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Digital Electronics March 7, 2012

(e) Successive-approximation type ADC.

Q 1. Give performance parameters of DAC or D/A converters. Ans. 1. Resolution : Resolution can be defined in two ways (a) A DAC that can provide number of different analog output values is called resolution. For a DAC having n-bits Resolution . (b) A DAC is which the ratio of change in output voltage resulting from a change of LSB (i.e. 1 least significant bit) at the digital inputs is known as resolution. Resolution for n-bit DAC is given by: Input-output equation can also be obtained for DAC, if resolution is given Where, Vo = Resolution x D Vo = Output voltage D = Decimal v1ue of the digital input. 2. Accuracy: It is defined as the difference between the actual analog output and the expected analog output when a given digital input is applied. It is expressed in percentage. In ideal case, the accuracy of DAC should be, at worst, of its LSB.

3. Conversion Time or Setting Time: It is the time required for conversion of analog signal into its digital equivalent. It is dependent on amplifiers output and switches response time. 4. Stability: When all the parameters such as gain, linearity error, monotonicity and offset must be specified over the power supply ranges and full temperature then these parameters represent the stability of the converter. 5. Monotonicity: If a converter does not miss any step backward during its entire range stepped by a counter then it is said to have a counter having good monotonicity.

Q -2. An 4 bit DIA converter has an output range of 0 to 1.5 V. Define its resolution.

Ans. Given n = 4 = number of bits Full scale output 1. Resolution: Thus the output voltage can have 16 different values including zero. 2. Resolution: Thus, an input change of 1 LSB changes the output by 100 mV.

Q 3. Calculate the step size and analog output for 8-bit ADC. When input is 10000000. Reference voltage Vr = +50V is given. Ans. Given

Q 4. Following fig. shows the D1A converter with op-amp. Calculate the output if the input digital signal is 1110. Assume 1 binary = +5V. Ans. Binary data: B3 B2 B1 B0 1110 Let I1, I2 and I3 be the currents flowing through the respective resistors The value of currents are:

As, the op-amp has a very high input impedance. Thus, the currents I0 to I3 flow through 1K ohm resistance.

Q 5. Draw only the block diagram of continuous counter type ADC. Ans. Block diagram of continuous counter type ADC.

Q 6. On what factors does the percentage resolution of D/A converter depend? Ans. The percentage resolution of D/A converter is given by:

So, it depends on full scale output voltage V0Fs and the number of bits used in DAC i.e. n.

Q 7. Which is the fastest ADC and why? Ans. Flash type ADC is the fastest ADC. Its main advantage is that its conversion of analog to digital taken place simultaneously and not sequentially. Typically the conversion time of flash type ADC is l00ns or less: Hence it is the fastest ADC.

Q 8. Comment on the parameters which serve to describe the quality of performance of a D/A converter. Ans. There are basic three parameters which describe the quality of performance of D/A converter. 1. Resolution : It is the smallest possible change in the analog output voltage. Resolution should be as high as possible. 2. Accuracy: It indicates how close the analog output voltage is to its theoretical value it is the deviation of actual output from the theoretical value. 3. Linearity : The relation between the digital input and analog output should be linear.

Q 11. On what basis do we select a particular type of A/D converter, for use? Ans. There are various parameters on basis of which we select a particular type of A/D converter like. 1 Conversion time: Time taken to convert a analog signal into digital It must be less1 2 Speed of operation: The speed of operation also decides the type of A/D converter for particular application It is decided with the help of clock of frequency 3 Cost: Cost must be according to budget of application Cost depends upon number of comparators used 4 Complexity: Simple applications require less complex circuit ND converter 5 Accuracy: Based on accuracy a particular ND converter is decided

Q 12 What is the need of converting digital data into analog data9

Ans. The digital representation of a signal makes storage, processing simpler and its transmission is much easier. Once the transmission and processing etc is done the signal we need should be in analog form. To convert the digital signal to its analog form Digital to analog conversion is required.

Q 13 What is the advantage of the R-2R ladder DAC over the weighted resistor type DAC? Ans. Advantages of R-2R Ladder: 1. R/2R ladder DAC need only two value of resistors whereas in weighted resistor DAC several resistors are required having different values 2. Due to small resistance spread, the R/2R ladder DAC can be fabricated monolithically with high accuracy and stability In weighted type, it is difficult to achieve and maintain accuracy and resolution 3. The number of bits can be increased in R/2R ladder DAC by adding more sections of same R/2R values whereas it is not possible in the weighted type DAC with same value resistors.

Q 14. Draw the circuit of a counter type AID converter and explain its operation. Ans. There are various types of A/D converter. One of the mostly used is counter method. The block diagram is as:

Initially start signal is send to Gate and control box Clock pulses are also applied Two input analog input voltage and Ref voltage are given to comparator. If VA> VR, then comparator goes high and gate opens, counter starts counting until analog input voltage is greater than Ref voltage. After that signal is amplified by level amp and given to binary ladder. Binary ladder provides digital output. Counter may count in upward or downward direction. This method is simple in construction, easy to design and less expensive.

Q 15. With the help of a neat diagram explain parallel A/D converter. Ans. Parallel A/D is used is much more due to its high speed. The only disadvantage is that its hardware (no. of comparators) increase with the no. of bits. Va is analog, voltage and VR is reference voltage. A 3-bit parallel-comparator AID converter is shown in fig. Va is the analog voltage is be converted into digital form. The voltage corresponding to full scale is V from which the reference voltages VR1, VR2. (See Fig.) are generated using the resistor network. The voltage Va is compared simultaneously with the reference voltages by using comparators A 7-bit output obtained from the comparators which is stored in latches This 7-bit digital signal is

convert to a 3-bit output by using a decoder circuit The comparator outputs and the 3-bit digit output for each interval of the analog voltage are given in Table (A) The principle of parallel-comparator AID conversion is the simplest in concept and fasts Its main disadvantages are rapid increase in the number of comparators with the number bits [ comparators are required for an N-bit converter] and the corresponding complications of the decoder circuit Table (A) Comparator outputs and digital output of parallel-comparator AID converter

Q 16. Draw the circuit of a n bit D/A converter and explain its operation. Ans. The input to n bit D/A converter will be h-bit binary signals available in parallel form The output analog voltage Vo of h-bit D/A converter is related to digital input by equation Where K =

Proportionality factor b = 1, If nth bit of digital input is 1 = 0, If nth bit of digital input is 0 Generally, two common types of D/A converters are used (i) Weighted-Register D/A Converter (ii) R-2R ladder DIA Converter Let us consider the n bit D/A weighted resistor type converter Assume n =3 for simplicity Weighted Resistor type DAC: Its functional block diagram is as shown for 3 bit input data:

Let us assume that the digital input levels are 0 = 0V and 1 = +7V. Thus, for input 001 the output will be +1V, for 010 the output will be +2V and so on. For 011, if +1V from 20 bit is added to the +2V from the 2 bit, the output will be +3V. Thus, 011 input will be achieved. The internal structure for 3 bit digital input and an analog output is as shown:

It can be solved by using Millmans theorem, by using formula

Let us take an example : If the digital data is 001. Lets assume that, 0 = 0V and 1 = +7V. Thus, the circuit changes to:

According to Millmans theorem:

Q 17 Explain the operation of successive approximation type of ADC Ans. Successive approximation is one of the most widely used popular method due its efficiency The block diagram of SAR ADC s as shown:

Working: Initially, let us set the MSB bit of SAR register i.e. d1 = 1. It is applied to 4-bit D to A converter i.e. as 1000. The D/A converter will generate its analog value and send to control logic The output of control logic is VR. Now at the comparator, there are two inputs VR (Reference voltage) and VA (Input analog). If VR > VA output of comparator is low and bit d1 is reset correspondingly. If VR <VA output of comparator is high and bit d1 remains high. The same procedure is repeated for all bits i e for d2, d3,. dn, and output may be taken in serial or parallel manner. Advantage: The conversion time is fixed as it does not depend upon amplitude of analog input.

Q.18 An 8-bit successive approximation converter (SAC) has a resolution of 15 mV What will its, digital output be for an analog input of 2.65 V ? Ans. Analog input = 2.65 V Resolution = 15 mV Now 176 would produce 2.64 V and 177 would produce 2.65 V. Hence VA = 2.65V The digital result will be (176)10 = (10110000)2

Q 19 Define linearity, settling time, sensitivity and accuracy of A/D and D/A converters. Ans. For D/A converters 1. Linearity: The linearity of the converter specifies the accuracy with which the ideal performance is followed Output of DIA converter must be each step up (down) in the digital input so as to cause an increase (decrease) in the analog output The linearity should be at least equal to or better then (ii) Setting Time: Whenever a digital input is applied to D/A converter, sometimes output sets to a value within some specific limit of the final value The limit range is LSB or less. This parameter tells the speed of D/A converter and t can be calculated by use o switches, amplifier, resistors etc. in the device. 1. Accuracy: It is a measure of the difference between actual output and expected output. It is given as a percentage of the maximum output voltage. If the maximum output voltage i.e. full scale deflection is 5V and accuracy is then, the maximum error is 0.5 of LSB. x5 =

0.0005 V or 5mV. Ideally the accuracy should be better than

In an 8-bit converter LSB is or 0.39% of full scale. The accuracy should be better than 0.2%. (iv) Sensitivity : Due to change in temperature the output of D/A converter should not change. But practically the value of resistances and operational amplifier parameters change with variation in temperature as analog output is a function of temperature. For AID converters (i) Linearity: Linearity is basically a best straight line. Linearity of a converter directly determines the relative accuracy of the converter. It is the difference of errors betweens the nominal and actual ratios to the full scale analog value corresponding to a given digital input and independent of full scale calibration. The linearity error should be less than (ii) Conversion Time or Setting Time : It is the -time refers to the time requires for a complete measurement by analog to digital converter. It is the time required for conversion of analog signal into its digital equivalent. It is dependent on the amplifiers output and switches response time.

(iii) Accuracy : The accuracy of a given ADC i.e. analog to digital converter determines the number of bits which can be usefully provided. The accuracy of an ADC consists of quantization error system noise etc. Typical values are 0.02% of the full scale reading. (iv) Sensitivity : Due to change in temperature the output of AID converter should not change. But the value of resistances and operational amplifier change with change in temperature.

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