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5th year AIMS 1. Motivate the children to learn cultural aspects of the Halloween festival. 2. Learn and teach each other in the groups and with the whole class. 3. Produce a text about Halloween. 4. Wor on the l!rics of a song.

TASK 1 " #n groups of five$ as the children to answer to the following %uestions& 1. What da! is celebrated Halloween' 2. What do children wear at night' 3. #n what countries do people celebrate Halloween' 4. What ga(es do children pla! at Halloween'

" )hildren share their answers. *he whole class write a short text about it.

" #ndividuall!$ children write a word docu(ent of the text and insert so(e photos.

Final task +ocu(ent , Halloween origin -

TASK 2 " Learn the song .Monster (ash/ " #n groups of five$ find out the (eaning of these words in the song& lab 0 late 0 beheld 0 eerie sight 0 slab 0 began to rise 0 suddenl! 0 grave!ard. " #ndividuall!$ children write the song and insert so(e photos into a word docu(ent.

Final tasks: Monster (ash docu(ent. 1ideo.

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