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1. Illiteracy is an enormous (a)problem, it (b)affects millions of people (c)worldwide, and is an (d)impediment to social progress. (e)No error. A B C D E

2. The company president (a)has taken steps to ensure that (b)she can handle the pressure and anxiety (c)associated with the job, (d)including joining a yoga class and enlisting the support of a network of friends. (e)No error. A B C D E

3. If you are (a)sure that you are in the (b)right, you (c)would not mind an independent (d)examination of the case. (e)No error. A B C D E

4. The union (a)insisted on an increase in (b)their (c)members starting pay, and threatened to call a strike if the company (d)refused to meet the demand. (e)No error. A B C D E

5. Television viewers claim (a)that the number of scenes (b)depicting alcohol consumption (c)have increased dramatically (d)over the last decade. (e)No error.. A B C D E

6. Employees with (a)less personal problems (b)are (c)likely to be (d)more productive. (e)No error. A B C D E

7. The three richest men in America (a)have assets worth more (b)than the (c)combined assets of the sixty poorest countries (d)of the world. (e)No error. A B C D E

8. (a)Shipwrecked on a desert island, coconuts and (b)other fruits (c)formed the basis of the (d)sailors diet. (e)No error. A B C D E
JMAA Business English Link


9. Fifty percent of the people alive today (a)have never made a phone call, (b)but thirty percent (c)still have no electricity connections to (d)their homes. (e)No error. A B C D E

10. The rhododendron, (a)which ornaments (b)so many English gardens, (c)is not native (d)to Europe. (e)No error. A B C D E

11. The farmer should not (a)have been so careless (b)as to leave the door of the house unbolted (c)when he (d)had gone to bed. (e)No error. A B C D E

12. (a)A census of the island (b)revealed a population of (c)only 10,000 (d)people. (e)No error. A B C D E

13. The engineer, who is renowned for his (a)ingenuity, (b)has designed a (c)very unique cooling system for our new plant (d)in Spain. (e)No error. A B C D E

14. Shoes of (a)those kind (b)are bad for the (c)feet; low heels (d)are better. (e)No error. A B C D E

15. My father saw (a)how much Uncle Tom (b)was enjoying his early retirement, (c)and so he decided to (d)do the same. (e)No error. A B C D E

JMAA Business English Link

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