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I was born in 1959. I studied at Juan de Garay primary school in Santo Tome. I hated going to school alone.

I used to climb trees because my mother would not let me go to play with my friends before ending my homework. I went to anuel !strada secondary school in Santo Tome. I used to eat alfa"ores during break.

#fter I left school$ I looked for "ob. %hen I was 19 years old$ I mo&ed to Santa 'e$ because I found a "ob and my mother had died. I ha&e li&ed here since 19(). I studied for primary teacher and I graduated in 19)5. I ha&e been a teacher for more than three years. %hen I studied alone I used to smoke$ but now I ha&e stopped. I used to go to bed &ery late$ but not anymore* %e used to go to our fa&ourite +lub on Saturdays. I played hockey with my friends in +iudadela +lub. I used to do lots of physical e,ercise at school and at +lub. I used to go out on 'riday nights with my friends. I used to think I couldn-t learn !nglish. %hy. I don-t know$ I had that thinking in my mind. /ife has taught me that always ha&e to study regardless of age.

0%ork done by !ddit Selma !scalante0

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