Catholic Church: Welcome - Bienvenido All Souls Day - Day of The Dead Dia de Los Muertos - Todas Las Animas

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Season of the Holy Spirit

Eternal Rest Grant onto Them Oh Lord! Descanse en Paz Asi Sea!

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Founded 1867
0S 233 Church Street.
Office 630-668-0918

Thirtieth Sunday of Ordinal Time, October 27, 2013

Winfield, IL 60190
Fax 630-668-1074

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The Spirit of the Lord is upon us, because the Lord has anointed us

~ Our Mission Statement ~

to proclaim: Ecce Agnus Dei - Behold the Lamb of God; Behold the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Inspired by Luke 4:18 & John 1:29

Welcome - Bienvenido
Parish Directory
Pastor/Prroco: ....Fr. Tom Cargo/Padre Toms Associate Pastor: Fr. Tomy Chellakandathil CMI Deacon William Nijm from Our Lady of Lebanon - Lombard Secretaries:... Jennifer Kurtyka, Rosa Benavides .......................Ex 0 or 600 Secretaria Hispana: ................................ .Ex601 Director of Finance & Administration: Deborah Birutis .............. Ex616 Business & Facilities Manager: ............................. Aaron Simpson ...Ex603 Music Ministry: Adrienne Rose ....... 653-1489 Msica Espaol: Mara Marquez... 520-0665 Religious Education: ................Office: Ex613 Director: Maureen Brennan .............Ex612 RCIA (Convert Preparation) ...........Ex600 Adult Education: Chris Strong ..630-673-3982 & Youth Ministry: Chris Strong Grade School: ...........................Office: Ex618 Principal: Mickey Tovey ................Ex618 Phone: 630-668-2625, Fax: 630-668-7176 0S259 Church Street, Winfield, IL 60190 St Vincent de Paul Society .................Ex692 Weekend ....... Saturday (Vigil Mass) 5:00 pm; Sunday 7:30, 9:30 & 11:30 am Misa en Espaol ................ Domingo 1:30 pm Weekday .... Mon.-Fri. 7:30 am & Sat. 8:30 am Confessions: ........Saturday: 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.

This coming Saturday we will celebrate All Souls Day. Different cultures of Catholics have quite an assortment of traditions that are used to remember our dead from around the world. This day has an even more powerful presence among our Mexican people who celebrate with many and differing customs depending upon the part of Mexico that people have come from and their involvement in the faith. Central American Indian cultural roots have survived to the present day and have combined with the Christian tradition, which were inherited from the Spanish Conquistadores. The celebration of All Souls Day, or as it is referred to in Mexico as the Day of the Dead, represents the fusion of two races of Este prximo sbado se celebraremos el Da de los Muertos. Las diferentes culturas de los catlicos tienen una rica variedad de tradiciones que se utilizan para recordar nuestros difuntos de alrededor del mundo. Este da tiene un poderoso significancia espiritual entre nosotros que venimos de Mxico que celebramos nuestros muchos y diferentes costumbres, dependiendo de la parte de Mxico que hemos venido y nuestra participacin en la fe. Las races de nuestras culturas indgenas de Amrica Central han sobrevivido hasta nuestros das y se han combinado con la tradicin cristiana, que se hereda de los conquistadores espaoles. La celebracin del Da de Todos las Santas Animas, o como lo llamamos en Mxico como el

Mass Schedule

Deadline for submitting bulletin articles is Noon on Thursday 10 days prior to publication (Holidays earlier) Please submit articles by email to Website:

people, Indian and European. The combination of these two cultures has shaped the modern Mexican's attitude towards death. Through the centuries they have learned acceptance through adversity and hardship, and a joyful calmness intertwined with cultural humor and a defiance in the face of death (evil) itself. At the same time Mexicans venerate the memory of the dead, honour and pray for their souls. The tradition of making offerings in recognition of loved ones who have died dates back to 3,500 BC. For the Mesoamerican people death is seen as a transition between life and death, part of the same continuum. The Aztec, Toltec and Mayan peoples used to bury their dead with earthenware pots full of food, beaded necklaces, and golden jewelry so they would have everything they needed for their next life. It is interesting that some of those customs were much like those in the ancient Middle East, especially the Egyptians. The modern celebration concerns making an offering in memory of the person who, though physically absent, is still living deeply in their memory. An altar is made in each home (and at churches in Mexico) for the purpose of honoring the dead. Typically brightly decorated with artificial or paper flowers, they also contain photographs of the departed loved one, personal items, and holiday foods, such as Pan de Muerto, or Day of the Dead Bread. Like the memory tables offered by North American funeral parlors, they are opportunities to reminisce about the departed person. Marigolds, known to us as Flower of the Dead, Flor de Muerto, are used to adorn the altar. Fruit, water, flowers and scented candles are placed with the favorite food of their deceased loved ones over whom they pray. The smell of the candle guides the spirits home to their loved ones (much like the use of incense does in funeral liturgies). In Europe the establishment of All Saints Day, November 1, was begun in the 8th century to celebrate the passing of martyrs and saints into Gods arms. Around 1,000 AD the church reinforced its attempt to cover a superstitious Celtic celebration by designating November 2 as All Souls' Day to honor the dead. All Souls' Day was celebrated with processions between church and cemetery, big bonfires, Masses and prayers for the dead.
The origins of Dias de los Muertos lie predominantly in Mexico where life and death were perceived to be in close relations, one a consequence of the other. Based on observations of nature, indigenous people believed that the survival of all living things depends on how life and death interact. As Catholics that interaction has been to pray for the souls of their loved ones and to pray that God deliver them from Purgatory. The down home way of decorating has been part of the warmth of their culture that acknowledges that even in death they are still intimately a part of their families.

When the Spaniards arrived in Mexico they encountered two-month celebrations honoring death; the fall harvest and the new year. They found rituals using fires and incense, images of their dead and offerings of ceramics, personal goods, flowers and foods, drink and flowers.... The church saw this as a way to transform the joyous celebration of death into a serious day of prayer focusing attention and reflection on loved ones who have passed away. All Saints Day and All Souls Day evolved into the celebrations that today honor the dead with color, candles, and joy.
Some of the items you will find on Ofrendas or Memory Tables to honor ancestors may be: Candles: light the way for the spirits to the ofrenda Incense: symbol of transformation of matter into spirit Copal: sacred incense of the indigenous people Bread of the Dead: nourishment of the soul - Eucharist Flowers: symbol of brevity of life and regeneration or offering of love and remembrance Toys: make light of death Papel Picado: tissue paper cutouts symbolic of fragility of life Sugar Skulls: reference to honored dead and to know that in death they have found joy with God Our own custom in recent years of bringing pictures of loved ones to church for the month of November is actually a North American adaptation of the Mexican custom that has been part of their celebration since the invention of the camera and previously with other home-made symbols of loved ones.

Da de los Muertos, representa la fusin de dos razas de personas, indios y europeos. La combinacin de
estas dos culturas han dado forma a nuestra actitud moderna mexicana hacia la muerte. A travs de los siglos hemos aprendido aceptacin a travs de la adversidad y las dificultades, y una calma alegre entrelazado con humor cultural y un desafo en el rostro de la muerte (el mal) en s. Al mismo tiempo, veneramos la memoria de nuestros difuntos, el honor y orar por sus almas. La tradicin de hacer ofrendas en el reconocimiento de nuestros seres queridos que han muerto se remonta a 3500 a.C. Para la gente mesoamericana la muerte es vista como una transicin entre la vida y la muerte son parte de un mismo continuo. Nuestros antepasados Aztecas, Toltecas y Mayas solan enterrar a sus muertos con ollas de barro llenas de comida, collares y joyas de oro para que tuvieran todo lo que necesitaban para su prxima vida. Es interesante que algunas de esas costumbres eran muy parecidas a las del antiguo Medio Oriente, especialmente los egipcios. Nuestra celebracin moderna se centra en hacer una ofrenda en memoria de la persona que, aunque fsicamente ausente, an vive profundamente en nuestra memoria. Un altar se hace en cada una de nuestras casas (y en las iglesias de Mxico) con el fin de honrar a nuestros difuntos. Los Altares normalmente estn brillantemente decorado con flores artificiales o de papel, tambin contienen fotografas de nuestros amados fallecidos, objetos personales y alimentos de fiestas, como "Pan de Muerto". Al igual que las mesas de memoria que ofrece Norteamrica funerarias, son oportunidades para nosotros para recordar a nuestros seres queridos difuntos. Las flores maravillas, conocidas por nosotros, "Flor de Muerto", se utilizan para adornar alguna altar. Fruta, agua, flores y velas perfumadas se colocan con la comida favorita de nuestros seres queridos fallecidos quienes oramos para. El olor de la vela espritus gua su casa, a Dios (al igual que el utilizado a incienso hace en liturgias funerarias). En Europa, el establecimiento del Da de Todos los Santos, el 1 de noviembre, se inici en el siglo octavo para celebrar el fallecimiento de mrtires y de los santos a los brazos de Dios. Alrededor de 1000 d.C., la Iglesia ha reforzado su intento de cubrir una celebracin celta supersticiosa mediante la designacin del 2 de noviembre como el Da de Todos las Almas, Da de los Muertos, para honrar a los muertos. El Da de los Muertos se celebra con procesiones entre la iglesia y el cementerio, grandes hogueras, misas y oraciones por los muertos. Los orgenes de das de muertos se encuentran sobre todo en Mxico, donde la vida y la muerte se percibe que en relaciones cercanas, uno consecuencia del otro. Basndose en las observaciones de la naturaleza, los indgenas crean que la supervivencia de todos los seres vivos depende de la vida y la muerte interactan. Como catlicos que la interaccin ha sido para rezar por las almas de nuestros seres queridos y rezar para que Dios les librar de Purgatorio. Nuestra forma habitual de la decoracin ha sido parte de la calidez de nuestra cultura que reconoce que incluso en la muerte todava estn ntimamente una parte de nuestras familias. Cuando los espaoles llegaron a Mxico se encontraron con celebraciones de dos meses en honor a la muerte, la cosecha de otoo y el nuevo ao. Encontraron rituales con fuego e incienso, imgenes de sus muertos y las ofrendas de cermica, artculos de uso personal, flores y alimentos, bebidas y flores.... La iglesia vio esto como una manera de transformar la alegre celebracin de la muerte en una grave jornada de oracin centrar la atencin y la reflexin sobre los seres queridos que han fallecido. Da de Todos los Santos y el Da de las Almas evolucionaron en las celebraciones que hoy honran a los muertos con el color, las velas, y la alegra. Algunos de los artculos que encontrar en "Ofrendas" o tablas de memoria para honrar a nuestros antepasados pueden ser: Velas: luz el camino para que los espritus de la ofrenda Incienso: smbolo de la transformacin de la materia en espritu Copal: incienso sagrado de los pueblos indgenas Pan de Muerto: alimento del alma - la Eucarista Flores: smbolo de la brevedad de la vida y la regeneracin o la ofrenda de amor y el recuerdo Juguetes: suavizar el impacto de la muerte Papel Picado: Recortes de papel tis simblicos de la fragilidad de la vida Calaveras de Azcar: la referencia al honor muertos y saber que en la muerte que han encontrado la alegra con Dios La costumbre anglosajona en los ltimos aos de llevar las imgenes de sus seres queridos a la iglesia para el mes de noviembre es en realidad una adaptacin norteamericana de nuestra costumbre mexicana que ha sido parte de nuestras celebraciones.

Readings for the Week

Monday: Eph 2:19-22 Ps 19:2-5 Lk 6:12-16 Tuesday: Rom 8:18-25 Ps 126:1-6 Lk 13:18-21 Wednesday: Rom 8:26-30 Ps 13:4-6 Lk 13:22-30 Thursday: Rom 8:31b-39 Ps 109:21-22, 26-27, 30-31
Lk 13:31-35

Mass Intentions for the Week

Saturday, October 26
8:30 a.m. Theresa Markl (Charles & Jane Snail)
Vigil for the Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time 5:00 p.m. Cosgrove & Miller Families (Colette Miller) Patti Bentley (Mike Bentley) Bartolomeo Picca (Maria & Harold Lonks & Family)

Friday : Rv 7:2-4, 9-14 Ps 24:1-4ab, 5-6 1 Jn 3:1-3 Mt 5:1-12a Saturday: Wis 3:1-9 Ps 23:1-6 Rom 5:5-11 Jn 6:37-40 Sunday: Wis 11:22-12:2 Ps 145:1-2, 8-11, 13-14 2 Thes 1:11-22 Lk 19:1-10

Allain, Leon & Rose, & Therese Lavoie

(The Perreault Family)

Yvette Leclerc (The Perreault Family) Harry & Olive Hein, Jr./70th Wedding Anniversary on 10/28 (Harry & Olive Hein, Jr.)

Come Join us for traditional

Food Fest in Honor of the Mother of God

Mexican Brunch Kermez

Sunday, October 27, The Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 a.m. John William Brennan & Family (Cathy Johnston) 9:30 a.m. Toni Lawrentz (Ron Lawrentz) 11:30 a.m. Joyce Milder (The Book Club Gals) 1:30 p.m. Por Todos los Parroquianos de San Juan Bautista

Monday, October 28
7:30 a.m. Dorothy Maher & Family (Cathy Johnston)

Tuesday, October 29
7:30 a.m. Joyce Milder (Joe & Rose Szczepaniak)

on Sunday October 27th After the 9:30 am, 11:30 am & 1:30 pm Masses
This is to raise money to honor our Blessed Mother at the Advent celebration of Our Lady of Guadalupe & activities of our Parish
Quilts of Valor Helpushonor,comfortChicagoswoundedvets When: Saturday, Nov. 9 @ 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Where: Sebahar Hall The Ladies Auxiliary of Father McGivney invites you to participate in our Third Annual Quilts of Valor Sew In, an open-house sew-in to make quilts for local-area wounded veterans. Share your time and talent with us as we work to bring comfort and toil to honor the sacrifice of Americas sons and daughters. Those who are able to sew, please bring your sewing machine, extension cord, thread and any necessary tools. We provide fabric kits. The LA also needs people who are able to man the irons at the press stations. This event is open to teens and adults who want to help. Lunch and refreshments are provided. Monetary donations are very welcome and help pay the rising cost of high-quality, 100% cotton materials. Checks may be made out to LAFM and sent to Colleen McDonald at 26 W 64 Lindsey, Winfield, IL 60190. For more information, please call Donna Kelley at (630) 273-5681 or send an e-mail to

Wednesday, October 30
7:30 a.m. Kathleen Maree (Margaret & Kevin Walsh) No 1:40 p.m. School Mass-Mass will be on Friday, 11/1/13

Thursday, October 31
7:30 a.m. Deceased Members of the Faranda & McPheters Families (Mike & Carol McPheters)
No Vigil

Friday, November 1-All Saints Day

7:00 a.m. For the Parishioners 1:30 p.m.-School Mass For our Parish Poor Souls Intentions 7:00 p.m. For our Parish Poor Souls Intentions

Saturday, November 2 All Souls Day

8:30 a.m. Our Parish All Souls 10:45 a.m. (Spanish)-Por las intenciones Parroquiales de las Almas en Purgatorio
Vigil for the Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time 5:00 p.m. Our Parish All Souls

Sunday, November 3, The Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 a.m. Joseph & Ethel Bialek (The Hanlock Family) 9:30 a.m. Our Parish All Souls 11:30 a.m. Michael J. McPheters (St. John the Baptist) 1:30 p.m. Por Todos los Parroquianos de San Juan Bautista

Our Sanctuary Lamps

Old Chapel Fred Dusza New Church Florence & Frank Reda


ay the souls of our beloved departed who have died, especially this past year, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. The names of those who were buried from St. Johns this past year are: ue las almas de nuestros difuntos queridos que han muerto, especialmente este ltimo ao, por la misericordia de Dios, descansen en paz.Nombres de nuestros amados fallecidos: que han murieron este ao pasado
Josfa Opalinska Michael J. McPheters Richard Flynn Beverly Walsh Selene Miller William F. Sinon Joyce Milder Sam Morgan Vermillion Esther M. Casino Michael David Shee Phyllis J. Sanders Theresa Markl Helen Moseley Fernando Minutti Barbara Durbin Rosella Niland Mercedes Bartolone Elizabeth Krogloth Loras Diedrich William J. Sullivan Franklin C. Hale Kathleen Anderson Stanley Stasiak Virginia Kawka Rosanne Legatzke Frank Catalon Catherine Kent John J. Daly Bernard Verwiel, Sr. Jon A. Passini Jose G. Blanco Charles Roloff Catherine H. Curran Charles Robert Mitchell Edward Salek James R. Safiran Nancy Innocenti Mary Alice Kalitzky Laszlo Vida Fred Dusza Mary Frances Brodt Arely Odina Bejarano (Conley) Mary Jane Logan Patricia J. Dahleen Joe Szczepaniak Sophie Kohut Catherine Nolimal David Kalina Eleanore Doerr

Catholics for Life

"May the dignity of man according to the Creator's plan be spread." (Blessed Pope John Paul II) Rachel's Vineyard Retreat Post abortive women and men are encouraged to attend the Rachel's Vineyard Weekend Retreats held twice yearly. The next scheduled retreat will be held November 8-10, 2013, beginning Friday evening at 6:00 PM and continuing through Sunday early afternoon. Contact Kay at 1-866-99-4-GIVE for additional information, http:// March for Life, January 19-23, 2014 Leave: Sunday evening, January 19 Return: Thursday morning, January 23 Registration Fee Full Time Student $340.00 (High School Freshman to College Senior/Quad occupancy) Adult Participant (double occupancy) $435.00 Price includes: Transportation by bus, lodging for two nights, and most meals; Mass at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception; Youth Rally & Mass 41st Annual March for Life Celebratory dinner after the March; Visiting monuments and museums in Washington, DC; Wreath Laying at Arlington National Cemetery Departure/Return Location: Blanchette Catholic Center Crest Hill, IL Financial Aid Available Forms are available at DUE 11/1/2013 On-Line at: http:// marchForLife.asp Phone for details: Respect Life Ministry at (815) 834-4065 DATES TO REMEMBER: Registration and $100 non-refundable deposit due by Friday, November 1, 2013 Completed Financial Aid Form due by Friday, November 1, 2013 Final payment due by: Friday, December 6, 2013

St. Vincent DePaul Baskets Needed . . .Please Adopt a Family Today!

The St. Vincent DePaul Society is in need of Thanksgiving baskets for the needy in the Winfield, West Chicago, and Wheaton area. If you would like to adopt a family for Thanksgiving, please call the parish office, 630-668-0918, ext. 600 with your name, address, and telephone number. Approximately 100 baskets are provided each year for those less fortunate. Once you have signed up to provide a basket, a letter will be sent to you with a sample menu of what to purchase for the family, the number of family members, and the number assigned to your basket. Baskets are to be dropped off at Sebahar Hall on Friday, November 22, from 4-6 p.m. Thank you as always for your generous hearts. May God bless you and your families during the holidays and always. John Otto, St. Vincent DePaul Society Daylight Saving Time Ends November 3

First Friday Rosary Please join the Knights of Columbus and the Adoration and Pro Life groups in the recitation of the Rosary on Friday, November 1, at 8:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome to join in this most wonderful devotion to our Blessed Mother. As our Lady requested in her appearance at Fatima, Portugal, pray the Rosary and join her in lifting our hearts and minds in prayer. Let us take just a few minutes to join our fellow parishioners in prayerful thanksgiving for all the gifts and blessings we have received. Our Rosary is usually followed by Benediction.

We are ever grateful for your loving generosity and sharing in the Ministries of Serving the Lord here at St. John the Baptist.

Sacrificial Giving
Parish Collections

Please pray for our sick

Stella Barone Harold Bingo Besch James Bestler Margaret Birt Brian Burke Josephine Calalbrese Lisa Cicero Kathy Connor Jewel Ann Curtis Joann Eggebrecht Patrocinia Fernandez Gregory Figiel John Flanigan, Jr. Dolores Gabriel Gary Gillmeister Joe Grabowski Dawn Grant Destin Green Jennifer Hammerschmidt Rich Harwood John Heitzler Joy Henczel Tom Janczy Bill Johnson Dr. William Johnston Brandon Karimi Carter Kettner Frank Krause Korrin Kupris Kara Ladd Rose Marie Lambert John Lechowicz Dolores Lewandowski Nancy Liden Laurie Linke Sandra Linke Beth Majerczyk Ursula Makowijczuk John Maltese Linda Marczewski Jan Masters Marcy Morken Peggy Murphy Becky Neal Johnny Neal Alex Novak Lesley (Tobin) Nygaard Joan Pacer Judy Pakula Josie Pasciak Bane Petrov Cathy Enders Poss Elly Ransum Mary Rauch Alicia Ricciardi Cooper Rojas Katherine Rose Casmir Ruta Lillian Salek George Sarlitto Nathan Schram Sven Segerlund Bea Serwach Carolyn Sesvold John Shannon Cathy Slipkevych Rosemary Sumang Mary Tarchala Virg Tobin Jim Toman Emily Vanco Paul Vasich William White Lexie Youngberg Larry Zengri

September 22..$21,686.49 September 29..$20,220.12 October 6..$24,673.24 October 13$20,279.74 If you seek perfection, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will then have treasure in heaven.
(Matthew 19:21)

The goal is to be as generous as possible to help support our weekly needs of $26,312. Thank you for your generosity.

Confession Schedule Horario de Confesiones

Saturday, October 26, 2013 3:30 p.m., Fr Tomy Saturday, November 2,2013 3:30 p.m., Fr Tomy Come Join Saint Johns Handbell Choir! The Handbell Choir has begun rehearsals
and if you can read music, wed love to show you how to play handbells. Rehearsals are at 7:00 p.m. on Thursdays in the Church. We ring two Masses, alternating between the 5:00 p.m. and the 11:30 a.m. For more information, please call Joyce Schram at: 630-665-2434.

November Music Schedule

5:00 p.m. (Sat.)-Contemporary Band 7:30 a.m. (Sun.)-Classic Ensemble 9:30 a.m. (Sun.)-Adult Choir 11:30 a.m. (Sun.)-Bell Choir-on 2nd & 4th Sundays

Knights of Columbus
S o c c e r C h a l l e n g e

Come Join the Adult Choir!

The Adult Choir has begun rehearsals and we would like to encourage you to come and join us. If you are in high school, we would like to invite you to investigate singing with the choir. Rehearsals are held on Wednesday evenings at 8 p.m. If you would like more information, please contact Adrienne Rose at 630-653-1489. We are a super group of parishioners!

Pictured above are the two winners of the Knights of Columbus 2013 Soccer Challenge that was held on Sunday, October 13th at St John's. Pictured left to right are: James Bartz, District Deputy; Norb Herbert, 10 year old Boys Winner; David Quiroz, 11 year old Boys Winner; Tony Reyes, Deputy Grand Knights for St John's Council 8002. Both Norb and David will be competing in the Regional Event in November and if successful, moving on to the State Championship. Please wish these young men good luck in this fine KC event. ~St John's Knights of Columbus Council 8002

Make the World a Better Place

Imagine not knowing where youll sleep tonight. Imagine not being able to provide your children a safe, stable home. Imagine your car (if you have one) as your familys bedroom. Imagine being homeless. For some, it is not an image, but it is a reality. On November 2nd, you have the opportunity to imagine and make a difference in someones difficult reality.

Chili Dinner & Camp Out Sleep Out Saturday Saturday, November 2nd East Lawn at St. John the Baptist Church
Please help raise money to assist Bridge Communities in their ongoing effort to transform the lives of homeless families. Do not miss out on this opportunity to be part of a great night.
Here are three ways you can help and donate.

offered to any adult of any faith or church. The purpose is to inspire your faith and inform in ways that are exciting. All classes are in Sebahar Hall at 7 p.m. on Thursdays unless otherwise noted.

Faith Education For Inspired Adults These are open classes

The 16th Century and Its HistoryNov. 7th- In this Century you have
Martin Luther, John Calvin, John Knox, Henry the VIII, The Borgias and Ulrich Zwingli. This century shaped religion for the entire world for the next 5 centuries

Not a camper? Please join us for a chili dinner starting at 6:00 p.m.
(following the 5:00 p.m. Mass). Adults $6 children $3

Sleep out overnight on the church grounds. Anyone, at any age, is invited
(18 and under not accompanied by a parent or guardian need to complete permission slip with Chris Strong). The tent registration fee for all campers is $20 and includes all you can eat chili, pizza or hot dogs and campers can enjoy movies, music and a pancake breakfast by the Knights of Columbus in the morning. We will give you a donation envelope that you can collect money in from your friends and relatives. Campers can set up a tent or cardboard box anytime on Saturday, November 2, after 12 p.m. Sebahar Hall will be open all night with movies, snacks and restrooms. notation at the bottom of the check, Bridge Communities. Donations can be given at the chili cook off or to the church office.

tions of Catholicism and Mexico? Our Lady of Guadalupe and the Christero wars are examples of the topics.

Catholicism and Mexico -Nov. 14th- What is unique in the tradi-

Just donate!- Checks can be made payable to St. John the Baptist with a
Any questions, please contact Marylin Markelz, 630-200-5924 or or Chris Strong, or 630-673-3982

Join the Diocese in Mission? The Office for Human Dignity - Partnership in Mission announces formation of a medical, construction, & education mission to Sucre, Bolivia, 3/294/12/14. This will mark the 20th anniv. of our mission to Bolivia. We need doctors, nurses, handy-people, educators or simply people with a heart to serve. Are you called? Learn more at an Info Mtg 11/12, 7:00PM at St. Charles Pastoral Center, Romeoville. Info? Bruce Carlson at 815 834-4017 or

Could You Help with Donations for the Chili Dinner? Donations can be dropped off at the parish office anytime after October 30th.
5 lbs. of your Homemade Chili Sour Cream, 16 oz. Shredded Cheese, 16 oz. Onions (large) Oyster Crackers, 12 oz bag Chips (Individual Packages)

5 5 8 4 6 50

Elbow Pasta (1 lb.) Beef Hot Dogs (1 lb) Hot Dog Buns (8 pack) Water (cases) Pop (12 packs) Paper Plates (sturdy)

3 10 10 5 8 250



Plastic Bowls (12 oz.) Plastic Spoons Hot Chocolate (packages) Round Red Plastic Table Covering

300 300 50 19 Rectangular Red Plastic Table Covering 10 Desserts 10

Please email Marylin Markelz at with your donation or call 630-200-5924

All Saints - All Souls Days

This year All Saints Day falls on Friday, November 1. There is NO Vigil Mass for All Saints because of Halloween. On Friday Masses for All Saints Day - A Holy Day of Obligation - are at 7:00 am, 1:30 pm - the Grade School Mass (all are welcome to join us), and at 7:00 pm. All Souls Day Masses, to pray for the Holy Souls in Purgatory, are on Saturday, November 2, in English at 8:30 am and in Spanish at 10:45 am. For All Souls Day we invite you to bring a photo of loved ones who have died; and before Mass place them up on one of the shelves of one of the three Altars in the Chapel (please place the name of the
person dropping off the photo and your phone contact # on the back of the photo). If you

Santos Das de los Muertos

Este ao Da de Todos Santos cae el viernes 1 de noviembre. Misas del Da de Todos Santos en Ingls estarn a las 7:00 am, 1:30 pm - para los nios de la Escuela Catlica (todos estn invitados a unirse a nosotros) y a las 7:00 pm. Misas por el Da de los Muertos, Da de las Santas Almas del Purgatorio, estn el sbado, 2 de noviembre, en Ingls a las 8:30 am y en Espaol a las 10:45 am. El Da Sagrado de Obligacin para los que hablan espaol se ha cumplido por ir a misa en el Da de los Muertos. Para el Da de los Muertos le invitamos a traer una foto de sus seres queridos que han muerto, y antes de la misa poner para arriba en una de las estanteras de uno de los tres altares de la capilla (por favor ponga el nombre de
la persona que deje la foto y su # de telfono del contacto en la parte posterior de la foto). Si lo

wish, the photo of your loved one may stay on the Altar until the Sunday before Thanksgiving (Nov. 24th). If you wish, this year you may bring Flowers to honor your deceased loved ones to be placed on our Altars. At the 8:30 am liturgy we will have a Candle lit to honor each person buried from our Parish since November 1 of 2012.

desea, la foto de su ser querido puede permanecer en el altar hasta el domingo antes de Accin de Gracias (24 de noviembre). Si ti deseas, este ao puede traer Flores para honrar su muerte a sus seres queridos que se colocarn en nuestros Altares. En la Misa a las 10:45 am tendremos una Procesin de Velas Encendidas en honor a nuestros queridos difuntos.
Childrens Stewardship Corner
Here are just a few of the offerings to God from the youths of St. Johns; Zachary, Alyssa, Kailey, Peyton, Norby, Courtney, Julia and Emily all donated money to the church this week. Kailey read papa a story. Some of the talent of St. Johns youths is singing at Mass. Gifts from the youth's envelopes for 10/13 was $13.25. Gather the Children Ministry is looking for . . . (men, women, & teens, at least 11 years old) -Guitarists -a Coordinator Call RE, 630-682-4400 X 613, or Kara Ladd, 630-876-4534 (call or text)

BABY SHOWER FOR "PROJECT GABRIEL" MOM AND BABY Bring your unwrapped gifts to the Narthex on October 26-27. PROJECT GABRIEL, a parish program, provides an "Angel" to help an expectant Mom on a one-on-one basis from the time of pregnancy through the first year after birth of the newborn. SJB parishioner, Jean Daniell, is currently working with St. Michael's Project Gabriel team, serving as our parish "Angel." Our Catholics for Life group will be hosting a baby shower to help Project Gabriel in their service to moms & infants. Please bring a new, unwrapped baby gift (clothing - newborn/preemie through size 12-months; diapers, size 3 up to size 6); bedding, bathing items, etc.) to church the weekend of October 26-27. A gift basket will be prepared for a new Mom who recently delivered her baby boy this fall, a preemie born on 9/8. All additional gifts will be added to Project Gabriel's inventory to help future moms. A playpen will be set up in the Narthex to receive your donation. If you would like to help by providing gift cards to Target and Wal-Mart to be used for items needed by this Mom and child and other new "Project Gabriel" moms, please drop off an envelope with your donation to the rectory or in the Sunday Collection, marked PROJECT GABRIEL BABY SHOWER. Contact Jean Daniell/630-653-5681 or for more information. Thank you.

Council of Catholic Women Upcoming October-November 2013 Events: Tuesday, Oct 29th, 7:00pm, Sebahar Hall, Board Meeting Becky has treats Saturday, Nov 2nd, 8:30am, Chapel, First Saturday Mass and Rosary - in the
Chapel Tuesday, Nov 5th, 6:30 pm, Chicken Soup, General meeting & sharing of stories from Chicken Soup for the Soul book series: Ladies of the parish and friends: Please join us for some chicken soup and bread followed by a brief CCW business meeting. We will remember those who have passed away in the last year with a memorial service. Following our meeting we will share stories from the book series. CCW ladies- remember to bring your nonperishable donations to the food basket tonight. Tuesday, Nov 12th, 6:30pm, Western DuPage Deanery- Chili Supper and Fall Gathering in Sebahar Hall Area CCW parish members will meet to share ideas and receive information from the NCCW convention. Contact Venessa at 630-336-5414 or to reserve a spot. Tues., Nov 19th, 7:00pm, Board meeting in Sebahar Hall Sheila has treats Wed., Nov 20th, 11:30am, YOUNG AT HEARTS - in Sebahar Hall. Join us for a delicious Thanksgiving lunch as well as our usual social time, games and activities! Bring an appetizer, salad, side dish or dessert, if you are able.

October, 2013 Dear Parishioners,

Thank You!

The Council of Catholic Women would like to acknowledge all those who have baked, shopped, donated items and worked at our recent Holiday Fair. It was a great success and we appreciate the wonderful turn out after the Masses. Our parishioners helped CCW raise funds for charitable causes and supported parishioners businesses as well. Sincerely, The Council of Catholic Women

Knights of Columbus Pancake Breakfast, School Hall, November 3, 8a-11a

Hot Buttermilk Pancakes, Sausage, Golden Hashbrowns, Country Fresh Eggs, Fresh Roasted Coffee, and Juice. Hungry? Sleep Out Saturday participants eat free as a thank you for helping benefit Bridge Communities. The proceeds go to support important parish work done by your own Knights of Columbus. The Knights provide over 65 million hours of donated volunteer time across the U.S. each year, all for the betterment of our Catholic faith communities. Invite some friends, bring a group, support the parish, have a cup of coffee on us.

Educating the Mind and Spirit in Community

Saturday, November 9, 2013 9-11 a.m.

3-year old Preschool through 8th grade Please come and join students & teachers at the St. John the Baptist School Open House. Whether you are searching for half day or all day preschool for your 3 or 4 year old, all day Kindergarten, or an outstanding educational foundation for your middle schooler, or you would like to meet our amazing principal, Mrs. Mickey Tovey, please come check it out!

Open House

Join in and Sing with St. Johns Childrens Christmas Choir

All children between the ages of 7-14 are invited to sing at the 4:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Mass Practice started Saturday, October 5, 2013, but it is not too late to join. Meet at 3:30 p.m. in the Choir Loft of the Chapel.

Back by Popular Demand St. John the Baptist Catholic Church


Christmas Ornaments
For sale after MassesNovember 9th & 10th $35.00 each Great Christmas Gift for SJB Alumni!

The Vocation Office will be sponsoring a trip for all men who are 16 years of age and older to St. John Vianney College Seminary in St. Paul, MN. There is no cost for this trip. These are great opportunities to visit the seminaries, meet seminarians and see seminary life first-hand. You would be leaving Thursday morning at 8am on October 31 and return about 7pm on Saturday, November 2. Please RSVP to Fr. Burke at ((815 834-4004) or by October 24th if you are interested. Each participant will need to fill out a permission form and waiver.

Youth Ministry (High School)

For information, contact Chris Strong at

Having Surgery?
Give one of our priests a call PRIOR to your surgery, so that anointing can be given at a time when you are less stressed. Call the parish office at 630-6680918, ext. 600, and set a time to come in BEFORE your surgery for anointing.

All meetings are 6:30p-8p in the Youth Ministry Center above the garages at the parish offices. Next mtgs-11/3, 11/17

Hospital Visits
Our priests are available to make hospital visits. Because of HIPAA Laws the Hospital does not notify churches when parishioners are there. Please notify the Saint Johns Parish Office when a loved one is there giving us the name and room number. We want to do our best to minister to all the Hospitalized!

Wedding Information
Getting married? Give us a ring! Please contact one of the parish priests as soon as you become engaged and at least six months before the wedding date. Catholics need to be attending church every Sunday.

Please Pray for those who defend our Nation, those who serve in Active Duty
Pvt James Luigi Akin SRA Francis Beifuss Lt John Berg Sgt Melissa Brooker Lt Deandra Carbone CMR Nicholas Carbone Pvt Timothy Conley Sgt Andrew Fairbairn Pv2 Nicholas Gorman Sgt Pamela Gray A1C Seth Kelley LCpl David Lawless Senior Airman Felicia K. McDonald GSMC (SW/SS) Timothy A. Newell ABHAA Sean Phillips Lt Col George Pohlmann A1C Alejandro Luis Sanchez AN Michael Schieve Captain Jim Smolucha Captain Mike Smolucha SPC Thomas Stanhope

Parish Registration
New Parishioner Registrations are held in Sebahar Hall (lower level of the Church) generally following the 7:30 & 9:30 a.m. Masses. Upcoming scheduled dates are as follows:

Parishioners who are homebound and wish to receive communion, please call the parish office at 630-668-0918, Ext. 600, and we will pass your name to the coordinator for Homebound Ministry.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Lost and Found

Please check the Lost and Found basket in the entry way to the parish office.

Area Open Houses

You are invited to the

Benet Academy Open House Sunday, October 27 1:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m. Tuesday, October 29

Parish Calendar
Please see the on line calendar at: or on the kiosk of the narthex of the Church.

Bulletin Articles
Submissions are due by noon on Thurs., 10 days prior to the Sunday on which you wish the article to appear. (Holidays may change due dates for articles because of publishing demands). Include the name and phone number of the person submitting the article. Please email as an attachment using Microsoft Word or Publisher, please do not include article in the body of the email. Email to: or

6:30 p.m. You are invited to the

Rosary High School Open House Sunday, November 3 12:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m. You are invited to the Marmion Academy Open House For 6th, 7th, & 8th Grade Boys, Sunday, November 3 1:00 p.m.

Catholic Inquiry
Anyone interested in becoming Catholic, please call the parish office for information: 630-668-0918, ext. 600.

Help Our School Clip Box Tops!

Please drop off your clipped Box Tops in the entryway to the parish office. There is always a collection box there. All profits are benefitting programs for St. John the Baptist school. Questions, contact Robin Hafertepe at: Thank you!

Pulpit Announcements
Must be submitted with a contact name and phone number, by 9 a.m. on Tuesday prior to the Sunday you wish the announcement made. The parish office has final approval on all bulletin articles and pulpit announcements.

Bulletin Advertiser of the Week:

Visit Our Parish Website, for: Copy of the bulletin Ministries Schedule

Addantes Gourmet Italian

Please support those who help us finance our Bulletin through their weekly advertisements!

Prayers of the Faithful

If you or someone in your family is sick and would like to be mentioned in the Prayers of the Faithful, please call the parish secretary at 630-6680918, ext. 600, to add your name to the list.

Mass Intention Book for 2014 is now open.

Parish Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8 a.m.- 4 p.m.

Grade School Mass Wed. 1:40 pm

Holy Days of Obligation, All Souls & Ash Wednesday To be announced with each Special Day Eucharistic Adoration ~ Tues. from 8 a.m. - Wed 7:15 a.m. & First Fridays - 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Baptisms
1st Sunday of the Month First Baptism Rituals starting at the 11:30 a.m. Mass. Parents and god-parents are encouraged to attend Baptism Preparation Classes several months before your baby is born. Godparents are to be practicing Catholics!

Spiritual Preparation begins at least SIX MONTHS in advance. Please do not make reservations until you meet with a priest.

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Confesiones los Sbados 3:30-4:30 pm Bautizos Las Platicas Pre-bautismales son requeridas antes de fijar la fecha del Bautismo. Favor de inscribirse con dos a tres meses de anticipo. Bautizos normalmente 4 Domingo del Mes Bodas Preparacin Espiritual empieza por lo menos con SEIS MESES de anticipo. No haga preparaciones para su Celebracin antes de reunirse con el prroco. Adoracin del Santsimo los Martes 8 am a Mircoles 7:15 am

Requisitos Sacramentales

Sacramento de los Enfermos y Visitas de la Comunin: Llame a la oficina Quince Aos y Presentaciones Llame a la oficina de la Secretaria Hispana. Quince Aeras necesitan ser miembros de la Parroquia y cumplieron Educacin Religiosa de 7 y 8 grados. Secretaria Hispana Para hablar con la secretaria hispana, llame al Rosa Benavides, extensin 601 Lunes, Martes y Jueves 8:00 AM a 2:00 PM, o Mirella Hernndez, extensin 601 los Sbados 9:00 AM a 11:00 AM y Domingo 1/2 hora despus de la Misa en espaol.

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