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123 Eagle Way Statesboro, Ga. 30458

July 5, 2013 Jim Healy Statesboro Herald #1 Proctor Street; Herald Square Statesboro, GA 3045

!ear "r# Healy, Ha$i%& t'e same e$e%ts t'rou&'out Statesboro a%d t'e u%i$ersity ca% be (airly mu%da%e# )i*+ Statesboro 'as bee% able to boo, some di((ere%t e$e%ts t'at -ill dra- di((ere%t cro-ds o( .eo.le to Statesboro# )'e (irst e$e%t -ill be at Paulso% Stadium o% Au&ust 23, 2013 -'ic' -ill be a cou%try co%cert (eaturi%& /rad Paisley a%d 0u,e /rya%# All o( t'e .roceeds &o to a sc'olars'i. (u%d (or a luc,y t'ree stude%ts# )'e )i*+Statesboro .rices are 130 .er .erso%# )'e seco%d e$e%t is a -i%e (esti$al (eaturi%& -i%es (rom !a'lo%e&a all t'e -ay do-% to Sa$a%%a'# )'ere -ill be (ood truc,s a%d $e%dors at t'is e$e%t# 2t is sure to dra- a more di$erse cro-d to-ards Statesboro# )'e )i*+Statesboro .rices are 120 .er .erso%# 2 -ill (ollo- u. -it' you i% a (e- days to see i( you 'a$e a%y i%terest i% t'ese stories# 2( you 'a$e a%y questio%s .lease co%tact me directly at broo,e3ti*statesboro#com or at 45 +6 2+4520# )'a%, you (or your time,

/roo,e /ea$er

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