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Gary Burdette SPED 735 Learning Task 5: Demonstrate an EBP


Lesson Objective(s): Students will read and comprehend a brief history of the Beatles. e! Points: Students will name the four members of the Beatles. Students will briefly describe the Beatles musical style. Students will recogni e important milestones o!er the course of the Beatles e!olution.

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Lesson P#an: 1. a% Show intro slide and play music clip+ b% read through ob-ecti!e and .ey points. 2. /hole0group instruction1 $re0teach !ocabulary using $ower$oint 2 guided notes #students will fill in the blan.s on the !ocabulary sheet while we go through together%. 3. /hole group1 3se $ower$oint 2 guided notes to fill in 45uic. 6acts7 section. *. Small group/$89S/$artner 'eading1 Students will read a short bio on the Beatles.: ,. Small group/$89S/$artner 'eading1 ;omprehension ( <ui your partner. =. >ndi!idual instruction1 ;omplete timeline. :$89S/$artner 'eading ?note1 there will be three students in one of the groups@1 a% Ahe stronger reader will read first+ b% the reader#s% who need#s% more assistance will then readB with the first reader acting as a peer tutor/coach. >f a mista.e is made on a wordB students will correct the wordB then re0read the entire sentence containing the word.

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