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EXPERIMENT TITLE: CAD exercises using Auto Cad software Theory:
An entity is a drawing element namely. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Point Line Rectangle Circle Ellipse Arc Polygon, etc

Drawing Entity-Point The point command places a point in the drawing. Enter the command POINT. You are then asked to identify the location of the point.

Problem 1- Plot a point at the location (8,6). Command: POINT Point: 8, 6

This places the given point in the drawing at the location (8, 6) see fig. Drawing Entity - Line

Lines can be drawn by method using LINE command. (10, 10) Problem 2- Draw a line from point (5, 5) to point (10, 10)

Command: LINE From point (5, 5), select the point or enter it from keyboard To point: 10, 10

(Press ENTER)

Drawing Entity- Rectangle

Rectangle is a poly line based on two opposite corner points. (30, 20) called diagonal points. (A ploy line is connected sequence of line/ Are segments) Problem3- Draw a rectangle defined by a diagonal point ( 10, 10) and (30, 20).

Command: RECTANGLE First corner: 10, 10 Second corner: 30, 20 Drawing Entity- Circle

Circle can be drawn by using CIRCLE command. (Using center and radius :) Problem 4- Draw a circle with center (6, 6)and Radius 5 units.

Command: CIRCLE 3P/2P/TTP/<center point>6, 6 Diameter/<radius>:5

Drawing Entity-Ellipse Ellipse can be drawn usin ELLIPSE command (using first axis points and other axis distance:) Prblem5: Draw an ellipse using major axis and points (10, 20) (60, 20) and Minor axis end point (35, 35).

Command: Ellipse <Axis end point>/center: 10, 20 Axis end point 2: 60, 20 <Other Axos distance>/Rotation: 35, 35

Drawing Entity-Arc Arc can be drawn by using ARC command ( Using three given points:) Problem 6: Draw an arc using three given points: (75, 75) (55, 90) (105, 110)

Command: ARC Center/<start point>:75, 50 Center/ end <second point>55, 90 End point: 105, 110 Drawing entity- Polygon The polygon command draw regular 2D polygon with 3 to 1024 sides. Any polygon can be drawn by using POLYGON command. Problem 7- Draw a polygon of eight sides with Center (50, 50) inscribed in a circle Of radius 40 units.

Command: POLYGON Number of side:8 Edge/<center of polygon>:50, 50 Inscribed in a circle / circumscribed In a circle (I/C): I Radius of circle: 40

Learn and use the various modify commands of the drawing software. Various modify command used in Auto CAD are: 1. 2. 3. Erase Copy Mirror

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Offset Array Move Rotate Trim Chamfer Fillet Explode

Modify toolbar used in AutoCAD are present in new software.

1. ERASE: You can erase any line by using the erase command. There are two ways to erase lines or window a group of lines the erase tool is located on the modify toolbar. To erase individual lines Select the erase tool on the modify toolbar. The following prompt appears in the command: line box Command: ERASE Select object: the cursor is placed by rectangular cursor. This is the selected cousors any time you see this cursor AutoCAD respect you to select entity in this example. 2. COPY: the copy command is used to make an exact copy of the existing line or object. The copy command is also used to make more then on e copy with out activating the real command. 3. Mirror: Any line may be used as a mirror line, lines with in the object. The mirror command is very useful when drawing symmetrical objects. Only half of the objects need to be drawn. The second half can be created by using the mirror command. 4. Offset: If you want to draw parallel lines, poly line, concentric circles, arcs, curves etc use the offset command.

5. ARRAY: In some drawing you my need to specify an object multiple times in rectangular or circular arrangements A. RECTANGULAR ARRAY: It is formed by making copies of the selected objects along the x and y axes. The commands allow you to choose the number of row and columns. B. POLAR ARRAY: It is an arrangement of objects around a point in a circular pattern.

6. MOVE: the move command is used to move a line or an object to new location in the drawing canvas. 7. ROTATE: It is used to rotate and object about specified base points. Some time when making drawing you my need top rotate an object or group of objects. It can be accomplish by using rotate command. 8. TRIM: It is used to cut away excessively long lines: 9. CHAMFER: It is used to make a taper provided on a surface, some time the chamfer is used to avoid the sharp corner. 10. FILLET: This command is used to create smooth around arc t connect two objects. 11. EXPLODE: This command is used explode ( to break down) the region of a continuous drawing.

EXPERIMENT TITLE: Part-programming on CNC machines Theory:Program structure Every program consists of: 1. Program Start The program start is the program number. The program number begins with character/letter O. 2. Program Contents NC blocks 3. Program End M30 for a main program M17 for a sub-program

N is the address Block numbers from N0000 to N9999 A block consists of number and words Words are contents of a block

Block numbers are selected in the jumps of ten for the purpose of insertion

A block consists of one or more blocks A Word consists of a character (address) and a number. Every address has a certain meaning, on which the corresponding number depends

The maximum block length must not exceeded four lines. If max. length exceeded alarm 650 occurs. Every block starts with a block number. After the block numbers follows the G command. Words consists of coordinates X(U), Z(W). For G02, G03 program interpolation parameter I and K are placed after X(U), Z(W). The F word (feed, thread pitch). The S word (cutting speed). The T word (tool address). The M word (additional functions).

G00: Rapid traverse G01: Linear interpolation G02: Circular interpolation clockwise G03: Circular interpolations counter clockwise G70: Measuring in Inch (USA) G71: Measuring in mm (Other countries) M03: Spindle ON clockwise M04: Spindle ON counter clockwise M20: Tailstock back M21: Tailstock forward


EXPERIMENT TITLE: Execution of part programme for machining given profile Theory:-

CNC Program for Facing

N10 G28 X0 Z0; N20 T01 01; N30 M03 S1200; N40 M08; N50 G00 X26 Z0; N60 G01 X0 F.12; N70 Z2; N80 G00 X26; N90 Z-1;

N100 G01 X0 F.12; N110 Z1; N111 M09 M05; N112 G28 X0 Z0; N113 M30;

CNC Program for Turning

N10 G28 X0 Y0; N20 T01 01; N30 M03 S1200; N40 M08; N50 G00 X24 Z1; N60 G01 Z-30 F.12; N70 X25.5; N80 G28 X0 Y0; N90 M05 M09; N100 M30;

EXPERIMENT TITLE: Part modeling using some of the modeling technique


List of components of Screw Jack 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Casting (Body) Screw spindle Tommy bar Set screw Cup Nut Washer

To learn & draw a model of casting shown below

Create sketch using sketching tools as shown Use revolve command with reference axis

To learn & draw a model of screw spindle shown below

Create sketch using sketching tools as shown Use revolve command with reference axis Cutout the two holes as shown

To learn & draw a model of Tommy bar shown below

Create sketch using sketching tools as shown Use revolve command with reference axis Chamfering at top on bar

To learn & draw a model of Set Screw shown below

Create sketch using sketching tools as shown Use revolve command with reference axis Chamfering at bottom of screw Take cutout with sketch as shown with dimensions Make thread on screw

To learn & draw a model of Cup shown below

Create sketch using sketching tools as shown Use revolve command with reference axis Take cutout with sketch as shown with dimensions

To learn & draw a model of Nut shown below

Create sketch using sketching tools as shown Use revolve command with reference axis Cutout the hole

To learn & draw a model of Washer shown below

Create circle using sketching tools as shown Use extrude command to give height Use hole command to make counter hole


EXPERIMENT TITLE: Component assembly in CAD and generating and modifying Drawings Assemblies
An assembly is a combination of two or more parts, also called components, within one document. You position and orient components using mates that form relations between components. In this EXERIMENT, we will build a simple assembly This includes: Adding parts to an assembly Moving and rotating components

Creating a Lip on the Part

In this section, we use the Convert Entities and Offset Entities tools to create sketch geometry. Then we create a cut to make a lip to mate with the part from lesson 1. 1. 2. Click Zoom to Area on the View toolbar, and drag-select to a corner of the part, as shown. Click Zoom to Area again to turn off the tool. Select the front face of the thin wall.

The edges of the face are highlighted.


Click Extruded Cut on the Feature toolbar. A sketch opens on the selected face. Click Convert Entities on the Sketch toolbar. The outer edges of the selected face are projected (copied) onto the sketch plane as lines and ares. Click the front face again. Click Offset Entities on the Sketch toolbar. Under Parameters, set Offset Distance to 2. The preview shown the offset extending outward.


5. 6. 7.

8. 9.

Select Reverse to change the offset direction. Click Exit Sketch on the Sketch toolbar. The Cut-Extrude Property Manager appears.

10. Under Direction 1, set Depth to 30, and then click OK the material between the two lines is cut, creating the lip.

Changing the Color of a part

We can change the color and appearance of a part or its features. 1. Click Shaded with Edges on the View toolbar.

2. Select the Part2 icon at the top of the Feature Manager Design tree.

3. Click Edit Color on the Standard toolbar.

4. The Color and Optics Property Manager appears.

5. Under Favorite, select the desired color on the color palette, & then click OK

6. Save the part.

1. Click Hidden Line Removed on the View toolbar. 2. Click Shell on the Features toolbar The Shell Property Manager appears. 3. Select the front face of the model. The face is listed in Faces to remove in the Property Manager. 4. Under Parameters, set Thickness to 4. 5. Click OK.

Save the Part.

Creating the Assembly

Now create an assembly using the two parts. 1. If Part 1 is not open, click Open on the Standard toolbar and open The part. 2. Click New on the Standard toolbar, click Assembly, and then click OK. The Insert Component Property Manager appears. 3. Under Part/Assembly to Insert, select part1. A preview of part 1 appears in the graphics area and the pointer changes.

4. Click Keep Visible in the property Manager, so you can insert more than

One component without having to re-open the Property Manager, 5. Click anywhere in the graphics area to place part 1. 6. In the property manager under part/ Assembly to Insert, select part 1. 7. Click in the graphics area to place part2 beside part1.

8. Click OK. 9. Click Zoom to Fit. 10. Save the assembly.

Mating the Components

In this topic, we define assembly mating relations between the components, making them align and together. 1. Click Mate on the Assembly toolbar. The Mate property manager appears. 2. In the graphics area, select the top edge of Part1, then select the outside edge of the lip on the top of Part2.

The Mate pop-up toolbar appears, and the components move into place, previewing the mate, the edges is listed in the Entities to Mate box under Mate Selections in the Property Manager. 3. On the Mate pop-up toolbar, do the following: Click Coincident as the mate type. Click Add/Finish Mate.

A Coincident mate appears under Mates in the Property Manager. The position of Part2 is not fully defined yet. It still has some degree of freedom to move in directions that are not yet constrained by mates. Test degrees of freedom by moving the components. In the graphics area, select the Part2 component and hold down the left mouse button.

Adding More Mates

Select the rightmost face of one component, and then select the corresponding face on the other component.

On the Mate pop-up toolbar, click coincident, and then click Add/Finish Mate. Another coincident mate appears under Mates in the Property Manager. Repeat steps 1 and 2, but select the top faces of both components, to add another coincident mate.

a. Click OK. b. Save the assembly.


Open the ISO ASSEMBLY in Solid edge Click on the parts in library one by one to assemble To assemble body with part click on part then click where part to be assemble in body

Similarly assemble other parts to complete Screw Jack

EXPERIMENT TITLE: Programming of robots for various applications Theory:
There are in general 5 basic configurations namely 1. Cartesian 2. Spherical 3. Cylindrical 4. Jointed Arm 5. SCARA 1. CARTESIAN CONFIGURATION

Cartesian/Rectilinear/Gantry - Positioning is done in the workspace with prismatic joints. This configuration is well used when a large workspace must be covered, or when consistent accuracy is expected from the robot. It is a PPP configuration & is used for pick and place work, application of sealant, assembly operations, handling machine tools and arc welding. It's a robot whose arm has three prismatic joints, whose axes are coincident with a Cartesian coordinator. 2. SPHERICAL CONFIGURATION

Spherical - Two revolute joints and one prismatic joint allow the robot to point in many directions, and then reach out some radial distance It is a RRP configuration & is used for handling at machine tools,

spot welding, die-casting, fettling machines, gas welding and arc welding. It's a robot whose axes form a polar coordinate system.


Cylindrical - The robot has a revolute motion about a base, a prismatic joint for height, and a prismatic joint for radius. This robot is well suited to round workspaces. It is a RPP configuration & is used for assembly operations, handling at machine tools, spot welding, and handling at die casting machines. It's a robot whose axes form a cylindrical coordinate system.


Articulated/Jointed Spherical/Revolute - The robot uses 3 revolute joints to position the robot. Generally the work volume is spherical. This robot most resembles the human arm, with a waist, shoulder, elbow, wrist. This configuration is RRR configuration & is useful for pick & Place operations. It has got the flexibility to handle the object beneath or above the arm.


This robot conforms to cylindrical coordinates, but the radius and rotation is obtained by a two planar links with revolute joints. It is a RRP configuration & is used for pick and place work, application of sealant, assembly operations and handling machine tools. It's a robot which has two parallel rotary joints to provide compliance in a plane.



Joints (Planer P, Revolute R)

Advantages & Disadvantages Advantages 1. Linear motion in 3 dimensions 2. Simple Kinematic Model 3. Rigid Structure 4. Easy to visualize 5. Compatible With pneumatics Disadvantages 1. Requires a large volume 2. Workspace is smaller than robot volume. 3. Unable to reach areas under objects 4. Guiding surfaces are required 5. Must be covered to prevent ingress of dust Advantages 1. Simple Kinematic Model 2. Easy to visualize 3. Good access to cavities & machine openings 4. very powerful with hydraulic drives Disadvantages 1. Restricted work space 2. Prismatic guide difficult to seal 3. Back of robot can overlap work volume. Advantages 1. Covers a large volme from a central support. 2. Can bend down to pick up fallen objects. Disadvantages 1. Complex Kinematic model 2. Difficult to visualize







Jointed Arm


Advantages 1. Maximum Flexibility 2. Covers a large work space compared to work volume 3. Revolute joints are easy to seal 4. Suits electric drives 5. Can reach over & under objects Disadvantages 1. Complex Kinematic model 2. Difficult to visualize 3. Control of linear motion is difficult 4. Structure not very rigid

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