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Match the adjectives in column A with their opposites in column B

beautiful clean dark easy fancy fat full good handsome heavy large long low married messy

narrow new old open quiet rich sharp shiny slow soft straight tall thick tight weak

strong loose thin short curly hard fast blunt dull poor noisy closed young old wide

neat single short high small light ugly bad empty thin plain difficult light dirty ugly

Now using the adjectives from column A complete these sentences: The knife wasnt ___________ enough to cut through the meat. She has been ____________ for ten ears before the had their first child. She was wearing a ver _________ dress and ever one was looking at her. ! decided to go on a diet. All m clothes were too _________ ! saw "ar last night dancing with the most ____________ girl !d ever seen. She found the door ___________ when she arrived at the house. #ett has long$ dark$ ___________ hair and she looks like a film star. The room was ____________ of people b the time ! arrived. %ohn was a ver ___________ bab and died at the age of &. That kitchen doesnt look ver _________$ does it' ( brother is becoming more and more ______________ as the da s go on. ! dont know wh the bought that ____________ house in the countr $ do ou' )e drove down a long ___________ road before we saw the signs to the motorwa . *id ou notice how _______%ohn has got+ he ought to go on a diet. ! liked the book ou lent me+ it was __________ reading$ just what ! needed at the time, The suitcase was too _____________ for me to pick up. (ar was a ver ___________ $ pleasant child who alwa s paid attention at school. ! had to find m wa -uickl $ it was getting ________ and ! was ver afraid. #rian was ver ____________ at tennis when he was at universit . The table was much too ____________ for the tablecloth so we had to use two. )e had to bu a ________ cooker for the kitchen because the old one didnt work an more. The car was a big red _________ one and stood out amongst the others in the car park. .uckil the fence was ____________ and we were able to climb over it. ( daughters bedroom is alwa s so ____________ despite the number of times ! tell her to tid it. *id ou see that ________ man sitting on the bench' /e must be nearl 011.

The train was a ______________ one and we were afraid to miss our flight. /e was a ver _________ man$ a good head above ever one else. There was a ________ la er of dust in the house+ it was obvious nobod had been there for ears.

234 Matching beautiful 5 ugl + clean 5 dirt + dark6 light+ eas 5 difficult+ fanc 6 plain+ fat 5 thin+ full 5 empt + good 5 bad+ handsome 5 ugl + heav 5 light+ large 5 small+ long 5 short+ low 5 high+ married 5 single+ mess 5 neat+ narrow 5 wide+ new 5 old+ old 5 oung+ open 5 closed+ -uiet 5 nois + rich 5 poor+ sharp 5 blunt+ shin 5 dull+ slow 5 fast+ soft 5 hard+ straight 5 curl + tall 5 short+ thick 5 thin+ tight 5 loose$ weak 5 strong. 0. The knife wasnt S/A78 enough to cut through the meat. 9. She has been (A77!3* for ten ears before the had their first child. :. She was wearing a ver ;AN<4 dress and ever one was looking at her. &. ! decided to go on a diet. All m clothes were too T!"/T. =. ! saw "ar last night dancing with the most #3A>T!;>. girl !d ever seen. ?. She found the door @83N when she arrived at the house. A. #ett has long$ dark$ ST7A!"/T hair and she looks like a film star. B. The room was ;>.. of people b the time ! arrived. C. %ohn was a ver )3A2 bab and died at the age of &. 01. That kitchen doesnt look ver <.3AN$ does it' 00. ( brother is becoming more and more /AN*S@(3 as the da s go on. 09. ! dont know wh the bought that .A7"3 house in the countr $ do ou' 0:. )e drove down a long NA77@) road before we saw the signs to the motorwa . 0&. *id ou notice how ;AT %ohn has got+ he ought to go on a diet. 0=. ! liked the book ou lent me+ it was 3AS4 reading$ just what ! needed at the time, 0?. The suitcase was too /3AD4 for me to pick up. 0A. (ar was a ver E>!3T$ pleasant child who alwa s paid attention at school. 0B. ! had to find m wa -uickl $ it was getting *A72 and ! was ver afraid. 0C. #rian was ver "@@* at tennis when he was at universit . 91. The table was much too .@N" for the tablecloth so we had to use two. 90. )e had to bu a N3) cooker for the kitchen because the old one didnt work an more. 99. The car was a big red S/!N4 one and stood out amongst the others in the car park. 9:. .uckil the fence was .@) and we were able to climb over it. 9&. ( daughters bedroom is alwa s so (3SS4 despite the number of times ! tell her to tid it. 9=. *id ou see that @.* man sitting on the bench' /e must be nearl 011. 9?. ! love m new pullover$ its so S@;T and comfortable. 9A. !f ! were 7!</ !d bu a acht and sail around the world.

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