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What Are The Communal Implications?

| by a Special Correspondent (November 5, 2013, Colombo, Sri Lanka G ardian! "t is reported t#at t#e $ad#rakaali %mman temple &as totally destroyed by t#e nidenti'ied (ro p o' people on t#e last &eek) *#is co&ardly act o' some e+tremist $ dd#ists 'anatics s#o ld be condemned by peace lovin( people o' t#is co ntry) *#is temple #as been t#ere in t#is small to&ns#ip 'or more t#an t#irty years and yet, t#is temple #as been destroyed in t#e prete+t o' sacred $ dd#ist land) ,#atever reason #as been cited 'or t#e destr ction o' temple it is not acceptable at all) ,#et#er it is demolis#ed nder to&ns#ip development pro-ect or $ dd#ist sacred land e+pansion pro-ect it is nacceptable t#at some (ro ps o' people take t#e la& in t#eir #ands as i' Sri Lanka is la&less land r led by t# (s and (an(sters) .ven i' it is demolis#ed nder t#ese so called pro-ects t#ere m st be some le(al proced res to (et proper approval 'rom some co rt orders)

"n t#is case t#ere &as no co rt order or approval 'rom any one) *#is &as no any o''icial order 'rom anyone b t t#is temple &as demolis#ed by some cra'ty people in a clandestine manner to #ide t#e identity o' t#e c lprits &#o destroyed it) No do bt t#at t#is &as t#e &ork o' some $ dd#ist 'anatics and t#ere m st be some in'l ence political baddie be#ind t#is demolition)

,#o (ives orders to do t#is type o' anti/comm nal activities and in Sri Lanka today - stice system #as become a -oke and it is some politicians overr le all le(al proced res and - d(ements) "t is t#e r les o' - n(les t#at dominate in Sri Lanka today) *amil comm nity is scattered in eac# and every o' district in Sri Lanka today) % si(ni'icant n mbers o' *amils live in inner parts o' Sri Lanka o tside o' nort# and east) ) Some o' t#em #ave been livin( in t#ese districts traditionally 'or many years and some o' t#em #ave moved to t#ese areas in recent times) Like all ot#er comm nities t#ey too m st #ave 'reedom and ri(#ts to do t#eir reli(io s rites and d ties) *#ese are ' ndamental basic # man ri(#ts o' *amil comm nity and yet, in recent time a'ter de'eatin( L**. some e+treme $ dd#ist (ro ps #ave be( n to &a(e c lt ral &ars a(ainst minority comm nities) *#is is done &it# t#e s pport o' some in'l ential political t# (s) No (en ine politician &ill endorse s c# attacks on t#e reli(io s places o' any ot#er reli(ions) %'ter all politicians s#o ld be &orkin( 'or all comm nities &it#o t any bias) %s a part o' t#is cra'ty sc#eme t#ey #ave be( n to demolis# mos0 es, 1ovils and c# rc#es) Soon a'ter L**. &as de'eated t#ese e+tremist $ dd#ist 'anatics be( n b ildin( $ dd#ists temples in some parts o' Nort# .ast provinces o' Sri Lanka) No& t#ey #ave be( n to demolis# some o' t#e reli(io s sites o' minority comm nities in inner parts o' Sri Lanka) *#e evidence 'or s c# claim is ab ndant and recently mos0 es belon(in( to 2 slim comm nity #ave been demolis#ed in some part o' Sri Lanka) Some c# rc#es #ave been ransacked in some parts o' Sri Lanka) *oday$ad#rakaali %mman 1ovil is demolis#ed as a part o' t#is cra'ty sc#eme o' c lt ral &ar) *omorro& many more sacred places o' minority comm nities &o ld be destroyed by t#ese t# (s) *#is is not#in( b t a c lt ral &ar a(ainst minority comm nities in Sri Lanka) *#is is done openly today in Sri Lanka) *#is c lt ral &ar is &a(ed &it# t#e ' ll s pport o' some Sin(#alese politicians) *#is present Sri Lankan (overnment is destroyin( c lt ral #erita(es and symbols o' minority comm nities in eac# and every district in t#e prete+t o' protectin( $ dd#ism) $ d $ala Sena &as created by some politicians to &a(e t#is c lt ral &ar a(ainst t#e minority comm nities) "t ar( es t#at $ dd#ism is in dan(er o' e+tinction in Sri Lanka and it ' rt#er claims t#at t#eminority comm nities are endan(erin( $ dd#ism) *#is is t#e e+c se t#ey #ave to &a(e &ar a(ainst minority comm nities) 3at#er t#an identi'yin( t#eir o&n reasons 'or t#e declinin( o' $ dd#ism in Sri Lanka t#ey point t#eir 'in(ers on ot#ers 'or t#eir o&n 'a lts) "t may be tr e t#at t#at $ dd#ism is decline in SL) 4ne o' reasons 'or t#at mi(#t be t#at most o' $ dd#ist people do not practice t#eir reli(ions and t#ey rarely (o to t#e temples or t#ey rarely care abo t it and most o' t#em are in'l enced by t#e &estern &ay o' li'e and becomin( increasin( at#eists amon( t#em) "t is not t#e 'a lt o' ot#er reli(io s people) $$S and its co#orts s#o ld e+amine t#eir comm nal 'a lts rat#er t#an #avin( comm nal -ealo sy o' ot#er reli(io s (ro ps) *#is may be t#e be(innin( o' t#e attacks on reli(io s sites o' ot#er comm nities and many more &ill 'ollo& t#is demolition i' t#is (overnment does not do somet#in( to c rtail t#is sit ation) *#ey &o ld &ait ntil G54G2 is over to contin e all t#eir dirty &orks) "t is #i(# time t#at all reli(io s leaders o' di''erent 'ait# come to(et#er and raise t#eir ob-ection to t#is type o' vandalism and attacks on t#e reli(io s rites o' minority comm nities) "t is #i(# time to create a common plat'orm o' civil 'orce o' all di''erent 'ait# comm nities to 'i(#t t#is 'ascist o' 'orces o' racism and anti/ 3eli(io s (ro p)

%t t#is time in o r #istory in Sri Lanka comm nities s#o ld come to(et#er) Creatin( divisions amon( comm nities in t#e name o' reli(ion m st be avoided) "t is pat#etic to note t#at traditionally &e #ave t#is #abit o' creatin( division) 3at#er t#an makin( nity amon( comm nities &e are #appy to create dis nity) *#at is &#at e+actly $$S is doin( today) ,#ere does $$S &ant to take t#is bea ti' l "sland6 7o t#ey &ant to destroy t#e entire c lt ral #erita(e o' all ot#er minority comm nities to create a topian $ dd#ists "sland6

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