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Gingerbread Man

Stanley, Hong Kong

Please take a moment to fill out this questionnaire.

1. What age group do you fall under? (Please tick)

2. Please tick your gender.

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* +

3. Where do you li,e? (Please tick)

4. Ho5 frequently do you ,isit Stanley? (Please tick)

Pok +u -am ./erdeen 0eep Water 1ay 2epulse 1ay *id"-e,els

Stanley 3f other, please state44444444

6nce a 5eek *ore than once a 5eek 6nce e,ery %"( 5eeks 6nce a month *ore than once a month 6nce e,ery %"( months 2arely 7e,er

5. When you shop in Stanley 5hich of the follo5ing /akeries 5ould you prefer to stop /y? (Please tick)

6. Why do you prefer the shop selected in question '? (Please tick or more)

0elifrance Welcome8s /akery section Star/ucks8s /akery section

3f other please state9 444444444

2easona/le prices High quality products +riendly staff :leanliness


7. Which /akery;confectionary product do you purchase the most? (Please tick)

8. 6n most occasions, ho5 much do you spend on /akery products? (Please tick)

Bread/croissants/baguettes Cookies/cakes/pastries Pies/tarts

-ess than <# -ess than < ! -ess than <%! <%! )

9. 3n general, do you think the /akery products in Hong Kong are o,er priced? (Please tick)

10. 0o you think the /akeries in Hong ha,e enough ,ariety of /read and home"made style cakes? (Please tick)

=es 7o

=es 7o

11. Would you prefer free sampling of the more popular products? (Please tick)

12. 0o you ha,e any other opinions on ho5 the /akeries in Hong Kong can impro,e? .

=es 7o

Thank You for your i!e"



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