(Ebook Eng) - Closed Cycle Gas Turbine Project

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Closed Cycle Gas Turbine Project

ENGR-212, Fall 2002

Date of project start: N0v3mber 19, 2002

Date of project completion: 12/05/2002

Project reports with identical computer programs will receive zero credit.
Material to be delivered is a report that must contain (a) the computer program listing, (b) all results
and discussions. The report must have the attached format.

Starting from the general efficiency calculation procedure for a gas turbine with recuperator
sketched below, go through the derivation step by step and understand the basic physics behind the
procedure and discuss the special cases.

1) From the loss coefficient given in the Handout, make a smart choice and calculate the thermal
efficiency as a function of compressor pressure ratio with for the
following recuperator effectiveness and the temperature ratios:

1) Case 1:
2) Case 2:
3) Case 3:
4) Case 4: Set all losses equal to zero and calculate for no recuperator case the efficiency for an ideal
gas turbine cycle

Write a computer program in any language you know. Plot the results versus compressor pressure
ratio. The results are:

1) Engine net power as a function of compressor pressure ratio.

2) Engine thermal efficiency as a function of compressor pressure ratio.
3) Detailed T-S diagram for each case.
Report Format

1 Introduction

2 Technical procedure that includes

21. Assumptions
2.2 Equations
2.3 Solutions: These must be numbered throughout the report
2.4 Results and Discussion

3 Conclusions: Explain what you achieved

4 References: List all sources you used

5 Appendix: Number all Drawings etc.

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