Air Around You Notes

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The Air Around You Notes

Chapter 1.1 pgs 66-9

Weather the condition of the Earths atmosphere (temp, precipitation, humidity, wind, clouds) at a particular time and place.
Weather is different everywhere you go, and it is always changing!

Climate the average conditions of the Earths atmosphere (temp, precipitation, humidity, wind, clouds) in an area

Atmosphere the envelope of gases that surround and protect the Earth. The atmosphere appears to be very thick from our perspective, but is actually quite thin.
Atmosphere = avg 500 km Earths radius (core to surface) = avg 6,000 km

Composition of Atmosphere
Nitrogen (N2) 78% Oxygen (O2) 21% Carbon Dioxide (CO2) 0.038% Plus other trace gases
gases in very small amounts (argon, neon, helium, methane, krypton, hydrogen) Can still have an important effect on Earths climate and human health!

Water vapor water is gaseous form Solid & liquid particles of dust, smoke, salt, and other chemicals

Composition of Atmosphere
Nitrogen (N2) important to plant growth Oxygen (O2) important to animal life, we need to breathe oxygen!
Ozone (O3) a form of oxygen
Pollutant in troposphere (poisonous) Ozone Layer in stratosphere traps heat and protects against ultraviolet solar radiation

Composition of Atmosphere
Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
important to plants, necessary for photosynthesis Traps heat in atmosphere Too much CO2 is driving rapid climate change (global warming)

Water Vapor (H2O) water in gas form

Causes clouds and precipitation (rain, snow) Steam tiny liquid water drops in the air

Composition of Atmosphere
Trace Gases tiny amounts of different gases, but can still be important
Methane (0.00015%) a powerful greenhouse gas that traps heat in the atmosphere

Our atmosphere is important because
Provides oxygen, and other necessary gases, for us to breathe and survive Traps heat to keep us from freezing, and to keep water liquid Protects the surface from meteors and dangerous solar radiation

Particles tiny solid and liquid particles of dust, smoke, salt, and other chemicals
Can be serious pollutants Can be added to atmosphere by nature or by man

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