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INTRODUCTION 1.1Background
Condominium housing is the name given to the forms of housing tenure when each resident house had own their individual unit, but equally shares ownership and responsibility for the communal area and facilities of the building, such as hallways, heating system and elevators. There is no individual owner ship over plots of land. All of the land on a condominium site is owned by all home owners. The external maintenance of the roof and walls are under taken by a condominium association that jointly represents ownership of the whole employing strict management to ensure funding from each home owner. Condominium house owners can permit for rent out their home to tenants, although leasing rights may be subject to condition or restrictions set forth in original declaration, such as rent cap on the total number of units a community can lease at any one time or otherwise as permitted local law. Jimma city condominium house management office is one of an office which found under Jimma city administration office. It was established in 1999 E.C. The office was constructing 94 building in seven (7) areas within total 1104 classes. The seven (7) area which building was constructing are:-Dololo , Ostel , Ajip , Bosa, Kochi , Ididis and sarsefar. All building are G+2 except which found in sarsefar that is G+4. The main functions of the office are:-housing resident especially for low and medium incoming groups, which live in different kebele. Beside that the offices improve the living standard of low incoming resident by creation of employment opportunities.

The office has the following mission: Provision of affordable housing for low and medium income of the city inhabitant and ensuring tenure security. Improve the leaving standard of Jimma city resident by expanding employment creation. Provide premium condominium and commercial units that will be result to enhanced value of the clients lives resources and overall business. The structure of Jimma city condominium house management office is as follows:-

Bureau of work and Development in Jimma city Administration

House Development project office

Support and process

Construction and supervision

Housing Transfer and Administration

Support process



Research planning And Budget

Purchase, Finance and Administratio

Communications Affairs

Design and infrastructure coordination

Fig 1.1 The structure of condominium house management.

Jimma condominium house management office is which found in Jimma city Administration office. It controls all activities regarding condominium house such as construction control, pass the finished house to resident and facilitates infrastructure regarding condominium house. To do its job in good way the office sub divide in to office such as construction and supervision, support and process, housing transfer and administration, design and support process. The sub-offices are sub connect each other and provide the office in good way.


Most of our project function was done on Real State Management system in Indian and is called Pinga soft ware. Pinga is the number one provider of Real State management software solution in India. The advantage of pinga software are, the customer obtain on line with out installing or implementing any soft ware on client system. It can easily accessed through the internet using unique ID and password . Reduce upfront costs and high security. It allows greater organizational efficiencies through faster data processing, automatic data transfer and real time data update. After the development of real state management software (pinga) in the Indian, real state management were was compressive system that integrate all the sub-branches of in the real state management and automate all of its major function. There was availability of information, improved administration, automation information across sub-office, duplication was avoided, resource allocation was based on achievements were practiced. [1] Jimma condominium house management office use manual system system. The office gets much advantage from manual system. The cost of manual system is low where relate to automated when the office start the work. The manual system does not need skilled person. The disadvantages of manual system in Jimma condominium house office are the office need large human power and the information of applicant are difficult to search and update. By looking the above we try to develop the automated system in order to decrease the office problem. Because our system search the data, update applicant information, and has security. [2]


Currently the office is facing many problems due to the use of manual handling system in its day to day activities. The problems are:Lack of accuracy and loss of document:-Since registration is handled manually there is getting of two houses for single husband and wife and also loss of applicant and contractor data. Problem in management:-Since there are many contractors in every site and they take much resource from the agency, it is very difficult to manage using manual system. Data Redundancy:- Since there is no organized data base there is problem of giving more than one house for a single person. Problem in distributing condominium house:-Since they do manually its difficult to know the occupied class and un occupied class surely. Lack of security:-Since the office use manual system, the mechanism of data handling is unsecured. Technology front countries utilize more software than technology back country to deliver a way services:-For instance in India, most of office use the software. They need few
human resource management. Where as in Ethiopia most office are manual .They need large number of human resource to proceed simple job.

1.4 OBJECTIVE 1.4.1General Objective

The main objective of this project is to reduce the problem that bureau is facing in its day to day activities by designing and implementing an automated system replace the manual system. To change the manual handling of the office work to automate system.

1.4.2 Specific Objectives

The specific objectives of our project are: To precede the office works in simple way. To give the service to the resident in short period of time. To reduce the human resource of the office

To increase to the work efficiency of the office. 1.5 METHOLOGIES 1.5.1 Data Collection Methodology
For the collection of data observation, Interview, Questionnaires and document analysis was used. Observation:-Observation is common methods of scientific research to collect the data. We use observation to know the existing system, the location of Jimma city condominium house management office, different sub offices and how office member are handling the work in the office. Interview:-Interview is particularly useful for getting the history behind the participants experiences. We used interview to get information about the existing system for developing our project. The interview will be conducted on the head of city condominium house management office, staff member. Document Analysis:- Document analysis is used to understand how the system was worked. We this method to know all about the staff mission, vision, function and overall of their work in short and brief. Questionnaires:-It was method of knowing all about system by preparing questionnaires. We use both open ended and closed ended. The proposed people give the answer by

writing. We use this to know all about system by preparing many question to the head of Jimma condominium house management office and staff members. They give full

information the current system of their office management, administration and control in written form.

5.2 System Development Methodologies and Tools

To develop the system different software, hardware tools and programming language are very important. Hardware tools such as computer (laptop), flash disk, network cable and CD, software tool such as Net beans, Microsoft office word and PowerPoint and programming language such as HTM and JavaScript are used. We use object oriented programming language in our implementation of our project. Because of our title has a lots of objects which coherently Organized and built the system and also to show their inheritance and plat form independent of the system in detail. In addition, the GUI of the object oriented programming language is too easy to the end user of the system as well as it is easy to program and handle exceptional thrown. Software Tools

Microsoft office word:-It is very useful because it takes less time to write and format the text, communicative effectively smart diagram and chart tools, quickly assemble document. By looking its useful properties we use Microsoft office word to type our project work to get all the above benefits of it. Power point:- use to present the document in abstract forms. We use it to present our presentation in short and brief way. Net beans:- software used to develop java program. To develop our java implementation net beans is very important. Html: - The html language was designed to an effective way of achieving this transferring of data and was designed to be evolving as new media format was created. We use html to develop our statically parts of our code. We use because of html is compact and effective language.

JavaScript: - JavaScript is very interesting language used to validate data and develop different messages. We use it to validate our data which we use in html code. Hardware Tools

Different hard wares used to develop our project. Computer: - computer is a machine capable of doing many things. We use it to type on it and install all software and programming language. All tasks are done on computer. Network cable:- used to get the internet access by connecting internet line from internet hub to computer for further read and search information from internet. Flash Disk and CD Hardware:- used for the movement of data from one machine to another. We use both of them when we move our data from one machine to another.


The scope and limitation of our project as follows:-

1.6.1 SCOPE
The scopes of our project are:Register Applicant:-The proposed system register all the applicant information that used to get the condominium house. Draw Lottery:-The draw lottery helps to identify the applicant that get the condominium house. This is used because the number of finished house is not balanced with the number of applicant. Register Finished Condominium house:-To register the finished condominium house which found in different site.It helps to know the number of applicant relative to the number of finished condominium house.

Distribute Condominium House:- After balancing the number of finished condominium house and number of applicant who win the lottery, the system distribute the house. Update Applicant Data:-It updates the applicant information when needed. Search Applicant Data:-To search applicant data within short period of time. Payment Control:-It control the payment regarding condominium house from prepayment to until the applicant finish the payment. On line Registration:- The applicant register him/her selves to get condominium house when he/she live in particular kebele. Control maintenance: - it controls maintenance regarding condominium house resources. Control services: - it controls the service the organization (condominium house) gives to the resident. Infrastructure:- it controls the infrastructure that must be fulfilled for the resident of the house.

1.6.2 Limitation
The project has limitation. The limitations of our project are: In our project we does not use GPS even if it is very use full to know the location of all condominium house that located in different site . It does not register constructor that assigned in different site to build the house. It does not record construction resources that the construction takes from the organization. The office is networked with bank to control the payment. Our project does not details concerned what is done in the bank, because of it is another system.

1.7 Significance of the Project

Accurate, timeliness, reliable, secured, relevant and valuable data are needed for condominium house management in all dimensions. Such system was mainly derived from routine condominium house management services record and administration. This project helps to show the extent of utilization of condominium house management service. The applicant/resident perform bid for maintenance. This project reduces work over load of condominium house management office workers. Make the work environment favorable, information dissemination from agency to applicant/resident easily. The system generally helps the Jimma city condominium house management office workers to handle the applicant effectively and support the smooth functioning of the business. The system increase document preservation without need of large area.


Fig 1.2 Work breakdown


In the existing system, there are three bureaus /offices that are concerned the issue of giving and distributing the Condominium houses for the applicants. The bureaus/offices are:1. Kebeles Offices:- provide the following services for the resident.-Register resident that need condominium house.It passes all the resident applicant information to the city administrator 2.Jimma City Condominium House Constructor Office:- Provide all necessary material to the contractor. Handle hiring process of contractor in each site who constructs the condominium house. Conduct and manage the construction process. Take the finished condominium house from contractor and pass to Jimma city administration condominium house management office. 3. Jimma City Condominium House Management Office:- : Collect applicant data that is already register in all kebeles of the city and receive the constructed condominium houses from Condominium houses constructor agency. Then draw the lottery in order to get a condominium houses. The winner of the lottery pay the money, pre payment or fully payment. After these, this agency distributes the condominium house for the applicant that won the lottery (balance with the number of the constructed house). The office also give services, maintenance and infrastructure to the applicant.

2.2 Overview of Proposed System

The applicant register in the kebele to get condominium house. The kebele administrator check and register the applicant. After the kebele administrator register the applicant, send the applicant data to the condominium house management office. The condominium house management office receive finished house from condominium house constructor office. Then the office draw the lottery for the applicant. The winner of the lottery (applicant) pay the money. The payment was of two types. They are partially or fully. Then he/she gets the house. Our proposed system give

the maintenance. The maintenance include electronic related, telephone related, body part house and sanitation. The cost of maintenance is firstly under consideration when the constructor before construction. In other words there is an agreement between constructor and condominium house management office (10% left for maintenance lastly). When maintenance needed the office use that money. It gives services such as parking, refreshment place for the resident. The condominium house management office also fulfill infrastructure such as tamp water, electricity, telephone and sanitation services. Our proposed system tries to do:Efficient way of applicants data management:-Since our proposed system uses database system there is no lost of data .The applicant information was very secured, the search and update of applicant data was simple. The applicants data/information also reduces cheating. Efficient distributing method: - this means our system uses efficient lottery system for distributing Condominium houses for the winner applicant. Give online information registration:-our proposed system gives online information about

Condominium house for applicant, so to know the criteria that must be full fill to register and also can register online at a time if the applicant far from the kebele or sub city that he/she lives .

2.2.2Functional Requirements

Functional Requirements are those that refer to the functionality of the system, i.e., what services it will provide to the user. Statements of services the system should provide, how the system should react to particular inputs and how the system should behave in particular situations. The system would be able to register applicant who needs a condominium house. The system would be able to register finished condominium house. The system also distributes the condominium houses for the applicant who won the lottery. The system would be able to control payments that the applicant pays when they get condominium house.

The system would be able to search and update the applicant information when it is needed. The system would be able to register applicant online. The system would able to give services to the applicant when they need. The system would able to give maintenance services. The system would able to fulfill the infrastructure service.

2.2.3 Nonfunctional Requirements

Nonfunctional (supplementary) requirements pertain to other information needed to produce the correct system and are detailed separately. constraints on the services or functions offered by the system such as timing constraints, constraints on the development process, standards, etc. User interface :the system provides java user interfaces that are compatible with windows platform Hardware consideration:-the organization should have computers having typical storage capacity and processing speed. Error handling:-our system handles error by showing the message invalid input when the user inters invalid input. Security:-the system should have a security privilege that secures the system. And also there must be a physical security that secures (especially) the server computer. That means the server computer is only allowed for the server admin. The admin of the system change yearly.

Performance characteristics:-the end user computer should have medium processor and the server computer should have large processor. Its measured by its speed of processor. Physical environment:-The system needs good environment. Back up:-The system should have back up using external hard disk. The backup is taken weekly. Power option:-if the power is off(loss) our system use generator.

2.2.4 System Model Use Case

Use case describes the behavior of the system as seen from an actors point view. A use case describes a function provided by the system as a set of events that yield a visible result for the actors. In the analysis phase they represent the functionality of the system.

Fig 2.1 Use case diagram

1. Use Case description for Authentication Use Case Name: Actor: Scenario: Precondition: Flow Event: Condominium House Admin Login into the system. The user name and password must be correct. Actor System Login(01)

1. Fill user name and password 2. Click login button. 2.1 Display login successful or 3. Repeat step 1 and 2 until Login successful. failed.

3.1 Repeat step 2.1 until step 2 is over. 4 Enter the page.

Exception Condition Post condition

If the user name does not exist the system stop login.

Main form displayed.

2. Use Case description for Applicant registration Use Case Name: Actor: Scenario: Stake holders: Precondition: kebele administrator. Register new applicant. Applicants:-to register. Use case [01] Presence of applicant Exit condition: Flow Event: Applicant registered. Actor System Register applicant.

1. Open applicant registration page from menu. 2. Fill applicant registration data and click save . 3. Repeat step 3 until registration over.

1.1 Display registration form

2.1 Display registration successful or failed. 3.1 Repeat step 3.1 until 2 is over 4. Finish registration

Exception Condition

If the applicant does not exist the kebele administrator pauses this use case. If applicant does not live that kebele registration cancelled.

Post condition

Applicant registered.

3. Use Case description for finished house Use case Name: Actor: Scenario: Stake holders: Precondition: Register finished house. Condominium house developer Register finished house. Constructor:-build the new house. Use case [01] New finished house must be exist. Flow Event: Actor System

1. Open record page from menu. 2. Fill the information.

1.1 Display record page. 2.1 Display record successful or failed

3. Repeat step 2 until registration over

3.1 Repeat step 2.1 until step 2 over 4. Finish record

Exception Condition Post condition

If finished house does not exist, condominium house management administrator pause these use cases. All new finished houses must be recorded.

4. Use Case description for draw lottery Use case Name: Actor: Scenario: Stake holders: Precondition: Draw lottery. Condominium house management admin. Draw the lottery in efficient way. Applicant:- to win the lottery. Use case [01] Registered applicant must exist. Flow Event: Actor System

1. Open draw lottery page from the menu. 2.Fill the information.

1.1 Display draw page.

2.1 Display draw successful or failed

3. Repeat step 2 until registration is over

3.1 Repeat step 2.1 until step 2 over. 4. Finish draw.

Exception Condition Post condition

If the applicant is not register the administrator pause this use case.

The lottery is drown for applicant.

5. Use Case description for winner Use case Name: Actor: Scenario: Stake holders: Precondition: Register winner. Condominium house management admin register winner of lottery. Applicant -to register and get the house. Use case [01] Winner must be existing. Flow Event: Actor System

1. Open winner page from menu. 2.Fill the information and Click register button 3. Repeat step 2 until registration over

1.1 Display winner page. 2.1 Display registration successful or failed 3.1 Repeat step 2.1 until step 2 over 4. Finish registration.

Exception Condition Post condition

-if finished house does not exist, condominium house management administrator pause these use cases. All winner must be registered.

6. Use case description for payment control Use Case Name: Actor: Scenario: Stake Holders: Precondition: Payment control. Applicant. Control prepayment when get house. Applicant:-she/he pays money when she/he gets house. Use case [01] The applicant must be getting the house. Flow Event: Actor 1.Applicant pay the money on JCHMO 2. Applicant get the receipt from bank 3.Applicant give receipt to the JCHMA 4. Open payment form from menu. 4.1 Display the payment form System

5.Fill the payment form and click 5.1 Display the paid Save. 6.Repeat step 5 until correct. Successful or failed. 6.1 Repeat 5.1 until 5 is over 7. Finish payment If the applicant payment is below the required (20%) the payment is cancelled. Post condition Applicant paid the money.

7. Use Case description for distribute house. Use case Name: Actor: Scenario: Distribute house. Condominium house management office Distribute house that take from house developer for applicant who win lottery. Related use case: Stake holders: Condominium house developer:-pass the finished house. Kebele administrator:-to give the applicant data who win lottery. Applicant:- to take house Precondition: Use case [01] Applicant data must available. Finished condominium house must record. Flow Event: Actor 1. Open the distribute house page 2. fill all information and click Save. system 1.1 display the distribute house page. 2.1display house distributed Successful or failed. 3. repeat step 2 until registration over 3.1 repeat step 2.1 until step 2 over 4 finish distribute Exception Condition If no applicant for the service distribution cancelled. If there is no recorded finished condominium house in data base, house distribution page cancelled. Post Condition Condominium house distributed for applicant. priority.

8 Use case description for search Use Case Name: Actor: Scenario: Stake Holders Precondition: Use case [01] -The applicant information must exist in the data base -The id number for search must exist Flow Event: Actor
1. Open search page System 1.1 Display the search form.

Search applicant information. Condominium house management admin Search exist applicant information.

from menu 2 .Enter the id number of applicant.

2.1 Display the applicant information

4. Finish search. Exception Condition: -If the applicant information does not exist in the data base the search is cancelled. -If the applicant id number is not correct the search is failed Applicant information is searched

Post condition

9 Use Case Description for update

Use Case Name: Actor: Scenario: Stake Holders Precondition:

Update applicant information. Condominium house management admin Update the needed applicant information

Use case [01] --The applicant information must exist in the database --The id number of applicant must be known to update.

Flow Event:

Actor 1.Open update page form from menu 2 . Enter the idno and search the applicant
information to be updated. 3. Fill the

System 1.2 Display the update form.

2.1 Display the applicant information

3.1 Display the updated data.

4. Finish update.

Exception Condition:

applicant data to be updated and click update -If the applicant information does not exist in the data base the update is cancelled. -If the applicant id number is not correct the update is failed Applicant information is update.

Post condition

10 Use Case Description for maintenance Use Case Name: Actor: Scenario: Stake Holders : Precondition: Flow Event: Use case [01] Applicant must ask for maintenance. System Actor 1. Open maintenance page 1.1Display maintenance page 2. Fill the information and 2.1 Display maintenance or Click maintain button failed. 3. Repeat step 2 until 3.1 Repeat step 2.1 until step 2 maintenance is over . 4. Finish maintenance If applicant does not asked for maintenance condominium house management admin pause these use cases. Maintain the resource. Maintenance. Condominium house management admin Maintain the service. Applicant -to get the maintenance services.

Exception Condition:
Post condition

11 Use Case Description for Infrastructure Use Case Name: Actor: Scenario: Stake Holders Precondition: Flow Event: Infrastructure Condominium house management admin Full fill infrastructure services. Applicant -to get the infrastructure services. Use case [01] Applicant must ask for infrastructure. System Actor 1 Open infrastructure 1.1 Display infrastructure page. page. 2.Fill the information and Click full fill button 2.1 Display infrastructure 3. Repeat step 2 until successful or failed infrastructure over 3.1 Repeat step 2.1 until step 2 is over 4.1 Full fill infrastructure. Exception Condition:
Post condition

-If applicant does not asked for infrastructure condominium house management admin pause these use cases. The resident of condominium house get the infrastructure.

12 Use Case Description for online Registration Use Case Name: Actor: Scenario: Stake Holders Precondition: Flow Event: View information and register on line. Applicant. register new applicant on line Applicant:-to register. He/she must have internet connection. Actor
1. Open home page System

Exception Condition:
Post condition

1.1 Display the home page from menu. 2.1 Display the registration 2. Select online form applicant 3.1 Display the registration successful or failed. registration page. 4.1 Repeat step 3 until 3. Fill all the registration is success information 5.1Finish registration. including email address and click register -If there is no internet access no chance of registration. Applicant registered. Object Model Class diagram

A class diagram describes the types of objects in the system and the various kinds of static relationships that exist among them. A graphical representation of a static view on declarative static elements. Essential Elements of a UML Class Diagram Class Attributes Operation

Fig 2.2 Class Diagram

Data Dictionaries
A data dictionary is a collection of descriptions of the data objects or items in a data model for the benefit of programmers and others who need to refer to them. A first step in analyzing a system of objects with which users interact is to identify each object and its relationship to other objects. This process is called data modeling.

Column name First name Middle name Last name Resident idno Age Gender Marital status Occupation Region Zone Wereda Kebele House no Phone

Data type Char Char Char Integer Integer Char Char Char Char Char Char Char Integer Double

Length 30 30 30 10(pk) 3 6 10 30 30 30 30 30 10 15 Description of methods -Register:-Used to register applicant's first

name,middle name,last name,resident idno,age,gender,marital status,occupation,region,zone,wereda,kebele ,house no and phone. -It has 14 arguments. -Resident idno,age and house no takes an integer values and phone takes double value. -All other arguments takes character value. -The scope of the method is public.

Registration Table Applicant

Column name House no House type Site name Building no Block no Room no

Data type Integer Char Char Integer Integer Integer

Length 12(pk) 20 20 10 1o 10

-Register:-Used to register finished house house no,house type,site name, building no,block no and room no. -House type and site name takes character values. -All the other arguments takes integer value. -The scope of the method is public.

House Registration Table

Column name Lottery no House no House type Site name Draw lottery Table

Data type Integer Integer Char Char

Length 10(pk) 10 20 20

-Draw :-used to register applicant's lottery no,house no,house type and site name. -It has 4 arguments. -Lottery no and house no takes integer value. house type and site name takes character value. -The scope of the method is public.

Column name Building no House no House type Block no

Data type Integer Integer Char Integer

Length 10 10(pk) 20 10

-Register:-used to register winner's building no,house no,house type and block no. -House type takes character value. -All other arguments takes integer value. -The scope of the method is public.

Winner Registration Table

Column name Amount Date Prepayment Year Bank name Branch name Account no

Data type Double Date Double String Char Char Integer

Length 10 12 12 12 30 30 30

-Pay:-Used to register amount,date,prepayment,year,bank name,branch name and account no. -Amount and prepayment takes double value. Date takes date value. Account no takes integer value. Year takes string value. Bank name and branch name takes character value. -The scope of the method is public

Payment Table

Column name House type Site name House no

Data type Char Char Integer

Length 20 20 12(pk)

-Distribute:-Used to register house type, site name and house no. -House no takes integer value. All the other arguments takes character value. The scope of the method is public

Distribute House Table

Column name First name Middle name Last name Resident idno Age Gender Marital status Occupation Region Zone Wereda Kebele House no Email Phone

Data type Char Char Char Integer Integer Char Char Char Char Char Char Char Integer String Double

Length 30 30 30 10(pk) 3 6 10 30 30 30 30 30 10 40 15

-Register:-Used to register applicants online. It takes an argument such as first name, middle name, last name, resident idno, age, gender, marital status, occupation,region,zone,wereda,kebele,h ouse no,email and phone. -It has 15 arguments. -Resident idno,age and house no takes an integer values and phone takes double value. -Email takes string value. -All other arguments takes character value. -The scope of the method is public.

Online Registration Table -Maintain:-It takes arguments such as

Column name Type of maintenance Request date House number Site name User name

Data type Char Date Int Char Char

length 30 10 4(pk) 40 20

type of maintenance, request date ,house no, site name and user name. -Request date takes date value. House no takes integer value .All other arguments takes character value. -The scope of the method is public.

Maintenance Table

Column name Type of service Date No of user

Data type char date Int

length 25 10 10 10

-Give:-Used to register type of service, date, number of users, maximum no of capacity and site name. -Type of service and site name takes character value. Date takes date value .No of users and maximum no of capacity takes integer value. -The scope of the method is public.

Maximum no of Int capacity Site name char


Service Table Column name Type of infrastructure Infrastructure cost Company name No of user Site name Auditor Char Int Char Char Infrastructure Table 20 4 40 25 double 10 Data type Char Length 40

-Fulfill:-Used to register type of infrastructure, infrastructure cost, company name, no of user, site name and auditor. -Infrastructure cost takes double value. No of users takes integer value. All the other arguments takes character value. The scope of the method is public Dynamic Model Sequence Diagram

sequence diagram: an "interaction diagram" that models a single scenario executing in the system. Key parts of a sequence diagram Participant Message

The axes in a sequence diagram.

Fig 2.3 sequence of login page

Fig 2.4 Sequence diagram of Applicant Register.

Fig2.5 sequence diagram Register House

Fig2.6 sequence diagram Draw Lottery

Fig 2.7 Winner Registration sequence diagram

Fig 2.8 Payment control sequence diagram

Fig 2.9 sequence diagram of Distribute House

Fig 2.10 sequence diagram of Search Page

Fig 2.11 sequence diagram for update

Fig 2.12 sequence diagram for infrastructure

Fig 2.14 sequence diagram of service

Fig 2.15 sequence diagram maintenance

Fig 2.16 sequence diagram for online registration.

2.2.5 Graphical User Interface

Fig 2.17 Login Page

Fig 2.18 Main Page

Fig 2.19 Applicant Registration page

Fig 2.20 Finished House Registration Page

Fig 2.21 Draw Lottery Page

Fig2.22 Register Winner Page

Fig 2.23 Payment Control payment

Fig 2.24 Search Page

Fig 2.25 Update page

Fig 2.26 Online Registration

Fig 2.27 Maintenance Page

Fig 2.28 Service page

Fig 2.29 Infrastructure Page


Design is process of describing, organizing, and structuring system components at architectural design level and detailed design level. Design converts functional models from analysis into models that represent the solution. Design may use structured or OO approaches.

3.1.1 Overview of the System Design

In the case of system design, developers fill the gap between the system specification produced during requirement elicitation and analysis which is concentrated on the purpose and the functionality of the current JCHMS. In the design phase of the JCHMS, the decomposition, hardware software mapping and the exact architecture of the proposed system is showed in detail.

3.1.2 Design Goals

The design part is very important so as to make the implementation very easy. The different types of the system modeling techniques that are used for the implementation of the system such as deployment and component modeling are show in detail. Not only the system modeling techniques but also some system design techniques such as system decomposition design are cover in detail in this phase. The non-functional requirement is the description of the feature characters and attributes of the system. Some of the design goals are: Security- The system should be secured that unauthorized user can not access the data that does not concern with them. Reliability- The system should be reliable. Fault Tolerance-The system should be able to give response (error message) when the user enter incorrect input. This recommends the user to enter correct input.

Throughput:-Since JCHMS has both desktop application and web application it is able to perform many tasks in fixed period of time. Different service center do different tasks in their working time without worrying the other service center are using the same system.

Robustness:-JCHMS has both desktop applications for service center and end user (individuals) respectively. Since applicant file should be confidential, Desktop applications that run in the service center give privilege only for administrators of that service center which is given by JCHMO. The system has the ability to survive wrong applicant inputs. Besides this end applicant that use JCHMS site have limited access regarding info about applicant (like name phone no, Email address).

Modifiability:-The proposed system able to handle applicant data based on selected service center such as kebele office and condominium house constructor. The system can be modified by adding some addition futures like different controls and form

Usability:-JCHMS provide easy user friendly interface for users of the systems. It also provides help menu which gives brief description how to use the system so that user can be able to use it easily.

Memory:-JCHMS require the following space to run the system. Desktop or laptop computers and web server computers having more than 300MB of RAM and high storage capacity and processing speed.

3.2 Proposed Software Architecture

After identifying the problems of the current system of the current resident file handling system and decentralization administrative system, the aim of proposed is to develop an automated and online application which will resolve the problems of the current system. The new system have connection stability . The system has centralized database and client server architecture

3.2.1 Subsystem Decomposition

Subsystem services
A subsystem is characterized by the services it provides to other subsystems. A service is a set of related operations that share a common purpose. A subsystem providing a notification service.

Interface subsystem:-The direction where to where the user wants to go is decided by the interface. In our system the user interface have many going directions through the interface that the system have. Condominium House Management Subsystem:- In this subsystem manage all information , give the service, control payment and fulfill infrastructure when needed. Kebele Administrator Subsystem:- Register the applicant. Condominium House Constructor Subsystem:-register the finished house.

User Interface

Kebele Administrator

Condominium House Management

Condominium House Constructor

Applicant Registration

House Registration

Draw Lottery

Register Winner

Payment Control

Distribute House

Give Maintenance

Fulfill Infrastructure

Give Service

Fig 3.1 subsystem decomposition

Hardware and Software Mapping

Hard ware platform
Our proposed system requires hardware platform such as java processor, hardware implementation of

a java interpreter java applications run directly on hardware plat forms without requiring a host OS. In generally since java programming language is platform independent we can run java code on any hardware.
Software platform

In our proposed system we use java platform. Java is cross platform. It compiles machine
independent byte code. Java is programming language richest in libraries. Our proposed system use both desk top application and web application. To develop our system we use java SE ,that support both desk top and web application.

3.2.3 Persistent Data Management

The persistent data that must be stored in the database for future use with their data type and their data length.

Table: Applicant Registration Applicant Idno: Primary Key House no: Foreign Key

Table :Draw Lottery Lottery no: Primary Key House no: Foreign Key

Table: Winner Registration Applicant Idno: Primary Key House no: Foreign Key

Table: Payment Control Applicant Idno: Primary Key Account no: Foreign Key

Table: Finished House House no: Primary Key

Table: Distribute House House no: Primary Key

Table: Online Registration Resident Idno: Primary Key House no: Foreign Key

Table: Maintenance House no: Primary Key

Table: Service House no: Primary Key

3.2.4 Access Control and Security

Access control and security describes the user model of the system in terms of access matrix. Since the system is provided for free access for any interested applicant, it doesnt require authentication mechanism for online registration. However, when the user wants to register distribute house, record finished condominium and update, search it needs authenticating using password.



Services, Maintenance, infrastructure


Actor Kebele Administrator JCCHA(Jimma Citycondominiu m house Administrator) Register Contractor information Update the payment status of the winner Register Services, Infrastructure and Distribute house for the winner Register Applicant

applicant(that gets the maintenance of house) condominium house

Applicant Bank

Register online Register applicant for receipt Update payment of the applicant

Table 3.1 Access control.

3.2.5 Global Control Flow

Since our system gives two types of services, those are directly online registration of applicant and registration through kebele. If applicant register through kebele , firstly the kebele admin open the page and enter the password and use name , then register the applicant and send send the applicant data to condominium house management office. The condominium house office take finished house from condominium house constructor office. Condominium house management admin open the page and enter password and username. If the password and username correct draw the lottery for applicant that register in kebele. Then identify the winner, after register the winner. The winner finish the prepayment . Then the office distribute the houses. After distribution of the house the admin update the payment. The office also give the maintenance and services if needed.

3.2.6 Boundary condition

The system starts when the administrator wants to start give services to the customer. Administrator start the system by entering correct user name and password. After he/she finish(s) the services he/she shutdown the system. If the client computer infected by malicious software the system stop services.

3.2.7 Component Diagram

Component diagrams show the structure of the software system, which describes the software components, their interfaces, and their dependencies. We use component diagrams to model software systems of our project at a high level or to show components at a lower, package level. Component diagram supports component-based development in which a software system is divided into components and interfaces that are reusable and replaceable. Component diagrams are useful for the following reasons: Defining the executable and reusable aspects of a software system Revealing software configuration issues through dependency relationships

Showing an accurate depiction of a software application before you make changes or enhancements

We use component diagram to show the software component in detail.

Web browser <<GUI>>


Business logic <<JCHMS>>

Persistence Derby.jar

JDBC SQL <<Database>>

Fig 3.2 Component diagram Java Server Socket (SSL)-to connect for communication. structure Query language (SQL) - to the execute sql query.

3.2.8 Deployment Diagram Deployment diagrams are used to depict the relationship among run-time components and hardware nodes. Components are self-contained entities that provide service to other components or actors run-time components.

Client computer

Administrator computer

Web Browser Web Server

Java Applet


Java Servlet


Database server MySQL

SQLC SQL (persistence)

Fig 3.3 Deployment diagram.

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