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Vegetable Oats Upma

Channel: FoodFood-Sirf 30 Minute Rating:

Oats replace semolina in this delicious and healthy upma.

Cooking Time: 10-1 minutes Servings: ! Preparation Time: 10-1 minutes Category: Veg "rint this #ecipe $dd to Fa%ourites 23 8 6 10

Ingredients Carrot,chopped French beans,chopped Green peas Oatmeal Onion Ginger Green chillies Oil Mustard seeds plit !engal gram "chana dal# 1 medium 3-4 1/2 cup 1 cup 1 medium 1 inch piece 2 2-3 tablespoons 1/2 teaspoon 1 teaspoon

Cumin seeds $sa%oetida Curr& lea'es alt

1/2 teaspoon a pinch 4-( to taste

&ry roast oats in a non-stic' pan for ( minutes and set aside. )hop onion and ginger. *al%e green chillies. *eat oil in another non-stic' pan and add mustard seeds. +hen it starts to splutter, add split -engal gram and cumin seeds and saut. till fragrant. $dd asafoetida, ginger, green chillies and saut.. $dd onion, carrot, French beans, green peas, curry lea%es and salt. $dd / cup 0ater and boil till the %egetables are coo'ed. $dd oats and mi1 0ell. #educe heat and coo' till the oats are done. Ser%e hot. - See more at2 http233000.san4ee%'apoor.com3Vegetable-Oats-UpmaFoodFood.asp15sthash.%h678F94.dpuf

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