2013 Nov Newsletter

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Eagles E-News

November 2013 PTA Newsletter

Principals Message
Dear Parents, It is hard to believe our first term is over! SEP conferences will be held on November 11-15. Dismissal time will be 1 !5 "m ever# da# of the conference wee$. %s #ou be&in "lannin& for #our meetin& with #our child's teacher, it mi&ht be hel"ful to $ee" these few ti"s for a successful conference in mind -Talk to your child. (ind out what the# thin$ are their best sub)ects and what sub)ects the# li$e least. %s$ #our student if there is an#thin& the# would li$e #ou to tal$ about with their teacher. -Make a list. *efore #ou &o to the meetin&, write down the list of thin&s #ou want to tal$ about with the teacher. -Arrive on time. -Be open-minded to suggestions from the teacher. -Do not stay beyond your allotted time. -Most importantly- celebrate the successes of your student I loo$ forward to seein& #ou at the SEP conferences and than$ #ou a&ain for allowin& m# wonderful staff and me the "leasure of wor$in& with such a &reat communit#. +ave a +a""# ,han$s&ivin&. !harollet !hambers

Nov. - (amil# %ctivit# at Surf N Swim Nov. 11-15 *oo$ (air Nov. 11-15 SEP .onferences, Earl# /ut Nov. !! November *irthda# ,able Nov. !! 0eflections %ssembl# Nov. !1-!- ,han$s&ivin& *rea$, No School Dec. !-2 Soc$s (or Souls Service Pro)ect

PTA Presidents Message

3e had a wonderful /ctober. It was full of red ribbons, limo rides and a lot of creativit# with our 0eflections entries. 4an# than$s &o out to %nn 5ell# for our 0ed 0ibbon 3ee$ and the wonderful students that "artici"ated and "led&ed to be dru& free. .her#l .loward and 0ose *ehunin have been wor$in& hard to &et our 0eflections "ro&ram underwa#! 3e will be able to see the entries at our SEP conferences. I am reall# loo$in& forward to the dis"la#s. ,he mon$e#s trul# came to %dams. ,han$s to Sidra 4orris and Shell# Stott for headin& u" our (undraiser. 3e had 67 students earn a limo ride. ,han$s also to the man# "arents, famil# members and nei&hbors that made it such a &reat success. ,he school and our P,% were able to meet and e8ceed our &oals. .ombinin& our school and P,% fundraiser was a hu&e success! Dads and Donuts was overwhelmin&l# su""orted b# our wonderful dads, &rand"as, and in some cases nei&hbors and friends. /ur hearts were warmed b# the wonderful turn out. 3E 3/9:D 0E%::; :I5E ,/ %P/:/<I=E (/0 ,+E S+/0,%<E /( D/N9,S. 3e had no idea how man# would come. 4# husband called me while I was tr#in& to "ic$ u" more donuts and told me I better &et a bunch more because the dads were clear out the door. /ur s"ecial than$s to (resh 4ar$et for bein& willin& to let us ta$e ever# donut the# had in the house and then ma$in& more for us and offerin& to deliver them at no e8tra char&e. I am sorr# that some of #ou had to leave without donuts. 3e will definitel# be better "re"ared for ne8t #ear. 3e are ver# e8cited to see our 3atch Do&s Pro&ram ta$e off. 4an# of #ou si&ned u" that da#. It has been wonderful to see our dads at school. I would li$e to than$ all of our staff, teachers, and wonderful "arents who have hel"ed in so man# different wa#s. 4an# hands do ma$e the wor$ load li&ht. If there are an# >uestions that #ou have or #ou would li$e to volunteer in an# wa# "lease feel free to contact us. ;ou can email or call an# time. Diana %rnold darnold!?@#ahoo.com 6?1-6-6-?772 Sherri E""cih $se""ich@msn.com 6?1-571-?-A2

"ur #ponsors

,han$s to all of our artistic students who entered our 0eflections contest this #ear. 3e had 5A entries! /ur 0eflections %wards %ssembl# will be held on (rida#, November !! at - 15am in the &#m. Parents of the students that entered are invited to attend. It will last about A? minutes. ,he entries will be dis"la#ed in the hall b# the office durin& the wee$ of SEP conferences. *e sure to sto" b# and ta$e a loo$.

Birthday Table
,he ne8t birthda# table will be (rida#, November !!. If #our child has a birthda# in November, have them sto" b# the birthda# table durin& lunch recess to receive a &ift.

%amily &ight
,he P,% (amil# %ctivit# is Saturda#, Nov. - from 1-1? "m at the :a#ton Surf N Swim. ,he activit# is free!! ;ou are welcome to brin& dinner in. Dessert will be "rovided.

'ats "ff To A Drug %ree (ife

,han$ #ou students, "arents and teachers for #our &enerous +at donations for the 0oad +ome B+omeless ShelterC. %dams Elementar# donated !?1 hats!! ,he 0oad +ome is so than$ful for the hats that will hel" $ee" man# "eo"le warm this comin& winter. %dams Elementar# P,% a""reciates #our "artici"ation in all our 0ed 0ibbon 3ee$ activities. 3e had so man# students ta$e "art in our dress u" da#s and %:: students si&ned the "led&e to be D,oadil# %&ainst Dru&sE.

%all %undraiser
,he P,% fall fundraiser committee would li$e to than$ ever#one at the school, the students, and all the "arents for all of #our hel" ma$in& the fundraiser so successful. ,he $ids have &otten their "riFes and all of the limo winners had a blast in the hummer limos and a fantastic lunch at %rctic .ircle. .anGt wait until ne8t #ear!

#ocks %or #ouls

/ur school service "ro)ect Soc$s for Souls is comin& u" on December ! -2. 3atch for more info to be comin& soon.

Teacher Dinners
3e will be "rovidin& dinners for the teachers durin& SEP conferences. 3e are still in need of volunteers to brin& dessert. If #ou would li$e to hel", &o to this lin$ to si&n u" htt" HHwww.si&nu"&enius.comH&oH1?.?.7%%5%-!6%1(-7-desserts

5ris"# 5reme Dou&hnut cards are for sale in the office for I1!! Each card includes 1? cou"ons for bu# a doFen dou&hnuts &et a doFen free. ItGs a &reat deal and it hel"s our school earn mone#.

#chool #pirit

Ever# (rida# is School S"irit Da#! 3ear #our school colors or #our %dams Ea&les ,-Shirt. PriFes will be &iven out to students who "artici"ate.

;ou could win a ni&ht at the movies! 3ith the holida#s >uic$l# a""roachin&, sho""in& online starts to increase. If #ou sho" online, #ou can earn cash for our school %ND enter to win a IA? ,inseltown ,heaters &ift card for #our famil#. 1. Si&n u" to su""ort %dams Elementar# at *,(E.com BitGs eas# and totall# freeC. /nce #ouGre a member, #ou can earn cash for our school when #ou sho" online. !. <o to *o8 ,o"s 4ar$et"lace at *,(E.comHmar$et"lace to see the list of over A?? "artici"atin& stores. A. Pic$ a store b# clic$in& on its lo&o and #ouGll &o ri&ht to their website, where #ou can sho" online as #ou normall# would. /ur school will automaticall# earn e*o8 ,o"s Bworth 1? cents a"ieceC with ever# >ualified "urchase. 7. ;ouGll &et a "urchase confirmation email from the 4ar$et"lace within a few da#s. Just "rint and turn in at school li$e re&ular *o8 ,o"s, or forward that email to us at &irasolsue@&mail.com to be entered into a drawin& for the IA? ,inseltown &ift card. %ll submitted confirmations between /ctober 1, !?1A and December A1, !?1A will be entered into the drawin&. 4a$e sure to include #our childGs name and teacher. Each "urchase is a se"arate entr#. ,he winner will be randoml# selected on Januar# A, !?17 and announced at school and throu&h e-mail. .lass totals for *o8 ,o"s turned in so far 0i&b# %4 - 2?A 0i&b# P4 - A!6 Porter %4 - 71A Porter P4 - 112 +aviland - 5!1 :o&an - A?! 3ellard - 1-! *ird - 76Jensen - 1A2 3illiams - 2?! *aet&e - !6,a#lor - 522 *isho" - !6! *owman - !-1 :echman - 161 ,ea - !-.hild - 12<ammill - 1!1 3heeler - !A? <onFales - 5?1 +o&&an - 7?2 Nielsen K 7?7 Each class will be awarded the followin& "riFes once the# reach the level 5?? - /tter Po" Part# 1,??? - (ruit Snac$ Part# 1,5?? - Ice .ream Sandwich Part# !,??? - E8tra 0ecess !,5?? - 3ii Dance Part# 5ee" turnin& in those *o8 ,o"s!

%lon& with *o8 ,o"s, our school is collectin& :abels for Education Points! ItGs eas# to hel"-sim"l# save and send in the 9P.s and bevera&e ca"s from "artici"atin& "roducts in a ba&&ie or envelo"e with #our childGs name mar$ed on the ba&. ;ou can dro" them in the bo8 b# the office mar$ed with a .am"bell Sou" can. ,han$s for hel"in& our school &et (0EE educational merchandise!

PTA )ebsite
.hec$ out the P,% website. www.adamsea&les"ta.or& 3e will $ee" #ou u"dated on ever#thin& to do with the P,%. ItGs a &reat wa# to sta# connected! %lso, remember to Lli$eL the %dams Elementar# P,% "a&e on (aceboo$!

3e ho"e #ouGve en)o#ed this edition of Ea&les E-News. If #ou have an# >uestions or comments, "lease feel free to email the P,% at adamsea&les"ta@dsdmail.net. 3eGd love to $now what #ou thin$! Sincerel#, %dams Ea&les P,% %dams Elementar# !!?? E. !5?? N. :a#ton, 9, 67?7?

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