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Cardinales Classroom Rules and Procedures

The business education classes you will be taking are intended to help you prepare for college and the workplace. These rules have been outlined to foster a positive and productive learning environment for all of the students. It is also helpful that these happen to be related to many of the requirements that your future employers will be looking for. So let us work as a team and strive to maintain a professional attitude while getting our work done! 1. Punctual attendance is expected. If you are late to class (unexcused) three times, you will e assi!ned a detention. If you cut class you will automatically e assi!ned a detention. ". Rules of common courtesy apply. #e polite to others and treat one another with RES E!T. $. %ll students must come to class prepared daily with a pen, and any re&uired note oo's, text oo's, handouts, etc. (. )omewor', tests and pro*ects are expected to e handed in on or efore their due date, unless you are le!ally a sent. +i,e points will e deducted for each school day an assi!nment is late. -. .rades will e assi!ned ased upon a point/system. 0our !rade will e calculated y di,idin! the total num er of points you recei,e o,er the &uarter y the total num er of possi le points. Classwor' and homewor' will ran!e from - 1 -2 points each, while class pro*ects and tests will ran!e from -2 1 122 points each. Class participation will e worth 122 points. 3. % solutely no food, drin' or electronic de,ices should e ,isi le in the classroom, and hats should e placed under your des' durin! class time. "E#SE $%TE T&#T !E"" &%$ES 'I"" (E !%$)IS!#TE* I) +TI"I,E* *+RI$- !"#SS TI.E. Please si!n elow to certify that you ha,e read, understand and accept the classroom rules and procedures outlined a o,e. 4tudent 4i!nature _________________________ Parent6.uardian 4i!nature _________________________ 5ate __________ 5ate __________

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