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Chase Gordon October 28th, 2013 Voice of Democracy Essay Entry Evolution from Turmoil

Ours is a great nation. We are a super power that cannot be reckoned with. We have evolved from infancy with vast experience. Americas history consisted of settlers who emigrated from their mother lands to escape tyrannical rule and created the original thirteen colonies along the east coast. Most early colonists endured many hardships; such as diseases, threats from the natives and a lack of sufficient food sources. Although these hardships were great they were determined to push through. Others gave their lives hoping to build a better life. They were valiant and brave for taking on the challenge. They succeeded in establishing a new government and pioneered the way for the country that we live in today. Our world is constantly changing. We are inventing and innovating beyond what was previously thought possible. A few hundred years ago we didnt even know what the atom looked like. The American dream attracted brilliant minds; those brilliant minds gave rise to ideas that bred inventions; inventions that improve our lives and help us better understand the world we live in. Today we are discovering species of different kinds that no one knew existed until now. Our education, people, industry, and technology are adapting to create a brighter future. As we work more efficiently to improve our way of life we build upon the foundation for our children. Along with our nations uprising, there has been adversity and opposition. War is a detriment to our national psyche even when done to protect our international interests. The value of the dollar has decreased almost to the point of depression. Our national debt, created mostly

by a voracious government bulging with social programs and special interests is a plague to many Americans and holds hostage our future. The leaders of our country are dividing our nation into a debating whirl of clashing words and pointing fingers. My generation must rebuild our nations strength and immunity to these economic and social cancers. Our adored forefathers gave much to build and protect this nation. My sole motivation to serve my country is due to their sacrifice for us. They set a very high standard through their example. I want to follow in their footsteps. We should properly thank, salute, and honor our great veterans for what they have done for us. As Jeff Miller, a poet, correctly said; The willingness of America's veterans to sacrifice for our country has earned them our lasting gratitude. I believe that my generation combined with the help of veterans can change this nations future. We can change the course of history, under God, and work hard to protect the American way of life. Our country paid a supreme sacrifice long ago and we must uphold it. I am very optimistic about our nations future. I will help, along with other great minds of our generations, to work hard and bring about a new mind set for changing the course of America for the better. We can provide solutions to the problems now and those that arise in the future. We can be the new definition of peace, prosperity and equality for every American and the shining light to all the world. We must raise the title of liberty and freedom for all. We must rebuild a nation that creates opportunity so no man, woman, nor child is left without hope. I love my country and I am a proud citizen of the United States of America! Our nation has known honor through the sacrifice of our beloved ancestors. We must not forget what they endured to build a country that fulfills our dreams. We must not forget what they have done for us. We must not forget those that suffered that all may live, or sacrificed that

all may love, or sweat and bled to carry this nation on their shoulders. I am here to proclaim to you veterans and forefathers, You are relieved, I will now take the nations burdens upon my shoulders.

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