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Air Pressure
Understanding Main Ideas Study and draw the figure below in your notebook, and then write and complete the following statements in your notebook. 1. Altitude is greater at point _________.

2. 3. 4. 1.

Air pressure is greater at point _________. Density of the air is greater at point _________. A cubic meter of air has less mass at point _________. The percentage of oxygen in the air at point A is about _______ percent. 2. State three properties of air. _____________________________________________ 3. hy doesn!t air pressure crush ob"ects such as your des#$ ______________________________________________________________________ 8. hat t%o units of air pressure are commonly used in %eather reports$ ______________________________________________________________________

Building Vocabulary Match each term with its definition by writing the vocabulary term and the correct definition in your notebook. ____ 9. air pressure ____ 10. altitude ____ 11. aneroid barometer ____ 12. barometer ____ 13. density ____ 14. mercury barometer ____ 15. pressure a. the amount of mass in a gi&en &olume of air b. force pushing on an area or surface c. the result of the %eight of a column of air pushing do%n on an area d. any instrument that measures air pressure e. instrument that measures air pressure using li'uid mercury f. the distance abo&e sea le&el g. instrument that measures air pressure %ith( out using a li'uid

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