were right. The almost hourly showers are part of Mother Earth's way of cleaning the air, especially the air that comes over the land from the West. All pollution from cars, manufacturing, farming, and so on, is cleaned by depositing all residue in the dense Canadian forests, where it can be processed and returned to the Earth as harmless dust. Fortunately, there are still large tracts of forest lands across the U.S and Canada, and the trees and other plants are becoming more efficient in their cleansing abilities, just as you are becoming more powerful Creators. Kathryn: At this point I took a break in order to take advantage of a sunny interlude, after a day of mostly rain. It was an eventful hour. I went for a canoe ride down the lake with my little dog Che to visit my neighbors. Che wanted to visit with their dog while I talked with them from the canoe, so I let him out of the boat. He has been there before, but instead of swimming around the dock to get out on land, he swam UNDER the dock, which is only about a foot over the water,

and deadends at the shore. He disappeared under the dock, and all I could see were his little feet, which appeared to stop moving from where I was in the canoe, trying to see under the dock. He did not come when I called to him to come back. I jumped into the water and went under the dock as far as I could go - I saw his head, to my relief. He had gone as far as he could go, but he wasn't coming out. I finally got far enough under to get ahold of his back end and drag him out. Needless to say, my heart was pounding. We went home drenched and shaking, but unhurt. Prime Creator said: Yes, the incident with your little dog was indeed a mirror of things you were thinking when you woke up this morning. It is now less than 12 hours later, and the events you pictured, with your little pup having to be rescued by you did indeed develop just as you pictured them. Different dock, same events. You see how powerful your thoughts are. You must not think of fearful events at this point, because your powers have developed so quickly. This is part of the training. (K: The thoughts I woke up with, about Che falling off the dock into the water, at risk...those were put into my mind, weren't they.) That is true. It was necessary for you to grasp the urgency of not dwelling on fear under circumstances that would not ultimately be life-threatening for you or your dog or others. You have already seen it happen with people you have worked with. They are healed, restored to complete health, physically and mentally, but as soon as their thoughts turn to fear and illness, bad things happen; they get sick. You create with your thoughts. The energies are so intense now, it is a nearly 1 to 1 correlation. This also works the same way with positive thoughts, which are even more powerful. The results are not always as clear-cut or obvious as with negative thoughts because positive feelings and thoughts are often less specific, but you can work on creating specific, positive events just as you can envision an illness, an accident, or even a weather event. Humans have always been interested in their abilities to create with their thoughts, knowing intuitively that there was a direct connection between thinking and causality. Unfortunately, it has been given a bad name by Dark Ones whose intention was to hurt others through "black magic" (which of course is not magic at all) or other methods of causing trouble for others. You need no longer fear these lower vibrational thought forms. As long as you are at a higher dimension than the ones who try to make trouble for others, you will be unaffected. You see, it is not even necessary to rid the world of these low-level troublemakers, since you are leaving the world of their influence behind. It is really very simple when you have learned the simple laws behind manifesting through thought/feelings. It is a crucial part of your training now, since your powers are increasing rapidly. First, the caveat, which you have often heard in jest: Beware what you think about; it is likely to come true. Now, fortunately, at the dimensional level where you are, a simple, fleeting thought is not powerful enough to create havoc. It requires concentration combined with genuine

desire. The thought/feeling is the spark which creates. You have heard that prayers can bring healing. This is the simple, direct result of the power of positive manifestation. When the person who is ill receives the healing energy, their Higher Self assists with focusing and directing it for maximum good. As we have said earlier, if the patient insists, they may defeat the healing by continuing to think of themselves as sick, diseased, handicapped, and so on, but numerous scientific studies have confirmed the power of prayer, even when the person was not aware of the prayers. This is the reason we have asked Kathryn to conduct the healing sessions, to help those who are still stuck in the illness feedback loop to be freed from their illnesses by the powerful effect of many healers working together. You will begin this process in the next few days, and many will benefit from the generous offering from a very large group of strangers who wish them well. You see, the intention to heal another as a gift of Love carries a doubly powerful reverberation because it is a selfless act of service. The ability to assist in the healing project does not require professional training. You will be instructed simply on the ability to focus and direct your thoughts for maximum power. As you know, the larger the group, the more intense the effect, increasing incrementally by a scale you know as a Fibonacci series, in which each number is added to the one before it: 1,1, 2, 3, 5, 8,13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144. Thus, if you have 12 people working together, they are 144 times more powerful than one person alone. Imagine the power of 40, or 100! This is why it has been said that a group of 1,000 people meditating together can change the world. It is true. This is a good learning project for all of you. You will be practicing your ability to focus, to concentrate on an outcome, and you will receive feedback from the patient concerning the effects of the healing. You will feel yourself gaining in confidence as you work with others, including professional healers from widely varied training modalities. All are welcome, all are appreciated, and you will be able to experience it together via the internet radio show for this purpose which Kathryn will be monitoring on www.BlogTalkRadio/ChannelPanel, her usual station. There is a chat room function for those who cannot call from great distances. We are asking Kathryn to learn to use it to present the information on each patient you are to heal to help you focus together. It is a beginning for all of you to acknowledge and begin training yourselves in the use of your "magic powers." During this period of the Lion's Gate energies, through August 12 and beyond, your efforts will be multiplied by the rising tide of high vibrational energy. Use it to heal each other, the planet and yourselves. It will take you another step higher in your Ascension preparations, and will help you to acclimate to the power you will have when you fully enter the 5th dimension; you will be "old hands" at handling one aspect of the astonishingly different way of life you are soon to experience. You will be glad for the preparation, and for the experience of working with a skilled and inspired group of Lightworkers. Your planet has risen, Beloved Ones, and your individual stars are rising. As you are learning, your Ascension does not just happen suddenly one day. It requires preparation and focus to make

the transition ahead. Take advantage of every opportunity to learn new skills, new ways to free yourself of old patterns of thinking and acting. Taking part in a project like this will be new for most of you. That is a great bonus. Use it well, and everyone will benefit enormously. For those who are not familiar with the procedure, you can sign up to be on the healing team by going to and click the button "Email me/Sign Up" which will take you to Kathryn's email program which will help her to contact you about scheduling the sessions. There will be many hours available during the week for volunteers from around the globe. Sessions will be 30 minutes each, so you can join several without it crowding your schedule too much. Join as many as you possibly can. Consider yourselves "in Ascension," my Dearest Ones. You are truly growing day by day. I am monitoring your progress carefully, as you see from these messages. A planet in ascension is a cosmic event - one which is felt throughout the entire cosmos. You may have thought of yourselves as small and insignificant in cosmic terms, but this is not so. Your efforts yesterday, today and tomorrow are having an uplifting effect throughout the Universes beyond any your scientists have discovered. All planets, all galaxies, all beings throughout the cosmos will rise with you as you elevate yourselves degree by degree, moment by moment. You are coming out of the Darkness into the brilliant Light of the New Golden Age. It is happening now. Breathe the nourishing waves of uplifting energy; revel in your new strengths; celebrate the dawn of a truly new day in the history of Planet Earth, and you and I are here to experience it together, as One. I am the one you know as Prime Creator, Creator of all. Via Kathryn May, Aug. 3, 11 pm.

Part 188: Mother God Tells of the Reptilians who Lived Among and Within Us
It is very difficult for us to speak of the dissolution of the Reptilians who did not agree to come to the Light, to come back Home to us. They were our children, all, and we loved them with all our hearts. It is a very sad time for us. We are in deep mourning as a result of their decision to be returned to Source rather than being restored to the loving, creative beings they were born to be. The Reptilian race was an ancient creation, born in the Orion star system long ago. They are powerful beings in their ability to feel deeply, as we do. Their qualities are indeed an important part of your human make-up; there has been some combining of your genetic qualities. Many of those who refused to be restored to wholeness, to have their DNA reactivated and restored to the state they were intended to be when they were first created, were the original children of Orion. They were ancient souls, by your standards, the children of our hearts. I am Mother God, and I gave birth to these Ones, just as I gave birth to all of you, my precious children. It was our greatest hope that you, our powerful Creator Race, would be able to not only defeat the Reptilians in your midst, but to also show them the way to the Light. You did succeed in preserving many of those who tried to take you over, to inhabit your bodies. Many of you who came to this life with the burden of carrying a Reptilian entity within your bodies did so as a great sacrifice. It was you who were able to provide the atmosphere of Love and Light which worked on them, little by little. As you were able to sustain yourselves in spite of their dark and destructive actions, your influence on them was felt. Gradually, as the energies rose on the planet and you became stronger and more able to withstand their interference in your thinking and actions, they began to change. Your strength literally flowed through their beings, because they were attached to you in a symbiotic way that caused them to feel what you felt, and it worked to begin the process of reactivating their original DNA. And so, many of the Reptilian children who had been lost to us were returned in the historic ceremony in which 999,000 passed through the gateway which Gabriella and Lucifer created to receive them. It was a moment of great joy and great pain for us. Of course we had hoped to save them all. Your great work during this lifetime made this possible. We will explain to you what your part was, and how you became the rescuers for these ones, your brothers and sisters who had gone to the Dark. This last effort to rescue as many as possible was agreed to in our Councils with you and with Prime Creator long ago. It was a complex plan, because it involved a two-fold effort. The Reptilians had to be convinced that their most powerful intervention would be to directly inhabit the bodies of humankind, rather than use their influence to bribe, threaten, manipulate and generally gain influence over you by violent means, externally applied. You are familiar with

their assassinations and torture skills. They had been able to infiltrate governments around the world with their mind-control techniques and what you call black-ops systems to an enormous degree. As you know, the systems of banking and finance had been completely corrupted by their philosophy of greed and self-interest, which was promoted as "freedom of the individual" and defined as honorable self-reliance and independence. It was in fact, the evil agenda in fancy dress. Their power had spread through secret societies and closely-controlled interbreeding within the powerful families who maintained their hold on their power by any means available to them; their preferred methods were torture and assassination. Our dear St. Germain incarnated over a long period to try to dilute their influence and to lay the groundwork for the events which are evolving now. He established the society which began as the Freemasons. It was a powerful force for good in its early years, including many of the Founding Fathers who worked to establish democracy in America. Unfortunately, it was eventually co-opted by the ones you call Illuminati. We do not use this term because it implies Light; we prefer to refer to them as the Dark Hats. You are also familiar with another of their Dark organizations called the Mafia, or Cosa Nostra, which infiltrated businesses and political organizations across the globe from the ground up. Their power had spread to such a degree that it looked as if the entire political system in the U.S. and across the Western World was at the point of entirely succumbing to their influence, and the East was falling into their grasp through financial maneuvering and the influence of multinational corporations. Something had to be done to not only rescue the planet from their grip, but to also make one last attempt to rescue those of the Reptilians who would agree to leave the evil power structure and come to the Light. And so our plan was agreed to, to make one last effort as Mother Earth fulfilled her own destiny to ascend to higher dimensions. It was then determined that the only way to stop the march of the Reptilians to take over the world would be to convince them that there was a brilliant means of conquering those Lightworkers who had directly opposed them for generations. That would be to infiltrate their ranks by inhabiting their bodies in large numbers and thereby weaken the ones who were their greatest threat. It was a technique they had used in the past, but never enmass. It remained to convince the Reptilian leaders that this was the reason they had not yet completely succeeded. And so it was decided that the idea would be implanted in the minds of the most powerful Reptilians, and representatives of the Light would be sent in disguise to promote the plan. This was a complex operation in itself, which will all be revealed to you when you raise your consciousness to higher dimensions where you can study the historical records of all the history of your planet and the Cosmos as well. For now, you can compare it to the cloak and dagger action movies you are so fond of, and know it was even more complex and intricate than The Matrix. Eventually it was successful, and the Reptilian leaders began assigning their minions to inhabit the bodies of incarnating humans. The great wave of Reptilian inhabitation began after the turn of the 20th Century, and steadily increased until August 22, 2013, at which time every last one of

the Reptilians were removed from the planet. The Reptilian invasion of human bodies was a success, but not for the Reptilians. It caused an awakening in those who were experiencing the emotions and thought processes of the human they inhabited. You see, it did have the effect we predicted. Our Earth Children were far stronger, far more resolute and solid than the ones who had redesigned their genetic program. They thought that by removing their capacity to love and to care, they would be stronger. They were completely wrong. It is the wondrous ability to love which is the great strength of humankind. It was astonishing to the Reptilians who were trying to "possess" their human hosts that they could not defeat you. They certainly tried. It was a battle for the souls, the hearts and minds of both the host and the invader. The wondrous thing was that neither was aware of this. From the human point of view, it was a struggle to maintain balance, to keep going in spite of illness, fatigue, deep feelings of malaise, anxiety, and even despair. For the Reptilian, it was a battle they had never expected - the gradual awakening of feelings they had great disdain for. The great irony of this process was that the Reptilians found themselves in a place in their own culture which is similar to the discomfort many of you feel because of your greater sensitivity, your greater awareness of the feelings of those around you and your dedication to doing good work in service to others. You are exceptional in your hard-nosed, competitive and extremely superficial culture - that culture which has been founded predominantly on Reptilian attitudes and beliefs. And so, like you, they found themselves unable to tell their friends and family about the stirrings of their hearts. Now it is time for the unfolding of a new way of thinking, a new way of organizing your lives. Those among you who are the planners, the organizers and the designers will flourish. Your skills will be needed in so many ways, as you work together to establish your new structures to care and guide your more evolved ways of living. Teachers will be able to teach what they love, and testing and grading will be a thing of the past. Children will learn the Socratic method from birth on, and the free exchange of information will excite and elevate all curious minds. The gardeners and farmers will find new ways to enjoy the creation of glorious landscapes, without the arduous toil you are used to. Inventors and scientists will have a field day working on new technologies to make life gloriously comfortable and fulfilling. Mathematicians, physicists and astronomers will find their minds expanding to take in astonishing new concepts, where even the sky is not the limit. It is possible, Beloved Ones, to live at peace with each other and with your dear Mother Earth. You will return to the Eden of old, and you will find yourselves wiser, more loving and stronger than ever before. Most of the troublesome feelings and conflicts you experienced in the past will fade, as greater and greater numbers of you begin to discover your true nature as the Creator Race. It will be a great relief and pleasure to you to learn how easy it is to be light-hearted, once the grinding Darkness is removed from your daily lives. You are approaching your Graduation Day. We have called it Ascension, but it is truly a

graduation from the old 3-dimensional life you have known to a wondrously Light and Loving experience unlike anything you have known in this incarnation. There is a lovely September Song with the words, "Oh, the days dwindle down to a precious few, September, November...And these few precious days I'll spend with you, these precious days I'll spend with you..." Enjoy your days, Dear Ones. It is your preparation for what is ahead, Your Mother God Via Kathryn E. May, August 29, 2013, 12 PM. EDT Listen to the recording of Mother God and Prince Reginald, leader of the Reptilian forces, as they tell the story in their own words, at, August 28, 2013.

St. Germain on Global Economics

October 6 2013

Greetings, Beloved Ones, The news today is about the revaluation of currencies. It will be happening this week from what we can see. The holdouts have found they have no choice but to go along. For instance, their option involves agreeing to have their debts paid off vs. going out of business in a blaze of scandal and shame. One prominent player is our old friend, JP Morgan. There is a gradual changing of the guard as some of the old bastions of power are overtaken by new, enlightened leadership. Others will cease to exist and fade into memory as quickly as Enron and WorldCom have done. No centers of greed and exclusivity will remain once the evidence of their destructive effects are completely revealed. We are in meetings constantly. The U.S. Secretary of the Treasury, Jack Lew, Obama, Putin and other global leaders have been working feverishly. By the way, Ben Bernancke is still in place, but has no power now. It was decided to keep him in office for a short time to allow all decisions to be run thru him without any resistance on his part, since he is now completely ineffectual in the role. He will now do as he is told, and has no power to act on his own. The Prosperity Funds are in place, will begin to have an impact slowly as we begin by funding the organizations we have discussed previously - those whose mission is truly in the Greater Good. We know who they are, so there is no need for anyone to apply for grants. They will be freely given, with issues of hunger, water, and basic housing needs taking first precedence. We hear the pleas from Lightworkers to lighten their burdens in order to free them to do their real work. It will be done, as the currency revaluation allows those among you who had a little money to invest to become the beneficiaries of resources to share with others. It will be a glorious day for those who love to help. They will find themselves in the position of being able to bring real relief to those in need. I am asking Lady Portia to take charge of distributing funds. She has set up a Foundation for this purpose, and will be able to hire a person to work full-time to help redistribute funds by giving small grants to individuals in need. She will be able to act as a clearing house for donations from those who may wish to support her Foundation, and who would prefer to give of their bounty through the Foundation. The focus of the first wave of giving will be to assist Lightworkers and their families. This will be the only organization of its kind, specifically designed to help those who have given their hearts to the work of Spirit. It is with great Love in our hearts that we give this message to you now. We know how your anticipation has held you captive for many months, waiting for the promised good news to become tangible. I can assure you, the monumentally complex puzzle which is the global economic system has at last been brought under our direct supervision. While there are still Dark Hats (but not Reptilians) in place, their power has gradually waned, as ours has increased. The

handwriting is on the wall, as you might say. The balance has tipped, never to be returned to the Dark side. We have taken great pains to allow this complex resolution of the global problem to unfold gradually, in order not to create chaos, which would invite anarchy. You have the example in the U.S. government of what can happen when the loudest bullies are allowed free reign within their artificially-constructed political parties. It is a good catalyst for change, this stage-play which has become so obvious in it falseness. Of course, a stalemate which shuts down parts of the government is not a comfortable scenario in the short term, but it will become clear to all just how little real power the so-called government actually has. Your system runs basically on good will and the memory of democracy which the people still carry in their hearts. This is not dependent upon any politician to enforce, but only requires that people maintain the spirit of democracy in their hearts as the template which will create the real system of governance you were entitled to have since the foundation of your North American nations. In the aftermath of economic freedom, real political freedom will follow. A people who are free to act on their hearts' desire do not choose to oppress others. It may take a period of adjustment for the full effect of this change to sink in, but you are resilient, and those of you who have lived with the real hope of democracy and what it promises already have the ability to step into the freedom with joy and confidence once it is presented to you. I would like to add an explanation here to the discussion I began on last week's call, which many thought was a contradiction or challenge to previous information given by me and by Father God. I revealed in that moment the feeling I have always had about the dangers of currency trading and the revulsion I have had toward any trading of power which can endanger a country and its people. Here is the basis for my philosophical position: Money itself, and currency trading in particular was an expression of the greed and instruments of power which were established by the Dark Hats in order to gain power over whole countries and their peoples. Manipulation of currencies has successfully brought several countries to their knees in recent times. It is not a well-known lesson in economics, since what you know as "economics" is in fact the justification for Reptilian power-building. Currency trading itself should be unacceptable in any form. There is no good reason in the real world for currencies to be bought and sold; in doing so it makes it possible to buy and sell whole countries. Trading real goods and services does not require currency trading, and no transaction need be made involving money where no real work or product is involved. This change alone would restore the power of the merchant class - traditionally the homegrown middle class - to replace the bankers who can manipulate whole industries, and eventually the entire global economy, from afar. I did not intend to lump Lightworkers who are investing in dinars with the greed mongers of the

past. I only wished to point out that it is reasonable to be cautious, because in using the currency trading tools of the Dark Hats, one must be very careful to understand that this is just that - a ploy in which we use the Dark methods against their originators. It is not to be thought of as a fix for anything other than the short-term poverty those Dark Ones caused. I want to emphasize that it would be a trap for the unsuspecting Lightworker to be caught up in the idea, once again, that money is a necessary and effective fix for the problems in their lives. It is not. Now that the Reptilians are gone, manifesting what you need will be far easier than it was just a short time ago, and many of you will be in the position of giving and receiving, which is the true cure for the old problems. It is with great pleasure that I am able to report to you that the years of hard work we all endured have paid off handsomely, now that we have the latitude to operate on the open playing field where the Reptilians once held sway. We have already made enormous progress - and remember, it is only now 6 weeks since their departure. The reeducation of those in power will take a bit more time, but as they lose in influence, and as their actions are made transparent for the first time, the rewards for manipulation, deceit and greed are ever slimmer. Hold fast to your Love and Light, Dear Ones. The power of your high vibrational energy will literally move mountains. This is what makes our forward progress so swift and sure. This very week you will begin to feel the ground shifting under your feet, and the skies will truly smile on all of you. I send you endless Love. I am your servant always, the one you have known as St. Germain. Via Kathryn May, October 6, 4 PM

Sananda's Predictions for 2014

Transcribed by Kathryn E May October 14 2013 Sananda It is a great pleasure to bring this message to such an enlightened audience. We are cooperating to create this special information to the readers of the Sedona Journal, but of course it will be relevant to all those who wish to raise their vibration at this time. It is a moment in history that will be remembered eternally, these days of balancing on the cusp of monumental change. Many who have been preparing for years are finding it difficult to understand why it is taking so long for all of you to be directed to the runway for lift-off. I assure you, Beloved Ones, it is all meaningful, all evolving in good time. Many of you complain that times are hard, that there are so many in dire straits, losing their homes, dealing with illness, finding it hard to keep going. You have also been told that Ascension will bring perfect healing, unlimited Prosperity and the ability to manifest whatever you need. Feel your way through the old thinking to the truth behind what is happening now on the planet. For every person in need, there is an opportunity to be of service for those around them; for everyone who is ill, there is an opportunity for friends, family members and those in loving service to come forward. Never has the environment been more conducive to raising your vibrational levels through acts of kindness and unconditional love. New ways of offering help, and new community organizations to care for the elderly, the sick and the poor are springing up everywhere. No more is it necessary to establish a non-profit and do fundraising to get the attention of those around you. As the wealth has shifted to the top few percent of the population, more and more of you are in the same boat together, struggling to hang on to your homes, wondering how you will pay your bills. This is no longer the province of the few poorest among you; there are few who have not learned to budget carefully and weigh your priorities where money is concerned. You now share the sense of living on the edge that used to be felt only by the few. It is a humbling experience for those who have been used to living well to suddenly find themselves without the means to take care of themselves. Family members have moved in together, children return to their parents' homes and all begin to work anew on the relationships that may have been problematic in the past. Many find common ground, greater tolerance, and new ways to offer kindness and support, where animosity once marred the peace. It is a time of reconciliation, of forgiveness. Most of all, you are learning to feel deep empathy for each other. Across the globe, there is a new awakening, which is gaining momentum by the day. You are all familiar with the concept of the tipping point. Well, Dear Ones, you have reached the glorious tipping point which is going to carry you into the new year in triumph and joy. You are raising your vibrations daily, as Mother Earth is joyfully raising hers. Together you will all enter the

New Golden Age in a new state of mind - having raised your level of humility, kindness and empathy. It is truly a new day coming for humankind. Do not fear the news reports of mayhem and disaster. Although there will be some upheaval as Mother Earth stretches and expands, there will not be enormous loss of life, even though there will be challenges. As hearts grow more loving, communities will pull together to protect and shelter one another, and life will go on. There will be a time in future years when all will be removed from the planet to allow Mother Earth to completely cleanse and renew herself, but in the meantime, you will have a period of growth, celebration and joyful communion. The end of wars, the arrival of your Star Brothers and Sisters, and the introduction of new forms of governance will all come to pass in 2014. You are being prepared now for the new age of reconciliation, cooperation and an end to economic suffering. The light of Love, Harmony and Friendship is growing, as countries everywhere are ignited in the joint sense of self-respect and dignity that will not permit tyranny in any form to continue. It has been a long evolution, with many twists and turns in the path, but humankind is maturing, and the time of testing and challenge is coming full circle. Many of you know that I, Sananda, was one of the original Kumaras who came here from Venus to help rescue Planet Earth from the grip of the Dark Ones, because of our faith and great love for humankind. That love has grown over the eons, even though the conditions became extremely hard in recent generations. We now see you, determined, resolute and courageous, having completed your arduous task of remaining in Faith and in Love in spite of the arduous task of fending off Darkness at every turn. You have succeeded, Beloved Ones. You have made it possible for us, your loving friends, to return to walk among you, to join you in celebrating the New Beginning which will come gloriously and unmistakably into fruition in 2014. We are on the ships awaiting our reunion. Our beloved Twin Flames are among you, working to bring our message and spread the Light. Many are the powerful women who will come to the fore as the leaders of the new era, the great time of the ascendence of Feminine strength and leadership. I will rejoin my beloved Lady Nada, and I will be with you again, this time in peace, harmony and celebration. I am your Sananda, the one you knew as Yeshua ben Joseph. Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, October 14, 2013.

Part 189: Mother/Father God's Predictions for 2014 (for the Sedona Journal)
We foresee a dramatic and revolutionary shift for Planet Earth in 2014, the likes of which have never been seen before on the planet. Humankind will rise to new heights because of the new freedom from poverty and want which the Prosperity Funds will make possible. Funds will be released over a period of time to avoid chaos in the world markets, but the effect will begin to be felt before Christmas of 2013 and will continue to lift the hearts and minds of the entire planet. There are three events which will change your world completely. The first was the August 22, 2013 departure of the Darkest Ones who were the instigators of all the wars, the massive abuses of power, and the deliberately engineered poverty across the globe. The second is the release of the Prosperity Funds, which will culminate with the transfer of wealth to all humankind, rather than the few wealthiest ones. The third and most exciting event will be The Landings - the arrival of the Star Brothers and Sisters who are now, as of October 14, waiting in their ships by the millions. They are in orbit around the Earth, awaiting the Announcements, which will be given out all at once, via media outlets in every corner of the planet. It will take a number of months before the entire world population is able to absorb the true meaning of the changes. The eons of economic slavery which was engineered by the Dark Hats has lingered in the form of a psychological mindset which revolves around feelings of lack, competition and fear. Those Dark Ones of the Reptilian race have been removed from the planet as of August 22, 2013, but their lingering attitudes and psychological conditioning will take months, or possibly years to completely eradicate. Some have called them Illuminati, or the Thirteen Families. We prefer to call them the Naughties because we do not wish to aggrandize their power. We assure you that they are gone. You may listen to the ceremony in which they departed to be taken to the Light. It was broadcast on on the night the New Age began. Many of you are familiar with the good work by our dear St. Germain over the past several hundred years, which has made it possible for the entire global economy to be reset, while removing the power from the hands of the elite. The shift of economic power will bring unimaginable political changes, including the entire reorganization of the United States government. You will begin to feel the true meaning of the old saying, "On Earth as it is in Heaven," when a new sense of freedom, transparency and cooperation spreads throughout the land, and the drudgery of long hours at a boring job turns to dancing in the streets in celebration of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. Some have believed that spirituality is separate from politics. We wish to tell you that We, Mother and Father God, have always been very much involved in the evolution of governments on your planet, because the governance of a nation is the most influential element in the health, safety and well-being of an individual, next to the role of the parents and family. All are connected; all is relevant. The arrival of the Galactics will bring a completely new atmosphere of Love, Trust and

Cooperation across the globe. Every town, every hamlet will be visited by the highly evolved, dedicated Brothers and Sisters of the Stars who will come by the millions to be of service to you in your Ascension. They are teachers and friends who will bring new concepts and new technologies which are far beyond anything you have available now. Free energy, communications, and aeroship transportation will bring convenience without pollution or destruction of Mother Earth's delicate ecosystems. Of course, these changes cannot be brought about without the elimination of the oil and gas industries, and the eradication of all toxic chemical usage in agriculture and manufacturing. Some of these shifts are already beginning and will come into full force in 2014. The Galactics, acting on the fervent prayers of humankind, and with the approval of the Company of Heaven, have already begun to assist in the clean-up of the planet. Your nuclear weapons were of utmost concern to the rest of the cosmos, and were the first priority. All weapons of mass destruction of the nuclear type have been completely disabled. It is a small matter for the Galactics to locate and disarm them, and all weapons which could have been used to wage World War Three have been neutralized. Smaller weapons like nuclear warheads on missiles have also been neutralized, although conventional weaponry is still operative. This too will eventually be disabled; 2014 will find an outbreak of peace of major proportions. Along with the end of all warfare, including the last few civil wars which are still in their final stages, 2014 will bring an entirely new kind of freedom to refugees across the planet who have been held hostage to fear, poverty and conflict. A brand new form of prosperity will take hold in the atmosphere of freedom to trade openly, and to return to ravaged homelands to rebuild and replant in peace, forgiveness and reconciliation. All this will be aided by ample assistance in the development of new agricultural methods, new sources of clean water, and free energy from the Galactics who will be a source of constant service and endless Love. Yes, indeed, Beloved Ones, you are present now for the dawning of the New Golden Age, and it will be delightful beyond your wildest imaginings. You have made this possible by raising your individual vibrations in preparation for the first wave of Ascension. All of you, all humankind will begin the glorious Ascension in which you will raise your bodies to higher vibration in order to adapt to Mother Earth's Ascension to the Fifth Dimension. A glorious time it will be. We will leave to our Beloved Sananda, the one you knew as Jesus, the delightful descriptions of what you are to experience personally in your coming Ascension. We are Mother and Father God, bringing you this message in cooperation with Sananda and Prime Creator, through our Kathryn/Lady Portia, the one we call "The Voice of Mother/Father God." We wish you Peace, Harmony, Forgiveness, Joy and Endless Love. Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, October 14, 2013


As transcribed by Kathryn E May, PsyD October 16 2013

Prime Creator Where shall I begin? The news for 2014 is so dramatic, so life-changing for humankind, for planets, stars and all the beings of the Cosmos that words can hardly describe it. I am delighted to have an audience in the Sedona Journal that is very advanced spiritually, so that I can raise the level of discourse here with confidence that it will be received and understood. First, I will tell you that the path to Ascension is now filled with hard-working Masters who are eager to take the next step into the higher dimensions. We have a dilemma here, however. I will describe it to you. The Councils who have their fingers on the button, so to speak, are troubled by one persistent problem for humankind. Because of the thousands of years of lack, and the psychological programming which convinced most that this lack is permanent, irreversible and irreparable, there is a vague but pervasive current of despair, hopelessness and resentment underneath all other emotions, even for those who are trying diligently to raise their vibrations. These underlying feelings which have been so familiar for Lightworkers over the eons have become a part of your psyche, so much so that you think of them as inherent in your expression of generosity and kindness to others. Your concern for the suffering of others contains within it a strain of impatience and begrudging resentment against those who have oppressed the entire population for thousands of years. Of course this seems natural to you, since it springs from your warrior mentality, and your wish to defend and protect those who have been abused. From a 3dimensional perspective, it makes perfect sense. Now, as the New Golden Age dawns, I ask you to turn 180 degrees from the feelings of desperation, even if that desperation is for the plight of others. Look to the sun, Beloved Ones, and find it in your hearts to offer forgiveness to those who have been the oppressors, for in your past lives many of you have played the role of powerful leaders who abused their powers. It was part of your agreement with Us, that you would experience every possible kind of life, in order to develop empathy for others. This you have done, and now it is time for you to resolve all of it, relinquishing every shred of resentment and blaming of others for any plight you observe in the world. You will not completely understand the complexities of this arrangement you made with your Higher Self and with Us until you Ascend, but you will not be able to ascend until you are able to leave behind all lower vibrational feelings. Look inside yourselves, Beloved Ones, and identify any feeling of impatience, frustration, resentment, anxiety or depression, for these things will hold you back from joining the first wave of Ascension, which is to begin imminently and continue through the first months of 2014.

Here is the dilemma which is holding up the first wave at this time: The frustration you are feeling, which you blame on the suffering around you, keeps you locked in a lower vibration, which you say will be relieved by the release of Prosperity Funds. From our point of view, we see that this is not the high vibration needed for Ascension, because you are seeing your emotional state linked to economic conditions. This is the 3-dimensional trap which has held the planet captive for centuries, reflected through the eyes of a Lightworker's empathic state. This is not a chicken-and-egg dilemma. We are asking you to place yourselves in an Ascended feeling state. This alone will make it possible for you to lift yourselves into the 5th dimension. This ascended state of which we speak is one in which you understand that even starving to death or suffering physical pain is not a troublesome issue for a soul in ascension, for it is only the outward condition of the body. Similarly, losing a house or apartment, even if you had to live in a shelter, is not crucial, because it is only a matter of physical comfort, not genuine survival, for your soul lives on eternally regardless of the state of this temporary body. It is a difficult challenge, to forgo anxiety over the physical state of yourself and the families around you. Leaving behind the anxiety does not mean you do not care or want to help; it simply means you are aware of the greater picture, which is the development of your souls. And so we ask, Dear Ones, that you turn away from the thoughts of Prosperity and the comforts it will bring for Mother Earth and all her creatures, and turn instead to the tasks in front of you. Help where you can, raise your Light energies, and join Us in the celebration of the triumphant elevation of the souls of all those who are living now in human bodies. There is no physical comfort or relief which will ensure your passage. The Prosperity Funds are intended only to offer a respite for those sleeping ones who were focused on their financial worries, in order to allow them the breathing room to look around them and begin to awaken to the New Beginning. The suffering you have experienced on the planet was part of the agreement you signed on to before you came here, not something that necessarily needs to be changed or eliminated. In fact, it is the condition which has spurred you to greater compassion, tolerance and service to others. Instead of cursing the Dark, as you have been told, light your candle, and let it burn brightly, fearlessly and in complete and endless Love. Only Faith, Love and Forgiveness will give you wings to lift your hearts and accomplish the great Shift of 2013-2014 which is your birthright. I can tell you this, Beloved Ones, that if you can accomplish this, and the other Ten Commandments for Ascension I have laid out for you as guidelines, as a part of Sananda's New Scriptures, every one of you reading this will be embracing your Brothers and Sisters in higher dimensions before the first equinox of 2014, and many of you will have completed your Ascension before the turn of this historic calendar year. I believe in you, and support your magnificent Grand Plan for the Ascension of Planet Earth and all her inhabitants. You will succeed triumphantly in this coming year, and all the cosmos will rejoice with you. You are the children of my Heart, and I give you my unending Love. Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, PsyD, Oct. 16, 2013

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